Chronic adenoiditis in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention. How can a child avoid adenoids: the most important preventive measures

Children's adenoids cause many problems for both children and their parents. Proliferating lymphoid tissue, which leads to adenoiditis, interferes with free breathing, normal ventilation of the lungs and bronchi, the functioning of the hearing aid.

In the practice of pediatric otolaryngology, adenoids are the most common disease, affecting up to 10% of children under the age of 6-8 years.

Prevent overgrowth lymphoid tissue quite difficult, however simple methods prevention of adenoids in children will help reduce the risk of its enlargement.

Causes and methods of preventing the development of adenoids

To prevent a disease, it is necessary to know the causes and nature of its occurrence. Active growth of lymphoid tissue of the posterior tonsils (adenoids) is observed, as a rule, in childhood. Its causes lie in the active growth of the whole organism and are not associated with genetic predisposition. The impetus for excessive development of adenoids can be frequent colds, viral infections that load the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

Courses of treatment that are carried out for viral infections are often insufficient for full recovery lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx. Externally healthy child, finding yourself in children's team, catches the virus again - ARVI repeats, and the lymphoid tissue grows even more.

Colds and acute respiratory viral infections in this case go in a circle, decreasing only in the summer, when the number of contacts decreases, as does the number of closed rooms in which the child stays for a long time.

An accompanying reason for the development of adenoids may be a poor environmental situation, lack of a normal climate in the premises where the child is regularly located (house, kindergarten, school, etc.). Based on these reasons, prevention of adenoids is necessary. It consists in:

  • diverse participation of parents in the life and health of their child;
  • maintaining the baby's immunity;
  • formation healthy image life.

The basis of prevention is to reduce the amount viral infections, which prevent lymphoid tissue from developing normally and recovering after ARVI.

The less the child is sick, the less stress is placed on the nasopharynx, which means its healing process is more successful. A child’s recovery after ARVI does not mean that the lymphoid tissue is completely restored. As a rule, most children immediately after recovery begin to attend kindergarten, school, and clubs, which causes reinfection virus, because the lymphoid tissue has not yet recovered from the previous disease.

The process of adaptation after ARVI in children should be long-term, involving frequent walks fresh air, lack of contact with sick people, procedures that support immunity. Constant stay in enclosed spaces with a large number of people during this period is contraindicated.

A set of measures to improve immunity and reduce allergic reactions also reduces the risk of adenoid overgrowth. Walks, outdoor active sports, hardening procedures, breathing exercises will help the child become less susceptible to external adverse factors that provoke adenoids.

Creation favorable climate in the home is another significant factor towards reducing the risk of adenoid overgrowth. Maintenance normal temperature and humidity in the room where the child is, regular wet cleaning - an important part prevention.

Preventing severe forms of adenoid overgrowth

Active growth of lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx may have severe consequences for a growing organism. Constant nasal congestion and persistent runny nose are only the outer part of the problem.

Adenoids are a kind of filters that protect the body from the penetration of viruses, however, with constant load, their protective functions are lost and active growth begins.

What are the dangers of the last stages of the disease?

Leads to a lack of normal oxygen supply to the body and leads to various consequences:

Children diagnosed with hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx (adenoiditis) suffer every second, with severe forms The shape of the face changes, a lethargy and indifference to the world around him, which is atypical for a child, appears. Surgical intervention is the only thing that can help in such situations.

Preventing the progression of adenoids

Timely measures to prevent the growth of adenoids will help to avoid the severe development of the disease. If acute respiratory viral infections or runny noses recur frequently, the child snores during sleep, or other symptoms of the disease are present, you should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment and prevent the development of more serious stages of adenoids.

Only an otolaryngologist can make a diagnosis based on palpation, nasopharyngoscopy or radiography. The indication for surgical intervention will be serious disturbances in the development of the body (partial or total loss hearing, pneumonia, decreased function lymphatic system) and in this case the operation cannot be postponed. In other cases, the doctor will most likely prescribe complex treatment, designed to restore the protective functions of the adenoids and reduce their growth.

Self-treatment of adenoids without qualified medical care is extremely difficult and often ineffective, so any healing procedures and the measures should be coordinated with the attending physician. Among them:

Traditional methods

Herbalists' recipes describe a sufficient number of herbs and substances that have an effect on reducing the growth of adenoids and have anti-inflammatory properties. The following solutions are recommended for rinsing the nose:

Instillation and lubrication of the nose (this procedure is performed 10-15 minutes after rinsing the nose):

Well proven herbal teas, for example, steamed inhalations with calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves and soda. It is possible to use a decoction of budra ivy (15 g of herb per glass cold water, after a long infusion, boil and strain).

Prevention and prevention of adenoid growth in children does not occur simultaneously, within short period. This is a long and rather difficult stage for the child and parents, which requires patience and certain strength. Most children do not like medical procedures, especially those performed long time. Therefore, we can translate part preventive measures V game uniform, making them an everyday part of a healthy lifestyle.

Prevention of adenoids – not a myth, but a real opportunity to forever protect a child from manifestations of adenoid vegetation, palatine tonsils and nasal tonsils inflamed by adenoid ugly transformations. Signs of adenoids, which are just “emerging” in the children’s nasopharynx can be seen on initial stages diseases. For this, parents do not need to have a special medical education, to be experts in pediatric visceral medicine (otolaryngology). Simply, you need to constantly monitor the slightest changes in the well-being and health of your children. Not in words, but in deeds, be friends with the great assistant of medicine - prevention.

The need for prevention

Unlike many diseases that have a viral, pathogenic bacterial and microbial etiology (tonsillitis, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox and a series of respiratory diseases) - signs of adenoids, how the incipient adenoid vegetation begins with a slow pace, unclear manifestations, much like a common lingering cold with a runny nose, nasal congestion and difficulty swallowing food. Depending on the physiological factors, which are listed below, depends on whether your child will constantly suffer from adenoids or whether he will safely outgrow the dangerous vulnerable period:

  • Strong or weak general immunity child;
  • Tolerance of protective forces to resistance to adenoid pathogenic infection;
  • The number and severity of the transferred respiratory diseases(accounted for the current half-year)
  • Congenital pathologies of a hereditary nature or acquired.

Types of preventive techniques

In vain, some overfanatically loving, suspicious mothers, grandmothers (and fathers and grandfathers too) think that a weakened baby can be protected from all kinds of infections - by complete isolation and surrounded by the fact of sterility. A child cannot be deprived of a full-fledged childhood, an environment of peers, and a free form of social communication. Such sick children should not be protected from diseases, adenoids in particular, but should be prevented and neutralized in advance. How? – physical hardening of the body, first of all!

  • Every morning preventive rinsing of the nose, gargling .

Articles on the topic Spa therapy for adenoids in children is wonderful!

To implement such a program, parents will initially need professional help. health care and consultation with physiotherapy staff. A physical therapist will conduct a physical examination of the child. If the baby does not have an anamnesis of current diseases entered in the child’s personal registration card, and the pediatrician does not object to the use of a complex strengthening procedure for rinsing the nasal cavities (pharyngeal rinses), the child will undergo the first, demonstrative manipulations in the office.

Parents will be advised medicinal solutions, herbal infusions, which positively strengthen, sanitize and disinfect the nasopharynx from already embedded, minor pathogenic microflora. They will write out a schedule for the alternate use of healing agents, and warn about the accuracy and caution of carrying out procedures at home (possible flooding of the middle ear, infection if cleanliness is not maintained).

This is a wonderful, tonic and strengthening effect. You need to start with room temperature (pleasant, warm water temperature) so that the child gets used to it and is not afraid of water douches. It is advisable to immediately accustom your child to the pleasant “rain” from the shower (in the bathroom). Gradually reduce the temperature of the water, but make sure that the baby adequately perceives the decrease. Don’t force the transition to cool “degrees”; adjust the warm/cool currents according to how he feels. The first stages of water douches should not be long (no more than 10-15 minutes), then thoroughly rub the child with a terry towel so that the skin turns red (do not overdo it!).

3) Oil therapy.

Since ancient times, it has been used as a preventive medicinal drug. various oils was considered especially healing method health improvement, treatment of diseases of the throat and nose. The pharmacy chain sells all kinds of oil preparations in free format (for massage, for external rubbing). The department of children's pharmacological products presents: rose oil(from medicinal species roses), nut, sea buckthorn, ginseng. Siberian cedar oil (from pine nuts) is of particular value. The oil is used as an ingredient and component for inhalations and nasal applications. external sides and the bridge of the nose, for gargling. Of course, you shouldn’t experiment with it yourself. oil treatments, immediately apply on your child. The technique should be agreed upon with an otolaryngologist, pediatrician, or physiotherapist.

Articles on the topic Bath for adenoids: beneficial or harmful?

What, specifically, in the clinical aspect do such preventive procedures bring, how do they affect the destruction of adenoid intoxication? According to the unanimous opinion of leading specialists in pediatric visceral otolaryngology and ENT diseases, the following effects:

  • Intensively activate the blood supply to the intramuscular epidermis of the nasopharyngeal organ;
  • Create ideal conditions to strengthen the elastic tone of the walls of the nasopharyngeal vessels;
  • Regular therapeutic effects, control interventions do not provide pathogenic microflora reduce;
  • They slow down the spread of the pathogenic process hundreds of times: infection, accumulation of pathogenic viral mass on the tonsils.

Main! Ecologically natural, natural methods wonderful and significant support, giving impetus to strengthening the overall immune system baby!

The adenoid problem in children can and should be dealt with. You cannot despair and lose your head in the face of the emerging adenoid danger, but you should not condescendingly ignore the trouble either. A disease called adenoid vegetation, or more simply, adenoids in a child’s nose and throat, is unfortunately a common childhood disease. In the majority severe cases falls on untimely response parents on diagnosing and treating the child.

Adults who themselves disdain such an important concept and definition as prevention miss it in the context children's health. A child lying on the operating table in a severe adenoid epicrisis, with a life-threatening stage of adenoiditis, is the result of a lack of timely alarm on the part of adults. Their permissive attitude towards the regularity and punctuality of treatment of adenoids, their categorical rejection of the prevention of adenoiditis in children! Prevention of adenoids in children is not just an empty phrase. This is a serious and important life factor - the key to children's health, which should never be forgotten!

The disease, which is called adenoids, often strikes at the most tender and vulnerable age - between 3 and 7 years. In fact, adenoids are a simplified version of the name of the problem, since this term refers to the pharyngeal tonsil, located on the roof of the nasopharynx and in in good condition every person has. The disease begins when this tonsil undergoes an inflammatory process, which leads to problems with breathing and hearing. Treatment of a child with such a diagnosis can be very diverse; depending on the stage of the disease, they can be used as medicinal methods, and surgical procedures. tissue growth without necessary treatment- This is a direct threat to the functioning of the brain, speech functions, concentration and the condition of the child’s middle ear. The disease can be treated, but it is not the most pleasant for the baby, so it is better to devote time and attention to preventing the problem and avoiding it altogether.

The diagnosis of “inflammation of the adenoids” can be made by an otolaryngologist based on the data diagnostic studies and patient complaints. You can suspect the presence of a problem if your child develops snoring, coughing, or nasal discharge, or worsening auditory functions, changes in the baby’s voice and difficulty in nasal breathing. This disease is the result of diseases that provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx (this could be measles, scarlet fever or influenza). Is it possible to confront this problem and prevent it? Definitely yes, for this, parents must introduce into the child’s life certain conditions and rules that will become preventive measures:

  • The first step is to take all possible measures to increase the level of the body's immune defense. First of all, we are talking about hardening the body and taking vitamin complexes. Hardening for young children begins with simple air baths, which are arranged in the same room where the baby is, gradually introducing water procedures;
  • is of no small importance proper nutrition and eating enough fresh vegetables and fruits to get all the vitamins and minerals, necessary for the child for the development of all systems;
  • if it happened that the baby caught an infection of the upper respiratory tract, you cannot hesitate - you must immediately consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations for treatment. Otherwise Negative consequences for health are simply inevitable;
  • train immune protection possible using regular walks in the fresh air and constant physical activity(activities in the pool, gymnastics, cycling, running, dancing and other sports have a good effect on the child’s health);
  • It is necessary to dress according to the weather - neither overheating nor hypothermia will benefit the baby;
  • You also need to monitor the microclimate in the house where the baby lives - the air should not be too dry or, on the contrary, too humid.

Doctor's note: following the recommendations described above will not only help prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the adenoids, but will also have a general beneficial effect, protecting the child from other diseases.

As you can see, the success of prevention depends entirely on how attentive parents are to their child and his health. It is important not to neglect periodic examinations in the hospital and tests - such activities often help in time to identify an asymptomatic disease.

Prevention of adenoids with folk remedies

Traditional medicine can offer its own methods in almost any matter, and adenoids in children are no exception. Guarantees for complete cure against disease when used exclusively unconventional means no one can give, but as a preventative measure, such measures work just fine.

Doctor's advice: if in addition general recommendations You decided to use recipes alternative medicine, then you must first inform your doctor about this. Only a specialist can answer the question of whether it will harm specific remedy child's health.

So, ethnoscience offers the following recipes for the prevention of adenoids:

  • infusion horsetail for rinsing the nasopharynx (take a glass of water for two tablespoons of herb and boil for 7 minutes, then cool and leave for several hours). Duration of daily procedures – up to 1 week;

Preparing the infusion of field cartilage will take you no more than 10 minutes

  • in equal proportions take black currant leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers, crushed rose hips and viburnum flowers. Using the traditional proportion of “a tablespoon – 200 ml of water,” leave it in a thermos for a third of a day and rinse your nose with the resulting infusion for three days;
  • a collection of doom bark, peppermint and St. John's wort is used to rinse the nasopharynx;
  • for 2 weeks, a few drops of thuja oil should be instilled into each nostril of the baby;
  • inhalation over the vapor of brewed ivy budra;
  • ointment from the herb St. John's wort in combination with celandine juice is used as a nasal instillation;
  • rinsing the nose with a solution of 100 ml clean water and 10 drops of orange juice.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky about the prevention of adenoids in children

Adenoids are pathological changes in the pharyngeal tonsil and manifest as excessive growth. They are pale pink in color and round or irregular shape, are located on a broad base in the arch of the nasopharynx.

Their surface is uneven and looks like a rooster's comb. Inflammation of the adenoids in children most often occurs at 5-10 years of age, in older late age this rarely happens, since in adults the adenoids are atrophied.

In this article we will talk about inflammation of the adenoids in a child and the symptoms of this disease, and also consider the causes and treatment that is used for different stages adenoids.

Adenoiditis is an inflammation of the adenoids that occurs in acute or chronic form. The causative agents of the disease are most often pneumococci, staphylococci (see), streptococci and adenoviruses.

Adenoids can become inflamed for the following reasons:

  1. Genetic predisposition– with an existing hereditary tendency to the growth of adenoids, frequent adenoiditis and malfunctions are observed thyroid gland, lethargy and apathy.
  2. Children's infectious diseases , such as scarlet fever, measles or diphtheria, as well as various viral diseases are often the cause of inflamed adenoids in a child.
  3. Allergic reactions of various etiologies available to the child.
  4. Immunodeficiency states.
  5. Chronic foci of infection that are present in the child’s body.

Note! It is extremely important that adenoiditis is distinguished from adenoid hypertrophy. The fact is that adenoiditis can be successfully treated conservatively, but adenoid hypertrophy quite often leads to the development of complications and requires surgical treatment.

Manifestation of the disease

It is worth noting that inflammation of the adenoids in a child may be accompanied by various clinical picture, depending on the form of the disease - acute or chronic.

Acute adenoiditis

Developing this disease quite quickly, with acute manifestation symptoms - increased body temperature, cough, intoxication of the body. When a child's adenoids become inflamed, he complains of painful sensations inside the nose and a headache, in addition, when swallowing, it hurts behind the soft palate, and the pain radiates to the ears and nasal cavity.

In the nasopharynx, a feeling of soreness and tickling appears in the throat, in the back of the head appears Blunt pain. Due to the spread of edema, hearing decreases and pain in the ears appears, impaired nasal breathing, nasality is noted.

In children infancy the sucking process is disrupted, the sputum has a yellowish-green color, the posterior palatine arches are hyperemic, the cough is wet and intrusive, and attacks of suffocation similar to subglottic laryngitis may occur.

On examination, redness and swelling of the pharyngeal tonsil, the presence of fibrinous plaque are noted, the grooves are filled with mucopurulent exudate. Occipital, posterior cervical and regional submandibular The lymph nodes sharply painful and enlarged.

The disease lasts on average about 5-7 days and tends to recur. In addition, it can affect the development of complications such as acute otitis media, sinusitis, bronchopneumonia and laryngotracheobronchitis.

Chronic adenoiditis

This form of the disease is a consequence of previously suffered acute adenoiditis. Accompanied by an increase in the size of the pharyngeal tonsil and a gradual increase in symptoms.

At night, mucus and pus entering the throat cause coughing, the presence of chronic inflammation in the nasopharynx cause inflammation auditory tube, and as a result, its patency is impaired and hearing decreases. Body temperature is subfebrile, noted headache, sleep disturbances and loss of appetite, weakness and fatigue.

Based on which inflammatory reaction was predominant, chronic adenoiditis divided into:

  • catarrhal;
  • exudative-serous;
  • mucopurulent;

Considering general state immunity and the degree of allergization distinguish the following types of disease:

  • the allergic component is pronounced;
  • reactions of the humoral immune system predominate;
  • the functional activity of the immune system is not sufficiently expressed.

Depending on how pronounced local signs inflammation and adjacent areas and organs are affected; the disease is usually divided into compensated, subcompensated and decompensated forms; in addition, adenoiditis can be superficial or lacunar.

Treatment of inflammation of the adenoids

In order to know how to relieve inflammation of the adenoids in a child, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis by an ENT specialist, who will decide on treatment based on the results of the studies obtained.

Instructions for the treatment of adenoiditis are primarily aimed at preserving organs, which means that surgery will only be considered as extreme measures in case of particularly advanced disease or serious complications.

The following methods are used to treat inflammation of the adenoids:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • detoxification drugs;
  • vasoconstrictor sprays or;
  • use of immunomodulators;
  • intranasal glucocorticoids;
  • vitamin therapy.

In addition, after consultation with a doctor, you can do it yourself by rinsing the nasopharynx and nasal cavity with solutions medicinal herbs and propolis (see). Irrigate with emulsions of eucalyptus, propolis, and Kalanchoe. The price of these medicinal products small, and they effectively help in treating inflammation.

From the photos and videos in this article, we learned about why inflammation of the adenoids occurs, what symptoms it is accompanied by, and what methods are used to treat adenoiditis.

The disease, which is called adenoids, often strikes at the most tender and vulnerable age - between 3 and 7 years. In fact, adenoids are a simplified version of the name of the problem, since this term refers to the pharyngeal tonsil, located on the roof of the nasopharynx and is normally present in any person. The disease begins when this tonsil undergoes an inflammatory process, which leads to problems with breathing and hearing. Treatment for a child with this diagnosis can be very varied; depending on the stage of the disease, both medication and surgical procedures can be used. Tissue growth without the necessary treatment is a direct threat to the functioning of the brain, speech functions, concentration and the condition of the child’s middle ear. The disease can be treated, but it is not the most pleasant for the baby, so it is better to devote time and attention to preventing the problem and avoiding it altogether.

The diagnosis of “inflammation of the adenoids” can be made by an otolaryngologist based on diagnostic tests and patient complaints. You can suspect the presence of a problem by the appearance of a child's snoring, coughing and nasal discharge, deterioration of hearing functions, changes in the baby's voice and difficulty in nasal breathing. This disease is the result of diseases that provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx (this could be measles, scarlet fever or influenza). Is it possible to confront this problem and prevent it? Definitely yes, for this, parents must introduce certain conditions and rules into the child’s life, which will become preventive measures:

  • The first step is to take all possible measures to increase the level of the body's immune defense. First of all, we are talking about hardening the body and taking vitamin complexes. Hardening for young children begins with simple air baths, which are arranged in the same room where the baby is, gradually introducing water procedures;
  • Equally important is proper nutrition and consumption of sufficient amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits to obtain all the vitamins and minerals a child needs for the development of all systems;
  • If it happens that your baby catches an upper respiratory tract infection, you cannot hesitate - you must immediately consult a doctor and follow all his treatment recommendations. Otherwise, negative health consequences are simply inevitable;
  • You can train your immune defense through regular walks in the fresh air and constant physical activity (exercising in the pool, gymnastics, cycling, running, dancing and other sports activities have a good effect on a child’s health);
  • It is necessary to dress according to the weather - neither overheating nor hypothermia will benefit the baby;
  • You also need to monitor the microclimate in the house where the baby lives - the air should not be too dry or, on the contrary, too humid.

Doctor's note: following the recommendations described above will not only help prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the adenoids, but will also have an overall beneficial effect, protecting the child from other diseases.

As you can see, the success of prevention depends entirely on how attentive parents are to their child and his health. It is important not to neglect periodic examinations in the hospital and tests - such activities often help in time to identify an asymptomatic disease.

Prevention of adenoids with folk remedies

Traditional medicine can offer its own methods in almost any matter, and adenoids in children are no exception. No one can give a guarantee of a complete cure for the disease using exclusively non-traditional means, but as a preventive measure, such measures work just fine.

Doctor's advice: if, in addition to general recommendations, you decide to use alternative medicine recipes, then you must first inform your doctor about this. Only a specialist can answer the question of whether a particular product will harm the child’s health.

So, traditional medicine offers the following recipes for the prevention of adenoids:

  • infusion of horsetail for rinsing the nasopharynx (take a glass of water for two tablespoons of herb and boil for 7 minutes, then cool and leave for several hours). Duration of daily procedures – up to 1 week;

Preparing the infusion of field cartilage will take you no more than 10 minutes

  • in equal proportions take black currant leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers, crushed rose hips and viburnum flowers. Using the traditional proportion of “a tablespoon – 200 ml of water,” leave it in a thermos for a third of a day and rinse your nose with the resulting infusion for three days;
  • a collection of doom bark, peppermint and St. John's wort is used to rinse the nasopharynx;
  • for 2 weeks, a few drops of thuja oil should be instilled into each nostril of the baby;
  • inhalation over the vapor of brewed ivy budra;
  • ointment from the herb St. John's wort in combination with celandine juice is used as a nasal instillation;
  • rinsing the nose with a solution of 100 ml of clean water and 10 drops of orange juice.

Video by Dr. Komarovsky about the prevention of adenoids in children

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