The best analgesics for headaches. Effective medications for severe headaches

When we have a headache, we immediately go to the pharmacy, where they offer various medications to relieve suffering. Their number is so huge that it is difficult to immediately select the right option. Your doctor can best help you determine what to drink for a headache.

Thus, symptomatic spasms in the head area can occur in the presence of diseases such as cervical osteochondrosis, various infections etc. Once you get rid of the underlying disease, the problem will go away on its own. Constant attacks may be signs of migraine.

Often the cause of headaches is stress, poor lifestyle, fatigue, stress on the shoulder muscles during sedentary work. Due to an uncomfortable posture, spasms occur in the blood vessels, as a result of which the brain does not receive enough oxygen and necessary elements.

What kind of tablets are there?

It’s worth noting right away that all the drugs that belong to this group can reduce suffering not only from headaches, but also from dental pain. Also, they have antipyretic properties. Often such drugs do not have a simple composition.

Tablets for headache problems may have side effects: nausea, allergies, stomach problems. In some cases, erosions may form on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. The main contraindications include intolerance by some patients to some components of the drug. Also, you need to use medications with caution when peptic ulcer disease Gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to note that headaches should be treated with safe remedies, which are based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. With severe and frequent headaches, simple analgesics most likely will not help.

During treatment, you cannot take two types of painkillers. This technique will not solve the problem, but on the contrary, it may worsen general state organism and cause development peptic ulcer gastrointestinal tract.

Also, it is not recommended to use medications that you use yourself for a long time. If the problem does not go away within five days, you should consult a doctor. Painkillers are not compatible with alcohol. This combination only enhances negative impact tablets on some human organs.

Medicines containing codeine can only be purchased at a pharmacy by presenting a prescription. This type of medication is contraindicated for use by transport drivers, as the medication leads to a narcotic state. These also include the drug phenobarbital, which is eliminated from the body after at least three days.


If you don’t know what to drink for a headache in your case, be sure to seek help from a doctor. The fact is that the reasons can be different, therefore the medications must have the appropriate composition. Some tablets can relieve a headache during a cold, but will not help with a spastic attack.

  • Migraine medications. This disease is marked by attacks, especially in the forehead and temples. They can last up to three days. In this case, the patient is often accompanied by nausea, turning into vomiting. For the treatment of migraine there are effective medicines, included in the group of triptans: Imigran, Rapimig, Sumatripan. These drugs also have many side effects that affect almost all organs.
  • Nonsteroidal drugs can be used to treat any type of headache, even migraine mild degree. Moreover, they belong to inexpensive medicines. The most popular analgesics are Diclofenac, Nurofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol, Analgin. The medications begin to act within 30 minutes, and the effect can last up to 8 hours. However, these remedies do not eliminate the cause of spasms, but only relieve them.
  • From spastic pain. If in this case analgesics do not help, then the attack can be relieved with the help of antispasmodics such as No-shpa, Papaverine and Halidor. These medications are used to treat the head for 2 days.
  • Hypertensive pain. It always occurs with high blood pressure. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the use of most drugs for headaches is contraindicated. Here, first of all, you need to treat hypertension.
  • Liquorodynamic pain is life-threatening, so if it occurs, you should seek help from a specialist. She gives a feeling strong pressure in the head area, especially when coughing. This condition is difficult to stop by taking painkillers.

What to take for headaches during pregnancy

Despite the fact that the list of drugs is quite extensive, only a doctor can prescribe correct treatment. At the same time, he takes into account all the signs of unpleasant sensations: in which area of ​​the head it is concentrated, nausea, dizziness. In addition, the specialist together with the patient will determine possible reason, by which this disease was provoked. He will also advise you on what to take for headaches.

Combination tablets

More effective means those that contain several basic elements are considered. Combination medications may combine, for example, an analgesic and an antispasmodic, or codeine with some other substance. Such drugs can overcome several symptoms at once.

For migraines, a combination drug such as Solpadeine is often prescribed. It is produced in the form of tablets that can be instantly dissolved in water, and their effect occurs quite quickly. At independent use this medicine, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications for its use.

During pregnancy

The reason for this condition during pregnancy is most likely the woman’s constant worries. During this period, she cannot take any pills so as not to harm the baby. What to take for a headache in this position? In this case, you should consult a doctor who will determine how you can treat your head.

So, in the first trimester of pregnancy you should not take any medications for headaches. Sleep, clean air and peace can save you. Sometimes a cabbage leaf or a cold compress applied to the forehead can help. For some, a scarf tied tightly around the head helps. Warm teas made from mint, lemon balm, or just black tea with sugar also relieve pain.

For severe headaches in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, you can use medications containing paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan). These drugs are not addictive. Panadol Extra also contains caffeine, so it can be taken by women with low blood pressure. However, it must be remembered that any medicine is prescribed by a doctor.

You can also use No-Shpu to relieve spasms in the head area. It can reduce blood pressure and spasms, and also brings muscles into a relaxed state. The painkiller Ibuprofen is not prescribed often during pregnancy and only until the thirtieth week.

There are medications that should not be used during pregnancy. The popular medicine Citramon contains aspirin. It affects the fetal circulatory system and can cause pathologies. The use of Ergotamine, Sumatriptan, Triptan can lead to miscarriage.

The drug Depakote, which can also treat headaches, can disrupt the structure of the neural tube in a child. Fiorinal contains hypnotic components - barbiturates. If during pregnancy a woman suffers from frequent headache attacks, only a doctor will determine the cause of their occurrence. And only after that will he choose safe medicine for pain relief.

Headache: what to drink and how to relieve pain without pills

Headaches, like any other pain, are not recommended to be tolerated. It may indicate that there are some malfunctions in the body’s functioning that need to be restored. Thus, high blood pressure, which is accompanied by severe attack, can lead to severe consequences and even to fatal outcome.

On the other hand, a person may suffer from constant headaches, which are neurological in nature. This condition is called migraine. Despite the fact that it is not life-threatening, the patient suffers greatly from its attacks. Salvation comes only with the use of special painkillers.

There are many reasons why you have a headache, what your doctor can tell you to drink. In some cases, pain may go away on its own. To do this, just switch to positive emotions, relax or just sleep. However, if such symptoms haunt you regularly, you need to track what exactly provokes them.

Headache may be caused blood pressure, the influence of weather conditions, and may be the development of a disease internal organs or systems. If in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist who will determine what the nature of this problem is. headache.

Treatment without pills

When you have a headache, you must relieve the pain using any available means. What to do if there are no medicines in the house? If the cause of a migraine is overwork or working in a stuffy office, you need to take a walk in the fresh air. Most likely, your brain is not oxygenated enough.

Perhaps the unpleasant sensations appeared as a result of dehydration. Don't rush to take medications, but try drinking warm water in small sips. After this, sit quietly or lie down for a few minutes - the pain should go away.

For headache problems, a head massage that you can do yourself can help. Start working with circular movements of your hands on the area of ​​your head where you feel tension. Once you feel relief, begin to manipulate this area more actively.

If the headache is intensified by fatigue, it can be calmed with rest. You can take a comfortable position by sitting in a chair and throwing your head back. In this case, you need to relax, or even better, sleep. This should help clear your head.

Try to get rid of the problem acupressure. There are special points on the human body that are responsible for the head. This is the dimple in the neck just below occipital part heads, ears, cheekbones in the eye area, area between the eyebrows. There are such points on the palms near the large and index finger. To combat the problem, you just need to press your finger on these points.

Have someone in your family massage your entire back, including your neck and shoulders. In this case, you can use various simple movements: pinching, patting, rubbing, etc. Thanks to such manipulations, blood flow in the vessels of the head is normalized. As a result, vascular spasms are relieved, and the attack passes.

A bath with hot water. 15 minutes of this procedure is enough to soothe pain in the head area. You can steam only your feet by placing them in a basin of hot water. It is useful to add decoctions of some herbs with a calming effect.

Many patients find relief from inhaling vapors from medicinal herbs. Yes, popular lavender oil stops migraine attacks. A few drops menthol oil, applied to the temples, can activate blood circulation in the head area. You can make a miraculous drink from mint and lemon balm that will help relieve vascular spasms.

The methods described above may not help all patients. Similar symptoms may indicate other, more serious illnesses. If you are suffering from unbearable headaches, which are accompanied by nausea and, possibly, vomiting, you need the help of a specialist. It is necessary to determine the problem of seizures and begin treatment.

Most people on the planet constantly experience headaches; for others, this phenomenon is also not distant and alien, since it still occurs periodically. A state of discomfort appears due to a number of different factors; in addition to diseases and pathologies, the reasons can be physiological and quite banal, for example: lack of sleep, stress load. Almost every person immediately reaches out to home medicine cabinet for pain medication, but sometimes they are disappointed because the drugs are not there or they do not help. What best pills from headaches and how they differ, we’ll look at them in the article.

Obviously, a person does not always know which pill to take for a headache and what triggered this pain syndrome. Let us note that a specialist can reliably diagnose the cause of pain and which pills are best for headaches in a particular case; this is not always possible at home.

When choosing the best means the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Type of pain. Characteristics pain help to pre-identify the problem. Most often, patients complain of pain: acute or dull, throbbing or chronic, a feeling of fullness or pressure inside/outside the head. Additionally, symptoms of a gag reflex are mentioned, which is preceded by nausea, as well as dizziness;
  2. The area where pain occurs: in the temples, on the frontal part or on the back of the head;
  3. Cause of symptoms. Most often, tension pain occurs, which is preceded by increased stress on the nervous, psychological or physical nature. It can also be triggered by fasting, mental stress, lack of quality sleep, weather phenomena and various pathologies.

Tablets for various forms of diseases

Today we will try to consider the main ways to get rid of painful symptoms. It is important to consider that not all pills are equally effective for everyone. separate disease, therefore, you need to sensibly assess the expected results of therapy; only a doctor is fully capable of this.

Migraine is characterized by a condition in which paroxysmal, throbbing pain appears in the area of ​​the temples and forehead, and their duration can be 4 hours, or up to 3 days. Nausea and vomiting accompany migraine in a large proportion of cases.

The following medications help with migraine-type headaches: Ditamine, Rapimig and Zolmigren. The disadvantage of the presented drugs is that they can cause unwanted effects.

Tension headaches often occur after prolonged and sustained stress on the neck, head, or brain (even though it itself has no nerve endings). The nature of the manifestations is dull, perhaps aching; some patients describe it as if they were wearing a thick headdress. Simple, high-quality rest is enough here; you may have to numb the area, but no more.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Pain syndrome can be caused by nervousness, depression or other undesirable psycho-emotional state. Long time You shouldn’t hold on to this feeling, because you can help yourself and take a pill.

The most common and effective drugs of the group:

  • Ibuprofen is probably the most well-known headache remedy. You should not take more than 2 capsules per day;
  • Naproxen – do not exceed the maximum dose of 2 tablets;
  • Diclofenac is a name known to many, because the product is found in most home medicine cabinets. Use no more than 1 tablet per day;
  • Indomethacin can be used as a pain reliever for headaches with rapid results. Take no more than 1 tablet at a time;
  • Aspirin. Among the listed names, it is the cheapest remedy, although proper effectiveness is not always achieved. Take no more than 2 capsules at a time;
  • Ketoprofen is a painkiller that can be used in 2 pieces. at a time, but you need to wait for the product to take effect, and not drink it again.

All the described names of medicines have approximately the same principle of use - at the end of a meal. The most effective action is achieved after dissolution, absorption into the intestines and distribution through the blood throughout the body. This takes 30-120 minutes. The long-lasting effect is about 4-6 hours.

Some patients prefer folk remedies and that's not bad, but The best decision- this is to trust a specialist who will indicate what you should drink when this disease.

Contraindications for use non-steroidal drugs are also present, because some pathologies can aggravate the health condition, instead of the expected help.

The most common and common reasons refusal of drugs:

  1. An allergic reaction, which most often manifests itself through itching, pigmentation, etc.;
  2. Explicit or hidden damage to internal organs or the head, which provokes bleeding;
  3. An ulcer, if it is in a period of relapse;
  4. When carrying a fetus or breastfeeding a child;
  5. Significant deviations in the performance of the kidneys or liver;
  6. High blood pressure, especially hypertensive crisis;
  7. Heart failure.

If the pills do not help, then you should not delay changing the course of treatment; you need to notify your doctor about this, just find out in advance the period of time until the first expected results.

If it happened that non-steroidal drugs no relief from headaches desired result, you should pay attention to other types of drugs, for example, antispasmodics.

The most common painkillers for headaches with antispasmodic effects:

  • Buskopan. These are pills for severe headaches that were caused by psycho-emotional and nervous overload. Thanks to its neurotropic effect, it allows you to influence the transmission of impulses to nerve endings. This is very effective tablets for headaches, their effect begins in just 10-15 minutes and can eliminate even fairly severe pain syndromes. It does not have a psychotropic effect and therefore mental work or work requiring increased concentration can occur immediately after consuming Buscopan. In this case, the substance has a significant effect on the stomach and if there is pain in it, you should stop using the product until diagnosis. It is necessary to use 1-2 tablets 3-5 times a day;
  • Papaverine - it acts in such a way that it expands the lumen of blood vessels in the brain and prevents their spasmodic phenomenon. A calming effect is observed after taking the drugs. The effect occurs within 20 minutes, so Papaverine headache tablets are recommended for acute symptoms. The disadvantage of this product is that it provokes a feeling of drowsiness, but it helps eliminate irregular sleep schedules. You should take 1 tablet approximately 3-5 times a day;
  • No-shpa. These are painkillers for headaches, which in many ways resemble the action of Papaverine, but slightly expanded. The drug is based on drotaverine. No-shpa is often prescribed when necessary to normalize blood pressure levels. This is enough strong tablets, since a pronounced effect is noted after just a couple of minutes. When used together with other drugs, you should be careful and consult your doctor first, as a mutual enhancement of the effect is possible, for example, this effect is observed with Paracetamol. Basically, No-shpa provokes the elimination of pain, but does not treat the cause of the pain syndrome. It is important to consider that in the presence of hypotension, the drug for the head No-shpa is not used. You can drink 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day;
  • Golidor. The principle of action is similar to other antispasmodics, but it is worth considering that the drug acute stage must have a current quick effect, and Golidor has a complex effect, so it is not suitable for this case. You need to use 1 pill 3 times a day, the duration of the course should be determined by your doctor;

Antispasmodics also have contraindications, their list is below:

  1. Kidney/heart failure;
  2. Hypersensitivity to any substances included in the drugs;
  3. Hypotension;
  4. Glaucoma.

Against vascular pain

Good pills allow you to normalize both intracranial and arterial pressure. Since the expansion of blood vessels significantly increases their area, the pressure in the intracranial box is highly dependent on this. At the same time, dilated vessels prevent high-quality blood circulation. When the vessels narrow, the pressure in them increases significantly, which can provoke hemorrhage, which is characterized by a high intensity of flow.

Medicines from the analgesic group:

  • Analgin. Allows you to eliminate unpleasant sensations of various origins. Actively used to normalize high temperature and eliminate the inflammatory reaction;
  • Otalgin - affects the body by reducing the activity of cyclooxygenase, prevents the release of endoperoxide, certain PGs and bradykinins, free-type radicals. All this action is aimed at preventing the conduction of impulses from nerve receptors, as well as more high level excitability of the sensation of pain. Swallow 1-2 tablets no more than 4 times a day;
  • Minalgin - has a strong analgesic effect. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps eliminate fever. Due to its rapid effect, Minalgin is one of the frequently used remedies;
  • Novalgin - prevents severe pain due to its analgesic effect, while an antipyretic effect is noted. The inflammatory reaction somewhat slows down its development or even enters the regression stage, but full recovery not visible. Additionally, it stimulates the central nervous system. If there is pain in the head area, take 1-2 tablets approximately 2-3 times a day;
  • Baralgin allows you to restore normal condition blood pressure, which prevents spasmodic phenomena in blood vessels. Take 1-2 tablets at a time, and use 2 times a day, maximum 3.

Important! For some of the drugs described normal occurrence urine is considered red in color.

The following contraindications are typical for this type of drug:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  2. Damage to the kidney filtration system and hematopoietic function;
  3. Availability bronchial asthma;
  4. Deviations in the genetic structure of the body.

Liquorodynamic pain

This type of discomfort is characterized by the presence of intense pain with a feeling of fullness. Symptoms worsen when sneezing. In fact, the situation is very serious, so you should seek the help of a doctor.

When using tablets, little effectiveness is observed.

Treatment in pregnant women and children

During pregnancy, you need to take care not only of your own well-being, but also the health of the child, which is why many drugs are prohibited altogether, while others must only be used carefully and adequately.

It is allowed to use Citramon, No-shpa and Paracetamol, and other medications only as prescribed by a doctor. Nurofen, Analgin and Aspirin are probably prohibited for use.

The situation is similar for children; some drugs are also not allowed until a certain age. You can use Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. It is best to use Paracetamol; if there is no effect, a consultation will be required.

Important! The dosage is selected individually, as it directly depends on the child’s age and weight.

Most Popular

Some drugs are used more often than others, their list is below:

  • Analgin – cheap remedy, which allows you to eliminate spasm and pain during migraines. Use 1 tablet 2-3 times a day;
  • Tempalgin is a drug similar to Analgin, only the substance tempidone is added. Take 1 pill 1-3 times a day;
  • Citramon. Enough accessible remedy containing caffeine, cocoa powder and citric acid. The threshold before an overdose occurs is much greater than in previous methods;

  • Pentalgin is combination remedy, which combines many medicinal components. Additionally, they improve sleep and the patient’s well-being.


Treatment with medications is the basis for eliminating pain and normalizing lifestyle.

Don't forget to leave comments with your favorite drugs and ask questions, we will be happy to help you.

Let's look at what medications to take for headaches and migraines.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs are inexpensive tablets for headaches of any origin, including mild migraines. This may include:

  • Ibuprofen (Mig, Nurofen, Nurofen Express).
  • Diclofenac (Ortafen, Voltaren).
  • Aspirin (Upsarin Upsa, Acecardol, Thrombo Ass).
  • Analgin (Baralgin).
  • Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferolgan).


This type of drugs is not suitable for long-term therapy, due to the fact that they do not affect the cause of the headache, but only help relieve its symptoms. Pain relief after taking the medicine occurs within half an hour, and the effect lasts 4 to 8 hours. Analgesics must be taken during full stomach so as not to damage the mucous membrane.

Names of analgesics:

  1. Tempalgin (consists of analgin and tempidone).
  2. Analgin.
  3. Citramon.
  4. Pentalgin.
  5. Solpadeine.
  6. Ergotamines.

You can read more about analgesics and other migraine remedies.

Migraine tablets - ergotamines should also not be taken for a long time. Their advantage is that they have a rapid vasoconstrictor effect; and their disadvantage is that they form a very stable addiction and can cause an attack of angina pectoris. You can learn more about vasoconstrictors and other migraine medications.

The most well-known ergotamines for headaches are:

  • Akliman.
  • Neoginofort.
  • Secabrevin.
  • Ergomar.
  • Kakginergin.
  • Ginofort.

The therapeutic effect of these drugs can increase when they are combined with other groups.

REFERENCE! Clinical studies It was found that Ergomar and caffeine are a good combination.


Triptans have undergone clinical trials, which have proven the advantage of tablets in comparison with analogues of other groups.

But these drugs have not become widespread because their price is high.

List of triptans:

  1. Noramig.
  2. Zolmitriptan.
  3. Sumatriptan.
  4. Trimigraine.
  5. Zomig.
  6. Imigran.
  7. Neratriptan.
  8. Eletriptan.

Experts recommend checking the effectiveness of the triptan three times. If, after a single use, complete elimination of migraine is not observed, then you should not immediately abandon the drug. Should be reuse medications (and this is after 2 hours) increase the dosage.
You can read more about triptans in.

Combination drugs for migraine

Combination medications for migraines include codeine, phenobarbital, caffeine and other similar ingredients. These are the components that help with headaches. The combined composition increases the therapeutic effect on the body. Combination drugs begin to act on average 20 minutes after administration. Suitable for weak or medium pain in my head. They may not help with severe headaches. Popular combination drugs:

  • Stopmigraine.
  • Solpadeine.
  • Tetralgin.
  • Pentalgin.
  • Kaffetin.
  • Ketanov.

You can find out more about the best medications for migraines.

Tablet prices

Non-steroidal and analgesics for migraine

  1. Ibuprofen(price from 80 to 150 rubles) - 2 capsules relieve a severe attack.
  2. Diclofenac(price from 40 to 250 rubles) – 1 tablet or rectal suppository is enough.
  3. Aspirin(from 20 rubles) - cheap tablets, do not help in small doses (1000 mg).
  4. Analgin(about 200 rubles) - no more than 1 tablet per day.
  5. Paracetamol(from 20 to 130 rubles) – 500 – 1000 mg no more than 3 – 4 times a day.

ATTENTION! If analgesics do not relieve the attack of pain, then it is possible that the cause of the pain is a spasm of cerebral vessels.

In this case, you should take one of the popular antispasmodics:

  1. No-shpa(from 64 rubles, more cheap analogue– Drotaverine) – 40 – 80 mg 1 to 3 times a day.
  2. Papaverine(from 40 rubles) – 40 – 60 mg 3 times a day.
  3. Galidor(from 560 rubles) – 100 mg three times.


  • Sumatripan: Rapided, Amigrenin, Imigran, Sumatripan (price from 250 to 750 rubles per pack).
  • Other triptans– Rapimig, Zolmigren (over 500 rubles for 6 tablets).

The most popular remedies: description, indications and dosage

What drugs are considered good and help with migraines? These include:

  • sumamigren;
  • relpax;
  • zolmigren;
  • sedalgin;
  • paracetamol;
  • citramon;
  • analgin;
  • ibuprofen.
  1. Sumamigren is an anti-migraine drug.
  2. Relpax - its indications are the same as those of Sumamigren: relief of migraine attacks with and without aura. Relpax should be used as soon as possible after the onset of pain. However, it is also effective in later stages.
  3. Zolmigren.
  4. Sedalgin belongs to combination drugs. It is used to reduce symptoms of pain, as well as to combat elevated temperature bodies with various inflammatory pathologies.
  5. Paracetamol has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. Citramon. Combined drug.
  7. Analgin has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  8. Ibuprofen has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
    The effect of the drug lasts up to 8 hours.
    • Indications: as an analgesic for pain of mild or moderate intensity (more details about painkillers for migraines and other drugs can be found in).
    • 2 capsules relieve a severe attack.
    • Prices in pharmacies: from 16 rubles.

You can find out more about migraine medications, and a more detailed list and prices for drugs can be found in.

What medications can you buy without a doctor's prescription?

What can you drink for headaches and which ones are available without a prescription? Of the above-mentioned drugs, only when purchasing triptans can you be asked for a prescription from a doctor, since they have the most strong effect. Other drugs can be freely purchased at the pharmacy.

For prevention

Precursors of migraine can be:

  • flashing before the eyes;
  • distorted perception of reality;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • flashes before the eyes.

This is the so-called “aura” of migraine. If its signals appear, then it makes sense to take medication before the onset of a headache, this will help to quickly stop or reduce its manifestations.

What medications should I take during the warning signs and aura stage? In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, for example, aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol or drugs with caffeine - askofen, citramon - help well.

If migraine attacks occur very frequently (especially if migraines exhibit neurological defects or are present epileptic seizures), then you need to contact a specialist who, based on the diagnosis, will prescribe preventive treatment drugs such as:

  1. Pizotefin, Cyproheptadine, Vasobral, Cafetamine, Sandomigran.
  2. Beta blocker – Anaprilin.
  3. Antidepressant – Amitriptyline.
  4. Anti-vomiting agents – Domperidone, Metoclopramide.
  5. Triptans – Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan, Zomig, Naramig.
  6. Combined antispasmodics/analgesics – Solpadeine, Trigan, Pentalgin, Codeine.

They will help reduce the manifestation of migraines to a minimum.

REFERENCE! Also, psychotherapy, massage and acupuncture are often used to prevent migraine attacks. It is very important to follow diet and sleep patterns.

You can learn more about medications for migraine prevention.

To summarize, let's talk about the importance of finding a person suffering from migraine under the supervision of a doctor - it is necessary to undergo diagnostics on the advice of a specialist, consult with him about taking certain pills for migraines. Be careful about your health!

If you want to consult with or ask your question, then you can do so completely for free in comments.

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A headache can turn the happiest day of your life into a nightmare.

Arising completely unexpectedly, squeezing the head or crushing it like drills, it does not allow one to think normally, react to jokes, or work fruitfully.

And in your purse, jacket pocket, backpack pocket, inexpensive headache pills appear that can stop an attack at the very beginning.

Effective and relatively safe remedy A doctor should help you choose. Of course, having arisen on its own, it can also suddenly disappear, leaving only frightening memories. But it very rarely happens that, once it arises, the pain goes away forever.

After all, the reason for the often repeated painful condition may be stress, osteochondrosis, heat, migraine, hypertension or hypotension. What will certainly help reduce blood pressure can be fatal due to hypotension; some drugs are addictive or provoke bronchospasm, allergic reactions. It is necessary to find out what the body is trying to communicate pain syndrome and the easier and faster it is to remove it.

Modern medicine offers many remedies to relieve headaches. You can buy them without any prescriptions, which is why tablets with a variety of names are mixed up in almost every home medicine cabinet.

Sometimes the cause of headaches is adolescence vasospasm occurs irregular meals, prolonged stay in a stuffy room.

It is believed that such pain goes away on its own, just take a short walk fresh air, eat, drink strong sweet tea.

But if this doesn't help, then unpleasant sensations Nausea and vomiting have also been added, it’s worth checking your blood pressure.

Perhaps half a tablet of citramone or caffecil can normalize the condition within 5 to 10 minutes and allow the teenager to continue to work normally.

In case of nervous overstrain, severe weather dependence, professional activities associated with long stay in one, sometimes uncomfortable position, headaches often occur in the area of ​​the eyes, forehead, and back of the head; sometimes they do not have a clear boundary, covering the entire head.

In this case, analgesics and antispasmodics are primarily used from the first aid kit. Middle-aged people who have studied their body well are not inclined to wait until the pain becomes completely unbearable; they prefer to immediately take the minimum dose of medicine in order to move on with their lives in peace.

They know very well how much and when to take papaverine tablets or more strong remedy to reduce hypertension. For them, waiting for the pain to worsen is fraught with serious complications, so only pressure control can save them from problems and hospitalization.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are always at hand for people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis. Careless movement, a slight draft, even uncomfortable clothing can cause an attack of illness; patients often wake up with severe pain if their neck becomes stiff during sleep or the pillow turns out to be uncomfortable.

Bright painful flashes in the eyes, paroxysmal sharp pain, then subsiding, then resuming with renewed vigor, causing nausea, loss of coordination, intolerance loud sounds and photophobia are typical suffering from migraines.

No one has yet been able to get rid of it completely; autotraining and meditation reduce the frequency of attacks, but the likelihood of their recurrence never disappears.

From 1 day to 1 week, the pain must be endured or relieved with potent drugs, such as pentalgin.

For any type of headache, the first thing you should do is rush not to the pharmacy, but to the doctors. Based on the description of the nature of the attacks, the therapist will be able to pre-diagnose the disease, prescribe appropriate examinations and studies to exclude such dangerous diseases like tumors inflammatory processes in the brain infectious diseases. After this, he can recommend pills that should be taken if the pain reappears.

It is important to remember that pills that work great for some are simply contraindicated for others. Many of them have side effects, can be harmful for stomach ulcers, problems with the esophagus, pancreas, and are harmful to the kidneys and liver.

And the high cost of the drug does not guarantee its safety and complete cure suffering from attacks of pain.

Effective inexpensive painkillers for headaches

What cheap headache pills help effectively?

When pain seriously affects a person’s condition and mood, negates performance, depriving even the desire to live, and doctors say that pain originates in overwork and poor lifestyle, you can take one of the remedies they most often recommend.

  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroidal and practically non-steroidal addictive medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and diclofenac will help reduce the intensity of pain. They must be taken in accordance with the instructions, and in no case exceed the dose. Those who have contraindications do not need to drink them.
  2. If the pain is caused by vasospasm, tablets such as drotaverine (or no-shpa), pentalgin, papazole, spazgan will help.
  3. If you have a problem with blood pressure, to normalize it, if you are not diagnosed with hypertension, you can take citramon, cofitil, andipal.

In no case should you begin a course of treatment with antidepressants or strong painkillers with the possibility of addiction without consultation and supervision of a doctor.

When chronic fatigue, nervous overstrain It’s best to change your surroundings, go out into nature or go to a sanatorium.

It is worth learning to get rid of unpleasant thoughts, emotions, and control feelings - this will help much better than medications that poison the body.

Are there effective non-drug ways to get rid of headaches? The link provides some methods for relieving pain.

List of popular drugs

Among inexpensive means, the most popular among people suffering from frequent headaches are those that have been used for several decades.

  1. Analgin– relieves spasms, can be used as an antipyretic and even an anti-inflammatory agent. Has a lot side effects, so there is no need to abuse the drug. Take no more than 3 tablets per day for no more than 3 to 5 days.
  2. Citramon– normalizes blood pressure, acts gently, relieves pain caused by pressure changes, high or low lower pressure. Maximum dose 3 – 6 tablets per day, helps within 30 minutes. Due to the citric acid contained in the tablets, it is contraindicated for increased acidity, gastritis, predisposition to ulcers.
  3. Ibuprofen– taking 2 tablets 2 times a day for 7 days alleviates the condition of osteochondrosis. If your headache is caused by this disease, it is recommended to drink full course, or better yet, undergo specialized examination and treatment so that the disease does not return.
  4. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)– also often used to relieve pain, antipyretic. It is worth remembering that this drug thins the blood, so people with poor clotting should not take the tablets.
Among the new tablets are inexpensive with excellent and quick action are considered:
  • Pentalgin is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Nurofen – the drug is based on ibuprofen, the drug helps much faster.
  • No-spa (drotaverine) is an analgesic and anti-spasm drug recommended for all types of pain, including headaches.
  • Solpadeine, Baralgin, Spazgan and other analgesics.

It must be remembered that pills do not always help; much depends on the characteristics of the body, the causes and nature of the pain. Therefore, in case of frequently recurring attacks, especially if they are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, or nosebleeds, you should consult a doctor.

Headache negatively affects a person’s performance and mood. There are many drugs that can relieve suffering. But their wrong choice aggravates the situation, provoking chronic migraine and disruption of internal organs. Tablets such as No-shpa, Citramon, Analgin and Ketorol relieve headaches in almost all cases, so you can find them in every home medicine cabinet.
These and many other drugs are available to everyone. They are available without a doctor's prescription, which, however, does not guarantee the safety of their use. In order not to harm your health and eliminate not just the symptom, but the cause of its occurrence, you should be selective in your choice of medications.

Non-narcotic painkillers of this group are distinguished by their broad therapeutic effect, effectiveness, variety and low price. In addition to their main purpose, the drugs are used as antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The principle of action of these drugs is to eliminate pro-inflammatory factors and reduce swelling, which puts pressure on the nerve endings. Analgesics are classified according to chemical nature. Below is a list of the most common derivatives on the basis of which headache tablets are produced.

  1. Aspirin. Probably found in every family's medicine cabinet. It is used for colds, various ailments, and thrombosis. Is prophylactic at cardiovascular diseases. The popularity of the drug creates a false impression of its safety. In reality, it has a wide list of contraindications and side effects.
  2. Analgin. Used to relieve moderate pain various localizations. In many countries its use is prohibited or limited due to serious adverse reactions(it affects the hematopoietic system).
  3. Paracetamol. Considered the most safe drug, used to treat children, pregnant and lactating women. It has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the analgesic properties are not expressed. More suitable for reducing body temperature.
  4. Ibuprofen. A fast-acting substance intended for point-of-use therapy (short-term reduction of inflammation and pain). Included in the WHO list of essential medicines, it has long been studied and thoroughly tested. Ibuprofen is well tolerated by the body, rarely causing side effects, and therefore is included in children's medications.

All analgesics are contraindicated for people suffering from acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They are not suitable for people with reduced blood clotting, asthmatics (during an attack). To reduce the likelihood of occurrence side effects, tablets should be taken strictly after meals.


Such painkillers weaken or eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, causing pain. There are neurotropic drugs that act through the autonomic nervous system, and myotropic - relaxing smooth muscles due to the influence on their biochemical processes.

Antispasmodics are used primarily in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, during increased tone, heart diseases. They are effective only for headaches caused by cerebral vasospasm or circulatory disorders.

Popular drugs:

  • No-spa (Drotaverine) – dilates blood vessels, reduces muscle tone;
  • Papaverine is a well-known antispasmodic with a pronounced effect that acts selectively (only on the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Buscopan is another powerful drug of this type, but it “works” mainly for abdominal pain.

Medicines based on a single antispasmodic substance are ineffective for headaches. To get rid of the disease, combination drugs are used that contain different components that enhance therapeutic effect each other. Below are popular tablets of this type.

Antispasmodics are contraindicated for use by persons with renal and heart failure, low blood pressure, acute diseases heart and glaucoma. Tablets are not used to treat children, pregnant and nursing mothers (except for papaverine and drotaverine).

Migraine medications

Triptans are tablets designed to relieve migraines. They have the strongest effect on pain caused by this disease and are completely powerless for any other causes of its occurrence (including headaches provoked not by migraine, but by spasm or inflammation).

Only 3 triptans are available to residents of Russia.

  • Sumatriptan - tablets Amigrenin, Sumamigren.
  • Elitriptan is a drug called Relpax.
  • Zolmitriptan – medicine Zomig.

They relieve pain within 30 minutes and last for several days. Not suitable for systematic use (it is no coincidence that there are only 2 tablets in the package). Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor and selected individually, taking into account the patient’s lifestyle and accompanying symptoms. Sold by prescription only. They are contraindicated for diseases of cardio-vascular system and are incompatible with many medications.

There is no universal headache pill that will help anyone. Each drug has a specific effect on the body and can quickly cope with a symptom or be completely useless (in a particular case). All medications are used only as directed.

Painkillers are not intended for course use and can only be used if necessary. If a symptom does not go away or appears too often, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a more productive and safe treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of pain.

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