Treatment of kidneys with mineral water - rules and recommendations. Mineral water for the kidneys: what benefits

Main characteristics urolithiasis– the appearance and deposition of sand or stones in the kidneys. Today, this phenomenon is varying degrees occurs in a third of the population. Grains of sand in the kidneys usually do not exceed 1 mm in diameter; this size does not cause discomfort and is not a pathology, since sand is freely excreted by the urinary system. But multiple sand deposits over time form into large – from 0.5 to 1.5 cm – stones.

It is often difficult to remove them on your own; certain therapeutic measures are required. At the specified sizes and increase the volume of liquid drunk. Even when large stones form, surgery is not a mandatory solution to the problem; there are alternative therapeutic methods. And almost all experts, telling how to get rid of kidney stones, talk about the need to use mineral water as a medicine in case of kidney stone pathology.

There is a list of kidney pathologies for which the use of balneological therapy is recommended. These include:

  • urolithiasis;
  • urinary diathesis.

Despite the effectiveness of the method, certain limitations should be remembered; mineral water as remedy not used for the following diseases:

Considering the extensive list of contraindications, the dissolution of kidney stones and their removal with the help of mineral water is carried out only after a thorough examination, after which the doctor determines the required dose and specific brand of medicinal liquid.

Benefits of mineralized liquid

You should carefully select medicinal water. It is preferable to use low-mineralized liquid, which will allow you to correct processes without saturating the body with additional elements. The properties of the mineral water should be:

  1. Diuretic, which allows for intoxication, freeing the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system from infectious agents. Cleaning makes it easier for the stones to come out later.
  2. Anti-inflammatory, for which bicarbonate-alkaline liquids are used to relieve colic.

When treating with mineral water, you can use it without restrictions; it does not contain harmful elements added to ordinary water, but it does contain useful minerals. Mineral water An excellent diuretic that enhances the removal of fluid through the urinary canals, providing mechanical cleansing of the kidneys.

Depending on the etiology of stone formation and its own composition, mineral water can provoke fragmentation of formations and their dissolution.

How should mineral water be used for treatment?

When diagnosing urolithiasis, three types of stones are observed - urate, phosphate and oxalate stones. In accordance with the type, medicinal water is selected to promote fragmentation and dissolution of formations:

  1. Alkaline mineral water resists the formation of urate stones; the use of Essentuki 17, Borjomi and other brands is recommended.
  2. Oxalate stones are dissolved by calcium, slightly carbonated water of the Essentuki 20, Sairme brands.
  3. When forming phosphate stones, it is necessary to use acidic mineral liquids, including Dolomite Narzan and Arzni.

Treatment of urolithiasis using mineral water occurs in two stages, in the first stage the dissolution and removal of excess formations from the body occurs, in the second the body forms protective colloids. Excess formations include not only stones and sand, but also mucus, pus, and hostile microorganisms accumulated in the urinary system. Protective colloids are necessary for better dissolution of salt in urine. As a result, they do not precipitate and thus do not form stones in the kidneys and bladder.

This process is quite long; treatment of urolithiasis using this method takes from four to six weeks. It is not recommended to continue using mineral water to avoid violations water-salt metabolism. Symptoms affect the number of courses; they are carried out up to three times a year. The best option– drinking water directly at resorts from sources, if similar treatment impossible, the healing liquid must be real, purchased from trustworthy stores and pharmacies.

Mineral water is not for oral use

Mineral water can be used not only as an oral remedy; urolithiasis is treated with healing baths, which have an anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect. Baths improve blood circulation in the kidneys while producing nervous regulation their functionality. Usually sodium chloride procedures are prescribed, bath temperature 36–37 ºС, mineralization 20–30 g/l. One procedure lasts 10–15 minutes, every other day or two days in a row and a break on the third. The course of treatment consists of 10 or 12 procedures. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to individual tolerance temperature regime, duration of the procedure.

For urolithiasis, you can use ordinary baths for baths. hot water, a certain improvement is achieved due to the thermal effect.

Mineral water is also used for intestinal lavages. When a warm medicinal liquid is introduced into the rectum, the intestinal receptors are affected not only by thermal, but also by chemical and mechanical irritation. At the same time, the overall diuresis reflexively increases, the intestines are cleared of waste formations, the work of the kidneys is facilitated, and the walls of the ureter are warmed up. The liquid temperature is 37–38 ºС, salinity is 2–9 g/l, the volume of wash water in general during the initial procedure is about 6 liters dosed, during subsequent procedures the volume is up to 12 liters. The criterion for filling is the occurrence of a urge to empty the intestines. The break between washings is 2–3 days, each procedure lasts 20–30 minutes. The course consists of 5 or 6 procedures.

For diseases of the excretory system, methods are chosen that eliminate the causes of organ dysfunction and cleanse them. Kidney treatment mineral water can be called ideal, since it meets the above criteria. What water is suitable for kidney diseases and Bladder? Do you need to drink a lot of it if you have bad kidneys? What is the impact on the process of their purification?

Healing properties of mineral waters

A lot of them. For example, they remove salt deposits and perform remineralization bone tissue body, have a positive effect on the nervous system, regulate water-salt balance and thus influence arterial pressure. They are divided into three groups:

  • table - mineralization less than 1 g per liter, suitable for daily use, prevention for bladder disease;
  • medicinal table - mineralization 1−10 g per liter, you can drink without a doctor’s prescription healthy person short-term for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases;
  • medicinal - the mineralization rate is more than 10 g per liter, it is recommended to drink only as prescribed by a specialist.

Indications for use of mineral waters

Disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of phosphates, oxalates, and urates. As they accumulate, they form suspensions that irritate the walls of the bladder and eventually turn into sand and stones. How is the result of treatment achieved? First, purulent and mucus formations are removed, pathogenic microflora. Next, a colloidal equilibrium is established in the kidney reservoirs, in which salt deposits begin to dissolve, and the possibility of the formation of insoluble salts disappears. This treatment is effective for kidney disease:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis, diathesis;
  • cystitis.

Are there any contraindications?

Although medicinal water may seem harmless, it is not. It is useful only if prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination. Based on the diagnosis, he decides which water to treat, what dosage to take, in what form and when. You cannot drink medicinal liquid:

  1. during the period of acute exacerbation of organs genitourinary system;
  2. conditions accompanied by acute renal failure;
  3. in the presence of large salt deposits;
  4. with tuberculosis of the genitourinary system;
  5. with macrohematuria;
  6. with difficulty urinating;
  7. with atrophy of the renal parenchyma (hydronephrosis).

If you ignore this rule, then treatment with water will only cause harm, you may even lose one or both kidneys. The point is that the reception medicinal waters itself causes an exacerbation. If in the kidney it is already previously caused by irritating agents - infection, salt deposits, then the additional factor from treatment will only aggravate the condition.

Which one is good for the kidneys?

The effect is achieved by drinking low-mineral waters, since the main task is not to fill the body with minerals, but to correct ion exchange in the kidneys. Water with a low concentration of minerals (Table 1) and moderate concentration (Table 2) is beneficial. The tables do not list all types for kidney treatment. Water with a low mineral content can be used to correct the ion balance in the kidneys.

Let us briefly describe their properties. To begin with, let’s take “Essentuki”: No. 4 - extremely useful, has a pleasant taste, has a complex effect not only on the kidneys, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver; No. 17 - water with high mineralization, combined with No. 4, but use is only possible as prescribed by a doctor. In contrast, No. 20 is low-mineralized, clean, table grade, improves metabolism, intestinal and kidney condition.

"Berezovskaya Mineral" is widely used for the treatment of diseased digestive organs, the genitourinary system, the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and in conditions that require cleansing the body of toxins. “Naftusya” (known as “Truskavetskaya”) is also used in the treatment of not only the kidneys, but also the biliary system.

Let's move on to the characteristics of waters with a high concentration of minerals. The Atsylyk spring contains water that tastes good and treats diseases of the genitourinary system, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. “Narzan” is unique, naturally carbonated. Its main use is the treatment of renal dysfunction: it dissolves phosphate stones of the bladder and has a pronounced diuretic effect. "Borjomi" promotes detoxification and is a diuretic. Its mineralization is 5.5−7.5 g/l; for the kidneys it should be taken in diluted form. The concentration is selected individually, taking into account chemical composition urine, including pH level and associated diseases.

How to properly treat kidneys with mineral waters?

It is important to listen to your doctor's advice about the dosage and timing of drinking water. Necessary dietary food, retention from alcohol, nicotine. If you need to remove gas bubbles, you can heat it up. At a temperature of 20-30 degrees it increases urination. You need to drink from one to two liters per day. Treatment occurs when the disease is in remission. Let's look at how to treat cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis with mineral water.

  1. Pyelonephritis. Useful are Truskavets, Berezovsk, Zheleznovodsk, from the sources of Dzhemruk, Sairme. Combine ingestion of water and baths. Not only are the kidneys cleansed, but their blood circulation and filtration improves.
  2. Urolithiasis disease. Low-mineralized waters of any sources. Treatment is also possible in the presence of stones of small diameter. It is carried out by monitoring the acidity of urine and the presence of stone-forming salts in it.

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of advanced disease. On average, the course of treatment is three to six weeks. During this time, diseased organs return to normal and are removed pathogenic bacteria, slags, the balance of ions is restored. However, more long-term use can seriously disrupt the water-salt balance, which will negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Additional uses of mineral waters

Improvements therapeutic effect can be achieved by taking healing baths. In case of violations urinary system they help relieve spasms and have a diuretic effect. For example, sodium chloride baths improve renal blood circulation, iodide-bromine baths have a vasodilating effect, improve kidney metabolism, a radon bath is useful for inflammation, enhances the repair of affected tissues, increases local immunity. As you can see, mineral waters give positive result for diseases not only of the excretory system. For prevention, you should drink a lot of fluid, because it affects the functioning of the excretory system, in particular, the formation of deposits in the bladder and renal pelvis.

Kidney disease, hypertension, venous stasis, swelling during pregnancy and other diseases often require the prescription of diuretics. But it is not always possible to use drugs. In this case, foods and drinks with a diuretic effect will help.

Taking diuretics is not always justified. Among them side effects There is dehydration, imbalance minerals and hormonal status, the occurrence allergic reactions, negative impact on gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, heart. Diuretics are completely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Get rid of excess liquid in the body and toxins, foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect will help.


Lingonberries, cranberries, rose hips, and viburnum are undisputed favorites in the treatment and prevention of kidney diseases and urinary tract V folk medicine. These products have not only a diuretic, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.


Watermelon and melon are some of the best diuretic foods. They contain vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, potassium salts, magnesium, iron, nickel and manganese. Render positive influence on the liver, kidneys, useful for anemia, intoxication, overweight, remove toxins.

Dried fruits

Infusions of dried apricots, raisins, prunes have low calorie content and have a diuretic, choleretic, antibacterial effect.

Fresh vegetables and vegetable juices

Carrots, cucumbers, spinach, pumpkin, tomatoes, potatoes have a mild diuretic effect due to the potassium salts they contain. They also stimulate digestion, dissolving sand and kidney stones.

Leafy vegetables

Dill, parsley, celery, green onions, cumin will not only help you give up salty foods, but will also provide tangible benefits: they normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and relieve swelling.

Fresh fruits

Citrus fruits, pineapple, grapes, apples are mild diuretic products. Their easy diuretic effect will not put much strain on the kidneys, but will significantly improve your well-being.


Lactic acid products are indicated for the prevention of kidney disease. Cottage cheese, kefir, cheese in combination with herbs become effective diuretic products.

Mineral water

Potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, which are part of mineral waters, increase urination, normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract.

Herbal infusions

Chamomile, bearberry leaves, juniper, birch, black currant, and kidney tea are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. They should not be abused: the course of treatment lasts about two to three weeks, followed by a mandatory break.

Doctors advise drinking up to 1 liter of plain water every day, and nutritionists recommend starting your morning meal with a glass of water and washing down your food with water, replacing sweet juices and harmful soda. However, not all carbonated drinks are harmful. Mineral water, on the contrary, is beneficial, and its effect is quite broad, covering the entire body. Is it really worth clarifying the type of this water and how it helps remove, for example, accumulated stones in the kidney area?

Natural sources of pure mineral waters are very popular for a reason. Thousands of people go there every year to improve their health. And it's not just about favorable climate, clean air and a pleasant, stress-free environment. Water plays a huge role in healing people.

That is why a sanatorium was built next to each mineral spring. Real doctors and other medical staff work there, trying to show people qualified care. People come to the springs with many diseases. Known healing properties waters against . How does it work and what kind of water can you drink?

For example, Borjomi water is extremely useful; it is sold in both glass and regular bottles. plastic bottles. It is salty and contains metals. You can safely drink water without a prescription, but without going overboard with the quantity, excess salt is also harmful to the body. How can mineral water get rid of stones? Not any mineral water is suitable for treatment; most of them are ordinary drinks without beneficial properties.

Truskavets or Morshyn water can crush stones if taken regularly, monitoring the amount. Every single one of the stones will come out, it helps even in hopeless cases, when a real monolith forms in the organ, which doctors refuse to take on. Yes, when there are too many stones or they large sizes, specialists may refuse surgical intervention for fear of bringing more harm than good.

People are prescribed other procedures; they are often advised to go to special medical sanatoriums where there are sources of natural mineral water. The liquid in such sources contains a certain amount of metals and has a certain taste. Different sanatoriums have different water and different properties. This water should not be drunk as usual; excess metals can harm the body.

For proper treatment you need to visit a doctor. He will accurately determine the severity of the problem and advise which type of treatment is most effective. The number and size of stones, their presence are visible only through ultrasound. But sometimes the device does not detect stones if they have not yet hardened.

This cannot absolutely indicate their absence. Therefore, the doctor never completely trusts ultrasound. He orders tests and conducts examinations. Then, if he approves of treatment with mineral waters, he can advise where exactly to go. Of course, the sanatorium will cost a decent amount. There are many healing springs in the area Krasnodar region, so you don't have to travel far.

All recommendations and the doctor’s diagnosis are reflected on the pages medical card patient. If you take it with you, it’s worth visiting the sanatorium. Upon arrival, medical dispensaries send each guest to an appointment with a local specialist and, after studying the map, he will advise what procedures are needed, how much water to drink and which one.

Often people take some amount healthy water take it with you and continue to drink it, following the recommendations. Here, in order to get rid of all the unfortunate stones, you need to be patient and control the dosage, especially with water of complex composition.

How to replace water

Kidney stone disease is a real scourge for many people modern generation. Moreover, both elderly and young people, even children, suffer from it. There are many reasons for this, the most common are:

Daily, severe stress, without which it is sometimes impossible;
poor nutrition– snacking with something unknown, the habit of satisfying hunger with fast food and others quick meals;
heredity - yes, some people are predisposed to certain diseases from birth and need to be doubly careful;
bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and;
sedentary life.

However, these simple reasons can cause a dozen other diseases that also affect people: stomach problems, immune system, liver, etc. But send to a sanatorium closer to the source amazing water Not everyone has the opportunity.

Most work all year round and can afford to travel only on vacation, for others it is expensive in material terms, for others they have not been able to escape for many years, they are not allowed to go by their busy schedule. The fourth are still too young to travel independently.

What should I do? Mineral water is also really good for the kidneys, many doctors note this, because such sources release water from underground when, washing the rocks, it is saturated with metal particles, acquiring healing powers. However, it is possible to replace spa water.

Instead of mineral water, get into the habit of drinking regular, warm water, but always boiled. It is better to boil the kettle in advance and then pour some water into a carafe or jar. Drink as much as you can, 1.5-2 liters, each time a few minutes before meals, so that it goes into an empty stomach and has time to “go away” before food gets there.

Boiling will rid the water of bacteria and viruses and will also give it desired temperature. What is important is warm, not cold or hot water.
Take regular parsley, brew it in boiling water every day like tea, add herbs to all dishes when you eat. Let her become a constant companion in the kitchen. Pour into soup, on salads, drink as a decoction. Parsley is extremely useful.

Buy fresh cucumbers, preferably natural ones, which are brought from dachas or neighboring cities. Of course, it’s hard to find these in winter, it’s not the season. Then take regular, salad long ones. Do cucumber juice or eat it like this, sprinkled with a pinch of salt. Very healthy and cucumbers contain a lot of liquid.

People suffering from kidney problems should avoid fried, too salty or spicy food, red tomatoes and your favorite smoked meats. Also limit your intake of any animal fats. Find lists of foods and dishes containing such fats and temporarily eliminate them from your diet.

Be sure to visit your doctor and carefully follow all recommendations. He can prescribe something difficult, complex treatment, this is a justified measure, because the presence of stones in the kidney area negatively affects the functioning of other systems. For example, the closest one is the urinary tract. Stones cause unpleasant spasms and can cause irritation and impair the efficiency of the kidneys. Therefore, the problem cannot be started, because the kidneys, although paired organ, but they are the main “cleaners” for the body; tens of liters of liquid pass through them every day.

You can also try it with rice. The method is not harmful; the Chinese highly value rice and eat it daily instead of bread, considering it a healthy food. True, to turn rice into a cleanser, rinse and soak it for a week so that the grains lose all their starch and open as much as possible. The rice grain has special cells that can absorb toxins.

For the procedure, purchase a kilogram of unpolished rice of any variety, rinse for 20 minutes cool water, then just leave it to soak in a small saucepan, filling it with water. Let it sit for a day, change the liquid and so on for up to 7 days, until the poured water stops becoming cloudy (this is how starch manifests itself). Then put the rice out to dry.

How to take: every morning you start with a glass of water - of course, spring or melted water is healthier, if you don’t have it, boiled and cooled. Then you eat a large spoonful of rice already soaked in boiling water, without adding any oil or spices. You can cook it, of course, but raw is healthier.

Full breakfast can only be done by waiting 4 hours! For the effect to last, follow the dietary recommendations (no fried foods, flour, no animal fats) so as not to burden the kidneys during the cleansing period.
Important: Be sure to coordinate each home procedure with your doctor.

Mineral water for kidney stones can serve as an addition to treatment or preventive measures. With its help, restoration occurs metabolic processes, elimination of pain attacks. This is due to the effect of mineral water on the composition of urine.

But in any case, using mineral water can harm your health. Therefore, you need to consult your doctor and choose suitable water. You can’t drink it all the time; you need to arrange courses of treatment.

What water is best to drink if you have urolithiasis? How much water to drink if you have kidney stones? Where to buy mineral water? Is it possible to drink tap water?

The appearance of kidney stones occurs due to improper metabolism.

It may change if:
  • improper diet;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • large amounts of vitamins or microelements.

Stones will form in the organs of the genitourinary system. This occurs in patients of any gender. The water a person consumes plays a big role in this. If there are a lot of salts or other substances in it, there is a real possibility of sediment forming from them in the body.

List of causes of kidney stones:
  1. Poor water quality.
  2. Inflammatory process.
  3. Narrowing of the lumens in the urinary canals.

All this will lead to a deterioration in urine output, as a result of which it is retained in the body. In this case, swelling will appear. To correct this process, you need to drink water and as much as possible. Later it will be mineral water or simple purified water.

A large number of The fluid helps clear the ducts of infection and remove sediment accumulation, which can then turn into stones. They can vary in size. There are very small ones or reaching several centimeters.

For what diseases do you drink mineral water to get stones out? After identifying urolithiasis, people need to switch to an increased regime of water consumption. And this is one of the main components of the treatment process. If you previously drank some liquid, the amount should be increased gradually. Drink a glass every two hours. In this case, pay attention to the name of the purchased mineral water.

This applies to any water. But there's no need to drink plain water from the tap, it is better to give preference to mineral water or purified water.

The benefits of mineral water are:
  1. Entering the body useful substances.
  2. Normalization of metabolism.
  3. Ability to remove stones from the body.
  4. Rinse the ducts to remove urine.

Mineral water alone will not remove stones from the body, but it can provoke their natural release. In order for this to happen, you need to choose the right water. It will differ in its composition.

  • dining room;
  • medicinal;
  • medical dining room.

All of these species will have differences in their properties and characteristics. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe mineral water for kidney stones. Otherwise, the patient can cause harm to health.

A sufficient amount of mineral water will contribute to:
  1. Cleansing the body of harmful substances and any breakdown products.
  2. Removing mucus and pus.
  3. Washing away bacteria and any infection.

The action of mineral water consists of two stages. At the first stage, purification occurs, and at the second stage, the formation of non-crystallizing substances occurs. They are the ones who will resist the formation of stones. With their help, the risk of any sediment appearing in the kidneys is eliminated.

The type of mineral water is chosen by a specialist. He will also draw up an appointment schedule. The patient will experience a change in pH level. When choosing water, the composition of the formed stones is taken into account. If phosphate or oxalate stones have formed, water with high content silicon, iron, tungsten, fluorine. But if the urine contains a lot of acid, you need to use alkaline water.

What mineral water is usually prescribed to patients with kidney stones? Water with a small amount of minerals is most suitable for this. It is she who will relieve inflammation and fight bacteria.

Which water will be more beneficial:
  • the most useful mineral water will be from the source itself;
  • when buying in a store, it is better to choose water in a glass container;
  • Pay attention to the difference between the mineral water presented on store shelves and in pharmacies.

For the treatment of urolithiasis, the volume of mineral water consumed should be about 2 liters per day.

For treatment the following may be prescribed:
  1. Drinking water internally.
  2. Taking a bath with mineral water.
Staying in mineral water is about 15 minutes. This will contribute to:
  • normalization of blood circulation in the kidneys;
  • restoration of nervous regulation.

Such procedures will help relieve the patient from renal colic and pain. This will happen gradually, but the result remains stable.

This treatment can be done in medical institution, sanatoriums or at home. Warm baths are taken at home, but you will need much more of them than those taken in mineral water.

Usage preventive measures cleansing the kidneys will help prevent the formation of stones, and the kidneys will function normally. To prevent the formation of compactions, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines using warm water. In this case, waste and toxins will be released.

With such measures, stone reduction and natural passage may occur. Especially if they are not very large. But even in this case, you need to select water only together with a doctor.

The choice of mineral water takes into account the presence or absence of diseases of the digestive system. Mineral water for urolithiasis can be an effective addition to the main treatment. If the patient drinks enough water, the possibility of developing many diseases is reduced.

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