How to make a cough at home. Prolonged runny nose in a child: effective treatment. How to provoke redness of the throat and hyperthermia

Every child in infancy a cold may occur and the temperature may rise. As in an adult, these manifestations cannot pass without coughing. But unfortunately, small child There is no cough reflex yet, so all the stagnation of phlegm in the lungs remains in place. This can lead to significant complications. To prevent this from happening, you need to induce a cough, or, roughly speaking, get really sick. In this article we will talk about how to cause a cough and why, in general, is this necessary? What is the best thing to do and what will be right?

What do we have to do?

Drink more fluids

First of all, you need to know directly about home methods of help. To do this, the child must drink plenty of fluids. The more he drinks, the faster the phlegm in the lungs thins. It could be juices plain water, broths or even milk. Just make sure all drinks are warm. Many foreign doctors believe that the best way to thin sputum is to drink plenty of fluids. No antibiotics or medications. Only natural products and fortified nutrition will help overcome colds.

Ambient climate

In addition, environmental influences and air are very important for a small child. The room must have appropriate humidity. If there is no special device for humidifying the air, then you can hang wet towels in the room where the baby is most present. You can also place several cans of water or any other containers in the room. IN in this case The optimal air humidity is no more than 60, and the temperature is no higher than 20 degrees. If it seems that this temperature is cool, then it is better to dress your baby warmer, and the air is moist and cool will only benefit.

Walk more often after the rain

It is very useful to walk in damp weather just after rain. Dress your child warmly and quickly for a walk. Let him breathe deeply and slowly. This is a kind of procedure, just like using a cool inhaler.

Such simple methods will help induce a cough, but will not make you sicker. Do not worry about it. On the contrary, the opinion that the temperature in the patient’s room should be damp and cool is truer than when the air in the room is dry and hot. All microbes and allergic reactions develop well in warmth, but not in cold. Therefore, the patient’s room should always be fresh and ventilated.

Folk remedies

Fig drink with milk

If you can’t call using such simple methods coughing in a child, then you can prepare some home remedies. Figs and milk will help with this. You need to boil three figs in 200 grams of milk and leave for about 20 minutes. To make this drink pleasant for your child, you can add a little honey to taste. Thus, your child will get sick with a strong cough much faster and the sputum will quickly come out. The faster all the mucus is released from the lungs, the faster the recovery will come.

Give a massage to a child

You can try to induce a cough in a child using massage. To do this, you need to place the baby with your chest on your lap so that the head hangs down a little. Run your palm upward from the middle of your back, maybe patting the back a little. If the baby likes it and doesn’t cry, then such procedures are suitable for him and should be performed more often.

There is quite a lot in the upper back reflex zones, which in this case will have a positive effect on sputum discharge. This massage will help the child in in a good way get sick so that you can recover faster.

In this case, it is very important to know how to cough correctly and not harm the little body. Even the strongest phlegm retention can be easily removed if you take the following steps: correct actions and consult a doctor.

Use of inhalations

An equally effective way to induce a cough is inhalation. To do this, you can do the usual. But you should definitely consult your doctor about choosing an oil. First of all, this concerns the fact that the child may experience either allergic reactions, or the unsuitable oil will worsen the removal of mucus. You need to know how to properly treat a severe cough or, on the contrary, how to cause it. Inhalations must be done several times a day. And after the procedure itself, you should not drink liquids for an hour.

What will help better?

Many parents wonder what exactly is best to do and what will help better. In this case, we can say with confidence that the most effective way is complex treatment. The main thing is that the child has more humid and cool air in the room. Take walks more often fresh air and drink milk with figs. This set of procedures will help very well in “coughing” and will quickly remove all the mucus from the child’s lungs.

Under no circumstances should you make hasty independent decisions and you should not engage exclusively in self-medication. Otherwise, your child may get really seriously ill and things will come to a head. serious complications, for example, pneumonia may develop. Therefore, do not risk your baby’s health and be sure to consult a doctor. Even choosing the wrong inhalation for a child’s age can worsen his health condition.

It is much easier to get seriously ill than to be cured promptly and correctly. Don't joke with your baby's health, because children's body very susceptible to various influences.

How to start a cough, raise the temperature and simulate an acute respiratory infection or cold as realistically as possible?

How to get a cough?




What's wrong?? ? The same is not possible.

Victor Semenov


Irina Sobkanyuk

Stanislav Popov

Nikita Poleskov

Seryoga Seryoga

Arina Durneva

Maxim Pridachin

how to induce a cough

How to cause a runny nose?



idiocy of course)), extreme, but safe for health, compared to cold balconies and others:

pour water into your nose (you may need salty water), release it through your throat, some part will remain inside

After some time, a runny nose will appear very quickly, and a real one at that. I don’t know what’s going on with the water there, apparently all this mucus in the sinuses shifts and hardens)))

This “side” effect of the procedure for getting rid of a runny nose is jala neti, if it is not done completely, leaving water in the nasal sinuses and above.

Well, the most important thing is that to get rid of a runny nose, even a chronic one, do jala neti - to the end)

Tekken 6 & big (*)(*) fan

take a walk in one top on the street


ha ha. take a swim and go out to the balcony!!


Mmm. eat 3 packs of ice cream and you're done)) O_o


put stationery glue in your nose

If you don't stick together, snot will appear =)

Elena Kuznetsova

cut the onion, sniff the shag or whatever? snuff... you can sniff black pepper, then you'll definitely not stop sneezing

there is no need to call him in any way, then complications may arise, sinusitis, and they will do a puncture, and according to rumors this is not very pleasant


allergies will help you!

Sweet Girl

eat some ice cream on the balcony while you’re wet, and if that doesn’t help, then go outside, almost naked, and swim (as if by accident) in a puddle.

Alexandra Voronenko

wet your head and stand in the cold barefoot, I needed it urgently once - it helped.


jump naked into the refrigerator

Sniff some office glue

What can cause a child to cough without fever?

A child's cough is a cause of concern for any parent. However, it should be understood that this is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body. With his help from respiratory tract foreign particles, dust and excess mucus are removed. Healthy children cough up to 20 times a day, more often in the morning. If at the same time the child has a cough without fever, he feels great, is active and does not complain about anything, there is no reason for concern. This is a physiological reaction and does not need to be treated or suppressed with folk remedies. A child’s severe cough or constant coughing indicates a pathology that needs to be treated.

Physiological cough: causes

This phenomenon does not cause negative emotions in the child, does not exhaust him, and occurs rarely. If your child coughs frequently and this is accompanied by other symptoms, such as lethargy and lack of appetite, you should contact your pediatrician. Infants often have a cough without fever. A wet cough during teething is associated with excess salivation.

While eating and some time later, small children cough due to pieces of food getting into the trachea. An occasional wet cough without fever that begins when the child cries is also normal.

Older children may try to manipulate their parents. Remembering that when he is sick, everyone is kind to him, the child provokes a cough to attract parental attention.

The most common reasons may become a viral, cold or inflammation of the respiratory organs. Usually accompanied high temperature, but it happens that a child has a cough without fever. One of the first signs in this case is dryness. You can ease your child's condition by giving him warm water take small sips and ventilate the room. Before making an accurate diagnosis, treat the child yourself medicines Not recommended.

Severe cough in children younger age may be caused by an accidentally swallowed foreign body. In this case, blueness of the skin, loss of voice, difficulty breathing, and suffocation may occur. It is necessary to remove the foreign body as quickly as possible. If you cannot do this yourself, call immediately ambulance.

Non-infectious pathologies can also cause coughing attacks. This could be an allergy to wool, spices, detergents, pollen, and so on. Associated symptoms: lacrimation, headaches, nasal congestion, runny nose. It is necessary to find out the reason allergic reaction and eliminate it.

In a child, a cough without fever can cause bronchospasm due to asthma or obstructive bronchitis. The main symptom of obstructive bronchitis is wheezing. Usually the child begins to have a runny nose and cough with sputum production, and the temperature rises. But the disease can proceed completely differently if it is atypical bronchitis caused by mycoplasmas and chlamydia. The increase in temperature is insignificant or may not exist. A slight cough is accompanied by a constant sore throat.

In some cases, a child’s cough without fever is caused by worms. Their larvae make their way through the oral cavity into digestive tract through the respiratory tract, irritating them and causing coughing attacks.

Can worms cause a cough?

There are several types of worms that, when introduced into the human body, can cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. These include:

These roundworms live in the human intestine. Ascaris eggs can enter the body with:

Worms, causing cough(or rather, roundworm larvae) can also enter the body through touching the fur of an infected animal or contact with the things of a sick person. That is why it is so important to follow the following rules:

  • Keep your hands clean (especially before eating).
  • Wash vegetables and fruits.
  • Follow the correct technology for preparing meat and fish dishes.

Cough: Giardia

  • From one person to another.
  • From animals.
  • Through unwashed products.
  • When drinking unboiled water or raw milk.

Cough from worms - symptoms

Sharp spasmodic exhalations in adults and children, caused by helminths and their larvae living in the body, may be accompanied by other manifestations pathological reactions body:

  • Dizziness.
  • Periodic increases in temperature.
  • Headaches.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Nausea.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, right hypochondrium and other places where worms are localized.
  • Severe weight loss.
  • Weakness.
  • Apathy.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • Intoxication leading to mental disorders (excessive irritability, fatigue).


treatment colds

  • Respiratory diseases
    • Cold
    • ARVI and acute respiratory infections
    • Flu
    • Cough
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchitis
  • ENT diseases
    • Runny nose
    • Sinusitis
    • Tonsillitis
    • A sore throat

How to cough

How to start coughing

How to start coughing and cause a runny nose. This question is often asked by schoolchildren and students of higher and secondary special education. educational institutions. However, even some adults use the good old methods of “taking a break” from work for a couple of days. How to start a cough, raise the temperature and simulate an acute respiratory infection or cold as realistically as possible?

How to get a cough?

It's easy to cause a cough. This symptom can be simulated by periodically coughing forcefully. One day of such masterly acting will end with a reddened throat, which even an experienced therapist can mistake for a slightly sore throat. You can also smell ground black or red pepper. Then you will have a runny nose and sneezing for at least half an hour. A cough may also begin.

How to cause cough and fever?

Before you induce a cough and fever, think about whether it will harm your health. Simulating the temperature is a little more difficult, but there are ways to help you with this:

  • The oldest of these is the use of onions or garlic. The juice of these root vegetables should be rubbed onto your armpits. Within an hour after this, measuring the temperature can give a result of up to thirty-eight degrees. Rub garlic under your armpits before going to the therapist's office, who will definitely offer you a thermometer.
  • You can start simulating an attack of this symptom in front of your parents or doctor after you eat small piece pencil lead. Its entry into the body also increases the temperature. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise, instead of an imaginary cold, you may get very real poisoning.
  • Using paper glue will also help you fake illness. Apply a little transparent mixture to your finger and lubricate both nostrils closer to the bridge of the nose. A runny nose, red eyes and a thermometer reading within thirty-eight are guaranteed. At the same time, it is important not to forget to start making loud sounds in an annoying manner so that the disease looks as realistic as possible.
  • You can start coughing even after you induce a runny nose with geranium. You can lubricate your nasal passages with its juice, or you can insert rolled leaves into your nostrils for ten to fifteen minutes. You won’t have to think about how to start coughing after this. The profuse runny nose and sneezing that this plant will cause will lead to irritation of the cough receptors. Therefore, you will have to start coughing quite realistically.

Remember that all of the above methods are dangerous to health. Using them can not only cause you to cough or develop a fever, but also cause a serious allergic reaction.

People, help me, how to raise the temperature, cause a runny nose or cough?




What's wrong?? ? The same is not possible.

Before placing the thermometer, rub your armpit with salt. verified

Victor Semenov

If you eat a little pencil lead you will get a fever! 100% result! I already tried it!


if at school you rub your cheeks so that your eyes are red and your eyes are tired and 90% of the doctors let you go

smell, pepper, eat a lot of pencil lead, but it’s better not to suffer from this nonsense

Irina Sobkanyuk

Add 2 drops of iodine to raffinate sugar and eat. Your temperature is guaranteed for a couple of hours. I left school when I didn’t feel like studying.

Stanislav Popov

You need to eat 2 frozen juices (like ice cream) and then wet them warm water feet (you can just make sure your feet are wet no matter how), put on socks, then put on your shoes and go outside, you need to stand there for 30 minutes and go home back into the warmth, sleep for one night and after you wake up you will have your throat will hurt and you will have a runny nose, and the next day you will have a fever! !

P.S. TESTED 2 times I check it works differently for each person, even now I’m sitting at home sick!

Nikita Poleskov

Rub the thermometer on the skinny thing! 1 runny nose from warm to cold, for example, legs in a hot basin and hot tea or coffee, then go outside!! Ice your throat))

Seryoga Seryoga

A few drops of iodine with water or a stylus and the temperature will rise 100%))

Arina Durneva

Maxim Pridachin

how to induce a cough

What can I do to make the cough go away quickly?



Brew dry chamomile and rinse.


cough is the removal of unnecessary phlegm from the body, drink chicken bouillon hot, wrap your neck, drink tea and take aloe with honey. 5 days.


Hot milk. I get it in 2 days


Cough is a protective reaction of the body. It cleanses the bronchi. Cure the underlying disease, and its symptoms will go away.

DaqpbЯR AndqreVna

Milk-nut shake - cough treatment:

For 1 liter of milk, take 1 cup of unpeeled, unroasted pine nuts. Boil the nuts in milk over low heat for 20 minutes, and then strain. You can eat nuts and drink 1 glass of warm milk in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Drink the rest the next day. The cough will stop and the sputum will go away.

if a cough starts, you need to take decoctions medicinal plants, diluting sputum and improving its discharge. Wild rosemary, trifoliate violet, and marshmallow will quickly help. And inhalation with pine buds can relieve coughing attacks. Pour 1 teaspoon into the teapot pine buds and pour boiling water over them. Breathe steam through the spout. Pine essential oil and resin have the property of enveloping the respiratory tract and soothing irritation.

mash 1 validol tablet, 7 drops of iodine, 1 tsp. baking soda. Boil 2 glasses of water, pour all the ingredients into it, stir. Pour the hot mixture into a teapot or inhaler. Breathe steam through the kettle spout for a while. 10 min. before bedtime. After 3 days, even the most persistent cough will go away.

Finely chop the raw onion and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

take 100 g lard, melt and mix with 5 tablespoons of cocoa and 100 gr. steamed figs and minced through a meat grinder. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Ekaterina Trush

Prospan syrup. If the cough has just started, you will recover in three days. He gets over his cough quickly. This is not the first time I have been treated. The main thing is to start treatment earlier.

Ekaterina Kravchenko

The main thing is not quickly, but effectively and without consequences. Prospan syrup helps me with this. It expels phlegm very well from the bronchi.

AS from dry cough. HOW to turn a dry cough into a wet one?


Voproshaikin Sprashalkovich

dissolve in a glass of boiling water


Give an enema. until the first jet.


Drink Lazolvan syrup.

Lyubov Pavlukhina

There is a special one. means, such as cheap bromhexine - to thin the sputum. There are also more serious, more expensive ones - look in pharmacies. But!! ! It’s best to buy (take it out of the underground, etc.) a black radish, cut off the top, remove the core (with a knife and not all of it, of course, but make a recess about a quarter of the radish in height and diameter), and pour into the resulting recess spoon - two honey. Don’t wince - there is no radish smell, the taste of honey changes, the cavity is filled with fruit juice dissolved in honey in about a couple of hours. Even our little one was given a teaspoon three times a day when she was just one year old - and no medicine was needed. The dry barking cough very quickly, by the evening, became softer, and after a couple of days it disappeared. Otherwise, we give you a drink first to cause expectoration, then to stop the cough - and the baby literally coughs everything out of herself until she vomits, although we just need to remove the irritants and inflammation. HONEY and RADISH, fresh milk - better than goat milk with honey, and if you can - with butter - and you will forget about all the colds! Just don’t forget about prevention - at least once a day, half a glass of warm (hot) milk with honey.

Nikolay -

Min 3 6

I advise the whole family to drink before coughing Glue moment!)

How to make a cough wet. Give the antibiotic cef3. While the cough is dry


Larisa Shishkova

expectorants, brew marshmallow root, lazolvan, chest collection 4, bromhexine, mucaltin

Victor Bolshov

We give the children a ready-made mixture with marshmallow root, it helps, we need to look for where the pharmacy makes it according to the prescription


if there is no temperature, you can do alkaline inhalations, as well as copious alkaline drinks (mineral water without gases), thinning and expectorant drugs such as Lazolvan, ACC.

Yulia Lazorenko

What did the doctor prescribe?

Tatiana Frolova

compress with serum at night, viburnum, raspberries, plenty of fluids, expectorant mixtures - licorice syrup is one of the best.

Yuri Chashchin

an antibiotic and will not transform a dry cough into a wet one, you need something from the mucolytics Lazolvan for example or assortment.


Antibiotics do not “make” the cough moist, but kill microorganisms (in particular, the 3rd generation cephalosporins that you are taking). To liquefy sputum and improve its discharge, mucolytics are used, which should be prescribed by a doctor, and not by the seller at the pharmacy.


Sinekod-syrup and Gerbion with plantain, and ACC - not for dry cough but for better discharge sputum.


Althea syrup, Ascoril, Bronchicum.

Productive and non-productive cough

Regardless of the time of year, cough bothers us. It can occur without visible reasons and continue for quite a long time. And sometimes, in the absence of a visible irritant, it goes away in a matter of days. But in any case, productive and not productive cough is a protective mechanism of our body that protects the respiratory tract from the effects of various harmful factors.

Cough, like many other negative manifestations of our body, is simple symptom, indicating the presence of a disease in a person. There are about 50 causes of cough, but there are only two types: productive and non-productive cough. This distinction determines whether there is discharge when coughing or not.

A productive cough removes mucus from the bronchi, throat, nose and even lungs. This type of cough cannot be suppressed. It is necessary to do everything possible to remove the remaining dead bacteria, and the excreted sputum is precisely that, and to cleanse the body of the disease. A productive cough is the first sign that the patient is on the road to recovery.

Causes of productive cough include:

  • chronic lung diseases, both congenital and acquired;
  • viral infections and diseases;
  • excess nasal contents;
  • constant passive smoking;
  • gastroesophageal reflex disease.

A nonproductive cough is any cough that does not produce sputum. It is based on excessive irritability of the respiratory tract, as it has a reflex nature. Rhinitis, sinusitis and laryngitis are diseases in which a dry cough can torment the patient from a couple of days to several weeks.

Other causes of nonproductive cough include:

  • allergies;
  • viral diseases;
  • side effects when taking various medications;
  • obstruction of the airways due to careless inhalation of food;
  • narrowing of the airways or bronchospasm;
  • bronchiolitis;
  • increased emotional irritability;
  • infections spreading in the lower respiratory tract;
  • croup;
  • inhalation.

Productive and non-productive cough caused by a viral infection cannot be treated with antibiotics. Their use can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause allergies with additional side effects. In addition, inappropriate use of antibiotics increases resistance pathogenic bacteria, which reduces the likelihood of successful treatment in the future.

To cure a productive cough, medications that help remove phlegm are ideal. To facilitate expectoration, various expectorant syrups and pastilles are suitable, thinning thick sputum that is not able to independently separate from the ciliary epithelium and come out. Only after the proper functioning of the epithelium is restored can you be sure that sputum will be eliminated faster, and a productive cough will soon completely disappear.

If you need to get rid of a non-productive cough, it is worth choosing drugs that affect the suppression of the cough reflex. Quite effective in combating unproductive cough are medications that have a so-called local anesthetic effect on the irritated mucous membrane. The main effect is aimed at reducing its excitability, as well as facilitating the functioning of the upper respiratory tract, which affects the inhibition of the cough reflex itself. You can use drugs containing codeine, but they are less safe for the body. If you have a non-productive cough, the main thing is to make it productive. “Grandma’s” recipes are suitable for this. Tea with honey, raspberry jam and warm milk with a piece of melted butter or goat fat. These methods are safe, tasty and healthy.

Productive and non-productive coughs can be easily cured if you start getting rid of them in a timely manner. And then in 2-3 days you will be able to enjoy life again.

Treatment for a wet cough involves making it easier for mucus to come out. Due to its viscous composition, it cannot come off quickly, so it is necessary to take medications to liquefy it. Otherwise, the accumulation of sputum will provoke the development of a new source of infection.

What is a wet cough and why does it occur?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body that ensures the cleansing of the tracheobronchial tree from irritants. A dry cough caused by exposure to an irritant becomes wet (productive) when the bronchi are unable to cope with the removal of sputum. Gradually accumulating and acting on cough receptors, it provokes a cough. Thus, a wet cough can be called an independent attempt by the bronchi to get rid of phlegm and pathogenic bacteria.

Any attempts to eliminate it will be useless without knowing the exact cause. As a symptom, a productive cough may indicate pathologies such as:

Allergic reactions caused by exposure to foreign bodies, gases, dust, odors on the respiratory tract;

acute respiratory infections or colds that develop as a result of damage to the respiratory tract by viruses and bacteria;

Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;

Disruption in work nervous system, causing neurogenic cough.

Drug treatment of wet cough

People often make the mistake of trying to simply eliminate an annoying symptom. This approach slows down the healing process, since sputum does not come out, but remains in the bronchi and accumulates, provoking the development of serious illnesses respiratory system. Therefore, treatment of wet cough should be carried out with the help of medications that can remove phlegm and improve the condition of the respiratory tract. It happens that after recovery, the cough continues to bother you, but sputum is no longer produced. In this case, you can take medications that only eliminate the cough reflex.

To improve sputum discharge, doctors prescribe Bromhexine, Ambroxol, ACC and syrups. And to make it easier to expectorate accumulated sputum, treatment is supplemented with the use of Broncholitin or Mucaltin. Inhalations using chamomile, mint, sage, marshmallow, and warm drinks will be useful during the treatment of wet cough.

Treatment of wet cough with folk remedies

Black radish is a component of many folk recipes related to the elimination of wet cough. It can be used in different ways. For example, a hole is cut out of a clean, dry radish and filled with honey. To prevent the accumulating natural syrup from spreading, the radish is placed in a deep plate. This delicious medicine can be taken by both adults and children.

Homemade black radish mixture is prepared by mixing 1 part of its juice with 2 parts of warm milk. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably linden) in the resulting product. Healing composition should be taken orally after meals 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

To carry out inhalation, several tablespoons of dry thyme or coltsfoot are poured with hot water, after which 2 teaspoons of soda and a few drops of eucalyptus oil are added. Leaning over the container, cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing steam for minutes. This procedure thins mucus well.

How to start a cough, raise the temperature and simulate an acute respiratory infection or cold as realistically as possible?

How to get a cough?

It's easy to cause a cough. This symptom can be simulated by periodically coughing forcefully. One day of such masterly acting will end with a reddened throat, which even an experienced therapist can mistake for a slightly sore throat. You can also smell ground black or red pepper. Then you will have a runny nose and sneezing for at least half an hour. A cough may also begin.

How to cause cough and fever?

Before you induce a cough and fever, think about whether it will harm your health. Simulating the temperature is a little more difficult, but there are ways to help you with this:

  • The oldest of these is the use of onions or garlic. The juice of these root vegetables should be rubbed onto your armpits. Within an hour after this, measuring the temperature can give a result of up to thirty-eight degrees. Rub garlic under your armpits before going to the therapist's office, who will definitely offer you a thermometer.
  • You can start simulating an attack of this symptom in front of your parents or doctor after you eat a small piece of pencil lead. Its entry into the body also increases the temperature. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise, instead of an imaginary cold, you may get very real poisoning.
  • Using paper glue will also help you fake illness. Apply a little transparent mixture to your finger and lubricate both nostrils closer to the bridge of the nose. A runny nose, red eyes and a thermometer reading within thirty-eight are guaranteed. At the same time, it is important not to forget to start making loud sounds in an annoying manner so that the disease looks as realistic as possible.
  • You can start coughing even after you induce a runny nose with geranium. You can lubricate your nasal passages with its juice, or you can insert rolled leaves into your nostrils for ten to fifteen minutes. You won’t have to think about how to start coughing after this. The profuse runny nose and sneezing that this plant will cause will lead to irritation of the cough receptors. Therefore, you will have to start coughing quite realistically.

Remember that all of the above methods are dangerous to health. Using them can not only cause you to cough or develop a fever, but also cause a serious allergic reaction.

People, help me, how to raise the temperature, cause a runny nose or cough?




What's wrong?? ? The same is not possible.

Before placing the thermometer, rub your armpit with salt. verified

Victor Semenov

If you eat a little pencil lead you will get a fever! 100% result! I already tried it!


if at school you rub your cheeks so that your eyes are red and your eyes are tired and 90% of the doctors let you go

smell, pepper, eat a lot of pencil lead, but it’s better not to suffer from this nonsense

Irina Sobkanyuk

Add 2 drops of iodine to raffinate sugar and eat. Your temperature is guaranteed for a couple of hours. I left school when I didn’t feel like studying.

Stanislav Popov

You need to eat 2 frozen juices (like ice cream), then wet your feet with warm water (you can just make sure your feet are wet no matter how), put on socks, then put on your shoes and go outside, you need to stand there for 30 minutes and go home back into the warmth, sleep one night and after you wake up you will have a sore throat and runny nose, and the next day you will have a fever! !

P.S. TESTED 2 times I check it works differently for each person, even now I’m sitting at home sick!

Nikita Poleskov

Rub the thermometer on the skinny thing! 1 runny nose from warm to cold, for example, legs in a hot basin and hot tea or coffee, then go outside!! Ice your throat))

Seryoga Seryoga

A few drops of iodine with water or a stylus and the temperature will rise 100%))

Arina Durneva

Maxim Pridachin

how to induce a cough

How to cause a runny nose?



idiocy of course)), extreme, but safe for health, compared to cold balconies and others:

pour water into your nose (you may need salty water), release it through your throat, some part will remain inside

After some time, a runny nose will appear very quickly, and a real one at that. I don’t know what’s going on with the water there, apparently all this mucus in the sinuses shifts and hardens)))

This “side” effect of the procedure for getting rid of a runny nose is jala neti, if it is not done completely, leaving water in the nasal sinuses and above.

Well, the most important thing is that to get rid of a runny nose, even a chronic one, do jala neti - to the end)

Tekken 6 & big (*)(*) fan

take a walk in one top on the street


ha ha. take a swim and go out to the balcony!!


Mmm. eat 3 packs of ice cream and you're done)) O_o


put stationery glue in your nose

If you don't stick together, snot will appear =)

Elena Kuznetsova

cut the onion, sniff the shag or whatever? snuff... you can sniff black pepper, then you'll definitely not stop sneezing

there is no need to call him in any way, then complications may arise, sinusitis, and they will do a puncture, and according to rumors this is not very pleasant


allergies will help you!

Sweet Girl

eat some ice cream on the balcony while you’re wet, and if that doesn’t help, then go outside, almost naked, and swim (as if by accident) in a puddle.

Alexandra Voronenko

wet your head and stand in the cold barefoot, I needed it urgently once - it helped.


jump naked into the refrigerator

Sniff some office glue

What can cause a child to cough without fever?

A child's cough is a cause of concern for any parent. However, it should be understood that this is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body. With its help, foreign particles, dust and excess mucus are removed from the respiratory tract. Healthy children cough up to 20 times a day, more often in the morning. If at the same time the child has a cough without fever, he feels great, is active and does not complain about anything, there is no reason for concern. This is a physiological reaction and does not need to be treated or suppressed with folk remedies. A child’s severe cough or constant coughing indicates a pathology that needs to be treated.

Physiological cough: causes

This phenomenon does not cause negative emotions in the child, does not exhaust him, and occurs rarely. If your child coughs frequently and this is accompanied by other symptoms, such as lethargy and lack of appetite, you should contact your pediatrician. Infants often have a cough without fever. A wet cough during teething is associated with excess salivation.

While eating and some time later, small children cough due to pieces of food getting into the trachea. An occasional wet cough without fever that begins when the child cries is also normal.

Older children may try to manipulate their parents. Remembering that when he is sick, everyone is kind to him, the child provokes a cough to attract parental attention.

The most common causes may be a viral disease, a cold, or inflammation of the respiratory organs. Usually accompanied by a high temperature, but it happens that the child has a cough without fever. One of the first signs in this case is dryness. You can alleviate the child's condition by giving him warm water in small sips and ventilating the room. It is not recommended to independently treat the child with medications until an accurate diagnosis is made.

A severe cough in young children can be caused by an accidentally swallowed foreign body. In this case, blueness of the skin, loss of voice, difficulty breathing, and suffocation may occur. It is necessary to remove the foreign body as quickly as possible. If you cannot do this on your own, immediately call an ambulance.

Non-infectious pathologies can also cause coughing attacks. This could be an allergy to wool, spices, detergents, pollen, and so on. Associated symptoms: lacrimation, headaches, nasal congestion, runny nose. It is necessary to find out the cause of the allergic reaction and eliminate it.

In a child, a cough without fever can cause bronchospasm due to asthma or obstructive bronchitis. The main symptom of obstructive bronchitis is wheezing. Usually the child begins to have a runny nose and cough with sputum production, and the temperature rises. But the disease can proceed completely differently if it is atypical bronchitis caused by mycoplasmas and chlamydia. The increase in temperature is insignificant or may not exist. A slight cough is accompanied by a constant sore throat.

In some cases, a child’s cough without fever is caused by worms. Their larvae make their way through the oral cavity into the digestive tract along the respiratory tract, irritating them and causing coughing attacks.

Can worms cause a cough?

There are several types of worms that, when introduced into the human body, can cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. These include:

These roundworms live in the human intestines. Ascaris eggs can enter the body with:

Worms that cause coughing (more precisely, roundworm larvae) can also enter the body through touching the fur of an infected animal or contact with the belongings of a sick person. That is why it is so important to follow the following rules:

  • Keep your hands clean (especially before eating).
  • Wash vegetables and fruits.
  • Follow the correct technology for preparing meat and fish dishes.

Cough: Giardia

  • From one person to another.
  • From animals.
  • Through unwashed products.
  • When drinking unboiled water or raw milk.

Cough from worms - symptoms

Sharp spastic exhalations in adults and children, caused by helminths and their larvae living in the body, may be accompanied by the manifestation of other pathological reactions of the body:

  • Dizziness.
  • Periodic increases in temperature.
  • Headaches.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Nausea.
  • Constipation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, right hypochondrium and other places where worms are localized.
  • Severe weight loss.
  • Weakness.
  • Apathy.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • Intoxication leading to mental disorders (excessive irritability, fatigue).

Simulating a cold at the doctor

  • malaise;
  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough.


  • “I got my feet wet yesterday”;
  • “It took a long time to get home from work, I was freezing at the bus stop”;
  • “frozen at work”;
  • “yesterday I went to the pool and froze on the way home.”

It is impossible to verify the truth of complaints of malaise, weakness, headache, and lack of appetite. In this case, everything is in the acting talent of the pretender. Of course, patients who are unwell or weak cannot come to an appointment with a smile and headphones in their ears. Facial expression should also show bad feeling and concern. For greater reliability, as the founder of the theater school Stanislavsky K.S. taught, you need to remember what it felt like during a real cold. State these same complaints and reflect them in your appearance.

Visiting a doctor at home


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More about colds

A therapist with 20 years of experience, Sergei Aleksandrovich Ryzhikov, answers your questions.

What is your risk of getting sick?

Find out your risk of getting sick this year!

Jokes about colds

Not exactly the theme of the site, but a little humor never hurts!

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The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

How to feign illness for sick leave

In the life of every person there are completely non-standard and unexpected situations when you suddenly need to take a break from work, but no time off or vacation is expected.

Then many people remember school years and tricks with a thermometer to avoid going to class and end up sick. Of course, it’s not good to lie and you shouldn’t take any radical measures at all. But get sick leave It is possible with the help of available tricks. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to abuse such methods.

But first, it’s worth understanding what sick leave is in principle, and when do you get it when you’re sick? After all, sometimes a person may simply not know that he is entitled to rest and treatment. A sick leave certificate confirms the employee’s temporary incapacity for work. He proves to management that the employee did not come to work for a completely valid reason and cannot put his health at risk.

You can actually get such a paper in a hospital, after a doctor’s examination and his conclusion. It is worth highlighting the following reasons why sick leave is issued:

  1. In case of illness.
  2. Child (minor) care.
  3. For pregnancy.
  4. In case of childbirth.

After being handed over to work, the sick leave goes to the accounting department, because a certain amount of benefits is assigned according to it. The law quite strictly regulates transactions with such documentation, because it is unacceptable to pay a person money for absence from work without reason. Therefore, if there are the slightest inaccuracies in the sheet, you simply will not be paid for sick leave.

What else you need to know about the sheet

If an error is still detected, you need to quickly go to the hospital to correct it. Better yet, check your sheet right away. The following errors are especially common:

  • incorrectly written initials and surname;
  • incorrect disease code;
  • incorrectly recorded work address;
  • inappropriate position.

Sick leave must fully cover the period of absence from work. It is often opened on the day of admission and closed at the time of discharge. Vacation does not exempt you from receiving a worksheet.

Also, the document can be opened and filled out without leaving home. To do this, it is advisable to call medical workers to your home due to poor condition. Then it will simply be enough to get your sheet back upon discharge from the hospital. The paper itself must have a date and stamp. It also indicates the day on which the employee goes to work. In some situations, they may also indicate that a person cannot perform certain duties for a certain period of time, for example, carrying heavy objects.

Moreover, there are cases when a person is able to obtain sick leave for legally, but he doesn’t know it himself. For example, it is given for the following diseases and conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reaction;
  • cystitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • problems with teeth and gums;
  • carrying out IVF;
  • donor day;
  • poisoning.

Of course, it all depends on the severity of the diagnosis. Only a doctor can make the right decision.

Sick leave without illness: private clinic

There is an opinion that you don’t have to worry too much about rest or time off, because you can get the document in a private hospital. And it’s true, a person is responsible for his own health and has the right to decide where to get treatment, so documentation from private institutions has the same force as from regular clinics.

The procedure by which you can receive sick leave is the same as in government institutions. But required condition– availability of a special license that allows you to establish the fact of incapacity for work. Therefore, the document cannot be issued in the following places:

  • in trauma centers (if there is a serious injury, then it is certified by a therapist or surgeon);
  • in the ambulance;
  • in physical education clinics;
  • in prevention centers;
  • in the reception department.

In general, private clinics are different. Many people think that since they pay money for an appointment, they can also demand sick leave without good reason. Here everything needs to be found out individually, but such transactions are definitely illegal.

Tricks for sick leave

Life is completely unpredictable. Not surprisingly, it is better to know in advance some tricks that will help you take a vacation without losing your benefits. And if you think that it is unrealistic to outwit the doctor and the system, then you simply do not know all the intricacies of this process. Most often they go to a therapist to get the document. Here you can try the following options:

  • turn to doctors you know well or pay a bribe. Yes, this method is not very beautiful and honest, it may not end in the best way, but this option cannot be written off;
  • provocation of an allergic reaction. This method is very dangerous, here you act at your own peril and risk. But on the other hand, it has been definitely tested, because if you are allergic to some product, all you need to do is eat it;
  • malaise. It may cause blood pressure problems. If you complain about such a symptom, the doctor must measure your blood pressure. At this moment you need to press your feet very hard on the floor, which will cause a jump. There is also special drugs to raise or lower the pressure level.

If you have previously been to a neurologist, you may complain of back and neck pain. Only acting talent will help here. If you succeed, the doctor will give you a little rest without any problems.

You can also make an appointment with a gastroenterologist before for a long time without eating food. This will make it difficult to palpate the abdomen. Complain about pain and diarrhea. However, do not overdo it, otherwise a specialist may send you for examination.

A technique known since school that can briefly raise the temperature. To do this, before measuring, you need to discreetly eat pencil graphite. Please note that this method is toxic. But you will get a fever, and cough and headache are easy to imitate. As a result, the doctor may believe that you have a cold. However, remember that it is best not to go against the law at all, so as not to end up with serious problems.

How to fake a cold without even the doctor noticing

Nobody likes to get sick, and everyone knows that health is not something to joke about. But sometimes emergency situations arise when it wouldn’t hurt to “get sick.” It happens that you urgently need to get time off from work or miss a class at the university because of urgent and important matters. It also happens that a sick leave is needed to simply rest and relax at home, surrounded by caring loved ones.

One way or another, in order to officially get a short “vacation” you will need to go to the doctors at the clinic or call your local therapist at home and demonstrate to them a bunch of plausible symptoms of some disease. The easiest way is to fake a cold.

Preparatory process for simulation

In order for the pretense to be successful and to look as close to the truth as possible, you need to think in advance about how to simulate a cold: develop an action plan, remember how you felt during a cold, and carefully study all the ways to deceive specialists, your boss or relatives.

The main signs of any ARVI are:

  • elevated temperature;
  • runny nose;
  • pain and redness in the throat;
  • cough;
  • watery and red eyes.

It is on these symptoms that you need to concentrate your attention and all your acting talent. In addition, you need to remember that about a day before the first obvious manifestations of a cold, the sick person begins to feel a general malaise. Therefore, in order to avoid doubts among the “spectators” of this small performance, it is worthwhile, a couple of days before illness, to begin to behave like a person who is in a weakened state:

  • eat less (due to poor appetite);
  • spend more time in bed;
  • be lethargic and distracted at work;
  • complaining about headaches or aching bones to colleagues;
  • go to bed earlier than usual;
  • wrap yourself in blankets and rugs, pretending to be chilly;
  • feign dizziness.

Such behavior will definitely arouse sympathy among others and a cold will not be a surprise to anyone.

To get a sick leave, you need to go to the clinic during the working hours of your local therapist or call him home. This depends on the intensity of the symptoms being simulated and the duration of the desired time off. In order to obtain a certificate of illness, you should not call an ambulance - these specialists do not deal with such issues. but they save the lives of people who really need medical help.

How to fake a cold

For an experienced doctor to believe that a fake patient has ARVI, you need to work hard and study all the possible ways to “catch a cold.” After all, experts have long since ate the dog on such simulations.


The most convincing symptom of ARVI is fever. There are many ways to make the thermometer rise above 37C. The most simple method It is considered mechanical heating of the thermometer - lower it into hot water, apply it to a battery or a burning lamp, rub the thermometer firmly and quickly on a cloth or between your palms.

However, in this way amateurs can “raise” their temperature to 41C and even higher. This, of course, will give away the deception. In addition, doctors usually offer to measure body temperature in their presence. For a thermometer to show 37C° or higher in the presence of a specialist, you can rub your armpits with mustard powder, salt or garlic a few minutes before measuring. Such manipulations must be carried out with caution, as they can cause burns and skin irritation.

A couple of drops of iodine on a piece of sugar will help to dramatically raise the temperature. If you eat such a “dish”, it will actually raise your body temperature to 38 C for about 2-3 hours. But this method can be very harmful to the functioning of the thyroid gland, so it is better not to use it at all or very rarely.

Even schoolchildren know that the stylus is from a simple pencil When ingested, it may raise the temperature slightly. To do this, you need to break a pencil, take out the lead, chop it and eat it with water. But most modern pencils contain synthetic materials, so they can cause poisoning rather than harmlessly raise your temperature.

Runny nose and watery eyes

It is easiest for allergy sufferers to cause a runny nose. It is enough just to interact with the allergen, and the symptoms of a typical cold will appear on your face. You can cut an “evil” onion, this will make snot and tears flow like a river.

If you run a piece of onion across upper eyelid or smear mint toothpaste on the lower eyelid, the effect of conjunctivitis and eye swelling will be ensured. As an option to increase nasal congestion and sneezing, sniff red or black ground pepper.

Many people advise smearing the inside of the nostrils with PVA glue; the effect is questionable, but some, thanks to this method, managed to create the illusion of a cold. To make a runny nose look believable, you need to remember to breathe through your mouth, sniffle your nose and make an artistic nasal noise in front of everyone.

Cough and redness in the throat

It’s quite easy to imagine a cough: you can inhale dust, smell household chemicals or ground pepper. To give yourself a red throat, you can suck on a lollipop with red dye before the examination. It's important to remember to clean raspberry tongue, otherwise it will be easy to guess the origin of the “angina”.

How to feign illness for sick leave

To obtain a sick leave for several days, the above symptoms are quite suitable. But you need to remember to be careful. If the deception is revealed, then you can forget about trust in your person. To keep the secret a secret, don't overdo the symptoms. You should not appear in crowded places while on sick leave or recover suddenly. To avoid harming yourself, you should not take medications prescribed by doctors or recommended by relatives or colleagues.

You should not abuse such time off; in the end, the truth will be revealed, but the feeling of shame in front of your loved ones and employees will remain. Sometimes it’s better to honestly take time off from school or work. Moreover, oddly enough, most simulators catch a cold within one or two weeks after their deception. And hardly anyone wants to be truly sick.

Hospida, what I teach. but everyone has all this. If you dig around, then there’s no need to invent

to yourself :)) if they hand you a thermometer, your temperature will rise from the salt

The flu is probably the easiest thing to fake, but it’s probably better to call a doctor at home and say that there was a wild ache, she was shaking all night, the temperature was 39, for example, they barely brought it down. Just before the doctor arrives, you can drop Albucid into your eyes, the eyes will be red and watery, it won’t last long, but it’s enough for the first impression, you can create an appropriate ambience in the room, medicines on the bedside table, drawn curtains (the light hurts your eyes), unkempt and not a very clear head. In general, prove yourself as an actress :).

write later whether it was successful. well, with such recommendations it would be a sin not to get it:004:

I'm probably not aware. does study leave still exist?

it was a long time ago, we used it at work at one time, I wouldn’t recommend it for sick leave:005:

but the glue didn’t help me:046::046::046:

try rubbing salt on your armpits, your temperature will rise, I haven’t tried it myself:005:

I urgently need to take sick leave for 3 days as I will be taking exams. I need sick leave, but which doctor should I go to and what should I lie about? Share your experience: flower: I would be grateful

Migraine + vegetative-vascular. dizziness. Nausea sometimes. One eye sees worse + ache in the brow bone. The weather is appropriate now! Call at home, because... fall off your feet! Numbness of the little finger (on the same side as the eye!) + insomnia. They won’t prove the diagnosis! And they’ll leave you to lie at home!

I read about office glue:046: and immediately wanted to write on the salt so as to deceive the thermometer. And it turns out that it’s already written:004:

You just need to rub it directly in the clinic, a minute before your appointment.

If only the children didn’t read mommy’s advice. 046:

Osteochondrosis does not necessarily mean contortion: dizziness, pain in the head and other parts of the body.

There is also vegetative-vascular dystonia. cannot be detected in any way: dizziness, headache, arrhythmia - not constant, but intermittent. and you too.

I just have a headache for several days in a row.

And now the flu is tricky. It's just that the temperature may rise in the evening. but during the day it is normal.

pizza, coffee, the blood pressure will jump, and again the complaint, like this is not the first day.

Py sy: for treatment of osteochondrosis, they will send you for all sorts of warming up, massage for a little money or by appointment for three years in advance 😉

Hospida, what I teach. but everyone has all this. If you dig around, then there’s no need to come up with it. For vegetative-vascular dystonia, they may not give you sick leave. She is next to me in life:014. Simulating ARVI (flu) is also difficult, you need a temperature. The easiest way is some kind of lumbar osteochondrosis in an aggravation. One time in the spring, I actually had a pain in my back (almost any movement caused pain), either I had a cold, or I was lifting something heavy, I don’t remember, but I went to the doctor, I was afraid that they wouldn’t believe me and would think that I needed a sick leave. They gave it to me without any problems, prescribed me to drink and that’s it. I rested for a week (I was afraid to take this medicine)

I was once on a diet. And the result was severe dizziness and fainting.

I went to the doctor and said that I had no strength.

What's your job?

Somehow I really started to get a cold. No fever, or rather, in the evening it rose to 37, but I had a terrible runny nose. Because I work with people, this is not good. I came to work, and the girls looked at me: I don’t care about infecting people, go get treatment. From work I went straight to the local police officer. And she looked quite decent. Naked, combed, only the nose was slightly pink and squelched.

I came and said. “The team sent me for treatment because I work in close contact with people.” They gave me sick leave without a word.

Sweet Raspberry's Mom

I once had a strange illness: over the course of a week, the temperature rose to 38.2 in the evening, and by the morning, without any pills, it dropped to 36.6. At the same time, during the day I clearly felt that I was getting sick. but I still didn’t get sick. I got tired of all this and I came to the doctor. So and so, I say, in the evenings the temperature. It is useless to call you, doctor, in the evening, but in the morning everything is fine. Here, I have reached you, so far in good condition. What happened with me. In general, she scolded me for not applying for so long medical assistance, called in sick.

It seems to me that it would be really good to refer to a team that does not want to be in the same room with you sick and sent you to get sick, promising to do your work for now.

Sweet Raspberry's Mom

And in order to make the session worse, I pretended to have a concussion. They gave me sick leave and sent me to take pictures. In our Sovdepovsky clinic they found some darkening in the pictures and presumably made a diagnosis - cancerous formations. They sent me for a tomography, appointment in 1.5 months. All this time I lived in anticipation. everything turned out to be fine, and the normal doctors later confirmed that everything was fine. But it would be better if I went to take the exam

Pictures. My friend (we were 17 years old at the time) I don’t remember why, it probably also had something to do with studying, she faked a concussion. She said that she turned up at the exit of the bus and ran head first into the bus stop. But there is no bruise or bump, because she was in the hood. In general, they didn’t send her for pictures, but actually put her in the hospital, and there they treated her with all her might from all sides and did not allow her to get up. In general, she was bored and my second friend decided to keep her company. She also called an ambulance and told how some big guy pushed her on a trolleybus (they liked transport theme) and she hit the handrail there. Well, they took her to the hospital. Only to another one. And I had to go to these fools in different hospitals, it’s good that both are in neighboring areas (on Golikova and Avangardnaya)

I usually feign stomach illnesses. I had an ulcer two years ago, so now they give me sick leave for the first complaint. I also come to the therapist with cystitis. also rolls

In our early youth, to get out of university, we put a drop of office glue into our noses. It's so transparent, I forgot what it's called. Only this should be done in the clinic. After 5-10 minutes. Tears begin to flow, snot, eyes turn red: 0094: - the flu is resting. in half an hour or an hour everything goes away :) Well, don’t forget to tell the doctor that your temperature has dropped so you can get to the clinic

You can fill it with MOMENT. Then they will definitely put you on sick leave. for an unidentified illness. 065:

To whom - a doctor. He will definitely write out a sick leave and also call two guys with a beautiful white robe:046::046:

I’m not advocating anything. It’s just that you need to be so sophisticated. Doctors are not idiots.:ded:

Reading this topic, you begin to think, is this really so?

Pictures. My friend (we were 17 years old at the time) I don’t remember why, it probably also had something to do with studying, she faked a concussion. She said that she turned up at the exit of the bus and ran head first into the bus stop. But there is no bruise or bump, because she was in the hood. In general, they didn’t send her for pictures, but actually put her in the hospital, and there they treated her with all her might from all sides and did not allow her to get up. In general, she was bored and my second friend decided to keep her company. She also called an ambulance and told how some big guy pushed her on a trolleybus (they liked the transport theme) and she hit the handrail there. Well, they took her to the hospital. Only to another one. And I had to go to these fools in different hospitals, it’s good that both are in neighboring areas (on Golikova and Avangardnaya)

Yes, you can’t think of anything when you’re young. At the institute, honestly being on sick leave, I decided to prolong the pleasure and begged my old, sick grandmother to take a urine test in my place. So they almost sent me to the hospital straight from the clinic; at that time I no longer wanted to joke, I didn’t experiment like that again.

Pretend mental disorder based on the session

Whisper quotes from textbooks.

Recoil from the doctor.

You can drink a bottle of ink. (Svejk Foreva)

You can pour it on the doctor's head.

Loud, prolonged laughter works well.

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How to feign illness (instructions)

The article is intended for easy lies in order to obtain sick leave and can hardly be used for any other purpose.

Everyone has a situation when they “need sick leave.” Before simulating an illness, it is worth remembering that the doctor is also a person to whom you can explain something, ask, thank, but if there is no other way out, it is worth trying.

What illness should I feign?

Do you need to decide how many days a sick leave is needed, and which specialist in your clinic is most likely to cheat? It should be borne in mind that a visit to the clinic will be necessary to prolong the disability and it is unlikely that it will be possible to go somewhere for a month. It is worth enlisting the support of relatives who can confirm your legend and will cover you in case of an unexpected doctor’s visit to your home.

It is better to feign an illness that does not require any serious additional methods examinations, since the chance of exposure increases and a lot of time is spent walking around offices. A therapist is not the best option, since they are trained to recognize the wrong acute respiratory infections and have a limit on issuing sick leave. I recommend a neurologist.

Lumboischialgia (lumbago) for a week

It is not difficult to simulate such an illness. The clinic is distinguished by a variety of symptoms and boils down to back pain. Walking into the office with a slight limp and not sitting down is painful. Complaints: back pain is constant, severe, I can’t bend over, it gets worse when I cough, laugh (I can’t laugh), it hurts to walk - it radiates to the back, and so on. It is better to choose one sick side, for example, everything happens on the left.

Anamnesis. Yesterday (I was digging a garden, moving a piano, picking up my wife) and it hit me like an electric shock. I barely crawled to the bed. Didn't get up. It hurts to roll over. A neighbor brought me to the clinic by car. At home I took diclofenac (ortofen, voltaren, reopirin, my wife even gave me pentalgin) and now I feel at least a little bit better.

Examination. Scream when palpating paravertebral points in lumbar region spine on the affected side (left). It’s better to remember the area of ​​pain and say that everything goes there. No need to replay. Bend over slightly and it hurts any further. Understand the leg - lift it a little and then the pain continues. To say that this has happened before, but on vacation - I lay at home for a week and it went away. The maximum examination is radiography, which will not show anything and will not reveal the simulation of the disease. Refuse other methods - CT or MRI (no money). Although they won't reveal anything either.

Concussion for a month

Complaints: headache, dizziness, nausea.

Anamnesis. Yesterday I hit the door at the entrance, slipped, etc. I don’t remember exactly what happened - my wife said. I don’t remember 2-3 minutes before the injury. Don't forget that you must have a hat on your head, otherwise the absence of a bump will be difficult to explain. (It’s good that there was, otherwise I would have broken my head). After the injury, they brought me home, laid me down, vomited once, and now I feel sick. All.

It is not difficult to simulate the disease “concussion,” but you need to be prepared for mass examinations, consultations with related specialists, offers to go to a hospital, and so on. It’s troublesome, but rest for a month.

Maybe I wrote all this in vain?)))

“Father Sergius: Only those missiles that we did not consecrate fell. The consecration of missiles began in 1998. Since then we have blessed almost all rockets. At the same time, everything was in order with those missiles that we consecrated, but it was those that were not consecrated that fell. For example, the Proton that fell recently was not.

Comrades, lately my Marusya has been acting out something strange and very disturbing to me: she opens her mouth and, trembling her lips, quietly mewls intermittently, and the sound comes out as if she is croaking. The first time she did this to me a few days ago, and now again today. What is this anyway? AND.

From Y. Latynina’s column: Another amazing point is, of course, the law on the return of capital. They say that Putin gathered his people and said that he was giving a year to transfer everything to Russia. At first this law seemed only a fiction, a thrown bone.

I always believed that an ultrasound is an absolutely harmless procedure, today I had my last planned ultrasound and saw with my own eyes how the baby fought off this ultrasound thing, she pushed it away, pushed it away with her small hands.

Well, suddenly, who else has one of these. Or AL4, which is the same Iaisa, why the hell doesn’t it kickdown, as long as you don’t put pressure on the pedal? I took my wife’s car for a ride and was very puzzled. Whenever I press it, it accelerates within the limits of the gear it was in, it won’t drop down, even if you push the floor out onto the street. And yes, korobas.

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Simulating a cold at the doctor

A cold is characterized by a complex of the following symptoms:

  • malaise;
  • weakness;
  • chills;
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels;
  • headache;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough.

When examining a patient, the doctor may pay attention to the pallor of the skin or a somewhat swollen and hyperemic face, wetness of the palms and skin, and the presence of nasal discharge. When examining the throat, hyperemia of the pharynx is noted; there may be enlarged, swollen and hyperemic tonsils. In some cases they are covered with plaque.

At acute bronchitis Moist rales are heard. Tracheitis and pharyngitis also occur with severe cough.

However, upon auscultation, the picture remains unchanged, which creates a wider field of activity for malingerers.

In order to simulate a cold, it is necessary to place the main emphasis on complaints and subjective sensations, since an experienced doctor will objectively easily see the absence of pathology of the mucous membranes. The beginning of the presentation of complaints should begin with a connection with hypothermia that occurred the day before or 5-6 hours before arriving at the clinic. Options for starting a complaint description:

It is advisable to mention in passing that half of the students are absent from work or in a study group due to illness. During the period of deterioration of the epidemiological situation regarding ARVI, this information should give more interest to the doctor and cause concern.

ARVI is indulged by airborne droplets from an infected patient. Presence at the workplace or in educational institution such a patient may be dangerous to others. The doctor’s task is to prevent the spread of infection. Consequently, even without seeing any objective changes, the doctor can play it safe.

It is impossible to verify the truth of complaints of malaise, weakness, headache, and lack of appetite. In this case, everything is in the acting talent of the pretender. Of course, patients who are unwell or weak cannot come to an appointment with a smile and headphones in their ears. The facial expression should also show poor health and concern. For greater reliability, as taught by the founder of the theater school Stanislavsky K.S. you need to remember what it felt like during a real cold. State these same complaints and reflect them in your appearance.

Visiting a doctor at home

It is somewhat easier to present complaints if the doctor paid a visit to the malingerer’s home. In this case, the interior can also help. On the bedside table there should be a glass of unfinished tea, preferably with lemon, a vase of honey or raspberry jam, printed tablets of aspirin, paracetamol, a bottle of nasal drops (as options, mustard plasters, a heating pad). Ideally, the patient will lie in bed, pretending to be unwell.

Medicinal additions may indicate chills and fever at night, which were only brought down in the morning. It should not be mentioned that the temperature at night exceeded 39 degrees. In this case, the doctor will examine the tonsils more closely, conduct auscultation, and insist on x-ray examination lungs.

Simulation of elevated temperature

As for such an effective objective symptom as elevated temperature, it may happen that it will not be possible to dip a thermometer into a glass of hot tea, since the doctor will ask you to measure the temperature with it. In this case, before entering the doctor's office or just before his visit home, you can rub axillary area mustard. A local increase in temperature will be ensured. Although it must be recognized that the irritating effect of mustard and even an allergic reaction can be expressed.

There is also a drug that has a pronounced pyrogenic effect, that is, the ability to increase body temperature. We are talking about an injection solution of pyrogenal. Intramuscular administration This drug leads to an increase in body temperature, the development of chills, malaise, and rhinitis. However, the severity of the reaction varies from patient to patient.

With equal concentrations of pyrogenal administration, some patients may experience an increase of up to 37.3 degrees, while others may experience an increase of up to 38 degrees.

As for coughing, no special skills are required to depict it. It is this superficial dry cough that is most characteristic of pharyngitis or tracheitis. You can also try to depict inflammation of the larynx, characterized by hoarseness or even aphonia. However, changes must be expressed in vocal cords, easily detected by a specialist.

Pharyngitis and tracheitis are also characterized by changes in the mucous membranes. Creating the appearance of hyperemia of the pharynx is a rather difficult task in simulating a cold in front of a doctor. Many professionals in this field suggest sucking bright pink lollipops before the consultation. At the same time, you should not forget to wipe your tongue from the paint. Otherwise, he will reveal the simulator.

You can simulate rhinitis and conjunctivitis thanks to onions. By wiping your nose and lower eyelid immediately before meeting with a doctor, you will most likely be able to confirm these symptoms. To be convincing, some professionals suggest sprinkling dry pepper on the sleeve of a sweater and casually running your hand near your nose. This manipulation should cause sneezing.

Without dwelling on the moral side of this issue, one cannot help but note the fact that doctors spent six years in classrooms and lecture halls, and repeatedly practiced in clinics.

It is not difficult for any attentive doctor to differentiate true symptoms from simulation.

There are situations when a person needs to induce an “artificial” cold. For example, he does not want to go to a corporate party for the reason that there is no suitable outfit, or he is invited to a birthday party, and he has already promised to surprise his significant other. In fact, there can be many situations. Children want to cause a cough with a runny nose so they can sit at home, because school is boring and they would rather stay at home or go out with friends. There are many options here too. Let's look at how you can still cause a cough and a runny nose.

You can cause a cough and runny nose on your own without illness


To deceive your boss, doctor or work colleague, you need to clearly draw up a plan and decide what you will go after. In addition, to make everything look plausible, it would not hurt to remember the condition that occurs during ARVI:

  • sleepy eyes;
  • tired, exhausted appearance;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • pale skin color, especially the face.

In addition, for a cold to “play out”, it is necessary to provoke not only a cough with a runny nose, but also an increased body temperature, redness of the throat and eyes.

When causing a cold, it is important to understand that you cannot do this often and without reason.

To simulate illness, you must look tired

Usually a couple of days before real cold a general malaise arises, so it would be better to start acting out the scene in front of the “spectators of the play” a few days in advance.

How to role-play the signs of a pre-cold:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy and absent-mindedness;
  • migraine;
  • body aches;
  • chills;
  • dizziness.

The above symptoms must be present in a person who is about to get sick. Thus, others will notice that you are feeling unwell and will easily believe that there is a virus in the body.

If you have a cold, you may lose your appetite

How can you provoke a runny nose?

There are many tips for causing a runny nose:

  • Allergen. A runny nose can be triggered by an allergen if a person is allergic to something. You just need to be near him and not take any medications.
  • Pepper. Not all people are allergic to something, so what should you do in such a situation? There is always a way out; you can cause rhinitis at home using black or red pepper. The vegetable must be cut lengthwise and the juice collected with a cotton swab, then lubricated with the juice. This method works for 30 or maximum 40 minutes.
  • Kalanchoe leaf. To induce rhinitis, you need to take the juice from a plant leaf and use a pipette to drop 3 drops into each nostril.
  • Onion. This method will cause rhinitis for a few minutes. All you have to do is cut the onion, and the snot and tears will flow out on their own.

Pepper getting into nasal cavity will cause a runny nose

Next is the question of how to induce a cough. To provoke a symptom such as cough, you can inhale cigarette smoke, dust, pepper or chemical substances. All these remedies strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, thereby provoking coughing and runny nose.

How to induce sneezing with snot

Such manipulations are mainly carried out on children who do not know how to blow their nose. It is impossible for mucus to stagnate in the nasal sinuses, so sometimes you have to induce sneezing. Adult methods with pepper are not suitable for children, so there will be fewer options here:

  • Saline solution. You can use the usual saline solution or salt water (a tablespoon of salt per glass of water). When instilled, the mucous membranes become irritated and sneezing occurs.
  • Kalanchoe juice. You can induce sneezing in a baby using Kalanchoe juice; to do this, just drop 2-3 drops into each nostril with a pipette.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane. This method should come in last place, since this method can easily damage the sinuses and mucous membranes. You need to take a cotton swab and gently tickle it in the nose, soon the baby will start sneezing.

By instilling Kalanchoe juice you can cause sneezing in a child

To kid Kalanchoe juice It is necessary to dilute 1:1, but for an adult instillation in its pure form is suitable.

How to provoke redness of the throat and hyperthermia

Immediately before visiting the doctor, you can suck on candy with strawberry or cherry filling, which causes redness in the throat. Until everything is washed away with saliva, the throat will be red. It is important to remember to remove the raspberry coating from your tongue so that the doctor does not suspect anything.

When you have a cold, there should be at least a slight rise in temperature. To do this, we use the following tips:

  • Garlic. This symptom is very easy to provoke; you just need to generously apply garlic under your armpit. Thus, the thermometer will show a minimum of 37.5 body temperature.

After rubbing your armpits with dry mustard, the thermometer will show a high temperature

  • Iodine. For an electronic thermometer, this method is ideal: drop a drop of iodine or even two onto a piece of refined sugar and eat it. Body temperature will reach 38 degrees. This temperature can last from two to three hours.
  • Warming up the thermometer. The most effective and well-known method is heating the thermometer on the battery. You can dip it in hot water or rub it between your palms.
  • Stylus. All schoolchildren, almost from the first grade, know that if you remove the lead from a simple pencil, crush it and swallow it with a small amount of water, your body temperature will increase slightly.
  • Pouring water. When there is a sharp change in water temperature, body temperature rises. Therefore, you can douse yourself with hot water at the beginning, and then immediately cold water. Remember that such harsh conditions can trigger a real cold.

You can increase the temperature on the thermometer using garlic

  • Stationery glue. There is an opinion that if you place a little glue in the nostrils, it will cause snot and a slight rise in temperature.
  • In order for the thermometer to show the “correct” temperature at a doctor’s appointment, you need to discreetly rub dry mustard under your arms. Rub vigorously into armpits not to avoid skin burns or irritation.


In addition to the above symptoms, you also need to cause redness of the eyes. This can be achieved using some manipulations:

  • Toothpaste. In order to cause tears and redness of the eyes, you can lubricate the lower eyelid with mint toothpaste. Instead of toothpaste, you can use laundry soap.
  • Tobacco. To trigger a cough, you need to quickly inhale smoke, dust, or smell chemicals.

Red eyes can be achieved with mint toothpaste.

In order for the appearance not to spoil the whole picture, it is necessary to “embellish” it. This can be done with the help of cosmetics. Women can easily do this, just apply a light powder that suits the tone lighter colors skin. Bags under the eyes can be painted using dark matte shadows. It is somewhat harder for men in this matter. If you have a wife or close friend, you can ask her to apply makeup.

But if there is still no one to ask for a favor, then you can handle it yourself. To do this, you need to take a green concealer and apply it to your face, focusing Special attention forehead and cheek areas. Rub until the skin turns pale.

The main thing is not to touch your face and don’t let anyone do it, since concealer tends to wear off quickly.

Pale skin can be “made” with concealer

How to get sick leave

For this, the above acting abilities will be enough, but it is important not to overdo it with the symptoms, because if the attending physician reveals the secret, then you can forget about his trust. You cannot take medications prescribed by your doctor; there is no need for it. Also, you don’t need to walk around quietly during sick leave; it’s better to sit out these days at home.

There is no need to resort to deception often. If you cause a cough, the truth will sooner or later be revealed, and the shame will remain forever in front of your colleagues, boss or family. In practice, the “boomerang” effect has been proven, that is, a month or a month and a half after the simulation, a person actually gets sick with ARVI.

From the video you can learn how to cause various diseases:

Many parents sooner or later face the problem of coughing in their little children, and since children have not yet developed all their reflexes, they do not know how to cough, therefore, they need to cough more often to get the mucus out. How to induce a cough, and why is it necessary?

Drinking too much will cause a cough

The child must drink plenty of fluids, whether it be regular water, juice, broth or milk. The main thing is that he drinks a lot and often.

Even the instructions for all expectorant medications recommend drinking plenty of fluids. Foreign doctors generally insist that the best remedy from sputum secretion than drinking. So feel free to pour any of the liquids into your child.

How to induce a cough and why it is necessary

Cool and humidify the air, at least important condition than drinking. Avoid dry air, hang a wet towel over the radiator, and place jars of water near it. To cause a cough, ventilate your room more often, dress your baby warmly, but let the room be cool, cool air causes a cough. The optimal humidity in the room should not be lower than 50-60, and the temperature should be about 20 degrees. Take all this into account and the sputum will go away along with the resulting cough. Go for a walk with your child several times a day. Just walk slowly, preferably in green areas, and let your baby breathe deeply.

How to induce a cough with medications?

Make a mixture of figs and milk for your child. “-Boil 3 figs in 200 grams of milk and let it brew for about 30 minutes, give him this deliciousness 3-4 times a day, and within a few days the sputum will come out along with a cough.

Licorice root solution also helps well; it irritates the mucus, thereby causing a cough.

How to induce a cough with massage?

To induce a cough, place your baby with your chest on your lap, so that the head hangs down, make light vibrating movements along the back from the middle to the top, you can lightly tap with the edge of your palm. Foot massage also helps, as there are many reflex zones there.

How to induce a cough using inhalation?

An effective remedy to induce cough in children. To increase mucus production, you need to do oil inhalation, but first consult your pediatrician, as some essential oils can cause an allergic reaction.

It is also important to maintain the necessary air humidity in the apartment; it will not only help the child cough up, but also prevent a number of respiratory diseases.

How to cause a cough that causes sputum production in a baby?


Ira Irinina

The child must be given water (a lot and with anything) and the air must be humidified and cooled.
The fact is that even the instructions for all expectorant medications say that drinking plenty of fluids with them is recommended. And doctors abroad are generally convinced that best action Expectorant medications compared with drinking plenty of fluids have not been proven. So pour as much water or any other liquid into your child as possible.
The same goes for dry and warm air. The child breathes it and DRYS out the phlegm that sits in the bronchi. You need to exclude this and everything will begin to go away on its own. The optimal humidity is about 50-70% and the air temperature is 18-20 degrees. It’s better to dress your child warmly, but let him breathe cool air. And walk more (only in a calm mode, so that no one is rushing around, because this is also not good).
The methods are simple, easy to implement and very effective.
But this is all provided that your child does not have pneumonia.


Doctor Komarovsky rules! Moist cool air and plenty of drink! And then you can periodically place the child on your knee with his head down and gently pat him on the back. Don't put the spoon in your mouth, you will only actually trigger a gag reflex.

What could be causing the cough for two months?



A sore throat is a reaction to dry air in the apartment. kindergarten , allergies to detergents, chlorine. used for household disinfection. (by the way, chlorine leads to asthma, but it cannot be treated) Hang it on the radiators wet diapers, and change regularly, or saturators from plastic bottles with water. to humidify the air.
Do not use fabric softener or fabric softener; wash all of its accessories with baby clothes.
DO NOT iron - if possible. his underwear. Doctors conducted research. it turned out. ironing prevents oxidation of residues detergents on linen. enhances their absorption by the skin into the capillaries and, as a result, allergies. Monitor his diet, exclude sweets, chew. gum, marshmallows - they are not real (there are no eggs in them) Review the toys, they can cause poisoning (formaldehyde dyes) When you are cleaning, the child should not be at home! -So that chlorine and methanol (contained in windshield wipers) disappear. Carpets and soft toys are a source of dust mites, a powerful allergen. I suffered from allergies for 30 years until I threw out all the rugs and carpets. Something like that! And don’t use hairspray or air freshener in the house, have pity on the baby. If these measures do not help, you need to do a TRACHEOSCOPY to make sure that a piece of food is not stuck in the trachea (there was a case several years ago. The husk from a nut led to fatal outcome, and the problem lasted for several months, and the doctors did not notice the cause) And don’t give him PEANUTS. The Arabs fatten their pigs with this rubbish, quickly and inexpensively. and in 40% of people it causes allergies.

alikper agakishiev

bad cigarettes.. quit smoking.. it’s contraindicated for you..

Rostik Vasilyev


Olga Kosm

Cough can be caused by a variety of illnesses. It itself can be different, there are pulmonary, allergic, cardiac and even gastric. A complete examination, tests, etc. are needed.

Marat Maratov

Well, it depends on what poisons (medicines) you take.

Causes and types of dry cough

A dry cough in children and adults can be a sign of infectious or cold diseases, a manifestation of an allergic reaction, or the first symptom of such dangerous diseases like tuberculosis or whooping cough. Therefore, it is necessary to know the most common causes of dry cough in order to call a doctor in time and begin appropriate treatment.

A dry cough occurs as a protective reaction of the body, which tries in this way to “cleanse” the lungs of microorganisms or dust particles that have entered them and various substances. It appears due to irritation of receptors located deep in the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi and is not accompanied by sputum production.

Types of dry cough

  1. Normal - typical for viral infections and colds, the child coughs several times a day, but does not experience discomfort or pain.
  2. Paroxysmal cough is a prolonged cough that causes tension in the respiratory muscles, chest pain, lacrimation, and fatigue. This is a symptom of damage to the lower respiratory tract, the onset of bronchitis or pneumonia. A paroxysmal paroxysmal cough may occur - this is a very frequent and severe cough that is almost impossible to calm down, such paroxysms can be repeated several dozen times a day and greatly deplete the patient, most often they are a symptom of whooping cough.
  3. “Barking” - during an attack the patient suffocates, he experiences shortness of breath, wheezing and sharp violation normal breathing. This cough occurs with extensive inflammation and some infectious diseases.
  4. Chronic - a dry cough that lasts more than 2 weeks without a break or periodic coughing attacks for more than 4 weeks in a row, at least 3 times a year. Various pathological conditions are characterized by a certain time of occurrence of attacks - allergy sufferers begin to cough in the morning, and an asthmatic cough occurs after physical effort or nervous tension.

Main causes of cough

  1. Physiological reasons - this is how the airways in children under one year old are cleared of accumulated mucus, dust and other substances. This cough is “mild”, it is more like a cough, it appears sporadically, more often in the morning, and the child does not have other signs of pathology - increased body temperature, nasal discharge, general malaise, and so on.
  2. In approximately 90% of cases, a dry cough appears due to inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract - these are colds and viral infections. In this case, the disease begins with an increase in body temperature, headache, irritation and dry throat, then nasal discharge and a dry cough. The cough is short-lived and weak, and after a few days sputum begins to separate and quickly disappears. If ARVI or acute respiratory infections are not treated, the child’s condition may worsen and a complication may develop - bronchitis, tracheitis or false croup.
  3. Influenza and parainfluenza are much more severe than other viral infections. Characterized by a rise in body temperature to high numbers - more than 40 degrees, pain and aching muscles, redness of the eyes, sneezing and a dry, hacking cough, causing pain in the chest, muscles and general fatigue of the patient. Unlike adults, the airways of young children are very narrow and inflammation can cause swelling and blockage, so be sure to consult a pediatrician and follow all treatment recommendations. Parainfluenza is especially dangerous in children in the first three years of life; it often causes narrowing of the airways and the development of “false” croup. The patient's voice becomes hoarse, rough, and the cough becomes barking and very frequent, intense shallow breathing is noted, in small children, retraction of the intercostal spaces and the appearance of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle are visible - the skin around the lips turns pale and acquires a bluish tint.
  4. Whooping cough – a dry, “barking”, paroxysmal cough – is the main symptom of this disease. If at the beginning of the disease one can note symptoms of increased body temperature, general malaise and a dry, rare cough, then gradually the child’s condition worsens, frequent attacks of dry, barking cough, which intensifies at night and gives the child the opportunity to rest and sleep normally. Treatment of infection should be carried out only in a hospital or with mandatory medical supervision over the process, as there is a risk of developing serious complications. Unlike adults, in young children, this disease can be very severe and cause disruption of normal breathing.
  5. Laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis - develop as a complication of a viral infection or cold. Inflammation progresses to lower sections and affects the bronchi, trachea or larynx. In this case, a prolonged cough appears, which becomes stronger and may be accompanied by pain in the chest or throat. It worsens at night or in the morning and recurs periodically throughout the day.
  6. A dry cough can occur due to an allergic reaction to irritants entering the respiratory tract. This cough occurs in morning hours, increases under certain conditions - after eating citrus fruits, cleaning with household chemicals, at certain times of the year and so on. With the disappearance of the allergen, all symptoms of the disease disappear, but if contact with the irritant is constant, then the risk of obstruction (narrowing) of the airways increases and the appearance of persistent cough. If in adults allergies can exist for years in the same form of seasonal hay fever, then in children it quickly turns into more severe forms of the disease - obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.
  7. Foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract - a sudden dry cough without an increase in body temperature - is danger sign, and if the child is suffocating or his health has sharply deteriorated, then this may be caused by a foreign body entering the respiratory tract. In this case, the cough is paroxysmal, painful, the child breathes heavily, wheezes, turns pale, he may lose consciousness or his voice disappears. The task of any adult nearby is to call an ambulance as quickly as possible, and before the doctors arrive, provide first aid independently. To do this, you need to turn the child face down, put it on your knee, clean oral cavity and try to push a piece of food or small toy out of the throat with soft sliding blows on the back.

Dry cough is a symptom of many various diseases in children and adults, therefore, in all cases of its occurrence, it is necessary to contact a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment. The development of a prolonged dry cough in young children should be of particular concern.

What can cause a severe cough?

A severe cough is unpleasant in itself, and it can cause considerable harm to the body. First of all, the throat can suffer from it, as inflammation appears in it, which can cause very severe discomfort. Also, a strong cough has a bad effect on the organs. abdominal cavity, which means it is quite capable of causing some other disease.

To appear this disease may result from contracting any bacterial or viral infection. Its severe form may well be observed after severe hypothermia in a person who has certain problems with the respiratory tract. As a rule, the cough does not torment the whole day, but only during certain periods of time (morning, evening, and so on). This “schedule” in most cases depends on the reason why the severe cough appeared in the first place. People who suffer from a persistent cough should definitely consult a doctor, as the consequences can be quite unpredictable. In the usual case, you can recover on your own. Today everyone should know how to get rid of a bad cough.

What He Really Is

It is a complex reflex act, which is directly related to the contraction of the respiratory muscles and the subsequent jerky release of air from the lungs. It appears at the moment when the sensitive receptors of the larynx, large bronchi or trachea begin to irritate something.

This process is not meaningless, since its main goal is to cleanse all respiratory tracts of accumulated fluid, mucus or foreign bodies. In other words, a cough is another defense mechanism our body, without which we absolutely cannot do.

Very often it causes very great discomfort. This is especially noticeable at night, since a coughing person torments not only himself, but also those who are nearby. Coughing attacks can also interfere with work, especially in cases where it is most directly related to communication with people. It is very difficult for a person who constantly coughs to express his thoughts, which means conversations with him may be difficult.

A severe cough often plagues smokers. The point here is not the disease (although in many cases smoking tobacco leads to the lungs becoming vulnerable to all sorts of diseases), but the fact that the body is trying to get rid of everything that got into it along with tobacco smoke. By the way, it is worth noting that a person who quits smoking, as a rule, begins to cough heavily. There is nothing wrong with this, since the body is simply trying to cleanse itself.

Treatment of severe cough

I would like to start with the fact that its symptoms can be temporarily relieved with the help of some hot drink or the most ordinary candy. The lollipop will help stop even the most severe attack. It is desirable that it be mint, but regular caramel will do.

Before treating a cough, it is worth finding out whether it is dry or wet. Wet can be determined by the fact that during it phlegm comes out of the lungs, but during dry it does not.

Treatment can be carried out both with folk remedies and with the help of modern drugs. For treatment wet cough ethnoscience may recommend, for example, tea made from coltsfoot leaves, and if it’s dry, you can drink a decoction of raisins. There are a lot of similar products from “grandmother’s medicine cabinet,” which means that everyone can choose the right one for themselves.

Cough medications can be purchased at any pharmacy. Many of them are sold without a doctor's prescription. Usually people make a choice based on personal experience, advice from a doctor, pharmacist or someone they know. You shouldn’t buy what first catches your eye, as it may turn out to be completely useless for you.

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