Chorioretinitis, its types, symptoms and treatment methods. Inflammation of the choroid and retina - chorioretinitis of the eye: causes, symptoms, treatment

Chorioretinitis of the eye, what is it? This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the choroid of the eye and its retina. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form.

Highlight following reasons development of chorioretinitis:

Another reason for the development of chorioretinitis is myopia (myopia). Also at risk are people infected with HIV infection and the Epstein-Barr virus, a herpetic infection.

Symptoms of chorioretinitis

As the disease progresses, the following symptoms occur:

  • Decreased visual acuity at dusk, the so-called “night blindness”.
  • Subjective feeling of fog, veils before the eyes, the appearance of dark “flies”.
  • Photopsia is a phenomenon in which luminous objects - lightning, flashes - appear in the field of vision.
  • If chorioretinitis of the eyes has already progressed significantly, loss of certain areas of the visual field may occur.

All these symptoms force a person to see a doctor. If chorioretinitis of the eyes has developed as a result of an ophthalmological operation, such a sign as loss of vision may be absent for some time. This makes it difficult to make a timely diagnosis.

Types, classification

Chorioretinitis can be classified depending on the area of ​​distribution, the number of lesions, the causative agent and the duration of manifestation.

By area of ​​distribution it is divided into:

  • . What does he look like? Its manifestations can be seen in the macular area of ​​the eye.
  • Equatorial - the choroid in the equatorial part of the eye is affected.
  • Peripheral, on the border of the dentate line.
  • Juxtapapillary – localized near the disc optic nerve.

The number of lesions on the eyeball also matters. On this basis they distinguish:

  • Focal choriotinitis - only one area is inflamed.
  • Multifocal - inflammation has spread to several areas.
  • Diffuse - there is a large number of inflamed foci. They can merge with each other.

Depending on how long the disease lasts, acute and chronic choriotinitis are distinguished. Acute chorioretinitis develops suddenly in short time. If it lasts more than 3 months, we can talk about the transition of the disease to chronic form. If the cause of the disease is an infection, then choriotinitis is infectious. It can be divided into toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis and syphilitic.

It is also worth highlighting purulent choriotinitis. Most often it develops in poor condition immune system. This type of disease is the most difficult to treat and often occurs with complications.

Features of the disease in children

Toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis is most often diagnosed in children. Infection occurs in the womb. Clinical manifestations diseases can go undetected for a long time.

To assign effective treatment, you need to make sure whether toxoplasmosis was really the cause of the disease. To do this, you will have to take a blood test to check for antibodies to toxoplasmosis.


Diagnosis requires a series of studies. These include:

  • Visometry is a non-invasive study of a patient’s visual acuity using a familiar alphabetic table.
  • Gonioscopy – examination of the anterior chamber eyeball. Gonioscopy makes it possible to determine signs of inflammatory, degenerative and traumatic injuries.
  • Retinal angiography. It allows you to study the characteristics of blood flow in the vessels of the inner lining of the eyeball.
  • Perimetry – determination of visual fields using a special device.

When diagnosing chorioretinitis, one cannot do without laboratory research. Currently being carried out:

  • Linked immunosorbent assay. Helps detect pathogens of toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes simplex and cytomegalovirus. The analysis also shows the activity of the inflammatory process and the presence of antibodies.
  • Definition test C-reactive protein. Its presence confirms the autoimmune nature of the disease.
  • Bacteriological culture. The patient's conjunctival fluid is examined. This test determines sensitivity to antibiotic therapy.
  • Syphilis is confirmed by testing the Wasserman reaction.

It is also necessary to examine the patient using an ophthalmic lamp. To find out the maximum permissible dose corticosteroid drugs, if the doctor plans to use them in treatment, it is necessary to carry out biochemical analysis blood, examine the level of glucose and liver enzymes.


Can chorioretinitis be cured? This depends on how effective the prescribed treatment turns out to be. As a rule, it is carried out with medication. Doctors use the following drugs:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as eye drops. Their function is to stop the inflammatory process.
  • Midriatics- drugs that dilate the pupil. They are used to prevent the formation of synechiae.
  • Hormonal drugs containing hydrocortisone. They are prescribed for acute forms of the disease.
  • Reparants– means that promote the restoration of retinal tissue.

If chorioretinitis is toxoplasmosis in nature, antibiotics are used. To enhance therapeutic effect Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed - electrophoresis and ultrasound therapy. It is considered advisable to take additional vitamins B, C and PP.

Diuretics and antihistamines are also used in the treatment of central serous chorioretinitis.

Possible complications

If left untreated, the following complications may develop:

  • Ophthalmohypertension is increased intraocular pressure.
  • Secondary glaucoma is damage to the optic nerve in combination with intraocular pressure.
  • Optic neuritis – inflammation of the optic nerve
  • Hyphema is the appearance of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • – gap blood vessels and hemorrhage in vitreous.
  • Stable – impaired visual adaptation to low light conditions.

The most severe complication of ocular chorioretinitis is complete blindness. To prevent it, you need not to delay treatment if the diagnosis has already been established.

Prevention and prognosis

With proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. To ensure that the disease does not recur, it is necessary to undergo periodic examinations with an ophthalmologist.

How can you reduce the risk of developing ocular chorioretinitis? If myopia is diagnosed, it is necessary to use glasses or contact lenses. At high risk eye injuries, it is mandatory to use individual means protection such as goggles or a mask. This is especially true for people employed in industrial production enterprises.

If visual acuity decreases and other suspicious symptoms appear, you should not self-medicate, prescribe medications or choose your own glasses. You need to contact a specialist for an initial consultation and examination.

Chorioretinitis – acute or chronic inflammation posterior part of the choroid with involvement of the retina. There are congenital and acquired.

Causes of chorioretinitis

The following conditions lead to the development of the disease:

- infections (toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, syphilis, herpes virus), including local ones (ENT organs, oral cavity);
- radiation;
- some toxins (for example, prolonged hemophthalmos leads to chorioretinitis, since destroyed blood elements can be toxic);
- allergic reactions;
- autoimmune conditions;
- immunodeficiencies (in HIV-infected people, in weakened people, after long-term treatment);
- injuries.

Symptoms of chorioretinitis

Depending on the localization of the process, chorioretinitis can be central (in the macular zone), peripapillary (the area around the optic nerve head), equatorial (near the equator) and peripheral (near the dentate line). According to their prevalence, they are divided into focal, multifocal disseminated (several foci), and diffuse. Depending on the course, there are acute (up to 3 months) and chronic (often recur).

Depending on the location, characteristic complaints appear. Peripheral chorioretinitis can be asymptomatic; they are detected during a routine examination. When the macular area is affected, the patient notices blurring and decreased visual acuity, dark spots, flashes (photopsia), sparks before the eyes, the shape and size of objects are distorted (metamorphopsia, micropsia and macropsia), the patient has difficulty navigating in the twilight (hemeralopia, “night blindness”) .

Any of these symptoms may indicate serious illness organ of vision, so you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Diagnosis of chorioretinitis

To confirm the diagnosis, the following studies are performed:

Determination of visual acuity (decreased with central chorioretinitis, cannot be corrected);
- perimetry, including computer perimetry (possible appearance of scotomas, or dark spots, decreases the contrast sensitivity of the retina);
- refractometry – does not change with chorioretinitis;
- biomicroscopy – detect changes in the vitreous body;
- examination in transmitted light - opacities in the vitreous body are possible;
- ophthalmoscopy with a wide pupil and a Goldmann lens. Depending on the form and stage, the fundus picture is different. Classic changes: grayish-yellowish lesions with unclear boundaries, protruding into the vitreous body (in the infiltration stage), exudate along the vessels, hemorrhages are possible. Further, the boundaries become clear, and pigmentation appears in the area of ​​the lesion. Over time, atrophy of the retina and choroid develops in the affected area. The ophthalmoscopic picture of other choroiditis will be described below;
- fluorescein angiography reveals changes in the vessels of the fundus (microaneurysms, shunts, etc.);
- electroretinography allows you to determine functional state retina;
- optical coherence tomography of the retina – determine the morphology of the inflammatory focus;
- Ultrasound reveals changes and opacities of the eye media

To establish the cause of chorioretinitis, use using the following methods: general clinical blood and urine tests, blood for RW, hepatitis, HIV infection, toxoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, fluorography of organs chest, Mantoux reaction according to indications. If necessary, consultations are held with a therapist, pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, immunologist, allergist, venereologist, phthisiatrician, ENT doctor, dentist.

Features of the clinical picture of some chorioretinitis

Almost always congenital. Infection occurs in utero. Lesions are also detected in the central nervous system and other organs. Periods of remission alternate with exacerbations. Chronic lesions have clear boundaries with coarse pigmentation. With an active process, infiltration appears along the edges of old lesions. Fresh lesions penetrate into the vitreous body, retinal detachment, retinal hemorrhages with subsequent formation of a neovascular membrane are possible.

Secondary, that is, it occurs when there is primary focus, most often in the lungs. Disseminated tubercles appear in the fundus, and chorioretinal scars remain after treatment. Tuberculosis-allergic inflammation of the choroid does not have characteristic distinctive features.

Syphilitic chorioretinitis characterized by a “salt and pepper” pattern in the fundus. In this case, foci of pigmentation alternate with foci of fibrosis and atrophy.

Chorioretinitis in HIV infection occurs against the background of immunodeficiency and often has a cytomegalovirus cause. It is characterized by extensive widespread lesions, is necrotic and hemorrhagic in nature, is difficult to treat and leads to blindness.

Treatment of chorioretinitis

Treatment must be timely and individually prescribed. Local therapy is ineffective, except for parabulbar and retrobulbar injections. Use the following groups drugs:

Etiotropic – aimed at eliminating the cause of chorioretinitis. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are used wide range until the pathogen is identified. Specific antibiotics are then prescribed depending on sensitivity. For viral chorioretinitis, interferons, inducers of interferonogenesis and antiviral drugs. For syphilitic chorioretinitis, antibiotics of the penicillin group are prescribed for a long course of up to 1 month (if intolerance, then doxycycline, macrolides or cephalosporins). If the process is caused by toxoplasma, then sulfadimezine and pyrimethamine are used with folic acid oh and vitamin B12. Tuberculous chorioretinitis is treated together with a phthisiatrician. An approximate list of drugs for the chronic process: isoniazid and rifampicin, streptomycin, kanamycin and hormonal agents. Herpetic infection treated with acyclovir 0.2 grams 5 times a day, cytomegalovirus - with ganciclovir intravenous drip

Anti-inflammatory drugs, including hormonal ones. For example, indomethacin, diclofenac or hydrocortisone and dexamethasone orally, intramuscularly, intravenously or locally (long-acting drug for parabulbar administration once every 2 weeks - Diprospan)

Detoxification therapy - for example, hemodez or glucose solution 5%, 400 ml intravenously.

Immunotherapy - depending on the severity of the process, immunosuppressants are used (for active chorioretinitis, fluorouracil, mercaptopurine) or immunostimulants (for example, for HIV infection, levamisole)

Hyposensitizing therapy is carried out using antihistamines(Suprastin, Claritin, Erius, etc.)

To increase the body's resistance, vitamins are indicated (C, group B, preferably multivitamin preparations)

Enzymes are applied topically to accelerate the resorption of the inflammatory focus, for example, retrobulbar fibrinolysin, hemase, histochrome or lidase

In the absence of response to treatment, severe or prolonged course of chorioretinitis, it is indicated to use extracorporeal methods detoxification, such as hemosorption, plasmapheresis.

Physiotherapeutic treatment It has great importance For get well soon. Good effect happens from electrophoresis with lidase or fibrinolysin.

To slow down the spread of inflammation, laser coagulation of the retina is used, thereby delimiting chorioretinal lesions from healthy tissue. If the chorioretinal membrane forms or detaches, vitrectomy is necessary.

Complications of chorioretinitis

Chorioretinitis is a serious disease that, if untimely or inadequately treated, leads to complications such as retinal detachment, neovascular membrane, recurrent retinal hemorrhages, retinal vein thrombosis and others, which can lead to blindness.

Ophthalmologist Letyuk T.Z.

467 02/13/2019 5 min.

Chorioretinitis occurs due to influenza, influenza, severe eye injury, hypothermia or meningitis. Next, we will look at the causes and treatment of this disease.

Description of the disease

Chorioretinitis of the eye is chronic disorder vision in which inflammation rear end eyes, over time the retina and choroid are involved in the process. It is worth noting that the disease is something other than a symbiosis of signs of two pathologies - choroiditis and retinitis.

The retina of the eye is nourished by the choriocapillary vessels, so even the slightest change in these vessels inevitably leads to damage to the retina, but this is not a death sentence. But what can be done about such a problem is indicated in the article at the link.

There are a huge number of variations in the course of chorioretinitis; the degree of damage is determined precisely by the form of the disease. For example, toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis is characterized by damage to the central nervous system If a person is diagnosed with a syphilitic form of pathology, then the formation of foci of alternating atrophy and fibrosis in the fundus is likely.

In the video - chorioretinitis of the eye:

The tuberculous form of chorioretinitis is characterized by the fact that during diagnosis in the fundus of the eye it is possible, without the slightest shadow of doubt, to detect special formations called disseminated tubercles. But what are the symptoms of eye tuberculosis and what can be done about such a problem?


The symptoms of chorioretinitis of the eye can be either purely neutral, if it is an inflammatory process localized in the peripheral zone, or pronounced in nature - if the inflammation affects the central area, which is why the treatment of chorioretinitis involves rather eclectic methods.

With chorioretinitis of the eye, the patient experiences a decrease in visual acuity; when watching TV, staying awake, or doing any other activity, “flies” begin to fly in front of the eyes.

In addition, on the affected eye organ a dark blot appears, which constantly falls under the lens of the gaze of others, among other things, a patient with chorioretinitis develops a critical idiosyncrasy of bright light rays (but what drops for dry eyes are best to use is outlined), vision begins to rapidly decline, because of which the person begins to see others objects in distorted form. But this will help you understand what tunnel vision looks like in men, and what can be done about such a problem.


IN medical practice Doctors have established several types of ocular chorioretinitis, the main ones being:

  • Central. Symptoms of central chorioretinitis arise as quickly as a lit match and straw form a burning flame; with the disease, blurred vision occurs, a person loses orientation in space, especially if he works on something at dusk (risk of infection “ night blindness” – the ability to see blurred during the hours of sunset and night; in medical slang, the disease is called metamorphopsia). It will also be interesting to know more about how this happens


  • Peripheral. Characterized by mild symptoms, inflammation, as a rule, spreads exclusively along the dentate line. But what it looks like and what can be done about such a problem is indicated in the article at the link.


  • Toxoplasmosis. At risk are young children who may have toxoplasmosis from birth, since the child was infected during fetal development. Sometimes a period of remission occurs, but it is so short that the patient sometimes finds it difficult to tolerate these symptoms, and then exacerbations occur. In this case, chronic lesions are clearly defined, coarse pigmentation can be noticed, events can go so far that a sad apotheosis is inevitable - retinal detachment, retinal hemorrhage, etc. can occur at any second.


  • Serous. If it is central, then, accordingly, it develops in the macular area of ​​the eye due to slow blood circulation through the vessels; in such a situation it is customary to talk about vascular metastases. But you can find out what angiopathy of the retinal vessels of the eye looks like and what can be done with such a problem with the help of medications


If you delay treatment, the doctor will begin to lecture you, constantly pestering you with numerous questions, local therapy here, unfortunately, is powerless, but drug treatment will be appropriate.

Drug treatment

Viral chorioretinitis is successfully treated with interferons, agents with a pronounced antiviral effect, as well as inducers of interferonogenesis. If a syphilic type of disease is identified, then they will come to the rescue antibiotic drugs from the group of penicillins.

If the toxoplasmosis form of the disease has been diagnosed, the doctor prescribes the drug Pyrimethamine paired with folic acid - what is needed for the tuberculous type of chorioretinitis can prescribe the following pharmaceuticals:


If all your attempts are based on conservative methods treatments turned out to be futile, it’s time to see a doctor so that he can refer you for surgery, which is most often done for retinal detachment.

Method laser correction is based on blocking defects in the basal plate; after laser coagulation, the patient feels swelling, which may not go away for up to 10 days, and in order for him to sleep as quickly as possible, retrobulbar injections of a corticosteroid will be required.

Interesting information on the topic! Find out why it is dangerous and what treatment methods are available.

Folk remedies

  • Note! For a speedy recovery, the body needs vitamins - this is rule No. 1, the body of a patient with chorioretinitis should not suffer from a deficiency of ascorbic, folic acids, as well as vitamins PP, B6.
  • Golden recipe! We got it as a tribute from our great-grandmothers, this is an infusion of hazel bark - miracle cure, dilates blood vessels. To prepare it, take 10 grams of dried hazel bark, place it in a container and pour hot boiling water over it, infuse it and take 10 grams daily.
  • Recipes traditional medicine can become a lifeline in the treatment of ocular chorioretinitis, they are good in what they can provide positive influence on the speed of recovery, of course, if you use them wisely, for example, in combination with pharmacological drugs.

Recipe No. 1

Healing infusion of valerian. To prepare this wonderful remedy You will need to boil the roots of this plant in water for half an hour (for 250 ml of water - 1 tablespoon of roots). For achievement positive results In treatment, the decoction is recommended to be taken 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.

№ 2

A decoction of ripe hawthorn fruits. Take 2 tablespoons of ripened hawthorn fruits and pour 250 ml of hot boiled water into them, leave for dark place about 30 minutes. The infusion, which combines benefits and taste, is recommended to be taken 3 times a day in the amount of 1 tablespoon an hour before the intended meal.

Can it be cured? With a competent approach to treatment and timely initiation, this is quite feasible.

Chorioretinitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the posterior part of the choroid, as well as pathological changes retina. This condition is accompanied by a slowdown in blood flow, which is fraught with disruption of tissue trophism and the formation of blood clots.

With chorioretinitis, the choroid of the eye becomes inflamed

Description of the disease

Chorioretinitis is a polyetiological disease. The peculiarity of its development is that the back part of the choroid is susceptible to damage by bacteria and viruses due to its anatomical features. Choriortinitis can occur as an independent disease or as a complication of other pathologies of the visual analyzer.

The mechanism of development is that the initial focus of the development of the inflammatory process is the capillaries, which become inflamed under the influence of negative factors or bacterial activity. Over time, the process spreads to the choroid and retina, which leads to severe dysfunction of the visual analyzer.

It is worth noting that this disease affects adults much more often than children. IN childhood such pathology has only isolated cases morbidity.

The disease develops under the influence of bacteria


The main causes of the disease are bacteria and viruses. It is this etiology that occurs in most clinical cases diseases. The causative agents of this pathology are Toxoplasma and Koch's bacillus.

Toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis is different in that it can be congenital. The infection is transmitted from mother to child. Such cases are isolated, since with toxoplasmosis the chance of carrying a pregnancy to term is minimal. In addition, the disease can develop under the influence of such factors:

  • Radioactive radiation. Long-term exposure to such radiation can cause functional changes and metabolic disturbances, leading to the development of inflammation.

Radiation can serve as a provoking factor in the development of chorioretinitis

  • Allergic and autoimmune processes. A large number of autoimmune diseases accompanied by defeat various vessels. This is due to the presence of blood vessels in the wall connective tissue, making them a prime target for these diseases.
  • Injuries. Chorioretinitis often develops with severe injuries. Minor damage to the anterior parts of the eyeball extremely rarely leads to the development of this disease.
  • As a complication of myopia.
  • Diseases accompanied by immunodeficiency. The main representative of these diseases is HIV/AIDS.

The risk of chorioretinitis increases with immunodeficiency

In addition to the fact that for the development of pathology it is necessary to have etiological factor, are also important associated factors which increase the risk of developing the disease. These include abnormalities in vascular development, hypertension with expansion of the left ventricle, as well as smoking, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the vascular walls.


The classification of choriortinitis is based on criteria such as the location of the lesion, the nature of the course and the number of lesions. Thus, according to localization, they distinguish:

  • Central serous chorioretinitis.
  • Equatorial.
  • Prepapillary.
  • Peripheral.

Chorioretinitis is classified into several forms, depending on the location and number of foci of inflammation

Depending on how many foci of pathology there are, there are:

  • Focal chorioretinitis.
  • Multifocal.
  • Diffuse.

According to the nature of the course, it is divided into acute and chronic. For acute form The development of the pathological process is characteristic of the choroid of the eye without involving the retina. It is most often not affected or is affected to a minor extent. In such a situation, the risk of detachment is extremely low, which, with timely treatment, makes it possible to maintain vision at the same level.

Myopic chorioretinitis has the most favorable prognosis

Chronic chorioretinitis occurs with significant changes in the retina, which leads to its atrophy or detachment. Such changes in the retina require immediate attention surgical treatment, otherwise the patient will go blind.

Myopic chorioretinitis is different light current. The myopic process is caused by persistent functional changes visual analyzer.


The following symptoms are typical for chorioretinitis:

  • Color vision impairment.

With chorioretinitis, color perception is impaired

  • The appearance of spots and flies before the eyes. Their intensity directly depends on the stage of the disease.
  • Deterioration of vision in poor lighting.
  • Photophobia.
  • Distortion of the shapes of objects.
  • Retinal clouding.

Symptoms are constantly progressing, which is caused by the spread of the pathological process to healthy areas of the choroid and retina.

Chorioretinitis is accompanied by pain in the eye area

Some types of chorioretinitis have their own characteristics. Thus, toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis has a wave-like course and is accompanied by damage to the optic nerve, which significantly accelerates the process of retinal detachment.

Tuberculous chorioretinitis most often manifests itself against the background of pulmonary tuberculosis, which has its own characteristic symptoms. The process in the fundus, after treatment has been carried out, ends with the formation of scar tissue at the location of the tubercle.

Syphilitic chorioretinitis is characterized by the fact that the symptoms are complemented by the process of fibrosis, and foci with increased pigmentation also appear.

Such forms of the disease require that specific treatment and diagnostics, which are aimed at identifying and destroying the pathogen throughout the body.

Toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis causes a pathological process in the choroid of the eye and requires specific therapy


Diagnosis should be aimed at identifying the cause of chorioretinitis, as well as assessing the extent of damage to the retina. For this purpose the following is carried out:

  • Ophthalmological examination. Macroscopic assessment of the eyes, as well as testing of visual acuity and fields, makes it possible to assess the condition of the visual analyzer, which is a criterion for assessing the severity of the condition.
  • Fundus examination. This examination is carried out in order to see structural changes retina, which occurs with chorioretinitis.
  • Biomicroscopy of the eyes. Examining the eye using a biomicroscope allows you to identify even the smallest changes that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Chorioretinitis can be diagnosed during fundus examination

  • Angiography of the eyes.
  • Ultrasound of the eye.
  • Tomography of the eyes and optic nerves.

Specific chorioretinitis requires microbiological research to identify the pathogen.


Treatment of chorioretinitis can be either conservative or surgical. Conservative treatment indicated in cases where changes in structural elements eyes are reversible or can be stopped with drug therapy.

Chorioretinitis is treated with anti-inflammatory drops

Drug treatment of chorioretinitis consists of the following groups of drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops. They may contain non-steroidal substances or adrenal hormones. Choice in favor hormonal drugs done when it is observed severe course or treatment non-steroidal drugs did not have the desired effect. With the help of these drugs, myopic chorioretinitis can be completely cured.
  • Antihistamines. Treatment of chorioretinitis allows the use of tablet or injection forms.
  • Eye drops with antibacterial effect. These drops are prescribed with for preventive purposes to prevent secondary infection.

If chorioretinitis causes retinal detachment, laser vision correction is required

For specific forms, etiotropic treatment is carried out, which is aimed at eliminating the pathogen. Treatment of syphilitic, tuberculous and toxoplasmic chorioretinitis takes a long time and requires large financial costs.

Surgical treatment is indicated for retinal detachment. In such a situation, treatment consists of laser correction, which helps prevent further detachment and stabilize the patient's condition.


The basis for the prevention of all diseases of the visual analyzer is compliance with the rules of eye protection, wearing contact lenses, and timely treatment. In such a situation, the risk of developing the disease is reduced significantly.

To prevent the development of chorioretinitis, you must follow the rules for wearing contact lenses.

Chorioretinitis is a pathology that must be treated, otherwise the symptoms can lead to complete loss vision.

What is chorioretinitis and what symptoms are characteristic of the disease, see the video:

Chorioretinitis is an inflammatory disease with acute or chronic course, which affects the posterior part of the choroid. The retina is also involved in the process. The circulatory system in the posterior part of the eye is designed so that the vessels here form a wide bed. This anatomical feature leads to a slowdown in blood circulation in this area.

For this reason, all infectious agents that enter the human body are often delayed precisely back surface eyes. Inflammatory process first it affects the capillaries that supply blood to the retina, and later spreads to the choroid.


The following factors can provoke the progression of chorioretinitis:

  • penetration of infectious agents into the membranes of the eye;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • penetration of viruses into eye tissue, and;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • eye injuries varying degrees heaviness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • complications of myopia;
  • long-term exposure to radiation.


Classification depending on the area in which the inflammatory process is localized:

  • central serous chorioretinitis. In this case, inflammation affects the macular area of ​​the eye;
  • equatorial. The inflammation is localized near the equator of the eye;
  • peripapillary. The process is localized in close proximity to the optic nerve;
  • peripheral. Inflammation occurs along the dentate line.

Depending on the number of inflammatory foci:

  • focal chorioretinitis. One focus of inflammation is observed;
  • multifocal disseminated. Inflammation is observed in several areas of the eye at once;
  • diffuse. Many inflammatory foci are formed, which tend to merge.

Depending on the nature of the pathological process:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.


On initial stages As chorioretinitis progresses, blurred vision is observed, and after a few days a dark spot. It is also possible that color perception may change. Further clinical picture accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • “flies” before the eyes;
  • night blindness. This symptom characterized by decreased visual acuity at dusk;
  • photosensitivity increases significantly;
  • distortion of vision. In medicine, this condition is called metamorphopsia;
  • “flashes” appear periodically before your eyes;
  • retinal clouding;
  • pain in the eyes.

Features of chorioretinitis

Toxoplasmosis chorioretinitis in most clinical situations is congenital. Infection occurs during intrauterine development of the fetus. Infectious agents affect not only areas of the eye, but also the tissues of the central nervous system, vital important organs. Pathological process wavy - periods of exacerbation alternate with periods of remission. This condition very dangerous, since without proper treatment detachment can occur retina.

The tuberculosis type progresses only against the background primary lesion lungs. Specific tubercles form in the fundus of the eye. After treatment, scars remain on the surface.

Syphilitic chorioretinitis manifests itself quite specifically. An alternation of pathological areas is observed in the fundus. There are places with, but there are also areas with pigmentation.


If the patient exhibits these symptoms, you should go to medical institution for complex diagnostics. The standard examination plan includes the following techniques:

  • assessment of visual acuity;
  • perimetry;
  • refractometry;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • ophthalmoscopy using a special Goldmann lens;
  • fluorescein angiography;
  • electroretinography.

The cause of progression of chorioretinitis can be identified using the following diagnostic techniques:

  • tests for the presence of antibodies to infectious diseases (, etc.).


Chorioretinitis is treated by an ophthalmologist. It is best to place the patient in a hospital during treatment so that specialists have the opportunity to constantly monitor his condition. The treatment plan includes:

  • use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • parabulbar and retrobulbar injections;
  • etiotropic treatment. Its main goal is to eliminate the cause of the pathology. For this, the patient is prescribed antiviral and antibacterial drugs;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • immunotherapy;
  • desensitizing therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment.

IN severe cases Doctors resort to laser coagulation of the retina. This modern technique treatment allows you to localize the inflammatory process.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Retinal dystrophy is a dangerous disease that affects the retina of the eye. Whatever the cause of this disease in humans, with untimely and unqualified treatment, the outcome of dystrophy is the same - atrophy or complete death of the tissues that make up the retina. Because of this, the patient will experience irreversible visual impairment, including blindness. It is worth noting that the timing of vision loss directly depends on the type of disease. Retinal dystrophy occurs rather slowly, but as it progresses, the patient’s condition only worsens.

Keratoconus - from the point of view of ophthalmology is considered extremely rare disease, affecting the cornea of ​​the eye. The disease occurs equally in both sexes, but the main risk group is children and adolescents. The factors that caused the formation of the pathology currently remain unknown, but clinicians have put forward several theories regarding its origin.

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