Common raspberry - beneficial properties, use in folk medicine, contraindications. Fresh raspberries: benefits and harms for the health of women, men and children, use of berries and leaves

For a long time raspberry benefits and harm to human health which were studied in this article, is known to man due to its medicinal properties. Our article describes in detail the composition of this berry, as well as its use in adults and children.

IN Everyday life the berry is used as healthy dessert, which is recommended to be given to children; jam, compote, and jam are made from it. At colds, temperature, sore throat, these blanks are used as medicine, helping to relieve fever and relieve pain. The leaves and branches of the plant also have therapeutic effect. Raspberries are widely used for preparing culinary dishes, in cosmetology and medicine.

Salicylic acid, which is part of the fruit, will replace expensive tablets and medicines. As a preventive measure, berries should be eaten during the period of the spread of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and acute respiratory infections. Strong inflammatory processes in the body will help relieve black raspberry combined with honey. The berry can also be harmful to human health, causing allergic reaction.


Raspberry is a perennial shrub with powerful roots and tall shoots up to 1.5 m. There are two main varieties of this plant - forest and garden. Fruits that grow in the wild are smaller in size and less intense in color, but are often sweeter.

Composition and calorie content

The fruits are used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking. This is due to the quantity useful elements, in the composition of fruits.

100 g of berries contains:

Raspberries also contain:

  • cobalt,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • fluorine,
  • manganese,
  • iron.

This list is not limited to only the listed microelements. The fruits are also rich in macronutrients:

  • phosphorus,
  • chlorine,
  • sodium,
  • gray,
  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • calcium

A large number of useful vitamins is part of these aromatic fruits, among them:

  • thiamine,
  • a nicotinic acid,
  • retinol,
  • beta carotene,
  • tocopherol,
  • riboflavin,
  • pyridoxine,
  • pantothenic acid,
  • vitamins of group H,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • folic acid.

Beneficial features

Not only fruits are used as remedy, branches and raspberry leaves They also have a rich, vitamin-rich composition.


  • 2 tsp jam;
  • pour a glass of warm water and drink the resulting drink before bed.

It does not contain extra calories, so it is recommended to use it even for overweight people.

  1. You can also make this drink from dried berries:
  • 2 teaspoons of dried fruits;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • insist and take as needed.

This remedy will help cope with anemia, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, nervous disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus. The infusion will help normalize menstrual cycle women, and is also used as a pain reliever, will help recover after childbirth.


Raspberry leaves also have medicinal properties. It is recommended to prepare decoctions and infusions from them to cope with colds and viral diseases. For tracheitis, gastritis, bronchitis, irregular periods, this remedy will also help.

It is best to collect leaves in May, dry them in a well-ventilated area, and protect them from direct sunlight. The raw materials are brewed with boiling water and used as tea. And lotions from this decoction will help get rid of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and non-healing wounds.

A tincture of the leaves and flowers of the plant will help get rid of itching after an insect bite. For this:

  • 100 g of raw materials;
  • pour 500 ml of vodka;
  • leave to infuse for 4 hours.

Apply the product to the bite site several times a day.


The branches of the plant contain components that help cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.

A decoction of fresh branches is widely used in gynecology. It helps prepare the muscles of the uterus and thereby facilitate childbirth. It is recommended that all pregnant women drink the decoction daily, up to 36 weeks.

Watch the video! What are the benefits of raspberries?


For women

  1. Such important component How the iron in berries helps maintain health women, in addition, berries should be consumed during pregnancy for prevention iron deficiency anemia.
  2. Women are recommended to use raspberry pulp and juice to prepare face masks. After use this tool the skin looks fresher, the number of wrinkles decreases.
  3. Hormonal balance is normalized by tea, which is prepared from berries and raspberry leaves. This drink is recommended to be consumed during menstruation to reduce painful sensations and relieve muscle spasms.
  4. Eating fresh raspberries will also affect the health of your hair, it will grow faster and become stronger. Raspberry seeds can be used to prepare skin peeling, as well as an effective remedy against cellulite.

For men

D for children's health

For pregnant

  1. Raspberry fruit contains: large quantities folic acid, which is necessary for the intrauterine development of the child.
  2. Fruit juice made from raspberries helps to easily cope with toxicosis.
  3. As a preventive measure against iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to consume fresh berries daily.
  4. The substances contained in the berries have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the walls of the vagina and uterus. Therefore, childbirth will be much more comfortable and easier.
  5. Fragrin contained in raspberry leaves increases the speed of uterine contractions during labor.
  6. The prepared decoction of raspberry leaves should be drunk only after consultation with your doctor. Otherwise, you can provoke premature birth.
  7. Nursing mothers are also advised to eat small amounts of berries. Milk will become much more nutritious, tastier and healthier.

Important! Raspberry fruits are allergens, so introduce them into daily diet this fragrant berry should be done gradually and in small quantities.

  1. You should include fruits in your diet, starting with adding a couple of berries to your tea. If redness on the skin, bloating or intestinal upset occurs, you should immediately stop taking raspberries.

When losing weight

Raspberries are often used as food by those who want to lose weight, since this berry has a low calorie content. Yellow raspberry Helps cleanse the body of toxins and improve metabolism.

Accelerated metabolic processes improve blood circulation and cleansing internal organs, which in turn contributes to the loss of extra pounds.

Also fresh raspberries has a diuretic effect, so eating berries not only promotes weight loss, but also removes excess fluid from the body.

Raspberries for pancreatitis

  1. Treatment of acute pancreatitis with raspberries is strictly prohibited. This contraindication is due to the fact that fruit seeds are not digested and cause irritation of the mucous membrane of internal organs. This can lead to frequent attacks.
  2. In other cases, weakly concentrated juices and strained compotes should be included in the usual diet. Raspberry mousses and jelly should be consumed after some time. A small amount of berries is allowed to be eaten during the remission phase with chronic form diseases.
  3. Raspberry juice should be consumed only in diluted form, maintaining a 1:1 ratio (water, raspberry juice). The daily intake of such a drink should not exceed more than 100 ml.

Is it possible to eat raspberries for diabetes

IN folk medicine Raspberry fruits are used as a means to lower blood sugar levels; the berries should be consumed in a certain amount and at the very beginning of the disease.

The composition of raspberries is rich in vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances that every person needs, and for diabetics this is doubly important, since due to the characteristics of the disease, beneficial substances are poorly absorbed.

Watch the video! Kefir with raspberries: benefits for the intestines and cancer prevention

Traditional medicine recipes

For colds

When you have a cold, it is useful to eat both fresh berries and jams, jams, and raspberry fruit drinks.

The following infusion of dried fruits helps to cope well with the flu. Suitable for preparation are garden and forest raspberry:

  • 100 g berries;
  • pour 3 cups of boiling water;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • The resulting liquid is filtered and taken before bed, 1 glass.

Advice! To enhance sweating, it is best to drink the product hot, then immediately cover yourself with a warm blanket.

You can also boil the fruits, cool the liquid and drink it as a fruit drink. The drink helps reduce fever and has a diaphoretic effect.

For gastritis

A decoction of raspberry leaves will help eliminate inflammation and diseases of the gastric mucosa. To prepare it you need:

  • 36 g leaves;
  • pour boiling water – 300 ml;
  • after cooling, you can take a decoction of 50 ml 6 times a day.

Cope with low acidity stomach can be treated with a prepared drink made from water and raspberry juice, taken in a 1:1 ratio.

A decoction of raspberry leaves and stems for bronchitis:

  • 40 g raspberry leaves and stems;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse under the lid for 3 hours;
  • When the composition has cooled, it must be strained.

The decoction should be taken 2-3 times a day, 100-150 ml.

How to treat herpes with raspberries?

  • Raspberry sprigs - 20 g;
  • Pour 450 ml of boiling water;
  • Infuse for 2 hours under the lid, then filter.

How to treat diarrhea?

  • Raspberry leaves 20 g;
  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave for 2-3 hours;
  • After the composition has cooled, it should be strained and drunk 100 ml 3 times a day.


Infusion of raspberry fruits for flu and colds:

  • Berries 30g;
  • Pour 300 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave to infuse for 1 hour;
  • Take the resulting infusion warm throughout the day.

Infusion of raspberry fruits for inflammation of the larynx and sore throat:

  • Berries 60 g;
  • Pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • Wrap up, leave to infuse for 2 hours;
  • Drink warm, 80-100 ml 4 times a day.

Advice! You can gargle with the heated infusion.

Treatment of colds with dried raspberries:

  • Dried raspberries 30 g;
  • Pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave for 10 minutes covered;
  • Then, the composition is filtered and taken 3 times a day, 250 ml.


Raspberry flower infusion for hemorrhoids:

  • Raspberry flowers 30 g;
  • Pour 300 ml of boiling water;
  • Leave to brew for 3 hours;
  • Then the composition is filtered and drunk 3 times a day, 100 ml.

For hypertension

Raspberry decoction will also help cope with hypertension. To prepare it you need:

  • 40 g stems and leaves;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • leave to brew for 3 hours;
  • After cooling, you need to strain and take 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

This decoction will help reduce arterial pressure, relieve swelling of the limbs.

For oncology

Development oncological processes The ellagic acid contained in raspberries will help prevent this in the body. At regular use this component reduces the speed of propagation cancer cells. Tissues are cleansed of waste, toxins and carcinogens if you eat raspberries daily.

Raspberries in cosmetology for the face

Antioxidants contained in raspberry pulp and juice help maintain youth, beauty and elasticity of the skin.

A raspberry moisturizing mask for dry skin can be prepared at home:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raspberry pulp;
  • mix with 1 tbsp oatmeal;
  • add 1 yolk to the resulting mixture;
  • 1 tsp olive oil.

To prepare a complex mask for oily skin have to take:

  • egg white;
  • a handful of berries;
  • mix until smooth;
  • add 1 tbsp. spoon of yogurt.

The berries can be crushed and spread on the face - this mask is suitable for any skin type.

Raspberry juice mixed with chamomile infusion is used for problem skin.

For normal skin you can use a mask consisting of:

  • 1 tbsp. l raspberries;
  • 1 tbsp milk;
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal.

For lightening age spots Lemon juice should be added to this composition.

You can remove skin irritation with parsley and sour cream, which are added to masks for sensitive skin.

Advice!!! Remove dark circles under eyes after sleepless night Before exams, a thesis defense or a conference, a mixture of crushed mint and raspberries will help.

Contraindications and harm of raspberries

Like any other product, raspberries also have contraindications. Improper consumption of the berries of this plant can cause serious harm to human health. People suffering from the following diseases are strictly prohibited from eating raspberries:

  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • allergy;
  • nephritis;
  • gout.

Raspberries should not be included in the diet of a child under one year old, since the berry can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also diarrhea.

It’s not even worth overeating on raspberries healthy people. Uncontrolled consumption of these berries can cause significant harm to the human body.

Important!!! The daily intake of raspberries is considered to be 200-250 g (a glass and a half).

Children should not eat more than 70 g of raspberries per day.

Raspberries are a universal berry; they can be added to the diet of both healthy and sick people. It is recommended that children, men and women eat berries. The contraindications are minor and it is very easy to adapt to them. Raspberries - unique product, which is widely used in the treatment of colds, to maintain normal weight and for skin care. The fruits should be eaten as a preventive measure against more serious diseases.

Watch the video! Useful properties of raspberries

In contact with

Everyone knows that raspberries are valued both as a delicacy and as a medicine, but is this really so?

To begin with, it is worth noting that raspberries and beneficial features will be inseparable if it is grown on your own plot, which is very simple to do. She is not afraid of spring frosts, since she blooms late and quite for a long time. The first raspberry harvest can be harvested the very next year after planting, but only the third year the plant is considered finally ripe. Raspberries bloom for about two to three weeks, which usually occur in May-June. Flowering, like raspberry ripening, occurs in different time. It depends on the weather and where it is planted.

Raspberries - beneficial properties

Let's begin to address this issue with the composition. It is known that raspberries consist of almost 85% water, approximately 8-9% are carbohydrates and approximately the same amount are mono and disaccharides. It also contains proteins and fats. The berry is rich in vitamins: most of all vitamin C, then, in descending order: B9, PP, E, B3. And here is a list of micro and macroelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine. Contains raspberries and acids: salicylic, malic, citric. It also contains the substance anthocyanin, which makes capillaries stronger. As for caloric content, 100 grams of berries account for only about 40 kcal.

In addition to the fact that raspberries are extremely tasty, they medicinal properties are also widely known. Along with such berries as raspberries, they are used as a preventive measure and as an assistant in the treatment of a number of diseases. Everyone knows the beneficial property of raspberries for colds in lowering the temperature. The ability of this berry to stop bleeding and remove toxins deserves no less attention. Raspberries and their beneficial properties will also help people who suffer from radiculitis, anemia, and atherosclerosis.

Raspberries are added to tea to create an excellent remedy that is recommended to drink during a cold. But you should know that if you brew raspberries, then you need to do this for no longer than three minutes and always with boiling water, since in warm water the berry will lose more beneficial properties.

Many people believe that raspberry jam has the same beneficial properties as fresh berries, but this is not true. Of course, it will still remain useful, but it’s no secret that during heat treatment there is a lot useful substances is destroyed. However, during illness, both fresh raspberries and raspberry jam will serve as an excellent support for aspirin, do not forget about it! Indeed, in addition to antipyretic, raspberries also have such properties as diaphoretic and mild pain relief.

Raspberries also have diuretic properties. It can help combat pathogenic bacteria and viruses such as yeast spores, fungi and Staphylococcus aureus.

Raspberries improve complexion and condition, so it is recommended for women to consume.

In addition to vitamins, which have a positive effect on our body, minerals play an equally important role. For example, copper, which is part of raspberries, normalizes and regulates the functioning of nervous system. People who experience constant stress and nervous breakdowns It is advisable to include it in your diet.

Raspberries are very rich dietary fiber, which has an extremely positive effect on intestinal function and due to these fibers, cholesterol absorption is reduced.

An interesting fact is that raspberries help get rid of hangover syndrome due to the fruit acids it contains.

Raspberry leaves - beneficial properties

Raspberry leaves, as well as berries, contain a lot of microelements, sugars, vitamins, minerals and phytoncides. Plus they're a treasure trove. ascorbic acid. Prepared from raspberry leaves various decoctions and infusions that are used to treat colds, sore throats, laryngitis and stomatitis. Similar decoctions are effective means for gargling.

For women, raspberries are especially important, as they positively normalize the smooth muscles of the uterus and intestines. But one point needs to be taken into account for pregnant women; the leaf decoction is contraindicated for them until the 36th week of pregnancy.

Raspberries - contraindications and harm

Raspberries contain some essential substances that I can call negative reaction for allergy sufferers. People who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers are also not recommended to take concentrated raspberry juice and various tinctures based on it. Raspberries are also not recommended for those suffering urolithiasis, gout and some kidney problems. People with diabetes should not forget about the sugars contained in raspberries.

The berry is contraindicated in bronchial asthma and in the presence of polyps in the nose.

For people who take anti-blood clotting medications, raspberries are also contraindicated, because. it has the opposite effect.

During pregnancy, overuse of raspberries can provoke an allergy in the unborn child, and it can also appear in an adult. Therefore, know when to eat this wonderful berry in moderation and then it will only benefit you. Recommended daily norm is 3 tablespoons or 50g.

Raspberries - how to choose and store?

What should you pay attention to when choosing raspberries?

First of all, the raspberries should not be crushed, they should be dry and have an even color. If there are greenish or brown areas on the berry, it means it is unripe.

Provided that the berry was picked a long time ago and was not stored correctly, it will look very lethargic. If you need raspberries to make jam, then you need to pay attention to slightly unripe berries, which contain the most pectin, which gives raspberry jam thickness.

Raspberries are very soft and spoil very quickly. To maximize shelf life fresh berries, they need to be spread out on a flat surface, covered with a cloth and placed in the refrigerator. But even in this situation, they will be stored for no more than two to three days.

Raspberries, beneficial properties, how best to store them, watch the video from the TV show:

Raspberries - how to prepare for the winter?

The general rule for any method: berries need to be washed under low pressure of water, dried and sorted. As mentioned earlier, raspberries lose many of their beneficial properties after heat treatment and therefore, most in a useful way The workpiece will serve as freezing, which is where we will start.

To freeze! This is the only way raspberries will retain their beneficial properties best. In addition to the fact that this method is the most useful, it is also the fastest and easiest. Before placing them in the freezer, the berries must be carefully laid out in a flat container so that they do not stick together during the freezing process, and after they are frozen in this form, they can already be poured into some kind of bag to save space. . If you did everything correctly, you will get neat and beautiful separately frozen berries that can be stored for at least a whole year!

Next method. Drying the berries. This can be done in two ways: natural, i.e. in the sun or artificially, i.e. in the oven.

So, we dry the raspberries in the sun. Please be patient, the process may take about a week. First of all, we need to prepare some flat container and cover it with paper. The berries should be spread out in one layer and turned over periodically to dry evenly. They also need to be protected from dust and moisture. At night, raspberries need to be brought indoors.

Drying in the oven is much faster; for this we need to cover a baking sheet with paper and also arrange the berries in one layer. We set the temperature to about 50-60 degrees, leave the door ajar, and, of course, turn them over periodically. As soon as the berries stop staining your hands, drying is complete.

The next method is to grind the berries with sugar. And the more sugar you need, the longer you plan to store this mixture. For example, if you need to store it for a year, then for 1 kg of raspberries you need 2 kg of sugar, and if you need to store it for a month, then 1:1 is possible. The consistency of the product will depend on how long we grind this mixture. Well, of course, the jars must be pre-heat-treated. Once the mixture is in the jar, sprinkle a little sugar on top. It forms a kind of protective layer on the jam. The whole thing needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Well, another way is to prepare raspberry syrup. You will need to pass two kilograms of berries through a sieve or cheesecloth. Dilute the resulting juice with sugar to the consistency of 1 liter of juice - 2 kilograms of sugar, then heat the resulting mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved, boil, strain and close in pre-processed and prepared jars.

By the way, do you want to try making natural raspberry marmalade? Then watch the story about raspberries, their beneficial properties and contraindications from the TV program “About the Most Important Thing”:

In our country, raspberries are a very common berry. Its bushes grow at every dacha. And whoever has them has provided himself with vitamins for at least the whole summer.

Raspberries are used by mankind for a variety of purposes. These include food products, masks for rejuvenation, improvement of skin structure, and means for better functioning. internal systems body.

The first mention of this culture dates back to the fourth century AD. Initially, it was transferred to garden plots from the forest, then seeds began to be obtained, and even later the first cultivated varieties were developed.


Each berry contains many useful substances:

  1. Sugar – 11%.
  2. Fiber – 6%.
  3. Pectin – 4%.

Other components include:

  • acids (citric, malic and salicylic);
  • tannins;
  • trace elements: copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, cobalt;

Vitamin complex: PP, B1 and B2, folic acid, provitamin A.

Raspberry seeds are a source of beta-sitosterol, and leaves are a source of organic acids.

Calorie content

Raspberries are a low-calorie product. One hundred grams of berries contain 50 kilocalories. You can calmly eat it and not worry about the appearance of excess weight.

Very often raspberries are used in cooking various blanks: jams, preserves, syrups and compotes. There it becomes much higher in calories, so it is better to eat it like this, fresh or dried.

Raspberries: beneficial properties

Raspberries are used by many for acute inflammatory diseases, sore throat, acute respiratory infections. Therapeutic effect achieved due to high content salicylic acid in the berry. It is she who is a diaphoretic and antipyretic.

There is no acid in raspberries, unlike tablets. side effects. It would also be useful to know that the antipyretic effect of forest berries several times higher than that of garden ones. In addition to jam, they can serve as a source of vitamins in winter dried leaves, and in summer - young shoots.

Raspberry in medicine

Decoctions of the leaves have been used in folk medicine for centuries. They can even stop bleeding from cuts or relieve inflammation.

Raspberry fruits remove accumulated salts from the body, restore acidity levels, and normalize digestion. Teas based on them should be drunk by people with high or low blood pressure.

Raspberry flowers and leaves are folk antiseptics. The tannins they contain help relieve diarrhea.

Raspberry tea relieves stomach pain, normalizes intestinal function. Patients with diabetes are often given a sour tincture with dry berries to drink.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that modern medicine does not pay enough attention to the beneficial properties of raspberries. And it's very bad. The leaves of the plant are more often used as additives to tea mixtures. The juice is an ingredient in many anti-fever remedies and is used to flavor bitter syrups.

Is it possible to lose weight by including raspberries in your diet?

Enzymes found in the plant can burn fats. And for this reason, raspberries are very common in nutrition. As mentioned earlier, it is also low in calories and does not cause an increase in blood sugar.

Fiber, which is contained in sufficient quantities in the berry, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body, “removes” constipation, and restores beneficial microflora. And thanks to its choleretic and diuretic properties, it also eliminates excess fluid in the body.

Therefore, we conclude that daily use Eating raspberries can improve your well-being, make your body healthier and simply lift your spirits.

Raspberries in cosmetology

  • Fresh leaves of the plant can eliminate acne, wipe your or your child’s skin with them, especially during adolescence. This effect is caused by microelements that have bactericidal properties.
  • Juice and pulp are included in cosmetic products, affecting the skin of any age positive impact.
  • A decoction of the leaves is used for hair as a balm. It strengthens hair roots and stimulates their growth.

Raspberries during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women experience a lack of vitamins and minerals in their bodies. The whole point is that they “go” to the unborn child. At the same time, the mother's teeth and hair may fall out, and her appearance and mood.

To alleviate your plight, you need to eat more raspberries, since they contain a lot of substances that are so necessary at this time. The berry helps well with toxicosis of the body, as well as with increased tone uterus.

You can prevent anemia, which occurs in the second trimester, by eating a glass of berries every day. Vitamin C will help you stay healthy. Salicylic acid will protect against complications.


Raspberries have some contraindications that should not be forgotten:

  • If you are allergic to vitamins and other substances that are part of the berry, it is better not to consume it. Allergic reactions manifest themselves in different ways. Some become so ill that they have to be taken to hospital by ambulance;
  • if you suffer from kidney disease, gastritis, gout or ulcers, you should also give up delicious raspberries. It's okay, there are many other goodies besides it.

An interesting fact is that traditional medicine allows you to treat the above diseases with raspberries or formulations based on them! This separation is most likely due to the fact that traditional healers collected the full package medicinal plants, which could complement each other, effectively affecting the site of the disease.

We hope that after reading this article you have no doubt about the benefits of raspberries. You can eat it at the same time as other berries and fruits, beneficial effect this will only intensify. You can brew yourself tea based on it or simply add jam to it.

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Draws up and conducts personal training programs for body correction. Specializes in sports traumatology and physiotherapy. Engaged in conducting sessions of classical medical and sports massage. Conducts medical and biological monitoring.

Evgeny Shmarov

Reading time: 8 minutes


We say “raspberries” and imagine thickets where bumblebees hover, flowers smell fragrant and berries ripen at the same time. This is a feature of the subshrub - the fruits ripen almost all summer. In the middle zone, the peak harvest occurs in August. But the breeders did possible collection berries almost throughout the summer. Wild raspberries grow in cleared forests; they are aromatic, sweet, but small. Berries are known not only as a component of rational healthy eating and a delicacy, but also as a traditional medicine.

Varieties and types of cultivated raspberries

First of all, raspberries are divided into garden or cultivated and wild:

Composition and energy value of raspberries

In nutrition, raspberries are among the primary sources of carbohydrates, fructose, water, vitamins and minerals.

Judge for yourself - from 46 “raspberry” kilocalories per 100 g we get:

  • 8.6 g carbohydrates.
  • Half a gram of fat.
  • 0.8 g protein.
  • 3.8 g fiber.
  • One and a half grams of organic acids.

Raspberries are rich in antioxidants and B vitamins.

More specific, vitamin composition(in 100 g portions) as follows:

Raspberries contain per 100 g of product:

  • 40 mg calcium.
  • 22 mg magnesium.
  • 224 mg potassium.

Benefits and harms

Useful properties of raspberries

  1. Raspberries are high in natural salicylic acid. It has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Everyone has tried raspberry tea when they have a cold. So it works thanks to salicylic acid and vitamin C in the composition.
  2. The berry has a mild diuretic property and can improve digestion. For this reason they love to include it in various therapeutic diets for those suffering from swelling, constipation and difficult digestion.
  3. Unlike fruits, berries contain less fiber, which means they are more suitable for people sensitive to rough foods. Classic medical diets for patients with cardiac diseases, it is allowed to include raspberries in the diet during an exacerbation, since they do not help increase intra-abdominal pressure and has no mechanical effect on the heart.
  4. Raspberry antioxidants can improve complexion and serve as a good prophylactic against early aging. Folate in the product is indicated for disorders of the nervous system, as well as in preparation for a healthy pregnancy.
  5. Raspberries are rich in potassium, which makes them indispensable for physical active people. The product will help them avoid swelling and maintain high contractility muscle fibers.
  6. Raspberries are useful not only for relieving cold symptoms, but also for their prevention. High content vitamins have a beneficial effect on immune system person. As for the popular recipe with raspberry jam, it all depends on the method of obtaining the product. If the jam is “cold cooked”, that is, it is raspberries ground with sugar or fructose, it retains more vitamins and acids, and useful. Normal after heating can only be considered delicious product, no more.
  7. Raspberry leaves are used in folk medicine. Their decoction has astringent and tanning properties. The leaves are used as folk remedy from diarrhea and food poisoning. Meanwhile, they perfectly remove and excess liquid from the body. Therefore, they are the basis for diuretic teas too.
  8. Raspberry leaf lotions are recommended to be applied to boils, inflamed areas skin and wounds, as the product has antibacterial properties.

Harm of raspberries

  • The consumption of raspberries is not recommended for children suffering from diathesis, as well as for allergy sufferers.
  • It is better to avoid it if a person seeks to remove excess retinol and ascorbic acid from the body.
  • Raspberries may not be useful in the process of curing gingivitis and stomatitis, since small fruit seeds can injure damaged tissue.
  • In folk medicine, such a prohibition is widespread - not to drink cold drinks after raspberries. It is believed that this way you can catch a cold. In fact, a person gets sick not because of raspberries, but because of weakened immunity and exposure to bacteria and viruses, so the berry has nothing to do with it.

Raspberries in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, diabetics: recommendations from nutritionists

Regarding nutrition for pregnant women opinions differed. Radical nutritionists believe that by the second trimester it is better to reduce the consumption of red berries to a minimum so that the child is not born with allergies. Official position of organizations
healthcare - women can eat raspberries, up to 3 servings per day (a serving for a pregnant woman is 120-150 g), if there are no contraindications such as gestational diabetes or an allergic reaction. Things get less rosy when the period comes breastfeeding. Most doctors here will recommend hypoallergenic diet, and limiting red berries.

In complementary foods raspberries are introduced last, after the child eats the main berries and fruits. should be no more than 40-50 g.

Diabetics can eat raspberries if they feel grain units, and fit into them. It is only recommended not to eat berries on an empty stomach, but to mix them with cottage cheese or serve them in complex protein dishes.

Collection, purchase and storage of raspberries

  • Raspberries are picked by hand , removing one berry from the stalk. They must be cut off to prevent the development of diseases and pests.
  • Buy raspberries only worth fresh, not crumpled. If the berries have already given juice, there is no other way but to quickly process them into jam.
  • Store raspberries in the refrigerator up to 1 week, constantly sorting and laying out on flat, small plates so that the berries do not wrinkle under their own weight.
  • In vacuum bags raspberries can live up to 2 weeks without freezing.
  • Longer storage involves freezing or processing into home canned food.

What dishes can be prepared from raspberries?

From raspberries:

  • Jam.
  • Compotes.
  • Pies.
  • Sweet pastries.
  • Various healthy desserts such as smoothies and sorbet.

Raspberries and diets for weight loss

In “folk” diets, a mono-approach is often used. It is advised to eat only one raspberry or raspberry with some other berries, 1.5 kg per day, and not eat any other food. Such things, of course, cause weight loss, since there is an energy deficit . But they are neither healthy nor balanced.

Diets based on raspberries alone can lead to diarrhea, loss of muscle mass, violation electrolyte balance and “failure” of the hunger-satiety mechanism. It is precisely from such diets that most often a person goes into all serious troubles with overeating.

Russia has always loved currants and strawberries, but raspberries are a special berry. According to botanists, it ranks third in popularity among us, but in general, raspberries have no competition: they are surprisingly tasty, their aroma is subtler and more delicate than many other berries, and their medicinal properties have long been known to every Russian.

Who among us has not at least once “saved” from a cold by drinking tea with raspberry jam? Probably, there are simply no such people in Russia.

Raspberry is an ancient berry - they knew about it even before our era: the Greeks and Romans considered it very valuable, and knew how to cook various delicious delicacies with it.

In the Middle Ages, they forgot about raspberries - and in vain, since there were many diseases then, and they were remembered only in the 16th century; it came to America in the 18th century.

In Russia raspberries appeared as a cultivated plant around the same time, but people knew about it much earlier: wild raspberries were used by our ancestors - the Slavs; then they began to grow it in gardens - in Vladimir, Suzdal and other cities. The concept of raspberry varieties appeared much later - in the 19th century, and then they began to grow not only red berries, but also black and yellow ones.

Today raspberries grow throughout the country: in the central part, in the south and north, in Siberia and the Urals, in Kazakhstan and Far East. Raspberries love clearings and grow there wildly - creating raspberry plantations; It grows in dry, burned out places and in logging areas.

The height of raspberry bushes is small - up to 1.5 m, or a little more, and it blooms in late May - early June. Today there are many cultivated and wild raspberries - both of them can bring great benefits to humans. Usually raspberries ripens in August, but this depends on the weather and climate: if the summer is warm and humid, the berries will ripen earlier; if it is dry and hot (cool), the ripening is discordant - on one bush you can see ripe red berries, light pink - sour, green berries and even flowers.

Cultivated raspberries have many benefits, and in a number of qualities it is ahead of its wild-growing sister: its berries are much larger, juicier and sweeter, it is easy to pick, however medicinal qualities hers is lower. Wild forest raspberries are smaller and not so juicy, but their properties are explained by the fact that in the process of evolution they have “collected” many biologically active substances in their composition.

Raspberry composition

Wild raspberry fruits contain up to 10% sugars, a little essential oil, fatty oil– more than 20% (in seeds), organic acids – salicylic, tartaric, malic, citric, pectins, proteins, tannins, vitamins A, C and group B, minerals, alcohols, anthocyanins, catechins – substances that cause antioxidant properties many plants.

It is known that many forest birds and animals feed on raspberries - even large ones, like bears, and they manage to remain active and healthy. This plant is an excellent honey plant: from just 1 hectare of forest raspberry thickets you can get about 100 kg of honey. Garden raspberries contain the same substances, just their content is different - for example, it contains more salicylic acid. Any raspberry contains vitamin C, but it is not enough, but there is a lot of iron - only gooseberries and cherries have more of it.

Raspberries are eaten fresh, with cream and milk, and jams are made from them., jelly, compotes; prepare syrups, juices, marmalade, pastilles, fillings for candies, drinks (tinctures, liqueurs, wines, liqueurs), etc.

Dried raspberries have the same medicinal properties as fresh ones: they are best dried in attics under a metal roof, or in a warm oven (you can use the oven). Store the berries in a dry place, in boxes or jars.

Raspberry treatment: folk recipes

There are a lot of folk recipes for treatment with raspberries..

Fresh berries help cure colitis and gastritis, anemia and hypovitaminosis, hypertension and atherosclerosis. For colitis, gastritis and colds, drink fresh raspberry juice: you can squeeze it through gauze and drink 50-100 ml 3 times a day, before meals. Raspberry syrup improves the taste and smell of many medicines, although it is better to use it separately, or add it to tea - it is very tasty.

The diaphoretic effect of raspberries is known to everyone: 1-2 tsp. dry berries are brewed with a glass of boiling water, left for several minutes and drunk hot. If you have a cold, you should not just drink hot raspberry tea, but also immediately go to bed, wrapped warmly. If, as soon as you feel the first signs of a cold, you manage to drink 2-3 glasses of hot infusion of raspberries in an hour, then the disease can go away in a much shorter time. mild form; the dose of berries can be increased to 2 tbsp. per glass of boiling water.

For sore throat, flu, ARVI and any colds, you need to drink a concentrated infusion of raspberries: pour 200 g of dry berries with 600 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, and drink 1-2 hours before. The same infusion is drunk for obesity, and dried berries are eaten.

Useful and medicinal properties of raspberries

Not all women know that Tea with raspberries helps not only with colds, but also reduces PMS symptoms , facilitates pregnancy and helps to recover after childbirth. It can normalize the menstrual cycle, relieve cramps and reduce pain, relieve nausea; calms and tones; Raspberry tea is useful for the threat of miscarriage and postpartum pain, as well as for increasing lactation.

Raspberry flowers and leaves also have a healing effect: their infusion is taken not only for colds, sore throats and coughs, but also for colitis, skin rashes, acne and erysipelas.

An infusion of raspberry flowers and leaves is used externally: for douching at women's diseases and hemorrhoids, and also make lotions with it. Flowers and leaves (10 g each) are poured with boiling water (200 ml), left for 30 minutes and filtered.

For gastritis, enteritis, and respiratory diseases, drink an infusion of raspberry leaves as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent. Crushed leaves (4 tsp) are brewed with boiling water (2 cups), infused, filtered and drunk 4 times a day, ½ cup each.

They manage to use fresh raspberries even to relieve hangovers and to treat binge drinking: the berries are infused in water and 1-1.5 liters are drunk, after heavy libations of alcohol - discomfort are removed.

Raspberries in cosmetology

Raspberries help solve and cosmetic problems – for example, you can get rid of teenage acne using raspberry leaves: fresh leaves crushed, then pounded in a porcelain or wooden bowl, and the resulting pulp is applied to problem areas for 15-20 minutes. Then they wash themselves warm water, but do not wipe, but dry the face with light patting movements.

Raspberry juice and berry pulp are used to prepare masks for aging and mature skin, to improve tone, or as a nourishing component.

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