How to dry strawberry leaves at home. Wild strawberry leaves. Decoction of wild strawberry leaves

Strawberries are not just a plant that produces tasty and fragrant berries. This medicine which is used to maintain strength and additional treatment many diseases. To use it correctly, you need to know the timing of collection, processing methods and dosage when used.

Leaf composition and collection period

Strawberry leaves are rich in vitamins means. Therefore, they are most often used for vitamin deficiencies and restoration of strength after illness, overwork, and so on. Found in plant raw materials:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • carotene;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins of group B, PP;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • polysaccharides.

To understand when to collect strawberry leaves for tea, you need to know the periods during which the plant concentrates maximum useful components. This is the last spring month of May and the beginning of summer - June. It is at this time that strawberries actively bloom, which means that all the power is concentrated in the above-ground part of the plant. The leaves are collected in the morning, when the dew has subsided.

If necessary, they are washed, dried and laid to dry in a cool place without access to bright sun. The leaves are turned over periodically, and after complete drying, they are stored in glass containers or linen bags for a year. Raw materials are harvested throughout the flowering period, and it is better to dry them in natural conditions.

Strawberry tea can be drunk hot or chilled to quench your thirst.

Tea made from strawberry leaves is pleasant to the taste, aromatic, and goes well with other aromatic herbs, currant leaves and honey. You can use not only the leaves, but also the flowers and roots of the plant in medicinal purposes. From berries tea drink It turns out with a bit of bitterness, so not everyone will like it.

Beneficial features

The healing properties of teas and infusions from strawberry leaves are used for various diseases and states, but they also need to be brewed in different ways.

If we talk and beneficial properties in general, they are as follows:

  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • antisclerotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • diaphoretic.

If you dry strawberries together with berries, the value of the drink from the raw materials increases, but the taste deteriorates due to the bitterness imparted by the seeds of the plant

Thanks to the availability folic acid and other substances, they talk about the benefits of the plant for hematopoiesis. In addition, it can increase the tone of the uterus and slow down the heart rate. There is information about the plant’s ability to remove excess cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. IN folk medicine tea made from strawberry leaves is used in following cases:

  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system and atherosclerosis;
  • reduced level hemoglobin;
  • diseases Bladder;
  • joint diseases such as gout, arthrosis, arthritis, etc.;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ARVI, bronchitis.

Strawberry tea is used to replenish the deficiency of vitamin C, carotene, and folic acid. You can drink it to increase overall tone, normalize heart rate, improving skin condition. This drink is contraindicated for pregnant women and people prone to allergies. It is not advisable for liver diseases and increased gastric secretion.

How to brew

The benefits and harms of strawberry leaf tea directly depend on the method of preparation and use. You can make a regular one at home delicious drink or concentrated infusion. Below are the recipes shown in different cases.

Recipe 1 when cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis, bronchitis:

  • grind 1 tsp. with a top of dry leaves;
  • put in an enamel bowl and pour hot water;
  • simmer for 10 minutes and leave for 2 hours;
  • strain, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

This recipe can be used to prepare a decoction for fatigue, overwork, anemia, and in preparation for surgery to remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.

With increased blood pressure, ischemia, gastrointestinal ulcers, prepare an infusion according to the previous recipe, but without boiling. It is enough to just leave the leaves for 2 hours. Drink a tablespoon 4-5 times a day, regardless of meals.

To strengthen the body and have tonic properties, tea from wild strawberry leaves is prepared in a special way using fermentation technology similar to Koporye tea. First, young leaves are collected and slightly withered naturally in a well-ventilated area. It is enough for them to lie down for 6-8 hours.

Next, they are rolled using a rolling pin to stimulate the secretion of juice. It is the juice that will become natural source enzymes for oxidation (fermentation). Later, the raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl and covered with a damp cloth. A load is placed on top. The oxidation process can be considered complete after 12 hours. Now the leaves can be laid to dry, spreading them on flat surface in a cool place.

From fermented leaves, the tea turns out to be sweetish, the infusion becomes dark color, and the raw material itself becomes similar to tea leaves. Drink this drink 1 glass a day. It must be remembered that strawberry leaves are quite allergenic, so when preparing any drink for the first time, you just need to try it and evaluate the body’s reaction. If all is well, you can use the plant for more intensive treatment or prevention.

With the arrival of summer, the preparation for the winter of various tasty and healthy products. Wild and garden strawberries are one of the most beloved. This fragrant berry will remind you of summer in harsh winter. However, few people know that, in addition to the fruit, it is very useful to harvest the leaves of the plant.

When to collect

Strawberry leaves must be collected during flowering and fruiting of the bush. As a rule, this is the period from the end of June to August. It is advisable to choose a dry, sunny day for this. It will be great if it rained a few days before collection, which removed the dust from the leaves.

Strawberry leaves for harvesting should be taken neither young nor old, rich green in color. They must not be stained or otherwise damaged. They need to be picked carefully so as not to damage the branches of the plant.

If you are collecting leaves in the forest, the site should be away from roads and enterprises. Then the workpiece will be environmentally friendly. Many people plant strawberries on summer cottages. The greens of such a plant are also quite suitable for harvesting.

Did you know?Strawberries appeared on our planet more than 60 million years ago.


Like most other plants, It is not recommended to dry strawberry leaves in the open sun. It would be correct to spread them in a thin layer on cloth or paper and place them in a dark place. It must be well ventilated. An attic or gazebo is best suited. The leaves need to be turned over a couple of times a day. It is advisable that the weather be dry and sunny.

It won’t be a problem if you dry strawberries in the oven. To do this, you need to cover a baking sheet with parchment and spread the leaves on it in a thin layer. If desired, you can chop them a little. It is necessary to dry, stirring, at a temperature of 50–60 ° C. It is advisable to open the oven door once every 20 minutes.

There is one more interesting method drying strawberry leaves in the oven. Before the process, they are crushed until the juice is released. After this, roll it between your palms and place it in a cool place in an enamel or glass container for up to half a day. During this time, a process of minor fermentation will occur with them.

Important!The oven temperature during drying should not be higher than 90 °C. Otherwise useful material the product will be completely or partially destroyed.

After this, the rolls are laid out on a baking sheet with parchment and dried at a temperature of up to 60 ° C. The roll is dried when it does not stick to the hand, but rolls off it. Experts note that after this process, the leaves retain more nutrients.


There are several ways to store dried strawberry leaves. You can store them in paper or fabric bags. However, there is a possibility that they may harbor harmful insects. Therefore, most housewives recommend using enamel or glass containers that close tightly for storage. The lid must be opened periodically to check the condition of the product and allow access to oxygen.

Prevention of strawberries from diseases: how to cure plant leaves

If strawberry bushes are planted on your site, that is, the likelihood of them becoming infected with fungi and other bad diseases. There are several recommendations on how to avoid this. The first and most important thing is that the berry should not be allowed to grow in the same place for more than 3 years. It needs to be transplanted to a new place at least once during this time.

Strawberries often suffer from a disease such as brown spot. To prevent it in early spring It is recommended to treat the bushes with fungicides. Treatment should be done as early as possible, but the air temperature should be from 15 to 20 °C.

During the flowering and fruiting period, and also before that, once every few weeks, the bushes can be sprayed with a safe solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, a tablespoon of 3% drug is diluted in 1 liter of water. This method will protect the leaves from pests and provide additional oxygen. The solution can also be applied under the roots of strawberries.

Important! A strawberry bush can get sick if you water it cold water. For irrigation, you need to use only warm and settled water.

Beneficial features

The strawberry leaf contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. I would especially like to highlight quinic, malic acids, tannins,... When brewed or in the form of various tinctures, the leaf will help against many diseases, and it also “works” as a general tonic.

Drinks made from strawberry leaves

Populist doctors have long used strawberry leaves for the treatment and prevention of diseases.. There are many recipes for potions made from strawberry leaves. Below are the most popular ones.


Strawberry leaf tea- a popular remedy for strengthening the immune system and treating ailments. To prepare it, pour 1 teaspoon of dry leaves with 1 glass of boiling water. After a short period of time, it can be drunk as regular tea.


A decoction of strawberry leaves will be beneficial for anemia and general fatigue of the body. To do this, 2 tablespoons of leaves are boiled for up to 20 minutes, and then infused for 1 hour. As a rule, this drug is taken 1 tablespoon up to 4 times a day.


To prepare the infusion, simply place four tablespoons of leaves in a half-liter thermos and pour boiling water over it. The drink should be allowed to stand for about 2 hours. If you take the drug 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, it will help with hypertension and normalize the functioning of the stomach.

Did you know?There is a belief that strawberries should be picked alone and in silence. If you think about what you want, it will certainly come true.

Alcohol tincture

It is better to prepare an alcohol tincture from fresh strawberry leaves. For half a liter of vodka or alcohol you will need up to 5 dozen. The greens are poured with liquid and infused in dark place about 1 week. You can also boil the leaves before cooking. Take 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day. This will help strengthen the immune system, improve blood quality, and help with hypertension and other diseases.

It turns out that not only berries, but also strawberry leaves can be beneficial. To do this, you just need to collect them in right time, properly dry and store. Tea made from them will help cope with infections during the difficult autumn-winter period and prevent other diseases. It can also be used as a folk remedy.

Hi all!

I would like to dedicate today’s article to useful properties of wild strawberries. Strawberries in winter will help us restore strength and improve our health. You can enjoy wild strawberries not only in summer, but also in winter, by drying the strawberry berries along with the stems and leaves. Don't forget to stock up on strawberry roots. You can find out what beneficial properties the leaves, stems, berries and roots of wild strawberries have by reading this post. Strawberry season will soon be in full swing! Let's stock up on vitamins for our health.

And my mother collects strawberries along with stems and leaves and dries them. Here is a photo of my mother’s fragrant strawberries:

In winter, we brew regular black or green tea along with berries and wild strawberry leaves.

Strawberry tea recipe for the Notebook:

  • 1 tablespoon chopped strawberry leaves,
  • 1 tablespoon dried strawberries,
  • 1 tablespoon of green (black) tea,
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Tea with strawberries is brewed in a porcelain or glass teapot, infused for 7-10 minutes and drunk like regular tea.

Strawberry (Fragaria), perennial herbaceous plant, belongs to the Rosaceae family. Strawberries are consumed in fresh and processed forms: strawberry juices, compotes, marshmallows, preserves, jams, marmalade. Very good wild strawberry tolerates freezing, retaining more beneficial properties than processed strawberries.

It is also known from ancient sources that an infusion of strawberry leaves and roots was used by warriors to treat wounds and ulcers. Later, Russian professor S.V. Vasiliev wrote the book “Strawberry Treatment”. In it, he collected the experience of his ancestors, accumulated over thousands of years.

Berries strawberries beneficial properties

The value of strawberries - high content they contain ascorbic acid (120 mg per 100 g of fresh berries). By eating strawberries, you improve heart function, increase endurance and performance. Strawberries improve digestion, kidney function, and respiratory function. Strawberries are useful for disorders salt metabolism, hypertension, uric acid diathesis, insomnia, gout, stomach ulcers and duodenum, constipation, neurasthenia, hemorrhoids, worms. Strawberries quench thirst well and improve appetite. Fresh berries wild strawberries are useful for anemia, spleen diseases, atherosclerosis and metabolic disorders. Strawberries will be more beneficial if eaten with milk. In old times alcohol infusion Strawberries were used to wipe the face against freckles. Masks made from pureed strawberries have long been used for acne and freckles. And now this berry is held in high esteem by cosmetologists. Strawberry masks protect the skin from wrinkles and make the skin of the face and neck elastic. And rich ladies of medieval times took baths with strawberry juice and were sure that their beauty and skin condition directly depended on this. Strawberries have always been expensive, but even the ancient Romans and Greeks did not skimp on them, considering strawberries a panacea for many diseases. Strawberries are used to normalize intestinal activity. When eating strawberries, the putrefactive processes in the large intestine, improves the removal of cholesterol from the body, harmful substances and poisons. Very ripe strawberries are recommended for diabetes. Fresh strawberries help dissolve tartar.

A decoction of dried berries is taken for medicinal purposes.

Preparation of a decoction of dried strawberries:

  • 4 tablespoons of dried wild strawberries,
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Take an infusion from dried strawberries 3 times a day, 0.5 cups.

Wild strawberries are indispensable as a tonic and prophylactic, especially in season respiratory diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on these healing berries for future use, for example, freeze strawberries.

It has been established that phytoncides of strawberry berries, which kill microbes, turn into aqueous solutions, therefore they are recommended as rinses for diseases of the mouth and throat and for bad smell from mouth.

For facial skin, a wonderful mask made from strawberries and egg whites:

  • 1 egg white,
  • 1 tablespoon of strawberries,
  • 1 tablespoon strawberry juice.

The components of the strawberry mask are mixed and applied to the face for 5 minutes. Then they are washed off with water.

Picking strawberries better in the morning, after the dew has disappeared or in the evening, always in sunny weather. Berries picked in hot weather, as well as wet and bruised ones, will quickly spoil. For the same reason, strawberries must be picked with great care so that the berries are dry and not wrinkled.

Drying of berries is carried out in the shade, under a canopy, in a thin layer and always on a surface on which oxidation of the berries is impossible, for example, wood. Berries should not be allowed to come into contact with metal: tin, zinc, copper, iron. It is very convenient to dry sorted berries in a dryer for berries, fruits and vegetables. If the berries are dried correctly, they crumble easily. Stored dried berries strawberries for no more than two years in canvas bags or a glass jar.

Useful properties leaves wild strawberries

Wild strawberry leaves are collected during its flowering period. The flowering time of wild strawberries is May - June. Ripening of wild strawberries: June – July. The stems and leaves are dried and prepared useful decoction or strawberry tea.

Our ancestors applied fresh strawberry leaves to wounds, abrasions, cuts, ulcers, external cracks and tumors for hemorrhoids.

Decoction of wild strawberry leaves:

  • 3 tablespoons chopped wild strawberry leaves,
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Take strawberry infusion half an hour before meals, 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

Indications for the use of a decoction of wild strawberry leaves: metabolic disorders, diabetes, bladder diseases, kidney stones, liver stones, gout, cholelithiasis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, scurvy.

Tannins and flavonoids contained in wild strawberry leaves and berries help fight diarrhea and profuse night sweats.

Since ancient times, strawberries have been eaten for pain in the spleen. Most effective means For this ailment, as well as for difficulty breathing, the juice of strawberry grass with honey was considered. Traditional healers It was believed that a decoction of strawberry leaves improves the general condition of tuberculosis.

From old cough use an infusion of strawberry leaves with the addition licorice root, cinnamon and raisins.

Strawberry leaves, like berries, are dried in a thin layer in the shade in a well-ventilated place. It is recommended to stir them frequently. Stored dried leaves in linen bags 1 year. The leaves, like strawberries, have great medicinal value. They contain tannins, essential oils and ascorbic acid.

Beneficial properties of strawberry roots

Ancient healers used the healing properties of strawberry roots and leaves to treat dysentery, contraction of the spleen and stimulation of urination. The decoction was taken to treat the liver, kidneys and bladder. To strengthen the gums when teeth were loose, they rinsed the mouth with a decoction of strawberry roots and leaves.

Strawberry roots can be harvested during the flowering period. They are dug up, washed, cut and dried in a thin layer in a well-ventilated place.

The presence of tannins and alkaloids determines the high biological value strawberry roots.


Leaves and roots garden strawberries They cannot be collected and used for medicinal purposes; they can cause poisoning!

Despite the fact that many healers and people resort to wild strawberries, they have nothing to do with medicine, oh healing properties oh strawberries, many works and books have been written, it is still recommended to consult a doctor before using any medicine (and strawberries are such a thing). Then strawberry recipes and their use will only benefit you!

Who are strawberries contraindicated for?

Strawberries are classified as plant allergens. When eating strawberries, you may experience itchy skin, urticaria and other symptoms allergic reaction. If these symptoms appear, you should stop eating strawberries and consult a specialist. Many people do not tolerate strawberries well on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to eat fresh strawberries with sour cream, cream or milk with added sugar.

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It brings not only aesthetic pleasure to our taste buds. She is extremely helpful. Here you will find a whole set of vitamins and components for the prevention of various colds and benefits for gastrointestinal tract. But its greens are no less useful, the benefits of which will be discussed below.

Beneficial features

With the onset of autumn, we think more and more about vitamins, since there are fewer and fewer fresh and truly healthy fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it is worth turning to medicinal herbs for help. For example, if you examine wild strawberry leaves in more detail, their beneficial properties and contraindications, you will notice that they are a storehouse of healing properties.

For example, a decoction will be very useful for metabolic disorders or diseases of tissues and joints, and an infusion of the same components will improve the condition of facial skin and cure problem areas. All this is thanks to countless microelements that have a wound-healing and analgesic effect on the body.


Despite all the beneficial properties of the plant, there are some contraindications to the use of wild strawberry leaves:

  • It's pretty strong allergen, therefore, before use in pure form or mixed with other herbs, you should consult your doctor.
  • In case of hepatic colic or gastric secretion, it is advisable to reduce the use of tinctures or medications based on these components to a minimum.
  • If you abuse the decoction (no more than 3 tablespoons per day), you can provoke appendicitis.

Harvesting wild strawberry leaves

Many people ask the question: how to properly prepare raw materials? The answer is very simple - you need to wait for the period of flowering and fruiting. They need to be collected very carefully, no more than two leaves from each bush and without touching the petiole, which is responsible for photosynthesis. You can collect either by hand or with scissors, and after collecting, be sure to rinse under running water.

When to collect wild strawberry leaves for tea?

Best time The end of May is considered the end of May for harvesting the green harvest. Usually choose midday and dry weather, then not only the likelihood of successful drying will increase, but also the number of healing properties.

Useful and medicinal recipes from wild strawberry leaves

People very often find useful and medicinal recipes from wild strawberry leaves, since its medicinal value is very high. Infusions, teas and decoctions are prepared from them, both in pure form and in combination with other medicinal herbs. For example, the infusion has a vasodilator, hematopoietic and tonic, therefore suitable for almost every organism.


The infusion recipe is very simple: infuse 50 g of herb for four hours, after pouring boiling water over it. Use no more than 150 ml. per day. If there is a need for a diuretic, you need to boil 20g. in a small amount of water (150-200 ml.) You can also prepare it using vodka excellent remedy to improve immunity. Take 30-50 drops, several times a day.


Like anyone else Herb tea, it is better to drink this drink in a course, strictly observing the dosage. Excessive consumption can have a negative impact on both the body and general condition person. It is best to use dried leaves, flowers and berries in tea, since together they have a much more effective effect on the body.

A thermos is best suited for brewing such tea, since the liquid remains warm for a long time, which means it contains beneficial properties longer. Pour boiling water over the thermos, then add the mixture and fill it with hot water. It is advisable to wrap the container in a towel to better effect.


The combination of wild strawberry root leaves represents a high concentration of vitamin components, which affects the immune system and the body as a whole. For decoction use 30g. pour the mixture with one glass of water and boil for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. The resulting decoction is recommended to be drunk for insomnia, tuberculosis, asthma, etc.

Use during pregnancy

Thanks to folic acid contained in strawberries, it is extremely beneficial for pregnant women. This is especially true for greens. Despite some contraindications in which it is not recommended to consume anything based on this raw material, a small dose will still not hurt. To do this, you need to consult a doctor and find out in more detail what wild strawberry leaf tea contains during pregnancy and how to drink it.

It is known that such a drink helps prevent vitamin deficiency, and also increases the contractile functions of the uterus. That is why it is recommended to use it before childbirth.

Application for weight loss

If you include strawberry leaves in your diet, this will be a significant advantage, since not all herbs can contain such a large number of vitamins. It is also an excellent diuretic and diaphoretic, which plays an important role in cleansing the body. Tea or decoction will help not only in the fight against cholesterol, but also indirectly against fat cells.

Strawberries are not just a plant that produces tasty and aromatic berries. This is a medicine that is used to maintain strength and additionally treat many diseases. To use it correctly, you need to know the timing of collection, processing methods and dosage when used.

Leaf composition and collection period

Strawberry leaves are a vitamin-rich remedy. Therefore, they are most often used for vitamin deficiencies and restoration of strength after illness, overwork, and so on. Found in plant raw materials:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • carotene;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins of group B, PP;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • polysaccharides.

To understand when to collect strawberry leaves for tea, you need to know the periods during which the maximum useful components are concentrated in the plant. This is the last spring month of May and the beginning of summer - June. It is at this time that strawberries actively bloom, which means that all the power is concentrated in the above-ground part of the plant. The leaves are collected in the morning, when the dew has subsided.

If necessary, they are washed, dried and laid to dry in a cool place without access to bright sun. The leaves are turned over periodically, and after complete drying, they are stored in glass containers or linen bags for a year. Raw materials are harvested throughout the flowering period, and it is better to dry them under natural conditions.

Strawberry tea can be drunk hot or chilled to quench your thirst.

Tea made from strawberry leaves is pleasant to the taste, aromatic, and goes well with other aromatic herbs, currant leaves and honey. You can use not only the leaves, but also the flowers and roots of the plant for medicinal purposes. The tea drink made from berries has a bitter taste, so not everyone will like it.

Beneficial features

The medicinal properties of teas and infusions from strawberry leaves are used for various diseases and conditions, but they also need to be brewed in different ways.

If we talk about useful properties in general, they are as follows:

  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • tonic;
  • restorative;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • antisclerotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • diaphoretic.

If you dry strawberries together with berries, the value of the drink from the raw materials increases, but the taste deteriorates due to the bitterness imparted by the seeds of the plant

Due to the presence of folic acid and other substances, the plant is said to be beneficial for hematopoiesis. In addition, it can increase the tone of the uterus and slow down the heart rate. There is information about the plant’s ability to remove excess cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In folk medicine, tea made from strawberry leaves is used in the following cases:

  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis;
  • decreased hemoglobin level;
  • bladder diseases;
  • joint diseases such as gout, arthrosis, arthritis, etc.;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ARVI, bronchitis.

Strawberry tea is used to replenish the deficiency of vitamin C, carotene, and folic acid. You can drink it to increase overall tone, normalize heart rate, and improve skin condition. This drink is contraindicated for pregnant women and people prone to allergies. It is not advisable for liver diseases and increased gastric secretion.

How to brew

The benefits and harms of strawberry leaf tea directly depend on the method of preparation and use. At home, you can make a regular tasty drink or a concentrated infusion. Below are recipes shown in different cases.

Recipe 1 for cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis, bronchitis:

  • grind 1 tsp. with a top of dry leaves;
  • put in an enamel bowl and fill with hot water;
  • simmer for 10 minutes and leave for 2 hours;
  • strain, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

This recipe can be used to prepare a decoction for fatigue, overwork, anemia, and in preparation for surgery to remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.

For high blood pressure, ischemia, and gastrointestinal ulcers, prepare an infusion according to the previous recipe, but without boiling. It is enough to just leave the leaves for 2 hours. Drink a tablespoon 4-5 times a day, regardless of meals.

To strengthen the body and have tonic properties, tea from wild strawberry leaves is prepared in a special way using fermentation technology similar to Koporye tea. First, young leaves are collected and slightly withered naturally in a well-ventilated area. It is enough for them to lie down for 6-8 hours.

Next, they are rolled using a rolling pin to stimulate the secretion of juice. It is the juice that will become a natural source of enzymes for oxidation (fermentation). Later, the raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl and covered with a damp cloth. A load is placed on top. The oxidation process can be considered complete after 12 hours. Now the leaves can be laid to dry, spreading them on a flat surface in a cool place.

From fermented leaves, the tea turns out to be sweetish, the infusion becomes dark in color, and the raw material itself becomes similar to tea leaves. Drink this drink 1 glass a day. It must be remembered that strawberry leaves are quite allergenic, so when preparing any drink for the first time, you just need to try it and evaluate the body’s reaction. If all is well, you can use the plant for more intensive treatment or prevention.

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