A culture of prosperity: a culture of nutrition. Correct understanding of food culture in everyday life

The concept of “food culture” in various scientific works is interpreted differently. In this article I will try to systematize this concept for modern man and give practical advice to normalize your own nutritional culture.

Let's take a moment to look at the pyramid of needs of the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow. In it you can see that the concept of “nutrition” is at the base of the pyramid. It follows from this that all basic personal achievements cannot be fully realized without high-quality satisfaction of basic physiological needs, which means that a person as an individual will not be able to fully realize himself.

So, we can safely say that Nutrition culture is one of the main components of the foundation of the personal development of each person.

Do you want to be healthy, successful, look beautiful and young? To do this, you definitely need to put your own nutritional culture in order. If you decide to take this step, I advise you to identify 4 basic requirements that you should definitely adhere to:

  • Composition and quality of products.
  • Pre-meal regimen
  • Meal form

Composition and quality of products

“We are what we eat” - this phrase perfectly describes this requirement. Before each meal, be sure to think about whether this food is worth ending up in your stomach. Remember that any product you eat will, in one way or another, affect your well-being, mood or appearance. If you have an apple and French fries in front of you, what will you choose? Dry potatoes or a juicy shiny apple? Here your inner intuition itself will tell you what you can eat and what it is better to abstain from. Remember, too, about the composition of the products. For every person full life you need to get a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, this amount is strictly individual for each organism, physique and lifestyle. Be careful about various kinds, diets. It’s one thing if he prescribes a diet for you professional doctor to improve your well-being, it is completely different when, dreaming of losing a few kilograms, you starve yourself.

Meal mode

Most people who work from 9:00 to 18:00 are accustomed to a certain “classic” eating pattern. Breakfast lunch dinner. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what time it is. In the morning at 7:00 I ate a bun with coffee, at lunch, right at my workplace, I drank soup instant cooking from a cup, and in the evening, when he came home, he decided to make up for lost time: he fried the chicken, poured himself a gigantic portion of the side dish, ate his fill, and after dinner went to bed. There is also such a common misconception that if you skip one of your meals, you will certainly begin to lose weight immediately. If you decide to adhere to a positive nutrition culture, then you should radically change your attitude towards your food intake. If you are trying to find slim figure, then the breakfast-lunch-dinner form is not for you. Also, forget about skipping one meal - it won't help. Yes, of course, first you will lose a couple of kilos, but then you will gain twice as much.

To normalize metabolism, there should be at least 5 meals. Train yourself to eat something every 2.5 - 3 hours. Moreover, it is not necessary to add more food. Just divide your usual portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner into 5 parts. Any nutritionist will answer your question about how best to eat - often and a little at a time. To the usual form breakfast lunch dinner It is worth adding such a concept as second breakfast and afternoon snack. It is also recommended not to eat 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime, so as not to strain the stomach too much during rest and not to interfere with the gain of energy the next day.

Meal form

Ask yourself how often have you eaten on the go: standing, lying down, running, or stuffing yourself with sandwiches without having extra time for a snack. What’s wrong with that, you might think. But your stomach is not a warehouse where you can throw everything, and then it will sort it out on its own. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to any kind of stress, shock and haste. Highlight certain time for meals and follow it. The stomach can also be “trained to eat right.” Just set yourself a reminder for every hour you eat and be sure to give yourself 15 minutes for a snack or lunch. Take your time, chew your food thoroughly, after a while of following the regime, you will notice how your stomach itself will begin to “tell you” that it’s time to have a snack. Be sure to listen to these tips.

Emotional load

As mentioned above, the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to stress of any kind. The mood in which you eat food can affect the quality of its absorption. If you make a fuss and eat lunch at the same time, it is likely that after a while you will get serious stomach cramps. You need to eat in a calm state. Enjoy your food, savor it, try to taste every bite or sip. Allow the taste to be evenly distributed throughout your receptors. Note for yourself this or that taste. Let an ordinary snack become a tasting for you. This will help turn mealtime into a tradition you'll want to keep.


Food culture is not a measure of restriction to achieve certain goals. It's a lifestyle. You must understand that your food culture is, first of all, a reflection of you and your own life. If you want there to be no chaos and confusion in your life, try first to normalize your nutritional culture, and rest assured, everything else will follow suit.

Especially for you on our website we have collected a whole range of organic and useful products, which will help you establish your nutrition culture and learn how to eat healthy.

“You are what you eat!” - remember this and be healthy!

The concept of “culture of eating” can probably include the term “psychology of food”, meaning the human environment, the atmosphere in the dining room, its lighting, and the music playing.

In pre-revolutionary times, a measured lifestyle contributed to the fact that in every wealthy home, meal times were strictly observed and the traditions of the afternoon family council were sacredly respected. The whole family gathered around a large dining table covered with a starched tablecloth and napkins, served with fine china, shining crystal and polished cutlery, with each day of the week corresponding to a certain color of table linen. They dined in spacious, bright dining rooms with huge windows, and coffee with cognac and cigars were served in a dimly lit office, where the men went for afternoon conversations about politics. During meals, as a rule, there were quiet, pointless conversations, which made it possible to eat food leisurely, chewing thoroughly. When a new neighbor on the estate was invited to dinner, it was a serious sign of attention and respect.

If we remember that in one house everything seems amazingly tasty to us, and in another - not so much, although the products used are expensive, good quality and the recipes are followed exactly, the thought involuntarily suggests itself: there is a certain “bioenergy” of cooking. The quality of food largely depends on the mood of the hostess who prepared it. We know that there are people who are bioenergetically “suitable” and “not suitable” for each other. If we transfer this concept to food, which is the main source of energy for the body, then the rule described by Alexandre Dumas in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” seems very indicative - do not eat anything in the house of the enemy.

The sacred rite of the meal has been surrounded by a special atmosphere in all centuries, on all continents. Peace and goodwill should reign at the table. Under no circumstances should you sort things out. Ancient etiquette said that when passing salt or bread at the table, you must look each other in the eye.

Many have noticed that not everyone feels comfortable at the table; not everyone can sit at the table, eat food and alcoholic drinks. It is not without reason that the concept of a “light hand” exists among admirers of the green serpent. All this also applies to food. From our grandmothers we heard about people who were not trusted to cut bread because it immediately went stale.

In one of the religious sects of the wise East, it is forbidden to allow a woman to prepare food during the period of monthly hormonal renewal. We believe that cabbage fermented during the full moon will never turn out tasty and crispy. These and other signs make us think about the great connection between all the phenomena of Nature - stars, plants, sounds, colors of the rainbow, the human body. As for plants, in Ukraine people have long loved to put clover and spring dandelions on the table.

And in the imperial palaces and families of large European nobles, it was customary not only to decorate tables with fresh flowers, but also to give dinners to the sounds of string orchestras. In Rus', the kings dined to the songs and dances of buffoons. These customs were not dictated by the whims of monarchs; they still carry a deep meaning. The fact is that light classical music relaxes the central nervous system, “freeing” the pancreas and the entire enzymatic system so that only the digestive organs work while eating.

You need to eat with pleasure, trying not to be distracted, then the food will be better absorbed. Try not to take supplements for yourself. Be patient. The feeling of fullness will come a little later. If you haven't eaten much, it's better to have a snack after two hours. It’s great if it’s a carrot, an apple, a peach, Bell pepper, orange, oatmeal and even wholemeal pasta.

It’s not bad if the housewife plans some dishes in advance and informs all family members about it. A person must be psychologically prepared for the fact that he will have to eat, and the enzymatic system itself will prepare the gastrointestinal tract for this. 30 minutes before eating meat or fish, it is advisable to drink a glass of fresh vegetable juice(instead of fatty broth). Then gastric juice will be released in the amount necessary for the digestion of proteins. It is better not to drink anything before and after meals.

Liquids can be given no earlier than 30 minutes after the end of the meal. And during illness, it is advisable to eat less and drink more. Try not to overfeed the patients you care for. You are reducing their chances of speedy recovery. And most importantly, while eating, keep good mood. "Merry heart" best medicine“, - said the wise Solomon 3 thousand years ago.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Municipal educational institution

Lyceum No. 130 “RAEPSH”

Healthy lifestyle.


Completed by: Protopopova N.S.,

student of group M-111

Barnaul 2005


1. Power mode...................................................... .......................................……………………4

2. Intervals between meals………………………………….……………………….….....6


List of references……………………………………………………………….….…………......9


Many of our contemporaries, being educated and cultured people,

appear to be surprisingly ignorant when it comes to nutrition. They do not know how much, what, when and even how to eat; they have a casual idea of ​​the chemical composition of products, their properties, and know almost nothing about the impact of this or that product on human body. Usually only some illness makes such people pay attention to their diet. Unfortunately, sometimes it is too late: poor nutrition has already thoroughly destroyed the body and you have to resort to treatment.

Being one of important components our lifestyle, consumer culture food products determines to a large extent a person's lifestyle. Anyone who knows the laws of rational nutrition and follows them has a greater chance of being healthy, active, physically and spiritually developed. The time has come to judge a person’s culture at the table not only and not so much by how he eats, that is, how he uses cutlery, etc., but by what and how much he eats.

Below we will talk about the principles of rational nutrition. They are based on eating only those foods that contain the least amount of harmful substances.
The purpose of this work is to study and show the principles of healthy eating. I'll tell you about the causes, consequences poor nutrition, I will give statistical data. In preparing this essay, I used both educational and scientific literature on this topic.


The concept of “dietary regimen” includes: the amount and time of food intake during the day; distribution daily ration according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight for breakfast, lunch, etc.; the intervals between meals and, finally, the time spent on it. The human body is extremely complex. The harmonic balance of this complex system under constant influence external environment, and there is what we call health. Important role The rhythm of nutrition plays a role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body and its health. The human body is designed in such a way that at a certain time the entire digestive tract prepares itself for food intake and signals about it. A person accustomed to a certain diet can check his watch based on signals from his stomach. If for some reason the next meal does not take place, the body is forced to rebuild, and this entails Negative consequences. At the hour allotted for eating, or some time later, when thinking about food, gastric juice begins to flow into the stomach, which has great digestive capacity, and if there is no food in the stomach at that time, the secreted juice begins to act on the walls of the stomach and duodenum. Frequent violations diets lead to the formation of ulcers, gastritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract. To avoid such consequences of violation normal nutrition It is recommended to eat something during normal meal hours if it is not possible to eat normally.

Human nutrition is regulated by the central nervous system. This is controlled by the so-called food center (appetite center) in the brain. And for normal and proper operation this center is extremely important correct mode nutrition. You need to eat a certain number of times during the day and at certain, strictly established intervals, if possible correctly distributing food for each meal (both in volume and calorie content, and in the composition of nutrients).

As mentioned above, a person who is accustomed to a developed diet begins to feel hungry at a certain time and develops an appetite. But you need to know that hunger and appetite are not the same thing. Hunger is a physiological state when the amount of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body ceases to enter the blood. An appetite may appear at the mere sight or even at the memory of delicious food(although there is no physiological need for a new portion of food in the body at the moment). It also happens the other way around - there is no appetite, although the body already needs the next portion of food. Both increased appetite, not caused by physiological necessity, and its absence are painful condition, most often caused by systematic violation of basic nutritional rules. A normal food reflex is developed from childhood, when the body is formed and eating habits (including harmful ones) are formed. You need to know that in children the food center (reflex) is especially easily excited not only by the sight of food, but also by the mention of it. Satisfying every manifestation of appetite unjustified by physiological necessity will inevitably lead to disruption of proper digestion and overeating.

The question of how many times to eat a day, at what intervals and what caloric amount of food to take during each meal is one of the problems that is carefully studied by specialists. Research by scientists has shown that one-time meals are generally unacceptable: the human body with such nutrition is under tension, not only the digestive system, but also all other systems and organs of the body, especially the nervous system, do not work properly. Eating two meals a day also causes bad feeling. A person with such a diet experiences severe hunger, and the digestibility of the most important part of the diet - protein, on average, is no more than 75 percent of what enters the body. With three meals a day, a person feels better, food is eaten with good appetite, and protein digestibility increases to 85 percent. With four meals a day, protein digestibility remains at the same 85 percent level, but a person’s well-being is even better than with three meals a day. In an experiment, scientists proved that with five and six meals a day, appetite worsens and, in some cases, protein digestibility decreases.

Conclusion: for healthy person it is most rational to eat 4 times a day; Three meals a day are also acceptable. As for therapeutic nutrition for obesity, gastritis, colitis and other diseases, the diet and diet are prescribed by the doctor.


Now about the intervals between meals. Ideal from a physiological point of view, it would be to start the next meal only when the digestion of the food eaten at the previous meal has finished. To this we must add that digestive organs like any other organ human body, need periods of rest. And finally, digestion has a certain impact on all processes occurring in the body, including the activity of the central nervous system. The combination of these conditions leads to the fact that for a person accustomed to measured nutrition, it is precisely in right time normal appetite appears.

One of the indicators of the duration of the act of digestion is the time it takes for food to be removed from the stomach. It has been established that when normal operation stomach and other digestive organs, the process of digesting food lasts about 4 hours. Each meal leads to a more or less pronounced change in the state of the central nervous system. After eating, especially a large one, some apathy sets in, attention decreases, the will relaxes, the person tends to sleep, that is, in the language of a physiologist, conditioned reflex activity decreases. This state of the central nervous system, which occurs immediately after eating, lasts, depending on the abundance of food taken, for an hour or more. Then all these sensations smooth out, and finally, by the end of the fourth hour, the food center comes to normal condition- appetite appears again. And if a person who is accustomed to the regime does not eat in a timely manner, he becomes weak, his attention decreases, and his performance decreases. Moreover, in the future, appetite may disappear. If you are systematically late with food or eat on a full stomach, the normal activity of the digestive glands is disrupted and digestion is upset. A longer period between meals occurs during the period of night sleep, but it should not exceed 10-11 hours. The general rule is the following: between in small ways eating intervals can be short (2-3 hours), but eating earlier than 2 hours after the previous meal is not advisable. On average, breaks between meals should be 4-5 hours.

The distribution of the daily diet, that is, the preparation of a menu, is of great importance. This combines issues of food quantity, its quality composition and consistency in taking individual dishes.

The total amount of food consumed by a person per day, together with liquid dishes and drinks, is on average about 3 kilograms. Breakfast is the first meal after sleep. During a night's sleep, everything eaten the day before was digested, all organs of the body, including the digestive ones, rested and were created. favorable conditions for their further work. Scientists involved in nutrition issues are unanimous that it is necessary to have breakfast, regardless of physical or mental activity a person is engaged. We can only talk about what part of the diet should contain breakfast. It is believed that if a person is engaged in physical labor, then breakfast should contain approximately 1/3 of the daily ration, both in volume and in nutritional value. If a person of physical labor eats a small amount and nutritional value breakfast or even worse - starts work on an empty stomach, then he cannot work at full load, and his performance drops significantly. It has now become fashionable, especially among knowledge workers, to limit themselves to a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast. They refer to lack of time and appetite. Both are the result of an incorrect lifestyle, general regimen, including diet. Putting things in order in your diet (as, indeed, in your entire lifestyle) is entirely within the power of a person, and anyone who wants to can overcome the bad habit of eating poorly, and by the way, give up bad habits, such as alcohol abuse and smoking.

Each plant, each product carries its own vibrations, and if a person consumes products from another region, then one needs to get used to them. Nowadays products are brought from all over the world, and they carry different vibrations, which is why there are so many allergies now.

What is important in food culture is how food is prepared and how a person consumes it. Eating should be a ritual filled with Light and love. Food prepared in silence and in prayer carries a great charge of purity and goodness, good taste qualities. If possible, all products should undergo information cleansing before preparing dishes through the Cedar Bowl.

Food should be taken only in a calm state and in silence. In case of even slight excitement, indignation, etc. similar manifestations You must first bring yourself to complete calm so that the organs calm down and are ready to work. And only after this a person reads a prayer, asks for a blessing to eat food, thanks God, the Elements, the Kingdom... for the food provided. The space should be quiet. Because everything is put into food and fills the body with information.

Food should be chewed thoroughly; for this, over the course of 7–10 days, a person trains his chewing muscles, and then they themselves stop the premature swallowing reflex. Food is brought to a liquid mushy mass, richly enriched with enzymes salivary glands, which leads to its digestion up to 60–70% already in oral cavity. This uses the gross energy of the masticatory muscles, rather than the more subtle energy that can be used for the needs of the Spirit.

The liquid mass easily flows down the esophagus into the stomach, which accepts it with gratitude and love. A person must always remember that how he treats his body, so the body treats him, there is a powerful Feedback. A person cannot afford violence towards his body. He must become the master of his desires, emotions, actions. There is a great responsibility to all your organs and life support systems.

The quality of digestion depends on the quality of the food taken, including its energy composition. When eating food, bless, express gratitude to the Creator for the Gift of eating it and ask to be filled with Light and Love.

Depending on the internal state of a person, the food taken will either be easily digested and absorbed as a set of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements, or will enhance negative destructive processes in the body.

Not only biological is important, chemical composition food, but also its energy content, its correspondence to the internal fullness of a person. Any state of food can be changed by praying over food, not only when eating it, but also when preparing dishes; you can fill any product with the Light of prayer.

But even pure, blessed food can be contaminated by negative speech at the table, unclean thoughts that come out when preparing food and eating it.

Prayer is important at all stages of preparation, since food is prepared not only for the body, but also for the subtle structures of a person. Prayer during and after meals continues to structure the subtle plan of the food consumed and replenish its insufficient fullness with the energy of Light.

In the body, food is received, processed and absorbed by the digestive system, its organs and cells. Oversaturation of the body from excessively consumed food leads to an imbalance in the digestive system. Such an imbalance is primarily caused by the energies of greed, excess, gluttony, consumerism, and self-interest. These manifestations are accompanied by energies of envy, capture, rivalry, aggression, cruelty, and violence. The energies concentrated in their manifestation form the essence corresponding to these energies. The density of the essential can manifest itself on in a subtle sense in the form of pain, discomfort, illness, and also, on a physiological level, in the form of obese areas of the body in the abdomen, hips, and waist. The concentrated essence acts from within, forcing a person to pay attention to his divine nature, which is not characteristic of this manifestation.

The power of the human Spirit is not always able to defend its essence; often there is a capture by the power of an essential lower order, which leads the Spirit away from the awareness of its purpose. Carefully observe in yourself the elements of manifestation of the invader essences. Release them into your habitat, having previously created a repentant prayer with the Light of your own heart for the energies that attracted and fed this essence. By releasing negative energy from his consciousness, a person is freed from unnecessary unnatural accumulations and at the level physical body including.

Since the biological body requires nutrition of the appropriate type, that is, biological nutrition, then through digestive system nutrients, received with food, spread throughout all systems and organs. And if you receive inadequate, low-quality nutrition, then instead of health, the cells may receive biologically and energetically unhealthy food. Then a regressive process is launched, along with which the energy of the essence can migrate to another system or organ. But getting rid of what does not correspond to a person’s spiritual nature is possible only through spiritual training, using prayer and illuminating one’s own consciousness with light. Such cleansing is persistent and unchangeable, since it is created by the power of the Spirit and awakens in consciousness its integrity and indestructibility.

A person who wants to transform his body - the Temple of the Soul and Spirit, eats only those products that contain information of life and development, the creative energies of the Earth, Sun, Space, the energy of growth and development, that is, high-quality construction material. This is all found in plant foods. And only plants contain cellulose, which is necessary to cleanse the intestines. Plant food completely provides the body essential vitamins and microelements.

In turn, it is very important to know that food of animal origin contains mainly information of death, the energy of fear, which accumulates in each cell of a killed animal and, if not deactivated, then enters the human energy information system when it is consumed.

Man is not only an energy creation, but also a herbivorous mammal. The formula of the teeth, their relief, and the structure of the entire gastrointestinal tract are no different from similar organs of herbivores. The need for animal food is caused by the presence of negative records in the subtle bodies of the lifestream. Information received from food is nutrition for the manifestation of aggression. In addition, animal products contain large quantities toxins of decomposed proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cadaveric poison, and all this poisons the human body. And the saddest thing is that animal proteins are denatured at a temperature of 80 degrees. After heat treatment, poor-quality, destructured “building material” enters the body, which leads to its premature aging.

Watch your bodies, because everything you think about, what you create, what you feel, what you eat is what you are made of. When a person experiences negative emotions, he begins to attract similar things to himself, the cells of the body feel bad. By their very nature, they should not be filled negative energies.

And yet, after 18 hours, a person’s metabolic processes decrease by 30% and food intake leads to the deposition of unprocessed fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the “depot” ( subcutaneous tissue, fiber of internal organs...).

Up to 75% of the body’s total energy is spent on processing the contents of the stomach, and only 15% of the food processed by the stomach goes to the body’s needs. The rest is stored in a “depot” or disposed of in environment. That's why after plenty of intake food causes drowsiness and laziness. The brain and movement organs are protected. Is it rational to use your energy this way? The amount of food consumed must correspond to the needs of the body and then balance will come.

For the body to function fully, it is necessary to cleanse your body, create a Temple for the Soul and Spirit. If a person lives according to the Laws of God, then he will come to change himself.

Fasting days - Wednesday, Friday - help organs in their recovery. Spend at least one day a week in the water without eating, this will help in eliminating toxins. Drink structured water with the addition of lemon, cranberries, and lingonberries.

Compliance with fasts will allow you to regulate the transition to the new upcoming season and nutrition.

The amount of water taken during the period of achieving balance in the body is no more than one liter per day (taking into account the liquid contained in vegetables and fruits). This is due to the fact that all waste products, toxins, microorganisms, allergens, waste... are inside the cell, and they can only get out with less osmotic pressure on the outside of the cell membrane. If there is a large amount of fluid taken, the cell cannot cleanse itself.

A person has the right to health. Human rights are closely related to his responsibility. Unfortunately, not everyone understands their responsibility for maintaining health. More than two thirds of the country's population do not play sports, up to 30% of the population have overweight, about 70 million people smoke.

Important component healthy image life - nutrition.

Nutrition that ensures full development is called rational (from the Latin words “ratio” - calculation, measure and “rationalis” - reasonable, expedient, justified).

Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet.

Healthy eatingthe most important condition longevity.

Nutrition culture includes not only the attitude towards food, but also its composition. In all periods of human development, the nature of nutrition was determined by economic opportunities, the availability of food resources, climate and national traditions. Biological features the human body remained the same, but living and nutritional conditions changed significantly.

Food culture- This is the optimal amount of food to eat for a person.

Can a person determine how much he needs to eat? The main rule is that the quantity and calorie content of food corresponds to energy costs and physiological needs your body.

Healthy eating– this is a limitation of fats and salt, a significant increase in the proportion of fruits and vegetables, cereals, and wholemeal products in the diet. The source of protein should be legumes, low-fat dairy products, fish or vegetable oil.

Food processing is important for food culture. Vegetables should not be subjected to prolonged cooking, as this destroys the vitamins contained in the products. The preferred oils are corn, olive or sunflower. It is also advisable to consume bread made from wholemeal flour and unrefined (unrefined) sugar.

Human energy needs depend on individual characteristics, gender, age, height, body weight, level metabolic processes, as well as from physical activity, character mental activity, sports, climatic conditions and other factors.

Over the course of 70 years, a person drinks 50 tons of water, eats 2.5 tons of protein, 2.3 tons of fat, over 10 tons of carbohydrates, and almost 300 kg of table salt.

A person should receive as much energy from food as he expends during the day. In cases where the influx of energy exceeds the energy expenditure of the body, it accumulates in the form of fat deposits.

There are a number general rules providing balanced diet involving lifestyle:

1. rule - food should be varied: animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese); plant origin(vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread).

2. rule - maintaining your weight at normal levels. “I eat to live, not live to eat.”

It must be remembered that it is easier to type overweight and much more difficult to reset. Excess weight body increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, ischemic disease hearts, etc.

No less dangerous for the body is a condition when body weight is significantly less than normal, which can be associated with exhaustion and dystrophy.

3. the rule is to take into account the intensity of physical activity in the diet; when playing sports, nutrition should not only replace the energy consumed and nutrients, but also the ability to increase performance, accelerate its recovery after intense physical activity, for which it is necessary to include easily digestible foods rich in vitamins in the diet.

It should be noted that heat treatment weakens useful qualities vegetable oils, therefore it is more advisable to use them in salads and vinaigrettes.

Proper nutrition - this is obtaining from food in sufficient quantities and in the right combination necessary for the body substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, microelements and water.

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