How to recover from acute respiratory infections and flu. Post-infectious asthenia syndrome

Doctors are sounding the alarm: Lately after colds, flu and ARVI for a long time are saved increased weakness, lethargy, sleep disturbances. All these are manifestations of asthenic syndrome.

Asthenia can be like initial manifestation, and the end of the disease. But most often it is the “tail” of the transferred viral infection. As a rule, after 1-2 weeks, influenza, ARVI, pneumonia, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and other diseases leave behind post-infectious asthenia.

The significance of asthenia after acute respiratory viral infections for clinical practice is confirmed by the fact that in the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, syndrome G93.3 is separately identified - fatigue syndrome after a viral infection. Appeals regarding asthenic symptom is high and reaches 64%. The presence of asthenic disorders in children contributes to a deterioration in the quality of life, difficulties in adaptation in preschool and school institutions, learning disorders, decreased communication activity, problems in interpersonal interactions and tension in intra-family relationships.

After the end of the acute period respiratory disease the patient continues to be bothered by symptoms for several days local inflammation- cough, runny nose, etc. After a week, the person usually recovers completely. At the same time, for several weeks after recovery, many people are worried about weakness, irritability, sleep disturbances, digestion and other symptoms. This condition is called “post-infectious” asthenia. The reason is that any cold leads to a weakening of the entire body. Moreover, the more severe the disease, the more pronounced the manifestations of asthenia after recovery.

Typically, asthenia after an acute respiratory infection is accompanied by the following symptoms: lethargy; irritability, mood swings; apathy (unwillingness to do anything); fast fatiguability; sleep disturbance; recurrent headaches; dizziness; decreased appetite; constipation; deterioration of skin and hair condition. People often attribute this condition to fatigue, hypovitaminosis, a bad day, etc. But if you have recently had the flu, severe viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., this is probably the reason.

In order to stop the disease in time, when diagnosing asthenia, it should be distinguished from ordinary fatigue.

Differences between asthenia and physiological fatigue:

  • has a longer course;
  • does not go away after a night's sleep or rest;
  • requires treatment.

It is worth noting that asthenia develops gradually. At first there is slight fatigue. A slight loss of strength. During this period, the patient understands that it is time to take a break, rest, but due to various reasons forces himself to continue working. Difficulties arise in systematizing tasks, difficulties in separating the main from the secondary.

Further more. Appears extreme fatigue. Rest becomes necessary. But the patient can no longer stop and continues to work by inertia. As a result, asthenic syndrome progresses. Apathy and headaches appear, sleep is disturbed, and depression occurs.

Typical complaints after undergoing various diseases are weakness, increased mental fatigue, constant feeling fatigue, aggravated by physical activity, lack of motivation, anxiety, tension. At the same time, patients experience difficulty concentrating, cannot focus their attention on anything for a long time, and are easily distracted. At the same time, emotional instability, touchiness, tearfulness, hot temper, capriciousness, impressionability, and a feeling of internal nervousness appear. In addition, sleep is disturbed, a person has difficulty falling asleep, cannot relax, has difficulty waking up, and gets up unrested. Appetite disappears, sexual potency decreases. Sweating often increases, the patient has a feeling of interruptions in cardiac activity, and lack of air.

Asthenic syndrome may also be accompanied by sharp decline threshold of tolerance to various irritants: loud sounds, bright light, vestibular loads, weather changes. More annoying external factors, such as a squeaking door, TV noise, or washing machine. All this interferes with leading a normal lifestyle and provokes manifestations of disadaptation in behavior.

All of the above symptoms should be the main reason for contacting a doctor.

Causes of asthenia...

Once in the body, the virus disrupts many biochemical processes. The changes first affect the respiratory system, then the circulatory system (for example, the influenza virus can reduce the rate of blood clotting). Virus particles, their metabolic products, destroyed epithelial cells, etc. cause intoxication, i.e. poisoning of the body. Intoxication has a particularly strong impact on work nervous system. In case of severe intoxication, convulsions, hallucinations, and vomiting are possible. acute period diseases. The effects of toxins on the brain are felt long time after the body defeats the virus. This is why your head may hurt, your sleep quality may deteriorate, your ability to concentrate, etc. Side effects medications used also contribute to the development of asthenia. For example, it is known that large doses interferon possess toxic effect. Abuse of antipyretic drugs negatively affects circulatory system, liver and kidneys. If antibiotics were used to combat complications of ARVI, recovery period There is a risk of developing dysbacteriosis, etc.

What to do? How to help the body recover after fighting an infection?

In most cases, it is enough to adjust your daily routine, diet, and some habits. First of all, it's nutrition. Food must contain a large number of vitamins, and at the same time, be easy on the intestines. The diet should include foods such as: fresh vegetables and fruits; lean meat and fish; dairy products; a variety of drinks - juices, teas with herbs and fruits, mineral water; greenery; cereal porridge. Also, after the flu, decoctions, infusions, and vitamin preparations rich in vitamin C (rose hips, raspberries, cranberries) will be useful. It is necessary to ensure the supply of vitamins and nutrients with food; you can also take tableted vitamin-mineral complexes.

No less important role plays the daily routine. An important component Treatments for asthenia include following a daily routine, staying on fresh air, physical exercise. But at the same time, we must not forget about a properly organized work and rest schedule and minimizing stress. To do this, you need to be more relaxed about what is happening, take breaks while working, and surround yourself with your loved ones. Also, to prevent asthenia, you need active rest, sports, visiting the pool, water hardening procedures (contrast showers, baths with sea ​​salt) and regular walking.

Since the disease is associated with the consumption of vital and mental forces, the patient needs proper rest, a change of environment and type of activity. This will allow the body to rest and accumulate energy. But sometimes these recommendations are not feasible for one reason or another, or in some cases the asthenia is so strong that it requires medical care And special treatment. Therefore, they resort to drug therapy.

  • Nootropic or neurometabolic drugs are safe and affordable medications for eliminating psychopathological disorders. But their clinical effectiveness remains unproven, since not all symptoms of illness can be controlled. Because of this, this category of drugs is used with varying intensity in different countries. In Ukraine they are widely used, but in America Western Europe rarely.
  • Antidepressants are inhibitors recapture serotonin, are used for the treatment of asthenic symptom complex and signs of depression.
  • Atypical antipsychotics or neuroleptics are effective for vital-asthenic conditions.
  • Psychostimulants - this category of medications is prescribed by a psychiatrist for appropriate indications for use. These also include procholinergic agents.
  • NMDA receptor blockers - help with cognitive impairment due to cerebral atherosclerosis and other pathologies, causing disruption cognitive functions.
  • Adaptogens are means for plant based. Most often, patients are prescribed ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, pantocrine, Rhodiola rosea and Eleutherococcus.
  • B vitamins - this method therapy is popular in the United States, but is limited in use due to high risks allergic reactions. Therefore, optimal vitamin therapy is used, which includes vitamins B, C and PP.
  • As antioxidant agents for asthenic syndrome it is possible to take a course of Coenzyme Q10, a vitamin-like substance that is directly involved in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, antioxidant protection and helps restore other antioxidants (vitamin E).

All of the above products require appropriate indications for use. However, their use in general medical practice is limited. Consultation with a specialist is necessary; most drugs are sold in pharmacies strictly according to prescription.

In simple words, asthenia is a weak condition. It may be caused various factors. On the site we should talk about asthenic syndrome, which manifests itself after the flu. The main reason for the development of asthenia in in this case. How can this syndrome be overcome?

Judge the appearance of this state only possible if you have the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue.
  • Excessive irritability.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Decreased memory, concentration and performance.

Neurologists note main reason emergence of this disease in metabolic disorders in the brain, which is observed after various somatic diseases.

Fatigue and increased fatigue are observed in a person after suffering from the flu. Fatigue becomes not only physical, but also neuropsychic. These symptoms appear without any exercise, and fatigue does not go away even after proper rest or sleep.

Disturbances in protein metabolism also affect the functioning of the central nervous system. Ammonia levels increase, causing transmission activity to decrease nerve impulses and the regulation of energy metabolism is disrupted.

Causes of asthenia

Asthenia can be preceded by many factors. Organ exhaustion after various ailments is quite normal, which provokes asthenia. The main causes of asthenic syndrome are:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Mental stress.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Mental stress.
  • Incorrect daily routine, that is, a combination of rest and work.
  • Irregular and unhealthy diet.

Neurasthenia is a disease that arises as a result of strong emotional experiences. This disorder may occur before another disease in the body manifests itself. She either accompanies central disease, or occurs after a person has been ill.

Asthenia may manifest itself in various symptoms, which largely depends on the reasons for its occurrence. The main symptoms by which it can be identified are:

  1. Pain in the back, heart, stomach.
  2. Frequent heartbeat.
  3. Increased sweating.
  4. Decreased sexual desire.
  5. Increased feeling of fear.
  6. Sensitivity to light and sounds.
  7. Weight loss.

Frequent causes of asthenia are infectious diseases, which include bronchitis or influenza. Depending on the individual characteristics, asthenia can predominate either in a state of irritability or in a state of rapid fatigue.

Often asthenia is accompanied by increased fatigue. It can be eliminated with the help of a doctor, who will first conduct a diagnosis to identify associated symptoms:

  • Headache.
  • Irritability.
  • Dizziness.
  • Indigestion: heartburn, belching, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, loss of appetite.

Features of the development of asthenia

Each asthenic syndrome is accompanied by its own developmental characteristics. It all depends on the factors that caused asthenia. If we talk about the flu, then a person with asthenic syndrome becomes irritable, fussy, his temperature rises slightly, and his capacity decreases. Post-flu asthenia lasts for a long time, sometimes up to a month.

There is a tendency for asthenic conditions to increase after influenza or a cold. Experts explain this by the fact that before the onset of these diseases, people experience asthenic syndrome, caused, for example, by nervous experiences or physical fatigue. Thus, asthenia contributes to the occurrence of flu, colds and other diseases, and then manifests itself again, but after recovery.

Asthenia is the main ailment modern man. This is due to the lifestyle that everyone is forced to lead if they want to succeed, achieve something and become successful person. The individual is constantly in working condition, not allowing himself to fully rest and even recover.

Asthenia does not go away on its own; it constantly develops if you do not eliminate it. First, a person feels tired, then feels a loss of strength. Finally, now the thoughts arise that it’s time to rest. However, even this does not happen, since a person does not allow himself to sleep for a long time and gain strength. Once the health condition has improved, the person believes that he has already recovered. He starts work again without completely getting rid of asthenia. The main factors are perceived as secondary, which allows the disease to develop calmly and gradually.

Untreated asthenia and hard work lead to even greater fatigue. Here a person already really thinks about rest. However, if he allows inertia to take over, then he begins to work through force. Now asthenia is gaining momentum, it is becoming progressive.

Soon apathy sets in, accompanied by headaches. There is no more strength and energy, a person works forcedly, through willpower. All this leads to depression.

What ways can you overcome asthenia?

Speaking about asthenia, according to by and large speaks of tension, fatigue, tiredness and weakness. These symptoms can be eliminated different ways that give energy, pleasure, moral satisfaction, peace of mind or relaxation. What ways can you overcome asthenia?

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Exclude alcoholic drinks and strong coffee. These drinks stimulate the nervous system.
  2. Engage in physical exercises that are not exhausting, but enjoyable.
  3. Take a contrast shower, especially before bed.
  4. Swim, not necessarily at a fast pace. The main thing is to enjoy the process.
  5. Get enough sleep. This helps the brain become more saturated useful elements. They will also help here special drugs which a doctor may prescribe.
  6. Eat well. Improves brain function protein food: legumes, meat, soy. Liver products and eggs (vitamin B), cheese, turkey, banana, grain bread (they contain tryptophan). These products promote the production of special hormones: methionine, choline, serotonin, norepinephrine. These food substances help brain activity, which promotes quick elimination forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Positive emotions are formed.
  7. Take vitamin C. Ascorbic acid becomes important in the period after recovery from illness. There is a lot of vitamin found in food. You should also add iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium and other elements.
  8. Accept vitamin complexes. There is no need to talk about the benefits of a specific group of vitamins. You should eat foods that nourish your body. various vitamins. These are: vegetables, currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, bananas, kiwi, pears, apples. You can use them to make low-fat yoghurts, salads, and fruit drinks.
  9. Take adaptogens. They become useful if, after the flu, there is constant fatigue, indifference, decreased blood pressure. Adaptogens include leuzea, ginseng, and pantocrine, which are added to your favorite drinks, but not to alcoholic ones.
  10. Make herbal decoctions. If insomnia develops after suffering from the flu, then before going to bed you should use herbal decoctions: hops, geranium, valerian. If you don’t want to make a decoction, you can apply it to your pillow. essential oil lavender, oregano, etc. Another method for insomnia can be watering your feet cold water before bedtime.
  11. Maintain a routine for going to bed and getting up. If you always go to bed and wake up at the same time, your body will get used to the routine and feel good at the time you need to wake up.

If necessary, you should take a shower at a pleasant temperature before going to bed.

You should rest often, this is especially important after recovering from the flu or other illness. At other times you should not burden yourself overwork so as not to reduce the body’s immunity and defenses, making it weak against infections.


Asthenia, or in other words - weakness, is always felt after an illness. Depending on the gravity and duration of the illness, it also takes a long time for a person to regain strength. The prognosis is comforting if a person allows himself to recover, gain strength, and rest after an illness that can be compared to work.

Asthenia does not affect life expectancy. It affects general health man and on his strength immune system. If a person does not give himself proper rest, does not restore strength and does not calm his nervous system, then his immunity becomes weak. And this is fertile ground for the penetration of viruses and bacteria to provoke a new disease.

It is not surprising that after one illness, people quickly become ill again. It is generally accepted that the immune system is “hardened” after fighting the first infection. In fact, he is exhausted, since he devoted all his strength and resources to recovery.

Many people who have just recovered from an acute respiratory viral infection complain of a lethargic and weakened state. Very often, fever, cough, runny nose and other symptoms of the disease are replaced by severe weakness.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, during the fight against a cold viral disease human body spends a lot of energy and effort. Therefore, after the disease has subsided, a person needs a few more days to return to normal.

Final recovery after ARVI can be accelerated. To do this, you need to adhere to the correct regime.

Symptoms of a weakened state

After ARVI is left behind, adults and children often complain about new unpleasant symptoms. They are quite individual, however, they can also be traced general patterns. So, these include:

  • persistent feeling of weakness;
  • decreased performance;
  • lack of proper appetite;
  • poor concentration;
  • may feel dizzy;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • irritability.

In such a situation, some doctors talk about asthenia or asthenic syndrome. This pathological condition is characterized by a general weakening of the body, sudden changes mood, moodiness and tearfulness. Also common symptom asthenia is low temperature body from 35.5 to 36.3 degrees. All Additional information you can find in the publication “and adult”.

If asthenic syndrome is not given due attention, it can become chronic. In addition, if you do not take actions adequate to the situation, this can contribute to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What do we have to do?

If after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection you experience weakness and apathy, then a number of certain actions should be taken. You can even talk about the necessary regime that should be followed by those recovering from colds to a person.

  1. First of all, after the symptoms of the disease disappear, you should not immediately return to your active, busy rhythm of life. This process should be leisurely and gradual. You can't get overtired.
  2. It is very important to get proper rest. Great importance sleep quality plays a role. Rest time should be sufficient.
  3. Help return vitality can water treatments. First of all, it is worth talking about contrasting soul. Also good option will be taking a bath with sea salt. However, such procedures should not be abused.
  4. Be sure to take walks in the fresh air. It's best to get out into nature. For residents big cities A city park or square can be a place for such walks.
  5. Nervous shocks and overloads should also be kept to a minimum. Positive psychological condition very important. In this regard, you should do what you really love. Hobbies and communication with friends can help overcome asthenia.
  6. Proper nutrition also plays an important, and perhaps even decisive, role in the final victory over acute respiratory viral infection.

Proper nutrition after illness

You need to eat right not only during an acute respiratory viral infection, but also after its symptoms subside. It is the food factor that becomes one of the decisive ones during the fight against post-cold asthenia.

Before ARVI, you must completely exclude fatty and heavy foods from your diet. Also, do not overuse flour products. Preference should be given to cereals, fish, lean meat, seafood, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

If, after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection, you are faced with a lack of appetite, then you should not force yourself to eat. In this case, we recommend chicken bouillon. You can add a hard-boiled egg and finely chopped herbs to it.

Fresh bee honey can be an excellent alternative to confectionery sweets.

It is also important to drink enough fluids. You need to drink at least two liters of liquid per day. Preference should be given to warm and sweet tea with lemon. This will allow you to quickly defeat asthenic syndrome.

Flu, which occurs without complications, lasts 5-10 days. Symptoms are observed during the first 2-4 days of the disease acute inflammationheadache, heat body, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and conjunctiva. After the end of the acute period, the patient is still bothered by symptoms of local inflammation for several days - cough, runny nose, etc. After a week, the person usually makes a full recovery. At the same time, for several weeks after recovery, many people are worried about weakness, irritability, sleep disturbances, and digestion. This condition is called post-viral asthenia.

Symptoms of post-viral asthenia

The word “asthenia” itself literally means “weakness”. Asthenia may have various reasons. Asthenic syndrome after the flu - a disturbance in well-being caused by the activity of the virus. The more severe the disease, the more pronounced its manifestations.

Typically, asthenia after the flu is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • irritability, mood swings;
  • apathy (unwillingness to do anything);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • constipation;
  • deterioration of skin and hair condition.

People often attribute this condition to fatigue, hypovitaminosis, a bad day, etc. But if you have recently had the flu, this is probably the reason.

Causes of asthenia after influenza

The main reasons for the development of post-viral asthenia:

  • consequences of intoxication;
  • side effects of medications;
  • fluid loss;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • weakening of the immune system by viral infection.

Once in the body, the virus disrupts many biochemical processes. The changes first affect the respiratory system, then the circulatory system (for example, the influenza virus can reduce the rate of blood clotting). Virus particles, their metabolic products, destroyed epithelial cells, etc. cause intoxication, i.e. poisoning of the body. Intoxication especially affects the functioning of the nervous system.

With severe intoxication, convulsions, hallucinations, and vomiting are possible during the acute period of the disease.

The effects of toxins on the brain are felt long after the body defeats the virus. This is why your head may hurt, your sleep quality may deteriorate, your ability to concentrate, etc.

Side effects of medications taken also contribute to the development of asthenia. For example, large doses of interferon are known to have toxic effects. Abuse of antipyretic drugs negatively affects the circulatory system, liver and kidneys. If antibiotics were used to combat complications of influenza, there is a risk of developing dysbiosis during the recovery period.

What to do?

How to help the body recover after fighting an infection? In most cases, it is enough to adjust your daily routine, diet, and some habits. It is necessary to ensure the supply of vitamins and nutrients with food; you can also take tableted vitamin-mineral complexes. However, in some cases, asthenia is so severe that it requires medical attention and special treatment.

Useful habits

First, let's look at good habits, which will help restore the balance of strength and overcome exhaustion of the body without resorting to medications.

First of all, it's nutrition. Food should contain a large amount of vitamins, and at the same time, be easy on the intestines. Your diet should include foods such as:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • a variety of drinks - juices, teas with herbs and fruits, mineral waters;
  • greenery;
  • cereal porridge.

The daily routine plays an equally important role.

It is necessary to allocate a sufficient number of hours for sleep and rest. You should sleep in a ventilated room with a comfortable air temperature. It's good to take a walk before bed.

There is nothing better to improve your mood and speed up your metabolism. physical activity. Preference should be given to aerobic exercises. These are gymnastics, running, swimming. Even an ordinary walk will have a positive effect on brain function, gastrointestinal tract and vascular-cardiac system.

Medical treatment

IN severe cases asthenia after influenza requires treatment. Almost all patients with similar symptoms are prescribed vitamins, minerals, and also biological active additives— extracts of ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass. Echinacea tincture has an immunostimulating effect. Patients with dysbacteriosis are prescribed a course of lactobacilli. For memory loss, anxiety, and mood swings, it is prescribed sedatives, for example, Glycine. Besides medications physiotherapeutic procedures are used.

Similar symptoms

Poor health after suffering a viral infection can indicate not only asthenic syndrome. Similar symptoms may indicate pathologies such as:

  • hypovitaminosis - a lack of vitamins, most often observed in winter and early spring;
  • indolent infection that arose as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection;
  • neuroinfection - inflammation of the nervous tissue caused by a virus or bacteria entering the spinal cord or brain; accompanied by elevated temperature, headaches, dizziness;
  • chronic fatigue is the result of constant stress at work or at home, lack of proper rest, etc.

Since many complications of viral infections are more dangerous than primary disease, if suspicious symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor, especially if you have recently suffered from a severe acute respiratory infection.

A universal drug possessing several important pharmacological effects:
- anxiolytic (sedative and vegetotropic)
- nootropic
- stress-protective

Asthenia after surgery infectious diseases: what to do?

T.M.Tvorogova, I.N.Zakharova

In case of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), it is often necessary to replace catarrhal phenomena an asthenic state occurs, which is characterized by weakness, adynamia, complete indifference to the environment and loved ones. Asthenic syndrome may be due to various diseases, including occurring after previous respiratory infections. The significance of asthenia after acute respiratory viral infections for clinical practice is confirmed by the fact that the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, separately identifies syndrome G93.3 - fatigue syndrome after a viral infection. The appeal rate for asthenic symptoms is high and reaches 64%. The presence of asthenic disorders in children contributes to a deterioration in the quality of life, difficulties in adaptation in preschool and school institutions, learning disabilities, decreased communication activity, problems in interpersonal interactions and tension in family relationships.

When we talk about asthenia after an acute respiratory viral infection, we are talking about reactive asthenia, which occurs in initially healthy individuals as a result of the stress of adaptation under stress, as well as during the period of convalescence. Children with reduced adaptive capabilities of the body are most susceptible to asthenic reactions. The causes of asthenic syndrome are very diverse. Along with asthenia caused by physiological and psycho-emotional reasons, asthenia associated with convalescence after infectious diseases, injuries and operations is distinguished.

Leading pathogenetic mechanism asthenia is associated with dysfunction reticular formation, which regulates the activity of the cortex and subcortical structures and is the “energy center” of the central nervous system (CNS), which is responsible for active wakefulness. Other mechanisms for the development of asthenia are autointoxication with metabolic products, dysregulation of the production and use of energy resources at the cellular level. Metabolic disorders that occur during asthenia lead to hypoxia, acidosis, with subsequent disruption of the processes of formation and use of energy.

Post-infectious asthenovegetative disorders can have both somatic manifestations(impaired thermoregulation, respiratory, vestibular, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal disorders), and emotional-behavioral disorders (increased fatigue, emotional lability, hypersthesia, sleep disorders). It is important to remember that the clinical manifestations of asthenovegetative syndrome can be a “mask” of the onset of organic pathology. Treatment of asthenia largely depends on the factors that caused it and clinical manifestations. The treatment strategy includes 3 basic directions:

  1. etiopathogenetic therapy;
  2. nonspecific restorative, immunocorrective therapy;
  3. symptomatic therapy.

An important component of the treatment of asthenia is maintaining a daily routine, staying in the fresh air, physical exercise, and a balanced diet.

Considering the leading role of dysfunction of the reticular formation in the development of asthenia, the neurospecific protein S100, isolated from nervous tissue, is of great interest. This protein is synthesized and localized exclusively in the cells of the central nervous system and is extremely important for their normal functioning, since it carries out neurotrophic functions, regulates calcium homeostasis in the cells of the central nervous system and is involved in the regulation of synaptic transmission. It has been experimentally established that release-active forms of antibodies to the S100 protein have sufficient wide range psychotropic, neurotropic and vegetative modulating activity.

Due to the fact that Tenoten contains antibodies to the S100 protein in a release-active form, it modifies its functional activity of the S 100 protein itself.

A study of the dynamics of asthenovegetative manifestations after infectious diseases in children against the background of Tenoten (E.V. Mikhailov, Saratov State Medical University) showed that the drug eliminates manifestations of asthenia, improves autonomic homeostasis, reduces anxiety in children, improves mood, facilitates learning processes and stabilizes general state(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1
Dynamics of asthenovegetative manifestations after infectious diseases against the background of the drug Tenoten for children (E.V. Mikhailov, Saratov State Medical University)

In a comparative randomized study led by M.Yu. Galaktionova on the basis of the Krasnoyarsk State medical university 60 children and adolescents aged 11 to 15 years with a clinically and instrumentally confirmed diagnosis of “autonomic dysfunction syndrome” of permanent paroxysmal course were included. The main group received Tenoten 1 tablet 3 times a day, the comparison group received a course of traditional basic treatment, including nootropic and vegetotropic drugs, sedatives and in some cases– neuroleptics. The results are presented in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2
Dynamics of symptoms in children while taking the drug Tenoten for children (M.Yu. Galaktionova, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University)

At the end of the course of treatment, the majority of the examined patients of both groups showed a decrease in the number and intensity of complaints of an asthenoneurotic nature, a decrease in the severity pain syndrome(headaches, cardialgia, abdominal pain). Moreover, in 80% of patients in the main group, positive dynamics were observed by the end of the 2nd week from the start of treatment (on the 10th–14th day). An improvement in the psycho-emotional background, the disappearance of anxiety, a significant increase in performance, concentration and normalization of sleep was noted by days 14–17 in 73.3% of patients in the main group, which indicated the nootropic effect of Tenoten. At the same time, the dynamics of the stated clinical symptoms in patients in the comparison group it was observed only in 43.3% of cases at the time of discharge from the hospital.

In a study by A.P. Rachin, while taking the drug Tenoten, an improvement in concentration and productivity of attention was observed compared to the control group.

As an antioxidant agent for asthenic syndrome, it is possible to take a course of Coenzyme Q10, a vitamin-like substance that is directly involved in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate, antioxidant protection and promotes the restoration of other antioxidants (vitamin E). It is important to remember that omega-3 polyunsaturated fats have significant neurometabolic effects. fatty acid, main food source which include fish and some plant products.

Thus, only programmatic treatment of asthenovegetative syndrome, including minimization of risk factors, correction autonomic dysfunction, immune imbalance (for frequently ill children) and sanitation of foci of infection will make it possible to cope with this pathological condition and prevent its development in the future.

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