The hamster does not eat anything and barely walks. The hamster lies motionless: reasons. Elevated ambient temperature

A hamster can have an inflammation of the cheek pouches, this happens when he tries to put something sharp in his mouth and scratches from the inside, or if something from the products gets stuck behind his cheek. Such a disease is unlikely to go away on its own. It is better to immediately take the hamster to the veterinarian, otherwise the inflammation can grow, fester and lead to lethal outcome. Never try to remove the item yourself. If handled incorrectly, you will only harm your pet.

Attention! All your questions about diseases and treatment of hamsters will be answered by a specialist in hamsters - Svetlana, at (preferably, it is advisable to create a new topic to make it easier to solve your problem) or at the bottom of this page (). Please, for a more prompt answer, in the question, immediately write the type and age of the hamster, its diet, where the cage is, are there any other animals, what diseases did it have.

If you notice that the hamster has a wet lower abdomen, then immediately sound the alarm, because this serious symptom. He may have a simple bowel disorder - diarrhea. Most often, it appears as a reaction to water, malnutrition or stress.

But it could also be serious illness like "wet tail". It is very easy to distinguish this disease from simple diarrhea. The hamster not only develops watery diarrhea around the tail. Diarrhea is also accompanied by loss of appetite, dehydration, disheveled hair, rectal bleeding, and irritability uncharacteristic of this animal. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If your hamster is actually sick with this disease, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for him. This disease is contagious. Therefore, if your previous hamster died from it, then before buying a new hamster, you need to properly disinfect the cage. Be sure to use some kind of disinfectant. But it's best to buy a new cage, so your new pet will avoid unwanted illness.

A very well-known and common disease in hamsters - lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Hamsters get sick with it only up to the age of three months, and the symptoms of this disease are almost invisible. But it is easily transmitted to humans and can harm the health of the child of a pregnant woman. To avoid this disease, you should feed your hamster a balanced diet with plant and animal components.

Baldness and lichen are also common in hamsters. But if baldness is not so serious illness then lichen can bring a lot unpleasant consequences for its owner. It is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other with the naked eye, so in any case, consult your doctor. If the hamster is sick with lichen, then in this place he has sick skin, with wounds and scales, and in a bald hamster it is smooth and clean. For the treatment of either of these two diseases, there are ointments that your veterinarian will advise you when you contact him for help. If you notice that your hamster has some strange symptoms, the origin of which you do not know, or he does not behave as usual, in no case treat the hamster yourself. It is better to take him to a veterinarian who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Especially often hamsters pick up colds. This is because they are very susceptible to change. weather conditions, and any, even a small, draft can cause them a cold. Therefore, it is not necessary to put a cage with a hamster on the windowsill if the window is open, or open front door or balcony door.

Of course, this does not apply to the time when it is warm outside. In the summer, the hamster, on the contrary, must be taken out for a walk. Fresh air.

In the cold season, it is advisable to put the cage closer to the batteries, but not very close so that it does not get hot. If the heating is not yet turned on, it is advisable to place a heater closer to the cage. But make sure that the hamster does not get there with his curious nose, otherwise he will get a burn instead of a cold.

If you notice a distinctly noisy breathing pattern in your hamster, frequent sneezing and slightly festering eyes, then most likely your hamster has caught a cold.

The most common reasons colds are increased humidity in the cage, drafts and sudden changes in temperature. In case your hamster has a cold, put his cage in a place where the temperature reaches 23-25°C. If after a few days the hamster does not improve, then it should be taken to the veterinarian. But if your hamster is only sneezing, then it may just be an allergy to some food. Then you need to remember if your hamster has taken any new food, which could cause such allergic reaction. In this case, remove everything new and unknown from his diet.

If the hamster lives in sawdust, then the sneezing may be caused by something that got into his nose. In any case, it is better to consult a veterinarian, because sneezing may be only the first sign of such dangerous disease like pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), which is very common in hamsters. And such a disease must be seriously treated. If your hamster has an allergy, then you need to remove from his environment all the elements that can cause an allergic reaction.

If it is pneumonia, then it would be best if you do not treat the animal at home, but take it to the veterinarian, where you will receive needed help.

If your hamster is inactive and too fat, then most likely he is obese. Despite the outward harmlessness, obesity is a very serious disease. Even if it seems to you that your hamster has only slightly recovered and this has only made it funnier and more beautiful in appearance, it is best to sound the alarm in advance so that you do not regret later that you overlooked the health of your pet.

The consequences of this can be serious for the hamster, because the heart is the first to suffer from obesity. And this can lead, if not to cardiac arrest, then to best case to blockage of blood vessels and poor health of your hamster in the future.

To get rid of the hamster excess weight, provide him with everything he needs to start leading an active lifestyle. In addition, obesity can be prevented. To do this, do not be stingy and immediately buy your animal a running wheel in which he could exercise every day.

In the evening, the hamster is especially active. Therefore, at this time it can be allowed to run around the couch. Just make sure that he does not fall anywhere, much less run away.

On average, an adult hamster eats about two heaping tablespoons of food per day. For him, this is a normal dose, which is enough so that he does not feel hungry and can easily hold out until next day. Therefore, if your hamster eats too much, then you should give him these two tablespoons put to him per day, but no more.

Remember that a hamster is an animal that lives according to the instincts laid down in it by nature itself. IN wild nature all they do is run around the desert in search of food. As soon as they find it, they immediately stuff their cheek pouches with it, so that later they can stock up. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the hamster eats as much as he needs, but not more. Then he will remain healthy and will not suffer from obesity.

It is best for an obese hamster not to feed foods that are high in oil and other fat-producing foods. Therefore, it is necessary to give him less grains with great content oils.

But in vegetables, fruits and greens, the hamster does not need to be limited. He won't get better from these foods.

What to do if your hamster is not moving? What could be the reasons? Hamsters can hibernate, during hibernation the heart rate and respiratory rate drops. Sometimes it's even hard to tell if the hamster is sleeping, or the reason is something else. If you find that your hamster is not moving, here's what to do.


How to tell if a hamster is hibernating

    Think how unexpected this happened. Did your hamster feel unwell in Lately? Maybe he lost his appetite or started drinking more than usual? Have you noticed that the hamster's stool has changed? What did he lose weight? That he became less mobile and stopped running in the wheel? If you've been noticing these signs frequently lately, the cause of the immobility is most likely death.

    • But if recently the hamster was completely healthy, but suddenly suddenly became completely motionless, most likely the hamster is just hibernating.
  1. Important role plays the age of the hamster. How old is your pet? Average duration The life span of rodents is 18-24 months, very few hamsters live to 36 months. If the hamster is already old, the risk that he has died increases.

    Pay attention to temperature environment. Hibernation of a hamster is largely dependent on temperature. If the air temperature in the room is above 20 degrees Celsius, then hibernation is unlikely to be the cause of immobility. If the room is hot, pay attention to whether the cage with the hamster is near the air conditioner. Air conditioners greatly cool the room, as a result of which the hamster can hibernate. Therefore, even in stuffy room chances are your hamster is just fast asleep.

    Think about whether the hamster has enough food and enough light. Hamsters go into hibernation hard times when there are not enough resources to survive. This is usually associated with harsh winters, low air temperatures, short days and lack of food.

    How to make sure your hamster is hibernating

    1. Watch your hamster closely for a while and try to see if he is breathing or not. If possible, approach him and look at him for a few minutes. Remember that the whole body of the hamster has gone into hibernation and slowed down the pace of work, so breathing can be almost imperceptible.

      • Observe the hamster for more than two minutes. In 2 minutes, you may not notice signs of life and not see if the hamster is breathing. Then you may mistakenly think that the hamster is dead.
    2. Feel the hamster's heart beat. If you can't see if your hamster is breathing, try to feel the heartbeat. It may slow down significantly, but it will still be present. In a hibernating hamster, you can feel only four beats per minute, or one beat every 15 seconds.

      • It will be difficult for you to find the heart of a hamster due to the small size of the animal. To do this, put the thumb and forefinger of one hand on both sides chest hamster (behind the elbows). Press a little, but not too hard. Wait a little. After a while, you may feel a slight jolt at your fingertips.
    3. The body temperature of a hamster is not an indicator of his life / death. Don't worry if the hamster suddenly seems cold to you. This does not mean that he is dead. During hibernation, all processes in the body slow down, and body temperature decreases.

    How to wake up a hamster from hibernation

    1. To wake your hamster from hibernation, take him to a room where the air temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius. After 2-3 days, the hamster should wake up on its own.

      • If after 2-3 days the hamster has not woken up, pay attention to whether he has any signs of death, for example, bad smell or rigor mortis. If the hamster is hibernating, it will smell like normal.
      • Experts recommend this way of waking up because it is closest to natural conditions, the body gradually awakens itself. Therefore, the risk of any violations due to the “quick reset” of the body is sharply reduced.
      • Fill your hamster's feeder and drinker with food and water ahead of time.

Decorative species of hamsters, which are bred in captivity, are very gentle creatures. They are susceptible various diseases, which may occur due to stale or processed food and water harmful to the animal, sudden changes temperature regime and other, less significant for larger animals, things. If you suddenly find that your beloved hamster is lying and not moving, do not panic, you need to act quickly and without emotion.

In some cases, it is necessary to provide first aid to a pet until a qualified veterinary treatment. After delivering the hamster to the clinic, you need to tell the doctor what preceded this condition, and what resuscitation were provided.

It is important that before starting any action, you need to analyze the situation: when the changes in the behavior of the animal began, what contributed to this, what symptoms appeared, how long it lasts.

If the animal was healthy and alert, and suddenly you notice that the hamster is lying and not moving, then first of all you need to assess the temperature. When the air temperature long time below 20⁰C, the rodent may hibernate.

Another reason for deep sleep a strong decrease in the amount of feed serves - in this case, the animal is starving. Lack of lighting also leads to longer sleep.

If this is really hibernation, then the body of the animal is soft and warm (but lower than usual). Respiration and heartbeat are slow. Therefore, you need to watch the animal for five minutes. To assess the heartbeat put a large and index fingers on both sides of the chest of the hamster under the paws. In hibernation, only four strokes per minute can be recorded.

To wake up a pet, it must be placed in a well-heated room with a temperature of + 25⁰C. Prepare in advance clean water in the drinker and feed. A healthy animal will wake up on its own in two to three days. It is permissible to wrap a rodent in a warm blanket or put the cage on bottles of warm water.

You don't need to force events. However, it is imperative to monitor him during this time - if there is any smell, if the body is stiff.

Elevated ambient temperature

Small rodents, despite the fact that in the wild they can live in steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, do not tolerate heat well.

Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heat stroke.

Signs of this condition would be:

  • Trembling when touching the body
  • convulsions
  • Weakness and indifference
  • Impaired coordination of movements
  • The hamster lies on its side and breathes heavily

Sudden overheating can lead to heart failure, which can be fatal. Such rodents do not have the natural protective functions of the body in the form of sweat or breathing through the mouth.

If the animal is lethargic, but the impact high temperatures was not a long time, then the first help would be to move it to a cooler room with spraying over it from a spray bottle cold water.

A quick way to cool the body is to put the animal under a stream of cold water, holding the muzzle so that the hamster does not choke.

If the animal begins to come to life, it is important to give it water to drink with a syringe or pipette.

IN unconscious the rodent will not be able to swallow the liquid. To replenish water-salt balance injected subcutaneously with a solution of sodium chloride or ringer. Large breeds you can inject from four to eight milliliters, dwarf and Djungarian hamsters - two milliliters.

When a hamster appears in the apartment, the house is filled with joy. And if the animal suddenly falls ill, the household falls into despair. Diseases in hamsters can be caused by improper care, malnutrition or pathogens. It is important to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time and treat the animal. And so that the animal does not get sick in the future, take preventive measures.

Classification of diseases

Diseases of hamsters can be classified according to various indicators. For example, according to the place of occurrence of pain, they are gastrointestinal, skin, associated with the respiratory organs, injuries to the limbs, etc. There are also congenital (genetic) and acquired diseases. But most often the classification is based on the factor that causes the disease.

Allocate the following reasons occurrence of hamster diseases:

  1. bacteria. Cause skin lesions, inflammation, gastrointestinal failures, eye diseases.
  2. Viruses. They provoke the development of tumors, pathologies of the nervous system.
  3. microscopic fungi. Affect the skin.
  4. Metabolic disease. Most a prime example- diabetes mellitus.
  5. stress factors. They affect not only emotional condition animals, but also on the skin, the condition of the coat.

When to sound the alarm?

Few owners notice changes in the condition of their pets in the early stages of the disease. But early diagnosis- pledge get well soon animal. How do you know if your pet has a health problem? Of course, hold visual inspection and watch fluffy for a couple of days. You should:

  • assess the activity of the animal: if the homa suddenly becomes lethargic, he is clearly unwell;
  • watch your appetite. Healthy animals love to snack. If a pet refuses even his favorite treat - he is seriously ill;
  • check weight. An adult must weigh at least 90 g, for all other breeds, including Djungarian hamsters, the weight must not be less than 30 g;
  • examine the muzzle of a pet. The eyes should be shiny, without turbidity and secreted mucus. Nose - cool, no discharge. Check ears for peeling. Pay attention to the incisors: they should grow evenly;
  • make sure that the neck, armpits and stomach are not skin growths and tumors;
  • inspect the ass and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair under the tail, they should not be wet and dirty;
  • the living space also needs to be examined: if the rodent is ill with an intestinal disorder, the feces will be liquid, and if it is cystitis or diabetes, you will understand it by smell.

If at least one sign is found, it is worth taking the furry to the veterinarian so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Bacterial infections

Furries are the most susceptible to bacterial diseases. They can be picked up from another animal, with stale food, or right in the cage if it is not removed for a long time. We will analyze their types, symptoms and treatment.

By the way, some diseases caused by bacteria can be transmitted to animals from humans and vice versa!


The reason is the multiplication in the intestines or respiratory tract of tuberculous bacilli, respectively, and the forms of the disease distinguish intestinal and pulmonary. Ways of entry of pathogenic microorganisms - airborne, less often with food.

The disease causes shortness of breath, a significant decrease in appetite, which leads to complete exhaustion of the body. With a pulmonary form, the animals have a cough, and with an intestinal - severe diarrhea. On last stage fluffy eyes are cloudy. Due to the fact that tuberculosis in rodents is incurable, it is more humane to take the homa for euthanasia.

To prevent your pet from picking up this infection, you should keep the cage clean, dairy and meat products, included in the diet of the hamster, subjected to heat treatment. You should also limit the contact of the animal with infected people and other rodents.


dangerous infection caused by high content coli in the digestive tract. The disease is very contagious, therefore, when keeping hamsters together, tests will have to be taken from everyone, and everyone should be treated together.

This disease of hamsters is also called “wet tail”, as the main symptom is severe diarrhea. But on initial stage are noted:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy;
  • restless behavior;
  • an attempt to curl up into a ball;
  • wet hair on the buttocks.

With severe diarrhea, the hamster's feces are more like urine. This explains why the hamster is wet but not dirty.

Having found these signs in your fluffy, consult a doctor who will tell you how to treat colibacillosis. Usually, veterinarians prescribe tetracycline drugs as an additive to water and food or (in rare cases) injections of chloramphenicol.

It is possible to cure the animal only on early dates development of the disease. Preventive measure– keep animals in separate cages, tidy up there more often.


Very unpleasant disease Djungarian hamsters and Syrians. The urinary system suffers. At the same time, the hamster has pain in the lower abdomen, he experiences severe pain, burning when urinating. The animal loses a lot of water, is constantly thirsty. This ailment appears after hypothermia of the body, which can provoke even a fan!

Cystitis is treated with antibiotics. The main thing is to put correct diagnosis, because the disease can be confused with colibacillosis. Both of these sores can answer the question "why does the hamster have wet hair?".

Prevention. Make sure that the pet does not get cold, do not place the cage near the open window.


Infection respiratory tract caused by round bacteria - diplococci. Common symptoms is lethargy and weakness. The animal trembles finely, it flows from the nose. Sometimes the animal may stop paying attention to food.

It is treated with a special serum, which should be administered as early as possible, since diplococcosis can take the life of a pet in 2-3 days.


Acute intestinal pain. It is provoked by salmonella sticks. In addition to general lethargy and a desire to hide in a dark corner, frothy diarrhea, lettuce-colored discharge, possibly with blood, are observed. Often the animal's tummy swells, the temperature jumps from very low to abnormally high.

Salmonellosis can kill the animal in 2 days, so emergency diagnosis and treatment are necessary!


Develops due to increased activity pneumococci against the background of a general weakening of the immune system. It usually occurs after severe hypothermia and due to a lack of vitamins in the body of a rodent.

With this disease, hamsters are characterized by symptoms:

  • lethargy, inactivity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • wheezing and coughing;
  • mucous discharge from the nose.

Pneumonia is often accompanied by eye sores. The most common is conjunctivitis.

The disease is not dangerous: with a course of taking vitamins and antibiotics, the animal recovers completely in a week.


Eye disease. Symptoms are expressed in heaviness and sensation of glued eyelids. The most common cause is a cold, but some bacteria can also cause it. It is necessary to rinse the pet's eyes with salted water and use the drops prescribed by the veterinarian.

There are a great many diseases, and not a single article is enough to describe them all. Yes, this is not necessary. The main thing is to notice the symptoms in time that something has happened to your pet. And then, if possible, immediately go to veterinary clinic. The doctor is the best person to help your pet. After all, there you will be held necessary tests, accurately diagnose, prescribe effective pills.


A disease characteristic of females. At its core, it is an inflammation of the uterus and appendages caused by streptococci. The disease occurs with frequent sexual intercourse and childbirth. The only chance to save the pet is to take it to the operation.

Inflammation of the mouth

Usually starts on the inside of the cheeks. In wounds from hard food develop a variety of bacteria, causing inflammatory process. A hamster may have swelling on its muzzle.

This sore is very unpleasant, but not dangerous. The doctor carefully twists the cheeks of the pet, removes the remains of rotting food from the wounds and treats with bactericidal ointments and solutions. After two days, the homa will no longer feel discomfort. The main thing is not to feed the animal for the first 12 hours after cleaning.

And as a preventive measure, make sure that the animal's food meets the requirements: it is not too hard, does not contain sharp notches.

Listed bacterial infections chase rodents more often than others. Homa can also pick up tularemia and listeriosis, but they are much less common.

Viral diseases

Hamsters, like many other mammals, are susceptible to virus attacks. It is harder for tiny creatures to fight viruses, because their immunity is extremely fragile.

Common viral diseases are:

  1. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Can be transmitted from a sick hamster to cubs. It is expressed in the weakness of the body, a sharp weight loss. Choriomeningitis is treatable in the early stages, and it is necessary to treat the animal, because its disease can be transmitted to the owners!
  2. False rabies (Aueszky's disease). Suffering nervous system. The behavior of a sick animal is characterized by increased restlessness, it twitches and tries to scratch all the time. In order for the pet to recover, he is injected with a special serum. In advanced cases, paralysis and death occur.
  3. Respiratory infections. Few people know that hamsters can get ARI, but it is. Viruses actively attack the weak fluffy body, as a result, the homa may die. specific antiviral drugs for hamsters does not exist, so you should take care of their immunity by giving a sufficient amount fresh vegetables and greenery. If the pet has a cold, he must cope with the disease himself, without medication.
  4. Tumors. There are types of viruses that can provoke the development of neoplasms. It is impossible to cure such ailments.

WITH viral infections hard to fight so great importance plays prevention. You should think over the diet of rodents, give them food containing vitamins.

Fungal lesions

What do hamsters get sick with, what mycoses?

  1. Dermatophytosis. The skin peels off, ulcers appear, and the fur begins to come out. It is necessary to treat dermatophytosis with the help of special solutions (chlorhexidine, miramistin), ointments or shampoos, which the veterinarian must prescribe.
  2. Lichen. In areas that have lost hair, fresh wounds and drying crusts are visible. The disease is contagious, so do not keep healthy hamster in the same cell as the patient. A sore is diagnosed with a scraping, and treated with special creams and ointments. If the hamster has no wounds and peeling on the skin, and the hair has fallen out, then this is not lichen, but beriberi.

Metabolic disorders

Do you know what hamsters get sick besides viral, fungal and cold infections? Some individuals have metabolic disorders. Sometimes they have a hereditary character, but sometimes the person is also to blame, as in the case of diabetes in Dzhungaria.


Interestingly, the symptoms diabetes hamsters have the same as humans:

  • irrepressible thirst and increased appetite;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight (quickly losing weight or getting fat);
  • physiological fluids smell like acetone (urine, saliva);
  • increased interest in the wheel: the animal is able to spin it longer than usual without stopping.

Diabetes is diagnosed with laboratory analysis blood glucose levels are checked. After the diagnosis is established, drug treatment and a diet high in protein and low in fast carbohydrates.


Metabolic ailments include vascular diseases occurring in old age. Stroke in hamsters is often caused by the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the head (that is, lipid metabolism is impaired). When the plaque completely closes the lumen of the vessel, blood accumulates, and the walls of the vein or artery stretch under its pressure. But they cannot stretch forever, the vessel bursts and a hemorrhage occurs.

stone disease

Stone disease is a very dangerous condition for hamsters. Occurs when there is a violation of salt metabolism, as a result gradually in the kidneys, bladder And bile ducts sand accumulates, connecting into pebbles. When the stone moves from its place, it causes hellish pain, the hamster screams heart-rendingly. Also, with this disease, the hamster's tail is tucked up, the animal rarely pees, there is blood in the urine. In small rodents, the disease is not treated.


In nature, hamsters are in a state of perpetual motion. And at home they are often deprived of many active activities. Especially great risk decreased activity due to obesity, which can lead to even more unfortunate consequences. After all, obesity is the first way to cardiovascular diseases, muscle atrophy. To avoid a problem, carefully monitor your pet's diet and make sure that there are enough "horizontal bars" in his cage for exercise: a running wheel, ladders, free space, tunnels. Let the animal go free range more often, the main thing is to carefully monitor that it does not run anywhere and does not get hurt.

Obesity, like urolithiasis disease are characteristic of mature hamsters. It occurs infrequently in active Djungarians (if it does not accompany diabetes), Syrian hamsters have a greater predisposition.

The photo shows an obese hamster.

Polycystic ovaries

Polycystic ovaries - hormonal disorder in hamsters. main reason hormonal disruptions are frequent childbirth. At the same time, the hamster becomes lethargic, irritable, and her tummy swells a little, bowel movements are irregular. You can cure the female, but you can’t do without surgery.

Hormonal changes, coupled with malnutrition, can cause hemorrhoids in a hamster. This disease state, in which it is painful for the animal to defecate, blood can be seen on the fur under the tail of a hamster.

Diseases caused by stress

Puppies are stressed by many factors. Among them harsh sounds, persecution by the cat, poor care, poor nutrition, inattention or obsession of the owners. All this disturbs the peace of mind of the hamster, causes serious illnesses. Their treatment should first of all be directed to the elimination of stress factors, and then to the elimination of symptoms.

What causes stressed hamsters?

  1. Eczema. The skin becomes sensitive in autumn, it flakes off, wounds and sores appear, the coat seems to fade before our eyes, it becomes dry and stiff.
  2. Baldness. Wool falls out in large tufts. A particular area may become bald, or there may be islands of skin devoid of hair. Most often occurs due to the lack of the required amount of vitamins and minerals. However, it can also be caused by simply experienced severe stress. Therefore, at the first suspicions, make sure that you are comfortable and proper diet pet. Outwardly, the problem is similar to lichen, but the skin is smooth and does not have any defects. At first, the two ailments are absolutely identical, therefore, at the first sign, run to the doctor and find out the root cause. In this situation, one cannot rely on chance or folk methods, it is better to pass the necessary tests and get an accurate diagnosis. After all, both diseases are dangerous for the animal.
  3. Paralysis and heart attack. A strong sudden fright may well cause cardiac arrest, partial or complete paralysis of the fluffy.

Many do not know what to do to make the hamster stop hurting. First of all, you should think: what do you not like pet? Why is he uncomfortable? We offer advice on this issue:

  • do not shout at the pet and do not hit him under any circumstances;
  • do not let other pets near the cage;
  • do taming only a few days after acquiring fluffy;
  • do not force the animal to play or eat by force;
  • watch your hamster's diet;
  • put the cage in places where there are no drafts;
  • remove noisy appliances from the cage;
  • clean your hamster house more often.

As you can see, most hamster diseases are the result of unsanitary conditions, improper care and feeding. It is in your power to make the life of a funny animal interesting and comfortable, and this will increase its chances for a long and happy life without disease.


Sometimes a skin disease that appears out of nowhere, most often affecting the paw pads. It is easy to treat them: just smear the damaged area with a preparation that includes zinc ointment or fish fat. This will be easier to do if you first lay the hamster on its back or sideways. Treatment is lengthy and can take up to 2-3 months. The main thing here is to wait until the skin is fully restored.

dental problems

Like any other rodent, hamsters have front teeth in a state of perpetual growth. However, too fast a pace can cause pain and inconvenience to the animal, because he does not have time to grind them down. Sometimes leads to pain in the mouth malocclusion. Such defects are common and often inherited. It can be seen from increased excretion saliva and refusal even from favorite delicacies. It is best to take your pet to the veterinarian, as only he can determine the exact cause and prescribe an effective treatment.

Inflammation of the "sacs"

Cheek pouch with inside can be easily damaged by a sharp object. Since the hamster uses it all the time, pieces of food will fall into the wound, which will further aggravate the situation. If in doubt, take your baby to the vet. He examines the animal, turning the bags out. In no case do not try to do it yourself: there is a great risk of harming your pet even more. Such wounds are cleaned with conventional bactericidal agents, but first it is necessary to get food remnants out of them with special tweezers.


A disease familiar to all of us, which is easily transmitted from one living being to another. As a rule, it does not have a bright severe symptoms and goes away on its own in 6-9 days. Treatment is not required, but it is better to separate infected animals from the rest of the flock for a while.

Hamsters are one of the most common pets, favorites of children and adults. They are quite unpretentious in content. But, unfortunately, diseases of hamsters are diverse, so breeders need to be aware of the most common ailments and how to prevent them.

After the little hamster got from the store into the hands of his new owners, he is distrustful and aggressive. But within a few days, the baby will get used to the new environment and your hands. By nature, hamsters are quite calm and friendly animals. The manifestation of aggression may indicate feeling unwell pet.

Healthy hamsters are friendly and calm animals.

In the summer, children love to take their hamsters outside and walk them on the fresh grass. If suddenly the hamster ran away, but then you still found him, do not rush to return him to the cage. The first thing to do is to show the fugitive to the veterinarian, and then carefully observe his behavior for several days.

If the hamster is still sick, then these or other symptoms will appear:

  • behavior suddenly became irritable and aggressive;
  • breathing became heavy;
  • sleeps for a long time;
  • the fur has become damp;
  • when stroking, the fur began to fall out;
  • chills;
  • any obvious change in stool;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the skin;
  • appearance of blood-sucking insects.

Like any animal, a sick hamster hides and wants to lie down. If you contact the veterinarian in time, then in most cases the pet can be helped.

Diseases of the digestive tract

If the hamster started liquid stool, but you are sure that the reason is not an infection, then you can give a piece raw potatoes. It will also help pomegranate peel. Of the medicines, you can give ftalazol and etazol 1/8 tablet 2 times a day.

Diseases digestive tract most often occur as a result malnutrition or from unsuitable water. Remember that ever-growing teeth require solid food. A couple of potassium permanganate crystals are added to the water for disinfection so that it only turns slightly pink.

For constipation, slowly pour a teaspoon of castor oil into the hamster's mouth.

Specific disease of the Syrian breed

Breeders of Syrian hamsters should be aware of such a specific disease as "wet tail". This disease occurs most often in individuals of the Syrian breed.

Syrian hamsters are also called golden, this is their middle name.

Wet tail is rarely diagnosed and is very difficult to treat. If nothing is done, the animal dies a few days after the onset of symptoms. This infection. Most of all, young individuals up to three months suffer from it. Incubation period can take up to two weeks. Then the main symptoms appear: severe diarrhea, possibly even with blood, lethargy and refusal to drink water. Most often, infected animals die from dehydration.

The name of the disease was acquired due to the fact that all rear end animal, (not only the place at the anus), becomes wet. The disease is highly contagious and is transmitted through secretions. Even with proper treatment only about 50% of patients survive.

After recovery, side effects such as obstruction may occur. small intestine and rectal prolapse. If syrian hamster suffer the disease, you will receive immunity from the "wet tail" for life.

If all symptoms indicate that your Syrian hamster has the disease, take him to the veterinarian immediately. An accurate diagnosis can be made using laboratory research animal secretions. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the hamster's chance of survival.

What to do if there is no way to quickly contact a veterinarian, and the symptoms confirm a terrible disease?

Treatment is with a course of antibiotics and prevention of dehydration. Wet tail bacteria are resistant to many antibiotics. Effective drugs include Tetracycline, Trimetoprim-sulfa combinaties and Baytril. From dehydration, Ringer-lactaat is injected. In addition, you need to give the hamster prebiotics, because. during illness and treatment, the intestinal microflora suffers greatly.

It is also important to strengthen hygiene and observe quarantine. If you have more than one Syrian hamster, then put the infected one in a separate cage and in another room. All procedures should be done with disposable gloves. The cage should be washed daily with soapy water.

If the pet still died, then the cage must be treated several times with bleach and soapy water. Then leave the cage empty for two months. During this period, a new Syrian hamster should not appear in the house and it is also not worth transporting other hamsters from the house.

Hereditary diseases of Djungarian hamsters

The most common diseases in Djungarian hamsters are type 1 diabetes and tumors. Most often, these are hereditary genetic diseases.

Symptoms of diabetes in a dzhungarik:

  • dzhungarik began to drink more than usual - hamsters of this breed in a healthy state drink very little;
  • jungarik pisses a lot (if you missed the moment of increased thirst, then you will notice an unusually large puddle in the toilet corner;
  • the urine of the hamster has changed the smell, it has become sharp and unpleasant;
  • atypical activity or vice versa lethargy of the hamster;
  • the pet eats a lot and at the same time loses weight dramatically.

These symptoms may be signs of kidney disease. In any case, having noted them, refer to professional veterinarian. Before that, you can do a diabetes test yourself at home.

To do this, buy special test strips. They are sold in every pharmacy. You need to do the test after the hamster has the longest sleep of the day. Put it in a clean container, and after the hamster pees, collect the urine in a syringe and drop it on the marked square. By changing the color, referring to the instructions, you will find out the amount of sugar in the urine of the animal. If it exceeds the norm, most likely the hamster has diabetes.

Diseases eye

The eyes are a very vulnerable organ in hamsters. Their convex black beads are easily exposed to mechanical injury and infection. Started conjunctivitis. A hamster can get infected not only by escaping from the cage, but even while in it, if the owner forgets to clean the cage on time.

Also, due to malnutrition, there may be allergic conjunctivitis. Most often, this is a reaction to fruits, so they should be limited in the diet.

The symptoms of conjunctivitis are easy to recognize. The eyes of the animal seem to be covered with a cloudy film, appear purulent discharge eyelids swell, become wet and stick together. The hamster begins to sleep a lot and loses his appetite. The eyes of the animal itch and watery.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. But you can also help your pet save his eyes on his own.

Treatment with eye inflammation

What to do if conjunctivitis has begun?

Inflamed eyes in a hamster are almost always an infection. That's why:

  • the patient must be immediately isolated from other animals;
  • thoroughly clean the cage and disinfect the pallet and all items that are in the cage;
  • we treat the infection with Albucid drops, 1-2 drops into the eyes at least 4 times a day;
  • we support the hamster's diet - only natural grain diet, in which you can add a little chicken to reinforce the patient with protein.

With this treatment, the hamster's eyes will be saved in 5 days.

Damage cheek pouches

The distinctive hamster trait of hiding food behind the cheeks is very funny. But sometimes their cheeks are injured due to inappropriate food. Most often these are sweets, sticky candies or chocolate. Also, the cheek pouches can become inflamed due to chaff or awns.

With inflammation of the cheek pouches, they need to be turned out, carefully cleaned. If wounds appear, they are treated with an antibiotic and do not feed the animal during the day. During this time, the mucous membrane of the cheeks should recover.


Baldness (alopecia) is a consequence of beriberi. It often occurs in winter due to prolonged feeding with dry food. None medical procedures in this case, you don't need to. Baldness quickly disappears when the animal begins to eat green food. Therefore, caring owners should make preparations of green food for the winter and store it in the freezer.

Hamsters go bald different reasons. The most likely is a lack of vitamins.

Sometimes owners are concerned about dark spots on the hamster's skin on the sides. But this is not a disease. Lateral glands sometimes stand out with excessive pigmentation, and this does not affect the health of the pet.


By nature, hamsters are solitary. But often breeders keep several individuals in one spacious cage. Finding out the relationship, hamsters can fight and bite each other. Wounds become infected quickly, so they need to be treated quickly. disinfectant and, if necessary, make powdered antibiotic powders.

Hamsters live an average of 3 years. Diseases most often threaten them in the first months of life and at an honorable age. Owners should remember that a lot depends on their attention in matters of pet health.

Often the disease is triggered by stress. Stress can be caused by:

  • the appearance of a new neighbor in the house of the beast;
  • overpopulation in the cell;
  • moving and traveling;
  • violation of the usual regimen;
  • change in the usual place of the cell.

If you pay enough attention to your hamster, responsibly monitor his hygiene and comfort, he will delight you. good health and cheerful disposition.

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