The best foods for bone health. Healthy Foods for Bones

Studies show that in people over twenty-five years of age, bone tissue thins out at approximately one percent per year. Since our body constantly loses calcium, it tries to immediately replenish it. But the closer you get to old age, the worse the regeneration process works. Therefore it is important to establish proper nutrition so that our bones do not suffer the consequences of a fracture.

There is a whole range of diseases that are associated with bone fragility, which is inevitably associated with wrong diet, because of which bone fractures, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis, osteopoikilosis, osteoporosis and other diseases cannot be avoided. This problem especially concerns women over 50 years of age.

The most common bone disease problem is osteoporosis, which usually affects women over 50 years of age. But to think that this disease is the lot of women is to be deeply mistaken. Since this problem affects all people whose bone tissue has become brittle. And this is caused not only by the age of 50 years, but also poor nutrition, which can lead to a fracture.

When there is a need to enrich the body with calcium - an element that is simply irreplaceable in the diet of a person over 50 years old, then it’s time to making the right choice products.

Usually calcium is for healthy person should enter the body in the amount of a thousand milligrams, as for people at risk, these are those who are over 50 years old, and also after a fracture, they need to eat about one and a half thousand milligrams per day. And this along with an active lifestyle, which also helps strengthen bones.

Dairy products such as milk, cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, yoghurts and others can deliver calcium to our body. But it is not only contained in them. There is also a lot of calcium in leafy vegetables, which should also be eaten. Let's take a closer look at which foods contain those elements that are so necessary for the formation of strong bones.

What foods benefit the body?

Healthy foods– these are, first of all, dairy products, but no less important are grain wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats, corn and brown rice. It is also important to build your diet around green beans, carrots, spinach, lettuce, onions, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, celery, zucchini, artichokes, cucumbers, asparagus, Bell pepper and tomatoes.

For all women, baked goods filled with rich in calcium stuffing. For example, with Chinese cabbage, broccoli or tofu, which is made from soy, a very healthy legume.

Legumes, as already mentioned, are very beneficial for bone formation. Therefore, it is important to take beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, and other legumes for nutrition. You can’t do without seeds and all types of nuts. Sesame seed also contains a lot of calcium. It can be eaten with baked goods or simply as seeds. Don’t forget about water, you should drink at least eight glasses of it per day, as it helps strengthen bones.

What foods are high in calcium?

The benefits of dairy products

You need everything that can be cooked using milk. We are talking about the following dishes:

Between your main meal you can eat a salad of:

  • Fruits topped with yoghurt
  • Vegetables seasoned with sour cream.

To obtain vitamin D, which is necessary for the delivery of calcium to bone tissue, you need to drink four glasses of milk a day.

As we see dairy nutrition Very important aspect in the diet. And pregnant women and children generally need to consume three servings of milk per day. Since everyone knows that dairy products strengthen the child’s bones, and also form them in the embryo. Therefore, women who consume little foods containing calcium quickly experience tooth decay, thinning hair, and broken nails.

What other foods strengthen bones?

In addition to dairy products, as we have already noted, there are also a number of others that also strengthen bones. Let's look at them:
Oily fish comes first. Fish oil or just fish fatty varieties contribute to the production of vitamin D, which delivers calcium to the bones.
But it’s not just calcium that’s important for bones. You also cannot do without potassium, which retains calcium and prevents it from being washed out. Products such as spinach, champignons, Rye bread, fish, potatoes, bananas contain it in abundance.

What foods are dangerous for bones?

As we are now learning, there are not only useful, but also junk food which interfere with the body's absorption of calcium. Therefore, a varied diet is not always beneficial. What kind of dishes are these?

  • We're talking about pickles.
  • Carbonated drinks that contain phosphoric acid, which leaches calcium from bones,
  • Trnasty fats found in margarine, which interfere with the absorption of vitamin K,
  • Alcohol and drinks based on it, alcohol interferes with the absorption of calcium,
  • Coffee, which is consumed in large quantities.

Of course, the listed harmful nutrients can be consumed in limited quantities. Only neglect of this advice can lead to irreversible consequences. Especially for women over 50 years old this advice This may be the wrong thing to do, by the way, since they are more susceptible to problems with bones, and eating elements that do not strengthen, but destroy bone tissue, can lead to irreversible consequences.

Nutrition for bones of women over 50 years of age

Considering that women after 50 years experience menopause, that is, the cessation of menstruation, the level of estrogen drops sharply, which leads to this dangerous disease, like osteoporosis, which is not far from a fracture.

Therefore, to continue strengthening bone tissue for women after 50 years of age, it is necessary to take in more calcium and vitamin D, which is so important for its absorption.

If you don't pay enough attention to what's included daily meals, then you can very easily get a fracture due to thinning of the bone tissue. And after a fracture, the body needs calcium on an even larger scale. Therefore, for women after 50 years, it is important to balance their diet so that there is room for variety of food, then all the necessary substances will definitely be absorbed.

Nutrition for fractures

If there is a danger of a fracture, then the diet should contain a number of products that would not only strengthen bone tissue, but also contribute to speedy recovery. In case of a fracture, for bone tissue growth you need to eat:

Calcium. This is fish, we are talking about sardines, salmon. Also included in this list are cabbage, milk and dairy products, almonds, spinach and sesame.
Magnesium. You can’t do without bananas, dairy products, almonds, nuts, wheat germ, leafy vegetables, carp, shrimp, halibut, flounder, sea bass, herring, mackerel, cod, wholemeal bread.
Vitamin D. Must be consumed fish fat, fatty fish.
Zinc. This is about sea ​​fish, seafood, pumpkin seeds, legumes, mushrooms, oatmeal and buckwheat, walnuts.
Phosphorus. You can’t do without sturgeon caviar, oatmeal and buckwheat, beef liver, cheeses, beans, yolk, walnuts.
Vitamins B6, B9, B12. We are talking about brewer's yeast, veal liver, banana, legumes, leafy vegetables, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, beets, citrus fruits, sardines, mackerel, eggs.
Vitamin K. It is important not to forget about fermented milk products.

If you use all of the above elements in the event of a fracture, then everything will be enough for the growth of bone tissue.

What not to eat if you have a fracture

Usually this food includes dishes that cannot be called healthy eating. We are talking about salty foods, for example, zakatki, which you so want to eat in winter. It is better to eat more beets, carrots, cabbage, citrus fruits, bananas, apples and other things that you can buy in winter.

You should also give up sausage and anything smoked in general. It’s better not to eat semi-finished products, cook for yourself. This way, you will know exactly how much salt you put in. For a person, it is enough to consume half a teaspoon of salt per day. Also limit your tea and coffee consumption to two cups per day.

The main frame of our body is the skeleton, which consists of bones connected by joints. The skeleton performs a protective function, and together with the muscles it participates in human movement.

Bones are divided into 4 types: tubular, short, flat and mixed.
Example tubular bones can serve as the shoulder and femur,
short ones are the bones of the foot, flat ones are the scapula, and mixed ones are the bones of the skull. Inside the bones is Bone marrow. The bones themselves are made of hard matter and mineral salts.

In total, there are about 200 bones in the human body, which can withstand a load of 160 kg per square centimeter of their surface.

For active work The brain needs good nutrition. It is advisable to exclude harmful foods from the diet chemical substances and preservatives.

Research involving over 1,000,000 students showed the following results. Students whose lunches did not include artificial flavors, colors and preservatives scored 14% better on IQ tests than students who ate the additives.

Compliance with work and rest schedules, proper nutrition and activity, and timely prevention of disorders will preserve brain health for many years.

The main enemy to the health of the skeletal system is osteoporosis, which Lately significantly “younger”. Even children get sick from it.

What can we say about women who, during pregnancy, spend calcium on building the child’s skeleton? They have osteoporosis most often! And all because the body does not receive sufficient compensation nutrients, for normal life.

In order to musculoskeletal system functioned normally, should be normalized water-salt metabolism in organism. This is facilitated by providing the body good nutrition and a sufficient amount of liquid with moderate consumption of table salt.

The human body is 60% water, so water, juices and liquid food should be present in the diet daily in sufficient quantities.

Most of the useful mineral salts, which are simply necessary for the strength of the skeleton, are found in simple and natural products(vegetables, fruits, eggs and greens).

The Healthiest Foods for Bones

In order to maintain the health of the skeletal system, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin D3, copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus are needed.

Products that contain them:

  • Milk and dairy products are best sources calcium. They strengthen bones and teeth. Moreover, if you need to drink at least a liter of milk, then hard cheese should be eaten within 120 - 150 grams.
  • Leafy vegetables and greens. For those for whom dairy products are not suitable for certain conditions, other sources of organic calcium may be suitable. These are celery, spinach, kale. In addition to calcium, they contain essential microelements such as potassium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. In addition, they are rich in vitamins B and PP.
  • Sardines, salmon, tuna. In order for calcium to be absorbed normally, it is necessary to have vitamin D, which fish is so rich in. In order to avoid osteoporosis, it is enough to eat 50 grams of them per day. At the same time, canned food should not be consumed! It's better to cook it yourself.
  • Liver . Rich in copper, vitamin A, as well as vitamin D3, which helps improve the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.
  • Flounder, capelin, pollock, squid. A source of organic phosphorus, due to which calcium is absorbed.
  • Pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, peanuts. Trusted Source zinc, which, together with phosphorus, is responsible for the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Nuts, millet, seaweed, bran, prunes. A source of magnesium, which is responsible for the functioning of osteocytes.
  • Apricot. Rich in potassium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the muscles that control the skeletal system.
  • Beetroot, spinach, porcini mushrooms. All these products contain such an essential antioxidant as manganese. It is thanks to him that normal growth and development of bones occurs. cartilage tissue.

To grow and strengthen bones, you need to eat foods containing protein and calcium. When creating a menu, it is also necessary to take into account the content of certain vitamins and microelements in products.

Useful microelements for bone growth and strengthening

The best source of calcium is milk. This product promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, as well as joints and teeth. Milk can be anything: low or high fat, dry or concentrated. To strengthen bones, you need to consume other dairy and dairy products. They need to be included in the diet of not only young people, but also older people. Consumption of foods containing calcium is one of the means of preventing osteoporosis.

For bone growth, you need to include eggs in your diet. They contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium

There are other sources of this trace element: greens, leafy vegetables, kale. Including foods high in calcium in your diet will help speed up bone healing during fractures. For normal absorption of calcium, phosphorus is needed, so diversify your menu with foods that contain it. Prepare dishes from veal, fish, legumes more often, cook porridge from oatmeal, eat pumpkin seeds.

Zinc must be present in the diet for bone growth.

Products containing this trace element:

  • liver
  • pork and beef tenderloin
  • mutton
  • processed cheese
  • legumes
  • buckwheat
  • barley grits
  • cereals
  • Pine nuts
  • peanut

Bone growth and health require magnesium, which helps convert potassium and phosphorus. To compensate for the lack of this microelement in the body, you need to include nuts and seeds, prunes, seaweed, legumes, cereals (especially buckwheat), wheat bran. Dried apricots and apricots are very beneficial for bones. They contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and potassium.

Manganese also promotes bone growth. It is part of the enzymes involved in the construction connective tissue, supports normal structure bones and cartilage. To compensate for its deficiency in the body, you need to include nuts, beets, spinach, garlic, green salad, beef liver, durum wheat pasta, and mushrooms in your menu.

Vitamins for bone growth

Calcium is better absorbed by the body in the presence of vitamin D. Both of these substances are large quantities found in sardines, salmon and tuna. Beef liver will also promote bone growth. In addition to vitamin D, it contains copper and vitamin A. Also rich in vitamin D are mushrooms, poultry liver, butter, sunflower seeds.

If illnesses before joints and bones suffered mainly from the older generation, now it is a scourge of our time, which haunts not only adults, but also young people. Thinning of bones and weakening of joints can go completely unnoticed, but over time it develops into diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and arthrosis. Instead of sitting and waiting for the first one to appear alarm signal about the presence of a disease, prevention can be carried out to strengthen bone skeleton and joints, which in the future will only have a beneficial effect on health even in old age.

The bones perform one of the essential functions of the body and constitute the musculoskeletal system. Strong skeletal system- this is a guarantee of health, it’s not in vain folk wisdom says: “If there were bones, the meat would grow.” The thinning of bones leads to their fragility, and even with a minor bruise a fracture or crack can occur, so you should take care of this long before going to the doctor with this problem.

Foods, vitamins and simple actions that help strengthen bones
Joints and their work
Joints are movable joints of the bones of the skeleton. They function every day, even when sedentary life. Thanks to them, when moving, the bones do not rub against each other and are not abraded. But they need special care. In the joint between the bones there is cartilage tissue, if it decreases, the joint loses elasticity, this causes very unpleasant painful sensations. They constantly require “recharge”, which they receive from food, but if this does not happen, arthritis and arthrosis develop.

How can you strengthen your joints?
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are moving by leaps and bounds towards the title of “Disease of the Century”, so remember that beauty comes from within, do not neglect your health, even without visible complications in the functioning of the body. It is easier to strengthen bones and joints now than to treat them later.

There are many foods that include nutrition to strengthen bones and reduce the likelihood of joint inflammation, arthritis, and other bone-related health problems. If a person follows the rules healthy image life, eats the “right” foods, and his bone mass density remains at an optimal level throughout his life.

Calcium for fractures

Calcium is essential for the proper functioning of the body, particularly for healthy teeth and bones. In addition, it promotes normal blood clotting and is beneficial.

Therefore, when deciding what to take to strengthen bones during fractures, pay attention to drugs containing this substance. For example, “Calcium Sandoz Forte”, the price of which varies within 500 rubles/20 pcs. (100 g).

Did you know that there is no need to spend money on expensive nutritional supplements, there is a cheap source important element, which is available in every home.
What is needed to prepare it?

You will need:

  • shell;
  • lemon juice;
  • baking sheet from the oven;
  • coffee grinder or mortar;
  • fine sieve.

You need about 12 eggshells - preferably homemade or organic quality. If there are seals on the egg, remove them using hot water and the rough side of the sponge, rinse thoroughly.

Place on a baking sheet and heat in the oven for about 15 minutes at 180°C. The shell will get rid of bacteria and become more fragile - it will be easier to crush it.

Pour the shells into a mortar or coffee grinder (consider a little bad smell) and chop, sift through a fine sieve. The result is a white-brown powder that should be stored in a well-closed container.

Using powder from eggshells very simple: take a small amount (pinch) 3 times a day. The powder should be taken on an empty stomach or with food without fat (honey, dry bread, etc.) - fats can turn the minerals from the powder into indigestible compounds.

Egg powder safe even with long-term use, provided it is consumed before meals. Otherwise, you may feel bloated or have digestive problems!

Products for strengthening bones and joints

The following products are recommended to be included in the diet not only for people with increased physical activity, but also for every man, woman and even child - they are important in order to elderly age subsequently was not burdened with problems with bone fragility and. The most valuable element in this regard is calcium.

To strengthen bones it is necessary daily dose amounts to:

  • about 1000-1200 mg for adults;
  • approximately 700 mg for children under 12 years of age;
  • the dose for children (1-3 years) is 600 mg;
  • up to 1 year – 400 mg.
  1. Poppy
    Although most people believe that the best sources essential substance are dairy products, they are not. The leader in the content of this element is poppy, which contains up to 12 times more than milk. Therefore, poppy seed buns are recommended for pregnant women and people suffering from osteoporosis. 100 g of ground poppy seeds contains the recommended daily dose of calcium, approximately 1200-1400 mg.
  2. Milk
    Milk ranks second in terms of calcium content. In addition, it contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamins D and B12. All of these nutrients are very important for bone health. In old age, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of milk per day. The use of this product in large quantities is undesirable, because... after a certain age (most often, after 50 years, sometimes earlier) it occurs increased sensitivity to him. Children and young people can drink milk more often. Those who don't like the taste of milk can make a smoothie or cold sauce out of it.
  3. Cheese
    Cheese also has a good supply required element along with vitamins D, A, B12, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus and protein. All these nutrients are necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis and arthrosis. Cheese is also a great alternative for people with lactose allergies. You can choose between cheeses made from cow's, goat's or sheep's milk. Most healthy product- done.
  4. Yogurt
    Yogurt also contains adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D, and B12, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus and protein. Therefore, it is advisable to add a glass of white yogurt to your daily diet. However, be careful with Greek yogurt, which is not as good for the body and contains high amounts of protein but tends to be low in vitamin D and less calcium than traditional yogurts.
  5. Tofu
    Good for bone density and soy products, for example, tofu, which is obtained by sedimentation soy milk. This is a universal food that can completely replace meat; In addition, this product can be prepared sweet. 200 ml of tofu contains from 500 to 1700 mg of calcium, which is more than the recommended daily dose. Increased consumption of this product is particularly recommended for the treatment of osteoporosis and fracture recovery.
  6. Nuts, seeds and dried fruits
    Healthy snacks in the form of a variety of nuts, seeds and dried fruits provide not only energy, but also significant amount calcium. The leader is the content of 300 mg of an important element per 100 g, in 2nd place are walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts. Of the seeds, the most valuable is (670 mg of the necessary element per 100 g of seeds). Raisins also provide large quantities of this substance (about 200 mg per 100 g).
  7. Green tea
    When deciding what to drink to strengthen bones, green tea is worth considering. Although this drink does not contain calcium or vitamin D, experts say it may help prevent osteoporosis and other similar diseases. Green tea, in particular, contains chemicals that can stimulate bone formation and slow bone liquefaction. In addition, drinking green tea is very beneficial for human body also in terms of risk reduction cardiovascular diseases and colon cancer. For achievement best effects It is recommended to drink 4-5 cups of tea per day.
  8. Fish
    Saltwater and freshwater fish are great for bone health because they are a rich source of vitamin D. Fish are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which not only help your bones but also your heart.
  9. Salmon
    This is about oily fish, which includes a range of bone-strengthening nutrients. Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids help improve calcium absorption in the body. Regular consumption of salmon helps improve bone density and quality. Salmon is also good for the heart. It can be fried, baked, added to salads, or eaten raw (sushi).
  10. Sardines
    Another excellent source of essential nutrients is sardines. They contain as much calcium as milk or dairy products. Sardines also contain sufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus and vitamin B12. Most widely available canned sardines, which can be added to salads or other dishes.


Modern medicine offers a range of medications to promote joint health. They exist in various forms– tablets, capsules, injections...

Intravenous agents
Corticosteroids – we are talking about a group hormonal drugs. They are effective against edema, have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The most commonly used medications from this group are as follows::

  1. Kenalog – injection suspension, recommended for treatment rheumatoid arthritis and other connective tissue diseases. The price of the drug is about 600 rubles.
  2. Diprospan is an injection solution used for arthritis of various natures, osteochondrosis (), rheumatism and other diseases. The price of the medicine is about 900 rubles.
  3. Flosteron is an injection suspension used for various rheumatoid diseases. The price is approximately 1500 rubles.
  4. - This non-hormonal agent, which prolongs the youth of joints by compensating for lubrication. We are talking about a rather expensive treatment, however, at the same time, it is the most effective. The price of an ampoule of the drug is about 4,000 rubles.

Tablets and capsules

Oral medications more convenient to use, and their effectiveness is not inferior to drugs in injection form. The most common medications are as follows.

  1. Glucosamine sulfate– capsules.
    Aimed at reducing inflammation and pain during treatment inflammatory processes in joints, tendons, joint capsules, as well as improvement of degenerative processes affecting intervertebral disc. Glucosamine sulfate is also involved in the formation of nails, tendons, skin, eyes, bones, ligaments, and heart valves. The price of the drug is about 320 rubles/60 pcs.
  2. Turmeric extract
    Curcuminoids are substances responsible for yellow turmeric are antioxidants that help protect the body from negative impact free radicals. The price of turmeric extract ranges from 3000 rubles/520 tablets.
  3. L-Proline
    The amino acid, absolutely necessary for the formation of collagen, accelerates the regeneration of damaged cartilage and ligaments. The cost of the amino acid is approximately 1500 rubles/120 capsules.
  4. Niacin
    Vitamin B3 plays a fundamental role in cell energy metabolism and DNA repair. The cost of niacin is about 1000 rubles/100 capsules.
  5. Extract grape seeds
    Thanks to antioxidant properties protects the body from damage. Price – approximately 1500 rub./30 pcs.
  6. Manganese
    A mineral that plays a role in the body important role in many physiological processes. He supports normal development cartilage and bone and speeds up the healing process. Manganese is added to drugs that regulate joint pain, for example, Calcemin Advance capsules, the price of which ranges from 1000 rubles/120 pcs.

Herbs and vitamins

Herbs and certain vitamins can help increase bone density and strengthen joints.

  1. White willow bark
    It contains salicin, a substance that has an analgesic effect. In addition to salicin, white willow bark is rich in flavonoids, phenols and tannins. White willow, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, is also used to treat rheumatic problems, gout, back pain, myalgia, headaches, as well as to relieve women's problems. Pour boiling water over 1-3 g of dried bark and leave to brew for a few minutes. Take the infusion 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks. This natural medicine not suitable for children under 12 years of age, for women in the last trimester of pregnancy and nursing mothers.
  2. Ginger – taste and help
    Ginger root is known for its strong anti-inflammatory effects. For this reason, it is a proven aid for rheumatism, arthritis or any other pain in the joints, muscles and bones. Ginger contains gingerol and phenols, which enhance healing effect plants. Due to the lack of research, it is best to consult your doctor about using ginger during pregnancy. It is not suitable for people taking blood clotting medications. 1-2 tsp. Pour boiling water over dry ground ginger and leave to brew. Then strain through a sieve and drink 3 times a day. Root pieces or grated fresh ginger can also be applied directly to painful areas.
  3. Healing power nettle
    IN folk medicine has long been known healing effect nettles Beneficial Impact plants in the treatment of arthritis has been confirmed in a number of clinical trials. In addition, it is suitable for diabetics, because... helps reduce glycemia. Nettle is rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins C, B, as well as provitamin A, which play an important role in strong bones and healthy joints. Apply fresh herb to painful joints. To strengthen bones, you can drink tea: pour 2-4 g of dry leaves with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink tea 3-6 times a day for 2-4 weeks. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  4. The miracle called comfrey
    The plant has good help for fractures. Fresh leaves finely chop and pour into a small bowl with a lid. Fill with sunflower or olive oil. Add a few drops of rosemary oil and leave in a warm place for 2 weeks. Strain the oil - it is used to wipe painful areas.
  5. Vitamin C
    It doesn’t sound very original, but ascorbic acid is one of the most important vitamins For human body, and plays an important role in the functioning of almost all organs. It is necessary immune system, especially when physical activity, good for bone and cartilage tissue. The recommended daily dose is 79 mg (in some cases it is good to increase the intake over a certain period of time). Provide the body ascorbic acid maybe fruits or special supplements sold in pharmacies.


According to statistics, more than 100 million people suffer from problems with bones, joints and cartilage tissue disorders in Europe. These problems are painful and significantly reduce a person’s quality of life. It should be borne in mind that disorders are predominantly “diseases of civilization”, i.e. they are associated with modern lifestyles and unhealthy diets.

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