What herbs are good for women's health. What herbal teas are good for women's health?

According to statistics, almost every second woman had one or another gynecological disease. Along with medications, herbal medicine has proven itself well in the fight against women's ailments. Here's what's useful to know about the use of some herbs that can not only be excellent prophylactic, but also to treat many female diseases.

For fibroids and suspected cancer It is recommended to take hemlock tincture. He can have a strong therapeutic effect. However, treatment must be carried out with caution. Take hemlock according to the following scheme: from 1 drop to 40 and back. That is, today – 1 drop, tomorrow – 2 drops, the day after tomorrow – 3 and so on. After 40 days, we reached forty drops, now from day 41 we should go back - 39 drops, 38 and so on until one. The tincture is diluted in a glass of water or in a decoction of licorice or oregano. With the help of these herbs it is removed allergic reaction on hemlocks. But be careful: oregano is contraindicated during pregnancy!

For the treatment of small fibroids or cervical erosions the greatest efficiency can bring the use of a hog uterus. This herb is a real gift from nature for a woman’s health. Borovaya uterus has the ability to heal almost all gynecological diseases. It's also beautiful disinfectant genitourinary system.

Borovaya uterus is prepared in two forms - in alcohol or water infusion. If you combine the use of boron uterus simultaneously with the use of a gynecological herbal mixture, the result will not be long in coming.

A gynecological herbal mixture is prepared from the herbs of shepherd's purse, yarrow, St. John's wort, fireweed, calendula and peony root. All herbs are mixed in equal proportions. They are brewed with boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, after which they are filtered. You need to drink half a glass before meals for 1 month. Then take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again. You should know: you need to brew herbs daily and drink them warm, this will give you more effect.

Perhaps as self-cooking gynecological collection, and purchasing it at the pharmacy. It should be borne in mind that in ready-made pharmacy fees herbs can be taken in different percentages. With the help of a gynecological herbal mixture, the functioning of the genitourinary system will significantly improve, bleeding will stop, and menstrual cycle and ensure timely release of decay products from the body.

Another advantage of using herbs is that they are taken not only internally, but also applied externally. Decoctions of these herbs can be of great benefit when douching. For douching you can brew gynecological collection or borovaya uterus with boiling water. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons of the collection or dry herb per 1 liter of water. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then strain through gauze and syringe the vagina with a warm broth. The douching procedure itself is very useful as a preventive measure against all female ailments. Once every 10 days will be enough.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, that is, menstruation does not come on time, it is recommended to take an infusion of gum grass and shepherd’s purse. You need to take one tablespoon of each herb per 300 ml of boiling water. Infuse the product for one hour and drink throughout the day in equal portions. Take for 5 days.

When heavy menstruation Tea made from wild strawberry leaves may help. Strawberry leaves are collected, dried, and then brewed in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of leaves per 1 liter of boiling water. Drink throughout the day.

For thrush They use an infusion from a collection of herbs, which includes shepherd's purse and ergot. Take a teaspoon of each herb and brew it with one glass of boiling water. Then leave for half an hour and filter. This infusion must be drunk 3 times during the day. Take herbal infusion during menstruation.

During premenstrual syndrome use an infusion of plakun-herb. This remedy also helps with pain and ailments in the lower abdomen. 2 tablespoons of plakun-grass are poured into 300 ml warm water, infuse for half an hour, after which you can drink throughout the day.

Apart from the herbs listed above, there are several other herbs that are good for women's health. Here's what will be useful for you to know about the properties of these herbs in relation to women's health:

2. Stinging nettle– a highly effective medicinal plant with diuretic, antirheumatic, restorative and strengthening properties sexual desire means. Helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, and prepared tea from nettle leaves helps with insomnia and loss of appetite.

3. Chamomile is a mild antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. When taken orally, a decoction of chamomile flowers will make your periods less painful, and when used externally, chamomile is good remedy for washing and rinsing.

4. Calendula officinalis good in gynecological collection, which was described above. She happens to be herbal antibiotic and antiseptic. It has a destructive effect on Trichomonas, streptococci and staphylococci.

5. Peppermint is a powerful antioxidant. It has been noticed that mint, taken in small doses, helps to calm the body, and in larger doses – tones the body. It has a mild analgesic effect, which is useful during menstruation.

6. Yarrow is the most powerful means, which increases blood clotting. The peculiarity of this plant is that when blood clots during bleeding, it does not provoke the formation of blood clots. Excellent tool to stop uterine, hemorrhoidal and nosebleeds. It is used in the treatment of fibroids, fibroids, cystitis, enuresis, adnexitis, and thrush. With the help of yarrow, lactation is enhanced.

7. Shepherd's Purse used in the gynecological collection indicated above. It promotes normalization monthly cycle, elimination of acyclic bleeding, stimulation of the uterine muscles, relief painful menstruation, hemorrhoidal bleeding, nosebleeds.

8. St. John's wort- it was nicknamed as a remedy for 99 diseases. It has an antibacterial, diuretic, astringent effect, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues.

9. Salvia officinalis is bactericidal and antifungal agent. Thanks to high content flavonoids in essential oil sage has antispasmodic and antioxidant effects.

Gynecological collection usually includes various herbs, which have an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect. Women's herbs normalize work reproductive system, restore hormonal levels. Such fees are effective only for minor reproductive dysfunctions. Use herbal treatment It is possible only as prescribed by a specialist and after a comprehensive examination.

What herbs are used to treat female diseases?

Three groups are usually used in training camps medicinal herbs:

  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • containing phytoestrogens.

The first group of medicinal herbs includes: yarrow, nettle, barberry, water pepper. Plants stop uterine bleeding of any origin. Used for heavy menstruation, to stop bleeding and better contraction of the uterus after childbirth, in postoperative period, during a miscarriage early stages pregnancy with extensive bleeding.

    Anti-inflammatory herbs in gynecology use the following: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. Prescribed for gynecological diseases accompanied by inflammation. Healing herbs used as douching, in the form of tampons, and can be prescribed for oral use.

    Plants such as horsetail, St. John's wort, oregano, red clover, and knotweed contain phytoestrogens. They are prescribed for violations hormonal levels to restore the functioning of the reproductive system, menstrual cycle, during menopause. Medicinal plants help slow down the growth of tumors in the reproductive system of women caused by hormonal imbalance.

    Hog queen

    Borovaya uterus - unique medicine, helping women achieve the long-awaited conception, cure many diseases female organs. Noted high efficiency this tool with endometriosis, uterine fibroids. The herb can only be used special recipe and after consultation with a specialist.

    The boron uterus should be used with caution by women with adhesions and tubal obstruction, since taking the medicine increases the risk of pregnancy. Due to obstruction of pipes and adhesions in the organs of the reproductive system hog queen may cause an ectopic pregnancy.

    Preparing the medicine is quite simple:

  1. 1. 2 tablespoons dry medicinal raw materials pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes water bath.
  2. 2. Divide the medicine into three equal parts and take before meals.

The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Antitumor collection

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common diseases that occurs against the background hormonal changes in women over 35 years of age. The tumor often causes discomfort to the fair sex and prevents getting long-awaited pregnancy. Often, treatment of a tumor comes down to surgery, since the diagnosis is made in the later stages. If fibroids are detected on early stages development conservative treatment can bring good results.

The antitumor collection includes:

  • mistletoe;
  • calendula;
  • harmala;
  • knotweed;
  • hop;
  • blackberry;
  • field horsetail.

Herbs can be purchased separately at the pharmacy and mixed yourself, taking 2 tablespoons of each plant. You can purchase a ready-made collection. Before admission, please readwith instructions for use.


For women's health, many pharmaceutical companies have made ready-made gynecological preparations based on medicinal herbs. Evalar women's tea includes the following components:

  • oregano;
  • calendula;
  • Melissa;
  • yarrow.

This is a natural medicine that has a gentle effect on a woman’s body, restoring health. Tea has delicate taste and a pleasant aroma. Apply 1 filter bag twice a day. Tea has an anti-inflammatory, soothing, hemostatic effect.

Women's health requires special care and attention. If the first alarming symptoms If left unattended, they may become chronic in the future.

With the help of medicinal herbs, you can strengthen women's health; they are taken both for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the genital area.

Note! Before starting herbal treatment, you should consult your doctor. It is necessary to know the exact diagnosis before treating this or that ailment.

To prepare herbal tinctures, it is better to take medical alcohol(40%) and not vodka. Decoctions should not be boiled; it is also not recommended to pour boiling water over the raw materials. Herbal decoctions are made in a water bath. To prepare the medicine, you can take several herbs at once, and add honey or lemon to improve the taste.

Most useful herb for women is sage. It has a comprehensive effect on women's health. Using sage you can reduce painful sensations and reduce bleeding during menstruation.

Sage is effective for infertility, it helps to get pregnant. Women who want to conceive a child should start drinking sage decoction immediately after the end of the menstrual cycle and then for two weeks. Take sage in the form of a decoction, in morning hours Half a glass on an empty stomach.

There are many herbal remedies that help a woman take care of her health.

Herb name Therapeutic effect Indications
Hog queen removes inflammatory process, destroys microbes, has an antitumor effect, relieves pain, normalizes the activity of the reproductive system, treats infertility adhesions, uterine bleeding, cyst, fibroids, infertility.
Stinging nettle stops profuse bleeding, increased libido heavy menstrual cycle, decreased sexual activity.
Common wormwood relieves pain, regulates the menstrual cycle painful menstrual cycle, irregular menstruation.
Chamomile destroys germs, relieves spasms and inflammation, relieves pain painful periods inflammatory diseases genital area.
Yarrow improves blood clotting, stops bleeding, reduces inflammation uterine bleeding, fibroids, adnexitis, cystitis, candidiasis.

Hormonal disorders

In women, under the influence of certain factors, hormonal levels are disrupted. This phenomenon is typical for adolescence, pregnancy, menopause. To normalize hormonal levels, herbs that contain natural hormones are used.

Taking herbs during pregnancy is not always advisable, without special instructions Doctor, you can’t drink any herbs. But during menopause it is possible to regulate hormonal disorders by using medicinal plants.

Plant hormones contain the following herbs:

  • woodruff;
  • Tribulus;
  • Chernobyl;
  • oregano;
  • Linden;
  • sage;
  • sleep-grass.

These plants stimulate the production of estrogen and progesterone. An infusion is prepared from herbs.

Important! Hormone-containing herbs should not be taken together with hormonal medications.

Treatment of cystitis with herbs

Cystitis is the most common disease of the urinary system. The disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes and sharp pains. The disease impairs function Bladder.

As adjuvant therapy It is advisable to use herbal medicine. Exists whole line medicinal plants that will alleviate cystitis.

Herbs for cystitis in women:

  • cornflower flowers;
  • aspen (bark, leaves, buds);
  • dill seed;
  • bear ears;
  • birch leaves.

From the listed raw materials, infusions are made in a water bath, which are infused for 30 minutes. For one spoon of dry matter you will need one glass hot water. Drink this medicine one-third of a glass before meals.

Herbs for rejuvenation

Medicinal plants contain vitamins, minerals, and organic acids. Such a rich composition has positive influence on the condition of the skin. For many years, women have been actively using herbal remedies for skin health and rejuvenation.

Note! Decoctions, infusions, tinctures, masks and baths are prepared from herbs. Some products are suitable for external use, others for internal use.

Natural cosmetics will help restore health and beauty to the skin. With the help of herbs you can eliminate acne, remove greasy shine, moisturize or dry the skin.

Such products are environmentally friendly, but before you begin skin treatment, you should find out which plants help eliminate a particular ailment.


Hilba – unique plant, which helps against many diseases, it deserves special attention. Hilba comes from Asia Minor. This spice is also known under other names: fenugreek, shamballa.

The plant found wide application at the most various diseases. It also helps to cope with women's ailments.

Healing properties of hilba for women:

  • A tonic for the whole body.
  • Normalizes the condition of a woman during menopause.
  • Can influence female breast enlargement.
  • Has an antiandrogenic effect.
  • Reduces painful sensations during the menstrual cycle.
  • Improves lactation.
  • Helps with insomnia.

Powder is made from hilba and added as a seasoning, infusions and decoctions are made, and tea is brewed with it.

Important! It should be borne in mind that Hilba has an abortifacient effect and can cause spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, this plant is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

Before starting to use one or another herbal remedy, you need to consult a specialist.

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"Herbal treatment is long-term! There is no need to wait for an immediate (in one cycle) effect! All disorders must be comprehensively eliminated and only then can we talk about pregnancy! Patience and faith in success are the key to victory over diseases in herbal medicine!!! But everything must be kept under control Periodically - hormones and ultrasound (once every 2-3 months).

Borovaya uterus. Application in gynecology

Hog uterus (orthilia unilateral). Indications: menstrual irregularities, toxicosis of pregnant women, infertility, adhesions and tubal obstruction, ovarian cysts, fibroids, fibroids, endometriosis.

How to use gynecological collection with boron uterus? Borovaya uterus must be brewed with boiling water or infused with vodka (the pack indicates how to brew). Take continuously for from 3 weeks to six months, depending on the severity of the disease.

"This plant is a priceless gift of nature! Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. But sometimes it happens that she is deprived of this opportunity for one reason or another. And then she comes to the rescue - our savior - the uterus! This plant cures many female diseases and gives women the most important happiness - the happiness of motherhood!

Since ancient times, this herb has been used to treat infertility. It may look unattractive, but it has enormous benefits! It has a diuretic, disinfectant, strong antitumor, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect.

Borovaya uterus treats gynecological inflammations, obstruction fallopian tubes, adhesive process, fibroids and uterine cysts, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, polyps on the uterus, erosion, uterine bleeding, restores the menstrual cycle, used for severe menopause. Also, boron uterus strengthens the fetus and is used to prevent miscarriage, and helps with toxicosis of pregnancy. In addition, it perfectly treats diseases of the kidneys and bladder: pyelonephritis and cystitis, and is used for hemorrhoids.

It should be remembered that in women, the breasts and uterus are closely interconnected, they even say “one organ,” so the boron uterus is also used for breast tumors: mastopathy, fibroadenoma, etc. The boron uterus is also used in complex treatment malignant tumors: breast cancer, uterine cancer. Borovaya uterus can also help men with inflammation prostate gland- prostatitis. So, she awarded not only women with her healing power!

Preparation: 50 g of chopped herbs, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave in dark place 2 weeks, take 30-40 drops 3 times a day an hour before meals.

The course of treatment is from three weeks to several months, depending on the duration and severity of the disease. You can prepare an infusion: 1 table. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of herbs and leave for 15 minutes. Take 1/3 - 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day an hour before meals.

Duration of taking boron uterus for various diseases depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Herbalists believe that for each year of illness you need to take 200-250 ml of tincture. For example: if the inflammatory process of the ovaries or uterine fibroids is three years old, then you need to drink at least 600-750 ml of tincture. But even then, for prevention, drink a small course of 3-4 weeks annually for 3-4 years. At oncological diseases and uterine tumors (fibroma, myoma, cysts, polyps), as well as breast tumors, in addition to the boron uterus, it is necessary to take: hemlock, hellebore, Pallas's spurge, cinquefoil, red root, elderberry syrup, antitumor herbs.

For infertility, I advise you to add the drug Todicamp, and there is also a special collection of herbs for the treatment of infertility.

Complex treatment of any disease is always more effective, since the action appears “from different sides” and the result does not take long to arrive. But in order to choose the right complex, you need to know the compatibility of herbs, take into account the patient’s age, the nature of the disease, the treatment being carried out, concomitant diseases and much more. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult an experienced herbalist."

Medicinal properties of sage

Sage is used to accelerate the growth of the follicle and endometrium in the first phase of the cycle. To improve ovarian function. Can be taken for up to 3 months without interruption. But it’s better to start immediately after your period ends and before ovulation. Brew sage leaves as follows: 1 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Strain. Take 1/3-1/4 cup 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Brew a new portion every day.

Useful properties of elecampane

Elecampane is drunk in the second phase of the cycle to maintain it for 7-14 days. Apply as follows. 1 tsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over elecampane roots in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then leave for 4 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. l salary 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Can be used within 2 days (refrigerate).

Indications for the use of red brush (Rhodiola quadruple)

There is also a red brush (Rhodiola quadruple). The red brush is indicated for use for fibroids, erosion, endometriosis, mastopathy, endocrine diseases(goiter, diseases of the lymph nodes, adrenal glands). It is a good adaptogen and immunomodulator. Rhodiola quadruple is also used to treat cancer. Brew with boiling water or infuse with vodka - instructions are on the package.

The use of knotweed (knotweed) for the treatment of gynecological diseases

Regarding knotweed they write:

Knotweed (bird knotweed)

Many women have been cured of infertility by simple and in an accessible way: They drank knotweed without measure, like tea. Infusion of knotweed herb: 1 cup of dry herb per liter of boiling water.

In my opinion, it's too much.

Better: 3 tsp. spoons of knotweed herb in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, drink half a cup before meals 3-4 times a day.

You can induce menstruation in one of the following ways: Mix 1 tbsp. l. crushed buckthorn bark, lemon balm leaves, valerian root and cinquefoil herb. Full table. Add a spoonful of this mixture to a glass of boiling water. After it cools down, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

Start 3-5 days before expected menstruation and finish taking the day after it starts.

Or: By tea. l. mix crushed buckthorn bark, rue herbs, 2.5 teaspoons. Spoons of rosemary leaves. Pour 1 tbsp boiling water 1 tbsp. l collection. Start taking it a week after the planned M and drink for 8 days. It would be better to wait until the endometrium grows to at least 5-8 mm.

What herbs should you not drink during pregnancy?

Under no circumstances should you use certain types of plant materials: herbs that stimulate the hormonal activity of the gonads are:

  • field cress,
  • sage,
  • dandelion,
  • sweet clover,
  • Walnut,
  • black cohosh,
  • field grass.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in using infusions and decoctions of herbs such as:

  • marsh calamus,
  • scarlet tree,
  • wild rosemary,
  • blue cornflower,
  • elecampane tall
  • oregano,
  • wild strawberries,
  • medicinal hyssop,
  • lemon-shaped Kirkazon,
  • burnet,
  • sugar kelp,
  • Leuzea safflower,
  • lovage,
  • common mordovnik,
  • male fern,
  • common tansy,
  • wormwood,
  • Tangut rhubarb.

Be careful with garlic, celery, seaweed, parsley, dill, pickles.

Diseases of the female reproductive system are divided into several types: hormonal, inflammatory and hyperplastic pathologies. Inflammatory diseases caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, hormonal ailments attack female body due to malfunction of the glands internal secretion, and hyperplastic ones are cysts, tumors, hyperplasia (conditionally pathological tumor processes). Naturally, if you have such health problems, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment is prescribed medicamentally, conservatively or, in extreme cases surgical. But to alleviate the symptoms and course of such pathologies, you can use traditional methods medicine, in the form medicinal herbs.

Important! Do not self-medicate before use folk remedy It is advisable to consult your doctor.

Herbs for fibrocystic mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy occurs in women from about 35 to 50 years of age. Cysts that grow in the tissues of the mammary glands are very dangerous to health, as over time they can degenerate into malignant neoplasms. But you can fight mastopathy with the help of herbs.

With this unique herb They treat not only mastopathy, but also malignant neoplasms. The decoction should be taken as follows:

  • pour one tablespoon of dried cat's claw with boiling water in an amount of about 200 ml;
  • Infuse the decoction for an hour and drink 100 ml before meals.

Healing herbal tea

Another unique way getting rid of mastopathy, Herb tea, which requires absolutely no tricky ingredients, such as:

  • 100g ;
  • 100g ;
  • 50 grams.

Mix thoroughly herbal mixture, pour one liter of hot water and let it brew for about half an hour. It is recommended to consume 100-200 ml three times a day.

Noble sage

An excellent remedy for the formation of cysts is sage tincture. Pour boiling water over a couple of teaspoons of herbs and add a little lemon balm and mint. You can drink half a glass, regardless of meals, three to four times a day.

Treatment of endometriosis with herbs

IN Lately More and more young women are suffering from uterine endometriosis. Endometriosis is considered to be a hormonal-dependent pathology. During this process, the uterine mucosa becomes inflamed and grows; in advanced stages, endometriosis can lead to malignant neoplasms. Recently sold herbal teas from this ailment, but it is best to make tinctures from fresh medicinal herbs.

Herbal collection from the serpentine

Since ancient times, the coil has been considered healing agent to combat women's diseases. This herb has properties that increase local immunity, which is so necessary for normal tissue regeneration in the uterus.

To prepare it you need:

  • 50 grams of dry coil;
  • 2 teaspoons shepherd's purse;
  • 1 teaspoon calamus root;
  • two tablespoons of nettle;
  • one teaspoon of bloodroot and knotweed.

The herbal mixture should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Brew this mixture with two glasses of strong boiling water, and then boil in a water bath for ten minutes, then filter and pour into a storage container. After the decoction has infused (five hours is enough), we drink it at least twice a day before meals, the course of treatment is one month.

Borovaya uterus, this is universal remedy for the treatment of many gynecological diseases in women. It is highly effective in the fight against endometriosis. There are many recipes with this plant, but we will look at one of the most effective, as well as simple to implement.

  1. Pour two tablespoons of boron uterus into 500 ml of hot water, place the mixture in a water bath and steam for ten minutes.
  2. Divide the resulting broth into three parts. You should drink one portion before each meal.

Herbs for uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are one of the most common gynecological diseases, especially in women during menopause. It is an uncontrolled growth of the uterine epithelium of benign pathogenesis. If the process is started, then fibroids may well degenerate into uterine cancer. What to do? Treatment of fibroids can be conservative and surgical, but herbal remedies are of great help in combating this disease.

Antitumor collection

The herbal collection suppresses the division of uterine epithelial cells and contains:

  • two tablespoons of mistletoe;
  • two teaspoons;
  • one teaspoon of harmala;
  • one teaspoon each of knotweed, hops and blackberries;
  • two tablespoons of horsetail.

Stir the mixture, pour boiling water and leave for about half an hour, then boil in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. After the decoction has cooled, you should drink 50 ml before meals for two to three weeks.

Antitumor herbal teas

It is recommended not only to use it internally, but also to take baths from medicinal herbs, which increase not only the general, but also the local immunity of a woman. Baths are made from elm, sorrel, burdock, rhubarb, horsetail, wild yam, and hops. In this case, the herb is first steamed, then expressed through cheesecloth, and only then the decoction is added to the bath.

Important! If you have uterine fibroids or cysts, you should not take hot baths, as this increases tumor growth.

Herbs for ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst is benign education, which is usually localized in the epithelium of a woman’s ovaries. Although the disease is benign, it can degenerate if the process is neglected. The cyst can cause infertility in young women, so it needs to be dealt with.

Chamomile and coltsfoot

Wild missus flowers have strong anti-inflammatory properties, and coltsfoot fights tumor processes in organism. Treat ovarian cyst similar method should be at least three months. The recipe is simple, mix three tablespoons of chamomile and two tablespoons.

Important! Do not drink the mixture on an empty stomach or if you have gastrointestinal diseases! After the herbs are mixed, simply pour boiling water over them, strain and drink three times a day.

Healing infusion of five herbs

For this herbal decoction you will need five natural components, such as:

  • 100 grams of pink radiola;
  • a sprig of red rowan berries;
  • viburnum bark;
  • three tablespoons of chamomile.

Mix everything, pour boiling water, then leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. You should drink in courses of two weeks, twice a day, 50 grams of tincture.

Adenomyosis treatment with herbs

Adenomysis, a common disease of the female reproductive system, which is characterized by severe proliferation of the uterine endometrium, if missed important point timely treatment, then such a pathology leads to infertility and tumors. The cause of this pathology is abortion, failed operations in the uterine cavity and hormonal imbalances in the body.

Borovaya queen and cinquefoil

You need to take:

  • two tablespoons of cinquefoil;
  • three tablespoons of boron uterus;
  • pour boiling water and take half an hour before meals.

Sabelnik has excellent absorbable properties, reduces inflammation, and cinquefoil has always been considered a panacea for gynecological diseases.

Healing juniper and birch buds

Approximately 60 grams of juniper berries are mixed with one hundred grams and plantain leaves, poured with boiling water, infused, and taken an hour later, half a glass after meals. In general, it is useful to drink not only a decoction of young birch buds, but also birch sap, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

As you can see, the power of medicinal herbs can fight unpleasant gynecological ailments, but most importantly, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Do not forget about preventive examinations with a doctor.

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