Contraceptive drug Yarina: effect on ovulation and menstruation. Yarina: clear instructions

Protection against unplanned pregnancy using hormonal hormones birth control pills is by far the most popular method of contraception. But what if for some reason you need to stop taking them? How they can be replaced and what side effects may occur when stopping tablet contraceptives, we will talk in more detail in our article.

To the method of contraception using hormonal pills more than half of all young ladies come running reproductive age. But in life, sometimes situations arise in which a girl wants to change her contraceptive or give up birth control altogether. Such situations usually include the following:

  • you decided to have a child,
  • there have been changes in marital status and the need for contraceptives has disappeared for some time,
  • you are afraid of the consequences of long-term use of pills,
  • there were health problems,
  • you decide to change your contraceptive method,
  • you got pregnant.

If you stop taking the pills, synthetic hormones that inhibit the formation of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones and blocking the ovulation process stop entering the body from the outside. The ovaries begin to work very actively, catching up. The body returns to its previous natural rhythm of functioning. This takes some time, during which contraceptive withdrawal syndrome occurs.

How to stop taking birth control pills

Stopping birth control pills after a certain period of use is usually necessary in two cases:

  • first - complete failure from hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • the second is changing birth control pills.

In the first case, the question immediately arises of how and when to stop taking birth control hormonal pills so that the withdrawal symptoms of the contraceptive are less painful. To ensure that the withdrawal period for taking contraceptives oral tablets accompanied by a minimum adverse reactions, you must strictly follow three basic rules:

  • You should not stop taking OK without first consulting a gynecologist;
  • you cannot stop taking pills without finishing the cycle;
  • cessation of taking contraceptives should not occur abruptly, but in accordance with the dose reduction regimen drawn up by the doctor.

If for some reason you just want to change one birth control pill for another, your doctor will tell you how to do it correctly. Never do this yourself. After all, even a doctor is not always able to determine how a particular organism will react to a change in drug. Ideally, you should contact the same doctor who prescribed your previous contraceptives with this question.

In any case, every young lady should be aware that it is impossible to interrupt the started course of taking pills. Having finished the pack of pills, you should take a seven-day break, wait for your period and only then start taking other contraceptives. A sudden transition to taking new pills is fraught with the following consequences:

  • menstrual irregularities,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • the occurrence of pregnancy.

Cancellation of Jess and Jess Plus

Many girls wonder: “How to stop drinking Jess.” Gynecologists advise how to stop drinking Jess. The optimal and most gentle way is to finish the entire package of tablets. Note that hormonal action Jess tablets, despite stopping taking them, can persist for another week. There are also side effects. For example, if Jess Plus is prescribed to be discontinued, side effects may manifest itself in the form of absence of menstruation. If it did not follow or began very late, this means that you need to be examined by a doctor. It's possible that happened hormonal disbalance. Girls are also concerned about another question: “Do I need to take a break when taking Jess?” Gynecologists recommend taking a break from taking hormonal pills every 3-4 months.

Cancellation of Janine - consequences

If discontinuation of Janine is recommended, the consequences may be as follows: the ability to become pregnant may not be restored immediately (perhaps 2-3 months after discontinuation of the drug). However, gynecologists do not rule out that restoration of fertility is possible from the very first menstrual cycle after stopping taking Janine.

Cancellation of Yarin's appointment

The female body always reacts to starting or stopping taking contraceptive hormonal drugs. If Yarina is withdrawn, the body's reaction varies. And the girls write about this like this: “After Yarina’s withdrawal, she gained weight” or “After Yarina’s withdrawal, her ovaries hurt.” This is a signal that a malfunction has occurred in the body, so you need to see a doctor.

How to replace birth control pills

The fact is that hormonal contraceptives No one doubts that they have any equal in preventing unplanned pregnancies. Everyone also knows that the most popular among them are tablet forms. However, situations arise when, after taking birth control pills for a long time, it is necessary to replace them with something. It could be:

  • subcutaneous implant,
  • vaginal ring,
  • hormonal contraceptive patch.
If the situation is such that sexual intercourse has become irregular for some period, it is better to generally resort to temporary means of contraception (for example, spermicidal or barrier contraceptives).

However, we should not forget that only the gynecologist has the right to decide how and with what to replace the previously used birth control pills.

In this article you will get answers to all the questions that interest you about the drug "Yarina", find out what to do next, and whether there are certain problems associated with this drug.

Oral contraceptives are often used by girls and women who need safe and reliable means protection.

Many people are concerned about side effects this drug and the possibility of attack healthy pregnancy further.

The essence of the action

Yarina – modern pre oral contraceptive, which contains two active active ingredients(3 mg drospirenone and 0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol). Thanks to the components of the tablets, it is possible to prevent pregnancy and normalize emergency menstrual cycle women. Sometimes doctors prescribe this remedy for skin diseases head and face (dandruff, acne).

Pregnancy does not occur for a number of specific reasons:

1) The drug prevents the occurrence of ovulation (the release of a mature follicle into the fallopian tubes);
2) Movement will become more difficult due to the release of copious amounts of vaginal mucus;
3) The endometrium of the uterus becomes incapable of implantation of a fertilized egg for further development embryo, so the probability of getting pregnant with correct intake Yarina is negligible (0.01%).

Some women do not start taking oral contraceptives for protection. Rather, for the treatment of problems such as hormonal imbalance, enlarged ovaries, irregular onset of ovulation.

In this case, tablets help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the functioning of the genital organs, but after stopping use, consult a doctor for examination, since in your case there is a high probability of complications in conceiving a child.

IN medical practice used frequently alternative method infertility treatment: the patient is prescribed hormonal pills for 2-3 months, and after the time has elapsed, they stop taking them and are allowed to recover natural cycle women. According to numerous results, this method is effective.

How long before you can get pregnant after taking Yarina

  • There are several options for how long it will take for your body to recover and be ready to conceive, which depend on a number of factors:
  • duration of drug use;
  • age;
  • Do you have any health problems (genital and other body systems);
  • way of life.

So, if you are a healthy woman under 30 years of age, then the chances of becoming pregnant after stopping taking oral contraceptives are very high.

Be sure to take short breaks from taking the drug (after a year of use) so as not to become addictive and facilitate the resumption of ovulation.

Women should pay attention, because in their case the likelihood of getting pregnant sharply decreases, and, consequently, the likelihood that your body will get used to doses of hormones from the outside and stop producing them on its own is higher.

Immediately after taking the drug

There are cases when, immediately after stopping taking hormonal pills, a woman becomes pregnant and worries about the health of the baby. But there is nothing to worry about, all this only means that the body has quickly recovered and is ready to bear a child.

Pregnancy in the first cycle

If you take Yarina in a short course (from 3 to 6 months), the drug will not affect a woman’s ability to conceive. In this situation, you will become pregnant in the first cycle. This is due to the fact that after forced rest the ovaries work with redoubled force. On average, conception occurs 1-3 months after Yarina is discontinued. There is no need to worry if pregnancy does not occur after 2 or 3 months.

Of course, it is better to consult a doctor for further recommendations and to identify problems, however, this does not mean that you cannot have children. This phenomenon is observed very often and indicates that the body is more difficult to restructure. In this case, you should also consult a doctor who will help you regulate your menstrual cycle.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking it?

Many people are concerned about whether there is a chance of getting pregnant while taking Yarina and whether there have been such cases. We can say with confidence that this type of contraceptives is in 2nd place in terms of reliability and the probability of getting pregnant is 0.01%. The main thing is to follow all the rules for taking pills.

Yarina Plus for pregnancy planning: when is the drug prescribed

Yarina Plus is a modified version of the drug Yarina, which is a reliable and proven way to avoid pregnancy.

The most important thing is not to skip taking the medicine, otherwise the effect will be weakened. This is a strong contraceptive, so use without a doctor's prescription is prohibited.

  • Yarina Plus is prescribed by a doctor after passing all necessary tests. Tablets are prescribed in the following cases:
  • as a means of contraception;
  • in the treatment of moderate acne;
  • as contraceptives in cases of hormone-dependent fluid retention and folate deficiency.

Planning pregnancy after using Yarina

What to do if you are planning to become a mother soon.


At long-term use Doctors recommend taking a break from hormonal medications from time to time so that the functions of the reproductive system can be restored. In addition, when taking Yarina, symptoms may occur. Some of them go away on their own after some time, and some can be dealt with only by stopping the drug. There is no need for contraception if a woman plans. In short, there may be many reasons for stopping Yarina, but a woman does not always know how to stop taking the pills and not harm the body.

The withdrawal plan for Yarina depends on how you decide to stop taking the drug. It will be safest for the body if you stop using the contraceptive, the last pill from the package. A few days after this, a new menstrual cycle will begin, during which you need barrier products. Even if you are planning a pregnancy, you need to give your body time to recover, so it is not recommended to completely abandon contraception in the first months after using Yarina.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, decreased libido, or chest pain while taking Yarina, do not stop taking the drug until you run out of tablets in the package. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug will provoke a violation hormonal levels. As a result, it may take several months for the body to recover after this. Moreover, doctors generally do not recommend abandoning this contraceptive if the side effects are not severe. Very often, in the second or third month of taking Yarina, the body adapts, and unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own. The minimum period for taking tablets is 3 months. Only after this can we hope that discontinuation of the drug will be painless.

If severe side effects, for example, allergies or thrombosis, stop taking Yarina without waiting for the end of the package. After this, be sure to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe therapy both to eliminate the consequences and to normalize hormonal levels.


  • how to avoid getting better from taking yarin tablets

Female alcoholism is developing at an accelerated pace and has the most Negative consequences both for the woman’s family and for society as a whole. It is so inherent in nature that male body copes with any bad habits more easily. The weaker sex, by virtue of their physiological characteristics, alcohol addiction drags on several times faster, and recovery is much slower.

You will need

  • - assistance from a narcologist;
  • - independent decision stop drinking and undergo supportive therapy.


Alcoholism - terrible disease which can affect literally everyone, regardless of education level, social status and security. The only difference is that more educated women hide their addiction from others for a very long time and drink behind closed doors alone. But only for the time being initial stage diseases when the body can still cope with a morning hangover and tries not to lose its image.

As you develop, problems inevitably begin in your personal life and at work. Historically, society can justify a drinker, but there is no excuse for a woman who drinks. A woman was created by nature for giving birth and keeping a home. It’s rare that a husband will agree to tolerate a drinking wife, although wives have tolerated alcoholic husbands for decades and are trying in every possible way to get the father of their children out of the alcoholic quagmire. But they were created completely differently.

Based on the above, the results addiction become obvious. The children will be taken into state care or given to their father, the family will be destroyed, and this is the road to nowhere, that is, to the abyss.

So is it worth derailing everything for the sake of a bottle of alcoholic beverage? Moreover, alcohol addiction is currently being successfully treated and stable remission can be achieved.

To get rid of addiction, you need to go to a drug treatment clinic. The narcologist will prescribe complex treatment which will help not only overcome cravings for alcohol, but also restore mental and physical health. And subsequently, maintenance therapy will be prescribed to help maintain a healthy and full life.

Unfortunately, quitting drinking without the help of specialists may not last long. Any alcoholic believes with all his heart that the last binge was the very last in his life. But an alcoholic has impaired biochemical functions of the brain, as well as nervous system and psyche. After a long period of abstinence from drinking alcohol, another breakdown inevitably occurs. Narcologists say that this happens because before binge drinking the brain begins to work as if the person had been drinking for at least a week. Binge drinking can also occur due to troubles, nervous tension, psychological dissatisfaction. So don't rely on own strength, you need to seek help from professionals.

After treatment, one thing to remember is that how diabetes, is a chronic irreversible disease, but with good compensation for both diseases you can live happily ever after. There is no shame in being a former alcoholic. Many famous actresses and singers do not hide the fact that they are former alcoholics. It’s a shame not to fight for your life, for your family and children.


In fact, you can get drunk as if from great joy, and from great grief. Today we will talk about female alcoholism and how to stop drinking as a woman. It will either be very easy or very difficult. Everything will depend on the character, her willpower and individual characteristics. It is easier to understand how to stop drinking for a woman, one who has a husband and child. Her family will be an additional incentive in the fight against addiction.

Helpful advice

In any case, if a woman is not helped and stopped in time, the moment will come when quitting drinking will become an impossible task for her. Alcohol addiction a woman is so strong that even when drinking woman is faced with any illness caused by alcohol, she, unlike a male alcoholic, will not stop drinking. The biggest incentive for a woman to stop drinking can be her family and child.


  • how to stop drinking alcohol for a woman

Black pills activated carbon has been known to everyone since childhood. Cheap and safe, they are available in any pharmacy and are available without a prescription. However, not everyone still knows how to properly take this simple and at the same time effective medicinal product.


You can use coal in case of violations gastrointestinal tract, as they are excellent absorbents, absorbing toxins. Drink charcoal as soon as you feel poisoned by stale food. Can be taken for bloating and hangover syndrome. Coal is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and is excreted along with toxins and other harmful substances.

Don’t expect any effect from one tablet – it will clearly not be enough. Doctors recommend the formula - 1 tablet of activated carbon per 10 kg of body weight. An adult weighing about 70 kg needs to take seven charcoal tablets at a time.

In case of poisoning with potent substances, acids, alkalis, cyanides, heavy salts, do not take Activated carbon inside. In this case, it is used for gastric lavage. Before the doctor arrives, dilute 1 tablespoon of powder in 1 liter of water and take a liquid suspension of 100-150 ml. After a few minutes, induce vomiting and repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Do not suck or chew activated charcoal, otherwise its adsorbing effect will begin right in the mouth. You should swallow the tablets whole and take a small amount clean water. For children younger age The tablets can be divided into small pieces or crushed.

Please note that activated carbon is available in different forms, for example, with the addition medicinal herbs. Coal with chamomile, fennel, and string has a beneficial effect on, gently restoring its impaired functions.

Keep in mind that coal also has . Some people may experience constipation. Within a couple of days, the stool most often returns to normal on its own. Do not use charcoal tablets if you have gastritis or ulcers. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.


  • carbon tablets instructions

Hormonal agents in treatment various diseases, as well as for contraception, have been used for a long time, although there is still fierce debate about their benefits or harm. But in any case, it is clear that, if possible, their use should be limited or stopped altogether. Unfortunately, this is not easy to do, because... often addiction develops to drugs, depriving the body of its usual pills, can be applied more harm health. But if this is done correctly, there will be no damage to health.


Under no circumstances should you stop using hormonal pills on your own, even if they are relatively harmless. Be sure to see your doctor if you don't want to sharp deterioration state of your health. The specialist knows what regimens exist for reducing and hormonal levels and will competently describe them to you.

If you are taking medications after a seven-day break, it is not advisable to stop using them. Please accept yours before the end of the month, otherwise it is possible uterine bleeding. After you take the last pill from the package, wait and then go to see your gynecologist. He will examine the condition of the genital organs and mammary glands and, if necessary, may recommend other means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. By the way, keep in mind that stopping the use of birth control pills in most cases in the first three months leads to pregnancy.

If you apply hormonal agents for the treatment of endocrine, skin and other diseases, prepare for the fact that the period of weaning off them is one and a half to two months, and in some cases more. Use the regimen developed for you by your doctor. Take care of the drug or other treatments that can gradually take hormonal pills. In the process of reducing the intake of this type of medication, it is advisable Spa treatment.

During the period of gradual withdrawal from hormonal pills, pay Special attention on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Try not to overload him with food at this time. Take care of nutritious, high-quality nutrition. Limit your consumption of any foods that may cause allergic reaction in your body. Eliminate alcoholic drinks from your diet altogether.

If possible, try to eliminate factors that provoke hormonal imbalances, such as lack of sleep, overwork and stress. If necessary, consult your doctor and use mild sedatives such as valerian or motherwort.

Try to rest more and visit more often fresh air. Moderate exercise stress also contribute to stabilizing the health status of everyone internal organs and body systems.


What all hormonal pills – oral contraceptives – have in common is the presence of two main hormonal components – “estrogen” and “gestagen”, although in different doses and combinations. Contraindications to the use of hormonal pills. There are also a number of women who should not take hormonal pills.

Helpful advice

Hormonal contraceptive pills (oral contraceptives). The principle of action of hormonal contraceptive pills is that under the influence of hormones, ovulation is blocked, i.e. The egg does not mature and is not released from the ovary. And since sperm have nothing to fertilize, then pregnancy does not occur.

Oral contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Among the great diversity similar drugs Gynecologists often single out “Yarina”. In most cases, it is well tolerated and, in addition to the contraceptive effect, has beneficial influence on skin, nails and hair. But in order to achieve the desired result, you must strictly follow the rules for taking the drug.

Take a seven-day break from the drug cycle. As a rule, menstruation begins on the second to fourth day after taking the last pill.

Memory problems can cause a lot of trouble. If forgotten phone numbers, important dates, and keys left at home are trifles, then a gas or iron not turned off, a missed important meeting and a mixed up plane departure time are more significant problems. You can improve your memory various drugs, some of them are considered a real panacea.


Glycine is the leader in popularity among medications for improving memory. This drug will not only help you remember necessary information, but also stimulates the brain, allowing you to cope with enormous mental stress. It is recommended for use to combat stress and apathy.

The components included in glycine significantly improve the functioning of brain cells and slow down brain aging. This remedy effectively reduces mental and emotional stress during periods increased activity. By the way, general cerebral disorders (due to stroke or traumatic brain injury) begin to appear much less frequently. For a noticeable effect, these tablets are taken three times a day for a month.

"Bilobil" and "Bilobil Forte"

"Bilobil" and "Bilobil Forte" are prescribed for decreased concentration, noticeable weakening of memory, decreased intellectual activity and insomnia. Both drugs have a significant effect on brain cells, and you can notice the first improvements after a month of taking them. The course should not be less than 90 days, otherwise the entire effect will disappear. Unlike Bilobil, which should be taken three times a day, Bilobil Forte is drunk only in the morning and evening.


In fact, nootropics are a whole group of drugs, but in pharmacies you can also find a separate medicine with that name. These tablets affect a combination of factors that provoke memory impairment. Thanks to a whole complex of vitamins, herbal extracts and amino acids, “Nootropic” has a positive effect on the entire body, and not on its individual parts. It helps improve memory, concentrate attention, improves mood and normalizes blood pressure, eliminates insomnia, relieves emotional stress and reduces aggression. In addition, “Nootropic” helps oxygen penetrate brain cells and significantly stimulates mental activity.

The drug Yarina, produced by the German company Bayer, is a hormonal contraceptive intended for women. It effectively prevents pregnancy. However, to achieve the desired result with minimal side effects, the product should be taken strictly following the instructions.

Main characteristics

The contraceptive is available in the form of light yellow tablets, each of which has a special film coating and an engraved image in the form of a hexagon with the letters “DO” in the center.

The drug is supplied to pharmacies in special cardboard packages containing 1 or 3 blisters. Each such plate contains 21 tablets (this is how many days you need to take the product before taking a break).


The active ingredients of the drug Yarina are:

  • drospirenone (3 mg);
  • ethinyl estradiol (30 mcg).

But there are also additional components:

  • macrogol 6000;
  • pregelatinized starch;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • hypromellose;
  • povidone K25;
  • iron oxide;
  • corn starch.

This contraceptive is low-dose, containing a small amount of hormones, and monophasic (the medicine has the same composition).

Admission rules

Yarina begins to act from the first tablet, which can be taken on the day of the start of menstruation or a day after stopping the use of other contraceptives. Full course is designed for three calendar weeks, during which you should drink the dose prescribed by your doctor at the same time. After this, the woman needs a break of 7 days.. During a week-long rest, the body independently provokes the onset of menstruation. After the break is completed, you can begin the next course of taking the drug.

Since in full force the tablets begin to act only on the seventh day; during the initial period of using Yarina, it is recommended to use barrier agents protection against unwanted pregnancy.


The contraceptive has an overwhelming effect on the ovulation process and stimulates copious discharge cervical fluid, which prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity. In addition, the menstrual cycle is regulated: bleeding becomes less profuse and painful.

Features of drug interactions

If Yarina is taken together with drugs that activate the production of liver microsomal enzymes, this can lead to intensive removal of sex hormones from the body.

As a result, the woman experiences breakthrough bleeding, and oral contraception becomes less effective. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to barrier-type contraceptives. The same should be done when using Tetracycline or Penicillin.

Side effects

Women taking Yarina may experience the following side effects:

  • thromboembolism;
  • scanty brown vaginal discharge;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • mood swings;
  • migraine;
  • thrombosis;
  • increase or decrease in libido levels;
  • rash, urticaria;
  • weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • discharge from the mammary glands (in some cases, the girl’s breasts hurt and become enlarged);
  • allergy.

There are other unpleasant manifestations from the drug Yarina, for example, thrush. It occurs quite often, like from others contraception. Usually the development of candidiasis is a consequence of a period of addiction, so over time it disappears on its own.

The presence of bloody discharge when taking Yarina in some cases indicates serious pathologies. If your period does not end after you start using the product for a long time, then it is recommended to check the blood clotting system.

Use in old age

Yarina's instructions state that during menopause Birth control pills are not used because after menopause a woman can no longer become pregnant.

However, in some cases, menopause lasts several years, and the work of the reproductive system still continues (even the restoration of the menstrual cycle is observed after a long pause). In such cases, the need and methods of contraception should be discussed with your doctor.

Yarina Plus

The drug Yarina has a variation called Yarina Plus, which is distinguished by its active and auxiliary tablets. Both types of drugs are interchangeable. At the same time, this remedy is able to compensate for the lack of folates, which contributes to the rapid normalization of hormonal levels in case of discontinuation of the contraceptive.


Yarin tablets are provided only with a prescription written by a doctor. Ordering from online pharmacies is also carried out based on the relevant recommendations of the gynecologist.

The exact cost of the ordered drug will directly depend on the size of the trade markup and the region in which the purchase is made. However, approximate values ​​can be determined.

Rules for stopping pills

If you need to stop taking the drug right in the middle of the cycle, it is recommended to take a week-long break, after which you can simply stop taking the drug.

In cases where, after a single use of a contraceptive, nausea, apathy or other side symptoms, it is necessary to clarify what exactly caused feeling unwell. This may not be the result of the pill, but may be due to other factors.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specific action of hormonal substances, which significantly restructure the functioning of the entire body. The period of adaptation to contraceptives can last up to several months, after which all unpleasant manifestations disappear.

If side effects are too pronounced and incompatible with further use of the drug, the course should be discontinued. To avoid withdrawal syndrome, you need to use another contraceptive instead of Yarina.

The best option is to stop taking the drug if it is long-term use, is a gradual reduction in dosage (the woman begins to take ½, ¼ tablets, etc.).

Reason for missed period after cancellation

Provided that the rules for Yarina’s admission were fully complied with (without omissions or with reuse tablets in case of diarrhea or vomiting), then the likelihood of conception and the associated delay in menstruation immediately after stopping the drug is almost zero. Although this possibility should not be completely ignored.

Much more often, women do not have periods after Yarina’s withdrawal due to changes in the body’s functioning associated with the loss of external source hormones. Then you just need to wait until the state of the reproductive system normalizes.

If menstruation does not appear for two full cycles, you should definitely contact a gynecologist. Until the results of the examination are received, contraceptive use is not resumed.

Effect on ovulation

Yarina is indicated for women who have no gynecological problems and whose menstrual cycle is regular. This drug, like other drugs similar action, causes the body to work as if ovulation has already occurred.

At the same time, certain components of the tablets interfere with the maturation of the egg. As a result, its separation does not occur, and conception becomes impossible. In addition, when used, Yarina disappears painful menstruation, the volume of released blood decreases, which reduces the likelihood of developing iron deficiency anemia and other complications.

In women who have not previously used the drug, slight or spotting may also be detected during the intermenstrual period. bloody issues. Ovulation after stopping taking Yarina often occurs almost immediately, although there are exceptions when the process of egg maturation requires additional stimulation.

Pregnancy and birth long-awaited baby What could be better in the life of every woman! For some, the news of pregnancy comes as a surprise and takes them by surprise, but for some women it is the most joyful news that many couples look forward to. In the first case, doctors recommend that women protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy using modern oral contraceptives; in the second, they recommend taking oral contraceptives certain time to get pregnant after withdrawal. One of these drugs is Yarina, it has a lot positive feedback. But there are women who think about the future, and they are concerned about one question: “Will pregnancy occur after Yarina’s birth control pills.”

About this for women childbearing age Don’t worry, if everything is fine with your health, then pregnancy will occur after Yarina’s withdrawal. But many women are very worried about this, since the drug is low-dose and needs to be taken according to a special regimen. As a result of the body’s long adaptation to a certain dose of the hormone, a woman may feel unwell, headaches, muscles in the back and lower back, rashes, malaise and sudden bleeding. After such a bouquet side effects at the first stage of addiction (by the way, doctors say that each body reacts to the drug differently), some women begin to panic and increasingly think about future pregnancy.

What is Yarina

The contraceptive Yarina is a monophasic drug that contains 2 types of hormones. It belongs to low-dose medicines, since it contains minimum percentage hormones (ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg and drospironine 3 mcg). If you take the drug according to all the rules and follow the regimen, then Yarina will protect a woman from pregnancy; in addition, thanks to synthetic hormones that are as close as possible to natural ones, some forms of infertility can be cured with this drug.

What is the main “work” of the tablets:

  1. Yarina blocks ovulation. That is, the egg does not leave the ovary.
  2. The inner thin uterine layer (endometrium) loses its ability to hold a fertilized egg while taking the drug. In simple words we can say this: even if a malfunction occurs (a woman forgot to take another pill) and at this time an egg is released from the ovary, it can be fertilized, but attachment to the wall of the uterus will not occur. That is, pregnancy will not occur anyway.
  3. Thick mucus forms in the cervical canal, which prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus.

This oral contraceptive is strikingly different from previous generation drugs. Yarina has additional positive aspects, namely, when taking birth control pills, fluid is not retained in the body. The woman feels well and does not gain weight excess weight. And for those who previously suffered from skin rashes, you can forget about it while taking Yarina. The skin becomes smooth, acne gradually disappears, even the hair becomes better, excess oiliness disappears. Some women noted that while taking Yarina, not only their skin condition improved, but also their hair - it began to grow faster.

How to use

What is Yarina’s secret: if we take a hormonal pill every day, then we “deceive” our body and force it to work as before, thinking that ovulation has taken place. Therefore, the egg will not mature and leave the ovaries. It is important to adhere to certain rules of admission hormonal drug so as not to harm the body and not get pregnant prematurely.

How to take Yarina tablets correctly:

  • if you have never taken this drug before, then you need to take the first tablet on the first day of your period. Do not be alarmed if your periods may be scanty or stop while taking the pills;
  • second option - you can start taking Yarina on the 3rd or 5th day of menstruation, but then you need to use barrier methods another week after the end of menstruation;
  • try to drink Yarina at the same time. The package contains 1 blister with 21 tablets. You need to take the pills in order: back side The blister has a diagram on it. If you mix something up and start taking it out of order, it’s not a big deal, since each tablet contains the same amount of active substance;
  • When you have finished taking all the pills, then take a break for 7 days. Until you start drinking a new pack, your period may begin;
  • 1 tablet from a new pack should be taken on the 8th day. Even if your period has not yet ended, you need to resume taking Yarina.

The markings on the back of the blister are for ease of use. If you started taking the first pill on Tuesday, then the next day you will definitely not go wrong and remember that you haven’t taken a pill today.

Analogues of Yarina are Yarina Plus and Midiana. These drugs contain the same amount of hormones as Yarin. So while taking Yarina Plus, expect pregnancy after discontinuation. The difference between Yarina and Yarina Plus is only in the number of tablets. In the blister you will find not 21 tablets, but 28. You need to take them in the same way as Yarina, only after taking a pack you don’t need to take a break, but continue taking the pills during your period. These 7 tablets contain no hormones, only vitamins that support the body during menstruation.

Pregnancy after taking Yarina

Doctors assure women that the drug is not capable of affecting a woman’s future reproductive function. If you take Yarina in a short course (from 3 to 6 months), the drug will not affect a woman’s ability to conceive. Moreover, according to numerous reviews from those who took Yarina, pregnancy occurred after discontinuation of the drug in the first cycle. This is due to the fact that after forced rest the ovaries begin to work with redoubled force. If the woman’s health is fine, no hormonal imbalances, then conception can occur 1-3 months after Yarina’s withdrawal.

What should those who have taken the drug do? a long period? Will pregnancy occur after taking Yarin tablets? And doctors are ready to answer this question positively: conception will occur, but only female body longer is needed recovery period. If a woman has been taking Yarina for a year or more, then pregnancy should be expected (if she has regular sex life) within the first year after stopping the drug.

By the way, for those women who took a low-dose hormonal drug to protect against unwanted pregnancy and to improve the functioning of the ovaries, it is worth paying attention that after stopping the pills, all problems will gradually return. Gynecologists can prescribe Yarina if a woman has hormonal imbalances, irregular ovulation, polycystic ovary syndrome and others women's issues. If this is your case, then after stopping the drug it is advisable to visit a gynecologist. Pregnancy can occur within a year, only during this period it is necessary to undergo treatment in order to bear and give birth to a child.

If according to unknown reasons after stopping the drug, pregnancy did not occur within a year, it is necessary to take into account the woman’s age (consultations and treatment are always first on the list of solutions to the problem). For women 30 years of age and older, the chances of getting pregnant are already reduced. Therefore, when canceling Yarina, it is necessary to expect the onset of long-awaited pregnancy not one year, but several. Just during this time reproductive function the body will gradually recover, because with age metabolic processes slow down and the body needs more time to renew itself.

On the background long-term use contraceptive pills, a woman may not have periods after stopping. This phenomenon is called amenorrhea. In this state, conception should not be expected. It is better not to waste time and consult with your doctor. In addition, those women who want to become pregnant after discontinuing Yarina need to know that a long period of use can negatively affect their health. It turns out that if we take hormonal drugs for a very long time, the body gets used to the daily dose of hormones. After withdrawal, it is difficult for him to recover and begin producing his hormones. This way you can harm yourself. Therefore, read the instructions carefully and remember the doctors’ recommendations. If you are scheduled to receive Yarina, then maximum duration admission period is 1 year. After which you need to take a break (at least 3 months) and again, if necessary, continue taking birth control pills. If you ignore this rule, then pregnancy may never occur.

Reception of Yarina in special cases

Various things can happen in life, including a frozen pregnancy. Why this happens, doctors in some cases cannot give an exact answer. If the reason is known, then further woman treatment is prescribed. If doctors are only guessing why this happened, then they first need to full examination to eliminate the presence of infection in the body, to get rid of bad habits(smoking, taking alcoholic drinks) and so on. Our task is to find out how to take Yarina after a frozen pregnancy.

If the interruption occurred at a short period (up to 12 weeks), then the first tablet is taken on the day of cleansing. If the period was long, then start taking it 21 or 28 days after cleansing. To protect a woman from stress and prevent pregnancy, it is advisable to use other methods of contraception these days.

Doctors may prescribe taking Yarina after a frozen pregnancy, both for the purpose of contraception and to help the body recover faster. As mentioned earlier, you need to start taking the drug immediately after curettage or after 21-28 days, even if your period has not yet begun (they may be delayed for 1-2 months). The duration of taking hormonal pills depends on the woman’s health condition. In any case, it is not advisable to take pills for more than 12 months.

Contraindications to the use of birth control pills are:

  • diabetes;
  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • increased blood pressure.

Among the side effects due to taking the hormonal drug, it is worth noting short-term or long-term bleeding from the vagina in the first few months of taking Yarina, nausea, apathy, and headaches.

It also happens the other way around, when a woman stops taking hormonal pills and pregnancy occurs immediately. The woman is happy and at the same time concerned whether such a woman can quick pregnancy be at risk? Dont be upset. Nothing will harm the baby, your baby will be born healthy. So if you are scheduled to take Yarina, do not worry in vain, pregnancy will definitely occur. The rebound effect will work (when you are prescribed Yarina for 3 months, and are allowed to become pregnant 3 months after the discontinuation). The result will not be long in coming - you will give birth to a healthy baby!

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