What foods are good for proper nutrition? List of the best foods for proper nutrition. Example of a grocery basket for a week

is a list of bland, tasteless, “boring” foods that are consumed by those who have health problems. But in the 21st century everything more people begins to take a different position. A healthy diet today is a way to maintain youth and prolong life without depriving yourself of small gastronomic pleasures. Moreover, without much damage to the family budget. We will provide a list of products with which you can adjust your diet in better side and improve quality of life.

Ecological purity is at the core

First you need to understand what criteria the food used for food must meet. Important role its origin, type of processing and many other factors play a role. Let's list the main ones.

Firstly, it is desirable that the products are organic. Ideally, everything that a person consumes as food should be grown without the use of pesticides - chemicals plant protection. Most often, this scheme is used in small personal farmsteads, and it can be difficult for residents of megacities to find such products. There are several options:

  • find a store of environmentally friendly products in your city (since 2015, there are more and more such outlets throughout the country);
  • purchase at markets from sellers who trade in small volumes (if the area of ​​farmland is large, then the likelihood of using chemicals is higher);
  • go shopping outside the city, to dachas and nearby villages;
  • start running your own farm and growing organic products.

Thus, maintaining the biological “purity” of food is difficult, but possible. But, even if none of the listed options are suitable, there is another way to protect yourself and your family from unnecessary chemicals. To do this, you need to buy a special device that determines the residual amount of nitrates in food. That’s what it’s called: nitrate tester. This gadget has its drawbacks, as it determines the total salt content in fresh vegetables and fruits.

However, inflated indicators can become a reason for reflection and eventual refusal to purchase a suspicious product.

In any case, if you stick to the principles proper nutrition, don't forget about folk wisdom. It allows you to reduce the residual content of pesticides in fresh produce. To do this, fill the pan warm water and add a tablespoon apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of soda. Soak vegetables or fruits for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly under running water and dry.

What does a “healthy” meal consist of?

So, we figured out how to protect ourselves from pesticide products. Now you need to understand exactly what substances are needed by a person who decides to eat for the benefit of his health and longevity. Everything has already been invented by nature itself:

  • fiber – promotes better digestion;
  • proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the main sources of energy and “building materials” for our cells;
  • vitamins are “responsible” for immunity and appearance humans, participate in the metabolic processes of the body and normal functioning internal organs;
  • minerals – participate in the “construction” of all tissues, water metabolism, enzymatic processes, maintain an optimal level of electrostatic voltage in organs.

In addition to the listed components, products healthy eating contain important organic acids (for example, oxalic, citric, succinic), tannins, flavonoids and many other “benefits”.

Groups of products that will make your life better

Now let's move on to specific examples. Products for proper nutrition are divided into several groups. And each of them has its own advantages:

  • cereals: wheat, rye, oats;
  • cereals: buckwheat, corn, rice, barley, millet, quinoa;
  • legumes: soybeans, peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils;
  • raw vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, onions;
  • processed vegetables: cauliflower, potatoes, beets, zucchini, eggplants;
  • fruits: apples, pears, bananas, kiwis, citrus fruits, peaches, plums;
  • berries: strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, mulberries, cranberries, rowan;
  • nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, pine;
  • mushrooms: champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, truffles;
  • vegetable oil: sunflower, olive, flaxseed, corn.

In addition, your diet can (and should!) include pasta made from durum wheat, seaweed, honey, pumpkin seeds and fresh herbs, herbs and spices in limited quantities.

As you can see, healthy diet very extensive and tasty. This is not even a diet, but a varied table that can bring not only benefits, but also gastronomic pleasure.

Separate means useful

It is very important not only to eat the listed foods, but also to do it correctly. It is known that representatives of one group often do not combine with others, causing problems gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is very important to know the principles and use them when creating your menu.

In fact, there are only six rules. And your task is to remember each one!

  • Starch and acids should be kept separate. Therefore, bread should not be combined with fresh tomatoes, and bananas - with oranges.
  • We place proteins and carbohydrates “in the corners”. Porridge and mushrooms, pasta and nuts are incompatible.
  • We eat starch and sugar in different time. Thus, pies with jam, cookies with jam are evil!
  • Protein and sour are “enemies”. Nuts and mushrooms are not “friendly” with citrus fruits and fresh tomatoes.
  • It is recommended to take only one type of protein food at a time. No tofu cheese with mushrooms or nuts with legumes!
  • And one more prohibition: different carbohydrate products cannot be combined. That is, the classic combination of “potatoes or pasta with bread” is taboo.

We drink a lot and correctly

Drinking regime plays an important role for a healthy diet. After all, if you don’t provide it, you may never achieve the desired result. And, as is known, it lies in general health and rejuvenation of the body.

The most important rule is to drink more clean water. More precisely, at least two liters per day. If you play sports, the amount you drink should be even greater. Of course, this amount must be divided into several doses (about 10).

In addition, it is recommended to consume hibiscus throughout the day, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed fruit juices, fruit drinks and uzvars. With decoctions from medicinal plants you should be more careful. Some of them are not recommended for certain diseases or conditions.

Harmful products – a definite “no”

And now - to the most important thing. What is absolutely not allowed in the diet of people who decide to take the path of healthy eating? You probably already know the answer... But you still need to be reminded about these “enemies”. This is who we declare taboo to:

  • fast food;
  • overcooked;
  • smoked;
  • oversalted;
  • refined sugar;
  • soda;
  • alcohol.

Moreover, the refusal must be unequivocal, without the slightest concession. Only by completely eliminating all of the above foods from your diet can you achieve positive results.

Menu for those in the know

And finally, let’s present an approximate daily menu for a person who took it as a basis. The nuances can be varied, but it is advisable to leave the principles of separate nutrition unchanged. So:

  • breakfast: oatmeal on the water, 2 kiwis;
  • second breakfast: a small handful of any nuts or a mixture of them;
  • dinner: pea soup with potatoes and fresh herbs, a couple of slices of whole grain bread;
  • afternoon snack: fruit salad (apple, banana, strawberry);
  • dinner: vegetable stew(zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes);
  • between meals – water, a cup herbal tea, wild pear uzvar.

Before going to bed, if you suddenly feel hungry, drink lemon balm tea with a spoonful of high-quality honey. On the one hand, this will become a source of “healthy” calories, on the other hand, it will not cause overeating. Thirdly, this is an ideal symbiosis of products to get into a relaxing mood.

...Thus, a healthy diet is easy, tasty and healthy. The main thing is to keep a list handy the right products, think positively and lead correct image life. And then positive results won't keep you waiting!

Some people are simply sure: when choosing a list of products for proper nutrition and weight loss, they will find only tasteless, lean grains or greens, meals will turn from pleasure into necessity, and the rule: “eat only to survive” will become a real credo. But is it really necessary products tasteless and everything useful as medicine should be bitter or sour? Is it possible to find that balance to maintain pleasure and establish the right diet for weight loss? That’s what should worry a person more.

Food as pleasure

You should not combine different proteins. For example, healthy food products fish and milk cannot be combined together, or fish and eggs (unless this is a dish).

Concentrated carbohydrates are not particularly compatible. When thinking about what to eat, don't mix cheese with potatoes or nuts with grains.

Fats go well with regular cabbage. It prevents slowdown in production gastric juice which is caused by fats.

Incompatible bouquet: food containing a lot of carbohydrates (potatoes or beans, bread) with sour vegetables or other products.

Foods rich in fat should not be combined with protein. Do not take sour cream and eggs, vegetable oil and cheese, meat and butter.

Starch is good only in moderation. Do not eat porridge or potatoes with bread. It’s better to eat bread separately, without eating the main course with it. Some people also spread mayonnaise on it.

Take more green vegetables, let them become the main part of any of the dishes you prepare.

When making salads, do not add a lot of oil or acid, this will slow down the digestion of proteins.
Tips to help you master the basics of separate nutrition.

Grocery list

Dairy products:

Low-fat milk (each package has a fat percentage, take the lowest);
Unsweetened yogurt;
Low-fat sour cream (% is indicated on the package, see it as a replacement for cream);
Hard cheese;
Soft cheese, only low-fat;
Cottage cheese (only types with 5% and below);
Kefir (only up to 2.5%).

From breakfast cereals:

They are more convenient and faster to eat in the morning, when you are too lazy to cook porridge. What products are suitable for replacement:

Bran (has fiber);
Muesli (see unsweetened).


Brown rice (unpolished);
Buckwheat (regular);
Oat groats(regular);
Quinoa (to taste);
Couscous (to taste);
What kind of pasta you can eat, of course, it is floury and should be limited in a good way; not some types are still considered dietary. Take only durum wheat varieties (this is written on their packaging);
Dried fruits (great snack);
Dried almonds;
Cashew nuts;
Whole grain breads.

From legumes:

Red beans (extremely healthy and tasty);
Turkish peas (chickpeas);
White or green beans (they come in cans);
Peanut butter (be careful with it);

From animal products:

White fish (telapia or sea bass, pollock or hake);
Red fish (this is salmon or trout);
Chicken fillet(only without skin, considered lean);
Turkey fillet;
Chicken or quail eggs.

From vegetables:

bell pepper;
Any greens;
Fresh ginger.

From fruits:

Dark grapes (black);
A pineapple.

From frozen foods:

Vegetable mixture (special, for frying);
Frozen fruits or berries (by the way, you can freeze them yourself);
Cauliflower or Brussels sprouts;
Green beans;

If you have decided to seriously take care of yourself, it is better to remove unwanted products from your home altogether and not buy new harmful ones. Build your willpower in the first weeks!

List of foods that interfere with the diet

Fast food.
Store-bought baked goods. Contains flour premium With high content gluten, yeast, often margarine based on cheap and harmful palm oil, preservatives, substitutes natural ingredients, dyes.
Canned foods. Includes preservatives, excess salt, vinegar.
Products containing yeast. Bread, kvass, beer.
Long-lasting sauces. Mayonnaise contains in excess vegetable fats, sugar, salt, flavor enhancers, preservatives, other E-additives.
Carbonated drinks, packaged juices. The fact is that a large number of fast carbohydrates increases blood sugar levels. Thus, a can of cola contains 138 “empty” kilocalories at once, and soda contains an excess of citric/malic (orthophosphoric) acid, which, with frequent use, removes bone tissue calcium and leads to osteoporosis.
Refined sugar.
Smoked meats.
Pickles. Excess salt contributes to water retention in the body.
Long-fried products, especially deep fried.

List of products that can be excluded

Roots. Potatoes, sweet potatoes. Stagnation in the intestines outweighs all the imaginary advantages of potatoes, which also cause heaviness in the stomach.
Flour products. Pasta made from durum flour.
Flakes. Lots of starch/gluten include cereals instant cooking or “do not require cooking” type
Bread. And white, and rye, and multigrain. There is yeast there. The only exception is whole grain bread, but it is not available everywhere. It looks like pressed porridge.

In general, in the store you will only need to go to 6 departments:

1) vegetables and fruits;
2) groceries;
3) fish department;
4) meat section;
5) dairy department;
6) frozen food department (if it’s winter and fresh food is not readily available).

All! You can’t even imagine how much money you save by not buying all kinds of sauces, baked goods, confectionery and delicacies.

List of the most best products for proper nutrition

Write down your favorites from it and fill your kitchen shelves with them. If you don’t like something, or you have heartburn / allergies / indigestion / dislike of your life for it - cross it out.

Sources of complex carbohydrates:
brown(brown) rice;
oat groats(long cooking);
durum wheat pasta(durum or spelled);
whole peas(+ protein);
beans(+ protein);
green lentils(+ protein).

Sources of fiber:
fresh herbs(parsley, cilantro, dill, basil);
cabbage(white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi);
salad(leaf, watercress, iceberg, romaine, lettuce, Chinese cabbage);
bulbous(onions - white and red, shallots, leeks, garlic);
roots(carrots, radishes, radishes, daikon, turnips, beets, celery, parsnips, rutabaga, horseradish);
nightshades(tomatoes, peppers, eggplant);
pumpkin(pumpkin, squash, zucchini, cucumber), including sweet ones (watermelon, melon);
dessert vegetables(artichoke, asparagus, rhubarb);
pome fruits(apples, pears, quince);
stone fruit(apricot, cherry, sweet cherry, peach, nectarine, bird cherry, cherry plum);
berries(raspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, gooseberries, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn);
tropical and subtropical fruits(kiwi, lychee, passion fruit, persimmon, pineapple, banana, coconut, papaya, dogwood, figs, grapes, mulberry, pomegranate, date, olive);
citrus(orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, tangerine).

Sources of fats:
unrefined oils(sunflower, olive, flaxseed);
dried unroasted nuts(almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine);

Protein sources:
chicken fillet, turkey fillet;
lean meats;
white fish(pollock, sea bass, dorado, hake, perch);
red fish(tuna, salmon, trout, pink salmon) + source fish oil and omega3);
seafood(shrimp, squid, mussels);
milk(try to choose milk with a shelf life of up to 7-10 days);
dairy products from whole milk (natural yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir products);
low carb protein powders.

Made a list of favorites healthy products? Let's go to the store!

Effective weight loss

Victoria Vysotskaya especially for website

List dietary products- this is already one step towards your goal, which will help you eat right and not experience any discomfort. So, what dietary foods should be on your table?

What foods should be in the refrigerator for proper nutrition?

Tasty and healthy diet table- This is not a myth at all, but a reality. Today, you don’t have to be on a mono-diet to lose excess weight. The healthy and tasty selection of products is so diverse that you can create your own menu based on your preferences. So, what are they, the necessary products for proper nutrition?

  1. Meat products. The list of healthy foods, of course, includes meat. Unfortunately, vegetable protein does not contain everything necessary for the body amino acids that are contained in animal protein, so meat must be on your table.

    Here we are talking about the most dietary and useful varieties meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal, lean beef.

    These are the foods that are best to always have in your refrigerator to quickly prepare dinner, especially since chicken and turkey, for example, cook quite quickly. Great way- this is to keep several already boiled chicken breasts in a refrigerator. So, by supplementing the meat with vegetables, you will get an excellent dinner or lunch.

  2. Fish and seafood. PP products for weight loss cannot do without fish and seafood. First of all, fish is a source healthy fats, secondly, fish is considered Lenten dish and contains a huge amount of protein.

    What you need to pay attention to: salmon, trout, salmon, pink salmon, tuna, halibut, hake, pike perch, lobster, shrimp.

  3. It is impossible to imagine a list of dietary products without dairy products. When we talk about milk and supplements, first of all we mean dietary fermented milk products, which differ low content fat, but at the same time extremely beneficial for our health.

    What you should always have in your refrigerator: kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk.

    People often try to buy fermented milk products labeled 0%-1% fat, trying to cut down on the number of calories they consume. However, we categorically do not recommend eating completely low-fat foods, since they contain many different synthetic additives and stabilizers, and even trans fats. Moreover, such products do not help satiate our body in any way, and sometimes even cause an even greater feeling of hunger. Try to choose an average percentage of fat content, for example, cottage cheese - 5%-9% fat content, natural yogurt - 3.2%-4% fat content, kefir - 2.5% fat content.

    You can choose from cheeses: feta (5%-15%), ricotta (13%), low-fat Oltermani cheese (16%-17%), mozzarella (23%), chechil (5%-10%). In general, it is believed that the usual fat content of cheese is from 40% to 50%, light - from 20% to 30%, low-fat - less than 20%.

  4. Eggs are included in the mandatory list of dietary products. True, here it is better not to overuse the yolks, but to focus on the whites.
  5. Vegetables and greens. It’s hard to imagine PP products for weight loss without a rich variety of greens and vegetables.

    The choice here is truly huge: cabbage (white cabbage, red broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Savoy sprouts, kohlrabi, Peking cabbage, Chinese cabbage, kale), peppers, tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, beets, celery, cucumbers, onions and garlic, radishes, radishes , turnip, pumpkin, zucchini, asparagus, atrishok, dill, parsley, squash, green peas.

    Also, we should not forget about the huge selection of greens, which you can eat without any twinges of conscience due to their extremely low calorie content. Here are the top most popular types of lettuce: romaine, arugula, spinach, lettuce, iceberg, frisee, batavia, sorrel.

    Let your refrigerator have as many vegetables and herbs as possible, then there is a risk of eating junk food will be reduced to a minimum.

  6. Fruits and berries. Make sure that there are always fruits and berries in your refrigerator, then the temptation to eat sweets will be much less!

    What to look for: apples, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples, avocados, mangoes, kiwis, bananas, peaches, grapes.

    Some fruits contain quite a large glycemic index, for example, bananas and grapes, but this is not a reason to exclude these fruits from your diet.

    Let’s not forget about berries, which are good to eat as snacks (this is especially convenient if you eat by the hour and take snacks with you), as well as dessert!

    The choice of berries is huge: blueberries, blueberries, cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries, currants.

  7. Proper nutrition products are, of course, cereals. Carbohydrates contained in cereals are considered slow, which means that the body will spend more time absorbing them, and you will not feel hungry for a long time.

    Top best cereals looks like this: buckwheat, oats, quinoa, brown rice, barley.

    These cereals contain a lot of fiber, and buckwheat and quinoa are leaders in protein content. Try to alternate the use of these cereals in your diet. Cereals not only perfectly satisfy hunger, but also have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improve peristalsis of the body. Speaking about oats, it should be noted that here we are not talking about oat flakes, which have been heavily processed and have lost their beneficial properties. nutrients. Choose oats, or at least whole-ground oat flakes!

  8. Legumes are definitely included in the set of products.

    Include in your diet all types of beans (white, red, black, pinto, green beans, moon beans and others), peas, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, peanuts.

  9. Whole grain bread can be safely included in the list of dietary products. This bread is different increased content fiber and lower calorie content compared to regular white bread. You can also add various low-calorie cereal breads to your diet, which are convenient to use as a snack. The main thing when choosing such bread is to carefully study the label and make sure that the composition actually contains wholemeal flour.

  10. Choosing pasta, also pay attention to what varieties of wheat they are made from. PP allows the consumption of pasta made from durum wheat, which is a slow carbohydrate.
  11. Dried fruits. Dried fruits will also help you eat properly; they can be used to safely replace sweets and confectionery.

    Here is a list of the most healthy dried fruits: dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins, dates, dried apples and pears.
  12. Nuts and seeds. Products for pp are rich in vitamins and useful substances nuts and seeds.

    Here pay attention to: almonds, cashews, Walnut, chia seeds, pine nuts, flax seeds, sesame seeds, macadamia seeds, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts.

    Seeds and nuts are good to use when dressing salads; they will not only give the dish a more refined taste, but also make the dish healthier!

Prohibited foods for PP

As you already know, proper nutrition is not based on strict prohibitions and restrictions, however, if you want to lose weight and improve your health, then the list of foods prohibited on the pp will help you with this. What products are we talking about?

  1. Fatty meats: pork, lamb
  2. Sausages
  3. Cheese with a high percentage of fat content - 60%-70% fat content: blue, processed, Camembert, hard varieties.
  4. Pasta not made from durum wheat
  5. Bakery products made from white flour
  6. Confectionery: cakes, pastries
  7. Ready-made breakfast cereals
  8. Instant soups and purees, instant noodles
  9. Canned food and semi-finished products
  10. Instant oat flakes
  11. Mayonnaise and other white sauces
  12. Chips, croutons
  13. Chocolate bars

What can you drink at the PP

It is extremely important not to forget about drinking regime. The basic rule of pp is to drink enough clean water. But besides water, you can also safely include the following drinks in your diet:

  1. Herbal teas
  2. Fruit teas
  3. Green tea
  4. Fresh juice
  5. Fruit drinks without added sugar
  6. Natural lemonade
  7. Coffee (do not overdo it)

Example of a grocery basket for a week

The PP basket for the week, first of all, depends on your preferences and income. Let's look at an approximate basic grocery basket for a week on a lower budget:

  • Chicken fillet 1 kg - about 250 rubles
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese (600 grams) - about 260 rubles

The total budget for pp products for the week was 1,460 rubles.

If we add more expensive products to our weekly grocery basket, the price will, of course, change.

  • Turkey fillet (700 grams) - about 350 rubles
  • Trout steak (2 pcs.) - 560 rubles
  • Vegetables (carrots, beets, cucumbers, fresh cabbage, cucumbers, champignons, greens) - about 500 rubles
  • Eggs 10 pieces - about 60 rubles
  • Fruits (apples, oranges) - about 200 rubles
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese 2 packs, ricotta cheese, mozzarella) - about 460 rubles
  • A pack of buckwheat and barley groats, pack oatmeal coarse grind - about 160 rubles
  • Whole grain Borodino bread - about 30 rubles
  • Avocado 2 pcs. - about 260 rubles.

In total, the grocery budget for the week increased to 2,610 rubles.

This way, you yourself can influence your grocery basket and its budget by planning your menu.

Frequently asked questions on PP

  1. Dietary foods rich in protein are....
    There are a huge number of products. First of all, this is, of course, meat, eggs, dairy products and others.
  2. What foods contain dietary fiber?
    Fiber is found in vegetables and fruits, legumes and cereals.
  3. What can you eat at the checkpoint?
    A healthy snack on PP includes fruits, dried fruits, natural yogurt, nuts and seeds.
  4. What can you have for dinner with PP?
    For dinner, you can choose two options: slow carbohydrates + vegetables and greens or protein + vegetables and greens.
  5. What can you eat at night with PP?
    If you feel hungry, then before bed it is better to consume fermented milk products, for example, a glass of kefir or natural yogurt. You can eat some vegetables.
  6. Is PP possible without dairy products?
    Maybe. Not all people can consume dairy products due to lactose intolerance. Shown to such people dairy-free diet, but, fortunately, there are many products that can replace milk and allow you to eat healthy. (here is a link to vegan ones, there are milk and cheese substitutes)
  7. What kind of soups are available at PP?
    At PP you will have to forget about fatty and rich broths. Give preference to light ones vegetable soups, they perfectly satisfy hunger and contain a minimum of calories.
  8. What seasonings and sauces can be used on PP?
    Seasonings and sauces tend to provoke appetite, so it is better to avoid them on the PP. Plus, sauces and condiments contain a lot of empty calories.
  9. What sweets are available at the PP?
    Your best sweets are dried fruits, fruits and berries, honey and dark chocolate.
  10. Until how long can you eat fruit on the PP?
    Fruits are best consumed in the first half of the day. Ideally for breakfast or lunch.

Table of permitted products for PP

To make it easier for you to determine Is it possible to sell certain products on pp, we offer you a table created based on the most frequently asked questions losing weight.

avocado YES
a pineapple YES
orange YES
peanut YES
peanut paste YES
banana YES
mutton NO
White rice NO
borsch YES
bulgur YES
vareniki NO
hematogen NO (contains many additives and sugar, high calorie content)
beef YES
beef tongue YES
peas YES
pea soup YES
bitter chocolate YES
buckwheat YES
melon YES
gum NO
raisin YES
squash caviar YES
potato YES (baked)
kefir YES
kozinak NO (it is better to replace with nuts and seeds in pure form)
sausage NO
Canned peas YES
smoked fish NO
crab sticks NO
corn YES
chicken breast YES
couscous YES
lazy dumplings YES
Turkish Delight YES
pasta YES
mango YES
semolina NO
butter YES
honey YES
Mozzarella YES
flour YES (coarse)
muesli YES (only prepared by you personally)
meat YES (low-fat varieties)
salted cucumbers NO
paste YES (from durum wheat)
pate YES (cooked only)
pearl barley YES
liver YES
seasonings YES (except those that cause appetite)
millet YES
pork ribs NO
rice YES (only brown and unrefined)
fish YES
Ryazhenka YES
sugar NO (better to replace with honey)
beet YES
NO (retains liquid)
mackerel YES
soy sauce
NO (retains liquid)
salty foods
NO (retain fluid)
salt YES (in moderation)

asparagus YES

dried fruits YES
sushi YES (rice, vegetables, fish)
cheese YES
processed cheese
cottage cheese YES
vinegar YES
beans YES
dates YES
fruits YES
bread YES (whole grain only)
bread YES (whole grain)
candied fruit YES
prunes YES
Champignon YES
shashlik YES (from Not fatty varieties meat)
chocolate YES (bitter)
fried eggs YES

As you can see for yourself, the list of dietary products on the PP looks quite impressive and makes it easy to create a menu for weight loss that will be varied and healthy. Be sure to save this list to your bookmarks and share with your friends.— who knows, maybe they will want to join you! If you already adhere to pp, then feel free to share your weekly grocery basket set, perhaps your advice will help someone lose extra pounds and improve their nutrition!

Many of us understand the value healthy image life. Especially if the question concerns weight loss and improvement ]]> products for proper nutrition should be consumed, systematized and reg ]]>

General principles of healthy eating

To live long and happily, you need to eat right, ensure a balance of calories, water, fats and salt. This approach is relevant in all cases, whether for weight loss or weight gain ( excessive thinness also requires correction through a balanced diet).


Take it as a habit:

  • get rid of your liking for fast foods (they have too little natural ingredients, waste frying fats with carcinogens, GMO mayonnaise, synthetic flavors and taste enhancers are often used);
  • make a list of foods for proper nutrition in advance for at least a week;
  • drink water regularly and as often as possible (drink at least 1.5-2 liters in its pure form per day, that is, in addition to soups and juices);
  • Minimize salt consumption; any food for proper nutrition can be eaten unsalted. The natural taste of the product will become even brighter and more distinct. Believe me, this can and should be achieved, the only question is the formation of new habits;

Attention! Salt deposits on the walls blood vessels, and also complicates water exchange. Both lead to metabolic disorders, the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

  • do not eat late in the day (closer to night, the body adjusts to falling asleep, even if you are a “night owl” - you go to bed late and get up late);
  • reduce the size of your portions (at least a little), and if it’s difficult and you’re clearly not getting enough, switch to fractional meals. The interval between meals should be at least 2 hours.
  • give up “fast” carbohydrates - cookies, cakes, sweets, waffles, various sweet crisps;
  • preference should be given plant foods, especially fresh vegetables and fruits that have not passed heat treatment. To lose weight, it is extremely important that the body is intensively cleansed of waste and toxins, and dietary fiber (fiber) ideally copes with this task;
  • make sure you use it less calories than is spent. As a result, accumulated overweight will begin to be consumed - energy will be broken down from reserves, and not from new food entering the body. Your weight loss process will noticeably intensify;
  • get rid of bad habits, smoking and alcohol are ardent opponents of a healthy lifestyle;
  • At first, don’t try to get carried away with all the theories at once - separate meals, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet. Any sudden changes will bring stress to the body, so avoid harsh radical measures.

Observation and analysis

What needs to be done to facilitate the process:

  • carefully monitor the results of your weight loss - keep a notebook where you will make any changes;
  • purchase a food calorie table (it can be found on the Internet, just use reliable web resources with a good reputation);
  • act systematically, not sporadically.

Attention! Remember that 1-2-time measures do not bring visible results. The effectiveness of weight loss measures can only be judged if new system nutrition is practiced for at least 3-4 weeks.

Control and statistics will help you identify those products that are not suitable for you due to individual reasons. Conversely, it is advisable to promote the most successful solutions in the future. It would be useful:

  • check yours at least once a week arterial pressure and weight;
  • track the strength of appetite, feeling of hunger, saturation threshold, analyze the quality of sleep;
  • before the start of the experiment and at the end of it, take general analysis blood - you will be pleasantly surprised by the difference towards improvement.

Set of products for weight loss

Each food item has a number of features, but in general it makes sense to group products according to related characteristics to make it easier and more convenient to understand their general properties.

Cereals and legumes

What are the benefits of grain crops? They contain complex carbohydrates and a number of vitamins (A, I E, group B). The breakdown of carbohydrates produces energy, through which the body becomes active.

  • brown and brown rice;
  • whole wheat;
  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • barley grits;
  • oats;

Attention! Whole or at least ground oats are much healthier than rolled oats (processing oat grains removes the valuable shell).

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • beans.


Fats must be supplied to the body - without them metabolic processes will be disrupted, and the cells will not receive important microelements. But just eat fat-containing foods not of animal origin, but of plant origin:

Attention! Avoid buying refined and especially so-called deodorized oil. Its benefits are neutralized during processing.

  • avocado;
  • unroasted nuts - pine, walnuts, groundnuts, hazelnuts, cashew almonds;
  • sunflower seeds (also not heat-treated - just dry the seeds, but under no circumstances fry them).

Fruits, vegetables, greens

No fruits and vegetables on good results weight loss cannot be expected. The fact is that fruit and vegetable products consist of a large percentage of fiber, which is also called dietary fiber. With their help, the intestines are cleaned, even in the most ancient warehouses. Thanks to this, the body gets rid of toxins, blood circulation and digestive function improves.

Some details:

  • grapefruit - powerfully burns fat, and also lowers insulin and, as a result, leads to a weakening of appetite;
  • ginger - enhances metabolism, stimulates digestion, removes toxins and waste, strengthens nervous system And hormonal background(which is very important for normalizing weight);
  • dill, parsley, cilantro, green salad - powerful tools to get rid of excess weight, rich in vitamins and plant acids;
  • figs - quickly satisfy hunger, improve digestive function, and also contain few calories, despite the fact that they are very sweet;
  • zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant, celery, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts - although they are consumed boiled, they are indispensable for ensuring good intestinal function;
  • chicory - improves digestion, normalizes blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system;
  • green tea - promotes the breakdown of fats and bad cholesterol;
  • apples and pears - help satiate, low in calories, rich in pectin;

Attention! Throughout the day, consume at least 300-350 g of plant fiber. The bigger, the better. Try to ensure that the lion's share of this amount goes to raw food.

Fermented milk

Try to give up sour cream and milk - both whole country milk (it contains too much fat and casein, which make it difficult for the stomach to function) and store-bought milk (most often this is a half-synthesized product, useless or even harmful).

Instead, lean on such “sour milk” as:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yoghurts;
  • lightly salted cheeses;
  • serum.

Their benefits are as follows:

  • protect the microflora of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • neutralize putrefactive bacteria;
  • improve digestion and intestinal motility.

Meat, fish, seafood

Restrictions on meat mainly concern fatty varieties - pork, beef, and lamb are undesirable. Preferred:

  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey meat;
  • chicken (especially white meat - breast);
  • veal.

Any fish is suitable, it is advisable to alternate and diversify the ones you eat. fish products. Pay attention to such types of fish as:

  • herring;
  • flounder;
  • pollock;
  • perch;

Contrary to prejudice, this fish is by no means the food of the “poor and deprived.” On the contrary, it is extremely useful - low calorie content, rich content phosphorus, no cholesterol.

Red fish should also be in the diet:

  • salmon;
  • trout;
  • pink salmon;
  • tuna;
  • loach;
  • salmon.

It contains a lot of fish oil (Omega 3 - a necessary substance for strengthening the circulatory system).

The following seafood products are unprecedentedly useful:

  • mussels;
  • shrimps;
  • seaweed;
  • squid.

In deep-sea conditions, underwater inhabitants accumulate a lot of silicon, phosphorus and other elements, without which the construction and rejuvenation of cells human body would be ineffective.

As you can see, organizing proper nutrition and starting to lose weight is a completely solvable task. There would be a desire, as well as an understanding of the mechanisms of food digestion by your body. Also remember about additional measures that will enhance the effect. These include sports, oxygen baths, and a positive attitude.

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