How long can Vibrocil be used? Can Vibrocil drops be used to treat babies under one year of age? What are the dangers of using medication at different stages of pregnancy?

A pregnant woman has to limit herself in many ways. This applies to diet, habits, physical and emotional stress and the use of medications. However, it is very rare to remain completely healthy throughout the entire period, given that the pregnant woman’s immunity is weakened. For this reason, acute respiratory infections, which are usually accompanied by a runny nose, are a common disease among expectant mothers. While carrying a child, not all medications are allowed, but sometimes you cannot do without the help of medications.

Release forms and composition of the drug

Vibrocil is complex drug, which is particularly intended to eliminate signs of rhinitis of allergic or other etiology. Contains 2 active ingredients:

  1. Phenylephrine - provides a vasoconstrictor effect. The substance quickly relieves swelling of the sinus mucosa, reduces the volume of discharge and relieves nasal breathing.
  2. Dimetindene - is responsible for eliminating allergy symptoms, relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, which was caused not by dilated blood vessels, but by their increased permeability. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, use is strictly prohibited; in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, use is permitted, but very carefully and for medical reasons.

The drug is available in 3 forms - nasal drops, spray, gel. Each of the release forms contains the same amount of active ingredients per 1 g or ml of medication: phenylephrine - 2.5 mg, dimethindene - 0.25 mg. The only difference is ease of use. When using drops, the risk of overdose is minimal.

pharmachologic effect

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Thanks to its composition, Vibrocil has a complex effect and is effective in situations where other vasoconstrictor drugs are powerless. Pharmacological properties medications:

  1. Vasoconstrictor. The drug is indispensable for seasonal illnesses (acute respiratory infections and colds), during which the patient often suffers from a runny nose and nasal congestion (we recommend reading:).
  2. Antiallergic. A common symptom allergies is a runny nose, accompanied severe itching in the nasal sinuses. If conventional vasoconstrictor medications do not help, Vibrocil will quickly eliminate symptoms and relieve itching.
  3. The anticongestive effect is expressed in reducing the swelling of the mucous membrane and quick removal swelling.

Can Vibrocil be used by pregnant women?

In accordance with the instructions, Vibrocil is not recommended for use during pregnancy. This is due to the vasoconstrictor effect of one of the ingredients. Possible negative effects as a result of using the drug in pregnant women:

  1. Absorption of the active substance through the mucous membranes into the general bloodstream. As a result, all vessels experience a vasoconstrictor effect, including those through which nutrients and oxygen reach the fetus.
  2. An increase in blood pressure (BP) in a pregnant woman and, accordingly, an additional load on the kidneys, which are already overloaded during pregnancy.
  3. Addiction. A larger dosage will be required over time to obtain the desired effect.

Often folk or homeopathic remedies cannot help cure rhinitis. This poses a threat to the pregnant woman and the child, since long-term nasal congestion in most cases causes oxygen starvation baby or development of sinusitis in the mother. Then the only solution is a vasoconstrictor. A small dose should not have any effect Negative influence, therefore, if the danger to the health of the expectant mother exceeds the risk of complications for the fetus, the doctor prescribes Vibrocil.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

Despite unwanted use medications during pregnancy, there are indications for which taking the drug is advisable:

  • acute form of rhinitis of various etiologies (infectious, viral, bacteriological, allergic and even provoked by hormonal changes);
  • chronic runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • acute purulent form otitis media;
  • rhinoplasty (preparatory period and recovery period);
  • nasal injury with dry mucous membrane.

Are there any contraindications?

Vibrocil can be used with caution by pregnant women. During treatment with the drug, strict adherence to the dosage and all doctor’s recommendations is necessary.

The medicine has a number of contraindications when its use is strictly prohibited:

  • high sensitivity to the constituent ingredients;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • renal failure;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

What are the dangers of using the medicine at different stages of pregnancy?

Long-term and irregular use of any vasoconstrictor medications during pregnancy at any stage can cause:

  • embryo hypoxia;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • excessive stress on the kidneys.

Due to the fact that in the first three months of gestation, the active formation of the fetus and placenta occurs, during this period there is high risk termination of pregnancy. To eliminate such a threat, Vibrocil is not prescribed. The medicine can only be used from the 2nd trimester. However, even during this period, great care should be taken and monitor the body’s reaction and changes in the condition of the pregnant woman. Despite the fact that the main organs of the fetus are already formed after the first 3 months, it continues to develop, and taking Vibrocil may disrupt the normal development process.

Treatment regimen for pregnant women and dosage (drops, spray, gel)

Therapy during pregnancy is similar to the standard treatment regimen, the dosage is determined by the form of the drug:

  1. Drops. Drop 3-4 drops into each nasal passage at a time, three times a day. The recommended position for instillation is sitting, with the head tilted back. You must remain in this position for some time after the drops have been instilled.
  2. Spray. Apply injections four times a day, 1-2 in each nasal passage. The procedure is best done while sitting. The tip is inserted into the nose, pressing is done and the sprayed particles are inhaled.
  3. Gel. Used for applications (3-4 times a day). It is recommended to do the last application at night.

Any of the release forms cannot be used for more than 5-7 days. There is no children's version of the drug that would be safe for pregnant women. For children, the daily and single dosage is simply reduced.

Possible side effects

Vibrocil, like any medicine, can cause a number of side effects:

  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses;
  • burning, itching and discomfort in the nose;
  • bleeding;
  • the appearance of swelling on the face or eyelids;
  • general weakness.

Vibrocil overdose

If you do not follow the doses prescribed by a specialist or indicated in the instructions, an overdose is possible. This especially applies to such forms of release as spray and gel, when controlling the dosage is not as easy as when using drops. ABOUT possible overdose The following symptoms indicate:

  • increased heart rate;
  • pain in the occipital region;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor;
  • excited state;
  • pale skin;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weakness;
  • unstable arterial pressure;
  • nausea and gag reflex;
  • spasmodic abdominal pain.

When similar symptoms need to contact you immediately medical care. Before they arrive medical workers You can drink Sorbex.

Effective analogues

Vibrocil is not one of the medications that can be used without risk during pregnancy; moreover, the drug has a number of strict contraindications, so it is necessary to select safe analogues. This should be done by a specialist, taking into account individual characteristics body and the condition of the pregnant woman.

Among similar drugs with a similar composition there are Edem Rhino, Alergomax, Grippocitron Rhinos, Milt. However, having practically the same active ingredients, these medications can cause the listed complications for the expectant mother and fetus.

Due to the unsafety of the above drugs against rhinitis, the most suitable options for pregnant women that can effectively cope with a stuffy nose are medications based on sea ​​water or essential oils(Salin, Aqua Maris, No-Sol, Humer, Aqualor, Pinosol and Neonox). These medications help cleanse the nasal passages, moisturize the mucous membrane and reduce swelling.

While waiting for the baby future mom is especially sensitive and attentive to his well-being. However, most pregnant women are prone to illness. This is explained by a banal decrease immune defense for normal attachment and development of the fertilized egg. Treat colds most possible in a variety of ways. Currently, drug manufacturers offer tablets, pills, syrups and sprays that can be taken while expecting a child. In this article we will talk about the drug “Vibrocil”. You can use it during pregnancy or not, you will find out further. It is also worth mentioning contraindications for use of this medicine. How to use the drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy, reviews from women - all this will be described below.

and treatment with Vibrocil drops

It is worth saying a few words about the nature of the origin of the runny nose before you find out what the instructions say about the drug “Vibrocil”. During pregnancy, a woman's nasopharynx undergoes some changes. The internal one is being rebuilt. All this happens due to the active production of a hormone called progesterone.

Almost half of expectant mothers complain of nasal congestion and an increase in the amount of mucus discharge. At the same time, women feel great and have no additional symptoms colds. All this is completely normal. In medicine there is a concept called “rhinitis during pregnancy.” This is exactly what applies to expectant mothers with a protracted form of a runny nose.

Also, the appearance of snot can be caused by a virus or bacterial infection. In this case, in addition to nasal congestion and mucus discharge, the woman experiences general malaise and a slight increase in body temperature.

A runny nose while expecting a baby can be caused by development allergic reaction. Most often this happens during the change from one season to another.

It is worth noting that whatever the nature of the appearance of a runny nose, it must be treated. Otherwise this pathology can go to chronic form and cause some complications. The drug “Vibrocil” will help eliminate all of the above symptoms of the disease. Will drops during pregnancy be harmless for the mother and the unborn baby? Let's try to understand this issue.

What do the instructions say?

The annotation states that the drug "Vibrocil" is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. However, it is prohibited to use all forms of this product. Why does the manufacturer so categorically prohibit the use of this medicine?

The drug contains two main substances: phenylephrine and dimethindene. The first remedy is great vasoconstrictor medication. After contact with the mucous membrane, phenylephrine is instantly absorbed and begins its work. Within a few seconds, the patient feels easier breathing and relief from congestion in the nasal passages. Dimetindene can be called an antiallergic drug. It helps relieve itching, stop sneezing and excessive mucus production.

The effect of these active ingredients on the fetus has not yet been fully studied. But one thing has been proven for sure: the product is very quickly absorbed into the blood and spreads throughout the body. That is why the manufacturer is trying to protect expectant mothers from using this drug.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Why else is the drug “Vibrocil” contraindicated during pregnancy? This medicine has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. Let's try to figure out what could be dangerous about this.

During pregnancy, the drug "Vibrocil" acts not only on the sinuses. Of course, the product makes breathing easier due to this. This is its main task. However, the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood and affects the blood vessels of the whole body. Due to the narrowing of the lumen for blood movement, blood pressure may increase. During the period of bearing a child, this effect can turn out quite disastrously for a woman.

After sharp increase pressure and constriction of the blood vessels of the placenta, the flow of oxygen into the uterine cavity is limited. Consequently future baby may experience hypoxia to varying degrees gravity. If you regularly use the drug "Vibrocil" during pregnancy, you can cause a delay in the development of the fetus or its death (in more severe situations).

Effect on kidney function

Why else could Vibrocil be dangerous during pregnancy? The 2nd trimester is characterized by an increased load on the uterus. It is at this time that the uterus actively begins to grow. As a result, pressure occurs on the kidneys, bladder and output channels.

If you use Vibrocil drops, acute renal failure may occur due to increased pressure. It is already difficult for this organ to cope with the increased load, and you are only aggravating the situation by taking something like this medicine.

Reaction from the respiratory system

As you know, the medicine has antiallergic and vasoconstrictive effects. If the expectant mother suffers from a constant runny nose, then after using this remedy she will certainly feel better. However, if treatment is stopped, all symptoms will return again. This is why some women use Vibrocil drops during pregnancy (2nd trimester, 3rd and 1st). This treatment can lead to a number of complications.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the manufacturer does not allow the use of the drug for more than one week in a row. Otherwise, you can dry out the nasal mucosa and earn money. If the expectant mother uses this type of drops throughout her pregnancy, this will most likely inevitably lead to negative consequences.

What do doctors say?

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe Vibrocil drops during pregnancy. 3rd trimester is the only time when doctors examine this remedy for treatment. Everything is explained quite simply. During the first and second periods of pregnancy, the baby is not yet sufficiently protected from harmful effects and influence external factors. In the third trimester, the formed placenta is already fully functioning, acting as a filter and preventing unnecessary compounds from entering the baby’s body. In this regard, the active substance dimethindene does not penetrate into circulatory system future child. However, with phenylephrine things are a little different. Even the placenta is not able to protect itself and the baby from the influence of this drug. That is why doctors, when prescribing this remedy, weigh the pros and cons, taking into account the possible risks.

When is the drug prescribed during pregnancy?

In what cases do doctors allow the use of this medicine while expecting a baby? If the expectant mother suffers from severe allergies that do not allow her to breathe normally, then the complications of the disease may be more serious than the risk from using the drug. Since the nasal passages are clogged, oxygen does not flow properly into the body. All this causes severe hypoxia and fetal suffering.

It is in this case that doctors allow the use of the drug “Vibrocil” in a minimum dosage. When a woman has a common runny nose, doctors try to choose an alternative treatment.

The drug Vibrocil is a drug belonging to the pharmacological group of antihistamine vasoconstrictor medications. It has a combined mechanism of action and is used to treat allergic or infectious-inflammatory diseases accompanied by rhinitis (runny nose), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

Composition and release form

The drug Vibrocil is produced in three dosage forms– nasal drops, nasal spray and nasal gel. The active substances of all forms of the medication, according to the instructions, are two types of compounds - dimethindene maleate and phenylephrine. The drops are a colorless or yellowish transparent solution, available in 15 ml glass bottles, which are accompanied by a special pipette.

Vibrocil spray is a transparent, colorless or slightly yellow solution with the smell of lavender, packaged in 10 ml polyethylene bottles with a sprayer. The homogeneous gel is colorless, flavored with lavender extract, and packaged in aluminum tubes of 12 mg. All forms of release of the drug are accompanied by instructions for the use of Vibrocil. Full composition the medicine is:

Release form

Active components

Auxiliary components

Dimetindene maleate, phenylephrine

Benzalkonium chloride (50% solution), citric acid monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, lavender oil, sorbitol, purified water

Citric acid monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, sorbitol, lavender oil, benzalkonium chloride solution, purified water

Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, citric acid monohydrate, sorbitol, benzalkonium chloride solution, hypromellose, lavender oil, purified water

pharmachologic effect

Medicine Vibrocil has both a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect for nasal congestion.. The active component phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic that locally stimulates α1-adrenergic receptors located in venous vessels mucous membranes of the nose, which provides a vasoconstrictor effect while relieving swelling paranasal sinuses. Dimetindene is a histamine H1 receptor blocker that has an antiallergic effect without reducing activity ciliated epithelium.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

With local intranasal use of Vibrocil, a small part of the active substances enters the systemic bloodstream. According to the instructions, the effect of the drug components appears regardless of their concentration in the blood plasma. The use of the gel has a more long-term therapeutic effect compared to the action of drops or spray.

Indications for use

IN medical practice the drug is prescribed for local intranasal therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and for rhinitis of an allergic nature. Vibrocil is indicated for the following diseases and states:

Directions for use and dosage

According to the instructions, Vibrocil for adults and children is buried or placed in nasal cavity after thoroughly cleaning it. Dosages depend on the age of the patient, duration of use depends on the state of external respiration function, the rate of decrease in the severity of rhinitis symptoms. Continuous use of the drug for more than one week is not recommended.

Vibrocil drops

The dosage of this remedy for adult patients is 3-4 drops in each nasal passage, no more than 3-4 times a day. Instillation is carried out into a cleansed nasal cavity, it is better to tilt your head back during the process. After administering the drug, this position is maintained for 15-30 seconds to prevent part of the solution from leaking out. Each subsequent procedure should be carried out no earlier than 3 hours after the previous one.

Vibrocil spray

This release form is intended for patients over 6 years of age. The spray, according to the manufacturer's instructions, should be used no more than 3-4 times a day, one or two injections into each nasal passage. While spraying medicinal solution The bottle must be held vertically, with the tip up. When injecting, it is recommended to inhale through the nose.


Vibrocil ointment is prescribed to patients over six years of age. The product is placed in each nasal nostril as deeply as possible, no more than 3-4 times a day. When used before going to bed, the therapeutic effect of the medicine persists throughout the night - nasal breathing is normalized, there is no congestion or congestion.

Vibrocil for children

Vibrocil in the form of a spray and gel is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age. After this age, the dosages of these forms of the drug coincide with the recommended doses for adult patients. Drops prescribed by a doctor can be used at any age, including infants. The treatment regimen for children recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions is as follows::

  • children under one year old – 1 drop 2-3 times a day;
  • children from 2 to 6 years old – 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day;
  • children over 6 years old – adult dosage(3-4 drops, 3-4 times a day).

special instructions

The use of Vibrocil in a child under one year of age should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. The recommended duration of treatment (7 days) can be increased only after consultation with a specialist. In the absence of a pronounced therapeutic effect, it may be necessary to replace the drug. According to the instructions, with continuous use of the drug for more than two weeks, there is a possibility that the patient will develop tachyphylaxis ( rapid decline therapeutic effect) and rhinitis medicamentosa, a systemic vasoconstrictor effect may be observed.

During pregnancy

The Vibrocil instructions say that pregnancy is strictly contraindicated to use the drug. Due to the possibility of developing a systemic vasoconstrictor effect when taking the medication, it is better to treat nasal congestion and other symptoms of rhinitis during pregnancy with the help of alternative means. I love it drug therapy should be agreed with the doctor managing the pregnancy.

Vibrocil during breastfeeding

It is not recommended to use the drug Vibrocil during lactation. It's connected with possible development systemic action on the mother's body its main active ingredients. If the use of a drug in any form of release is necessary, breastfeeding should be temporarily replaced by feeding with artificial formula for the entire period of treatment.

Drug interactions

Vasoconstrictor drugs are not recommended for use in patients receiving MAO inhibitors(monoamine oxidases). After completing the course of treatment, the break before starting to use drugs that constrict blood vessels should be at least 14 days. According to the instructions, Vibrocil is prohibited from being taken in parallel with tricyclic antidepressants and beta-blockers.

Side effects and overdose

According to instructions, side effects symptoms that may develop when taking Vibrocil are a feeling of dryness or a slight burning sensation. In most cases, therapy using any form of this medication is well tolerated by patients. Symptoms of overdose include stomach pain, arterial hypertension and tachycardia, insomnia, feeling tired and pale skin. In such cases, gastric lavage is useless; it is recommended to take activated carbon and use large quantity liquids. There is no specific antidote.


According to the instructions for use, Vibrocil is contraindicated for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, with atrophic rhinitis, patients undergoing treatment with drugs from pharmacological group monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Hypersensitivity to one of the components can provoke an allergic response, and therefore is also a reason to stop taking the drug. The medicine should be used with caution for diseases and conditions such as:

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is intended for over-the-counter sale. All forms of release of Vibrocil should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from direct contact sun rays. Spray storage temperature - up to 25°C, time - no more than 2 years: drops and gel - up to 30°C, shelf life - 3 years.

Vibrocil's analogs

In case of insufficient therapeutic effect or hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, the doctor may recommend the use of an analogue of Vibrocil. Such means are:

  • Adrianol is a vasoconstrictor decongestant intranasal drops based on phenylephrine hydrochloride and grimazoline.
  • Vibrocil price

    You can purchase Vibrocil at your nearest pharmacy; a prescription from a doctor is not required when making a purchase. You can check the availability and cost of the drug in advance on specialized Internet resources. Price range for different shapes release of the drug in Moscow pharmacies is as follows:

Almost all children get sick periodically - an indisputable fact. And most of these diseases are characterized by a symptom that causes considerable discomfort to the patient - a runny nose. In addition, it occurs not only as a consequence of a cold. After all, many bacterial and viral infections The nasopharynx area is one of the first to be affected. Among other things, now most children have an allergy to something, and the most common manifestation of this is rhinitis. Therefore, many parents are wondering which anti-runny nose drug is best for their baby. The maximum effect in treatment can be achieved by using Vibrocil for children, a drug that we will consider here in more detail.

A child's body is much less protected from a runny nose than an adult. This is explained not only by the features immune system child, but also the size of the nasal passages. Since the passages in children are wider and shorter, it is much easier for pathogens and irritants to settle on the mucous membrane and develop vigorous activity there, which is why in some children with weakened immunity and hypersensitivity to allergens, rhinitis takes a chronic form, leading to a complication in the form of inflammation of the adenoids .

A runny nose has its effect harmful influence not only on the nasopharyngeal cavity, but also on the general condition of a person. Children under one year old suffer the most from rhinitis, since their discharge gets into the throat, starting a chain of other diseases. An older child also suffers, because often a runny nose makes it difficult to fall asleep, the body gets little rest, and as a result, the protective mechanisms weaken.

You can get rid of the symptom with the help of two types of medications - those that constrict blood vessels and those that treat the cause itself. In the first case, the runny nose is not cured, but simply disappears for a while. These drugs stimulate reflex contraction of blood vessels and relieve swelling, and some, in addition, reduce mucus secretion. The latter are aimed at eliminating the causative agents of the disease, but do not provide an immediate vasodilating effect.

Composition and properties of "Vibrocil"

"Vibrocil" primarily belongs to the category of vasoconstrictor drugs. In addition, it has antihistamine properties, and, accordingly, alleviates the manifestations of not only colds, but also allergic rhinitis. Thanks to the combined composition, Vibrocil has a gentle effect on the tissues of the nasal passages, effectively removing swelling, weakening secretion, but at the same time without drying out the mucous membrane. The drug is indicated in the following cases:

  • Swelling of the nose during acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Facilitation of nasal breathing is facilitated by a small content of phenylephrine, which is safe for use in children of any age.
  • Allergic runny nose. The antihistamine effect is provided by dimethindene.
  • Seasonal allergies. The drug contains two components that provide an antiallergic and vasoconstrictor effect, thanks to which Vibrocil neutralizes the manifestations of hay fever.
  • Sinusitis, polysinusitis and otitis media in acute form . Here the drug is used as an additional measure.
  • Bacterial infections. It is used in conjunction with other medications, increasing their permeability to the affected areas and improving nasal breathing.

In addition to phenylephrine and dimethindene, Vibrocil contains lavender extract, which gives it a mild aroma that makes the drug comfortable for children of any age. And the minimum number of contraindications allows the product to be used by newborns.

Instructions for use (drops, spray, gel)

"Vibrocil" is produced in the form of nasal spray, drops and gel. Each form has the same active active ingredients, but are used in different cases.

  • Drops are most often prescribed to children under 6 years of age. The bottle of medicine is equipped with a cap with a pipette. Depending on the patient’s condition, the pediatrician himself determines how many drops to use at a time. But the pharmaceutical manufacturing company recommends the following dosages:
    1. up to one year – 1 drop 3-4 times a day;
    2. from 1 to 6 years – 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day;
    3. from 6 years – 3-4 drops 4-5 times a day.
  • The spray is recommended for children 6 years of age and older, as well as adults. Release form: bottle with dispenser. The dose of the drug is 1-2 sprays into the nose 3-4 times a day. The head should be positioned vertically, and after the procedure you need to slightly draw in air. The advantage of the spray is the precise dosage, achieved by the special design of the bottle tip.
  • The gel is indicated for children over 6 years of age and adults. It is packaged in a tube and, during use, is squeezed out in small quantities into the depths of one and the other nostril in turn. A huge advantage of the gel is the ability to provide the patient with comfortable nasal breathing throughout the night after application before bed.

The drug is allowed to be used for no longer than 7 days, since addiction develops to it, resulting in persistent runny nose(also called medical).

By the way, there are no Vibrocil candles. The manufacturer produces the drug exclusively in the three above forms.


"Vibrocil" has contraindications, namely:

  • allergy to the components it contains;
  • intolerance of the nasal mucosa to drugs;
  • use in conjunction with substances that can inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase (some antidepressants and a number of natural components).

"Vibrocil" should not be used independently for certain diseases. Under the mandatory supervision of a doctor, the drug is taken in the following cases:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • acute reactions of the body to medications that constrict blood vessels - nausea, dizziness, sleep disturbances.

Side effects and overdose

From correct application“Vibrocyla” (according to the instructions, no longer than 7 days) in most cases, no violations were noted. Sometimes there is dryness and burning in the nose.

If the dose of the drug was exceeded or the child took the drug orally, no serious consequences were observed. IN similar cases he might be bothered stomach pain, sleep disturbance, depressed and, conversely, excited state. When this happens, it is necessary to ensure that the child drinks plenty of fluids, give Activated carbon or a similar remedy, as well as a laxative.

By using antibiotics during ARVI in children, you will soften the course of the disease by an order of magnitude, but it is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor.

"Vibrocil" or "Nazivin"?

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is impossible to categorically determine which one is better. “Vibrocil” has a milder effect on the mucous membrane and is better accepted by babies. Nazivin acts stronger and faster, but causes more side symptoms, for example, tachycardia, shortness of breath, etc. In addition, you need to strictly monitor the dosage, since there is a risk of damage to the mucosa. The pediatrician should decide which of these medications to prescribe for the child, based on general condition, contraindications and ongoing disease.

The main thing is that if a child develops rhinitis, you must first determine the cause and promptly take necessary measures to its elimination. In the future, this will help to avoid complications and relieve the baby from the inconveniences associated with a runny nose.

In this medical article you can read: medicine Vibrocil. The instructions for use will explain in what cases the gel, drops or spray can be taken, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Vibrocil, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in therapy allergic rhinitis and sinusitis in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list analogues of Vibrocil, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

Vibrocil is an antiallergic drug with a vasoconstrictor effect. Instructions for use indicate that nasal drops, gel and nasal spray are prescribed in otolaryngology.

Release form and composition

Vibrocil is available in the following dosage forms:

  1. Spray for nasal use.
  2. Nasal drops.
  3. Nasal gel (sometimes mistakenly called ointment).

The composition of 1 ml of drops and spray and 1 g of gel includes active substances: Phenylephrine – 2.5 mg, Dimetindene maleate – 0.25 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Vibrocil – combination drug, used for symptomatic local treatment rhinitis The active ingredients of the drug are phenylephrine and dimethindene. Phenylephrine is an alpha adrenergic agonist. His local application provides selective moderate vasoconstriction due to stimulation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors located in the venous vessels of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

Quickly and effectively relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. Dimetindene has an antiallergic effect and is a blocker of histamine H1 receptors. The substance does not inhibit the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the nasal mucosa.

What does Vibrocil help with?

Nasal drops, as well as spray and gel are used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • preparation period for surgical interventions in the nose;
  • allergic rhinitis, including that manifested by hay fever;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • acute otitis media (used as an adjuvant);
  • the period after operations - in order to eliminate swelling;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • acute rhinitis, including that manifested during a cold.

Instructions for use

Vibrocil nasal drops instilled into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. Before using the drug, you should thoroughly clean the nasal cavity.

  • For children under 1 year of age single dose- 1 drop.
  • For children aged 1 to 6 years, a single dose is 1-2 drops.
  • For children over 6 years of age and adults, a single dose is 3-4 drops.

Nasal drops are instilled into the nose with the head thrown back. This head position is maintained for several minutes. Infants instilled into the nose before feeding.

Nasal spray for children over the age of 6 years and adults, 1-2 injections are prescribed into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. The sprayer should be held vertically, with the tip facing up. Keeping your head straight, insert the tip into the nostril, 1 time short sudden movement squeeze the sprayer and, removing the tip from the nose, unclench it. During injection, it is recommended to inhale slightly through the nose.

Nasal gel children over 6 years of age and adults are injected into each nasal passage as deeply as possible 3-4 times a day. Using nasal gel immediately before bed ensures no nasal congestion throughout the night.


The use of Vibrocil nasal drops is contraindicated in such pathological and physiological conditions body:

Before starting to use the drug Vibrocil, you must ensure that there are no contraindications to its use.

Side effects

When using Vibrocil side effects develop infrequently in the form of transient and mildly expressed local reactions from the nasal mucosa (sensation of dryness or burning).

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. IN childhood Vibrocil is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age.

  • Children aged 1 to 6 years (under adult supervision): 1 - 2 drops in each nasal passage 3 - 4 times a day.
  • Children aged 6 to 12 years (under adult supervision): 3 - 4 drops in each nasal passage 3 - 4 times a day.

special instructions

The drug in any form of release is not recommended for use for longer than 7 days without consulting a doctor. Prolonged (more than 14 days) or excessive use may lead to the development of tachyphylaxis and rebound effect ( drug-induced rhinitis), as well as to the development of systemic vasoconstrictor action.

To avoid the development of manifestations of the systemic action of Vibrocil, it is necessary to follow the doses recommended in the instructions. The drug in gel form is especially indicated for dry nasal mucosa and the presence of crusts, in the treatment of the consequences of nasal trauma, as well as to prevent nasal congestion at night.

Vibrocil does not have a sedative effect. The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.

Drug interactions

Vibrocil should not be taken simultaneously with beta-blockers and tricyclic antidepressants.

Cannot be used vasoconstrictors people receiving MAO inhibitors. Reception is not allowed vasoconstrictors for two weeks after discontinuation of MAO inhibitors.

Analogues of the drug Vibrocil

Similar antihistamine effect have analogues:

  1. Migrenol PM.
  2. Clarinase-12.
  3. Femizol.
  4. Terasil-D.
  5. Okumetil.
  6. Diacin.
  7. Allergoferon.
  8. Rinicold Broncho.
  9. Koldar.
  10. Orinol.
  11. Polynadim.
  12. Betadrine.
  13. Coldact.
  14. Contact 400.
  15. Orinol Plus.

Vacation conditions and price

The average price of Vibrocil (drops) in Moscow is 270 rubles. The cost of the nasal gel is 240 rubles, the spray – 250 rubles. Available without a prescription.

Should be stored out of the reach of children. Shelf life: spray – 2 years at temperatures up to 25 C. drops and gel – 3 years at temperatures up to 30 C.

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