Indoor plants for allergy sufferers. Flower allergy: what bouquet to give

Coziness and comfort in the home is often associated not only with upholstered furniture, modern household appliances and beautiful finishing materials, but also with indoor flowers.

Green “favorites” not only decorate the room, but also fill it with oxygen, humidify the air, purify it toxic substances.

And this can be said about almost every plant. However, some of them, in addition to beneficial properties, can also cause harm.

So, for example, the juice of some indoor flowers is very poisonous and, if ingested, causes burns or poisoning. Even touching certain exotics can cause irritation and dermatitis. Not to mention contact with juice, which is simply possible when cutting twigs or leaves.

The scent of some flowers can be very strong, causing allergic reactions.

It is especially important to know about the characteristics of your indoor plants for those who have children, pets, or who suffer from allergies.

Therefore, when buying another green “friend”, you need to find out if it is poisonous?

In the article you will learn which plants should not be kept at home and why, as well as which indoor flowers you may be allergic to.

Poisonous flowers

  • Many representatives belonging to the Kutrov family– plumeria, strophanthus, carissa, raufolfia, razia. Adenium is also especially common. All parts of these flowers, even the seeds, contain toxic substances. A small piece of leaf that enters the digestive system causes loss of consciousness, cardiac dysfunction, vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased blood pressure, respiratory arrest, up to fatal outcome. The smell of oleander flowers can cause headache and dizziness;

  • – releases a lot of carbon dioxide at night, so it can cause headaches and insomnia. Too strong a scent can cause an allergic reaction. If ingested, it causes severe poisoning;
  • Nightshade family– Browallia, Brunfelsia, Bell pepper. False pepper nightshade is very popular, the beautiful orange-red fruits of which make you want to taste it, especially in children. It is the fruits that cause nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, and cough. And nightshade juice, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes irritation;
  • Representatives of the aroid family- , calladium, - contain oxalic acid and the amino acid aspargine - very caustic substances. If the juice gets on the skin, irritation and dermatitis appear, in the eyes - conjunctivitis, in the mouth and stomach - swelling, vomiting, pain, increased salivation;
  • Azalea– has high toxicity. If ingested, it causes colic, cramps, and diarrhea. The andromethaxins contained in it affect the heart and nervous system. The smell of the flowers can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness.
  • Plants of the Euphorbiaceae family- jatropha, akalifa and, beloved by many, croton and (spurge spurge). White juice The plant, which appears at the slightest damage, causes irritation and burns when it comes into contact with the skin. If the juice gets into the mouth, there will be a burn of the mucous membrane and swelling of the larynx, followed by a disorder of the nervous and digestive system. In case of contact with eyes - conjunctivitis and temporary blindness;
  • Ficus– if plant particles come into contact with the skin, it can cause irritation, allergies, eczema, dermatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, and bronchial asthma. Particularly dangerous for sensitive people prone to allergies;
  • Stellera dwarf and Rhodoea japonica– if swallowed small piece a leaf containing poisonous juice, then burns, swelling and even numbness of the vocal cords will occur;
  • Gesner Tulip– if this flower grows in a room where the owners are often for several years in a row, people’s hair will begin to fall out, which over time can lead to baldness;
  • Tuberose– the smell of flowers can cause headaches, dizziness, depression;
  • Hemanthus and amaryllis belladonna– contain toxic substances in leaves and bulbs. Even with normal care, they can cause allergies;
  • – toxic substances are mostly found in tubers. Poisoning by them is detected in vomit, and when they come into contact with the skin, inflammation and irritation appear.

Indoor flowers allergens

Mostly allergic reactions are caused by plants containing highly volatile essential oils or biologically active substances(alkaloids, saponins).

It is important to consider that the presence or absence of an allergy to a specific plant is an individual phenomenon.. It depends on a person’s personal intolerance or tolerance to the secretions of a certain type of flower.

Indoor flowers and plants, causing allergies:

So, when choosing a houseplant, it is important not only to learn about it decorative properties, but also about whether it is dangerous for humans. Which houseplants and flowers cause you allergies - you can determine it with a dermatologist.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a Chinese teaching about the organization of human living space. In it, indoor plants have a special place. It is believed that many plants are able to bring their own special energy into a person’s home. And it is not always favorable for the people living there. That is why many of our popular indoor plants cannot be kept at home according to this teaching.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, plants with sharp needles and pointed leaves should not be kept in the house.. These are: cacti, and many others. It is believed that such flowers can sow seeds of discord in the family, which will disrupt the calm flow of people’s lives.

But if such plants are already present in the house, they should not be thrown away. They just can’t be placed close to rest areas or in children’s rooms. Such flowers have a place in the office, as sharp needles and leaves stimulate mental activity.

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Feng Shui does not favor climbing plants. It is believed that all these species have very heavy negative energy, the manifestation of which is unacceptable in people’s homes. Many of these plants are called energy vampires, which live at the expense of other beings and weaken them.

That is why flowers such as monstera and waxweed have no place inside the house. But ivy is often planted at the entrance to the house. He protects people’s homes and does not allow the evil energy of envious people to pass through. And gazebos entwined with ivy are good at absorbing the negative energy accumulated during the day.

Now you know which indoor plants should not be kept at home according to Feng Shui.

Folk signs and superstitions

Consider which plants cannot be kept at home according to signs. According to our folk traditions, one cannot keep much more plants in the house than according to Feng Shui. Superstitions have not escaped not only cacti, sansevieria and different kinds ivy, but also palms, ficus, spathiphyllum, calla lilies and even orchids.

Numerous folk signs talk about harm palm trees in the apartment. It cannot be brought into the house, as it attracts misfortune. The owner of the palm tree will certainly suffer great grief.

Ficus in many countries it is considered a very useful and cozy plant. But our signs say the opposite. It negatively affects reproductive function. A woman who has a ficus growing in her house will not have children.

Behind spathiphyllum The name “muzhegon” was firmly established. Women or young girls should not get this flower. The flower will not allow you to create a family or will destroy an existing one.

True, not everything is clear with this plant. It also has another name - “female happiness”. Apparently, the flower still helps some women find family well-being.

Hibiscus considered a dangerous plant that attracts trouble. People believe that the "Chinese rose" blooms shortly before the death of one of the family members.

Calla lilies– unusual and beautiful flowers, but they have long been considered unlucky. They are very often brought to funerals, which is probably why they are called grave flowers and are not recommended to be kept in the house. If calla lilies bloom, expect the death of a loved one.

A orchid became famous as strong energetic vampire. She takes away a person's strength if she is nearby. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep it in the bedroom or children's room.

Plants useful for the home

If you discard all superstitions and teachings related to energy, you can find a lot of indoor plants from which a person receives real benefits. They purify the air and release useful material, killing pathogenic bacteria. And there are also medicinal plants, without which during the peak period infectious diseases there's simply no way around it.

A number of indoor plants purify the air well, absorbing harmful substances in it and releasing a large number of oxygen. These include: monstera, ivy, dieffenbachia, chlorophytum, alocasia, sansevieria. Dust also settles well on them, which also makes the air in the house cleaner.

Plants that secrete phytoncides are especially beneficial.. They reduce the number of microorganisms in the air by tens and even hundreds of times.

Such plants include all coniferous species, pelargonium, oleander. It should also be noted beneficial features some cacti that purify the air from fungal infection several times.

The most common medicinal plants Kalanchoe are also grown in indoor culture. These species contain light natural antibiotic, which does not harm the human body.

The juice of these plants is used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media and acute respiratory diseases.

Allergy to indoor flowers is a common problem that people who start growing plants at home may not even be aware of. Such a desire is justified, unfavorable environmental conditions, regular stress, inadequate rest - all this encourages a person to create conditions at home for moral and physical relaxation; indoor plants serve as good helpers in these endeavors.

Sometimes, when creating home decor from living plants, people notice signs of sensitization - watery eyes, sneezing, dry cough, without realizing it. the real reason symptoms. Today we will talk about whether a harmless plant can be the culprit of allergies, which flowers are strong irritants, and how to eliminate signs of sensitization caused by living pets.

Can you be allergic to houseplants?

Houseplants can cause allergies

It is impossible for lovers of home flowers to say that some plants provoke allergic symptoms and cannot be grown at home, but these are the ones that can be grown, it all depends on many factors, these include:

  • human allergic predisposition, which manifests itself to household chemicals, animal hair and other irritants;
  • living conditions (air pollution, tobacco smoke and others);
  • a type of indoor plants that a person grows at home.

Houseplants that cause allergies provoke symptoms of hay fever in humans, which is the name of the body's reaction to. Basically, signs of sensitization appear on outdoor plants, which include trees (for example), shrubs and weeds that bloom vigorously in the spring and summer, but indoor flowers also cause similar symptoms.

Often people attribute to themselves a negative reaction to flowering indoor plants, not realizing that the allergy is not related to pollen, but is provoked by the soil in which the flower grows, fertilizers and fertilizers found at home. Signs pathological reaction depend on the location of the irritant - some people tolerate the pollen of the plant, but react violently to touching the roots and stems, or to the juice released from the leaf.

On a note! When identifying specific plants that provoke signs of sensitization, it is necessary to pay attention to the frequency of the reaction, the time of occurrence and the events associated with it (inhalation of the aroma of the flower, replanting, fertilizing, damage to the stem or leaf and the release of sap).

Why do indoor flowers cause allergies?

To avoid an allergic reaction, you should wear gloves when caring for flowers.

Direct contact with leaves, stems and roots may cause unexpected reaction, therefore, people who handle plants with gloves, use disposable tools and do this near food rarely complain of allergies.

The presence of a plant in the room, causing symptoms sensitization in at least one family member is dangerous, especially if the baby reacts violently to the flower. You need to find out which plant provokes the reaction and remove it from the house. So why can the human body react violently to some flowers and calmly perceive others?

A flower is a living creature, it can breathe, release respiration products into the atmosphere, and reproduce. During the period of pollen release, it is in the air, getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and skin. This causes sensitization in sensitive people.

Which indoor flowers cause allergies?

To prevent an unexpected reaction of the body to green decorative elements, a person who wants to start breeding them needs to familiarize himself with the list of the most dangerous ones. So, what indoor plants that cause an allergic reaction should not be grown in the house, especially when strong predisposition to sensitization:

Which indoor plants also cause allergies and are capable of causing the strongest reaction will be discussed further. Potentially dangerous plants also include Gesner tulip, tuberose, ficus, cyclamen, hemanthus and belladonna amaryllis. The essential oils of Eucharis and Krinum plants contain components that cause a violent reaction in humans; Kirkazon flowers have an original shape and color, but contain many toxic alkaloids. When inhaled, fern spores may begin allergic rhinitis, tracheitis or bronchitis.

Attention! The most popular flowers kept in the house are geranium and pelargonium, but for sensitive people they can cause dizziness, rashes on the body and suffocation. Even seemingly safe plants sometimes cause violent sensitization, this must be remembered.

Houseplants are the strongest allergens

It was listed above which house flowers can cause allergies if in direct contact with them, for example, during transplantation or if the integrity of the stems and leaves is damaged. However, many flowers provoke a violent reaction even by their simple presence in the room; they are considered the most dangerous for allergy sufferers:

  • evergreen ivy is completely poisonous;
  • Sims azalea or Indian azalea – ingestion of a part of a plant that attracts with its beautiful bright colors, taken internally, provokes convulsions, vomiting and severe poisoning;
  • aglaonema - has a rich palette of shades, the leaves of the flower are covered with small villi, which cause strong skin reaction when touched, and inhaling its aroma during flowering provokes dizziness and attacks of nausea;
  • Gloriosis – poisonous through and through, can cause kidney failure and severe poisoning;
  • plumeria - its beautiful white flowers are no less dangerous than the stems and leaves, causing Negative consequences in the form of nausea, diarrhea, confusion.

Ordinary kalanchoe flower, famous for his medicinal properties, can also cause burns to the mucous membranes and poisoning if you prepare nasal drops or products for internal use from it, so before use you should make sure there is no reaction.

Even medicinal plants can cause allergies

Houseplants that do not cause allergies

In addition to indoor flowers that cause an allergic reaction, there are plants for which the body’s negative reaction to their presence is not typical; it is even useful to keep them to saturate the living space with oxygen:

  • lemon tree - o healing properties Everyone knows this product. The leaves of the plant growing in the house saturate the room with essential oils and phytoncides, which facilitate breathing, improve mood and activate brain activity;
  • aloe – widely used in medicinal purposes, the flower is unpretentious, is a powerful immunostimulant, suppresses the proliferation of microbes and cancer cells, grows quickly and activates vitality. They don't call negative reaction neither its juice nor its leaves;
  • pelargonium species large-flowered and zonal - purify the air, kill pathogenic flora, repel flies and mosquitoes;
  • nephrolepis - belongs to the genus of ferns, but is distinguished by beneficial properties - absorbs radiation from household appliances(TVs, computers), releases a large amount of oxygen, improves mood and brain activity;
  • begonia - all types of flowers, except the ever-blooming one, suppress the activity of bacteria, moisturize and purify the air in the house, and release a lot of useful phytoncides;
  • chlorophytum is an easy-to-care flower that purifies the air from dust and germs and combustion products. If you fertilize the soil during transplantation Activated carbon, the beneficial properties of the plant will become stronger.

Many people love to keep flowers in their bedroom, but don't know which ones are best. It is better to choose begonia, aloe, violets, laurel, rosemary or lavender. Balsam, eucalyptus, hibiscus, and tangerine are more suitable for a children's room.

It is important to know! You should not grow a large number of home flowers in one room, since frequent watering increases the humidity in the room, which leads to the establishment of fungi.

Symptoms and manifestations of allergies to house plants

The main symptoms of plant allergies are rhinitis and lacrimation.

If a person is allergic to indoor plants for the first time, it is difficult for him to distinguish the disease from a common cold. But it is worth knowing about the symptoms of sensitization, since the pathology in its advanced form leads to dangerous consequences in the form bronchial asthma, coughing, suffocation, swelling of the larynx, and sometimes death. So, the signs of hypersensitivity to plants are as follows:

  • lacrimation, redness eyeballs, swelling of the eyelids;
  • sneezing, rhinorrhea (increased production of mucus in the nose);
  • irritable dry cough;
  • itching of the skin and nasal mucosa;
  • nausea and vomiting (in people with hypersensitivity body, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and children);
  • skin rashes in the form of dermatitis, urticaria, neurodermatitis (dryness, erosions, areas covered with scales and ulcers appear on the skin).

If you notice such signs in yourself, you need to contact medical assistance. Severe allergies can be accompanied by swelling of the mucous tissues of the nose and larynx, which can lead to respiratory arrest, if mild form the course of the disease there is a risk of it becoming chronic.

Treatment of allergies to houseplants

To get rid of signs of allergy to house flowers, you need to consult an allergist. First, it is worth analyzing which of the plants are currently undergoing a flowering period, which have recently been replanted, and identify the supposed “culprits” of sensitization. The doctor will advise you to limit contact with the plant that causes the body’s reaction and prescribe standard treatment for an allergic reaction:

  • antihistamines - Loratadine, Zyrtec, Claritin, Diazolin, Xyzal, Suprastin;
  • membrane stabilizers mast cells– Nedocromil, Ketotifen, Cromoglicic acid;
  • enterosorbents – Enterosgel, Smecta, Activated carbon;
  • hormonal sprays for the treatment of nasal manifestations in the form of a runny nose and nasal congestion - Flixonase, Beconase, Avamis, Nasobek.

In particular severe cases allergies, desensitization and plasmapheresis methods are recommended. The first method is based on gradually accustoming the body to the irritant by daily introducing it under the skin in a certain dose (the portion of the substance is increased every day). The method is long, but effective, capable of eliminating signs of pathology for years. Plasmapheresis is a blood purification method indicated for patients with moderate to severe allergy symptoms to achieve positive results it is necessary to carry out from 3 to 5 procedures.

Treatment with folk remedies

Therapy with folk remedies is a good addition to drug treatment allergies, use the following recipes, some of the most popular and effective:

  • grind burdock and dandelion roots in an amount of 50 grams, pour 600 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-12 hours, then boil the composition. Take the medicine 120 ml, three times a day, for at least 1.5-2 months;
  • yarrow decoction - prepared by brewing 30 grams. herbs with a glass of boiling water, take it after filtering and infusing for about an hour, 50 grams each. 3-4 times a day;
  • 50 gr. crushed celandine is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 5-6 hours, then the decoction is drunk twice a day, 50-60 ml;
  • pour boiling water over nettle leaves and leave for 3 hours (nettle – 100 g, water – 300 ml), drink 120 ml of the composition after each meal, for at least 30 days in a row;
  • mumiyo - strong folk remedy from allergies. 1 gram is diluted in 1000 ml of boiling water. means, then drink it 100 ml once a day, washed down with warmed milk.

At skin manifestations allergies, baths with a decoction of string, calamus rhizome, dry thyme, plantain herb, valerian root are useful (Read also:). You can prepare an ointment based on the listed ingredients and apply a thick layer to the affected areas of the body until the irritation and redness disappear.

Be sure to remember! Any folk remedy should be discussed with your doctor so as not to provoke an additional allergic reaction to the components of the recipes.


To reduce the risk of developing allergies to plants living in rooms, you must choose not dangerous species flowers that have the least toxicity and do not contain poisons. If plants are not cared for properly, they become collectors of dust, fungi and mold spores, leading to an increased risk of sensitization. Here is a list of measures that will prevent dangerous consequences from house plants:

  • timely watering and removing dust from leaves;
  • irrigating the plant with water from a spray gun;
  • selection of the right pot, appropriate size;
  • removing dried parts of the stem and leaves;
  • reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers added to the soil mixture;
  • replanting, loosening, pruning leaves using latex gloves;
  • Do not eat or drink near potential irritants during pollen release;
  • Do not damage the stems and leaves of flowers;
  • Young children should not be allowed near plants that provoke attacks of sensitization.

People prone to manifestations food allergies or those who react to dust, mold spores, animal hair, tobacco smoke, you should choose the safe plants described above as green pets to reduce the risk of sensitization.


Manifestations of allergies to house and garden flowers develop suddenly, and treatment is expected to be long-term. Therefore, it is better to follow safety rules when growing plants - use separate care tools that do not come into contact with the products (knives, spatulas), wash them after each use, keep the flowers clean, preventing the appearance of mold and fungi.

If it occurs, you should consult a doctor to avoid complications, especially for young children. Many plant species are very poisonous, despite their beautiful appearance and pleasant aromas, so when breeding such flowers you should be careful and attentive.

The modern world is so heavily equipped with fashionable technologies, huge buildings and industrial factories that to the common man there is almost no place left to relax in nature, in comfort, on fresh air. Therefore, people are looking for a solution in indoor flowers.

Is there an allergy to indoor plants?

To create the illusion of a connection with nature, in big cities people grow indoor plants at home. They not only decorate the house, but also purify the air that its owners breathe.

Although, it must be emphasized that some of them are house plants that cause allergies in the human body. Although not all people may experience an allergic reaction, it is likely a personal predisposition human body to this or that flower. There is a certain exact list of indoor flowers that cause allergies.

Like any living beings, plants grow, breathe, releasing various useful and harmful substances that they need to continue their life.
The main cause of allergies to house flowers is the flowers that spread in the air during their flowering.

Indoor fern

Green home lovers also need to know that it is very important factor To avoid an allergic reaction to plants, you must take proper care of them: if you do not collect the dust that has settled on them from the flowers in a timely manner, they turn into simple household “dust collectors.” This function is extremely undesirable, since it will harm not only the life of the plant itself, but will also cause severe allergies in those present.

Plant researchers say that even the leaves and trunk of plants can cause. Also very fashionable in Lately various fertilizers for indoor flowers. It must be emphasized that indoor plants can cause an allergic reaction even by their presence in the house.

Casual home life It differs little from day to day. But sometimes changes still occur in personal behavior and the state of one’s health. The most common health problems that arise through the home are plants. How can you determine that you are allergic to indoor flowers?

Green plants in your home can cause you some discomfort: dry, irritating, frequent nasal discharge for no apparent reason, your skin begins to itch, and your eyes become watery. What is the reason for this unexplained condition? It is, of course, your pets that are causing all this! Very often, people simply try not to notice such manifestations, either due to carelessness or unwillingness to get rid of them.

In spite of everything, every person must understand the seriousness of his decision not to pay attention to such ailments. Cases of advanced allergies from indoor flowers, which develop into other pathologies of the human body, have become frequent. Among them, the most common ones need to be emphasized:

  • respiratory allergies.

Frequent sneezing

Let's take a closer look at the types of the latest pathological manifestation allergic disease. In nature, there are three types of respiratory allergies, which are characterized by lesions in different parts of the respiratory tract.
The first type of this disease is allergic rhinosinusitis, which, in turn, is divided into three more subtypes:

  1. (hay fever);
  2. (provoked forms of allergic reaction), can occur through the plants themselves, or through the dust they collect, or through the pollen they produce;
  3. infectious-allergic, which is a mixed form of the first and second types of rhinosinusitis.

During this allergic reaction, sneezing attacks are observed on the skin, in the nose, liquid discharge from the nose, swelling of the nasal mucosa, eyelids, and eyes is possible. As for the general picture of a person’s condition, under the influence of an allergen from indoor plants, he will feel a headache, malaise throughout the body, a desire to sleep, low-grade fever and great irritability. It must be emphasized that it is this stage of allergy to indoor plants that precedes the onset of bronchial asthma.

The second type of respiratory allergies is allergic laryngitis, which develops rapidly at night and is characterized by difficulty breathing, severe cough, restlessness and cyanosis of the lips and nose.

The third type of respiratory reactions that are provoked by house flowers that cause allergies is allergic tracheobronchitis. It can be identified by attacks of nighttime dry cough that torments a person long time.

So how can you protect yourself from harmful roommates? How to choose the right plants that will not turn your life into constant struggle with allergies, but will they please the eye and purify the air in the house?

Flora researchers proposed a list they compiled of those plants that have a direct negative effect on the human body.

List of indoor flowers that cause allergies:

In the photo: Popular indoor flowers that cause allergies.

  • Geranium, or pelargonium from the Geraniaceae family, contains in its leaves essential oil, which can have different effects on immune system humans, including causing allergies.
  • Spores of the fern class, scattered throughout the room, are also potential allergens.
  • The stems and leaves of azalea, hydrangea, poinsettia and oleander, dieffenbrachia, cyclamen, and acalypha, catharthus and alamanda, crinum and eucharis turned out to be extremely toxic.

Undoubtedly, the photos of indoor plants that cause allergies are so beautiful that it is very difficult to decide not to purchase them. But, health or beauty is your choice, in which you need to take into account all their pros and cons, so as not to be hostage to home flowers!

Those who have children, elderly people and people with a predisposition to such reactions may think about which house flowers cause allergies. Spring and summer are considered the seasons when everything blooms and smells, but they are loved only by those who do not suffer from runny noses and itchiness from contact with pollen.

In science, an allergy to flowers is called hay fever; this disease becomes chronic after the first contact with the allergen.

This disease manifests itself through irritation of the mucous membrane in the nose at the moment when pollen falls on it. Untreated allergies can significantly affect the respiratory, digestive and nervous system, which in some cases ends in swelling.

Doctors have recorded about 700 types of flowers to which a person may have a reaction, but it is impossible to avoid contact with all these plants, so it is worth maximizing your living and recreation conditions and eliminating all kinds of allergens from your home. Different climatic zones are distinguished by the presence of one or another type of plant, and sometimes people have to change their place of residence in order to avoid a serious reaction and periods of exacerbation. Abroad, scientists began to compile floristic maps to provide them to people who want to move to a more Better conditions for your stay.

The most the best option For a walk, the morning is considered, since at this time all the pollen and plants are covered with dew, so it is possible to inhale completely clean air without components that can become reagents. IN morning hours there can be much less dust in the air in the house, since the indoor flowers themselves are just waking up, and the windows are mostly left open, therefore the risk of a reaction is reduced.

Reasons that can cause allergies to flowers

The reason for an allergy to indoor flowers is that they are close to a person, so there can be contact with pollen at any time. Doctors have proven that the cause of the reaction is that a particle of dust from the flower enters the body and can settle on the nasal mucosa, subsequently irritating it. To start an allergy, it is enough to encounter the permeability factor (smell the plant). Basically, the components of indoor flowers reach a person through the epithelium and thereby destroy the body's defense function (weaken the immune system).

Basically, the reaction to indoor flowers manifests itself in those who have heredity and a predisposition to such a disease. The moment of reaction itself is carried out through the reaction of immunoglobulins in the blood and an increase biologically active ingredients, such as:

  • histamine;
  • bradykinin;
  • serotonin.

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What indoor flowers cause allergies?

Nature itself is a complete mystery, and therefore it is still not possible to accurately study its plants, animals and the depths of the ocean. It is important to note that some plants can exude literally huge amounts of pollen, which provokes allergies. Flowering and meadow herbs can only be found outdoors, but some people prefer to grow decorative indoor flowers that can be admired all year round. It is they who should be treated with the utmost care in order to prevent the occurrence of severe stress in the body and death. Before adding plants to your home, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the lists of which indoor flowers you may be allergic to.

Some people believe that if you cut a plant, for example, in a field, and bring it home, there will be no health hazard. In fact, even such commonplace plants as sunflowers, wormwood and coltsfoot, picked and brought into a living room, continue to emit pollen, so an allergic reaction may occur.

The most dangerous flowers are considered to be ambrosia (daisies and sunflowers).

In the question of which indoor flowers cause allergies, herbaceous plants are far from safe for allergy sufferers. treatment plant, since if a person already has a predisposition, then you need to be as careful as possible when using decoctions and infusions.

Wormwood, hops, and nettle, which are used for medicinal purposes for external use, can cause allergies. There are known cases where an infusion of nettle with alcohol, used as a compress, caused an allergic reaction. You can also meet those who suffer from a reaction to lemon and orange leaves, regardless of whether these plants are indoors or not.

Those who like to decorate their home with decorative flowers hardly think about the fact that their health is in serious danger. This is why very often people live for a long time with a runny nose, believing that it’s just common cold. Rhinitis is not always of a cold origin, and first of all you should pay attention to the flowers in the bedroom. Flowers from the windowsill exude essential oils, and this causes allergies.

The essence of this spread of allergens is that they are quite volatile and can spread after being released from a flower in a few seconds; therefore, a person cannot track exactly when the release occurs and open a window at that moment. As soon as contact with the mucous membrane occurs, breathing begins to deteriorate, and swelling of the larynx is possible.

In most cases, an allergy to house flowers is caused by the fact that a person has an individual intolerance or a certain rejection of a particular flower. In this case, you should immediately get rid of the reagent.

In order to make life brighter, people buy indoor flowers. But you need to remember that they can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, you should choose them carefully, after studying all the properties.

Allergic diseases are considered one of the most common pathological conditions in the world, and the frequency of cases of this pathology is increasing from year to year. Great importance For the likelihood of allergic pathologies, the organization of everyday life has. Many people do not even suspect that there are indoor plants that cause allergies. Plant allergens negatively affect people predisposed to the development of hypersensitivity reactions.

Allergies to indoor plants are not that rare. It is important to know which house flowers cause allergies in order to protect yourself from the appearance of hypersensitivity symptoms.

Symptoms of hypersensitivity to house flowers

Allergies to indoor flowers may occur sudden symptoms in the event that a representative of the flora has recently appeared in the house and the person does not yet know about its allergenic properties. Symptoms of hypersensitivity provoke sharp deterioration well-being. In some cases, they develop serious complications eg asthma. Allergies to indoor plants can manifest themselves in following forms respiratory allergy:

  1. Rhinosinusitis. It manifests itself in the form of hay fever or infectious-allergic pathology, in some cases it is seasonal during the flowering period. Characteristic: sneezing, increased discharge from the nasal cavity, itching.
  2. Laryngitis. Characteristic: cough, difficulty breathing, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle.
  3. Tracheobronchitis. A hacking cough is characteristic.

Houseplants - allergens

It is necessary to understand which indoor flowers one may be allergic to in order to prevent the appearance of symptoms in a person who is predisposed to allergic conditions. You need to understand that the cause of hypersensitivity in this case is often the species of flora that contains essential oils. Their allergic effect is based on the volatile properties of these constituent components. Essential oils penetrate into respiratory system and provoke irritation of the mucous membranes, which explains the appearance of characteristic clinical symptoms.

In addition, allergies to indoor plants can be triggered by those species that contain various kinds of bioactive components, such as saponins or alkaloids. Quite often, hypersensitivity symptoms develop in those representatives flora, which in natural conditions found in tropical climates.

So which house flowers cause allergies when grown independently? Here are some of the most striking examples:

  1. Pelargonium or geranium. Pelargonium leaves contain essential oil, which often becomes causative factor intolerance and hypersensitivity.
  2. Ferns. Among them there are quite a lot of allergenic species that are bred at home. At the same time, allergies to indoor plants of this group develop to fern spores, which can “fly” around the room.
  3. The Amaryllis family, which includes Crinum and Eucharis. These decorative flowers provoke allergies due to the presence of essential components.
  4. The Kutrov family, which includes Oleander and Alamanda. When blooming, such flowers are capable of releasing allergenic components into the surrounding air, which results in immune reaction hypersensitivity to representatives of this group.
  5. Family Araceae, including Dieffenbachia and Alocasia. Allergy to Dieffenbachia is common due to the prevalence of this home flower. Dieffenbachia juice promotes irritation skin and mucous lining respiratory tract. An allergy to Dieffenbachia can develop during transplantation and other actions that involve direct contact with this plant.
  6. Family Aristolochiaceae, which includes Kirkazon. Allergy to flowers of this species occurs due to the presence of alkaloid substances in the composition.
  7. The Euphorbia family, including Euphorbia, Croton and other plant species. Allergies to flowers of this family develop due to the milky sap contained in the stems and leaves.
  8. The family of Crassulaceae, which includes Kalanchoe, Crasula and other flowers. Allergies to flowers of this group are quite common due to the frequency of their home cultivation. Hypersensitivity develops most often in the form of skin manifestations.

Not all families and specific types of plant species that can cause the development of severe allergic reactions in people prone to developing hypersensitivity. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing home flowers, because they should bring only positive emotions and sensations. Correct selection flora for the home will create a unique atmosphere and make the room more comfortable.


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