What medications are prescribed for pregnancy after laparoscopy. Possible complications of laparoscopy. What is laparoscopy and how to prepare for it

Today, quite often for the diagnosis and treatment of certain gynecological pathologies laparoscopy is used. Is it possible to get pregnant after it, how quickly is the recovery process, does the operation affect the functioning of the reproductive system - this is what our article is about.

When is laparoscopy used?

Laparoscopy does not in any way diminish the chances of getting pregnant. To understand the possible impact of the procedure, let's consider what it is. Laparoscopy is a technique for diagnosing pathologies and gynecological disorders and, if necessary, operative (surgical) elimination of them.

In this procedure, the doctor makes three punctures in the peritoneum. An inert gas is injected into the cavity through a trocar to increase the volume. A telescopic tube with a video camera and a light source is passed through one puncture, and micromanipulators are passed through others. With their help, surgical actions are performed directly.

A feature of laparoscopy is considered to be minimal disruption muscle tissue(there are no cuts), and therefore the operations are characterized by painlessness and rapid healing. They are carried out more often under general anesthesia, but sometimes local is also possible.

Situations when laparoscopy is necessary

Laparoscopy is prescribed, after which you can get pregnant in the following situations:

  • Removal of ovarian cysts or tumors;
  • Ovarian apoplexy;
  • Removal of appendages;
  • Removal of fibroids, tumors, uterine polyps;
  • Restoration of pipe patency;
  • Removal of adhesions;
  • At ectopic pregnancy– removal of the fertilized egg;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Correction of genital prolapse;
  • Preparing for IVF

In addition, the procedure helps to detect congenital pathologies uterus, chronic pelvic pain, secondary amenorrhea, endometriosis, identify the causes of infertility.

In view of such extensive use, whether it is possible to get pregnant after laparoscopy worries many women. It depends on the purpose of the procedure and its consequences. If sterilization or hysterectomy has been performed medical indications, the answer is, of course, negative. If laparoscopy is necessary to get rid of pathologies, for example, patency fallopian tubes, then you can plan conception within the time limit set by your doctor.

When is conception possible - timing

Let's consider the most special cases surgical intervention and deadlines established by specialists for planning fertilization:

Pipe obstruction

If a laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes has been performed, you can become pregnant no earlier than 3 months. Due to the dissection of the adhesions that were tightening the fallopian tubes, you need to wait about a month for the swelling to subside. It will also take time to recover from the operation in general and to restore the functionality of the ovaries. There is no need to violate the deadlines set by the doctor; the tubes after the procedure are hyperemic and swollen, and therefore there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy. Usually, oral medications are prescribed for the period of rehabilitation. hormonal contraceptives. It is no secret that after their abolition, the “oppressed” ovaries begin to produce more abundantly.

Ectopic pregnancy

No matter how the operation is performed (husking the fetus or tubectomy), attempting to conceive earlier than six months later is strictly prohibited. After the development of a new life is interrupted, it takes quite a long time for the hormonal levels to stabilize. But the balance of hormones affects the correct passage of each stage of the origin of life.


It is better to try to get pregnant after ovarian laparoscopy after 3-6 months. Removal occurs very carefully: the cyst is directly peeled off, no damage to healthy tissue is observed. In principle, a month is enough for rehabilitation. But doctors do not advise rushing. If pregnancy occurs before 3 month period After the operation, it is better to consult immediately so that there are no problems with its course.


With this pathology, many small cysts grow on the ovary. The problem can be solved in several ways: making incisions on the ovarian capsule, removing the compacted part, excision of part of the ovary. Ovulation is restored for a very short period of time - sometimes up to a year, but more often - less. Therefore, after laparoscopy, you need to get pregnant quickly: immediately after the abolition of sexual rest, i.e. a month later.


In this case, the lesions on the surface of the peritoneum and internal organs are cauterized or the endometrioid cyst is removed. By the way, it has been proven that pregnancy inhibits the development of lesions and the appearance of new ones, but it is not worth moving on to fertilization before the end of the rehabilitation course - 3 months.

Uterine fibroids

IN in this case Myomatous nodes are eradicated. The uterus needs a lot of time to form “correct” scars. It is better to wait 6-8 months, as long as possible. Because if you quickly become pregnant after laparoscopy, a rupture along the scar is possible, and this threatens the need to remove the uterus.

How to get pregnant quickly after laparoscopy

To increase your chances of getting pregnant after laparoscopy, you need to contact your specialist and undergo necessary examinations and get tested. IN mandatory list planning for conception includes:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • vaginal smears;
  • hormone levels and balance;

We increase the chances of pregnancy

Additionally, certain examinations may be prescribed if the doctor considers them important in this situation: ultrasound of the mammary glands, colposcopy, etc. To increase the likelihood of fertilization, you should follow the basic rules:

  • Three months in advance, start taking vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • Give up habits that are harmful to your health (including your father’s);
  • Spend a lot of time on fresh air, take short walks physical exercise;
  • Review your diet, introduce more healthy and fortified foods.

Now all that remains is to determine ovulation and plan sexual intercourse. How long before you can get pregnant after laparoscopy is a controversial question. First of all, it depends on the prerequisites for its purpose and effectiveness. If we look at the statistics, 85% of women conceived within a year after surgery.

At the same time, the time of pregnancy was distributed according to the following indicators:

  • in the first month: 20%;
  • 3-5 months: 20%;
  • 6-8 months: 30%;
  • towards the end of the year: 15%.

As you can see, everything depends on the rehabilitation period prescribed by the doctor, the characteristics of the body, its ability to regenerate and other factors.

The long-awaited “position” is also facilitated by the fact that patients are always prescribed hormonal contraceptives for 1-3 months after the procedure.

They inhibit the work of the ovaries, which allows it to “rest” for several months. When a woman stops taking the pills, follicle production occurs more intensely and the likelihood of conception increases significantly.

If you look at the reviews of those who became pregnant after laparoscopy, you can get confirmation of the above. Girls by different indications Surgeries and an individual rehabilitation course are prescribed. But after it, it’s quite possible to get pregnant if you follow the advice of your gynecologist.

Sooner or later, every woman thinks about conceiving a child. However, sometimes it is not possible to become pregnant, and as a result of the examination, a disease is revealed that requires treatment using laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is a method of operating on a person through a very small incision. Scars from this procedure heal quickly. Today we will talk about how long after the laparoscopy procedure you can successfully become pregnant and how to do it quickly.

How are laparoscopy and pregnancy related?

Laparoscopy is the most modern and gentle type of surgery. This method of operating on patients has appeared relatively recently. Unlike strip operations, during laparoscopy a miniature incision is made, which heals very quickly.

Laparoscopy and pregnancy are closely related. The fact is that this type of treatment is very often prescribed to patients who, for one reason or another, suffer from infertility.

There are several diagnoses for which laparoscopy is prescribed for women. It is this method that allows you to recover from infertility and conceive a child in the shortest possible time.

When to do laparoscopy:

  1. PCOS. For polycystic ovary syndrome, they are actively used this method treatment.
  2. Fallopian tube obstruction is another diagnosis requiring surgical intervention. Nowadays laparoscopy is actively used to treat this disease.
  3. Uterine fibroids are also treated by laparoscopy.
  4. In case of ectopic pregnancy it is necessary surgery. The best result is achieved using laparoscopy.
  5. Spikes in fallopian tubes are the reason for laparoscopy. With this intervention, it is possible to remove adhesions without harm to the woman’s health.
  6. This operation is used to remove appendicitis. This method is much safer than abdominal surgery.
  7. Infertility.

With these diseases, infertility is almost always observed. However, after eliminating the disease using laparoscopy, the probability of giving birth is quite high.

During a diagnostic procedure, the doctor finds out the cause of infertility operative method. A hole is made in the right place, into which a small camera is inserted, which allows you to see and treat all abnormal formations.

When can you get pregnant after laparoscopy?

Many women ask whether it is possible to successfully become pregnant after laparoscopy. Often the answer is yes. Most girls become pregnant within a year after undergoing such a delicate operation. And only 15 percent cannot conceive a child, although a year has already passed.

Laparoscopy is very often used to treat diseases causing infertility. However, sometimes it is still not possible to conceive a child. However, you should not think that the intervention did not help; the formation, which is dangerous to your life, is removed in any case with such treatment.

Doctors say that a successfully performed laparoscopy cannot in any way negatively affect conception and childbirth. If a woman cannot become pregnant after such an intervention, then she previously had problems with reproductive function.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to become pregnant after surgery for several months. However, this is not the case with laparoscopy! You can plan to conceive a child a month after the operation is performed.

First, you will need to consult with your doctor and find out if you have any contraindications, and then take the prescribed tests. When the first menstrual cycle occurs, this is a sure signal that you can plan to conceive a child.

However, before you think about planning a pregnancy, you just need to get all the tests done right away. This will help you avoid very serious consequences. Usually the doctor prescribes a list of tests, but we will tell you about the mandatory check.

What tests must be taken before conceiving a child after laparoscopy:

  • General blood and urine tests;
  • Blood for the presence of various infections;
  • Vaginal smear to determine the presence of microflora;
  • Smear to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

The woman is also usually sent to an endocrinologist and a geneticist. After a complete examination, the doctor tells you what your chances are of quickly becoming pregnant and giving birth. healthy child.

If you have been treated for endometriosis, you will definitely be sent for an ultrasound to look at the condition of the endometrium. If it is thin and damaged, then you will have to wait a while to become pregnant.

If you have had surgery to remove adhesions in your fallopian tubes, you may have little time to undergo examinations and plan your pregnancy. The fact is that in this case, adhesions can form again. That's why time is your enemy here.

How to get pregnant after laparoscopy

Despite the fact that the level of danger during laparoscopy is much lower than that of strip surgery, such an intervention still requires increased care. In order for a woman to become pregnant after treatment, certain requirements must be met.

What to do to get pregnant after laparoscopy:

  1. It is very important to adhere menstrual cycle. You need to plan your pregnancy on the day of ovulation, as well as three days before and one day after. The rest of the time, the chances of conceiving are minimal.
  2. Having sex several times a day during ovulation does not help you get pregnant, but on the contrary, it interferes with conception. The fact is that with frequent ejaculation, sperm activity decreases. During pregnancy planning, it is quite enough to have sex once a day.
  3. At the planning stage it is necessary to take various vitamins and microelements. This applies to both women and men.
  4. Basically, those who lie on their backs after intercourse for 15 minutes get pregnant the first time. This way, the sperm does not flow out of the vagina, but moves towards the egg.

It is very important when trying to conceive a child to healthy image life for both women and men. You must sleep at least 8 hours, and you must not smoke.

Laparoscopy during pregnancy

It happens that already at the stage of pregnancy, the lives of mother and child are in serious danger. Sometimes the diagnosis is disappointing, since it turns out that without surgical intervention it will not be possible to save the patient’s life.

If you have been prescribed laparoscopy during pregnancy, do not be alarmed. This type The treatment is the most humane and does not affect the uterus in any way, thus, traces of the operation will not affect the child’s condition in any way. The only danger with such an intervention is anesthesia.

Laparoscopy during pregnancy is usually prescribed when acute appendicitis. In this case, there really is a need for surgery. However, subtle intervention by competent specialists will allow you to maintain your pregnancy after similar treatment. The only problem that may bother you in this case is constipation.

Reasons for urgent laparoscopy during pregnancy may include: gynecological problems. The most common are torsion of the ovarian cyst and necrosis of fibroid tissue.

In any case, if you are scheduled for such an operation during pregnancy, do not panic. The doctor will be able to save the lives of both you and your child.

What not to do after laparoscopy

So that laparoscopy gives positive results. And done medical work According to your healing, it was not in vain, it is necessary to carry out some corrections.

What not to do after laparoscopy:

  1. On the first day after laparoscopy, you should not eat at all. The only thing you can drink is still water.
  2. For a month after laparoscopy, you should not eat spicy, smoked, fatty foods, or causing gas formation. It is recommended to eat steamed or boiled food, as well as drink dairy products and fruit drinks.
  3. For another month you will not be able to lift weights, play sports or dance. Also during this period you cannot fly on airplanes or take long train trips.
  4. You should not swim in the bathtub, pool or sauna, or in open water until the laparoscopy marks have completely healed.
  5. After such treatment, you can have sex only after two to three weeks.

By following all these rules, you can maximize your chances of getting pregnant after laparoscopy. Neglecting these tips will bring all your treatment to nothing.

When is pregnancy possible after laparoscopy (video)

Thanks to laparoscopy, a method has emerged that can actually cope with infertility. Do not be afraid modern treatment, listen to the doctor’s recommendations, and you will “fly with happiness” when you have a baby!

Planning pregnancy after laparoscopy, especially if the operation was performed for a gynecological disease, is very important point. Must pass certain time so that the body recovers after the intervention, and all the consequences of the disease and treatment pass. Often the cause of infertility is ovarian cysts or uterine polyps. Thanks to the widespread introduction of this method of operation, pregnancy after ovarian laparoscopy becomes possible.

Laparoscopy: what is it and how is it done?

Laparoscopy is modern method performing operations on the abdominal organs

This is a minimally invasive surgery that can treat wide range diseases, including gynecology. Doctors in this field most often encounter patients who are unable to get pregnant. Often the causes of this condition are violations of the normal internal structure and the structure of the uterus or its appendages. The chances of getting pregnant after laparoscopy performed according to indications increase significantly.

In gynecological practice, any intervention is carried out on certain days of the cycle. Usually, this happens before ovulation.

Laparoscopic intervention is performed for the following indications:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Neoplasms of the uterus and its appendages.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Infertility.

The operation lasts about 40 minutes, quite a bit of time. It is carried out under general anesthesia. The method of performing the operation involves a small incision, as it was before, and three small punctures. Postoperative wounds are often sutured intradermally, then sterile dressings are applied to them. And the seams from such an operation are completely invisible.

Already 2-3 days after the operation, the patient is active and is discharged home. Moreover, they almost immediately recommend being active. After laparoscopy, you can sit down, stand up and carefully walk around the room. Due to the low traumatic nature of the operation, the tissue suffers little, and the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall is not disturbed. Therefore, the possibility of pregnancy appears earlier than after abdominal surgery.

Features of pregnancy planning after surgery

The timing of pregnancy planning after laparoscopy depends on many factors.

Laparoscopy and pregnancy after it usually go well and calmly. Of course, there will be difficulties and they will have to be overcome. In this matter, the main thing is to wait the right amount of time. For example, if you become pregnant earlier than 3 months after treatment for an ovarian cyst, it is possible to terminate early stages.

Women have many questions about whether it is possible to get pregnant after surgery, and when you can become pregnant after laparoscopy. Experts say that the forecasts are quite favorable, but there are several nuances:

  • The operation itself does not cause any risk of infertility; on the contrary, it has helped many women become pregnant. Of course, the likelihood of conception will increase only if the reason preventing this has been eliminated.
  • In some cases, in the absence of complications and contraindications, which will be discussed later, it is possible to plan a pregnancy after laparoscopy within a month. But first you need to wait until your period starts, i.e. the cycle will not be restored.
  • According to statistics, only 15% of women after laparoscopy never become pregnant during the first year. The point is not that the operation did not help, but rather that the treatment was not completed. At the same time, 20% of patients succeed in getting pregnant quickly after laparoscopy, literally in the first month.
  • In case of endometriosis, a woman needs to do everything necessary tests before trying to conceive a child.
  • The long-awaited conception may not occur in case of hormonal disorders.

Pregnancy after removal of an ovarian cyst

When does pregnancy occur after successful treatment of a single cyst or polycystic ovary syndrome? It must be remembered that a cyst is caused by one disorder hormonal levels, but the syndrome is completely different.

In the first case, removing the cyst will suffice. But at the same time, you will have to wait longer for the right moment when you can plan a pregnancy than with polycystic disease. In this case, laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst is performed; after laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst, it is better to wait some time and try to conceive a child after 3 months. Pregnancy after removal of an ovarian cyst may be difficult if you do not follow doctors’ recommendations.

In some cases, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed for a short period of time to normalize the imbalance in the body. In addition, they allow the operated ovaries to “rest”, this helps the organs recover faster.

Those who complain that they cannot get pregnant will need additional measures. The likelihood of conception increases if you remain in a horizontal position after intercourse so that sperm does not leak out in the first minutes. Taking vitamins and avoiding stress increases the chances of pregnancy.

Features of conception with polycystic disease

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome requires different treatment. The scope of the operation is usually much larger than for ordinary cysts. Usually, either the directly affected part of the organ is removed along with the capsule, or incisions are made on the capsule.

After such an operation, it is allowed to have a child in the first cycle with normal menstruation. The fact is that ovulation will be restored literally for a year, because serious things are happening in the body hormonal disorder. The patient is advised at the onset of the first normal cycle resume trying to get pregnant. It is necessary to visit a doctor so that specialists allow you to stop sexual rest. She is also advised to remain calm, if she does not get pregnant right away, she must try to get pregnant again and again. In this situation, maintaining peace, a calm mood and optimism usually helps. Reviews from many women who became pregnant as a result successful treatment, inspire confidence that this is possible.

Pregnancy after tubal surgery

In this case, the moment when you can get pregnant after laparoscopy is decided individually. The fact is that situations can be different:

  • Adhesive process in the pelvis.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Fallopian tube resection.

Depending on this, they decide when to get pregnant. If removal and separation of adhesions on the fallopian tubes is performed, then the timing is determined 6 months after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes; laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes can also delay the possibility of conception by up to a year.

Adhesions of fallopian tubes and ovaries

How to get pregnant with one tube is decided in each case individually. There is no need to be afraid and say: “I won’t be able to get pregnant now.” Of course, it will be more difficult than in a normal situation, but everything is possible. It is strictly forbidden to become pregnant within six months after treatment for an ectopic pregnancy, especially with removal of the fallopian tube. So how long before you can get pregnant in this case and why can’t you try to conceive a child early with this disease? With such a violation of the attachment of the fetus, a severe disruption occurs in the body. This period is needed in order to restore hormonal levels.

Pregnancy after treatment for uterine fibroids

If the fibroid was removed laparoscopically, it will take considerable time for scars to form in the organ that will be sustainable. Otherwise, if pregnancy occurs after laparoscopy, the uterus may simply rupture, and the matter simply will not come to childbirth; doctors will need to save the patient’s life. In addition, this carries the risk of organ removal. We cannot exclude the possibility of developing pregnancy complications such as placenta previa after excision of fibroids.

So, how long will it take to get pregnant? On average, the minimum period is six months. It's better to wait even longer so as not to risk it. During this period, the body is protected oral contraceptives, thereby restoring the balance of hormones in the body.

In the case of uterine fibroids, a woman needs to be attentive to her condition so that pregnancy occurs at the right time.

To monitor how quickly the healing process is progressing, you need to perform an ultrasound. And only after it has been possible to fix strong scars at the site of the operation, you can try to conceive a child.


The specifics of obstetric care depend on the reasons for which laparoscopy was performed and other factors

Laparoscopy is not a basis for childbirth by caesarean section. It will be carried out only after operations directly on the uterus, the danger of which was described above. Any complications that have a risk of occurring during childbirth are associated not with the intervention, but with the direct disease that led to it. Long labor, bleeding after them, subinvolution of the uterus are in no way related to the operation.

In conclusion, it must be said that the number of women who have been helped to get pregnant by laparoscopy is quite large. Of course, when pregnancy occurs, a woman needs to closely monitor her health and be regularly monitored by specialists. Those women who have become pregnant after laparoscopy will be able to confirm that the effort is worth it.

Laparoscopy is considered a low-traumatic operation; it is used to treat infertility and a number of gynecological diseases. Pregnancy after laparoscopy is possible as in as soon as possible after the procedure and a year after the operation. The nature of the previous disease and the success of its treatment play a big role in this.

What can you do with laparoscopy?

Unlike abdominal operations open type, laparoscopy practically does not injure internal organs women. Often this surgical intervention is performed for the purpose of diagnosis and identification of causes that interfere with conception. In addition, the doctor has the opportunity to examine the condition of the uterus and ovaries, as well as determine the degree of patency of the fallopian tubes and identify the presence of possible pathologies.

Laparoscopy may be prescribed in cases where:

  • endometriosis was discovered (endometriosis is usually understood as a hormonal disease, which manifests itself in the growth of tissue outside the mucous membrane of the uterus and its appendages)
  • tumors, fibroids, polycystic ovaries and polyps were identified
  • adhesions of the fallopian tubes are detected
  • there is an ectopic pregnancy
  • necessary diagnostic examination and infertility treatment (the chances of getting pregnant after laparoscopy increase many times)

If an ectopic pregnancy is detected, laparoscopic surgery allows removal of the fetus from the fallopian tube (without removing it). It is very important to identify this pathology in the early stages, when it is possible to prevent the development of all kinds of complications and to fully become pregnant in the future. Pregnancy after laparoscopy in this case is possible in the next few months, but when exactly it will be possible to conceive a child (get pregnant) should be discussed with the attending specialist (if necessary, you can also discuss with the doctor, and what recommendations should be followed).

How is laparoscopic surgery performed?

As we have already said, laparoscopy can detect endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and many diseases that lead to infertility. The operation also helps prevent possible growth of tumors, adhesions and neoplasms.

Early detection of ailments allows you to completely get rid of the disease, become pregnant and fully carry the fetus to term (the operation helped most patients restore normal ovulation, get rid of the consequences of endometriosis, and also get rid of tubal obstruction).

How long does laparoscopy take and what is its essence? Through abdominal wall a trocar is inserted, with the help of which a certain volume is injected into the peritoneum inert gas(to ensure better inspection of cavities). Then, through small holes, a video camera, a light source and special surgical instruments (manipulators) are inserted, using which the doctor performs various manipulations on the reproductive organs. Typically this operation takes up to 1.5 hours. Laparoscopy is also possible during pregnancy (the operation has helped many patients get rid of various diseases during gestation). As a rule, the patient is discharged from the hospital within 24 hours.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy

Let's look at some types of operations and how long after they are performed you can conceive.

  • can be prescribed by your doctor for polycystic disease, as well as for removing growths in endometriosis. It is considered to be quite complex in terms of technique. Therefore, pregnancy can be planned several months after the operation. Note that the functionality of the ovaries is restored within a week, after which it is recommended to take hormone-containing drugs.
  • Surgery for obstruction of the fallopian tubes and removal of formed adhesions. After it is performed, you can try to get pregnant in the first months (for those patients who were scheduled for surgery to remove the fallopian tube, conception can begin only 1.5-2 months after laparoscopy).

To whom can surgery be contraindicated? Laparoscopy is not performed if the myomatous tumor is greatly enlarged and if the uterus exceeds the size of the fetus in the first two months of pregnancy.

Advice: Oncological examinations should not be neglected, allowing timely detection of neoplasms and uterine tumors. This will prevent the development of cancer, as well as conceive and carry a child without complications.

What is the probability of conceiving a fetus after laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy has helped many patients conceive children and get rid of a number of diseases. Conditionally, we can divide patients into two groups: 1st – women who were able to become pregnant immediately after surgery (about 25% of patients) and up to six months; 2nd – patients for whom laparoscopy helped achieve fertilization in the period from 6 to 12 months.

If pregnancy does not occur within a year (in 10% of all cases), then the operation can be scheduled again (if the operation did not help to conceive a child within a year, then do not be upset, since the probability of becoming pregnant after repeated laparoscopy is very high).

If pregnancy after laparoscopy occurs within several weeks, then it is necessary to be observed by your doctor and take hormonal drugs which he will appoint.


Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Nowadays, laparoscopic operations are widely used to treat all kinds of diseases of the reproductive and reproductive systems of women, and are also an advanced method that allows eliminating some causes of female infertility.

Treatment laparoscopy Recovery
neoplasms in pregnant women Dopplerography is performed on a pregnant woman using ultrasound
Gynecological examination using ultrasound Important after childbirth

Until the opening of this surgical method therapy, not a single doctor would prescribe surgery for a woman in the position unless there is a direct threat to her life. At the moment, pregnancy after laparoscopy is a very common occurrence.

Features of the “interesting position” after surgery

Almost all women are concerned about the question of when they can plan a pregnancy after laparoscopy. Experts give quite favorable forecasts:

  • this operation cannot cause a woman’s infertility, it does not affect the ability to conceive, if, of course, it was performed successfully;
  • pregnancy after laparoscopy and hysteroscopy can be planned within a month, if there are no contraindications, it is advisable to wait until the first menstrual cycle and immediately try to conceive a child;
  • pregnancy does not occur only when a woman initially has some problems with the reproductive system;
  • according to statistics, of all women who underwent surgery, 20% are those who became pregnant after laparoscopy within a month, only 15% of the total were unable to conceive within a year;
  • if you are planning a pregnancy after endometriosis laparoscopy, you must undergo all tests before this (this may take some time, but it is better to take your own health seriously to avoid serious consequences).

Treatment reproductive system women

What kind of tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy after some time as a result of laparoscopy - you need to ask your doctor. As a rule, all doctors prescribe the following types of tests.

  1. Blood for infection.
  2. General blood and urine analysis.
  3. A smear on the state of microflora from the vagina.
  4. Smear test for sexually transmitted diseases.

This list can be much wider if a woman has health problems. Additionally, the following may be prescribed:

  • consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • hormone tests;
  • consultation with a geneticist;
  • examination of a man.

Separately, it is worth highlighting those cases when pregnancy is planned after surgery with one tube. This is where the formation of adhesions takes place. In order for conception to occur without problems, doctors recommend that such patients undergo full examination. Banal waiting in this case will only reduce the chances of successful conception.

There are some rules that will help you get pregnant quickly as a result of ovarian laparoscopy. For this it is necessary.

  1. Strictly adhere to the menstrual cycle - the likelihood of conception is maximum a few days before ovulation and a day later. You can calculate the day of ovulation using a calendar, but it is better to use special tests.
  2. Engage in the “creative process” every other day - frequent ejaculations significantly reduce the likelihood of conception, as sperm activity decreases.
  3. Accept multivitamin complexes- technique shown folic acid and some vitamins during pregnancy planning. It also significantly improves sperm quality.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Quit cigarettes - smoking reduces sperm activity and the ability of an egg to fertilize.
  6. After love games, lie on your back for 20 minutes - according to research, those women who managed to get pregnant the first time retained horizontal position within the space of. This way, sperm does not leak out of the vagina, which increases the chances of successful conception.
  7. Do not constantly think about pregnancy - it is known that the reason unsuccessful attempts can be psychological factor. When a woman always thinks only about conception, it becomes her obsession - then nothing will work out. During experiences, stress hormones are produced, and changes in hormonal levels make fertilization difficult.
  8. Visit a doctor - if conception does not occur within a year of active attempts, you need to consult a specialist. The doctor will identify the cause and prescribe necessary procedures that will help resolve the problem. This also includes stimulation of ovulation.


After tubal surgery

This type of surgical intervention allows you to restore the structure of the fallopian tubes and remove adhesions. The operation can be prescribed as an independent study, or as part of a complex of other procedures, for example, hysteroscopy.

According to reviews from women, pregnancy after tubal surgery occurs within 5-6 months.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy will be successful if you perform the following procedures:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • the most complex cases require IVF.

This type of laparoscopy allows you to operate on an ectopic pregnancy, when, due to adhesions in the fallopian tubes, the fetus is not attached to the walls of the uterus, but remains in the tube and develops there. This leads to its rupture and bleeding.

Planning a pregnancy after this operation depends on the type of pathology that was diagnosed.

  1. If the operation was performed to remove and separate adhesions in the fallopian tubes, conception can be planned 5 months after the surgeon’s intervention.
  2. If the operation was performed to remove adhesions in the pelvis, then conception is recommended no earlier than 1 month after menstruation.
  3. If the operation was performed to remove fibroids, it is prohibited to plan conception for 8 months. You should take precautions throughout this period.
  4. After the elimination of endometriotic tissue, you will need additional treatment. You can plan conception only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Laparoscopy after an ectopic pregnancy allows you to normalize your periods, which means it increases the chances of successful conception. If there is no pregnancy for a year after surgery for labor obstruction, IVF is recommended.

After ovarian surgery

Every woman who is planning a pregnancy after laparoscopy of the ovaries for polycystic disease should know that after removal of the cyst, the most important thing is to prevent the formation of adhesions in the pelvis. This operation reduces this probability to zero, which cannot be said about abdominal surgery.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst has a number of features:

  • You can plan to conceive no earlier than 6 months after surgery, it all depends on the severity of the disease;
  • if adhesions or cysts were removed, conception can begin a month after rehabilitation, as a rule, long-awaited pregnancy occurs within six months;
  • 85% of patients left positive reviews about this operation, since the recovery process does not take much time, and the ability to conceive and bear a healthy child increases.

Why does conception not occur?

According to reviews from most women, pregnancy after surgery occurs in the coming months. It is also worth noting that after surgery, the woman is closely examined by a gynecologist; there is the possibility of hospitalization for more careful monitoring. Moreover, after surgery, medications may be prescribed to restore and maintain hormonal levels.

However, there are cases where conception did not occur after this operation. Let's take a closer look at why pregnancy does not occur after laparoscopy.

1. All foci of the disease have not been eliminatedPerform surgery again.
2. Failure to comply with doctor's recommendationsVisit a specialist again to clarify the prescription, and then strictly follow it.
3. State of depressionMaintain a positive mood, find a reason to be happy. When a woman is cheerful and tuned to positive emotions, the body heals itself and helps eliminate all foci of the disease.
4. No faith in a positive resultAccording to psychologists, in order to speed up the onset of the desired result - pregnancy, you need to imagine yourself as a mother more often. That is why you should tune in to the positive, fantasize and imagine yourself as happy parents.
The use of folk recipes

Douching with alder root infusion:

  • take dried alder root - 3 tbsp. spoons, 1 liter of water;
  • to boil water;
  • Grind the herbs using a coffee grinder;
  • place the resulting powder in a thermos;
  • pour boiling water;
  • leave for 10 hours;
  • cool to body temperature;
  • strain.


  1. Douche with the resulting infusion.
  2. Perform the procedure before going to bed.
  3. The course of therapy is 21 days.
  4. Take a break for a week.
  5. Repeat the course.
  6. Subject to availability adhesive processes A minimum of 5 courses is required.

Decoction of dill and parsley:

  • take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dried dill and parsley, 1 liter of water;
  • to boil water;
  • reduce heat;
  • add herbs to boiling water;
  • simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat;
  • pour the resulting broth into a thermos;
  • leave for a day;
  • strain.


  1. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  2. The course of therapy is from 2 months.

Let's consider several reviews from women, one of whom became pregnant after laparoscopy of an endometrioid ovarian cyst.

Alesya Tikhonova:

My husband and I have been dreaming about having a baby for a long time – more than 3 years. We went through a lot of examinations, tests, and consultations. The problem turned out to be me. A diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome was made. The doctor prescribed stimulation for me. The first course did not produce results, and a routine ultrasound revealed an endometriotic ovarian cyst. They immediately gave me a referral for laparoscopy. 6 months after the operation, I saw the cherished 2 stripes!

Margarita Terekhova:

My first pregnancy was ectopic. I suspected something was wrong when we went bloody issues and my stomach hurt a lot. The doctor immediately referred me for laparoscopy. There was no choice, because this diagnosis very serious and required immediate action. Everything was done quickly and painlessly. However, a week after laparoscopy, ectopic pregnancy appeared brown discharge. The gynecologist said that this could be residual, so there is no need to worry. After 3 days everything went away, and a year later I found out again that I was pregnant.

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