Menu for a 3 year old child after vomiting rotavirus. Nutrition for rotavirus infection. This insidious rotavirus

Nutrition for a child with rotavirus infection is one of the treatment methods. If the diet is correct, it will speed up the healing process and protect against dehydration.

Basic nutrition rules

Features of the diet for rotavirus infection determined by the effect of the virus on the intestines. With this disease, the production of lactase in the intestines decreases, and restoration of the ability to produce this enzyme can take up to 2-3 weeks.

Features of nutrition for rotavirus infection:

  • A child with rotavirus infection should be fed in portions. Drinks and food that are allowed to be consumed are given in small portions with short intervals between meals.
  • If your child has lost his appetite, which often happens in the first days of this illness, do not force him. Offer your baby drinks and light meals periodically. And when the baby wants to eat, give food according to the therapeutic diet.
  • Until the diarrhea ends, all food should be steamed or well boiled, and thoroughly chopped.
  • In case of infection in an infant, the type of feeding is taken into account. If a child is fed formula milk, then during illness it is advised to replace it with formulas with a reduced lactose content. There is no need to stop breastfeeding during this infection.
  • On the first day of illness, the child can be fed according to the BRYAS principle - according to this abbreviation, the baby can be given banana (ripe), rice (boiled), apples (in the form of puree) and crackers.

If a breastfed baby has a rotavirus infection, continue to breastfeed him

What can you eat?

In the diet of a baby suffering from rotavirus infection, you can leave:

  • Semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, cooked in vegetable broth or water, without sugar and butter;
  • Low-fat broth, which may contain a handful of rice or well-cooked vegetables;
  • Steam omelette;
  • Fresh mashed cottage cheese;
  • Steamed fish or meat balls;
  • Baked apples without skin;
  • Fermented milk products (low fat);
  • Fruit marmalade (preferably made at home);
  • Homemade croutons from loaf crumb;
  • Boiled vegetables.

What can't you feed?

During illness, the following are excluded from the child’s menu:

  • Fatty broth and soup;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Sausages and frankfurters;
  • Raw fruits and vegetables (especially onions, cabbage, cucumber and other fiber-rich foods);
  • Cocoa and chocolate;
  • Pasta;
  • Baked goods;
  • Sweets;
  • Fresh black bread;
  • Pearl barley, barley and millet porridge;
  • Fatty fish and canned fish;
  • Nuts;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Any smoked and pickled products.

In children with rotavirus, nutrition will practically not change, which cannot be said about older children

What can and cannot be given in drinks?

Getting enough fluid to replenish losses due to vomiting and diarrhea is extremely important for rotavirus infection. First of all, the child should receive water-salt solutions - from pharmaceutical drugs or prepared yourself. You can also give it to your baby herbal teas with mint and chamomile.

When the symptoms begin to subside, you can give your baby congee, jelly, rose hip compote, apple and carrot compote, and dried blueberry compote. Carbonated drinks and tea with milk should be excluded from the child’s diet.

Recipes for water-salt solutions for rotavirus

Homemade solution

Pour two tablespoons of sugar into a liter of water, stir, add baking soda and salt, a teaspoon each, stir again. Give this solution every five minutes in a small amount.

Salt solution with raisins

Boil a third of a glass of raisins in a liter of water for 60 minutes and then cool. When straining the raisins that will remain in the sieve, mash well so that more glucose gets into the broth. Add 4 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. The taste of this drink is very pleasant and children drink it with pleasure.

During illness, fluids are the most important because they help protect the child from dehydration.

Diet after illness

For sufficient recovery digestive tract After illness, the following foods should be limited for at least 2 weeks after recovery:

  • Drinks and foods at low temperatures, such as ice cream;
  • Bean dishes;
  • Rye bread;
  • Beetroot;
  • Millet porridge;
  • Whole milk.

If a child gets sick during the introduction of complementary foods, you should return to trying new foods no earlier than after a month.

Rotavirus infection, also called “stomach flu,” is one of the most contagious viral diseases. Fortunately, in most cases it can be cured without any serious consequences, despite the fact that the disease is quite difficult to tolerate, especially by young children. that occur with intestinal flu can quickly lead to dehydration and loss of large quantity useful substances. In addition, most patients have a high body temperature and signs of intoxication of the body, as a result of which appetite is reduced or completely absent. However, it is necessary to take food and especially liquids in order to rehydrate the body and replenish lost nutrients.

If you have a rotavirus infection, you need to drink enough fluids.

In case of rotavirus infection, it is important to exclude certain foods from the diet, not only acute period, but also for 2–3 weeks after recovery.

If the patient has an appetite, then food should be taken in small portions; in this situation, it is better to eat little, but often. The same applies to fluid intake; you should drink 50–70 ml every half hour. Large amounts of food or liquid can trigger vomiting. If there is no appetite, then you should not force eat, but be sure to drink liquid.

Since rotavirus infection affects the gastrointestinal intestinal tract, dishes must be prepared in a gentle manner. Eating rough, fibrous foods, as well as fried, spicy, salty foods, marinades and other foods that can irritate the inflamed intestinal mucosa is not allowed. Food should be steamed and pre-chopped. It is recommended to give children only pureed and pureed foods during the acute period of the disease.

What should adults not eat if they have stomach flu?

Dairy products are completely excluded, not only but also kefir, yoghurt, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, as they can cause bloating, aggravate diarrhea and increase abdominal pain. Even if you constantly consumed milk before illness, you will have to give it up and replace it with other liquids, and better solution for rehydration (we'll talk about that a little later).

Fatty meats and fish dishes, semi-finished products, sausages, any fast food, confectionery, ice cream, sweets are completely excluded from the diet. These foods take longer to digest, and most contain spices, colorings, and other additives that can cause Negative influence on the gastrointestinal tract.

You should avoid pearl barley, semolina and millet porridges, large pasta, rye and fresh white bread. You should not drink cold or very hot drinks; during the acute period of the disease, you should not drink coffee or any carbonated drinks.

What can you eat if you have rotavirus infection?

Rice water has enveloping properties.

During the acute period of the disease, drinking is much more important than food. Rice water, which has an enveloping effect, will help you cope with diarrhea faster.

How to prepare rice water?

Bring a liter of water to a boil, add 3-4 tablespoons of rice into the water and cook until the cereal is completely cooked. After this, the resulting semi-liquid mass is rubbed through a sieve; you can add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and soda to the resulting rice broth.

To replenish fluid and electrolyte losses, it is recommended to drink a water-salt solution, weak black tea with sugar, blueberry and rosehip decoctions, raisin compote, herbal teas (mint, chamomile). To rehydrate the body, you can use pharmaceutical solutions such as rehydron or hydrovit, which are sold in the form of ready-made powders, diluted with water before use. If you don’t have such drugs on hand, you can prepare a rehydration solution yourself.

How to prepare a water-salt solution at home?

In 1 liter boiled water or raisin decoction (100 g of raisins per 1 liter of water) you need to dissolve 2-4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of coarse table salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. You need to drink this solution lukewarm, 50 ml every 2 hours. However, you cannot drink only one water-salt solution; you need to alternate it with other drinks so as not to provoke an excess of salts in the body.

If you have an appetite and vomiting has stopped (or has become less frequent), then even despite ongoing diarrhea, you can drink weak, warm water. chicken bouillon, there is liquid mashed potatoes, cooked without adding milk and butter, boiled oatmeal and rice porridge in water, dried white bread, baked apples, banana puree.

After 3–5 days, the diet can be gradually expanded; lean boiled meat (rabbit, beef, lean pork, chicken, turkey) and fish are introduced into the diet; it is better to cook steamed cutlets, souffles, and meatballs from them. Boiled or steamed vegetables without coarse fiber ( cauliflower, zucchini, ) are useful during the recovery period after illness. After a week, fermented milk products are gradually introduced into the diet low content fat Fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, especially enriched with bifidobacteria, are useful. It is better to refrain from drinking whole milk for now; you can cook porridge with it, first diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Depending on how you feel, the return to your usual diet occurs gradually over 3–4 weeks.

Features of the diet for rotavirus infection in children

Children who are on breastfeeding, during illness, other types of food should not be given.

Children, especially young ones, get intestinal flu much more often than adults. For children over 3 years old, you can follow the adult diet recommendations, and for children younger age, especially those on the chest or artificial feeding, there are their own characteristics.

First of all, when repeated vomiting, diarrhea and high fever in a child, you should call a doctor, usually stomach flu being treated in outpatient setting, but in severe cases Hospitalization may be required. Yes and many others infectious diseases often accompanied by similar symptoms, but requiring different treatment.

During the most acute symptoms, especially with frequent attacks of vomiting, it is better not to feed the child, but to give him rehydration solutions and water to drink; Breastfed babies can be offered breast milk little by little. Children who are bottle-fed, on the recommendation of a doctor, can be temporarily transferred to lactose-free formulas. It should be remembered that dehydration occurs very quickly in children, so fluids should be given when the first symptoms of the disease appear before the doctor arrives (there will definitely be no harm from this, even if the diagnosis turns out to be different).

During the recovery period better nutrition For the baby there will be breast milk; it is better to refuse complementary feeding, if it is just introduced or introduced recently, for a while. If the child’s main diet is already adult food, then boiled dairy-free porridge(rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), fermented milk products, dietary broths, vegetable purees (potato, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots), apple and banana puree. It is better to avoid eating fresh vegetables and fruits, juices, nectars, and whole milk, even if the child drank it regularly for several weeks or until stools are completely normalized.

Video on the topic “Rotavirus infection: symptoms and treatment”:

School of Dr. Komarovsky about rotavirus infection:

When infected with rotavirus, a person becomes contagious and is able to spread the disease. healthy people. Most often, children are affected by preschool institutions where the disease becomes widespread. The body's response is diarrhea, which is dangerous because the body quickly loses water, and along with it, beneficial substances are washed out. Adults who are faced with this phenomenon need to know not only how to treat, but also what to feed a child with rotavirus infection.

The infection enters the child's body through the mouth. The pathogen can be on any objects, products, furniture, and if the baby’s hands are not washed well, this will lead to infection. After all, children love to suck their fingers.

The pathogenic virus may be contained in biological fluids the patient, as well as in his feces, so the lack of normal hygiene rules leads to the fact that dirty hands leave infection on everything they touch.

In young children, starting from infancy and up to five years, the immune system is not fully developed, so they quickly catch the “infection”. Intestinal flu, as the disease is also called, destroys mucous tissues digestive organs, and this leads to poisoning, dehydration and intestinal upset.

The incubation period for a child can take up to five days, followed by an acute phase.

This is expressed differently in different children:

  • in some cases, it all begins with an unexplained cough, the appearance of diarrhea, and the deterioration in health is not associated with an increase in temperature;
  • disappears in other children normal appetite, pain in the tummy occurs against the background of fever, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees.

Unlike household food poisoning, after vomiting and bowel movements, the child does not feel better. Sometimes the acute stage is accompanied by drowsiness, weakness, and headaches.

Parents should understand that such conditions are extremely dangerous for the child and, in order to eliminate inflammatory process, requires qualified medical assistance.

Rotavirus infection can be determined by the baby's stool - it yellow color, liquid, foamy with a sour, pungent odor.

The danger of infection for children's health

Rotavirus infection in children may develop serious complications. First of all, this:

  • dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting;
  • at high temperature babies may have seizures;
  • due to infection, there is a threat of metabolic disorders - acetone acid accumulates in the blood, causing intoxication;
  • babies may be affected nervous system, and then the main symptoms are accompanied by delirium and fainting.

If help is not provided to the child in a timely manner, this situation can lead to death.

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection

Why is a special diet necessary for children who become ill with rotavirus?

It turns out that such nutrition is used for medicinal purposes and rehabilitation:

  • a small amount of healthy food and drinking plenty of fluids can reduce symptoms such as diarrhea and, as inflammation decreases;
  • Digestion and absorption of food is enhanced;
  • the removal of harmful substances from the body is accelerated, and, therefore, intoxication is eliminated;
  • the child’s immunity increases;
  • dehydration (dehydration) is prevented.

The diet is followed both during the course of the disease and subsequently, for 20 days after recovery.

Medical rules prohibit fasting for this disease, because children's body urgently needs nutrients, and the immune system must be supported.

In connection with such therapeutic measures, parents are interested in what to feed their child with rotavirus infection - what foods can be consumed and what is prohibited.

Prohibited products include:

  1. Dishes prepared from pork, lamb; goose, duck, fatty parts of chicken, and fatty fish such as catfish, mackerel, and pink salmon are considered undesirable for a child’s diet. After it passes acute stage, boiled, white, chicken meat, stewed rabbit meat, lean beef and veal in small quantities are allowed.
  2. During the initial phase, accompanied by signs of poisoning, you should not eat vegetables or fruits. fresh, as they can cause flatulence and aggravate intestinal upset. A week later, when symptoms subside, you are allowed to eat vegetable dishes Boiled and cooked in a double boiler, children can be given apples after baking them in the oven.
  3. should be completely excluded from baby food all kinds of marinades, pickles, tomatoes and canned goods containing vinegar. It is not recommended to eat sausages, sausages, smoked poultry and meat.
  4. It is also undesirable to give milk, fatty cottage cheese and sour cream to babies at the beginning of the disease. However, a little milk can be added to semolina or rice porridge in water along with salt. This helps relieve the inflammatory process from the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.
  5. Oils of plant and animal origin can increase diarrhea, and since at the time of illness the intestinal epithelium is in an unstable state, they cannot be used. For this reason, it is better to cook food by steaming, boiling, and sometimes (not often) baking.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to feed children cakes and sweets - in addition to sugar, they may contain cooking oil and other substances that irritate the stomach. For a while, the child will have to give up pasta, fresh black and white bread. Any drinks with gas, including sweet ones, are prohibited.
  7. You can't feed children millet, barley porridge, pearl barley, dishes made from legumes. Onions and garlic should also not be on the menu.

All kinds of marinades, pickles, tomatoes and canned food containing vinegar should be completely excluded from baby food.

A strict diet is provided for the first few days, until the temperature subsides and the child’s stool returns to normal.

Along with these dishes, radishes, cabbage, and hot seasonings are excluded. It is better to thoroughly grind all the ingredients of the dishes or prepare them in the form of puree.

Later, low-fat cottage cheese, porridge made from corn, oatmeal and buckwheat are gradually introduced into the diet, vegetable puree potatoes, zucchini, carrots, omelette chicken eggs steamed, stewed and boiled broccoli is allowed. Bread can be replaced with crackers, cereal breads, shortbread cookies with a minimum amount of sugar.

Drinks and liquids that are beneficial for rotavirus infection:

  • low-fat chicken breast broth;
  • vegetable broths;
  • weak black and green tea;
  • berry drinks;
  • dried fruit compotes;
  • raspberry juice;
  • decoction of rosehip, quince;
  • blueberry infusions;
  • rice water;
  • kefir and other fermented milk products (after 5-7 days).

Jelly made not only from fruits, but also from oatmeal is very useful for children - they envelop the walls of the digestive organs and help the mucous membranes recover faster. They need to be made liquid.

During illness, children often lose their appetite, but starvation should not be allowed, because the body needs strength to fight the infection. You can give your child small portions, but try to do it more often. Feedings can occur up to eight times a day, but the baby should drink every 20-30 minutes. This determines how quickly harmful toxic substances will be eliminated and recovery will begin. normal operation digestive tract.

Children under one year of age who are bottle-fed should be given food at least eight times a day. It is desirable that these are adapted mixtures that contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria that are beneficial for the intestines, for example, “Nutrilak fermented milk” or “NAN fermented milk”. At severe conditions the amount of food should not exceed 50 ml and it is important to use hydrolysates - Nutramigen, Alfare.

With natural feeding, it is enough to give the baby the breast much more often than usual, because mother’s milk is a source of antibodies that will help the baby recover.

Video: Diet for rotavirus infection in children

Parents need to know what to feed their child with rotavirus infection, because, in addition to medications, the quality of food directly determines the health of their child. Doctors note that for the purpose of prevention undesirable consequences, it is necessary to keep kids on a diet for at least a month.

Greetings, Dear friends, blog readers. Today I propose to talk about what to feed a child with rotavirus infection (sample menu, recipes, recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky).

I think many mothers of preschoolers have encountered this problem, and I was no exception. So in today’s article I’ll tell you how to organize meals if a child is sick with rotavirus infection, what to feed the baby, what menu to follow, recipes, as well as recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky.

Rotavirus infections are one of the types of mass viral epidemics among children. In the field of infectious pathology, this disease can be early diagnosis thanks to modern technologies. Rotavirus infection has a pronounced manifestation. The virus can seriously infect the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, not only children, but also adults are susceptible to the disease. Only a child’s body, due to its fragile immunity, is more difficult to withstand the attack of the virus. And we need to do everything to help the baby. In particular, it is necessary to change the child’s diet in case of rotavirus infection.

What is rotavirus infection, as well as the consequences it can lead to, is it necessary to vaccinate a child against of this disease says Dr. Komarovsky:

Features of rotavirus infection in children

Today the spread viral infections is no less pronounced than before. Mass diseases cause many problems. Fortunately, doctors have learned to quickly identify the causes of diseases and fight them. Drugs against rotavirus infections have a focal effect. Usually helps complex treatment child, including therapeutic nutrition. Therefore, the question of what to feed a child with rotavirus infection is relevant. The virus mainly affects peristalsis, the symptoms of the disease are character traits unpleasant consequences for intestinal and digestive disorders. Doctors unanimously claim that during intestinal infection you need to follow a diet. When a child becomes ill, all signs of intoxication in the body intensify and the temperature rises.

Therapeutic food for a child with rotavirus infection

Having fallen ill, the child refuses food. At this time, you can give your baby porridge with water, boiled dishes, and jelly. Concerning fermented milk products, then experts have somewhat different opinions. So, in some children even kefir can cause an increased reaction. The baby constantly vomits and has diarrhea. While for others, this drink relieves spasmodic reactions and unpleasant consequences. It is necessary to monitor the child's condition.
At this time, it is important to give the child plenty of fluids and frequent drinks in an amount that will not cause a gag reflex in him. Sweetened tea also helps. You just need to add less sugar than usual. But these are more preventive measures.

What to feed a child with rotavirus infection if the child refuses to eat?

Recommended are fish, chicken, vegetables, and cereals. White bread, fatty broths, canned food, pasta, cabbage, and radishes should be excluded from the diet. All meals during illness must be prepared in a gentle way. It is necessary to exclude coarse, fibrous foods, fried, spicy, salty foods, and marinades from the child’s diet, so as not to further cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa. It is better to cook well-chopped and steamed food. Pureed, pureed foods are best.

In most cases, rotavirus infection does not cause serious consequences. However, it is worth remembering that this is the strongest allergen for a small organism. An intestinal infection quickly leads to dehydration and significant loss of nutrients. And this is already serious damage to the immune system.

It is important to follow a diet not only during illness, but also for another two to three weeks after recovery. As soon as the child develops more or less a good appetite, then you can give him food in small portions several times a day.

At viral disease You need to drink 50-70 ml every 30 minutes. If you exceed the volumes of food and drink that the child’s body is currently able to absorb, then you can provoke profuse vomiting. Fresh vegetables And it’s better not to give fruit yet. Let another couple of weeks pass until complete recovery and normalization of stool. The child himself will feel when he feels better. Of course, all actions, refusal or consent to take any products should only occur under the supervision of a doctor.

Recipes for children with an intestinal virus

When cooking, you can use more universal recipes to know what to feed a child with rotavirus infection.

Rice congee recipe.

This drink is prepared in water for two hours. Three to four tablespoons of rice need to be boiled in 1 liter of water. You need to make sure that the cereal is completely boiled. Then the resulting mass must be wiped and added ½ teaspoon of soda and 2/3 teaspoon of salt, stir. IN finished form The broth can be poured into sterile bottles and cooled. For storage, the broth should be placed in the refrigerator, and when necessary, it can be shaken and heated.

Recipe for a mixture of carrots and apples.

This product has not only useful, but also incredible taste qualities. To prepare the mixture you will need 500 g of peeled apples and grated carrots. The mass needs to be softened and rubbed, add sugar (5 tablespoons). The mixture is then brought to a boil. And you can bottle it.

Menu for rotavirus infection in a child

When the baby begins to eat food as before in the form of three meals a day, you can prepare for him special menu, since the body is still weakened.

Breakfast may consist of a steamed omelet. Low-sour homemade cottage cheese will also be useful. A diet of porridge made from semolina, buckwheat and rice. Vegetable decoction or broth is useful. It is also good to give your child weak tea with crackers.

At lunch you can cook soup for meat broth. The main thing is to make sure that the vegetables are well cooked. You can also give soup with fish balls. Lunch can be washed down with rosehip decoction.

Dinner may consist of steamed fish cutlets, boiled buckwheat porridge and carrot puree. Baked blocks are great for snacking.

What else is important to remember

It is important for parents to remember that a small organism is significantly weakened during illness. And it is impossible to demand that your baby eat as before in order to gain strength. Appetite is reduced as the body uses other resources to fight the infection. You should also not self-medicate. A child's illness must be diagnosed by a doctor. The recovery process should take place only under his control. The therapist will determine the composition of nutrients in the child’s diet, based on specific test results and taking into account individual food tolerance.

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A diet for rotavirus infection requires adherence to special principles and rules, because this disease disrupts the water and salt balance in the body and impairs the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal flu, as rotavirus infection is also called, is quite severe. But despite this, serious complications rarely occur.

Diet for rotavirus infection

The causative agent of the infection is rotavirus, a favorable habitat for which is considered to be the gastric and intestinal tract. That is why this disease has many names - intestinal and stomach flu, rotavirosis, rotavirus gastroenteritis. Read more about intestinal infections.

To treat this infection, a specific diet must be prescribed, the principles of which are based on the following:

  • Since rotavirus leads the body to, you need to drink as much fluid as possible. Give preference to mineralized and ordinary water without gas. It is recommended to drink the Regidron solution.
  • The diet should be as balanced as possible so that a sufficient amount of nutrients enters the stomach. Thanks to this, local immunity can be strengthened.
  • The diet is exclusively fractional, that is, you need to eat in small portions and often. The food must be easily digestible.
  • Food must be processed using gentle methods. You cannot fry, but it is advisable to boil, bake without oil, stew and use a double boiler.
  • Pay special attention to the body's reaction after eating. It may be that after specific product the patient's condition worsens significantly. In this case, you will have to exclude it from the diet.
  • Appetite during rotavirus infection is greatly reduced, as a result of which the patient refuses food. Therefore, it is important to prepare dishes that are especially tasty and attractive in appearance.
  • You should not eat foods that contain high level vitamin C if noted increased acidity gastric juice.
  • It is very important to eat high-carbohydrate cereals.
  • Be sure to drink light broth 1-2 times a day.
  • The duration of the diet ranges from 5 days to a week, if there are no complications. Maximum time is not clearly defined, since this is due to the characteristics of the body, the course of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

It happens that the patient has a complete lack of appetite; give him a variety of liquids to drink as food. In these cases, vitamins and minerals are definitely needed, so you can include fresh juices, compotes, jelly and decoctions.

Diet for adults

The diet for rotavirus infection should saturate the body with useful substances and normalize water and salt metabolism, restore normal microflora and activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Sample menu could be like this:
  • For breakfast, you need to boil water-based porridge, eat a cracker, and drink a cup of tea without sugar, but with honey. Porridge can be replaced with a steam omelette.
  • For second breakfast, a small amount of natural yogurt or an apple baked in the oven is suitable.
  • At lunch you should drink a glass of broth or eat mashed potatoes with a steamed cutlet of lean meat, washed down with rosehip decoction.
  • During your afternoon snack, allow yourself dry unsweetened cookies and natural jelly.
  • For dinner, boil fish and rice porridge.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime, bake 1 apple and top it with crackers.

Drink more water throughout the day. Be sure to consult a specialist so that he can prescribe you a more detailed diet, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, individual indicators specific organism.

Diet for children

Children are especially susceptible to rotavirus infection, so their diet should be more strict. Eliminate milk completely and raw vegetables, fruits. The first day you can feed the baby only crackers, the second - rice porridge, cooked with water and without sugar. On the third day, the child should eat oatmeal or buckwheat. You can allow some mashed potatoes.
  • steam cutlets and omelettes without dairy products and butter;
  • broths from lean chicken and veal;
  • grated carrots and baked apples;
  • after that the broths are replaced with soup-like masses, with grated vegetables and meat;
  • at the end of the diet, you can gradually introduce low-fat kefir and natural yogurt.
While following the diet, the child needs to be given plenty of water. This will prevent dehydration of the body. What is recommended to give:
  • Ordinary purified and mineralized water, but without gas.
  • Pharmaceutical solution "Regidron" and "Smecta". This drink does not bring pleasure to the baby, so you can wash it down or mix it with compote or tea.
  • Herbal decoctions, weak tea.
  • Rice water. For a liter of water you need 3 tsp. rice cereal. Cooking time – no more than 50 minutes.
  • Compotes should be cooked from dried apple slices or blueberries.
  • Kissel. To prepare it you need to take the same fruits as for the compote. For 1 liter of compote you will need 2 tbsp. l. starch diluted in cool liquid.

If your baby is bottle-fed, then you need to prepare cereals and mixtures that do not contain lactose. If you are breastfeeding, you can stop feeding breast milk don't refuse.

Find out more about rotavirus infection in childhood, as well as about the features of water restoration salt balance during the treatment period from this video.

When it comes full recovery, children and adults are allowed to gradually introduce the following products:
  • butter, but good quality and in small quantities (as an additive to porridge);
  • honey instead of sweets;
  • any fermented milk products;
  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • soft-boiled egg.

About a month after the end of the diet and therapy, it is allowed to introduce familiar products and dishes. However, you should be especially careful with fried, smoked and canned foods. You can't eat a lot of sweets.

Allowed and prohibited foods on a diet

  • Vegetable soups and light meat broths.
  • Porridges made from rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat. Accordingly, without sugar and milk.
  • Vegetables and fruits in boiled, steamed, baked form.
  • Drinks - water, still mineral water, decoctions of rose hips, St. John's wort, jelly, compotes (natural). Kefir, yogurt, Activia, Lactobacillin, Acidophilin, Bifidok.
  • Steam omelette.
  • Mashed potatoes, carrots, baked apples.
  • Fish and meat dishes - soufflé, quenelles, meatballs, meatballs, cutlets. Meat low-fat varieties. Fish – pollock, hake, cod.
  • Fresh cottage cheese (low-fat and grated).
  • Crackers homemade from any type of flour.
  • Fatty meat, fish, dairy products, milk.
  • Preservation, marinades, pickles, canned food.
  • Candies, cakes and other sweets, sugar.
  • Mushrooms, sausages and similar products.
  • Alcoholic, carbonated and tea-coffee drinks (not strong tea).
  • Pasta, pearl barley, barley, millet.
  • Garlic, any onion, radish and cabbage.

Features of the diet for pregnant and lactating women

Since rotavirus does not affect others internal organs negative impact, then it cannot harm the unborn child. However, there are a number of consequences that can lead to miscarriage, slower fetal development and others. pathological disorders. This happens due to dehydration.

The diet for pregnant women is based on stabilizing the water and salt balance and eliminating the symptoms of intoxication. In principle, the diet for pregnant women is no different from other requirements for rotavirus infection. But it is necessary before compliance special diet nutrition, consult a gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy.

Is it necessary to stick to a diet and why?

With rotavirus infection, a diet is not only possible, but also necessary. This will shorten recovery time, prevent dehydration, and also reduce the level of stress on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, local and general immunity, the microflora of the stomach and intestines will be restored.

Diet for rotavirus infection is a therapeutic method of treatment. They often try to eliminate this disease with help, but this is not always necessary.

Recipes you can use

A monotonous menu does not always bring pleasure to the patient, so the usual boiled products You can cook it differently every time.

First meal

  • Ground vegetable soup. Boil some potatoes and carrots. Pre-chopped. You can add a little bell pepper for taste. After the vegetables are completely cooked, grind them through a sieve or chop them in a blender. Serve warm.
  • Soup with meat broth. For the broth, you can use chicken, turkey or veal fillet. Cook as usual. Remove the meat and grind it in a meat grinder (blender), add to the broth. Add potatoes, carrots and boil. Grind in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • The soup can be cooked with the addition raw minced meatballs instead of boiled meat.
  • Oatmeal soup. For one liter of water you will need 100 grams of grated carrots and oatmeal. Combine all ingredients and put on fire. The soup should be simmered until tender over low heat. Stir it constantly as cereals give a slimy consistency, which leads to liquid sticking to the pan. It is allowed to add salt and vegetable oil.

Second courses

  • Steam cutlets, meatballs. For minced meat you need to take chicken fillet or turkey, you can use veal. The minced meat is chopped in the usual way, but adding onions is strictly prohibited. Allowed to add boiled carrots, 1 raw egg. Place some boiled rice in the meatballs. The cutlets need to be steamed.
  • Stuffed vegetable peppers. Finely chop the young zucchini and eggplants, grate the carrots. Cut the tail off the bell pepper so that you can put the prepared filling inside. Cover the pepper with the cut top. Steam for half an hour.
  • Baked fillet. Soak chicken fillet in mineral water. This will make it softer. Cut the tomatoes into rings and the carrots into strips. Place the vegetables on the bottom of the baking sheet, with the chopped fillet on top. A small amount of salt may be added. Bake for 30 minutes under foil.
  • Vegetable stew. You will need bell pepper, potatoes, carrots, eggplants and tomatoes. All components are cut into cubes and placed on a heated frying pan. Add a little water and simmer until done.
  • Chicken steam soufflé. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and boil until tender with a little salt. Cool the meat and grind in a blender. Add 1 raw egg yolk and a little flour. Stir in the prepared broth. Beat the resulting mass and place it in any form that needs to be placed over a boiling pan. This will create a steam soufflé. Amount of products: broth – 50 ml, flour – 35-40 grams, chicken fillet – 250 grams.

Desserts, drinks

  • Apple and carrot puree. Take 2 apples sour variety and the same amount of peeled carrots. Bake the ingredients in the oven until done. When the ingredients have cooled, beat them with a blender, add a little loose cinnamon and honey. The soufflé is ready.
  • Kissel. You can take blackcurrant berries and boil them in water. Then strain through a sieve. Separately combine starch with cold water. Pour it into the resulting currant compote, which should simmer over low heat. Stirring thoroughly, combine with honey. For 500 grams of berries you need to take 70 grams of starch and 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Water-salt drink necessary for rotavirus

This liquid is simply necessary to restore water and salt metabolism. This solution can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it will contain an excessive amount of sodium.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp. table salt;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • a little less than half a glass of raisins;
  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar without a slide (can be replaced with honey).

First, boil the raisins in water and strain the resulting broth. Be sure to squeeze and grind the berries so that more nutrients are released into the water. Add the remaining ingredients and cook a little. Drink cold.

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