How to prevent melanoma. Oncologist's advice. The main features that distinguish melanoma are: Causes of development and risk factors

Considering the high malignancy of melanomas, the prevention of these tumors is of great practical importance.

Melanoma cannot always be prevented, but certain activities can help reduce the risk of developing it.

Limiting exposure to UV radiation

The most effective way to reduce the risk of developing melanoma is to protect the body from exposure to UV radiation. First of all, it is protection from the sun outdoors.

There are four key things to remember that help limit your exposure to UV radiation:

Skin protection with clothing

Applying sunscreen

Wearing hats

Using sunglasses to protect your eyes and the sensitive skin around them

Skin protection with clothing

Depending on many factors, clothing provides different level protection. The best option is long-sleeved shirts, long pants or skirts. Dark and thick fabric usually protects the skin from the sun's rays better than light and thin fabric. Greater degree Dry clothing provides protection compared to wet clothing.

It must be borne in mind that even full clothing does not protect against all UV rays. If sunlight is visible through the fabric, then UV light also passes through it.

Currently, special lightweight and comfortable clothing is produced that protects against UV radiation even when wet. Sun protective clothing should be labeled with the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF). This is the degree of UV protection that the clothing provides (on a scale of 15 to 50+). The higher the UPF value, the higher the degree of UV protection.

Some modern chemicals used in laundry, like laundry detergent, increase the UPF of clothing. They create a special layer on the surface of clothing without changing its color or texture, while protecting the skin from UV.

Wearing hats

An excellent option is a wide-brimmed hat (with a brim of about 5-8 cm), which protects areas of the skin exposed to frequent sun exposure: ears, forehead, nose, eyelids and scalp. To protect the skin on the neck, hats like a baseball cap with a long visor and additional reinforcement with fabric on the sides and back are suitable. They can be found in sporting goods stores.

Regular caps protect the forehead and scalp, but do not cover the ears and neck: areas where melanoma often develops. The protective properties of straw hats are lower than those of hats made of thick fabric.

Use of sunscreen cosmetics

To protect the skin from the sun, especially during periods of strong solar activity (that is, from 10.00 to 16.00), it is necessary to use special cosmetical tools and lip balms.

Most medical organizations, including the American Academy of Dermatology, recommend using products with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Moreover, sunscreens should be used even on cloudy days when the sky is covered with clouds, since they transmit UV radiation.

When applying cosmetic products, you must follow the instructions for them. Ideally, an average of a full handful of sunscreen is required to protect adult skin (arms, legs, neck and face). The most best protection achieved by applying the product to all skin exposed to the sun. To maintain the effect, the product should be reapplied periodically, preferably every two hours. Many sunscreen products wash off when swimming in water and then drying off with a towel, or when sweating heavily, so they need to be reapplied after swimming. We must not forget about the lips: they will be protected by a special balm that does not transmit UV.

Often, sunscreens are used for the purpose of prolonged exposure to the sun without the risk of burning. You shouldn’t get too carried away with this, because ultimately the skin will be damaged in one way or another.

Sunscreens actually reduce bad influence UV rays also reduce the risk of developing melanoma. However, their effect is not 100% guaranteed, and prolonged exposure to the sun increases the likelihood of melanoma, despite preventive actions.

If you want to change your skin tone, you can use special lotions to fake tan. They safely create the appearance of tanned skin. The active component of such products is a substance called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA interacts with proteins on the surface of the skin, which changes its color. You don't have to be in the sun to get this effect. Over the course of several days, the skin color gradually returns to normal. Most artificial tanning products provide little or no UV protection. Therefore, when exposed to the sun, their use requires additional application of sunscreen cosmetics and wearing clothing.


The best protection for your eyes and surrounding skin is provided by large sunglasses, the lenses of which absorb at least 99% of UV rays.

When purchasing glasses, you need to pay attention to labels that say the glasses block UVA and UVB. If the label says that the glasses absorb UV at wavelengths up to 400 nm, this means that the glasses block at least 99% of UV rays. Without such instructions on the label, the glasses most likely do not provide eye protection.

Being in the shadows

Limiting prolonged sun exposure is another way to avoid harmful UV exposure. This is especially important in the middle of the day, between 10.00 and 16.00, when UV radiation is excessively active. A simple test helps to understand the intensity of solar radiation: if a person’s shadow is shorter than the person’s height, then the sun is active, and it is important to take protective measures.

When outdoors, you should always protect your skin. In addition, you need to remember that sunlight and UV rays can pass through light clouds, are reflected from water, sand, asphalt and snow, and can penetrate water.

UV index

The amount of UV that reaches the earth's surface at a particular point depends on many factors, including time of day and year, altitude and cloud cover. To make it easier to understand the intensity of UV radiation in a given area at a given time, a special indicator has been developed called the UV index (ultraviolet radiation index).

The UV Index ranges from 1 to 11+ and shows the strength of UV radiation in a specific location. The higher the UV index value, the more likely sunburn, skin damage and, ultimately, the appearance of various malignant skin tumors.

Solariums and solar lamps

Many people believe that UV radiation from tanning beds is harmless. However, this is not the case.

Tanning bed lamps emit UVA as well as UVB rays, which cause long-term skin damage and can lead to cancer. Using tanning beds increases the risk of developing melanoma, especially if you start tanning in them before the age of 30.

Most dermatologists and medical organizations do not recommend using tanning beds or sunlamps.

Protecting children from the sun

Children's skin requires special attention, since babies spend a lot of time in the sun and burn easily.

The following measures will help protect your child from excess sun exposure.

Older children need to be taught about the dangers of the sun, as they are more independent from adults. It is important to cover your child's skin as thoroughly as possible with protective products, especially in regions of the world with excessive sun exposure. It is important to develop the habit of using sunscreen when outdoors where you may be exposed to large amounts of solar radiation.

Children under 6 months should not be exposed to direct sun. Their skin needs to be protected with clothing and hats. Sunscreen can be applied in very small amounts to areas of the skin that cannot be covered by clothing or a hat.

Sun and vitamin D

It is common knowledge that vitamin D is very important for health. It even helps reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Vitamin D is formed in the skin when exposed to sunlight. The amount of vitamin produced depends on many factors, including age, natural skin tone and insolation in the area where the person lives.

Currently, the optimal level of vitamin D in the body is unknown. There is a lot of research being done on this topic.

If possible, it is better to get vitamin D from food or multivitamins and supplements than from sunbathing. Foods and supplements do not increase the risk of developing melanoma, but only ensure that the body gets enough vitamin D.

Observation of nevi and removal of pathological formations

Some nevi increase the risk of developing melanoma. Depending on the appearance moles, the doctor may prescribe regular monitoring of their behavior or recommend surgical removal (if there are certain signs that indicate the possibility of malignancy).

Prophylactic removal of nevi to prevent degeneration into melanoma is not recommended. Indeed, some nevi can become malignant, but in most cases this does not happen.

The most common role in the malignancy of a nevus is trauma, insolation, which is accompanied by bleeding and inflammation.

Nevi that are localized in places that are constantly subject to systematic irritation are subject to injury - hairy part heads, feet, etc. All pigment spots with signs of malignancy must be removed at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. Histological examination of the removed specimen is mandatory. If melanoma is diagnosed, repeated, wider excision of the postoperative scar is possible, but within no more than 1 month after the first operation.

It is forbidden to tie up pigmented skin formations with threads, cut off pigmented skin formations with a razor or scissors.

If you notice new, unusual growths or changes in the appearance of old nevi, you should consult with a specialist who deals with skin tumors.

Genetic counseling and testing

Gene mutations (breakdowns) that increase the risk of developing melanoma can be passed on from generation to generation. However, they are quite rare in melanoma.

An inherited genetic mutation is considered possible if one of the following factors is present:

Melanoma in several family members on the same line (father or mother)

The presence of several foci of melanoma in any of the relatives

Simultaneous presence of melanoma and pancreatic cancer in any of the relatives

The presence of several foci of melanoma in the patient himself

In families with high frequency The incidence of melanoma is marked by a mutation in the CDKN2A (or p16) gene. Although there are techniques for identifying these mutations, genetic testing is not recommended.

If a person is interested in discovering genetic mutations associated with the development of melanoma, then they should consider participating in clinical trials that address this issue.

Before undergoing genetic testing, it is important to understand whether the test results will help determine your risk of developing melanoma. Genetic testing is not flawless, and in some cases the test results do not provide definitive answers. That is why before the study it is important to consult with a geneticist who will determine the need for it.

Many experts do not recommend genetic research in the presence of melanoma in the patient himself or his family members, since the value of the results obtained is unknown. And yet, many people decide to do research. In any situation, if there are cases of melanoma in the family, you should be regularly examined by a dermatologist, learn monthly skin examinations and follow safety rules when out in the sun.

How to learn more about melanoma prevention

Educational activities on the prevention of skin cancer are carried out by many medical institutions at various bases. Other organizations provide information booklets and brochures.

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According to preliminary estimates by doctors, already in 2040 the vast majority of people living on the planet will suffer from various cancers. A neoplasm can affect a person of absolutely any age, race and gender. One of the most aggressive cancers is skin melanoma.

Melanoma is a malignant cancer, which appears when melanocyte cells multiply uncontrollably. Tumor cells are characterized by rapid growth. This type of neoplasm can occur due to breakdowns and mutations in DNA molecules, injury to a mole, or under the influence of harmful substances or ultraviolet radiation. Appears more often when an ordinary mole or birthmark degenerates.

The danger of melanoma is that it can quickly metastasize into The lymph nodes, brain, internal organs and skeletal system. Cancer cells are carried to organs through the blood and lymph flow.

Preventative measures can help prevent melanoma

It is impossible to 100% prevent the occurrence of melanoma, but by taking precautions, you can minimize the risk of its occurrence. Even under the influence of a single harmful source, this malignant neoplasm can develop. Experts have identified factors whose impact can lead to the degeneration of healthy cells into cancerous ones.

Exogenous factors

  • living in a hot, sunny climate;
  • nevus injuries (cuts, friction on clothing);
  • influence chemical substances(including household chemicals);
  • radiation;
  • electromagnetic radiation.

Endogenous factors

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • eating fatty and unhealthy foods;
  • reception medicines(especially hormonal);
  • skin and venereal diseases;
  • bad heredity.

The combination of these factors leads to the development of melanoma. Preventing skin melanoma can protect you from the degeneration of an ordinary mole into a malignant neoplasm.

The main factor that provokes melanoma is solar radiation.

Protecting yourself from UV radiation

Ultraviolet rays are the main factor that provokes the appearance of melanoma. To protect yourself from its harmful effects, you need to follow certain rules, namely:

  1. Avoid being in direct sunlight between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  2. Leaving home in daytime– wear light clothing made from natural fabrics that cover the skin as much as possible, protect your head from exposure to sunlight with a hat or Panama hat, and do not forget about shade glasses.
  3. Apply sunscreen with a high protection level of SPF 30+ to your skin.
  4. Do not visit the solarium. Previously, there was a myth that a tan obtained in a solarium causes less damage to the skin than a tan from sun exposure. This is due to the fact that the portion of ultraviolet radiation there is strictly controlled. This is actually a lie. In a solarium, in a short period of time, a huge dose of radiation hits the skin. This makes the tanning bed much more dangerous than the sun's rays.
  5. The skin of children is more sensitive to sunlight; burns received at an early age under the influence of the sun can eventually cause melanoma.
  6. People with fair skin and freckles should carefully protect themselves from exposure solar radiation, they are at risk. For them, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation is critical.
  7. Availability hereditary disease– xeroderma pigmentosum, which is characterized by increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. This disease is considered precancerous and significantly increases the risk of melanoma.

Protect your skin from UV rays

Limiting chemical exposure

The risk group includes people exposed to constant contact with harmful chemicals, for example, at work. Women who dye their hair with aggressive ingredients must also be careful. Ammonia-based dyes with long-term and regular use can lead to melanoma on the scalp.

Avoiding injury to moles

It is impossible to insure against damage to the skin. Therefore, it is very important to monitor moles located in places where they can often be injured, primarily for nevi that protrude above the surface of the skin. Any, even the most minor injury, such as tearing out a hair from the surface of a mole, can cause the development malignant neoplasm. Wear clothes made of light and soft fabrics so as not to inadvertently damage the nevus.

We lead a healthy lifestyle

Smoking and drinking alcohol cause the development of cancer, so it is important to give up these bad habits. Alcoholism can disrupt the natural processes of melanin production, which leads to uncontrolled growth of melanocyte cells, and this is fraught with the development of melanoma. Eating high-calorie foods containing preservatives also has Negative influence on the human body and skin condition.

People of the first and second phototypes are most susceptible to melanoma

We control the intake of medications

It is necessary to start taking medications only after consultation with your doctor. People taking hormonal medications are at risk; these medications must be selected individually for each person. Often, the factor that provokes the development of a tumor is the intake of the hormone estrogen.

Strengthening the immune system

Weak immunity is not able to cope with possible mutations in DNA molecules. Leukocytes are able to detect and overcome low-quality cells in time, and when there are fewer of them, immunity decreases, and for reproduction cancer cells there are no barriers left. Therefore, it is important to monitor the state of the immune system, healthy image life, exercise, take enough vitamins.

We monitor the condition of nevi

There are moles with high risk degeneration into malignant melanoma. You need to monitor them yourself, and every six months you need to be examined by a dermatologist or oncologist. Removing ordinary nevi for preventive purposes is strictly prohibited, as this can become an impetus for the development of the disease. Moles with signs of incipient degeneration or moles that are often injured should be excised.

Don't forget about timely diagnosis

Disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. Detection of melanoma on initial stage can save life. People with a large number of moles, a family history of melanoma, exposure to harmful factors, etc., need to be examined by a dermatologist at least once a year.

Don't forget that melanoma is not a harmless disease; it is one of the most aggressive types of malignant tumors. Preventing melanoma and following all recommendations will help you maintain your health for many years.

In contact with

Melanoma is one of the types of malignant tumors. Melanoma, like a mole, is based on melanocyte cells. Only in melanoma these cells are very aggressive. They divide all the time, crowding out healthy ones - in the space where they are. Over time, these cells become crowded and they “go” into the vascular bed, through which they are carried throughout the body with the bloodstream.

What causes melanoma?

Risk factors for melanoma are traditionally considered:

  1. moles and nevi,
  2. exposure to the sun or solarium, sunburn, especially in childhood,
  3. genetic predisposition(fair skin, blond hair, blue eyes).

What does melanoma look like?

For self-diagnosis of skin tumors, there is the ABCDE rule (according to the first letters of the English alphabet).

A– (Asymmetry, asymmetry). Unevenness, asymmetry of a newly emerging mole or a violation of the symmetry of a previously existing pigment spot.

B– (Border, border). Ragged, star-shaped borders.

WITH– (Color, color). Uneven coloring. In one pigment spot there may be very black areas along with less colored areas.

D– (Diameter, diameter). Diameter > 6 mm. With a smaller size, the likelihood that this pigmented spot is melanoma is significantly lower.

E– (Evolution, change). Rapid change in size (width), color and thickness of a mole or nevus.

If you have the slightest suspicion of a malignant skin formation, consult an oncologist!

How to conduct a self-examination?

The best time to do a skin self-examination is after a shower or bath in a well-lit room with a mirror. Inspect:

  • Face and ears.
  • The scalp (by blowing the hair with a hair dryer).
  • External and inner surface palms, fingers, arms.
  • Elbows, forearms, armpits.
  • Neck, chest (women should pay Special attention area under the chest), abdomen.
  • The back of the head, shoulders, back (standing with your back to a large mirror and looking into a small one).
  • Buttocks and back of the thighs.
  • Inner thighs, calves, feet, toes, genital area.

If you find something new on your body, see a doctor. It’s better to spend half an hour to calm down or start treatment than to think for months and years about “do I have cancer or not cancer?!”

What to do if you accidentally injure a mole?

First you need to stop the bleeding using a tampon soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Then apply dry gauze folded in several layers to the mole, press with your finger and hold for 5-15 minutes. If the mole comes off completely, it must be wrapped in damp gauze and submitted for histological analysis. If the mole is partially injured, you should contact medical institution, where it will be properly removed and sent for analysis.

  • Check your skin regularly and practice good sun exposure.
  • Do not go out into the sun during its peak hours (from 11:00 to 15:00).
  • Do not expose infants or young children to direct sunlight.
  • Use a hat Sunglasses, T-shirt to protect yourself and your child.
  • Apply sufficient sunscreen to your skin.

90% of melanoma cases detected at an early stage are curable. That's why early detection melanomas are a necessity. Do not be indifferent to your health, to the health of your loved ones.

Material provided by GBUZ JSC "Arkhangelsk Clinical Oncology Dispensary"

After skin cancer is detected, the doctor prescribes medications to treat melanoma. Their quantity, duration of use and results depend on the stage of the disease and timely initiation of therapy. If ineffective traditional methods, the doctor prescribes modern experimental drugs. An important factor in recovery are proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.

After confirming the diagnosis of melanoma, a comprehensive intake of medications will be required.

Efficacy of drugs

After a diagnosis of melanoma is made, the doctor prescribes a set of treatment agents for the patient. Depending on the stage of the disease and the patient’s life history and illnesses, the doctor selects appropriate medications. The effectiveness of medications depends on the timely initiation of treatment. To monitor the results, it is necessary to carry out regular laboratory research and instrumental procedures.

The most famous drugs


Is a blocker histamine receptors. Prescribed for motion sickness and other causes of frequently recurring gag reflex. Available in tablet form. The dosage depends on the severity of the disease. Used in pediatrics for children over 7 years of age. In the case of melanoma, it is used to prevent motion sickness in transport.

“Aprepitant” is prescribed for melanoma as a blocker of possible vomiting.


During the treatment of melanoma, it is prescribed as a prophylaxis for the gag reflex. A positive effect has been observed to prevent vomiting while taking a large number of drugs, including chemotherapy. Contraindicated in severe forms of renal failure. The effect on the body of children and adolescents has not been studied, so use is not recommended.


They are a group of drugs that affect the central nervous system. For melanoma, Prochlorperazine or Phenergan are used. The drugs are prescribed against the gag reflex and as a sedative. Phenothiazines have different shapes release. Thanks to this, you can accurately calculate the dosage.

"Dacarbazine" against melanoma

Chemotherapy is the most effective treatment for melanoma. "Dacarbazine" is part of a complex drug to combat tumors. Contraindicated in case of kidney or liver failure, as well as hypersensitivity to the drug. Negative consequences observed when used for patients with infectious diseases. Has a number side effects.

Metoclopramide helps with melanoma side effects Gastrointestinal tract.


It has a blocking effect on serotonin and dopamine receptors. The result is an antiemetic effect. Metoclopramide also regulates the functions gastrointestinal tract and promotes rapid absorption of food. This action allows the body to spend less energy on digestion. With prolonged use it can cause allergic reactions.

Serotonin antagonists

The action is aimed at stopping the production of serotonin in the body. When diagnosed with melanoma, Dopasterone, Ondansetron or Granisentron are prescribed. Indications for use are:

  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • low blood pressure.

"Temozolomide" acts directly on mutant cells in melanoma.

"Temozolomide" in the treatment of melanoma

It is a chemotherapy drug that kills tumor cells. Can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other medications. Contraindications include age under 3 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding. When malignant formation effectiveness may be lower than expected. Otherwise, there may be negative reactions from the organs and systems of the body.

Medicines to improve immunity


Belongs to the category of antiviral agents. Improves the functioning of the immune system, reduces inflammatory process and has a detrimental effect on tumor cells. It is prohibited for use in case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, intolerance to the components of the composition, neoplasms in the kidneys and AIDS. Prescribe with caution to pregnant and lactating women, as well as infants. At simultaneous use with other drugs can reduce their effectiveness. Doctors recommend regular blood tests to monitor liver condition.

Imiquimod cream for melanoma helps improve the functioning of the immune system.

Imiquimod cream

The cream is sold in foil sticks for one-time use. The action is based on the ability of the main component to stimulate immune system. As a result, the body begins to intensively produce interferon, the purpose of which is to fight viruses and foreign microorganisms. Imiquimod is prescribed in combination with other drugs to fight cancer. It is prohibited to use a sachet of cream in case of obvious mechanical damage, if you have an existing allergy to the composition, or for the treatment of female genital organs. It is better to use the product before bedtime, so active substances completely penetrate the body. If necessary, the smeared area can be covered with a thin layer of gauze.

Melanoma is a malignant skin formation, the development of which rapidly progresses due to pigments that produce melanin. It is melanin that causes the color of the tumor. But in some cases the color is missing.

Today, the percentage of patients with melanoma is not so high compared to others oncological pathologies, but every year the number of cases increases. Let's take a closer look at the symptoms and treatment methods for skin melanoma.

Reasons for appearance

No one is immune from the appearance of pathology, but the risk group includes people exposed to the following factors:

  • prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal therapy in women;
  • affected nevus;
  • presence of a mole more than 1 cm;
  • a large number of birthmarks.

The main cause of the disease is the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, especially if this radiation was quite strong. Even a single case will be enough for the development of melanoma. The risk group includes those who have received sunburn, as well as people who constantly lived in the same territory and suddenly changed their climate zone.

One of the main factors may be an injured nevus. In order for education to begin to increase and develop, it is enough minor bruise or scratches caused by clothing or accessories.

Those in whose family one of the members has an injured nevus are in a dangerous situation. In this case, there is a risk of a hereditary predisposition to the disease. The problem is that in this case the pathology is quite difficult to detect at an early stage. Therefore, such a person must undergo a medical examination every six months for timely diagnosis of melanoma. Doctors identify another reason for the formation of melanoma immune factor. IN in this case Women are at risk because their bodies are more sensitive and subject to various changes. A woman can become especially vulnerable during puberty, childbearing, postpartum and menopause.

Stages of development and types

Like other low-quality tumors, melanoma has 4 main stages:

  1. Tumor origin. The size reaches no more than 2 mm; it is possible to remove the affected tissue and skin near the formation. The most easy stage pathologies with a positive prognosis for the patient.
  2. Education is more than 2 mm. At this stage, the lymph nodes are most often affected, which leads to their complete removal. Since there are no metastases, drug therapy to prevent relapse is possible.
  3. At this stage, the formation begins to affect the tissues of the body. Most often, complex treatment is used, which involves the use medical supplies in combination with radiation or chemotherapy.
  4. At this stage, it is impossible to completely cure the pathology. A number of operations are performed to remove small tumors and improve the general condition of the patient. The life expectancy of such patients is only a few years from diagnosis last stage.

Most often, melanoma metastases are located in the liver and lungs; damage to other vital areas is also possible. important organs, right up to the brain. According to distribution, the disease is divided into 3 types:

  • Superficial melanoma is the most common form of the disease. It can appear on any part of the skin, but the back and legs are most at risk. At the initial stage, it looks like an uneven spot. The period of change can last about 5 years. After this period, rapid development and germination begins deep into the skin.
  • Nodular melanoma is the most dangerous type of tumor. Characterized by rapid growth and spread. It looks like a dark, small nodule that can sometimes bleed.
  • Lentigo-melanoma - this type of disease mainly affects age category from 70 years and older. It is characterized by a long period of spread, appearing as dark brown spots about 4 mm in size.

Sometimes melanoma can spread not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes, nails, genitals and head, but this is quite rare.


Correctly diagnosing a disease such as melanoma is quite difficult, since it is very easy to confuse it with a nevus. The most commonly used methods are:

  • Morphological study. To determine the disease, cytological smears or prints are taken from the surface of the formation.
  • Ultrasound and X-ray. When already established diagnosis To check the area of ​​tumor spread, an examination of the internal organs is carried out to exclude their damage.
  • Excisional biopsy is an emergency measure that involves dissecting the melanoma and conducting a histological examination. After confirming the diagnosis, complete dissection of the formation is performed with great care and under anesthesia.


In order to quickly recognize melanoma and promptly seek help from a doctor, you need to know the main symptoms of the disease. Most often they are visible changes in moles or birthmarks:

In some cases, the main symptoms are also accompanied by mild swelling and roughening of the skin, hair loss, as well as enlarged lymph nodes and changes in skin color.


Timely prevention of melanoma reduces the risk of developing pathology several times. You should adhere to the following tips:

  • avoid intense ultraviolet radiation;
  • if possible, do not leave the shadows during extreme heat;
  • reduce your time in the sun and avoid tanning to a dark brown shade;
  • be sure to thoroughly dry your skin when leaving bodies of water;
  • use creams with a high degree of SPF protection;
  • be careful not to cause any damage to the mole;
  • wear sunglasses, hats, and cover sensitive areas of the skin with clothing;
  • do not sunbathe in a solarium;
  • take vitamin D.

Preventing melanoma also involves visiting a specialist once a year and testing for a genetic predisposition to the disease.


Cutaneous melanoma is treated primarily with surgery. During the operation, the primary focus of the disease and metastases in the lymph nodes are affected. In the presence of distant metastases and tumor spread, additional methods of treatment for skin melanoma are used, such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy. The key to success in treating pathology in the initial stages is timely diagnosis And fast operation. Surgery involves complete excision of the tumor, as well as part of the skin that surrounds it, along with the fat layer. The removed areas of skin are no less than 1 cm.

In order to replace skin in remote areas, artificial transplantation is often used. A plastic implant is placed at the excision site to replace the removed portion of living tissue.

Even after removal, the formation may continue to develop. Most often during this period, lymph nodes are affected by multiple metastases.

Signs of the disease at this stage can even be determined independently and immediately undergo examination in an ultrasound room to find out the extent of spread.

If after the study the diagnosis is not determined, then a fine-needle biopsy is performed.

After confirmation of the disease, an urgent operation to remove the lymph nodes is prescribed. IN postoperative period the patient is given drainage catheters to drain the remaining lymphatic fluid, and is also prescribed chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

At the last stage, the tumor cannot be completely removed, but surgical interventions are performed in order to prolong the patient’s life. They are possible only if the melanoma patient is in satisfactory condition. The reasons for surgical intervention may be:

  • removal of a small metastasis;
  • elimination of dangerous and long-lasting symptoms;
  • reducing the mass of the formation to increase the impact of replacement therapy.


Before melanoma is treated with chemotherapy, a number of tests are performed to determine the growth and spread of metastases. A complete cure using this method is impossible, since the formation has low sensitivity to chemical therapy drugs.

In cases where metastases are found in the brain or bone marrow, radiation therapy may be used. But this method is not as effective as surgery, so it is used in rare cases.

Postoperative period

If there is a suspicion of a new spread of metastases, then medical therapy is immediately carried out. Most often, in such cases, immune therapy is used in combination with chemotherapy.

During treatment, drugs are used for intravenous and intramuscular administration. These include Cyclophosphamide, Imidazolecarboxamide, Cisplatin, Dacarbamazine and Carmustine. Combination therapy with Vinblastine and Metatrixate, and in some cases with Interleukin-2 or Interferon-alpha, is also possible. This treatment can be called prevention of recurrence of the formation and spread of metastases.

After postoperative therapy, patients are placed in a specialized dispensary for the purpose of observation and to quickly determine the recurrence of melanoma.

Folk remedies

Before starting treatment for melanoma with folk remedies, you need to undergo a complete medical examination. Folk remedies can complement drug treatment or be a means of prevention.


The most effective in combating the symptoms of skin melanoma is considered to be hop tincture. It is prepared as follows:

  • Pour a tablespoon of dry hops into an enamel container and pour a glass of hot water.
  • Place on low heat and bring to a boil.
  • Leave to simmer for 1 minute.
  • Turn off the heat, leave the broth until it cools completely and strain after 2 hours.

You need to take the product daily for a month, a third of a glass of decoction before meals. After completing the course, treatment should be continued with tincture of hop roots. To prepare it you need to do the following:

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of finely chopped hop roots into a glass of boiling water.
  • Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  • Cool and leave for two hours, then strain thoroughly.

Take a quarter glass before meals. To improve the effect, you can add a few drops alcohol tincture hops The therapeutic course lasts 1 month.

Birch bark

A well-known auxiliary remedy is a decoction of herbs and birch bark. To prepare you will need:

  • Mix one tablespoon each of nettle, angelica, coriander, hyssop and pieces of birch bark.
  • Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and cover with a lid.
  • You need to infuse the decoction for an hour in a warm place.

To achieve the effect, you need to drink three glasses of infusion per day, regardless of meals. Birch decoction is effective due to the presence of betulinic acid in the bark, which prevents the appearance of tumors and eliminates the negative symptoms of the disease.

It's worth remembering that alternative treatment can be effective only at the initial stage, which is impossible to determine independently without special signs. Therefore, prior consultation with a doctor is necessary.

According to medical statistics, by 2030 the majority of the inhabitants of our planet will suffer from malignant neoplasms. The tumor can form at any age. Gender also does not matter.

Skin cancer is one of the most dangerous types of malignant pathological processes.

  • 1 About the disease
  • 2 What to do

Melanoma is a malignant tumor process that occurs due to the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes. Cancer cells tend to divide and grow very quickly.

This type of tumor can appear as a result of uncontrolled mutations in genetic code, traumatic injuries, exposure to harmful substances and adverse environmental factors. Occurs as a result of degeneration melanocytic nevi.

Melanoma is so malignant that it very quickly begins to grow into other organs. Together with the blood and lymph flow, the affected cells spread throughout all systems of the body (a rapid process of metastasis).

The mortality rate from this disease is very high. Therefore, prevention issues need to be given great importance.

It is not always possible to prevent the development of a malignant neoplasm. However, by following certain preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of its development.

Exposure to any one factor alone cannot provoke the development of melanoma. Oncologists have established the influence of several causes, the combination of which can most likely affect the body and cause oncological process. These include:

  1. External reasons:
    • excess solar radiation in the place of residence;
    • traumatic injury moles;
    • influence of carcinogenic chemicals;
    • radioactive and electromagnetic radiation.
  2. Biological factors
    • Not correct image life;
    • poor nutrition;
    • uncontrolled use of medications;
    • viral infectious diseases, the manifestations of which are present on skin;
    • directly skin diseases;
    • bad heredity.
  3. Unstable mental state

It is the combination of these factors that will cause the development of a malignant neoplasm. What can be done to prevent a banal small mole from becoming the cause of a very dangerous and serious disease?

Limiting ultraviolet radiation

To reduce the risk of exposure to solar radiation, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations. These include:

  • do not be in the sun during the greatest period of its activity (from 10 to 16-17 hours);
  • when exposed to sunlight for a long time (more than 30 minutes), you must wear light, loose clothing with long sleeves, trousers, a Panama hat or wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses;
  • carefully read the annotations for the medications you take: many medications can significantly increase the impact of solar radiation on the skin;
  • use sunscreen, even on a cloudy day;
  • refuse to visit the solarium.

Some time ago it was believed that a tan acquired in a solarium was much safer than tanning directly under the sun's rays. After all, the dose of UV radiation there is strictly controlled. But that's not true.

In a very short period of time, the skin receives a huge dose of radiation. This makes visiting a solarium just as dangerous as being in the open sun.

Among residents of northern latitudes, melanoma occurs much more often than among residents of the south. This is explained by the fact that, being 10-11 months a year without intense sun, a person goes on vacation. While basking in the sun, his skin receives significant UV radiation, thereby increasing the risk of developing the disease.

Children's skin is much more sensitive to solar radiation than adults. Therefore, sunburn received in childhood can become a predisposing factor for the development of the disease in adulthood.

People who have pale skin and many moles should be especially careful when out in the sun. They are at risk for developing melanoma. Exposure to the sun is practically contraindicated for them.

The existence of such a hereditary disease as xeroderma pigmentosum, in which the skin is not able to recover after exposure to UV radiation, significantly increases the risk of developing a malignant neoplasm.

Skin protection with clothing

Light and comfortable clothing will protect not only from scorching sun rays, but also from careless injury to the skin (including moles).

But not all clothing protects against UV rays equally. Dark and dense fabric absorbs sunlight much better than thin and dense fabric. A dry shirt is better than a wet one. On modern clothing there are labels that indicate the degree of protection (from 15 to 50+). The higher the value, the better.

Please note that if sunlight is visible through clothing, it will also transmit UV radiation.

A hat with a wide brim or a cap with a visor and additional protection on the back and sides will prevent sunburn in unprotected areas such as the ears, nose, forehead, neck, eyelids and scalp. A headdress made of thick fabric is much more effective than a frivolous straw hat.

Caution - paint

The effect of chemical factors on the skin is very dangerous. Everyone working in hazardous industries where there is direct contact with chemical carcinogens is considered a risk group.

Women who change their hair color very often should be careful. The dye used for coloring can cause the development of melanoma of the scalp.

Trauma to nevi

Trauma to a mole is a very dangerous phenomenon, which can become the root cause of the development of melanoma.

No person is immune from injury. It is necessary to treat moles (especially hanging ones) located in traumatic places: palms, soles, facial area and scalp with great care.

Under no circumstances should nevi be cut off, hairs removed from them, or their locations shaved.

Any pathological processes: rapid growth, changes in color and shape, peeling, itching, bleeding are a reason to immediately consult a doctor for advice.

Lifestyle changes and proper nutrition

It has been experimentally established that frequent consumption of fatty and fried foods has a negative effect on the human body in general, and on the skin in particular. And drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking directly causes the development of malignant neoplasms.

In chronic alcoholics, the body's production of melanostimulating hormone is disrupted. Pigment cells begin to produce melanin too quickly. And, as a result, the development of the tumor process.

Medicines - only under the supervision of a doctor

Uncontrolled medication use can also trigger the development of melanoma. This is especially true for women and their use of hormonal contraceptives. They must be selected individually by the doctor. Since, uncontrolled interference in hormonal background fraught major complications.

The impetus for the development of malignant neoplasms of the skin can also be the use of drugs containing estrogen.

Strong immunity

A weakened immune system cannot effectively control the growth and proliferation of atypical cancer cells. White blood cells detect, attack, kill and dispose of malignant cells. As soon as the main fighters become insufficient or become weaker, i.e. immunity drops, cancer has the opportunity to find a loophole and begin to multiply in the chosen location.

Therefore, everyone needs to boost their immunity. accessible ways. This and healthy eating, correct lifestyle, feasible physical activity, taking vitamin complexes and immunostimulating drugs.

The most common and accessible means in Russia is echinacea, an herb tincture that stimulates the production of white blood cells in the body. For prevention, it is recommended to use 30 drops 3 times a day, for two weeks, in cycles every 3 months.

The approach can be changed depending on the state of health; if necessary, experts allow you to drink echinacea continuously for no more than 80 days, then take a break for six months.

A stable psyche is the key to health

It is the constants stressful situations, depressive states may become an additional provocative factor in tumor development. According to unconfirmed data, melanoma most often occurs in a person who experiences constant shock, is often offended, or is “gnawed by his conscience.”

This effect is explained by the excessive production of stress hormones, which disrupt the overall hormonal balance, which leads to the body working in self-destruction mode. If such an effect is observed in combination with weak immunity and provoking factors (excessive sun exposure, nevus injuries, etc.), the likelihood of melanoma occurring is very high.

Genetic testing

Those patients who have already had cases of melanoma in their family, or have more than 50 moles on their body, must undergo certain tests from a geneticist. With this testing, they will determine the percentage of predisposition to the occurrence of a malignant neoplasm.

Inherited genetic predisposition is possible in the following situations:

  • melanoma was discovered in several family members on the same line (father or mother);
  • several foci of malignancy were identified in a close relative;
  • combination of melanoma and pancreatic cancer;
  • the presence of several foci of a malignant process directly in the patient under study.

It is important to remember that genetic testing is not a panacea. In some cases, it is almost impossible to get accurate answers. Therefore, before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to consult a geneticist about its feasibility.

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Prohibition on removing moles

Having certain types of moles significantly increases your risk of developing melanoma. Therefore, their condition must be constantly monitored both independently and with the help of a doctor.

Removing moles from for preventive purposes escaping from their rebirth is strictly prohibited.

All age spots with signs of malignancy, injured moles, and if there are signs of malignant degeneration are subject to surgical intervention.

Modern diagnostics

It should be remembered that it is better to prevent the disease or detect it at an early stage than to then treat an advanced form with an unclear prognosis.

Early detection of melanoma can save lives.

For a preventive examination, you need to visit a dermatologist once a year. And if there are predisposing factors to the development pathological process– once every 6 months.

To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound of regional lymph nodes can be performed to detect metastasis processes in them.

Existing moles need to be examined 2 times a year. Especially carefully after the summer period. If even the slightest change is noticed, you should consult a doctor immediately.

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Scary melanoma on the skin

Doctors call melanoma one of the most dangerous malignant tumors for the human body. It develops on the skin of the face and body, the retina of the eye, as well as on the mucous membranes of the mouth, vagina and rectum from melanocyte pigment cells that produce dark melanins.

Clinical forms

A disease such as skin melanoma has several clinical forms:

  1. Superficially spreading, developing, as a rule, in women. It has a very favorable prognosis and is curable in the vast majority of cases. With adequate prescribed treatment, of course.
  2. Nodular or nodular, which occurs more often among representatives of the stronger half of humanity. This type of melanoma grows deep into the skin tissue and is practically untreatable.
  3. Acrolentiginous melanoma, also known as subungual melanoma, grows on the palms of the hands and the tips of the fingers and toes. This form of malignant tumor occurs in people with dark skin color and is also difficult to treat.
  4. Lentiginous, which develops from birthmarks on the face and body of a person. This form of the disease is also called “Hutchinson’s freckle” or “Dubreuil’s melanosis.” This skin melanoma usually develops in women and grows horizontally along the surface of the epidermis. However, the disease has a very favorable prognosis and, with properly prescribed treatment, can be completely eliminated.
  5. And achromatic or pigmentless, which is quite rare. This melanoma looks like a small colorless bump on the skin.


Almost any skin melanoma has very specific symptoms, as does every malignant neoplasm. And, like any oncology, it is difficult to diagnose early stages. The signs of this disease begin to manifest themselves clearly when serious and long-term treatment, but the prognosis will still be unfavorable.

Melanoma can have a very diverse clinical picture. And even an experienced oncologist is not always able to determine whether a particular nevus is dangerous for the patient’s skin or not. But this can be extremely important for the patient’s life, since treatment brings positive result only with timely diagnosis of the disease.


Early diagnosis of a mole will help avoid a terrible diagnosis.

As for diagnosis, the most accurate method for determining melanoma is the dermatoscopy method, carried out using an epiluminescent microscope, which makes the patient’s skin visually transparent, or simply using a magnifying glass.

In order to determine the danger of a nevus, doctors since 1985 have also been using the ABCDE system, which helps to see:

  • asymmetry of the mole;
  • unevenness of its edges;
  • color inhomogeneity;
  • exceeding the permissible diameter of the birthmark;
  • and its variability.

Melanoma skin cancer today can be diagnosed in the early stages and using specially developed microdermoscopic computer programs. True, this method is not yet as widely used as it should and would be desirable.

And yet, the final diagnosis of such a serious cancer as melanoma is carried out using histological analysis. And to do this, the nevus must be completely removed and even the seemingly healthy tissue around it must be captured. Such a study makes it possible to determine whether the tumor is malignant, and how deeply it has grown into the tissue, as well as the mitotic index of dividing cells.

Quite often, diagnostics must determine whether the patient has metastases. They may be at later and severe stages melanoma. This study is carried out using the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase, which allows a fairly accurate conclusion to be made. To detect metastases in the liver, lymph nodes and other organs, doctors also use methods computed tomography, scintigraphy and magnetic nuclear resonance.


Treatment of skin melanoma of any form is, as a rule, surgical intervention, requiring subsequent long-term complex therapy.

In the early stages and in mild forms of the disease, sheath-fascial excision of melanoma is performed. The tumor is removed from the skin along with subcutaneous tissue- sometimes right up to the fascia of the underlying muscle. For initial melanoma, operations under a microscope and laser sheath excision are also used. But cryodestruction on the skin is not done in this case, since this method does not allow determining the invasive tumor level.

For localized melanoma with metastases, the following types of therapy are used:

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  1. Immunological, in which the patient is prescribed special drugs(interferon-alpha, GM-CSF, interleukin-2 and the like) in tolerable, strictly adjusted doses. This gives a favorable prognosis for the patient with an increase in the relapse-free period and survival.
  2. ECHO 7 treatment or virotherapy. It is carried out using a unique virus-containing drug Rigvir, which is effective in preventing relapses of melanoma and its metastases. This reimbursed medicine has proven itself, for example, as a means of local subcutaneous therapy for the diagnosis of melanoma of the skin of the back.

    Treatment for melanoma is selected depending on its type.

  3. Radiation, in which the total focal dose of radiation to the body can reach 4000-4500 rad, and the optimal dose is 10,000 rad according to different protocols. Oncologists generally consider radiation therapy to be one of the most effective modern methods in the fight against such terrible disease, like cancer and, including skin cancer.
  4. Regional or chemotherapy, which is prescribed for generalization of the disease using drugs such as dacarbazine, lomustine, tamoxifen, cisplatin, carmustine, cyclophosphamide and the like. Of course, chemotherapy has a lot side effects and is quite difficult to tolerate by patients. But when it comes to death and life, there is not much choice. And by the way, the prognosis when using this treatment method is quite favorable. Cancer, including skin cancer, may recede. Much here depends on the timeliness of the appointment and the duration of the procedures.
  5. Gene therapy- one of the most progressive trends in the fight against skin cancer, the principle of which is to treat the tumor by introducing its suppressors (p53 gene and p16INK4a), as well as by inactivating the oncogenic signaling pathway.

There is also an unconfirmed belief that melanoma can be treated with folk remedies. Using hemlock tincture, for example, or fly agaric powder. Some people recommend urine therapy.

But experienced doctors are unanimous: pigmented melanoma will probably resist such folk remedies, but the time allotted for identifying its first and subsequent symptoms will be lost.

Consequently, the duration of treatment will be increased, and the prognosis for healing will worsen.


Even for a disease such as melanoma, prevention is possible. Moreover, preventive measures in this case are quite simple. You just need to reduce your exposure to the sun. And also do without visiting the solarium. And then the signs of a serious illness will never make themselves felt.

However, some people have a hereditary predisposition to certain types of melanoma. And they need to be especially careful not to miss the symptoms of the disease. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to regularly visit a dermatologist.

There are also no folk remedies for the prevention of melanoma.

Let's sum it up

In order to promptly notice the symptoms of pigmented melanoma on the skin and take adequate measures to preserve health and life, any person needs to regularly conduct independent examinations of moles in order to prevent their “malignancy.” We should be wary following signs:

  • itching of the nevus and the area around it;
  • hair loss on a mole;
  • change in color of the birthmark;
  • violation of the usual contours of the nevus;
  • increasing its size;
  • bleeding from a mole;
  • formation of a node at the site of the birthmark.

To treat possible melanoma, it is very important to detect its first symptoms in time and promptly seek qualified medical attention. medical care. Then it will definitely not come to radiation or chemotherapy. You won't even need folk remedies.

Skin cancer is a disease that requires complex treatment. Until possible surgical intervention and after it. And if a person is diagnosed with even the first symptoms of melanoma, he needs not only to start treatment, but also to change his usual lifestyle.

This applies to a variety of aspects - nutrition, sleep, personal hygiene, and much more. Doctors, for example, recommend a certain diet for cancer patients. Their body should receive a sufficient amount of protein and calories, but fat - to a minimum.

This diet involves eating sea ​​fish noble breeds, raw and boiled vegetables and fruits (especially during chemotherapy sessions), low-fat dairy products, baked poultry, homemade cottage cheese and cheese, edible seaweed, seafood, leafy greens. Nutrition for cancer patients should be fractional. And they also need to drink a lot of clean water, green tea and tomato juice. And also flavor food with spices - turmeric, rosemary, sage, saffron and cumin.

Treatment of melanoma with folk remedies

Melanoma is called malignant tumor, the cells of which have the ability to form melanin. This is why melanoma often has a dark coloration. However, malignant melanoma is less common than other types of cancer (squamous or basal cell), but it is a more serious disease. Like other low-grade skin tumors, melanoma is almost always treatable in the early stages.

Causes of melanoma

Nowadays, the relationship between skin melanoma and DNA is being studied. It has already been proven that the DNA of individual genes is often damaged in melanoma cells. Most of this DNA damage is not inherited, but can occur as a result of exposure to the sun's rays.

In some cases, DNA changes in melanomas can be inherited, increasing a child's risk of developing melanomas. Research is currently being conducted to identify altered genes through blood tests.

Most moles (nevi) will never turn into melanoma, but sometimes this can happen. It is currently unknown why individual moles become melanomas. Also, the cause of the relationship between multiple moles (atypical or nevi) and increased risk appearance of melanoma.

In 50-70% of skin melanoma appears precisely from pigmented birthmarks (nevi). Most often, melanoma occurs on the scalp, extremities, and neck. This tumor in men is in most cases localized on the back, chest, upper limbs. For women - on lower limbs and breasts. The most dangerous is the borderline nevus, which occurs on the skin of the palms, scrotum, and soles.

Another reason for the development of melanoma can be light hair, freckles, and light skin. Melanoma in such fair-haired people is 20 times more common than in the opposite phenotype.

People who take medications that suppress the immune system may be predisposed to developing skin melanoma. The risk of developing melanoma increases if you suffer severe burns with blisters.

Tanning and excess sunlight can also be a serious risk factor for melanoma. The danger is not the light of the sun itself, but its ultraviolet radiation, which often has a strong destructive effect on the entire skin.

Melanoma symptoms

When skin melanoma occurs, the symptoms are as follows: an increase in the size of the nevus, a change in color (weakening or intensifying of color), bleeding, infiltration under the base and around the nevus. The question of what melanoma looks like is of interest to many.

What does melanoma look like? Malignant melanoma resembles a dense tumor nodule that is intensely black, sometimes with a faint bluish tint. There are non-pigment melanomas with signs of a pinkish color and nodules lacking pigment. The sizes of such tumors vary in diameter: from 0.5 cm to 2-3 cm. Also, when melanoma appears, the symptoms may be a bleeding, eroded surface of the nevus and its compacted base.

When melanoma appears, the signs are any change in the shape, size (rough edges, asymmetry, diameter) or color of a mole or any other skin growth. It is worth monitoring the changes that occur over 2-3 weeks.

In an existing mole, when melanoma occurs, the symptoms are as follows:

Raising (raising or thickening) of a previously flat mole; - on the surface of a mole (discharge, ulceration, peeling, crusting, bleeding); - fragility of the mole (small pieces separate or soften);

Sensitivity (tingling, itching, burning).

When skin melanoma appears, the symptoms in later stages are as follows:

a crack or bleeding from a mole or other type of birthmark; - pain at the location of the mole.

In some cases, when melanoma occurs, the symptoms are indirect:

Enlarged lymph nodes (especially in groin area and armpits); - a thickening under the skin or a discolored tumor;

Gray skin headache, chronic cough.

When melanoma occurs, metastases are rarely observed in tumors up to 0.76 mm. 1,700 patients with melanoma metastases to the lymph nodes were studied, and they were detected in the majority of men (70%). Worst prognosis have patients with melanomas of the neck, head and trunk (in comparison with melanomas of the extremities), since with these types of melanomas metastases can penetrate into regional lymph nodes.

Prevention of melanoma

The most effective way to reduce the risk of melanoma is to minimize the amount of time you spend in the sun.

Staying in the shade helps limit exposure to ultraviolet rays. At noon, try not to leave the room, because at this time the sun shines most intensely; - try to wear clothes with long sleeves. Light, dense fabric can best protect against ultraviolet radiation; - Avoid any sources of ultraviolet radiation. May be hazardous to health ultraviolet lamps, the light of which can damage the skin.

While on the beach, do not forget to use sunscreen.

Don't forget that ultraviolet light can penetrate clouds, so don't forget about protective equipment even in cloudy weather.

The presence of individual nevi increases the risk of melanoma. Vraia, depending on their appearance, may suggest careful observation or removal of the melanoma if malignant degeneration of the nevus is suspected.

When the first signs of melanoma appear, do not delay visiting your doctor. It is worth getting advice from a geneticist if several of your relatives have had melanoma.

Treatment of melanoma

When melanoma appears, treatment depends on the stage of the disease.

The disease spreads only to the site of the primary tumor. In the first stage of melanoma, treatment involves surgical excision of the melanoma. The amount of healthy skin that is removed depends on the depth of melanoma penetration.

The disease has progressed further, but remains within the original tumor. At this stage of melanoma, treatment may include a sentinel lymph node biopsy. May be assigned additional treatment drugs that reduce the likelihood of the disease returning.

The disease spreads locally. Most often, the doctor determines the location and number of lymph nodes affected by melanoma. At this stage, in addition to removing the melanoma, all nearby lymph nodes are excised. Any existing melanomas should be removed. If this cannot be done, then interferon or the BCG vaccine is prescribed, which are injected directly into the melanoma.

Melanoma spreads to individual organs. It is impossible to completely cure melanoma at this stage. The largest tumor nodes are surgically removed. Some patients are treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Chemotherapy can lead to a reduction in the size of melanoma, but this is a short-term effect for 3-6 months.

When recurrent melanoma appears, treatment is prescribed depending on the stage, type of relapse and primary therapy. Usually, in cases of local recurrence, melanoma removal is performed.

When melanoma appears traditional treatment often becomes one of the patient’s last hopes. Treatment of melanoma with folk remedies can be combined with traditional medical treatment. But, still, it is worth consulting a doctor.

When melanoma occurs, folk remedies are used both in the form of lotions and rinses, and in the form of infusions and decoctions.

Recipe. Treatment of melanoma with stone oil. You need to take 5 grams. rock oil, pour 500 ml of water and leave for 3 days, drain the sediment. Use for lotions as often as possible. In addition, insist 3 grams. oil per 1 liter of water and drink 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 1 glass.

When melanoma appears, folk treatment with kirkazone helps remove the tumor.

Recipe. Treatment of melanoma with kirkazone. Mix 0.5 cups of crushed kirkazona roots, 1 tsp. sour cream, a glass of honey and pour this mixture with 3 liters of water. Leave in a warm place for at least a week. Drink 0.5 cups before meals for 1-2 months.

The folk remedy lycopodium helps in the treatment of melanoma. The plant is similar to spruce, but it spreads along the ground and does not splinter.

Recipe. Lycopodium as a treatment for melanoma. Sprinkle lycopodium pollen regularly on areas affected by the disease. It is recommended to drink a decoction of lycopodium (boil 1 tablespoon of pollen in 1 glass of water for 15 minutes). Mix well and drink a glass daily.

Recipe. Treatment of melanoma with juniper berries. Fresh berries used for compresses. Place slightly crushed berries in gauze and apply a compress to the melanoma site.

Recipe. Treatment of melanoma with yeast compress. Make a thick solution of yeast in warm water. Spread a thin layer of the resulting mixture onto the affected area. Cover the top with a thin towel.

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