What happens if you eat a whole lemon? Is lemon peel good for you?

Lemon belongs to the citrus genus. Its fruits ripen on an evergreen tree in the fall, and flowering begins in the spring. Every refrigerator has this one. healthy fruit, which is used by housewives for a variety of purposes. You will learn how lemon is beneficial for the human body from the article below.

Beneficial properties of lemon

Lemons are beneficial primarily due to the vitamins, carotene and other substances they contain.

Vitamin C helps cope with rheumatism, tuberculosis, periodontal disease, and gets rid of bleeding gums. Vitamin B will relieve insomnia. Vitamin P is an excellent means of preventing heart attacks and strokes. Potassium promotes recovery nerve cells and brain nutrition. Calcium will strengthen bone tissue.

Useful substances of lemon:

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins C, A, E, PP.

Micro- and macroelements in lemon:

  • Potassium;
  • Iron;
  • Calcium;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese;
  • Sulfur;
  • Molybdenum;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Fluorine;
  • Chlorine;
  • Zinc.

Lemon is an excellent antiseptic, so it is used for colds, sore throat, flu, vitamin deficiency, it will relieve cough and fever. The fruit is useful for strengthening immune system.

Lemons are useful for removing harmful toxins, waste and excess fluid from the body.

Is lemon peel good for you?

The peel is usually ignored and not eaten, although it is very useful, especially the white, tasteless layer. This peel layer is albedo and contains a lot of vitamin C (3 times more than in the pulp) and bioflavonoids that absorb vitamin C well.

The colored outer layer of the zest is called flavedo; it contains valuable essential oils and pectin substances, of which there are also much more. So, even though lemon zest isn't all that tasty, it's still healthy. Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating it whole.

Benefits of lemon during pregnancy

Vitamin C will help pregnant women avoid infectious diseases, increase immunity. Ascorbic acid reduces the degree of swelling of the body, restores and calms the body. Citrus should be consumed by pregnant women low acidity stomach.
Herbalists recommend inhaling the scent lemon zest, which will help cope with stress and fatigue.

The fruit of the lemon tree was used during pregnancy to cope with toxicosis and nausea. And translated from Chinese, the name of the fruit is translated as “beneficial for mothers.” This fact leaves no doubt about the benefits of lemon for pregnant women.

What are the benefits of lemon for weight loss?

Many people talk these days about losing weight with lemon, about the benefits of diets, about drinking lemon water to get rid of extra pounds. Undoubtedly, lemon essential oil is useful for weight loss, but it is recommended to use it in combination with other products.

Organic acids, contained in excess in this citrus, break down fats, normalizing metabolism in the body, dulling the feeling of hunger. And vitamin C will help those losing weight maintain strength throughout the day, so that the diet will be easy and painless.

Harm of lemon:

  • For ulcers and gastritis;
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • For pancreatitis;
  • At inflammatory processes oral cavity;
  • Hypertensive patients.

How much lemon can you eat per day?

Is lemon good for you in large quantities? Don't get carried away - two rings a day is enough. It is important to prevent oversaturation of the body with vitamins. Hypervitaminosis may occur when you consume lemon a long period- every day for more than a week, exceeding specified dose. If you are experiencing headache, nausea, joint disease, abdominal pain and constipation, it is recommended to stop drinking lemon for at least 3 weeks.

You need to consider what to remove from the body ascorbic acid more difficult than replenishing it. There needs to be a balance in this.

How to choose lemons

The zest of a ripe fresh lemon sparkles as if polished.

Rigidity indicates his normal maturity.

Thick-skinned fruits contain more vitamins, which are stored in the subcutaneous white layer. It is in it that vitamin C and bioflavonoids that absorb it are concentrated.

How to store lemons

Lemons are stored for a long time at a temperature of about 7 degrees. So for long-term storage and maintaining the benefits of lemons, keep them in the refrigerator in a paper bag.

In a plastic bag they will begin to rot. Unripe fruit will last longer.

Recipes for healthy dishes with lemon


Place 220 grams of sugar in a saucepan with one glass of water. Place over low heat, stirring. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat. Add the strained juice of five lemons to the cooled syrup. Before serving, add sparkling water (up to two liters per volume of syrup).

Pickled lemons

Mix paprika (half a tablespoon), 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, one tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and one pod of pepper. Cut lemon (5-6 pieces) into slices and place in a sterilized jar in layers, sprinkling each with a mixture of seasonings. Place the lemons tightly so that the juice covers them entirely. If there is not enough juice, squeeze another lemon and pour the juice into the jar. To better preserve the pickled product, add a little on top vegetable oil, this will prevent air from entering. Leave the tightly closed jar on the windowsill for a week and then store in the refrigerator. You need to eat it within two months.

Lemon- one of the healthiest fruits that helps cure colds, resist viruses, reduce the risk of cancer, cleanse the blood and rejuvenate the entire body. Since childhood, my parents told me that anyone who eats whole lemons does not get the flu, and therefore I always envied a friend who, without even blinking an eye, could eat a lemon with the peel, but I could not swallow even a piece without first dipping it in sugar. Later I learned that excessive love for lemons indicates low acidity digestive juice, and for those with elevated levels, it is better not to overuse lemons.

It is also better not to eat the peel, despite the fact that it contains several times more vitamins than the zest and claims that lemon peel is rich in potassium, fiber and flavonoids, which prevent the development of osteoporosis, stroke, heart attack and cancer cells. Indeed, lemon peel contains a lot useful vitamins, microelements, pectin and essential oils, which help strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol, improve digestion, strengthen bones and maintain youthful skin.

However, all are useful properties of lemon peel are reduced to nothing if grown in distant countries and subjected to careful treatment with a special wax composition before transportation in order to prevent their damage. At the same time: the more attractive appearance lemons and their shiny peels, the more agricultural producers did not skimp on chemicals when growing and processing them.

As is known, pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals used to prevent the formation of mold and rot on fruits and berries can penetrate into the deeper layers of the peel over time, so even if you wash lemons with a brush and soap, you will not be able to completely remove harmful substances. Long-term use Imported lemon peels may be harmful to health more harm than good. After all, the chemicals used to process them tend to accumulate in the body over the years and cause the development of serious illnesses, including cancer.

Don't trust those who advise frostbite whole lemon in the refrigerator and then add it to various dishes, prepare mixtures of lemon and dried fruits, twisting the lemon along with the peel through a meat grinder to strengthen the immune system and treat diseases! Even a thin slice of peeled lemon in tea can be harmful to health if the lemon grew in Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Thailand or China. This is especially true for people prone to the formation of stones in gallbladder and kidneys. Lemon peel contains oxalates and increases their crystallization, and in combination with chemicals they can cause significant harm to the functioning of the gallbladder and kidneys.

The exception is those that grew in your garden. The peel of a lemon, which has just been plucked from the bush and grown without the use of toxic substances, can not only be eaten, but also used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and mixtures for use in medical purposes. Eating organic lemon with the peel is much healthier than lemon juice or lemon zest alone. This benefit is as follows:

1. Lemons have magnificent medicinal properties thanks to their composition: great content vitamin C, group B and P, phosphate salts, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, pectin, citric acid and flavonoids. And lemon peel contains 5-10 times more of all these vitamins and minerals!

2. Lemon- an excellent antidepressant that helps you cope faster nervous disorders And bad mood, and lemon peel contains much more essential oils that promote a cheerful state.

3. Based on lemon zest They prepare many masks, decoctions and tinctures that are beneficial for the skin to strengthen the immune system and treat many diseases. However, to nourish the skin, prevent the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases It is much healthier and more profitable to use infusions and decoctions made from lemon peel. Lemon peel better cleanses the skin and blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and kills germs. Lotions and masks with lemon peel are an excellent remedy to fight pimples and acne.

Here are a few healthy recipes using lemons with peel:
- place it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, then add it to each time vegetable salads, side dishes and sauces, grated along with the peel. By consuming lemons with the peel, you can not only get much more nutrients, but add a pleasant taste to your dishes and be even healthier.
- 100 gr. hazelnuts and one lemon with peel must be passed through a meat grinder, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to the resulting mixture. One tablespoon of the resulting treat per day will help you and your children resist flu, colds, sore throat and other infections, which is especially important on cold frosty days. But it is better to use store-bought lemons without peel for preparing various mixtures for the above reason.

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Lemon is very an important component in most cuisines, as it enhances the flavor of a dish and can make it special.

But did you know that this fruit is not only delicious, but also very healthy? If this information is new to you, keep reading and you will definitely be shocked!

Eating just a few slices of lemon every day can save a life!

In this article, I tried to collect all the health benefits of using lemons - from head to toe!

21 useful quality lemon you should know about

  1. Improves hair growth. Rinsing your hair with water and lemon juice can help you improve blood flow to your hair roots and fight hair loss (this will also help keep your hair healthy and shiny). Moreover, its soft natural acid will also fight dandruff.
  2. Relieves heat and fever. You just need to drink a glass of lemon juice, which will increase sweating, resulting in elevated temperature the body will decrease. In addition, even just a cup of tea with lemon will be very useful in hot weather.
  3. Helps you stay calm and helps fight insomnia. Lemon fruits contain potassium, which will help you relieve mental stress and depression. Using lemon oil in aromatherapy promotes good and sound sleep.
  1. Throat infections, flu and colds can be cured. Thanks to the antibacterial properties of the lemon tree, drinking homemade lemonade or adding a few drops of lemon juice to your food can help relieve sore throat and flu symptoms. It is useful to gargle with a mixture of the juice of one lemon, 1 glass of water and a teaspoon sea ​​salt, 3 times a day and a sore throat will not cause you any more problems.
  2. Stops nosebleeds. Simply apply a couple of drops of lemon juice to a piece of cloth or cotton wool and place it in your nose.
  3. Increases concentration. Inhaling lemon oil (in aromatherapy) can help you become more alert and increase your concentration and brain activity—at home or at work.
  4. Improves the condition of teeth. To relieve toothache, apply a few drops of lemon juice to your sore spot on the gum. Also, applying a few drops to the gums when gums are bleeding can stop it. Lemons even prevent tongue inflammation. Look into toothpaste that contains lemon extract to get rid of plaque, unpleasant odor from the mouth (even after garlic or alcohol), and to maintain oral health.
  5. Helps maintain heart health, treats heart strokes. A large number of The potassium in lemon relaxes the body's systems, so it can relieve stress and depression, which have a negative impact on the heart.
  6. Lemons are very useful in caring for problem skin. Lemon not only helps your skin stay healthy and look young and fresh, but also fights acne or eczema. Its alkaline nature helps kill bacteria on the skin, hence preventing acne and pimples. Pay attention to soaps and shower gels sold in stores that contain lemon extracts - they also have an antibacterial effect.
  7. Struggling with problems respiratory tract. Due to the fact that lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, this fruit will help combat the symptoms of various respiratory diseases and asthma.
  8. Renders positive influence on digestion, can cure constipation. The juice of the lemon tree is an excellent cleanser. So simply add a few drops of squeezed lemon juice to your dish during your meal to help your stomach, or drink a glass of homemade lemonade. Lemon water can also prevent dehydration that is caused by diarrhea.
  9. Promotes weight loss. As I said before, lemon is a great cleanser. Therefore, it speeds up digestion and helps in faster burning excess fat in organism.
  10. Prevents diabetes. Lemon levels up good cholesterol in the body, so it helps in preventing diabetes.
  11. Keeps you healthy urinary tract, fights kidney stones. Lemon promotes the formation of urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of harmful crystals in the body. Doctors say that drinking lemon juice with olive oil(!) is the best prevention formation of kidney stones.
  12. Helps the functioning of the immune system. Antibacterial action lemon helps the body fight various diseases and disorders, therefore, has big influence on the immune system as well.
  13. Fights cancer. Lemons will help avoid interruptions in metabolic processes in the cells of your body, so this fruit will help you prevent certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer or prostate cancer.
  14. Helps in the fight against rheumatism, as well as for prevention varicose veins veins Antibacterial properties of lemon and nutrients, which are contained in it, help get rid of toxins and bacteria in the body that cause rheumatism.
  15. Helps relieve high blood pressure. By drinking lemon juice you increase your potassium intake, so your body will be more relaxed - depression and stress will have less effect on the body.
  16. Helps relieve affected skin conditions such as burns and insect bites: bees and mosquitoes. Lemon is a great cooling agent, so applying a few slices of lemon to damaged skin relieves pain and speeds up healing.
  17. Helps take care of your feet and fights fatigue. Characteristic antiseptic properties lemons fight leg pain and various problems such as rough skin and calluses on the feet. Drink lemon juice to relieve fatigue.
  18. Effective stain remover. Characteristic lemon acid Helps get rid of greasy stains on clothes white. Simply dab some lemon juice on the stain as soon as you notice it and let it sit for a few minutes before dunking the item in water. If it is a delicate fabric, use just a couple of drops of lemon juice and let it sit for only half a minute.

Yellow facts, sour details. 8 reasons to drop everything and buy a couple kilos of citrus fruits.

Lemon has an interesting story. Back in ancient times, the Egyptians invented the first lemonade by mixing mint, lemons and barley in the shade of the pyramids. But in Europe for a long time they were grown for decorative purposes. Today, lemon can be found everywhere. It is added to hot and cold dishes, salads, drinks, and used in cosmetology and medicine. So let's talk about the yellow king of citrus fruits in more detail.

Did you know that Emperor Nero was terrified that he would be poisoned, and therefore ate lemons every day - they were considered an effective antidote?

1. Lemon cures colds.Once upon a time, English sailors were given grog - a mixture of tea and lemon juice. It seems that a more delicious remedy for colds has not yet been invented. The old method is as good as ever.

2. He gives beauty.Lemon water whitens and softens the skin, and the juice strengthens nail plates. It is used mixed with whipped egg white, glycerin and cologne to get rid of freckles, age spots, rejuvenate facial skin. IN for cosmetic purposes Lemon is added to hair balms, creams, lotions, and is used to prepare lotions and masks for the care of various skin types.

3. It kills bacteria.In ancient times, people washed their hands with lemon water to protect themselves from various infections and infections. They drank less concentrated water, also in order to protect themselves from intestinal infections. Lemon has these properties thanks to vitamin C, which improves the body’s immune system’s ability to resist infections. Therefore, the use of lemons is recommended for all types of infectious, viral and bacterial diseases.

4. It disinfects the room.Lemon is often grown at home for decorative purposes. In the city you can even find pots with this plant already with fruits on the branches. On the one hand it’s beautiful, but did you know that it also disinfects the air in the room? Therefore, growing lemons as indoor plant very helpful.

5. It purifies the blood.Lemons in small quantities should be an integral part of the diet of people suffering from anemia, as this citrus increases the absorption of iron. If there is poor circulation, the vitamins contained in lemon can improve blood flow. Lemon can cleanse and restore blood.

6. It removes kidney stones.We love tea or iced cocktails with lemon. When we have a cold, we drink hot tea with citrus slices, sip by sip. Healthy and tasty, no doubt about it. But not everyone knows that the acid in lemon juice very effectively helps dissolve kidney stones, or reduce them to facilitate their removal.

7. It strengthens nervous system. Essential oil lemon affects the nervous system, stimulates brain activity, elevates mood, restores vitality and invigorates in the morning. But the English sailors, who loaded their ships to capacity with citrus fruits, did not yet know this trick. Scientists discovered this quite recently.

8. It's best when it's fresh.To get the full benefits of lemon, it is preferable to consume it in fresh with a drop of honey or a little sprinkle of granulated sugar. Lemon should not be added to hot tea. When exposed to a hot environment, the majority of vitamins and microelements are destroyed and disappear without a trace.

P.S. Although lemon is beneficial, in large quantities it can be harmful to children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with low level calcium in the body. If lemon is consumed in large quantities, it can also cause allergic reactions. Therefore, be sure to follow the measure.

Do you know how much lemons are in Bishkek now?

Lemon is one of the most controversial, delicious and at the same time sour fruits. It is impossible to eat a whole lemon, but it is difficult to live without it in many areas of human life. Lemon is actively consumed as food - they drink tea with it, add it to marinades, sauces, desserts, hot and cold dishes, and baked goods. Lemon is actively used in everyday life to whiten surfaces and fabrics and to remove various types of stains. Lemon is also good for our skin - not a single whitening and drying mask can do without citrus. Lemon is a real helper, which should be in the refrigerator of every good housewife.

Lemon is interesting and unique in that it uses not only the pulp of the citrus fruit, but also its zest and even its seeds. Lemon renders beneficial effect on many organs and the entire body as a whole. In this article we will talk about lemon - its beneficial properties for humans, contraindications, method of consumption and application.

Beneficial properties of lemon

For a long time in Europe, lemon trees were grown as ornamental plants, admiring the beautiful and neat crown and unusually yellow fruits. But in Asia they already knew that lemon has incredible taste and therapeutic effect.

  1. For immunity. First of all, lemon is an incredibly powerful immunomodulator that improves human health. Tea with lemon is a classic that can suppress ARVI and other colds. Lemon can be consumed for a sore throat during a sore throat; citrus literally suppresses the development of bacteria and instantly relieves painful sensations. Regular consumption of lemon not only heals an already infected body, but also creates a powerful immune barrier against upcoming viruses.
  2. When coughing. Lemon is used against colds, however, few people know that lemon juice has an excellent expectorant effect. Even doctors prescribe it for bronchitis.
  3. To reduce temperature. Lemon tea is recommended for use during colds not only because it has an antiviral effect. The fact is that lemon perfectly relieves fever and has a diaphoretic effect.
  4. Helps you sleep. Depending on the components with which you take lemon, it can not only invigorate you in the morning, but also calm you down in the evening. If you drink lemon in combination with milk or honey, you will be able to fall into a calm and uninterrupted sleep. Citrus is great for treating anxiety and insomnia.
  5. Gives strength. In ancient times, when sailors returned home after a long voyage, their bodies were incredibly exhausted. But doctors and wise wives knew how to quickly restore strength and lost health to the body. This mixture was prepared - crushed lemons were mixed with walnuts, honey and raisins. This mixture was given three times a day, a tablespoon at a time, and the sea wolves gradually regained their strength.
  6. Against cancer. Scientists have proven that lemon reduces the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
  7. External use. Lemon has irritating and warming properties, so it is used for external use in the treatment of rheumatism, sprains, and injuries.
  8. For the brain. Lemon has a great effect on brain performance and activity. Moreover, you don’t have to eat it at all for this. If you keep a lemon zest near your workplace, decisions come much faster, productivity increases, and memory improves.
  9. For the liver. Lemon juice helps cleanse the liver after long-term treatment medications, for hepatitis, after smoking and long-term alcohol consumption.
  10. From mosquitoes. One of the most powerful means against mosquitoes - lemon and cloves. Take half a lemon and stick a few cloves into it, leave the design at the head of the bed. A pleasant aroma will fill your room, mosquitoes will not bother you.
  11. For beauty. Masks with lemon juice has a powerful effect. With this ingredient you can cope with excess oily hair and skin, cleanse your face of freckles and age spots. After a lemon rinse, hair becomes incredibly silky, smooth and shiny.
  12. For cleanliness. Lemon is used in various cleansing products. Lemon juice can remove blood, grass, and even rust stains. Moreover, lemon juice has an excellent whitening effect.
  13. For pregnant women. Moderate consumption of lemons is beneficial for pregnant women, as citrus reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies. But remember, you can’t eat too many citrus fruits - this can result in allergies in the child in the future.
  14. For weight loss. Lemon water is recommended for various diets. Lemon acid helps burn fat and prevents the absorption of calories. If you drink a glass every morning warm water With the addition of a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, weight loss will go much faster.
  15. With vitamin deficiency. In spring the body experiences serious discomfort, because the amount of healthy and natural vegetables and fruits decreases, vitamin deficiency develops in the body. Just a quarter of a lemon a day will fill you up daily norm vitamin C.
  16. Antiseptic. Since lemon has antibacterial properties, it is often used to treat various wounds, ulcers, cuts. Lemon is diluted in water and the mouth is rinsed with this composition for stomatitis and sore throat. Lemon juice can be used as first aid, as an antidote after bites from poisonous insects and snakes.

In addition, lemon is useful for relieving migraine attacks, is effective against neurasthenia, improves lactation and heart function, relieves swelling and attacks bronchial asthma. All these beneficial features belong to porous yellow fruit with a warm citrus aroma. But is lemon really safe?

No wonder this yellow citrus is very difficult to eat whole, because its acid can be dangerous. So, when should you limit your consumption of lemon?

  1. The very first and most important thing is various diseases stomach, and especially increased acidity, gastritis and ulcers. In this case, quite aggressive citric acid can only worsen the situation.
  2. You can rinse your mouth with diluted lemon juice only for diseases of the mucous membrane; frequent exposure to acid destroys tooth enamel.
  3. You can't drink lemon juice in pure form, especially on an empty stomach.
  4. If you have elevated arterial pressure, lemon should also be consumed with extreme caution.
  5. Lemon should not be eaten in large quantities, since citrus fruits are considered one of the main allergens. Almost every fourth resident of a metropolis experiences a reaction to lemon juice.
  6. Under no circumstances should you rinse your mouth or throat with pure undiluted juice. This can lead to burns of the mucous membrane.
  7. Lemon and its acid are contraindicated in children under two years of age, since their mucous membranes are unusually delicate and sensitive.

Lemon is amazing gift nature, which, if used correctly, will give the body many beneficial properties. How to use lemon correctly so as not to harm yourself?

How to use lemon correctly

Most often we use lemon when making tea. To do this, you need to add a slice or circle of citrus to a cup of ready-made tea or directly to the teapot. During the cold season, it is very effective to prepare tea with lemon, honey and ginger. It has unique vitamin value. Ginger should be chopped and placed in a teapot along with the tea leaves. About half a tablespoon of ginger per 2 liters of water. After this, you need to pour boiling water over everything. Do not add the lemon right away, otherwise the acid will prevent the tea from brewing. When the tea has steeped enough, add lemon to it. Drink tea with honey, do not add it to the cup. Otherwise, all the beneficial properties of honey will be lost due to high temperature.

If you decide to fight diseases of the throat and oral cavity, you need to prepare a solution - about a tablespoon of lemon juice per glass of warm water. Gargle with this mixture for sore throat, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. If you rinse your mouth, you can speed up the process of getting rid of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, etc. You should drink a similar solution in the morning to start digestion and speed up weight loss.

To get rid of cough, prepare the following composition. The pulp of two lemons should be mixed with chopped horseradish in the amount of two tablespoons. Let the mixture brew and then squeeze the juice out of it. Before use, the composition must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Drink a tablespoon of the diluted mixture twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. To cleanse the liver, lemon is mixed with chopped garlic and squeezed. Drink the resulting juice one teaspoon, diluting it in half a glass of water three times a day, half an hour before the main meal.

If you suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, sprained ligaments or muscles, you need to soak a small piece of cloth in lemon juice and apply it to the affected areas. You should feel a slight warmth. If you feel irritation and tingling, it means that you are allergic to citrus and such treatment methods cannot be used.

If you want to add lemon to baked goods, it is better to use the zest rather than the juice. It will not spoil the dough with its acidity, but will give the baked goods a delicate citrus aroma. Be sure to add lemon to shish kebab marinades; it is citric acid that makes the meat soft and juicy. Lemon juice will transform even the simplest homemade compotes. If there are guests on the doorstep, add cherry compote a little lemon juice and a sprig of mint, you will get a very tasty and rich non-alcoholic cocktail.

Actively use lemon in cosmetology. Lemon juice eats away dead skin flakes, creating a powerful scrub effect. Lemon compresses do an excellent job with calluses and corns, leaving only tender and smooth skin heels. Do lemon rinses - dilute the juice of one lemon in a liter of water and rinse your hair with this mixture. There is no need to rinse them with water after this. This will help get rid of the problem oily hair. And if you lubricate your nails with lemon juice every day, they will become incredibly strong and hard, and will stop flaking and crumbling.

In the Middle Ages, people believed that lemon would protect against poisonous bites and even the plague. During epidemics, lemons were kept in almost every home and they believed that this sour fruit will save you from illness. In Russia in the 13th-15th centuries, the fruit was imported from Holland; only rich nobles could afford to buy it. Fortunately, modern lemon is available to everyone and anyone can enjoy its sour taste, delicate aroma and invaluable benefits.

Video: benefits and harms of water with lemon

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