When is the best time to drink quail eggs? Natural cosmetics made from quail eggs. Unique properties of a quail egg: real and imaginary

But the main advantage of this dietary product lies in its antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties.

Quail egg benefits and harm

The benefits of quail eggs have been known for a very long time. In our country today it is profitable trademark registration, which would represent quality products in the above-mentioned area. This is very important, since a person’s appearance and health directly depend on proper nutrition.

Quail eggs: beneficial properties. Quail eggs are a storehouse of many nutrients. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, PP. The content of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and cobalt is several times higher than their content in chicken eggs. These minerals help a person improve memory and well-being, prevent hair loss and tooth decay.

Medicinal properties quail eggs are also due to their high content of amino acids: tyrosine, lysine, glycine, trenin, and histide. Tyrosine improves metabolic processes in the body, has a beneficial effect on skin color, influencing the formation of the corresponding pigment. Lysozyme prevents the development of bacteria not only in the egg, but also in the human body.

Daily consumption of quail eggs will help get rid of anemia and headaches, increase the body's resistance to diseases such as acute respiratory infections, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma. In addition to the fact that this food product does not contain cholesterol, it helps eliminate radionuclides from the body. Speaking about the benefits of quail eggs, one cannot fail to mention their positive impact on the gastrointestinal tract. Daily consumption of this delicacy will help get rid of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

A quail egg is harmful. A quail egg can only be harmful if consumed with unwashed, dirty hands or in a stale state. Additionally, people suffering from allergic reactions to chicken eggs should consume quail eggs very carefully. It is possible that you may also have an allergic reaction to this product.

Can whether children quail eggs?

The Japanese were the first to talk about the benefits of quail eggs for children. In the country rising sun A law was passed that every child should eat two quail eggs daily. Unlike chicken, they do not cause allergic reactions even in babies. It was noticed that children daily diet which include a quail egg, develop better and get sick less. They have sharp vision, good memory and a strong nervous system.

Many doctors recommend giving quail eggs to children who are lagging in growth compared to their peers. It was also noted that contained in quail eggs active vitamin D prevents the development of rickets. Depending on the age, the child should eat from 1 to 4 quail eggs per day. Children under one year old are allowed to be given only yolk, and even that in limited quantities.

How to take quail eggs

There are many recipes for dishes that include quail eggs. These are omelettes and scrambled eggs, salads and dressings, snacks and baked goods. IN medicinal purposes Take raw quail eggs on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. You can wash it down warm water or juice. It should be noted that when boiling quail eggs or any other heat treatment the amount of vitamins in this dietary product is significantly reduced.

The resistance of quail eggs to salmonellosis allows them to be taken raw. It is enough to wash the shell well. Eggs with broken shells should not be eaten raw. Due to their antibacterial properties, quail eggs can be stored at room temperature for 30 days, and in the refrigerator for up to 60 days. Eggs with shiny shells should not be consumed; they may be stale.

As mentioned above, quail eggs contain more minerals and vitamins than chicken eggs (calculated per 100g of product). It should be noted that the caloric content of quail eggs is slightly higher than that of chicken eggs and amounts to 168 kcal per 100g. On average, one quail egg weighs 10-12 grams. Moreover, it is 5 times less than chicken.

How do you eat quail eggs?

There are several rules for receiving quail eggs. Firstly, raw eggs healthier than those that have undergone heat treatment. Secondly, for different age categories The norm for food intake is different quantities quail eggs.

Age Number of eggs

1-3 years 1-2 pcs.

3-10 years 3 pcs.

10-18 years old 4 pcs.

18-50 years old 5-6 pcs.

50 years and older 4-5 pcs.

The most beneficial is considered to be eating quail eggs raw, 0.5 hours before meals. They need to be washed down with juice or water. It is advisable to eat quail eggs every day for 2-4 weeks. There is an opinion that this product should be eaten daily for up to 4 months in a row. Such long-term exposure to the body should be carried out under medical supervision.

Beneficial influence The effects of quail eggs on the human body begin to appear after 2 weeks of eating them as food. If eggs cause you an individual intolerance, then they can be added raw to soups, porridges or vegetable purees, including potatoes.

Quail eggs help our body, raise tone, strengthen bones, remove radionuclides, stabilize the functioning of many body systems: heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, pancreas and other organs.

Quail egg: calorie content

Two dozen quail eggs contain:

Dry matter - 49.8 g.

Squirrel - 25.2 g.

Vitamins, mcg:

B1 - 274,

B2 - 2200,

PP - 220,

A - 274.

Carotenoids - 1340 mg.

Amino acids, g:

Lysine - 2.1;

Cysteine ​​- 2.1;

Methionine - 1.44;

Glutamic acid - 3.44;

Aspartic acid - 323;

Tryptophan - 0.48;

Minerals, mg:

Calcium - 152;

Phosphorus - 426;

Potassium - 1240;

Iron - 808;

Copper - 34;

Cobalt - 13.2.


The benefits of quail eggs have been known for a long time. Even in ancient Egypt, they were used as food and were considered medicinal product. Today all Southeast Asia gives preference to them, adding them to almost all dishes and consuming them in any form. They are used in folk medicine and cosmetology. And finally, this is simply a very tasty product.

So what are the benefits of quail eggs for the human body and why do nutritionists and pediatricians love them so much?

Beneficial features

Bird eggs useful topics that they contain all the substances necessary for the development of a living organism. After all, it does not have an umbilical cord, and the embryo receives nutrition only from what is contained under the shell. Essential amino acids are part of protein, which is a nutrient medium for it.

In general, all bird eggs are the same in composition. The difference lies in which amino acids they contain in greater quantities and how beneficial they are to people.

The healthier chicken

To make it more clear, let's make a small comparative analysis. Let’s take 100 grams of product – chicken and quail eggs – as a unit of measurement.

Calorie content and composition

Judge for yourself whether there is a big difference in the content of these substances in the two products. It can hardly be called decisive.

  • All eggs contain all amino acids, but in different quantities.

    Here, quails are significantly ahead in the content of essential amino acids, that is, those that the human body itself is not able to synthesize and must receive them from the outside, with nutrition.

    This is methionine - the most deficient of these, lysine and tryptophan.

  • Unsaturated fatty acids Chicken contains more omega-3 and omega-6 than in quail. But! Both contain such insignificant amounts that it simply makes no sense to make them a supplier of these fatty acids. There are foods richer in these important substances for humans.
  • The advantage of quail eggs over chicken eggs lies in their content necessary for a person vitamins and microelements. The content of vitamin B1 in them is 3.25 times higher, B2 – 1.72 times higher, PP (B3 or a nicotinic acid) – 2 times. and - much more, but there is no fluorine, unlike chicken ones.
  • As for its comparative content, it is the same - 3%. Another thing is that quail is much smaller than chicken, which means that its amount in grams enters the human body.
  • The absolute advantage of the product– this is the absence of antibiotics in it. They are simply not used on quail farms due to the greater resistance of this bird to disease.

On the pages of our website you will find a lot useful information about that, as well as a detailed list of products and daily intake.

Foods high in phosphorus? Read why our body needs it so much!

For the women's body

It is of great importance for maintaining female hormonal levels, affects metabolism, maintains skin in good condition. In a word, women need it like air. It is especially important during pregnancy and...

Are they useful during pregnancy?

During pregnancy The doctor necessarily prescribes folic acid for the expectant mother. It is extremely necessary for a pregnant woman, especially in the early stages, when all the organs of the fetus are formed.

Its insufficient content can lead to such unpleasant and even fatal consequences as miscarriage, placental insufficiency and fetal malformations.

Therefore, eating quail eggs during this period will be an excellent addition to synthetic drug.

For diets and for older women

Often, exhausting herself with diets, a woman forgets that in an effort to get rid of excess weight, she simultaneously “gets rid” of useful substances, which are contained in “prohibited” products.

And again, quail testicles will come to her aid. This useful product will replenish female body essential vitamins and microelements, which a woman does not receive during a diet.

The healing properties of quail eggs for women over 50 years of age are that they will help restore lost skin elasticity.

They will have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and help normalize blood pressure.

We must not forget that this food product, not a medicine. It serves as an additional source of vital elements.

Therefore, it should be used not instead of medicine (if it is prescribed by a doctor), but together with it, of course, if there are no contraindications.

For men

Quail eggs have long been known as a means of increasing male potency. There are even recipes for special cocktails based on raw eggs, designed specifically for this purpose. U consumption of this product is indicated for erectile dysfunction, violation of the quality and speed of ejaculation.

Often problems in the sexual sphere of men are associated with lifestyle, stress and poor nutrition.

Or maybe even replacing chicken ones completely with them will help normalize many vital processes in his body, contributing to the return of male health.

For children's health

Undoubtedly, a product that has so many benefits is beneficial for the child’s body. The kids are growing up their body needs a lot building material- squirrel.

In addition, the testicles contain lecithin, choline, a complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, promoting physical and mental development .

They can be introduced into complementary foods for children from six months of age., and you need to start with the yolk. Especially if your family members are allergic to egg white. Of course, they are contraindicated for babies in their raw form.

In many countries, especially in Japan, it is mandatory to introduce quail eggs into the diet of schoolchildren. for improvement brain activity and memory.

Pediatric doctors do not recommend switching children completely to them. They believe that they should be alternated in the child’s diet with chicken, because the latter contain substances that are not found in quail, and the child also needs them.

How to eat – raw or cooked

There are debates on this issue and opinions are sometimes expressed that are completely opposite. Let's start with the fact that prolonged heat treatment negates almost all the benefits of eating eggs, as it destroys both vitamins and amino acids. 15 minutes of boiling - and only the taste remains.

Eating them raw can lead to salmonella infection. and others intestinal infections. There is also no complete agreement on this point when it comes to quail eggs. The assertion that they cannot carry this infection within themselves due to high temperature quail body (42°), not entirely correct.

Salmonella dies at 56°. Another thing is that on quail farms the conditions for keeping poultry are better than on chicken farms.

Adults are advised to eat raw eggs.. If it’s difficult - it doesn’t taste good or it just doesn’t go down your throat, you can mix them with juice and make eggnog. The risk remains, but it is minimal, especially if you buy them from trusted suppliers.

In addition, salmonella, if present, is not inside, but on the surface. Before eating raw eggs, they must be washed thoroughly.

Because of his small size Quail eggs cook much faster than chicken eggs. To cook them soft-boiled, one or two minutes is enough, hard-boiled - five. Therefore, there is hope that the beneficial substances will not be completely destroyed during cooking.

Maximum rates of possible use of the product (per day):

  • children from 1 year to 3 years – no more than 1 piece;
  • from 3 to 10 years – no more than 3 pieces;
  • from 10 to 18 years old – it is permissible to eat 4 pieces per day;
  • adults (up to 50 years old) – 5-6 pcs.;
  • people over 50 years old - no more than 5 pcs.


Contraindications for use are the same as for chicken eggs. They should not be eaten by people allergic to egg whites.. They are so small that it is simply impossible to separate the yolk from the white efficiently.

They are not recommended for those who suffer from liver disease and gallstone disease.

They have higher calorie content than chicken, therefore they should not be abused by overweight people.

In any case, when consuming products that bring undoubted benefits, moderation should be observed. Even medicine in high doses is harmful. The same goes for products.

How to select and store

It is clear that the product will only be beneficial if it is fresh. The shelf life is slightly longer than that of chicken. They can stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to 2 months., at room temperature – up to 1 month.

When choosing them in the store, pay attention:

  • for the expiration date on the packaging;
  • on the integrity of the shell;
  • for size and weight compliance.

If the storage period is exceeded, the internal contents of the egg may dry out. Weight 1 pc. must be at least 10-12 g.
Do not take the product in reserve, it is always available in stores, it’s better to buy fresh eggs.

2015-01-19 | Updated: 2018-05-30© Stylebody

Quail eggs are among the extremely healthy dietary foods. They are recommended to be included in the diet during pregnancy, as well as for children and adults whose bodies are weakened after serious illnesses. However, it wouldn’t hurt for completely healthy people to periodically use this product to maintain good health.

Quail eggs can be drunk raw, fried or boiled. And during the cooking process, care should be taken to ensure that all the beneficial substances present are preserved.

Composition of quail eggs and their benefits

For human body Both the whites and yolks of quail eggs are useful.

The main substances they contain:

  1. Vitamins B, PP, A and others help maintain normal metabolism and prevent exhaustion and vitamin deficiency.
  2. Lecithin is extremely beneficial for the brain, liver, blood vessels and joints. Helps.
  3. Unsaturated fatty acids - support heart health vascular system, help lower cholesterol, have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  4. Chemical elements (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, etc.) - participate in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, needed for normal operation nervous system.
  5. Essential amino acids are necessary for the full development and functioning of all internal organs and systems of the body.

Quail egg shells are also a healthy product, containing a lot of calcium, which is necessary for bones and joints. It is crushed to a powder and used internally for the purpose of rickets. Before crushing the shell, it must be thoroughly washed and dried. And for better absorption calcium, add a third of a teaspoon to the powder lemon juice and half a teaspoon. Children should take this remedy 0.5 teaspoon per day, and adults - 1 teaspoon.

We can safely say that the benefits of quail eggs are very multifaceted - they have a good effect on the entire body as a whole.

This product is especially useful for such health problems as:

  • and general weakness of the body;
  • severe, debilitating illnesses;
  • rickets and other diseases of the skeletal system;
  • liver and gall bladder diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • increased cholesterol in the blood (to prevent atherosclerosis);
  • dystrophy and exhaustion;
  • nervous and mental illnesses;
  • weak potency;
  • reduced, weakened immunity;
  • any stage of pregnancy;
  • exposure to radiation or chemotherapy;
  • brittle and peeling nails;
  • thin, split ends, thinning hair.

Is it possible to drink raw quail eggs?

There is a widespread belief among people that quail eggs are best eaten raw, and that they supposedly cannot provoke salmonellosis. Indeed, quails are little susceptible infectious diseases, but sometimes this happens. In fact, any raw eggs can be a source of infection not only with salmonellosis, but also with others no less dangerous diseases. Through porous eggshells pathogens of any disease can penetrate inside. Therefore, it is recommended to eat quail eggs fried or boiled. This is especially true for children - health small child You can't take risks.

If you intend to drink quail eggs raw, then you need to be very careful about their choice. It is important not only to check their freshness, but also the integrity of the shell, since cracks in it allow microbes to penetrate inside. And also, before eating, thoroughly rinse the outside of the eggs under running water.

How long does it take to hard-boil quail eggs?

You need to boil hard-boiled quail eggs no longer than 5 minutes after the water boils, and fry with a lid on the frying pan for about 2-3 minutes. If heat exposure continues longer, this leads to a decrease in the amount of beneficial properties. For cooking, it is better to choose a small saucepan so as not to wait too long for the water to boil. It is important to wash eggs before cooking.

Eating standards

Despite the great usefulness of this product, you should not eat it in large quantities. Nutritionists believe that it is enough for children under three years of age to eat two eggs a day, children under ten years of age - three eggs, teenagers - no more than four, adults up to fifty years old - six eggs, and after fifty years of age - no more than four or five .

As a healing agent (for anemia, dystrophy and other diseases), quail eggs are consumed every day for two weeks. Healthy people You should eat this dietary product periodically. By the way, it is recommended to add quail eggs little by little (starting with a quarter of the yolk) to complementary foods for babies who are already seven months old.

The benefits of quail eggs for men

Quail eggs are very popular among men, as they are effective means, increasing potency. Male power may disappear for various reasons: due to an unbalanced diet (lack of amino acids and proteins especially negatively affects potency), due to weakness of the nervous system and problems with blood circulation. Quail eggs contain large quantities amino acids, proteins and other substances useful for the male body that improve metabolic processes in the genitals. As a result, potency becomes significantly better, sexual desire intensifies, and no unwanted problems arise. side effects. Studies have shown that a lasting and stable result appears if you consume raw quail eggs for about three to four months.

Some men are wary of quail eggs because of the supposed high content they contain cholesterol. But in fact, these fears are not justified. Firstly, this product contains “good” cholesterol, which promotes increased production of the male hormone testosterone, which is responsible for potency. Secondly, eating quail eggs not only does not increase “bad” cholesterol, but also helps eliminate it from the body.

Men whose diet contains quail eggs:

  • are less likely to suffer from other cardiovascular diseases even in old age;
  • have a high, stable level of testosterone in the blood, and therefore do not have problems with potency;
  • experience more intense sexual sensations due to improved metabolism and strengthened nervous system;
  • capable of long-lasting erections due to improved blood supply.

Recipes for increasing potency

Several ways to use for treatment and prevention:

  1. Just drink 2-4 eggs in the morning 20 minutes before breakfast - and so on for 3-4 months.
  2. You can make a healthy smoothie at home. To obtain one serving of this drug you need to take 100 ml mineral water, plus 1 tbsp. spoon and lemon juice, 20 ml of cognac and 3 eggs. Mix all this in a blender. It is recommended to drink such a nutritious and invigorating drink 2-3 times a week for 3 months.
  3. Another cocktail recipe: 4 raw quail eggs mixed with 30 ml alcohol tincture, prepared on the partitions and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

The benefits of quail eggs for women

It is known that during pregnancy the female body loses many useful substances. For example, this is evidenced by the fact that many expectant mothers’ teeth begin to crumble. Therefore, to make pregnancy easier and not cause complications, nutritionists recommend that women definitely include quail eggs in their diet. Folic acid, easily digestible fats and proteins contained in this product help maintain normal hormonal background, which is very important for a successful pregnancy and normal development fetus Raw quail eggs reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and help, which often bothers women in the last stages of pregnancy. Two or three testicles on an empty stomach daily is a sufficient norm to maintain a pregnant woman’s body in a healthy state.

After childbirth, the use of quail eggs by women does not lose its relevance. Eggs are needed in the diet because they help restore the body after childbirth and prevent development. During breastfeeding, mommy can use them instead of chicken eggs, which often cause allergic reactions. At the same time, the quality of a woman’s milk increases, which has a good effect on the well-being of her baby.

A quail egg contains maximum beneficial properties and a minimum of calories. This product is considered dietary and is recommended for use by women who want to lose weight. As noted above, special substances found in quail eggs improve metabolism, thereby helping in the fight against obesity.

  1. Minimal risk.
  2. Concentrated useful composition combined with the light weight of the product - a child can eat a whole egg in one sitting.
  3. When keeping quails, antibiotics and other medicinal additives are not used, since this bird is almost not susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, quail eggs are an environmentally friendly product.
  4. The optimal composition of substances beneficial to the child’s body, including vitamins, amino acids, lecithin, choline, and mineral salts.

The product has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of children:

  • Due to the large amount of calcium, prevention occurs.
  • The beneficial substances contained in the product increase the overall endurance of the growing organism and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all its organs and systems: the nervous system, digestive tract and etc.
  • The baby’s cognitive abilities improve, he better understands and remembers new information.
  • Children weakened after an illness begin to feel more energetic, quickly gain strength, become more energetic, and stop complaining of weakness and dizziness.
  • Eating quail eggs helps remove harmful substances from the body, thus neutralizing the impact of adverse environmental factors.

Introduction to children's diet

Bird eggs can be consumed by children from the age of seven months. You should start with a very small amount - a quarter of the yolk. Then after three days you can double the portion, and after another three days you can start giving the baby a whole yolk. Before use, the product can be crushed and then added to porridge, mashed vegetables, or diluted with breast milk.

When a child turns one year old, he can eat not only egg yolk, but also protein. But at the same time, eggs must undergo heat treatment and be served in the form of an omelet, casserole, or simply boiled. To prepare a hard-boiled quail egg, simply immerse it in boiling water for three minutes, then immediately remove it and put it in a bowl to cool. cold water. In this way, the product will retain maximum beneficial properties.

Standards for the consumption of quail eggs for children of different ages:

  1. From 7 months to one year - one yolk per day.
  2. From one year to three years - one or two whole testicles per day.
  3. From 3 to 8 years old - from two to three pieces per day.
  4. For children from 8 to 12 years old daily norm can be increased to three or four eggs.
  5. Children between 12 and 18 years old are allowed to eat four eggs per day.

Under no circumstances should children be given raw quail eggs. Despite the fact that salmonellosis pathogens are relatively rare in them, the risk of infection still exists. In addition, eating raw product It is also fraught with other dangerous diseases, for example, pullorosis.

Another reason why you should not feed raw quail eggs to children is that children digestive system may not be able to digest such food, which can lead to gas or even diarrhea. In addition, the baby is unlikely to like the taste of raw eggs - he may simply refuse to eat them.

Quail egg face masks

Raw quail eggs are successfully used in cosmetology in the form of facial masks. They smooth out wrinkles, give velvety and softness to the skin, making it healthy and beautiful.

For dry skin For those with dry skin, it is preferable to use yolks, as they better nourish the skin, making it soft and elastic. The ideal option would be a mask of 3 fresh quail yolks mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon A mask made from the following ingredients is also effective: 3 quail eggs, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 tbsp. spoon oatmeal. Both masks should be applied to the face, neck and décolleté for 15 minutes, 2 times a week. For achievement visible results For skin rejuvenation, repeat the procedure for 3 months. For oily skin If your skin is oily, it is better to use protein, as it has a drying effect and tightens pores. The most simple mask consists of protein whipped into foam. You can add lemon juice to the whites in the following proportion - the whites of 3 eggs are mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Both masks are applied in several layers to clean facial skin. First, apply the first layer, and as the protein mass dries, apply two or three more layers. 15 minutes after applying the last layer, the mask is washed off with warm water without using soap. For inflammation on the skin If there is inflammation on the skin, then it is recommended to make a mask with for preventive purposes from protein and . To prepare it, you need to grate 1 teaspoon of cucumber and mix it with egg whites (3 pieces). The mask is applied to clean facial skin for 20 minutes, then simply washed off with warm water without cleanser.

Hair masks with quail eggs

Quail eggs perfectly nourish the hair roots with essential vitamins and amino acids, giving them vitality, shine and well-groomed.

Firming mask A mixture of 3 raw quail eggs and 4 tbsp. Whisk a tablespoon of cognac with a mixer and apply to hair. Wrap your head in a towel and leave for 30 minutes. The mask will add amazing shine, increase blood circulation and strengthen the hair roots. Nourishing mask Mix 3 quail eggs with ¼ glass of beer, add 5-6 crackers from rye bread and wait until they get wet. Carefully move the mask and apply it to the hair roots, then distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with water. This mask heals your hair, giving it shine. Mask for dry hair Using a mixer, beat 5 quail eggs, 100 ml olive oil and 1/3 cup honey. Apply the resulting mixture thoroughly to the scalp and comb your hair to evenly distribute the mask over the entire length. Wrap your head in a scarf and do not wash off the mask for about three hours. You will definitely notice the effect: your hair will become soft, shiny and silky.

Who should not eat quail eggs?

Despite the fact that quail eggs are extremely healthy and not at all dangerous to health, there are a small number of contraindications to their consumption:

  1. You can eat, but only in moderation.
  2. The presence of gallstones is not a contraindication, but it should be taken into account that if you eat a large number of This product can cause colic.
  3. It is very rare, but allergy to quail eggs does occur.
  4. For acute and chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, you cannot drink raw eggs - they can only be eaten boiled in limited quantities.
  5. If the digestibility of proteins is impaired, the product is not recommended for consumption.

Until now, representatives of medicine have not come to a consensus on whether quail eggs are useful for atherosclerosis, since they contain a lot of cholesterol. But if we take into account that cholesterol can be “harmful” and “good”, and that quail eggs contain substances that cleanse the blood of “bad” cholesterol, then it is logical to assume that the effect of this product will not be negative, but positive.

A quail egg is considered dietary product, necessary in the diet for the normal development of the child’s body, for restoration in postoperative period and for various diseases. The egg has a fairly thin, light-colored shell with characteristic dark spots. The weight of one quail egg ranges from 10 to 12 g.

Quail eggs and their beneficial properties have been known to mankind since Ancient Egypt. Study of the properties of quail eggs in modern society carried out by the Japanese, and the publication of scientific articles on the benefits of this type of egg made quail eggs world famous.

Use of quail eggs and consumption rate

Quail eggs are consumed raw, baked, boiled and fried. Their daily norm depends on the age of the person. So for children from 1 to 3 years old the daily number of quail eggs is 1-2 pcs., from 3 to 10 years old - 3 pcs., from 10 to 18 - 4 pcs., from 18 to 50 years old - 5-6 pcs., older 50 years – 4-5 pcs. The effect of eating eggs appears no earlier than after two weeks of daily consumption. Eating eggs should be systematic, otherwise preventive and therapeutic effect will not be.

It is believed that it is best to eat raw eggs, but you cannot always be sure of the health of the bird and, therefore, the egg. Therefore, with proper heat treatment, maximum preservation of all useful substances can be achieved. So the process of cooking eggs should not exceed 15 minutes; if heating occurs for a longer time, then all vitamins and amino acids are destroyed.

Selection and storage

If the egg shell is not damaged, then quail eggs can be stored for 30 days at a temperature of 18-23°C and 60 days at a temperature of 3-7°C.

Calorie content

Fresh quail eggs contain 168 kcal. Quail eggs have a high fat content, which means they should be consumed in moderation by overweight people.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of quail eggs

Composition and presence of nutrients

A quail egg contains many nutrients, including vitamins (, B1, B2, PP), micro- and macroelements (iron, phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, copper, calcium), essential amino acids(threonine, tyrosine, glycine, lysocine, and histidine).

One of the main advantages of quail eggs is the absence of any contraindications for their use. They do not cause allergic reactions even in six-month-old children.

Quail eggs are used in the treatment of diseases such as gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers, metabolic and digestive disorders, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, changes blood pressure, anemia, heart diseases, eye diseases, genitourinary system, gallbladder and pancreas.

The presence of quail eggs in a child’s diet contributes to better mental development, improved memory, concentration, and strengthening of the nervous and immune systems. Eating eggs has a particularly positive effect on stunted children. Pregnant women are recommended to use this product to prevent the development of pregnancy pathologies, strengthening bone and dental tissue, as well as maintaining immunity. For older people, quail eggs are prescribed to combat chronic cholecystitis, removing excess cholesterol from the blood, as well as dissolving fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, the substances contained in eggs contribute to the binding and removal of radionuclides. This is especially important for people whose work involves increased risk radiation exposure, people undergoing chemotherapy to fight cancer, and those who have already received a dose of radiation, for example, as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

To prevent rickets, hypocalcemia, and bone fragility, powder based on quail egg shells is used. To prepare it at home, you need to boil the shells of raw eggs twice for 5 minutes, then pour them in for a day. apple cider vinegar, rinse in cold water, dry and grind in a coffee grinder or mortar. The powder should be taken once a day, 1 tsp. adults and 0.5 tsp. children under 10 years old.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to their direct purpose, quail eggs are used in cosmetology to prepare strengthening and toning masks for the face, body and hair. For dry skin, you can use a mask of 3 yolks and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The mixture should be rubbed well and applied to the skin with massaging movements. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

With excessive activity sebaceous glands And greasy shine Unbeaten raw egg white of a quail egg will help cope. It should be applied in several layers as the previous one dries. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with cool water.

For brittle and dry hair, you can prepare a mask based on 3-4 quail eggs, vegetable oil (100 ml), preferably olive oil, and liquid honey (2 tbsp.). Beat the entire mixture thoroughly with a mixer and apply evenly over the entire length of the hair. Then cover your head with a plastic cap and a warm towel. After one hour, the mask should be washed off thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Quail eggs are an excellent source of complete proteins, fats, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals; they are richer in biologically valuable proteins than meat or milk.

Protein digestibility is almost 100%! People who lead a healthy lifestyle include them in their diet.

Beneficial features undoubted due to the content of important minerals: iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Vitamins include: group B and vitamins A, E and D. This product has a relatively large yolk, so its energy level is higher than that of chicken.
The benefits and harms of quail eggs have been known to people since time immemorial; we are talking about universal food, but how, in what form and how much to take them? We will talk about all this in this article.

The nutritional value

Below is information about how many calories are contained in 1 quail egg, which important substances(and in what quantity) are present in it.

The nutritional value(in 1 piece):

  1. Energy – 15.5 kcal.
  2. Proteins – 13 g.
  3. Fats – 11.20 g.
  4. Water – 75.30 g.
  5. Hydrates – 0.41 g.
  6. Fiber – 0.00 g;
  7. Potassium - 132 mg.
  8. Phosphorus – 226 mg.
  9. Calcium – 64 mg.
  10. Cholesterol – 844 mg.
  11. Iron – 3.65 mg.
  12. Iodine – 13 mcg.
  13. Magnesium – 13 mg.
  14. Zinc – 1.47 mg.
  15. Selenium – 32 mcg.
  16. Sodium – 141 mg.

Vitamins (in 1 piece):

  • A – 90 mcg;
  • B1 – 0.43 mg;
  • B2 – 0.79 mg;
  • B3 – 3.53 mg;
  • B6 – 0.15 mg;
  • B9 – 66 mcg;
  • B12 – 1.58 mcg;
  • C – 0.00 mg;
  • D – 5.07 µg;
  • E – 0.74 mcg.

Medicinal use

The benefits of quail eggs for the human body are invaluable! ethnoscience recommends their use for treatment and prevention various diseases and disorders.

They find their application in the following cases:

  1. Headache, .
  2. Weakening of the body in the postoperative period, after a long illness, with a weakened immune system.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases.
  4. Chronic respiratory diseases, bronchitis.
  5. Severe anemia due to blood loss.
  6. Pancreatic diseases, diabetes.
  7. Bronchial asthma and tuberculosis.
  8. Dystrophy.
  9. Sexual dysfunction.

Which eggs are healthier - chicken or quail? Let's get a look.


First you should say how many quail eggs are contained in 1 chicken egg. No more, no less – 5 pieces. But despite this, the little “nutritional miracle” contains 2-3 times more vitamin A, B1 and B2. It consists of 33% yolk, 59% protein and 8% shell (shell), the average thickness of which is 0.2 mm. It is valued mainly for its proven effects on human health and vitality: it counteracts allergies, circulatory problems and other diseases of civilization.


Compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs contain more iron, phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus is a substance that promotes intellectual development. This nutritious product also rich in copper, cobalt, niacin and amino acids. In particular, tyrosine, by ensuring healthy skin color, is wide application in the cosmetics industry. Because of high level lecithin in the testicles, the benefits of raw eggs are known (raw quail eggs on an empty stomach also reduce cholesterol). In addition, phosphorus has been found to have a beneficial effect on potency, which is a great benefit for men. According to the results of a study recently conducted by Bulgarian scientists, they have a better effect than Viagra!

Minimal risk of salmonella

This is due to the very strong film under the shell and minimal pores, which prevents microorganisms from penetrating inside. But the most important thing is that due to their high body temperature (+42°C), quail are resistant to infection, and accordingly, there are no pathogens in their products.

No risk of allergies

As opposed to chicken, quail product It does not cause allergies in either children or adults. On the contrary, it contains the protein ovomucoid, which can inhibit allergic reactions.

More pleasant taste

Quail eggs are among the most delicious. They can be fried, boiled, used for making sauces, omelets, salads, and decorating dishes. Due to the “non-standard” size and unusual color, children like them more than chicken ones. The soft-boiled cooking time after boiling is 80 seconds. How long does it take to hard-boil quail eggs after boiling? A little less than chicken eggs - about 5 minutes (although the answer to the question of how long to boil a hard-boiled chicken egg is ambiguous - about 10 minutes, however, this time may vary).
Tip on how and how much to cook for baby: Place in cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 90 seconds, then quickly cool with cold water.

Healing Possibilities

This nutritious product has a bactericidal and immunomodulatory effect, so if you suffer from frequent colds, make it a habit to eat 1 egg for breakfast every morning. Use is appropriate for people suffering from severe headaches, anemia, asthma, and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In addition, regular consumption of the product normalizes blood pressure and improves digestion. Especially, it is recommended for children, people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women.
Thanks to the content of omega-3 and -6, such dietary enrichment will have a positive effect on cardiovascular system.

Treatment of diseases

Some medical institutions In Japan, Russia and America, the nutritious product is used in its raw form to treat various diseases. For these purposes, special therapeutic courses are used.

60 egg course
This treatment is used for the following purposes:

  • improving the blood picture;
  • cholesterol reduction;
  • strengthening the body.

You should consume 3 pieces raw daily until the end of the course.

120 egg course
This therapeutic course is recommended for the following problems:

  • high blood pressure;
  • digestive problems;
  • stomach upset;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • exhaustion due to high physical activity;
  • joint diseases;
  • decreased concentration.

To treat these diseases and disorders, it is recommended to eat the specified amount of quail eggs for 25 days:

  1. The first 2 days - 3 pieces per day.
  2. Day 3 – 4 per day.
  3. Starting from the 5th day - 5 per day until the last, 25th day.

240 egg course
This therapeutic course is used to treat more than wide range diseases. In particular, it helps in the following cases:

The dietary medicinal product should be consumed for 45 days as follows:

  1. 1st day – 3 pieces;
  2. 2nd day – 4;
  3. from the 3rd day to the last (45th) – 5.

1080 egg course

Especially in the case of brain oncology and rectal carcinoma.

You need to consume 6 pieces daily.

Unfortunately, children are also susceptible to developing the most serious diseases. Therefore, the logical question is how much “suitable medicine” can be given to a child? For children 4-8 years old, the recommended amount is 120 pieces for 31 days or 240 for 61 days.

Advice for children: in the first 4 days you should consume 3 pieces per day, and in subsequent days - 4 to last day therapeutic course (i.e., 31 or 61).

Accept this natural medicine should be taken raw every morning on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before meals. Always drink the whole thing. To improve the taste, you can mix them with honey, yogurt, cottage cheese, apple or orange.

If necessary, treatment can be repeated after a mandatory break of 2 months. However, the interval between 2 therapeutic courses should not exceed 6 months. Typically, this type of treatment has no side effects.

The exception is people with protein intolerance and problems with gallbladder– representatives of these groups should consult a doctor before taking a natural nutritional medicine! Otherwise, instead of health benefits, therapy may cause harm.

Impact on the female body

The benefit for women in particular is that protein, fat and folic acid have beneficial effects on health, especially during pregnancy. The process of bearing a fetus is facilitated, the risk of miscarriage is reduced, and toxicosis is mitigated.

In turn, 5-6 per day for 3 weeks of ovaries and. In this case, you should drink them in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before meals. In most cases, the disease goes away without a trace.

Another positive aspect for female representatives is to promote weight loss if consumed raw, improve the condition of nails, skin and hair.

Impact on the male body

This natural medicine, taken on an empty stomach, has beneficial effects on men's health. The main benefit is to stimulate and enhance sexual function.

At regular use cholesterol levels are significantly reduced. It is he who is considered as the creator of many diseases, such as vascular and heart diseases, decreased potency.

Statistics show that many modern men are faced with the problem of weak erection. Most common cause such unpleasant condition is increased cholesterol and clogged arteries. Quail eggs can successfully solve this problem and increase male productivity.

The next fact why quail eggs are useful for men is that their presence in the diet ensures increased ejaculation.

The product has maximum health benefits when consumed raw (3-4 pieces) for 2-3 days, always before meals. Keep in mind that most vitamins are destroyed during heat treatment!

Impact on the children's body

The benefits for children are also worth considering.

This product can replace many nutritional supplements, mineral and vitamin preparations, containing vital substances for the child’s body. Normalizes the function of the heart and vascular system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens immune system, which is especially important for a growing organism.

This nutritious natural product has a preventive effect against respiratory diseases, characteristic of children attending children's groups (preschool and school institutions).

Compensates for shortcomings essential vitamins and minerals, improves physical fitness. A positive effect is observed when nervous disorders in children, diabetes mellitus, asthma and even anemia.

  1. 1-3 years – 1-2 pcs.
  2. 3-10 years – 3 pcs.
  3. from 10 years – 4 pcs.

Can children have raw eggs? Can. However, when purchasing them, it is important to pay attention to quality and buy only from a trusted manufacturer. Otherwise, this natural medicine may be of dubious quality and could cause harm!

Useful shell

The fragile shell is also 26 other elements.

Among many special attention the prices are as follows:

  • copper;
  • iron;
  • fluoride;
  • molybdenum;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • silicon;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur.

The most important substances are molybdenum and silicon. Standard food human contains a tiny amount of these elements, but at the same time, they are the basis of biochemical reactions in the body!

Preparation of the powder
Rinse the shells under running water and lightly heat them in the oven, thus ridding them of germs and ensuring sufficient fragility. Then grind (you can use a coffee grinder).

Sift the mixture through a sieve and store the resulting powder in a tightly closed jar as a valuable medicine.

Possibility of use:

  1. Directly (for example, 3 times a day on the tip of a knife, wash down with water).
  2. Pour the powder into honey (1 tsp 3 times a day).
  3. Add the powder to food (without fat) or sprinkle it on a slice of bread.

It is important to take the powder on an empty stomach because fat can lead to the formation of insoluble and thus unfavorable calcium compounds for the body.

Face and hair masks

In addition to its beneficial effects on health, this valuable nutritious product can have good effect and on appearance. You can use it to make home remedies for your face and hair.

Hair Mask

  • Mix 10 whites and a half, after application, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse well with warm water.

Nourishing face mask

  • Mix 5 yolks with 5 ml olive oil and 1 tsp. beeswax. Apply for 20 minutes.

For oily skin

  • 5 proteins, 1 tsp each. honey and lemon juice. Apply for 20 minutes.

For dry skin

  • Preparing a mask for dry skin is also simple: mix 5 yolks, 1 tsp. honey and cream. Apply for 20 minutes.

As you can see, we are talking about a product that has a high nutritional value, a significant level of vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2, B12) and microelements (magnesium, phosphorus, copper, calcium, iron), containing high-quality protein, essential amino acids, phosphatides (lecithin), carbohydrates and other biologically specific active substances, which have a beneficial effect on the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, eczema, asthma, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and significantly strengthen the immune system.

This product is an excellent supplement for athletes with high physical demands, children, the elderly, pregnant women, because... helps speed up the recovery of the body.

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