Isoprinosine can I take alcohol? Is isoprinosine and alcohol compatible? Is it permissible to combine Isoprinosine with alcoholic beverages?

  • Reviews

  • Isoprinosine represents antiviral drug with immunomodulatory activity, which is used to normalize immunity and correct disorders immune status for viral infections such as influenza, ARVI, almost all types of herpes (genital and labial, herpes keratitis, herpes zoster, chicken pox), papillomas and genital warts, cytomegalovirus infection, diseases caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis), measles, molluscum contagiosum.

    Composition, release forms and names of Isoprinosine

    Currently, Isoprinosine is available in the only dosage formtablets for oral administration. As active substance Isoprinosine tablets contain 500 mg inosine pranobex (inosiplex). There are no tablets with other dosages. Thus, Isoprinosine is available in a single dosage form with one dosage - these are 500 mg oral tablets.

    As auxiliary components Isoprinosine tablets contain the following substances:

    • Mannitol;
    • Wheat starch;
    • Magnesium stearate.
    The tablets have an oblong, elongated biconvex shape, painted white or practically White color, and are also equipped with a notch on one side. The tablets may emit a slight, specific amine odor. Packed in carton boxes 20, 30 or 50 tablets.

    In everyday speech, qualified names are often used to refer to this drug, such as Isoprinosine 500, Isoprinosine 50, Isoprinosine 30 etc. In these names, the number 500 means dosage active component drug. And the numbers 30 and 50 mean the number of tablets in the package. Such markings allow doctors, pharmacists and patients to quickly understand exactly how many tablets are needed.

    Therapeutic effect

    Isoprinosine has two main therapeutic effects– immunostimulating and antiviral. The antiviral effect consists of two components - direct suppression of viral reproduction and activation of the immune system, which destroys both the viral particles themselves and the cells affected by them.

    Stimulation of the immune system by Isoprinosine occurs due to the activation of the production of interleukins 1 and 2, as well as interferon gamma, which have anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, the production of interleukins 4 and 10 decreases, which, on the contrary, maintain and enhance inflammation in various organs and fabrics. As a result of this modulation of the production of interleukins and interferon, the intensity inflammatory process in any tissue or organ decreases, as a result of which the lesion decreases and recovery occurs normal structure cells.

    In addition, Isoprinosine activates the work of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells (NK cells), which destroy cells damaged by viruses, which also leads to a reduction in the size of the inflammatory focus and restoration of the structure of an organ or tissue. In parallel with the increase in the activity of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and NK cells under the influence of Isoprinosine, there is an increase in the production of T-suppressors and T-helpers, which help other cells of the immune system to “recognize” and destroy viruses or cellular structures affected by them. Separately, it should be noted that under the influence of Isoprinosine the production of antibodies increases IgG class, which also contribute to the destruction of virus-infected cells.

    All of the listed components of activation of the immune system (increased activity of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, NK-cells, T-helpers, T-suppressors, as well as the production of IgG, interleukins 1 and 2 and interferon gamma), aimed at destroying viruses, are implemented in the systemic bloodstream. That is, all these cells and substances end up in the blood, which flows to the affected organ or tissue. And when the blood flow delivers all the listed cells and substances to the required area, they are released and penetrate into the thickness of the tissue, where they exert their effect.

    In addition to reactions of activation of the immune system that occur in the bloodstream, there are other processes that occur directly in the thickness of the affected tissues or on the mucous membranes. The reactions of the immune system in the thickness of tissues and on mucous membranes are called local immunity, and represent a very important link in general mechanism destruction of viruses and cells affected by them. After all local immunity destroys viruses and affected cells constantly, without waiting for a massive reaction in the systemic bloodstream and, thereby, prevents pathogenic microorganisms from quickly infecting a large area of ​​tissue or organ. Under the influence of Isoprinosine, local immunity is activated, which is manifested by the accumulation large quantity monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils in the affected area of ​​the organ, which destroy cells infected with viruses.

    The direct effect of Isoprinosine on viruses is that the drug suppresses their reproduction by blocking the enzyme. dihydropteroate synthetase. In laboratory experiments Isoprinosine successfully inhibits the reproduction of the following viruses:

    • Herpes simplex types 1 and 2;
    • Cytomegalovirus;
    • Measles virus;
    • Human T-cell lymphoma virus type III;
    • Polioviruses;
    • Influenza viruses types A and B;
    • ECHO virus (human enterocytopathogenic virus);
    • Encephalomyelocarditis virus;
    • Equine encephalitis virus.

    Indications for use

    Isoprinosine is indicated for the treatment of the following: viral infections in people with weakened and normal immune systems:
    • Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
    • Herpetic infections caused by Herpes simplex viruses types 1, 2, 3 and 4 (labial and genital herpes, herpes keratitis);
    • Herpetic infections caused by the Varicella zoster virus - chickenpox and herpes zoster;
    • Cytomegalovirus infection;
    • Infections caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis);
    • Human papillomavirus infection in various manifestations, such as laryngeal papillomas, vocal cords, genital organs in men and women, as well as genital warts and warts of any localization;
    • Molluscum contagiosum;
    • Measles.

    Isoprinosine - instructions for use

    Isoprinosine tablets should be taken orally after meals, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a small amount of still water (half a glass is enough).

    Dosage calculation for children and adults

    The dosage of Isoprinosine is the same for the treatment of different viral diseases, but different for children and adults. This means that the drug in an age-specific dosage must be taken to treat all diseases for which it is indicated. Is the treatment plan different? various diseases only the duration of use of Isoprinosine.
    • – the dosage is calculated individually according to body weight, based on the ratio of 50 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. That is, if an adult’s body weight is 70 kg, then the daily dosage of Isoprinosine for him is 70 * 50 = 3500 mg, which corresponds to 7 tablets (3500/500). This calculated number of tablets is divided into 3 to 4 doses per day. Adults may not need to calculate the dosage of Isoprinosine individually, focusing on the average daily dose Isoprinosine for a person with normal body weight (60–80 kg) is 6–8 tablets. In addition, you can use a simplified version of calculating the daily dosage of Isoprinosine - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight.
    • Children 3 – 11 years old– the dosage is calculated individually according to body weight, based on the ratio of one tablet for every 10 kg of weight per day. That is, if a child’s body weight is 35 kg, then he should take 3.5 Isoprinosine tablets per day. The total daily amount of the drug for children is divided into 3–4 doses.
    At severe course infections, the dosage of Isoprinosine for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age is calculated individually, based on the ratio: 100 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. For example, if a child or adult has a body weight of 55 kg, then the daily dosage of Isoprinosine for him is 55 * 100 = 5500 mg. Next, to obtain the number of tablets corresponding to a given dosage, you need to divide the calculated value by 500 mg (the amount of active substance in one tablet): 5500/500 = 11 pieces. That is, an adult or teenager over 12 years of age with a severe viral infection can take 11 Isoprinosine tablets per day, dividing them into 3 to 4 doses.

    For children aged 3 to 11 years, the maximum daily dosage of Isoprinosine should not exceed the ratio of 50 mg per 1 kg of weight, regardless of the severity of the disease. For example, if a child weighs 20 kg, then he needs to take 2 tablets per day, which is 1000 mg. To check whether a given dosage does not exceed the maximum allowable, you should divide it by the child’s body weight - in our example, 1000/20 = 50. Then the resulting figure must be compared with 50, and if it is less, it means that the dosage is below the maximum permissible norm. If the resulting figure is more than 50, then the dosage of Isoprinosine is greater than the maximum allowable norm for a child. In this case, the dosage should be reduced. In our example, the calculated dosage is equal to the maximum permissible for a child, so it can be used.

    Elderly people (over 65 years of age) should take Isoprinosine at normal adult dosages without reducing them.

    The duration of use of Isoprinosine in individually calculated dosages is entirely determined by the type of disease.

    Reception for acute acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, measles, molluscum contagiosum and infectious mononucleosis

    For acute acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, measles, molluscum contagiosum and infectious mononucleosis, Isoprinosine in an individual age dosage should be taken for 5 to 14 days. Treatment is continued until the clinical symptoms of the disease completely disappear and for two additional days if there are no symptoms. At residual effects or in case of severe, protracted course of the disease, the course of use of Isoprinosine can be increased and the drug taken for more than 14 days. However, increasing the duration of therapy should only be done under the supervision of a physician.

    Use for chronic diseases with recurring exacerbations (genital and labial herpes, herpes zoster, infection caused by cytomegalovirus)

    At chronic diseases with repeated exacerbations (genital and labial herpes, herpes zoster, infection caused by cytomegalovirus) Isoprinosine should be taken in an age-specific individual dosage in short courses lasting 5-10 days with breaks between them of 8 days. To achieve stable remission, it is necessary to take Isoprinosine for at least 4 - 5 short courses of 5 - 10 days. After completing short courses of treatment, it is necessary to take Isoprinosine in a maintenance dosage of 1 to 2 tablets once a day for 30 days.

    In addition, it is possible to use another treatment regimen, which consists of taking Isoprinosine in an age-specific individual dosage until the symptoms of exacerbation of the disease completely disappear. Then the drug should be continued to be taken at the same dosage for another two weeks, which is necessary to achieve stable remission.

    Reception for any herpetic infection (chickenpox, herpes keratitis, genital or labial herpes, herpes zoster)

    For any herpetic infection(chickenpox, herpes keratitis, genital or labial herpes, herpes zoster) in acute period Isoprinosine should be taken in an individual age-specific dosage for 5 to 10 days or until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. In case of severe infection, the duration of the course of therapy can be increased to 15 days. During periods of remission, to prevent and reduce the number of relapses of herpes infection, adults and children are recommended to take one Isoprinosine tablet once a day for 30 days.

    Reception for papillomas of any localization, human papillomavirus infection or genital warts

    For papillomas of any location, human papillomavirus infection or genital warts, Isoprinosine should be taken for 14 to 28 days. Moreover, for condylomas, taking Isoprinosine should be combined with their surgical removal, and for papillomas, you just need to take pills. The dosage of Isoprinosine for papillomas, human papillomavirus infection and condylomas is the same and is determined by age:
    • Adults and teenagers over 12 years old – take 2 tablets 3 times a day.
    • Children 3 – 11 years olddaily dosage Isoprinosine is calculated individually according to the ratio: one tablet for every 10 kg of the child’s weight. Calculated total dosage The drug is divided into 3–4 doses per day and given to the child for 14–28 days.
    For papillomas, one course of therapy with Isoprinosine is sufficient, and the formations are removed surgically no need. And for condylomas, you should first remove the formations using any surgical method, then immediately drink Isoprinosine for 14 – 28 days at an age-appropriate dosage. Then, at intervals of one month, two more courses of Isoprinosine therapy should be repeated to achieve stable remission and prevent reappearance condylomas on the genitals.

    Isoprinosine for HPV

    For cervical dysplasia associated with the human papillomavirus, Isoprinosine should be taken 2 tablets 3 times a day for 10 days. Then they take a break for 10–14 days and repeat the course of therapy. In total, it is necessary to carry out 2–3 courses of therapy with intervals between them lasting 10–14 days.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Since there is no reliable data on the safety of using Isoprinosine during pregnancy, it is recommended not to take the drug during the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    special instructions

    During the entire period of use of Isoprinosine, the concentration of uric acid in urine and blood should be determined every two weeks. Even if the entire course of treatment lasted only two weeks, then at the end of it the concentration should also be determined uric acid in blood and urine.

    At long-term use With isoprinosine, the cellular composition of peripheral blood should be monitored every 4 weeks by calculating the leukoformula as part of a general blood test, as well as monitoring the functioning of the liver and kidneys by determining the activity of AST and ALT, as well as the concentrations of creatinine and uric acid in the blood.

    In addition, it is necessary to frequently (at least once a week) monitor the concentration of uric acid in the blood when using Isoprinosine concomitantly with drugs that impair kidney function or promote the accumulation of uric acid.

    Impact on the ability to operate machinery

    Isoprinosine does not affect the central nervous system and, accordingly, does not impair the ability to control mechanisms. Therefore, during therapy with Isoprinosine, you can engage in any type of activity that requires high speed reactions and concentration.


    An overdose of Isoprinosine has never been recorded during the entire period of observation of its clinical use.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Immunosuppressants reduce the effectiveness of Isoprinosine when used simultaneously.

    Drugs from the groups of xanthine oxidase inhibitors (for example, Allopurinol, Zilorik, Milurit, Purinol, Allopin, etc.) and uricosuric drugs (salicylates, including Aspirin, Probenecid, Benemid, Sulfinpyrazone, diuretics, etc.) increase the risk of increasing the concentration of urinary acids in the blood and the development of gout.

    With simultaneous use of Isoprinosine with Acyclovir and Zidovudine, the antiviral effect the latter.

    Isoprinosine for children

    Children can be given Isoprinosine only from 3 years of age, but provided that the child’s body weight is equal to or greater than 15 kg. If a child is over 3 years old, but his body weight is below 15 kg, then he cannot take Isoprinosine.

    As a rule, the drug is used for children to treat acute viral infections (ARVI, influenza, measles, chickenpox, molluscum contagiosum, infectious mononucleosis) or recurrent diseases associated with the herpes virus (for example, herpes on the lip, etc.). IN general case It is recommended to give the child Isoprinosine for 5 to 15 days, depending on the severity of the infection and the speed of disappearance of symptoms. In this case, it is necessary to use the rule that when acute diseases Isoprinosine should be taken additionally for two days after the symptoms disappear, and for chronic recurrent infections, this should be done within two weeks after the exacerbation subsides. In addition, after stopping a relapse of a chronic infection, you can give Isoprinosine to a child 1 tablet per day for 30 days, and not in full dosage for two weeks.

    Isoprinosine is an immunomodulatory agent with antiviral activity and is used to restore immunity and correct disorders of the immune status resulting from exposure to viral infections.

    That is why this drug is widely used in the treatment of the following infections:

    Can I take Isoprinosine with alcohol? What is the compatibility of this drug and alcohol? What are patient reviews of this combination? Let's try to figure out these questions. Let's start with the contraindications to the use of this medicine.

    In what cases should Isoprinosine not be used?

    Contraindications to the use of Isoprinosine are (reviews available on the Internet generally confirm this):

    In addition, patients using Isoprinosine should:

    • check the level of uric acid in the blood and urine every two weeks;
    • check the cellular composition of peripheral blood every four weeks by counting leukocyte formula within general analysis urine;
    • monitor the functioning of the liver and kidneys by determining the activity of AST and ALT and creatine;
    • check the level of uric acid in the blood daily if used together with medications, which can affect kidney function and provoke the accumulation of uric acid.

    What are the side effects of using Isoprinosine?

    The main side effects associated with the use of Isoprinosine are:

    And reviews from patients who use the drug to treat certain diseases fully confirm this.

    What is the compatibility of Isoprinosine with alcohol?

    Despite the fact that the instructions for use do not contain any information about whether Isoprinosine can be taken with alcohol, it is strictly forbidden to combine them.

    And this is explained by the following factors.

    Video: Can Isoprinosine drink alcohol?

    • depressive states;
    • the appearance of suicidal thoughts;
    • sensory disturbances - tingling of the limbs, numbness, etc.

    Thus, we can say that the compatibility of the components of the Isoprinosine - alcohol combination is zero. And reviews from patients who dared to drink Isoprinosine with alcohol fully confirm this.


    “The halfway point of treatment with Isoprinosine was on my birthday. It is quite natural that there was some alcohol involved. The next day my head hurt really bad. True, I don’t know what it was connected with - the medicine or the alcohol.”
    Kirill Petrov, St. Petersburg

    “I didn’t believe the warnings about the incompatibility of alcohol and Isoprinosine, and I paid for it. Never drink them together!”
    Victoria Pavlova, Moscow

    “I never thought that after taking medication with alcohol it could be so bad!”
    Pavel Mishkin, Vologda

    Attention, TODAY only!


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    The medicine Isoprinosine is used to enhance defenses and strengthen the immune system. Alcohol acts in the opposite way. When abusing alcohol-containing drinks, the immune system suffers no less than the nervous system. vascular system, heart.

    Isoprinosine: properties

    Isoprinosine is an immunomodulatory, antiviral agent and is a purine derivative. Produced in the form of white tablets with a slight odor.


    • stimulates T-helper lymphocytes, T-suppressor lymphocytes, regulating the body’s immune response;
    • enhances the synthesis of IgG, interleukins, interferon;
    • acts against cytomegalovirus, influenza viruses, measles, poliovirus.

    The antiviral effect of the drug is based on the ability to suppress the synthesis of RNA viruses. After administration, it is detected in plasma within 2 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys and cannot accumulate in the body.

    The half-life of Isoprinosine is 3.5 hours. Time complete removal from the body of the drug itself and its metabolites can last up to 48 hours.


    The antiviral drug is contraindicated for urolithiasis, cardiac arrhythmia, and gout attacks. Children under 3 years of age and patients with renal failure.

    Side effects

    Frequent side effects that occur after consuming Isoprinosine are changes in the digestive tract.

    When taking medication, you may experience:

    May be harmed by taking the medication gallbladder, liver. A common side effect that develops after taking the medicine is headache.

    The patient may experience dizziness, sleep disturbances, and deterioration in health. A common side effect in patients with gout is exacerbation.

    Interaction with alcohol

    The instructions for the drug indicate the need to control the concentration of uric acid during long-term (more than 14 days) treatment. It is also necessary to control the uric acid content when taking drugs that impair the functions of the kidneys and liver. Has properties to destroy the liver, kidneys and ethanol, accordingly, the question of whether the drug can be taken with alcoholic beverages is quite logical.

    Effects on the liver

    Side effects of both alcohol and Isoprinosine include an increase in the activity of liver enzymes transaminases. These enzymes ensure intracellular metabolism. An increase in their concentration means trouble in the body and indicates the possibility of hepatosis.

    The level of another liver enzyme increases when taking alcohol and Isoprinosine - alkaline phosphatase. Ethyl alcohol and medicine increase the concentration of enzymes. Their combined action leads to a double toxic load on the liver.

    Alcohol and drug poisoning liver disease is accompanied by the death of liver cells and the development of liver failure.

    Effects on the kidneys

    Ethanol destroys the functions of the liver and kidneys and has diuretic properties. The combination of alcohol and medication threatens to increase the level of uric acid in the blood caused by the diuretic properties of ethyl alcohol. Ethanol, exhibiting the properties of a diuretic, removes fluid from the body, increasing the concentration of ammonia in the blood plasma, worsening the condition of the kidneys.

    Taking Isoprinosine causes an increase in the synthesis of interferon gamma, a substance that has the property of enhancing the effect of ethanol and its metabolites. Concomitant use contributes to the development of depression with suicidal thoughts.

    Compatibility with gout

    The combination of ethyl alcohol and medication is especially dangerous for patients with gout. This disease is caused by a disorder of purine metabolism, and Isoprinosine, as indicated in the instructions, is a synthetic derivative of purine.

    In addition, ethanol is prohibited for patients with gout, and gout attacks are usually observed after drinking alcoholic beverages. If you combine a purine derivative with alcohol, you should expect an attack of gout in people suffering from this disease.

    Possible consequences

    The simultaneous use of alcohol and medication can:

    • cause weakening of the immune system;
    • cause an attack of gout;
    • liver failure;
    • an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, threatening the body with kidney failure.

    How soon can you drink alcohol?

    After consuming Isoprinosine, you can drink alcohol after 3.5 hours - the half-life of the drug from the body. For patients with gout and purine metabolism disorders, it is recommended to take the medicine after complete elimination of the drug, i.e. after 48 hours.

    Isoprinosine is taken after alcohol after the time required to utilize the consumed ethyl alcohol. You can calculate this time period using.

    Can Isoprinosine be taken with alcohol? This frequently asked question. Let's take a closer look. "Isoprinosine" is a drug that is an immunomodulator, as well as antiviral agent, its active ingredients are purine derivatives. This drug is produced in the form of tablets that have a slight odor and white color.

    This drug acts as a stimulator of lymphocytes and also helps to enhance the synthesis of IgG, interferon and interleukins. Isoprinosine is active against influenza viruses, poliovirus, cytomegalovirus, and measles virus. In addition, the antiviral effect of the drug is based on the fact that the synthesis of RNA viruses is suppressed.

    Active substances in blood plasma medicine are detected after 2 hours and are excreted by the kidneys.

    The compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol interests many.


    The drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, as well as people suffering from renal failure, cardiac arrhythmia, urolithiasis and gout. The use of the drug is unacceptable in cases of use alcoholic drinks.

    Side effects

    Most often, the side effect of this medication manifests itself in the form of digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain). People taking the medication may experience headaches, dizziness, and sleep disturbances.

    Isoprinosine and alcohol - compatibility

    The instructions for the drug indicate that when taking it, it is necessary to monitor the level of uric acid in cases of long-term use. Similar monitoring is also necessary when taking drugs that can impair kidney and liver function. Ethyl alcohol also tends to destroy liver cells, so drinking alcohol in combination with this drug is extremely dangerous.

    Effects on the liver

    As a drug, Isoprinosine increases the activity of liver enzymes, the so-called “transaminases”. These enzymes carry out metabolism inside cells, and an increase in their concentration contributes to the development of hepatosis, as well as cirrhosis of the liver. So, can you drink alcohol while taking Isoprinosine?

    When alcohol is combined with a drug, the level of another liver enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, increases. Ethyl alcohol promotes sharp increase amount of this substance, and the combined effect with an antiviral agent leads to the fact that the human liver experiences double load.

    This is the effect of ethyl alcohol and active ingredients The drug is accompanied by active death of liver cells and the development of acute liver failure. So the answer to the question whether it is possible to drink alcohol and Isoprinosine is the word “no”.

    Effects on the kidneys

    Alcohol, having diuretic properties, contributes to the disruption of not only the functions of the liver, but also the kidneys. In combination with the components of the drug “Isoprinosine”, the level of uric acid in a person’s blood sharply increases, which is caused by the diuretic property of ethyl alcohol. Alcohol, as is known, actively removes fluid from the body and increases the concentration of such fluid in the blood. dangerous substance, like ammonia, which greatly worsens the condition of the kidneys and disrupts their function of removing excess fluid.

    Taking the drug “Isoprinosine” causes an increase in the synthesis of interferon gamma in the body, which is a substance that enhances the effect of alcohol and its metabolites, ethyl alcohol.

    Among other things, the combined use of Isoprinosine and drinks containing ethyl alcohol provokes depression and suicidal thoughts.

    Effect on the nervous system

    The use of the drug "Isoprinosine" in combination with alcoholic beverages has a negative impact on the condition of the central nervous system person, since the main action this tool- increase immune defense, and ethyl alcohol is known to affect the brain, which helps slow down its working processes. This provokes heavy loads for the whole organism as a whole, it cannot resist the disease, and the medicine turns out to be powerless.

    In addition, alcohol inhibits mental reactions, just like this drug, which contributes to disorders of the nervous system.

    Impact on the condition of people with gout

    People suffering from a disease such as gout should especially avoid joint reception the drug "Isoprinosine" with alcohol, since this disease is caused by the fact that the human body is disrupted purine metabolism, and this medication, as indicated in the instructions, is a derivative of purine synthesis.

    We have described the compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol, and below we present the possible consequences.

    Possible consequences

    At simultaneous administration medications and alcohol can be triggered by:

    How long after taking the drug can I drink alcohol?

    After taking the drug "Isoprinosine", at least 4 hours should pass. After this period of time has expired, you can drink drinks containing ethyl alcohol. This is because the half-life of this medicine is 3.5-4 hours, depending on the characteristics of the body. People suffering from gout can drink alcohol only two days after the last dose of the drug, that is, from the moment it is completely eliminated.

    After drinking alcoholic beverages, Isoprinosine can be taken only after the time required to remove ethyl alcohol from the body has passed. This time period varies depending on what alcoholic drink consumed, and you can calculate it using a special alcohol calculator.

    This is the compatibility of Isoprinosine and alcohol.


    Doctors' recommendations are clear - while using the drug, you should stop taking drinks containing ethyl alcohol, which either reduces the effect of the drug or distorts it, which is directly aimed at damaging the vital organs and systems of the human body.

    Medicines and alcohol are incompatible things. This must be remembered. If any celebration is planned during the period of treatment with isoprinosine, it is still better to refrain from drinking strong drinks.

    Isoprinosine is a drug that stimulates immune system. It is prescribed against viral diseases, influenza, chicken pox, genital herpes, herpes zoster, severe measles, infectious mononucleosis, molluscum contagiosum, human papillomavirus infections.

    The compatibility of isoprinosine with alcohol is not indicated in the annotation, but there are warnings about adverse reactions, as well as contraindications. Thus, this drug is not recommended for people with urolithiasis, chronic renal failure, or arrhythmia.

    Now, for a moment, you can imagine what will happen if a person with the above symptoms combines alcohol with isoprinosine, as they say, “in one bottle.” Let's return to the annotation. It says in black and white that long-term use this drug must be accompanied laboratory research and monitoring the condition of the liver. Consider contraindications (chronic liver failure) and we have a medicine, the use of which can negatively affect our internal filter. The liver of a person who likes to “take to the breast” differs significantly from the liver of a healthy person, therefore, combining the incompatible, there is a great risk to health and even life.

    The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows: isoprinosine stimulates the work of its own interferon (protein substance), which makes cells not susceptible to viruses. Not everyone knows this, but interferon also enhances the effect of ethanol, and as a result, the products of its metabolism. This factor suggests that the already unstable psyche of an alcoholic can malfunction and lead to the development of psychopathologies. Not only does the liver suffer, but the person will also experience suicidal thoughts, permanent state depression. Even for a patient leading healthy image life, but having, for example, urolithiasis, taking the “explosive” mixture is contraindicated.

    Alcohol interferes with the action medicines, in one case this can lead to ineffective treatment, in another it can cause severe side effects, provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition, or an exacerbation. The most common of side effects is allergic reaction, because each person is unique, and what is good for one will be undesirable or negative for another.

    Symptoms in in this case will be the following:

    • Redness of some areas of the skin (face, arms, neck, abdomen);
    • Redness skin(fully);
    • Itching, rashes on the body;
    • Headache;
    • Vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain;
    • Facial swelling (Quincke reaction);
    • A sharp increase/decrease in pressure;
    • Runny nose, tears;
    • Symptoms similar to asthma;
    • Changes in body temperature.

    Diarrhea and vomiting may also occur. What to do in similar cases? Eliminate the allergen and do not self-medicate. Nobody knows what other trick your body might pull. Most reasonable solution from this situation - go to see a doctor and get examined. Or, if you are brought by an ambulance, specialists will cleanse the body (droppers with glucose solution, administration saline solutions intravenously and other manipulations). Also, a person who abuses alcohol can undergo blood purification using special filters.

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