How to take ammonia-anise drops for cough. How to take anise cough drops for adults and children

Ammonia- anise drops From cough(see photo) is a combination drug for plant based, intended to treat this symptom. In this article we will try to talk about this drug in as much detail as possible.

The described remedy is distinguished by expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties and has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. During the treatment of dry cough, this drug can relieve painful sensations which delivers this disease, as well as speed up recovery after a severe cold.

This product in the form of a clear yellow syrup or tablets is very widely used for complex treatment bronchitis (acute and chronic), tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchopneumonia not only in adults, but also in children.

The pharmaceutical product provides positive influence on the bronchi and activates the function of the ciliated multirow epithelium. As a result therapeutic effects oral drops, sputum moves more intensively and is removed from the respiratory system (upper and lower organs breathing).

More information on how to properly treat a cough with pharmaceutical product, can be obtained in the next section.

Ammonia-anise drops for cough treatment

Ammonia-anise oral drops can treat not only coughs, but also other colds. Medication is combined agent, which promotes unhindered expectoration of bronchial secretions and relieves inflammation in this area.

The presence of anise oil in the remedy has an effective effect on bronchial secretions, promotes the normal digestive process, and also acts as an antiseptic. The presence of ammonia in the product accelerates the process of sputum removal. Both substances together very effectively cleanse the bronchi and help liquefy viscous mucus. At wet cough the use of the drug is a stimulus for cleansing the bronchi and unhindered coughing up of the secretions formed in them.

Numerous patient reviews of the drug indicate that the described oral drug is very effective medicine, which can relieve pain from a dry cough. In addition, the product also significantly speeds up the healing process in complicated cases. viral disease.

ABOUT pharmacological effects oral cough drops based on anise extract have been known for a long time. With this drug you can easily cure dry or moist cough adults and children. Many people probably remember the aroma and taste of this pharmaceutical oral product from childhood, which was prescribed by a doctor according to a prescription.

The drug is quite effective, since in almost 4-5 days you can achieve the transition of the disease from acute form into a more productive one. It should be remembered that before using oral drops, you must first read the instructions for use of the product. In addition, it is important positive factor is the low price of the drug compared to similar medications designed to eliminate the symptoms of a viral disease.

In addition, the medication is absolutely natural remedy, which does not contain any chemical additives, as well as elements harmful to humans (except for alcohol and aqueous ammonia solution). Due to the content of these elements in the product, the ammonia-anise preparation should not be used undiluted so as not to cause a burn or acute injury. chronic inflammation mucous membrane of the stomach or esophagus (esophagitis).

Indications for use of the drug

To determine the degree of effectiveness of the drug being described, you should first study the available indications for its use, which will be discussed in this section.

This pharmaceutical product is used to provide a therapeutic effect on both adults and children. The instructions for the drug indicate that it should be used in combination with other medications prescribed by the doctor.

For what diseases can the product be used:

  • pharyngitis;
  • chronic and acute bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • bronchopneumonia.

This drug can be treated very effectively infantile whooping cough. As additional effect while using the medication, you can improve food processing, get rid of flatulence and normalize motor and secretory function stomach.

Doctors recommend taking oral drops at least 3 times a day in the amount of 15 drops. The effectiveness of the described pharmaceutical product is influenced by the type of cough. The medication can be combined with other medicines, which contain, for example, marshmallow or propolis.

The body absorbs the medication perfectly. For this reason, after taking the drug orally in a sick person, in rare cases small side effects, but we'll talk about this a little later.

Due to the alcohol content during pregnancy to the expectant mother the use of the drug should be limited, and in some cases abandon it altogether. If prescribed by a doctor and in diluted form, the described drug will not cause any particular harm to a pregnant woman. But still, the use of drops must be strictly controlled or chosen alternative remedy, which can be replaced this drug. Nursing mothers should also use the oral medication with caution or avoid it while breastfeeding.

For drivers Vehicle and other mechanisms during therapeutic treatment The drug should not be used to drive. Indicated for use medicine children over 12 years of age.

More information about the composition of oral drops and how to use them can be found in the next section.

Composition of the medicinal product

Thanks to the natural ingredients contained in remedy, you can achieve easy expectoration of sputum, as well as eliminate inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane.

What is included in the drug:

  1. Ammonia solution. This element helps normalize the functioning of the bronchi, and also has positive impact on the respiratory system.
  2. Anise oil. This component stimulates the release of bronchial secretions and plays the role of an antiseptic. Anise oil extract improves digestion. This component is natural substance, which is obtained by distilling and obtaining condensate from anise seeds. The resulting oil makes sputum less thick, thereby activating the expectoration procedure. In addition, the substance can eliminate residual symptoms of colds and viral diseases. This component is also an excellent antipyretic that can enhance the effect of medications.
  3. Ethyl alcohol 90%.

The described oral product is a transparent yellow liquid, which has a pronounced ammonia-anise aroma. Drops release form - bottle in different dosage(25 milliliters and 100 milliliters). The drug contains 2.81 grams of anise oil, as well as 15 milliliters of ammonia solution. The excipient in the product is ethanol in an amount of 90%.

Instructions for use

Before using a pharmaceutical product, you must carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. The annotation for the above medication states that the drug is intended for oral use. The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.

Many patients have found a very original way to use the described drops. For this purpose, you need to drop a few drops of the product onto a cube of refined sugar, and then use it without dissolving it in liquid. IN The drug cannot be used undiluted, as there is a risk of redness on the skin and burns to the mucous membrane oral cavity and digestive tract.

The drug is prescribed to children in the following ratio: 1 drop of the drug for each year of the child’s life, 3 times a day. Thus 2 one year old baby it is necessary to give no more than two drops of the oral remedy 3 times a day, and a child of six years old - 6 drops.

After reaching 14 years of age, the drug must be given to a teenager during adult dosage. Duration treatment course should be prescribed by a doctor individually, based on a specific case.

During the course of treatment with the described remedy, doctors recommend drinking plenty of warm drinks (tea, herbal decoctions or medicinal infusions).

Contraindications and side effects

The described oral agent has minor contraindications that may cause side effects. This section will be devoted to this information.

In general, patients of any age tolerate the drug without any complications.

In some cases, after taking the drops orally, the following side effects may occur:

  • short-term pathology of the nervous system in the form of overexcitation, which can be replaced by slight lethargy and depression in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bronchospasm;
  • vomiting or nausea.
  1. For inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis).
  2. If you have a stomach ulcer.
  3. In case of excessive sensitivity to the components of the product or in case of individual intolerance to them.
  4. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Extreme caution should be exercised when using oral drops in such cases.:

  • if the patient has alcohol dependence;
  • at childhood up to 1 year;
  • in case of injuries to the soft tissues of the face, head, skull and brain diseases (Alzheimer's disease, strokes or tumors of this organ);
  • with hepatitis;
  • when the patient conducts activities related to high concentration attention.

This product is contraindicated for use by persons with individual intolerance to the elements that it contains. You should be extremely careful when using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and if possible, oral drops should be replaced with other medications.

Storage conditions

The storage conditions for the drug are indicated on the packaging of the product, as well as in the annotation to it.

The described drug must be stored in a dark, dry, well-ventilated place for 2 years from the date of release.

After the expiration date indicated on the bottle, the drops should not be used.

We sincerely hope that this article was useful to you. If the material provided was not enough for you, then we suggest watching an informative video that clearly demonstrates how you can effectively treat a cough at home using anise.

You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to exercise, lead healthy image life and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, Gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, treat lung diseases initial stages much easier than in neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by such specialists as a therapist and pulmonologist, you need to take radical measures otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immune system, spend time in the fresh air as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural ones. natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  • Folk remedies for the treatment of colds, and especially coughs, have been used for a long time. Many people still find them more effective than the new ones synthetic drugs. And based on some folk recipes, medications have been developed that are cheaper but not inferior in their effectiveness. An example of such a remedy is ammonia-anise drops, which help with cough.

    Features of the product and its composition

    Before use this tool you need to find out what ammonia-anise cough drops are and how to take them correctly. This is a drug for natural basis, which is why many doctors consider it advisable to use it for coughs.

    The main components of this tool:

    • anise oil:
    • ammonia;
    • ethyl alcohol (as an excipient).

    The medicine is almost clear liquid, colorless or slightly yellowish. It has a pronounced anise or ammonia smell. This drug is characterized by an expectorant effect and an anti-inflammatory effect.

    This is due to the composition of the drug. One of its components is anise oil, the effect of which is to stimulate the bronchi, improve digestion and have an antiseptic effect. Another main component is ammonia, which thins mucus, making it easier to expel.

    Since the bronchi are cleared of mucus, the patient’s breathing becomes easier, chest pain decreases, and coughing attacks weaken. In addition, the product ensures restoration and healing of the mucous membranes, which prevents relapses. That is why this drug is perfect for combating colds, the main symptom of which is cough.

    The product is allowed to be used not only by adults, but also by children, under the most various diseases(bronchitis, whooping cough, tracheitis, etc.). It is acceptable to use it in combination with other medications, however, you should consult your doctor before doing this. In addition to the beneficial antitussive effect, ammonia-anise drops are distinguished by beneficial influence on the stomach.

    This remedy is harmless to the body, due to which its use is permissible even for the treatment of children. Despite its simplicity, it has a large number of useful properties, the main of which are as follows:

    When using ammonia-anise drops to fight a cold, you can quickly improve the patient's condition, even if the symptoms of the disease are very pronounced. Thanks to its use in combination with other medications, recovery can be achieved in a short time.

    Indications, contraindications and possible consequences

    The main purpose of the medicine is to overcome cough. At the same time, the reasons due to which arose this symptom, may be different. It is most appropriate to use it for the following diseases:

    Anise cough drops can be used as a stand-alone remedy, as well as in combination with other medications. The dosage and instructions for use depend on the characteristics of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as his age, so it is advisable that the drug be prescribed by a doctor. On average, you need to take 10-15 drops at a time, 3 times a day.

    It is unacceptable to drink undiluted product. The alcohol it contains has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane, so you must first dilute the drops with water, to which you can add sugar.

    Another way to use the drug is for inhalation.

    Despite his natural origin, ammonia-anise drops have contraindications. That's why self-treatment with their help it is possible only if you are confident that these contraindications are absent.

    The main ones:

    • presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer;
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • liver diseases;
    • traumatic brain injuries.

    If the patient has to engage in activities that require concentration, it is better to refrain from using this remedy, since difficulties may occur in this area. Those who tend to abuse alcohol should not be treated with these drops. Also, the product cannot be combined with antitussive drugs, since the drops themselves help to thin the mucus.

    Many anglers, mostly beginners, pay little attention to the use of attractants during fishing. They are mainly concerned with technical issues. They are primarily interested in the nature of the gear, so they try to acquire more modern gear. As a result, the fisherman may be left without a catch at all, and even if there is at least some bite, he will not enjoy fishing. The use of attractants allows you to activate even the most sluggish fish bite. That’s what they call them: bite activators.

    To enhance the bite, in practice, the following flavorings are used:

    • Vanilla.
    • Coriander.
    • Dill.
    • Cinnamon.

    In addition to these and many others, anise drops are also used. One way or another, one should not get too carried away with them, otherwise high dose may not attract fish, but rather scare them away.

    Before using anise drops, it is advisable to:

    1. Test the attractant on regular bait. It is quite possible that in a particular body of water such a flavoring is not perceived by fish.
    2. If the bait attracts fish, then this attractant can be included in the bait.

    On the shelves of fishing stores you can actually find a lot of different essences that are used in the process of preparing bait. For example:

    • Apple essence.
    • Barberry essence.
    • Pear essence.
    • Banana essence.
    • Raspberry essence.
    • Anise essence.
    • Currant essence.
    • Strawberry essence.

    Anise oil may be quite rare compared to others on the list. Despite this, it is precisely this that is able to distinguish the bait from the many baits of other fishermen.

    To provide yourself with this type of flavoring, it is enough to plant anise in your country house or garden. This plant is unpretentious, so there should be no problems with its cultivation. Subsequently, it will be possible to prepare ammonia-anise drops from anise seeds, providing yourself with a catchy flavoring. At the same time, it is not necessary to prepare them for the future, but it is enough to prepare them for the next two weeks.

    How are anise drops used?

    Anise drops are mainly used for preparing groundbaits based on cereals and corn flour. In addition to anise drops, bloodworms or chopped dung worms are added to this composition. This approach is only promising if fishing is carried out in spring or autumn. During these periods, fish prefer high-calorie animal foods.

    To make such a catchy flavoring, you will have to prepare:

    1. Anise seeds.
    2. Ammonia.
    3. Coffee grinder.
    4. A piece of gauze 20x20 cm.

    Cooking method.

    1. Anise seeds are ground in a coffee grinder.
    2. The crushed seeds are mixed with ammonia.
    3. The mixture should sit for 24 hours.
    4. Remove the crushed seeds from the mixture by passing it through cheesecloth.

    Using anise drops in bait

    To provide yourself with bait with anise drops, you need to take the following steps:

    1. Choose the base of the bait. This can be any cereal such as barley, pea, corn, wheat and pearl barley or a combination of these cereals.
    2. You can grind the cereal in a blender or use whole seeds.
    3. The next stage is boiling the cereal.
    4. Corn flour is added to the composition.
    5. Anise drops are added to the mixture.
    6. The composition is kneaded until it forms a dough.

    The consistency of the mixture should be such that the dough can be rolled into balls. At the same time, they should not fall apart when they hit the water, and during the fall they should leave behind a food cloud. IN warm time year, the concentration of anise drops in the bait should be 1/20, and with a decrease in temperature, the concentration of the attractant also decreases.

    Catching bream using anise drops

    When catching any fish, first of all, find a catchable place. To do this, you need to sit in one place, throw bait and wait until fish will do to the fishing place. This process does not require active feeding of the fish; it is enough to use a minimum amount of bait, but always with a flavoring. Suitable flavorings include coriander, dill, cumin, flax, cinnamon, etc., including anise drops.

    Bream prefers to feed in places where there is a lot of shell rock. Very often, fishermen add the meat of these shells to their bait. Sometimes they are simply chopped without separating the meat from the casing.

    Using anise drops, bait for bream is prepared as follows:

    1. Grind bread crumbs.
    2. The shells are separated from the valves.
    3. After this, the shells are crushed (shell meat).
    4. The peas are boiled.
    5. Pickled corn is added to the composition.
    6. Then chopped meat of shells and maggots is added here, although you can do without it.
    7. Anise drops are added at the rate of 1/20.
    8. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

    Catching crucian carp using anise drops

    When going fishing in order to catch crucian carp, you should remember that ammonia-anise drops in in this case they won't bring it positive result. Everything here is connected with the strong smell of ammonia. As for ordinary anise drops, they need to be added to the bait. When preparing bait for crucian carp, it is mixed with the same water in which the crushed anise seeds were prepared.

    Pearl barley is almost the main component of most baits. IN Lately, when a huge number of baits with various attractants are used, the fish have already begun to sort out the baits. In this case, she may already be interested in new smells and here the time has come for real experiments. Using new scents will allow you to get a fairly active bite.

    To prepare bait based on pearl barley, with the addition of anise drops, you need to follow these steps:

    1. Bring the water to a boil.
    2. Anise seeds are crushed and placed in water.
    3. Pearl barley is also added here. Prepare with constant stirring.
    4. The mixture is cooked over low heat for about 45 minutes. The amount of water should be in a ratio of 5:1. Before the pearl barley is completely cooked, whole anise and hemp seeds are added, along with toasted sunflower grains.

    In the process of preparing pearl barley, you can add berries that grow on the shore of the reservoir to the bait. This approach will not allow you to remain without fish.

    You can use regular bread crumbs along with anise drops. How it's done:

    1. The bread crumb is kneaded with milk.
    2. Added here egg yolk and honey
    3. All ingredients are kneaded, adding vegetable oil.
    4. After this, a teaspoon of anise drops is added to the dough.
    5. To make it more attractive, food coloring is added to the dough.

    This bait is used to catch carp and fish from the carp family. If the nozzle does not hold well on the hook, then medical cotton wool is added to the dough as a reinforcing substance.

    Most fish can be called sweet tooth, therefore, honey or vanilla sugar should be added to the bait. In this case, you can enhance the effect of the bait by adding anise drops.

    Groundbait with garlic and anise drops

    To prepare the dough with the addition of garlic and anise drops, you will have to follow these steps:

    1. Anise drops are poured into vegetable oil at the rate of 1/20 parts.
    2. Garlic juice is also squeezed out here.
    3. After this, a dough is kneaded from wheat flour, vegetable oil, garlic and anise drops.
    4. The mixture should sit for 1 hour.
    5. After this, the potatoes are boiled and peeled.
    6. The potatoes are chopped.
    7. The dough and potatoes are mixed, after which the dough is placed in a plastic bag.
    8. The dough is kneaded to the desired consistency. If necessary, flour and butter are added to the dough.

    Making your own balls with anise drops comes down to preparing the following components:

    • Corn flour.
    • Anise drops.
    • Vanilla sugar.
    • Strong red thread.
    • Sewing needle.
    • Water.
    • Containers where the pellets will be prepared.

    Cooking technology:

    1. A glass of corn or wheat flour is poured into the container.
    2. Eggs, sugar, anise drops and water are also added here.
    3. A fairly stiff dough is kneaded.
    4. The dough is divided into small pieces, about the size of a pea.
    5. These pieces are rolled into ball shapes.
    6. The dough peas are left on the table for 15 minutes.
    7. After this, all the peas are strung on a thread using a sewing needle.
    8. Take a container, pour water into it and bring to a boil.
    9. After this, the pellets are placed in the water and boiled until they float to the surface of the water.
    10. Once ready, the dough peas are taken out of the water and hung up to dry.
    11. After the pellets have dried, the thread is cut off so that a thread can be tied around this dough pea.

    Based on this, it should be noted that the spools must be strung on a thread in such a way that there is enough space between them so that when cutting the thread there will be enough to form a knot. In addition, it should be noted that it is advisable to dry the pellets in the shade so that they are not exposed to direct Sun rays. To prepare Pop Up type pellets, they are prepared not in water, but in microwave oven, within 5 minutes. The knots must be tied firmly, as the bait will be held on the hook by thread. It is advisable that the pellets dry thoroughly, otherwise they will become moldy during storage.

    If you combine oats and anise drops, you get an equally catchy bait. To do this you need:

    1. Soak oat grains in water (about 3 hours).
    2. The grains are washed.
    3. Filled clean water and cook over low heat.
    4. Before use, oat grains are dipped in anise drops.

    During the cooking process, you need to make sure that the oats are not overcooked, otherwise they will not stay on the hook.

    Best before date

    Self-preparing anise drops does not imply their long-term storage. This is due to the insufficiency of their chemical and heat treatment. In this regard, you should not prepare many drops at once. You need to prepare enough to last for a couple of weeks of successful fishing.

    After this period they will become unusable. Store-bought anise drops can be stored for a couple of years after the bottle has been opened.

    Where to buy and how much do anise drops cost?

    Anise drops can be purchased either at a pharmacy or at a fishing store. One package costs about 30-40 rubles, and their volume is enough for 2 whole years.

    On the other hand, you should not get too carried away with attractants, especially those of chemical origin. Dosages must be strictly observed, otherwise the effect of their use may have retroactive effect. Instead of luring the fish, you can simply scare them away with the strong aroma of anise drops or other attractant.

    Anise cough drops are an effective natural remedy that is inexpensive affordable medicine. Often used for children, but great for adults too.

    Anise has been known to people since ancient times. The plant was widely used in cooking, as an unusual aromatic seasoning, and in medicine. Anise oil has been used in for cosmetic purposes.

    Anise as a plant grows in wildlife, and it is also grown specifically for seeds. There are two varieties of plants.

    Anise is distributed throughout the world. Refers to annual plants up to 60-70 centimeters high. It blooms with small white flowers, forming an umbrella shape at the top. Only plant seeds are used. It is anise that is used in cough medicines. It has disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, carminative properties.

    Has a beneficial effect on nervous system and organs of the alimentary tract.

    Chemical composition seeds:

    • fatty oil from 8 to 24%;
    • essential oil up to 3.2-6%. The oil contains anethole up to 90%, estragole up to 10%, anise ketone, acid.

    Star anise, another name for star anise. It began to be used in the vastness of our country quite recently. Belongs to the Schisandra family. Grows in North America, Asia, Abkhazia, Philippines. This perennial. Can grow into trees over 10 meters high. It begins to bear fruit after five years of growth and up to one hundred years. Use as a spice is only possible for fruits of trees older than 15 years.

    The difference between star anise and anise lies in its characteristics. Star anise does not tolerate heat treatment, loses its exquisite taste and beneficial features. That is why these two plants cannot replace each other in use.

    Anise cough drops contain the main component of 2.81 g of anise oil, additional:

    • alcohol;
    • ammonia solution -15 ml.

    The liquid appears colorless. Sometimes it may have a slightly yellowish tint. With a strong, pronounced anise aroma.


    The basis of anise drops is anise oil. To obtain at least 1 kilogram of oil, processing will require 50-60 kg. seeds The more valuable they become medicines, which contains anise oil.

    Drops are used to treat colds. Thanks to its composition, it thins difficult to separate sputum. They improve its discharge, relieve persistent cough, and stimulate the formation of sputum. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.


    Anise cough drops are used from the age of 1 year. The instructions for use describe that the drops are used for children and adults for:

    For whooping cough, it can be prescribed as an addition to the main treatment for children over one year of age.

    Renders disinfectant effect, effectively lowers the temperature at the time of exacerbation of the disease. Anise drops help:

    • eliminating constipation;
    • relieve spasms during colic;
    • eliminate problems with excessive gas formation.


    The main advantage is the natural composition of the drug. Thanks to this, the product is considered harmless and safe to use, especially for children. Anise oil can enhance the effect of antibiotics and help the body recover from illness.

    The cost of the drug can also be called an advantage. Sold in almost all pharmacies.

    Anise cough drops are available without a prescription. Easy to use. Undoubtedly, it is easier to give medicine in drops to children.

    How to take anise drops for coughs and in other cases

    Drops can be taken either on their own or together with other medications. Due to the alcohol content, do not use the drug undiluted. A burn to the oral mucosa may result. Due to the unusual aroma and taste, it is recommended to drip the drug onto sugar, bread or cookies and then eat it.

    For children, the drops are mixed with water, fruit drink and given generously to drink. For adults, take no more than 15 drops at a time.

    It should be taken an hour before meals, three to four times a day. After taking the medicine, do not drink water or eat food for 2 hours. The duration of treatment depends on how the disease progresses. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.

    Effective application Anise cough drops are observed during inhalation. Drops are mixed with saline solution. More detailed method Application will be prescribed by a doctor.

    For children, the drug is prescribed, with emphasis on the patient’s age. The duration of treatment cannot be more than 10 days. To avoid causing addiction to the medicine.

    The child is prescribed medications based on age. The dosage should be equal to the number of years. For example, at two years old, two drops of solution will be prescribed accordingly. At three years - 3 drops. At four or 4 drops, and at 10 years old - 10 or 11 drops.

    Ammonia-anise cough drops are convenient to give to children. Due to the release form, the medicine can be mixed with food or dissolved in water. This application facilitates the treatment of young children.

    Medicinal drops coughing irritates the muscles of the stomach, the bronchi actively contract and sputum is released.

    Against cough

    Used as an expectorant. Anise oil has beneficial influence removes mucus and relieves inflammation. Ammonia has an irritating effect on the cough center and promotes the separation of sputum.

    Prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia and whooping cough.

    Anise drops for digestion

    Anise drops are not specifically prescribed for the treatment of diseases. gastric tract. However, due to the composition of anise, it has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

    For example, Anethole (90%) entering the human body is able to stimulate intestinal activity, improve digestion, and have a laxative effect. Provide an analgesic and antimicrobial effect.

    At intestinal colic relieves spasms of intestinal muscles. Normalizes intestinal microflora destroying harmful cells and microbes. Helps reduce gas formation.

    Estragole (up to 10%) interacts with gastric juice and promotes the production of enzymes. It has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and wound-healing effects. Reduces painful sensations in the stomach, relieves nausea and heaviness, a feeling of fullness.


    The instructions for use state that the drops should not be used if there is an intolerance to a component of the product. Allergies can cause rashes, itching, and swelling.

    Other contraindications:

    • contraindicated for children under one year of age;
    • For peptic ulcers and gastritis, he does not recommend using anise drops. Ethyl alcohol and ammonia will act as irritants and lead to exacerbation of diseases;
    • Take with caution during breastfeeding, only as directed by a doctor. The medicine will pass through the mother's milk to the baby. This can cause allergies in the baby;
    • Avoid taking during pregnancy;
    • If you have a brain disease or traumatic brain injury, you should not take drops;
    • If you are an alcoholic, do not use due to the alcohol content;
    • The drug is not prescribed to children under one year of age;
    • car enthusiasts and people whose work requires special attention, use drops with caution.

    Anise cough drops after the expiration date.

    Use during pregnancy

    The instructions for use describe that anise drops cannot be used during pregnancy unless prescribed by a doctor. The alcohol contained in it poses a threat to the unborn baby. The drug can also act as an abortifacient.

    At what age can you take it?

    Anise cough drops are prescribed by your doctor. Instructions for use state that for infants up to one year, anise drops are replaced with preparations that do not contain alcohol. There are no age restrictions in the instructions for use of the device.

    Side effects

    Thanks to natural composition The medicine is perceived favorably by the body. Some people may experience allergies, nausea, and in some cases vomiting. Excitement from the nervous system, followed by depression. Other side effects:

    • change of mood;
    • excitation;
    • dry mouth;
    • diarrhea;
    • skin rash, burning;
    • pain in the epigastric region;
    • tachycardia;
    • hypertension.


    There is no data on drug overdose. But there is no point in experimenting. As in any case, exceeding the dose can cause poisoning. Compliance daily norm- the guarantee of your health.

    Storage conditions, expiration date

    Stored in a dark bottle. Storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The drug is used for no more than two years from the date of release. Keep away from children!


    If it is not possible to take ammonia-anise drops, then you can replace them with medications whose characteristics are not inferior to anise drops.

    List of some dosage forms From cough:

      Herbal infusions: Breast infusion No. 1. All natural herbal composition. Contains herbs oregano, coltsfoot, marshmallow root. An excellent composition of herbs that removes mucus, has an analgesic effect and relieves inflammation. It even heals chronic bronchitis. Price - from 36 ₽.

      Chest collection No.2. Licorice, plantain, coltsfoot act as a diaphoretic and make breathing easier. Increases immunity. Used for acute respiratory infections, flu, pneumonia. Price – from 35 ₽.

      Chest collection No.3. Contains anise, sage, marshmallow, licorice, pine buds. It has a strong bactericidal effect. Prescribed for infections and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Price - from 49 ₽.

      Chest collection No.4. Considered the most effective herbal mixture for treatment pulmonary diseases. Can be used even when bronchial asthma. Contains: chamomile, calendula, violet herbs, licorice, mint, wild rosemary shoots. Price - from 50 ₽ and above.

      Eucalyptus. Strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, relieves cough. Do inhalations with an oily solution for acute respiratory viral infections, lingering cough, tracheitis, bronchitis. Effective and steam inhalations. The average cost is 37 ₽. If you are allergic, do not take.

      Pectusin. Contains: eucalyptus oil and menthol. Treats cough, rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis. The tablets are dissolved until completely dissolved. Cost from 25 ₽. Not recommended if you are allergic to the components.

      Mukaltin. The main component is marshmallow root extract. Used for problems in respiratory tract. Contraindication: allergy to marshmallow. Price from 10 ₽.

      Pertusin. Available in syrup. The main ingredient of the herb creeping thyme, the additional component is potassium bromine. It is used as an expectorant for tracheitis, bronchitis and whooping cough. Prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, chronic heart failure. At diabetes mellitus with extreme caution. The price varies from 20 ₽.

      Bronchipret. Included liquid extract thyme herbs and ivy leaves. Helps thin mucus. Used for bronchitis, tracheobranchitis, tracheitis. It is better for children prone to allergies not to take herbs.

    When replacing ammonia-anise drops, a doctor's consultation is required.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Concomitant use with other cough suppressants is prohibited. This worsens sputum discharge. Combine with cough tablets and syrups containing thermopsis and marshmallow root.

    It is good to take together with antibiotics for a pronounced effect.
    Concomitant use with inhalations, rubbing, foot baths give good results.

    To enhance therapeutic effect A special solution is prepared at home. It will include anise drops and cough tablets consisting entirely of thermopsis herb. The main condition is compliance with the dosage.

    Grind a couple of thermopsis tablets to a powder and pour in a dessert spoon of ammonia-anise drops. Mix everything thoroughly and dilute with two tablespoons of boiling water. The resulting medicinal solution drink, stir first.

    Take this mixture three times a day half an hour before meals. At night, take the medicine two hours before bedtime. Since anise drops can have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. You can replace cough tablets with marshmallow root. The cost of the prepared suspension will not exceed one hundred rubles per course of treatment.

    Other uses of ammonia-anise drops

    Anise drops have been used by fishermen to catch fish since ancient times. The composition acts as a bite activator. Add to bait, mix with cereal. The persistent and specific aroma of anise attracts fish over vast distances. Ensuring you have a successful catch.

    Used for cleaning. Thanks to ammonia and ethyl alcohol Removing stubborn dirt, burning and greasy stains has become much easier. Kitchen tiles, multicookers, ovens, and hoods will become much cleaner thanks to anise drops. It is enough to pour the stained areas and leave for two or three minutes. Rub with a damp sponge and repeat the procedure if necessary. Of course, now on store shelves you can find any cleaning powders or gels, if only you had the money. But the good thing about anise drops is that they are not expensive, but they are effective.

    If you wash the floors in your house with anise drops, you can get rid of small rodents and mosquitoes.

    Anise oil and anise seeds are used in cooking confectionery. In the liquor industry for the preparation of alcohol (production of Italian liqueur with anise flavor), in the perfume industry.


    The price of the drug is its advantage. The price of a medicine depends on the appetite of the pharmacy chain and the manufacturer. The average cost in Russia ranges from 50 to 100 rubles. Here are examples in some regions for 2018:

    • In Moscow and the Moscow region, drops cost from 70 to 100 rubles.
    • In the Voronezh region the cost is from 54 to 80 rubles.
    • IN Krasnodar region from 56 to 97 ₽.
    • In the Tula region from 49 to 97 ₽.
    • In the Lipetsk region from 50 to 80 ₽.
    • In the Arkhangelsk region from 60 to 100 ₽.
    • IN Irkutsk region from 56 to 90 ₽.
    • IN Leningrad region from 59 to 120 ₽.
    • In the Vladimir region from 118 rubles and above.
    • In the Rostov region from 56-80 ₽.
    • In the Vologda region from 68 ₽.
    • In the Kaliningrad region from 63 ₽.
    • In Crimea average cost 77 ₽.


    If a cough occurs, we go to the pharmacy. The variety of drugs that a pharmacist can recommend to us is simply stunning. This is the first time we are hearing about the existence of half of the drugs. They don't inspire confidence in us. Or the cost comes as a slight shock. In such cases, it is better to remember the old proven medications. Which helped many generations to recover. And price doesn't matter here. Expensive doesn't mean better! Anise drops for this shining example! In addition, the drug is excellent for both adults and children.

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