How to easily recover after childbirth. How long after giving birth can you get pregnant again? How fast

They appear regardless of how the woman gave birth to the child - independently or by caesarean section. Discharge begins after the release of the placenta, which was firmly secured in the uterus by blood vessels. Common vessels, connecting the placenta and the surface of the uterus, form a wound surface from which blood oozes. Uterine contractions compress the ruptured vessels and the rupture closes over time. But this does not happen immediately, and sometimes problems arise during wound healing. That is why you should listen to your feelings and consult a doctor in time.

To determine the condition of a woman in labor after childbirth, the main diagnostic criterion for the attending physician is the smell and duration of postpartum discharge. Their consistency and density, character and time when they become scanty and transparent are also assessed.

The postpartum period begins not after the birth of the child, but after the placenta is separated. In obstetrics, a distinction is made between the early postpartum period, lasting 2 hours, and late period, which is individual in nature, the duration of which can be from 6 to 8 weeks.

How long the late postpartum period will last depends on several interacting factors, and the time required can only be roughly predicted. The norm in medicine is a relative concept, derived from average statistical indicators, and each patient can experience it differently, and not only in relation to others. Even for one woman, after each pregnancy and childbirth, postpartum discharge may occur differently.

Postpartum recovery of the body

The first two hours, in the early postpartum period, which begins immediately after the separation of the placenta, a bright scarlet, moderately abundant substance will be released. Normally, this can last about 2 hours, and the bloody nature of the discharge is explained by the outflow of blood from the uterine vessels on which the wound surface has formed. The uterus, whose vessels are damaged by the separation of the placenta, begins to naturally contract so that the vessels stop bleeding.

It is believed that normal level blood loss - half a percent of the total weight of the postpartum woman. In some obstetric schools, a figure not exceeding a quarter of a liter will be considered normal.

The difference in the duration of the late postpartum period due to several factors, the main ones:

  • uterine contraction and its speed;
  • no complications;
  • normal condition blood coagulation system;
  • physiological birth process;
  • natural postpartum restoration of the female reproductive system.

If all these conditions are met, postpartum discharge usually tends to end one and a half months (6 weeks) after the birth of the baby. If they continue to go on much longer than expected or have stopped earlier, you need to consult with your local gynecologist and be sure to go to see him, even if there are no external signs of complications. Prolonged release an externally harmless substance that is watery in nature may indicate an incomplete process of uterine restoration; bloody - lead to the development of anemia, especially detrimental to a woman during breastfeeding, purulent - signal the beginning of the inflammatory process.

Normal discharge after childbirth

In the maternity hospital, the patient is under the constant attention of doctors. Under favorable circumstances, she is discharged home already on the 5-6th day. A copious flow of discharge can normally last 2-3 days, and all this time the body’s condition is closely monitored. Proper supervision is due to the enormous burden that a woman endures during childbirth.

The process, which lasts the first 2-3 days, is due to the presence of a wound surface on the walls of the uterus, and its intensity can increase or decrease under the influence of physical activity or breastfeeding. The fluids released at this time are called lochia by gynecologists, and their normal release is considered:

  • bloody color in the first 2-3 days;
  • less intensity and brown or meaty, not so bright color on day 5-6;
  • starting from 6-7 days - a white or yellow tint, normally quite light;
  • from 9-10 days they should look like an almost transparent substrate, of a meager nature.

Normally, the indicators, intensity and color of the discharge may take on a liquid appearance, but it is possible that they will be slightly stretchy. Acceptable appearance blood clots, pain, more long period contractions of the uterus. These are the main diagnostic indicators by which one can judge how successfully the process of involution or reverse development of the uterus is proceeding. Recovery physiological state childbirth lasts longer if the contractility of this organ is weakened, but it can pass quite quickly if the woman’s body is healthy and the birth took place without complications.

Pathological postpartum discharge

Subinvolution, or delayed return of the uterus to its normal state, is an indicator that occurs under the influence of certain factors, not always pathological. It is dangerous if the process of uterine contraction lasts longer than normal. Normally, the uterus is small in volume, and its non-contraction can lead to the development of purulent-inflammatory processes.

First, the doctor palpates and feels the uterus and evaluates the rate of its contraction. If its size has changed little, although by now it should be small, he will insist on hardware and laboratory examination. Otherwise, delayed recovery can lead to pathological consequences.

The causes of subinvolution can be called natural processes, surgical intervention, or pathological complications:

  • multiple births;
  • rapid labor;
  • oncological neoplasms (uterine fibroids);
  • polyhydramnios;
  • gestosis;
  • long labor;
  • leftovers membranes or placenta.

ABOUT pathological condition may indicate rotten smell discharge lasting more than a week beyond the prescribed period. Discharge that is bloody or white, in which the uterus continues to hurt, as well as normal-looking discharge that lasts for a month or more, should also cause concern. The main indicators to immediately send for examination are palpation and the nature of the discharge.

As for a caesarean section, the uterus contracts more slowly and weakly after it. The cesarean method involves longer healing and lochia after it is observed longer and more intense than after physiological childbirth.

Causes of pathological discharge

If deviations from the relative norm are accompanied alarming symptoms(fever, general malaise, prolonged or early stopping lochia, acute or dull pain), which means there is a reason for immediate appeal to the doctor.

Mucus, cheesy clots and a sour smell indicate a developed thrush.

Excessive bleeding and meat-like clots bad smell, a gradual transition from the meat-colored stage to a discharge resembling slop may indicate acute endometritis. This is an inflammation caused by remnants of membranes or blood clots, in which the mucous membrane needs to be scraped, removal of pathological debris and disinfection. Otherwise, the most unpredictable consequences are possible.

What to remember after childbirth

There is no absolute standard in medicine, and how many women have had to verify this by example when they gave birth for the second and third time. After all, everyone recovery period proceeds in its own way, with of different durations and abundance. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the approximate normal range.

The mucous nature of the discharge can be both normal and pathological change the process of restoring the uterus to its previous state. White substance - appears after breastfeeding, or as a result of poor hygiene. Normal lochia can be shorter or longer, depending on the condition of the body, the course of labor, and uterine contractility.

Any actions should begin only after a medical examination, consultation with a specialist, laboratory tests, take any medications with the knowledge and approval of your doctor. This will help rapid recovery after childbirth.

In this article:

After a successful birth, every mother feels happy. An extraordinary feeling of lightness and freedom seems to pass through your entire body. Everything is fine and you have already seen your handsome and healthy baby. However, soon the euphoria gives way to fatigue, you need good vacation along with sound and deep sleep.

On the first day after birth, the uterus begins to contract several times stronger, bleeding practically stops, as the vessels are closed with blood clots. At this time, the postpartum woman must be monitored by a doctor. In the following hours, the uterus begins to become smaller in size, its walls become thicker, and the lumen narrows.

Immediately after birth, a hand can pass through the pharynx into the uterus; after a day, only two fingers can be inserted; after another day, only one finger can be inserted. After three weeks, the pharynx closes completely.

Features of the postpartum period

Features of the postpartum period can be considered the fact that inner side The uterus is similar to a wound, since in the first days after birth there is blood in it. It turns out that all protective barriers are completely destroyed. Lochia (discharge) has an alkaline reaction, so if no safety measures are taken, serious consequences of childbirth may occur. This could be an inflammatory process occurring in the genitals, or other equally unpleasant problems.

The consequences after childbirth are different for every woman. However, everyone has a subsequent reverse development the uterus occurs gradually, at a slow pace. It reaches its usual weight (80g) only after six weeks. The lochia also changes slowly. The first few days they are bloody, the next day they are brown, after the tenth day they become as they were before the birth or stop completely.

Another feature of the postpartum period can be considered a change in the functioning of work endocrine system. Steroid hormones are quickly removed from the female body, after which the pituitary gland begins to produce lactogenic hormone. Due to this effect, on the fourth day after the completion of labor, blood flow to the mammary glands increases. These processes are considered preparation for lactation.

The first days after childbirth, the intestines do not function so well. Its tone is significantly weakened, digestion becomes slower, complete absence chair. You will have to empty your bowels using an enema or laxatives. Also, for the first days you need to follow a special simple diet.

What changes after childbirth?

The female body undergoes many changes after childbirth. Most of them are connected not only with the internal state, but also with the external one. During pregnancy, a large number of growth hormones are released, as a result of which hair and nails begin to grow faster. However, after childbirth, a completely different situation will be observed. Hair will begin to fall out in small amounts and will lose its shine. Nails will become more brittle and dry. Of course, after a few months, all processes in the body will return to normal, and hair and nails will gradually become the same as they were before pregnancy.

Another change after childbirth is stretch marks on the skin. This is an important problem that can only be solved by using additional funds or exercise. Stretch marks appear on the thighs and buttocks. It also happens that in some women in labor they disappear a short time after birth or become less obvious. You shouldn’t be upset about this, because life goes on, all the stretch marks that you have now will gradually disappear after childbirth, and you just need to deal with these problems.

Menstruation after childbirth

Most women are concerned about how and when it will be restored. menstrual cycle. For most mothers, it occurs 40 days after birth. Breastfeeding women do not have them for a long time(a few months). Here we cannot talk about the norm or the exact recovery time, since they will be individual for each woman.

This is due to lactation. The whole point is that after childbirth a woman’s body begins to produce prolactin. It suppresses the formation and functioning of hormones in the ovaries, so the egg does not mature in due date. If the baby is fully breastfed, the mother’s menstrual cycle will be restored only after the introduction of small complementary foods. In the event that the child is on mixed feeding, that is, there is an alternation of feeding with complementary foods and breast milk, then menstruation will be completely restored in two to three months. During artificial feeding only, menstruation returns within a few weeks after birth.

In general, recovery will be influenced by factors such as:

  • The course of pregnancy and how the birth went;
  • Age and condition of the mother;
  • Compliance correct mode days ( good sleep and nutrition);
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • Mental condition.

The process of restoring the genital organs

Immediately after childbirth, the vagina will be swollen. This is normal situation which goes away after a few days. The natural process may be accompanied by small bloody discharge. You may feel pain and slight retraction. Many postpartum women note that the sensitivity of the vagina changes.

This manifests itself in the fact that the woman does not feel anything during intimacy. However, there is no need to panic about this. This is only a temporary phenomenon, which is caused by sagging walls of the intimate organs. Recovery will take a small amount of time, using and executing special exercises, it will be even faster.

Condition of the cardiovascular system

A woman’s health after childbirth is considered unstable, but it recovers over time. Changes are observed in absolutely everything, the same applies to the cardiovascular system. Immediately to poor health and fatigue is added an increased volume of blood circulating throughout the body. It is not uncommon for heart rates to increase. Restoration of this system will occur within 3-4 weeks.

It is known that initially goes strong bleeding. For this reason, the coagulation system works intensively. Because of it, the number of platelets in the blood increases significantly in the first two weeks. No other changes in the cardiovascular system are observed.

Bladder and its activities

The postpartum condition of a woman cannot be called satisfactory; this even affects the urinary system. During pregnancy, it works as expected. After this, small changes occur that affect poor urination. This is usually very painful. This is explained by the fact that urine gets on abrasions and wounds formed during childbirth. Because of this, a strong burning sensation begins.

It often happens that a woman in labor cannot control her urination. She doesn't feel pressure or urge. The sensitivity of the bladder decreases. After a short period of time, as soon as all the cracks have healed, the functioning of the urinary system will return to normal.


In the first month after childbirth, constipation cannot be ruled out. As a rule, according to the method of occurrence, there are two types:

  1. The first type is atonic. During this, intestinal tone drops significantly. He becomes lethargic and unproductive. This type of constipation most often occurs due to muscle weakness that occurs after a cesarean section. This reaction is considered a normal reaction to intervention. During atonic constipation, symptoms appear aching pain in the abdominal area. There is a feeling that the intestines are full, nausea begins;
  2. The second type is spastic constipation. It occurs when intestinal tone is increased, and peristalsis becomes unproductive because of this. This form caused by paroxysmal pain. Nausea, sheep feces and irritability are the main symptoms.

A woman’s condition immediately after childbirth can also be complicated by hemorrhoids. This disease is varicose veins veins located in the rectum, more precisely in its lower section. Its exacerbation after childbirth depends on the failure of the entire intestinal system, as well as on intestinal tone. It manifests itself in several forms: acute and chronic.

The first type develops quickly, and its symptoms include constant itching and a burning sensation. Because of this, stool retention begins. All symptoms develop almost imperceptibly for the postpartum woman, but they need to be dealt with at the very beginning. If this disease occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor for consultation and examination.

Breasts and their condition

During pregnancy, the body is completely rebuilt and changes. Is no exception female breast. After childbirth, it changes greatly in size: it begins to swell, becomes larger, and the nipples darken. Sometimes painful and discomfort. This is due to the beginning of the functioning of the mammary glands.

Women after childbirth are upset because the shape of their breasts changes. It sags, stretch marks and cracks appear on it. However, there is no need to worry, because most of these problems will disappear on their own after some time, and the remaining ones can be solved on your own.

Women's breasts become more sensitive and tender. For this reason, it is worth choosing special underwear for it, it is better to observe hygiene measures, and massage it often. This will help avoid its coarsening and hardening. All movements should be soft and smooth.

Postpartum discharge

After childbirth, the puerperal woman begins to experience discharge from her genitals. copious discharge, having the name - suckers. At first they have a reddish color, as they are secreted along with blood. After some time, their color changes, becomes white, and after eight weeks the discharge practically stops. During discharge you will need to use disposable pads and panties.

You can purchase them at a pharmacy or other specialty store. It is better to purchase pads and panties from well-known companies to be sure of the quality of the products. These hygiene products should be soft, comfortable, and also absorb well.

The postpartum period is considered the time from the end of childbirth until the complete completion of reverse restorative changes. At this time it is worth adhering to general recommendations. With their help, you can quickly recover, continue your normal life and lead complete care for the baby.

Most women wonder what to do after childbirth? After childbirth, you need to try to return your body to normal functioning as quickly as possible. This will help not only you, but also your child, as he needs ongoing care and attention.

To quickly cleanse the body:

  • Do not eat anything fatty or smoked after childbirth;
  • Starting from the second day you can eat simple food homemade, exclude too fatty salads, fried or heavy foods;
  • Drink juices daily;
  • Monitor your stool daily.

If after childbirth there are cracks in the vagina, then you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not sit on a hard surface until they heal! If you need to sit down, you need to place a folded pillow under you;
  • After using the toilet, you must wash yourself using baby soap;
  • Using hydrogen peroxide, treat the perineum several times a day;
  • Three times a day, place a tampon pre-soaked in chamomile infusion into the vagina.

Life after childbirth and postpartum period are considered the most difficult in the life of every woman. For Get well soon and return to normal, you will need to follow the recommendations described above. Taking them into account, you can speed up the reverse process of changes in the body and quickly recover. If you have even the slightest suspicion of a bad condition, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Useful video about what a woman looks like after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth - huge pressure on a woman’s body, and it may take time to recover and return to its usual shape. Meanwhile, a newborn requires a lot of attention, care and strength, and the main burden of caring for the baby falls on the mother’s fragile shoulders. But support wellness after the birth of the baby is not so difficult, and our recommendations will help you with this.

The well-being of a young mother after childbirth directly depends on how the postpartum period proceeds, how quickly reproductive system The body is restored and returns to its normal, “pre-pregnancy” state. One of the manifestations of this process is lochia - specific bloody issues from the genital tract, which normally can last from 1.5 weeks to 1.5 months after birth. In the first days, lochia can be very abundant, with clots, then it becomes more scanty and lighter in color and gradually declines. During the entire time this discharge continues, the young mother retains high risk development of infectious complications, therefore the rules intimate hygiene are especially important during this period.

After giving birth, use a bidet or shower instead toilet paper after every visit to the toilet and every time you change a sanitary pad.
- Use only special gynecological (“postpartum”) intimate pads and change them regularly (every 3–4 hours).
- If there are stitches on the perineum, treat them regularly (at least 2 times a day) with antiseptics (brilliant green, iodine or a strong solution of potassium permanganate), and as they dry out - with anti-inflammatory agents that accelerate healing (for example, containing solcoseryl or dexpanthenol).
- During rest, take air baths several times a day intimate area(while lying in bed, place an absorbent diaper under your buttocks, remove your underwear and lie for a few minutes with your legs apart and your knees bent).

Tip 2. Help your body get back into shape faster after childbirth

The main criterion for the recovery of a young mother’s body after childbirth is the rate of uterine involution. This term means the return of the uterus to its normal size, the state of the muscular and mucous layer, which is characteristic of it outside of pregnancy. Involution of the uterus occurs due to its periodic contractions, due to which the uterus decreases in size, its cavity is cleared of excess mucous membrane formed during pregnancy (they form lochia), the mouths of blood vessels on the damaged mucosa are closed, which prevents the development of postpartum hemorrhages, and the healing of the placental tissue is accelerated. site (wound left at the site of attachment of the placenta to the uterus). You can help the process of uterine involution as follows:

  • lie more on your stomach - in this position, tension occurs in the abdominal muscles, which is transmitted to the muscles of the uterus (myometrium) and stimulates its contractions;
  • release regularly bladder– when filled, it prevents the uterus from contracting and clearing itself of lochia;
  • put the baby to the breast on demand, every 1.5–2 hours (during sucking, the mother’s body produces oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions).

After the birth of the baby, the mother needs to be very careful about her diet. Firstly, this is due to the beginning of breastfeeding: the composition of breast milk, which the baby feeds on. However, breastfeeding is not the only reason to take your menu seriously: such an important factor of well-being as regular bowel function directly depends on it. During pregnancy, its operating mode could change significantly due to the pressure of the growing uterus. After childbirth, blood pressure abdominal cavity decreases sharply, the uterus gradually decreases in size over the course of a month - and the intestines again have to adapt to the changes that have occurred. To get things working digestive system, after childbirth, it is recommended to follow simple and effective rules power supply:

  • frequent fractional meals during the day (6–8 times a day in small portions);
  • drink at least 1.5 liters per day (water, weak tea, fermented milk drinks);
  • eating only natural products homemade, and gentle heat treatment(steamed, baked, boiled and stewed);
  • uniform distribution of proteins of plant and animal origin in the diet;
  • the predominance of fruits, dried fruits, berries and vegetables in the menu;
  • daily use fermented milk products;
  • do not forget about cereals;
  • Do not eat baked goods, fatty, hot and spicy foods for 1 month after giving birth.

To avoid complications during breastfeeding, you need to be careful about:

  • take a shower twice a day with detergents (baby soap, hypoallergenic shower gels);
  • After a shower, apply a product to prevent the formation of cracks on the nipple and areola;
  • Before each feeding, wash your hands with soap and rinse your breasts with running water (without using detergents);
  • Use a separate towel for your breasts and change it daily (you can use disposable paper towels).

After the birth of a baby, a young mother should pay double attention to her health - after all, good health, proper lactation and the ability to care for the baby directly depend on it. At the slightest sign If you feel unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor. The following symptoms should alert you:

An increase in body temperature above 37.5°C may indicate colds, stagnation of breast milk or infectious complication postpartum period. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner often leads to worsening of the condition and requires hospitalization.

Cough, runny nose, sore throat – a manifestation of influenza, ARVI or other infection respiratory tract, which, against the background of a general weakening of the immune system after childbirth, can give severe course and dangerous complications.

Nausea, vomiting, and upset bowel movements may indicate enterovirus infection, food poisoning or other disorders of the digestive system. Such diseases are more severe during this period and are dangerous due to complications (impaired functioning of the liver and pancreas).

Abdominal pain may be a symptom inflammatory process or retention of blood clots in the uterus, if not consulted in a timely manner, it threatens the development of metroendometritis (purulent-septic inflammation of the mucous and muscular lining of the uterus).

An abrupt cessation or intensification of lochia, the appearance of an unpleasant odor may be associated with the retention of blood clots in the uterus, its low contractility. This condition is dangerously high risk uterine bleeding and the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the uterus.

Pain, bloody or purulent discharge in the suture area - a possible symptom of suture dehiscence, infection and suppuration.

Breast pain and impaired milk flow are a sign of the development of lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the mammary gland) and the threat of developing mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland).

Tip 6: Avoid strenuous exercise after childbirth

By the time of discharge from the maternity hospital, the physical strength of the young mother should be completely restored. And, most likely, immediately after returning home you will have to return to normal household duties. Theoretically, there are no special prohibitions on household chores - washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking - and, if desired, a young mother can take care of these chores herself, the main thing is little by little. The only thing you should firmly refuse in the first 6 weeks after birth is lifting heavy objects (up to 5 kg). After operative delivery You will have to avoid heavy bags and physical activity at home (washing the floor by hand, manually spinning clothes) for 2 months - such restrictions are associated with the risk of postoperative sutures coming apart.

The first and most easy way provide the body with adequate physical activity after childbirth - walking. And any new mother can implement this sports project. In your “postpartum” life, a new, very important responsibility arises - to walk with your baby. If you want to regain your slim figure, remember: when you go out with a stroller, you should not sit on the nearest bench! Go for a real walk, twice a day for a couple of hours, and the results will appear in just two weeks. By the way, the position of your hands rolling or pushing a stroller with a baby in front of you is an excellent exercise for the biceps and pectoral muscles! Two weeks after birth, when the spotting decreases and the lochia becomes more sparse and pinkish, you can begin restorative gymnastics. All exercises recommended during pregnancy are suitable for this period. The recovery complex includes consistent warm-up of all parts of the spine, exercises for tensing and relaxing the pectoral muscles, turns to the side, bends, stretches, rotation of the pelvis (an element of “belly dancing”), walking on the toes, heels, and the inside and outside of the foot. If ruptures of the perineal tissue occur during childbirth, you will have to refrain from stretching the perineum until the sutures are completely healed, which must be confirmed by the doctor during examination. The remaining exercises can be performed as usual.

Before starting any physical activity after childbirth, you should consult a specialist. Depending on the progress of your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period, your doctor may be able to give individual recommendations by physical activity.

Advice! All women are advised to visit a gynecologist 3-6 weeks after giving birth.

This is the main and most important rule behavior of a young mother, on which not only recovery depends physical strength after childbirth, but also general state health, risk reduction postpartum complications, strengthening the immune system, establishing full lactation, condition nervous system, mood and even the baby’s well-being and behavior! After all, after birth, the baby is still very closely connected with the mother psychologically and emotionally. Therefore, most common cause The child’s concern is not his own poor health, but nervousness.

The second most common risk factor associated with lack of sleep and overwork of a young mother is insufficient milk supply. Indeed, against the background of exhaustion of the nervous system, the amount of prolactin (the hormone that controls lactation) decreases. Of course, following this rule is not so easy: the baby often requires attention, he needs to be fed, changed, walked with, bathed, and in between have time to do ordinary household chores: wash, iron, buy and prepare food, tidy up, etc. P. And yet, a young mother should make time for herself to relax. To make this rule achievable, it is very important to set priorities correctly. You need to learn not to take on everything at once, to divide responsibilities into necessary and secondary, while feeling unwell refuse some tasks that can be postponed to another time or another day, do not hesitate to ask your husband and loved ones for help. Despite the seeming abundance of daily tasks and responsibilities in the life of a new mother, only three fall into the category of tasks that cannot be canceled: feeding, dressing the baby and giving him attention on demand. Everything else - cleaning, washing, walking, bathing and other duties - are undoubtedly just as important, but still not more important than the well-being of the young mother, and if necessary, they can and should be sacrificed in favor of a little rest! Otherwise, if, due to overwork, the mother begins to serious problems with health - someone else will definitely have to perform these responsibilities! So take care of yourself, and recovery after childbirth will be quick and without problems.

After the birth of a child, women are faced with various physiological problems that worry them and bring discomfort. However, they must know all the nuances to distinguish the natural state from pathology.

Question of the day: how long does the discharge last after childbirth, and what does it look like during normal postpartum recovery? Every new mom goes through this, which is why it's so important to know what to expect.

Girls will have lochia no matter how the child was born - naturally or with surgery. The reason for their occurrence lies in the restoration of the uterus and its cleansing of membranes. After the baby is born, a wound from the placenta remains on the surface of the organ. Until it heals and the mucous membrane returns to normal, you can observe wound contents coming out of the vagina. Visually, it may resemble menstruation, but it contains remnants of membranes, ichor, and mucus. After some time, their abundance and color will change.

If the process of cleansing and reduction takes place without complications, then the duration of lochia is 5-8 weeks.

Moreover, the abundant ones end within up to 3 weeks, after which they are not so strong. Of course, this happens individually, taking into account factors such as:

  • lactation;
  • age and physical activity;
  • blood clotting;
  • child's weight;
  • complications during pregnancy.

It is important to be able to diagnose what is normal and what is a sign of pathology, so always pay attention to these characteristics:

  1. Composition (1-4 days - blood, clots; 2 week - clots and mucus; a month later - smears (possibly blood).
  2. Color (1-4 - bright scarlet, 2-3 weeks - brownish, after a month - white or transparent).
  3. Smell (in the first week - bloody, musty, beware of the rotten and pungent smell!).

Average duration

How many days does discharge last after childbirth? On average, about 42. At the same time, it is the period when they change their color and volume that is important, because you need to make sure that the body is cleansed correctly and on time.

How long does it take for lochia rubra to last - another one important question. Immediately after the baby is born, the placenta separates very actively, and there is a lot of bloody secretion from the vagina.

This is not very convenient, but it is important so that the gynecologist can determine whether everything is fine. At this time, about 400-500 ml of liquid pours out of the girl.

Up to 3-4 days they appear scarlet in color, clots can be seen in them, but this is not a sign of pathology. During this period, a woman has to change a special pad every hour on average. In addition, the girl may smell a sweetish or musty odor - there is no need to be afraid, but if the odor is putrid, consult a doctor immediately.

How long does serous lochia last? They should last from 4 to 10 days. Their volume decreases, their color changes - now they are brown-pink or brown. The number of leukocytes increases, so there should be no more blood clots during this period. You can already use regular gaskets

After 10 days lochia appears white, smearing in nature. They are odorless and do not cause discomfort, and last about 20 days. This is the final stage of wound healing. After finishing.

Risk of uterine bleeding

In the first hours after the birth of the baby, there is a high risk of uterine bleeding if the uterus contracts poorly after relaxing during pregnancy. To prevent this, put ice on their stomach. During contractions of this organ, they are compressed blood vessels, this prevents excessive blood loss and its consequences: anemia, dizziness, weakness.

It is important on the first day not to be ashamed of your secretions, show them to the doctor and keep him informed about your condition all the time. This will also affect how long you will have to spend in the hospital after giving birth.

Pathological conditions

We have already discussed the situation with natural healing, but there are various deviations, if you notice them in time you can maintain your health. Some of them indicate pathologies that require medical intervention.

Secretion occurs after 5 weeks or a little longer. If they last less or suddenly stop, visit your gynecologist. The reason for this may be insufficient contractility of the uterus, then the blood and placenta do not come out and form stagnation. It must be eliminated immediately. To avoid stagnation, girls are advised to get out of bed and walk more often.

If lochia comes out after childbirth for more than 2 months, you should be examined by a doctor immediately.

After all, after such a time, you must leave them in the past. The cause of blood can be menstruation if there are no clots, pus, or unpleasant odor in it. Rupture of seams can also affect its appearance. In any case, pay attention to the color, smell and consistency of what comes out of the vagina, and report to doctors.

About endometritis, dangerous inflammation, they will tell you yellow or greenish secrets with a pungent aroma. If your temperature also rises and your stomach hurts, call an ambulance. No matter how long the lochia comes out after the birth of a child, it can either be stagnation or an infectious infection - neither of which bodes well. Treatment of this disease takes place only in a hospital, with the help of antibiotics and a disinfectant solution, and

Lochia after caesarean section

Many girls are interested in how long the discharge should last after surgical intervention. In such cases, they take longer because contractility is hampered due to the suture and swelling of the tissue. However, even under such circumstances, it is considered normal if the end is after 9 weeks. They can be red for up to 10 days, but not longer, then, as with the natural appearance of a baby, they change shade to brown, then to white.

Menstruation occurs after artificial ones, as with normal childbirth, if the woman did not have complications in the form of inflammation, infections, or bleeding. After all, the body of a girl who has undergone surgery is more unstable and weakened.

How long mothers will discharge after childbirth, regardless of the method of birth, is influenced by breastfeeding.

Lactation stimulates uterine contractions and fluid comes out better. So take note.

How long lochia lasts after childbirth depends on the new mother herself and her compliance with certain rules. Below you will find several important advice, the use of which is highly recommended.

  • To reduce the risk of complications after the birth of a child, a pregnant woman should be supervised by a doctor from the beginning. A woman should visit him regularly and take the medications prescribed by him. The gynecologist will assess her individual condition and tell her when the discharge should end after childbirth in her case.
  • Before leaving the hospital, you need to do an ultrasound, which will help assess the current state of the uterus. Over the course of several weeks while it actively heals, you should rest more, avoid heavy lifting, and avoid putting pressure on your abs.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules. While there is discharge, you need to wash yourself more often, after each trip to the toilet. and limit yourself to a warm shower.
  • Do not use tampons. They delay the flow and thereby increase the risk of inflammation.
  • Start walking 4-5 hours after the baby is born, so that there is no stagnation. If you have transferred C-section this should be done after 10 hours.
  • Feed your baby your milk.
  • Immediately inform doctors if the nature of the secretions changes, you feel a putrid odor, bleeding increases, and the temperature rises.
  • It is not recommended to have sex in this state. Intimate relationships are possible even when the discharge stops after the birth of the baby.


Let's summarize and figure out how long discharge lasts after childbirth, how long bloody lochia lasts and what it is. This process is natural, just like the birth of the baby itself. After his birth, the uterus throws out unnecessary tissue, placenta, mucus, ichor, and blood comes out. All this is similar to normal periods, except that they are more abundant.

In the first hours their volume reaches 500 ml. Such secretions last up to 4 days, then their color changes and there are fewer of them. After 2-3 weeks, they turn white or transparent and should be finished in 42 days. Be careful and, if you see signs of the pathologies described above, immediately inform your doctor.

Hello, dear mothers! Today I want to discuss a topic with you repeated births. After giving birth for the first time, women often mistakenly believe that they cannot become pregnant again for a long time if they breastfeed, but this is a myth. Today we will figure out how long after giving birth you can get pregnant, and what optimal time between conceptions.

All women exhaust their bodies during pregnancy and childbirth, so desire and physical readiness It doesn't take long to get pregnant again. Some are afraid of getting pregnant again, others consciously want to have the same age, and many do not think about it at all for the first six months, believing that it is physiologically impossible.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, the hormone prolactin begins to be produced, which inhibits the functioning of the ovaries, causing no menstruation. This hormone is responsible for milk production, so it continues to be active after childbirth during breastfeeding. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to get pregnant during breastfeeding. The likelihood of another pregnancy after a recent birth is high and should be taken into account.

The opportunity to become pregnant occurs when sperm enters the uterus during ovulation, which does not occur during pregnancy and for some time after childbirth. When does new ovulation occur following childbirth?

This is influenced by the following factors:

  • The time when the menstrual cycle is restored (this is individual);
  • Frequency of breastfeeding and type of feeding (the hormone prolactin is produced in to a greater extent with pure HF, less so with mixed, and ceases to be produced with artificial);
  • The woman's health status (including sexual health).

It is known that after childbirth women walking bleeding and the uterus is cleared. During the postpartum period, which lasts 6-8 weeks, doctors recommend completely abandoning intimacy with your husband. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of getting any infection is very high.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately as soon as sexual intimacy resumes after childbirth? Of course you can. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect yourself immediately, without relying on “protection” of the hormone prolactin. There have been cases when a woman became pregnant again within a month after giving birth.

Women who are not breastfeeding can become pregnant earlier:

2. Recommended intervals between pregnancies

Regardless of whether you are planning a second child after the first or are afraid of it, there are medical standards for how long a woman’s body can recover from a previous pregnancy and childbirth.

Women who gave birth naturally, should not plan a second pregnancy earlier than after 1.5 years to avoid problems. And the following problems may arise:

  • Exhaustion female body from subsequent pregnancy and possible failure to carry it to term;
  • The child may be born weakened, with developmental defects;
  • Psychological stress and breakdown;
  • Discord in the family - a woman physically cannot pay attention to herself, her husband, or her eldest child, which makes her very exhausted;
  • A threat to the health and life of the fetus and the mother, who has not yet recovered from injuries from a previous birth or cesarean section.

After a cesarean section, it is recommended to wait at least 2 years between childbirth and subsequent conception, the reason is that the scar must finally heal. A woman after a cesarean section can become pregnant just as quickly as after natural birth, but the suture will most likely rip apart, which will lead to severe bleeding and death of the mother.

Doctors strongly recommend that women plan next pregnancy, that is, wait until the body recovers, undergo the necessary examinations, if necessary, undergo treatment and take a course of vitamins before becoming pregnant again. This way you can avoid unwanted pregnancy, and also prepare the body.

So, the optimal interval between births is 2-5 years, but it’s still up to you to decide.

If you want and can give birth to the same age, get examined before conception and go for it.

3. How to avoid getting pregnant after childbirth

Dear women, if you had a difficult time with your previous pregnancy and childbirth, you are exhausted and are not psychologically ready to get pregnant again, you should seriously consider the issue of contraception from the beginning of the resumption sexual relations after childbirth.

Known methods of contraception will help you with this:

  1. A condom (will protect against pregnancy and infections, which are dangerous at first);
  2. Vaginal suppositories, which, in addition to protection, will create lubrication;
  3. Uterine spiral.

Before use oral contraceptives Consult your doctor, as they may be contraindicated for breastfeeding women.

Pregnancy will not occur until the menstrual cycle improves, and no one can predict when this will happen. You can get pregnant even before your first period if you get your first ovulation, which can happen before then. The only way to track the onset of ovulation is a chart basal temperature, which needs to be measured every day after the end of the postpartum period. An increase in temperature means the beginning of ovulation. Sometimes your period starts before your first ovulation.

Choose your method for not getting pregnant right away and stick to it. Once you are ready for a new pregnancy, you can safely plan for it:

4. Unwanted second pregnancy

Unfortunately, it comes as a shock to many that they become pregnant in the first months after their first birth. It’s an even bigger shock if the woman already has several children and doesn’t want any more. What to do then, abortion? This is the most extreme and undesirable measure, since every fetus has the right to life.

The only way to avoid such a shock is timely contraception and conscious control. Frequent pregnancies have a negative impact on the entire family - the mother suffers from severe physical and mental stress, the children from lack of attention, the husband from increasing responsibility.

A pregnant woman needs care and peace, but the first child is still very small and needs full dedication, for which she simply does not have the strength:

Ideally, parents should have time to enjoy one child and give him the necessary attention, and the woman should prepare mentally and physically before new pregnancy. Dear parents, plan your family and try to avoid a situation where there is nowhere to go. A planned second or third child will bring only joy, and a family that is ready for this will become even happier.

You can watch a video about whether you can get pregnant while breastfeeding here:

And this video talks about when you can give birth after a caesarean section:

Visit our website, a lot of interesting things await you! See you later.

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