Dairy products snowball. What is healthier for the intestines, kefir or snowball, or fermented baked milk? What is Snowball and how is it produced?

Health internal organs very important for the overall tone of the body. Therefore, it is important, from time to time, to carry out prevention against various diseases and procedures to strengthen organs. To ease the load on the intestines, which will be discussed later, you need to monitor your diet and exclude from it harmful products, because the intestines play one of the main roles in the digestive system, leading the last stage of the process of food absorption, so its health is very important for the rest of the body. In this article, Food-and-Food will tell you what is healthier for the intestines: kefir or snowball, or fermented baked milk.

About kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting various microorganisms in milk, resulting in a product white with a homogeneous consistency. Kefir is widely popular not only in Russia, but also in a number of countries in Central and Central Asia, Australia, USA, etc. despite such popularity, kefir “came up”, as it were, on its own, because its birth occurred through the accidental entry of kefir grains into milk. This happened in the Elbrus mountains among the Balkar and Karachay tribes, for whom this fungus was something like a national currency, i.e. they could exchange goods for these fungi. Thus, many years after the birth of this drink, namely in 1867, kefir went on free sale, while the production secret was kept secret, like the recipe for modern Coca-Cola. Modern kefir has different compositions and fat content, which makes its benefits variable.

Concerning chemical composition kefir, then the presence of vitamins B, A, E, H, PP, D and C should be highlighted, and among the minerals iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, etc. stand out. They all find their use in medicine and cosmetology, which we will discuss further.

So, kefir will be useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, as well as lactose intolerance and low stomach acidity. It would seem that you cannot eat dairy products if you are intolerant to lactose - the milk sugar that kefir bacteria feed on, which is why it is not there, so kefir is harmless to people with this problem. And kefir provides the greatest benefit to the intestines thanks to probiotics, which restore beneficial microorganisms of this organ. In cosmetology, kefir is used to strengthen hair, as well as for health-improving face masks.

Snowball is...

A drink prepared using a certain technology from pasteurized milk and starter culture is called snowball. It has been produced at dairy factories in the USSR and Russia since 1970. Since then, only technology has changed, but the cooking process has not changed at all. So, following the ancient technology cow's milk pasteurized, cooled, after which a starter is added, the microorganisms of which will multiply over the next 8 hours. Then the snowball is poured into packages and delivered to retail outlets. If desired, the manufacturer can add different flavors of sugar to the snowball to make the taste of the drink itself more pleasant.

This "drink" has received wide application in cooking, because snow is added to the dough of pancakes, pancakes and pies, because dough with dairy products always turns out fluffy and tasty. If you add it to a snowball fresh berries or fruits, mixing them in a blender can significantly improve its taste.

Our drink, as befits any dairy product rich in protein, in addition, it contains many vitamins and minerals, among which there are vitamins B, A, C, E, and the potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium contained in it, as well as Bulgarian sticks (the so-called mushrooms, with the help which a snowball is prepared) help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which significantly speeds up metabolism, which is why nutritionists recommend this drink for overweight And diabetes mellitus. But despite the fact that metabolism accelerates, this process will not require additional energy expenditure.

Sugar snowballs are harmful for people with diabetes and overweight.

What is fermented baked milk?

Ryazhenka is made by fermenting baked cow's milk, and such a drink is considered part of the national cuisine Eastern Slavs. This easily digestible product contains many vitamins, including substances of groups B, A, C, PP. In addition, fermented baked milk contains many minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, calcium, etc. All this helps the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, and also improves appetite. It has been proven that one glass of fermented baked milk contains a huge amount of protein, calcium and phosphorus, which are absorbed much easier than from milk. The main advantage of fermented baked milk is its easy digestibility, which significantly lightens the load on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Concluding the story about fermented baked milk, we should talk about its contraindications, of which there are not so many. You just can’t drink it if you have an ulcer, high acidity of the stomach, or gastritis.

Thus, we have told you about all the qualities of these three drinks, so now you will find out what is healthier for the intestines: kefir or snowball or fermented baked milk. Having looked at all the pros and cons of these fermented milk drinks, Food-and-Food decided that kefir is healthier for the intestines, because it contains probiotics that partially restore it, or rather the intestinal microflora.


Snezhok Domik v village sweet fermented milk product

A tasty and healthy drink that comes from childhood, Snowball, is produced by many manufacturers of fermented milk products, because it is in constant demand among children and adults (calorizator). Snowball House in the village sweet fermented milk prepared according to traditional recipes, without preservatives, the role of the starter is a natural culture - Bulgarian stick. The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Calorie content of sweet fermented milk product Snezhok House in the village

The calorie content of the Snezhok Domik in the Village product is 74 kcal per 100 ml of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of the sweet fermented milk product Snezhok House in the Village

Product composition: normalized milk, sugar, starter culture. The product contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex, which includes: beta-carotene, choline, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, H and PP, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper and manganese , chlorine and chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, phosphorus and sodium. Consumption of the fermented milk product Snezhok has beneficial influence on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing intestinal motility and metabolic processes.

Harm to the product Snowball Village House

The product may cause allergic reactions and is therefore not recommended for persons allergic to milk protein.

Snowball Village house in cooking

Usually Snowball is consumed as a separate drink during breakfast or afternoon snack, supplemented with cookies, pastries or toast. Before use, shake the product package thoroughly to mix it. The snowball can be used to prepare dough for pancakes, pies or muffins, remembering that sugar can no longer be added


Snowball - beneficial properties and calorie content, use and preparation, what are the benefits and harms of the product Snowball - dairy products - Lady Mail

Kefir, fermented baked milk, tan, “Snowball”, yogurt... But are they all equally beneficial for health and figure? Unlike kefir, fermented baked milk is rich not only in streptococci, but also in Bulgarian bacillus, and also contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria.

Snezhok is a fermented milk drink produced using a special technology from natural pasteurized milk and starter culture, which contains pure cultures of microorganisms. Snowball, like yogurt, can be natural and sweet. To give the drink a pleasant sweet taste, sugar and berry syrups (raspberry, strawberry, cherry, currant) are used during the production process.

The product packaged for transportation is finally cooled in the refrigerator to a temperature of 4±2°C. The “Snowball” drink differs not only in taste, but also in the mass fraction of fat in the composition.

Shelf life – 5-7 days. Stratification is not allowed in this drink. Cover the container and leave it in a warm place for a day. Then cool the finished product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. If desired, add “sweeteners” to the drink. However, it can also be used for culinary purposes as an excellent ingredient for baking. Snowball" like everyone else dairy products, gives the dough softness and fluffiness, with its participation you get delicious pancakes and pancakes, jellied pies.

The special taste and benefits of the product are provided by lactic acid, which stimulates the action of digestive enzymes and inhibits the development of harmful microorganisms. The product contains vitamins B, C, A, E and D, as well as microelements - sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Fermented milk products have great benefit to our body. Kefir is one of the oldest drinks that contains everything beneficial features milk, and also contains a large number of beneficial bacteria.

Vitamins include A, H, C, B, PP, D, E, as well as iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium and a large number of amino acids. The use of kefir is necessary for dysbiosis and intestinal disorders. The disadvantage of kefir is that it contains ethanol. That is why children should not drink large quantities of this drink.


You can prepare fermented baked milk at home using milk and sour cream. To do this, boil the milk, and when it cools to 50 degrees, add a couple of spoons of sour cream. The snowball contains Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid bacteria.

Very often syrups are added to snowballs. This drink attracts children with its pleasant taste and at the same time low calorie content. Snowball is rich in vitamins and microelements characteristic of milk. When choosing between kefir, fermented baked milk and snowball, you should pay attention to the expiration date and composition of the product. If it is undesirable to consume kefir if the stomach has high acidity, then fermented baked milk and snowball will not increase the acidity of the stomach.

KefirHow to make: The most popular fermented milk drink is made from fresh milk using special kefir grains. Benefits: everyone knows that kefir improves intestinal microflora. It contains yeast cultures that only contribute to this disease. One glass of fermented baked milk contains a quarter daily requirement body in calcium and 20% daily norm phosphorus.

How do fermented milk products affect women's health?

TanHow it's made: this fermented milk drink is made from cow or goat milk. Sourdough and salted water are added to it. Benefits: tan helps fight hangovers better than other fermented milk products. It is also low-calorie - only 22-27 kcal per 100 ml. And this means that tan is useful for those who are on a diet. Contraindications: tan should not be taken by people with high blood pressure. Benefit: Bifidok is a beauty drink.

Milk - unique product, the beneficial properties of which have been known for thousands of years. What is noteworthy is that milk is beneficial both in fresh, and in fermented. Everyone knows the benefits of kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. A worthy representative of a number of healthy fermented milk products is acidophilus - a thick, white drink with a slight pungent aftertaste.

Along with acidophilus bacillus, pure milk streptococci, kefir fungus and milk yeast are added to the starter. The combination of all these components fully explains the enormous benefits of acidophilus for the body. The biochemical composition of the acidophilus drink is very rich, it contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, sucrose and milk sugar(lactose). The balance of protein, fat and carbohydrate components makes acidophilus a healthy drink for people of any age; it can be included in the menu of both children and the elderly.

Eat, eat, but also listen to the doctor!

Unlike Bulgarian bacillus, acidophilus also has a beneficial effect on the function of the pancreas and stomach. Therefore, acidophilus is widely used in medicinal and dietary nutrition. Acidophilus is especially indicated for people who have been treated with antibiotics, whose intestinal microflora is disturbed and the body is weakened.

Contraindications to the use of this healthy drink is an individual intolerance to this product, which most often manifests itself in the form allergic reaction(urticaria). Bifilife is a new generation fermented milk drink. The end result is unique food product which protects human body from many unfavorable factors.

Therefore, constantly consume this wonderful drink with soft delicate taste, and thereby preserve your precious health. The benefits of bifilife for humans are undeniable. Secondly, bifidobacteria regulate cholesterol levels in the blood, restore human immunity, normalize protein and fat metabolism, and also synthesize vitamins.

This fermented milk drink is completely self-sufficient and delicious product. The benefits of kefir are not only useful elements, which it contains, but also in large quantities probiotics. If we consider the beneficial properties, the drink is good for digestion, like kefir with fermented baked milk.


What is healthier for the body - kefir or fermented baked milk, Varenets or snowball, katyk or yogurt?

Lactic acid drinks have been known for a long time, their range is expanding, and they have a beneficial effect on health.

Which one is most useful? And is it possible to give preference to something?

Let's figure out what is healthier for the intestines and the body as a whole: kefir or fermented baked milk, yogurt or katyk, Varenets or snowball?

Each manufacturer’s starter differs and is kept secret. Kefir has ethyl alcohol.

The effect of the product on the body is as follows:

  • helps to lose weight;
  • prevents and treats health problems;
  • improves immunity.

Taking kefir daily for a week improves your blood condition. Casein is easier to digest from kefir than from milk.

However, it is not advisable to drink kefir for people who have increased acidity stomach. It enhances tonic contractions of the intestines and has a mild laxative property, so patients with colitis and fecal incontinence need to drink it in small quantities.

The amount of nutrients in the product is the same as in the raw material - milk, they are better absorbed by the body compared to kefir, and protein is absorbed more completely than from milk.

The drink contains more fat than kefir, so you can’t lose weight with it (you can’t gain weight either).

Ryazhenka, compared to kefir, copes better with thirst, helps overcome bloating after a feast, and contains more protein and nutrients.

If you don’t yet know the benefits of goat milk for women, read our publication.

This material will tell you about the benefits and harms of tea with milk.

Is coffee with milk healthy and why exactly? Our article will talk about this.

The preparation of the product is based on the fermentation of milk with lactobacilli, or Mechnikov's bacillus, or yeast. Depending on this they produce different types curdled milk.

The fat concentration in the drink is the same as in milk - 3.2% or lower (if low-fat milk was used as a basis).

Curdled milk is a product for diets because it is fully absorbed, has a high energy value, and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

1 glass of fermented baked milk and yogurt contains a quarter of the daily requirement of calcium and 20% of the need for vitamin B2 and phosphorus. Both normalize hormonal levels.

For fermentation, add yesterday's katyk or yogurt to fresh milk at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of milk. The older the mushrooms, the stronger the drink.

Fermentation is carried out in a warm place for 6-12 hours. After this time, the drink is taken out into the cold to compact the clot.

The product is tinted with beet or cherry juice. After 2-3 days it becomes very sour and is used as a seasoning.

The benefits of katyk are expressed in:

  • general strengthening effect;
  • calcium replenishment;
  • healing from ulcers with frequent consumption.
to contents

To prepare a snowball, whole milk with 7% sugar is heated to 85 ° C and held for 10 minutes, then crushed under pressure so that the fat droplets are distributed throughout the entire volume.

After this, add the starter and wait 4-5 hours, then mix and cool to 5-7 °C. At the end, up to 10% syrup can be added.

The drink is allowed to be consumed for stomach ulcers, but not during an exacerbation. In addition, he:

  • useful for people with gastritis and low acidity, inflammation of the intestines, those who adhere to a gentle diet;
  • normalizes the balance of water and salts, which is important for gout, stones gallbladder, atherosclerosis and other metabolic diseases.

Snowball contains minerals and vitamins found in kefir and fermented baked milk, has low calorie content and a pleasant taste, and does not increase stomach acidity.

Sugar or berry syrups must be added to it, but you should not abuse this.

The resulting raw material is seasoned with sour cream at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter, the container with the mixture is closed and kept for 3-4 hours in a warm place.

No sugar is added to Varenets; it is less fatty and high in calories than fermented baked milk, but still gives a feeling of satiety.

The positive effect on the body is that it:

  • normalizes the functioning of blood vessels, bones, sebaceous glands;
  • rejuvenates;
  • heals the lungs after tuberculosis;
  • reduces the effect of drugs on the liver;
  • as a mild laxative, cleanses the intestines.

Want to know the benefits of soy milk? Our publication will tell you about the benefits and harms of the product.

The benefits of turmeric golden milk are discussed in detail in this material.

This article will reveal the beneficial properties of coconut milk.

Product Fermentation Bacteria Milk Compound
Kefir fermented milk, acetic acid, alcohol lactic acid bacilli and streptococci, 20 types of yeast, acetic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria fresh iron, P, Ca, chromium, iodine, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, H, PP, amino acids
Ryazhenka combination of lactic acid and alcohol lactobacilli, acidophilus bacillus, bifidobacteria, bulgaric bacillus melted, cream Ca, P, Na, K, Fe, vitamins A, B, C, D, PP
Curdled milk lactic acid lactic acid, acidophilus, Bulgarian coli, milk yeast fresh vitamin B, C, fatty acids, amines
Katyk lactic fermentation Bulgarian bacillus and fermented milk streptococci in a clear proportion boiled Fe, Ca, zinc, P, Cu, Si, vitamins A, B, D, E
Snowball lactic acid heat-loving fermented milk streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus fresh Fe, Cr, P, I, Ca, vitamins A, C, D, PP, amino acids
Varenets together lactic acid and alcohol lactic acid streptococci not afraid of heat, Bulgarian bacillus, yeast high fat melted butter K, P, Cl, Ca, Na, S, Fe, F, Sn, selenium, Cr, Mo, Mn, Cu, 8 mg cholesterol, 4 g sugar, acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, PP

Although fermented milk products have different health effects, they have much in common:

  • all drinks slow down putrefactive decomposition in the intestines and protect against poisoning;
  • kefir and Varenets help with anemia;
  • Katyk and snowball restore strength after illness and exercise.

Milk fat has a choleretic effect. All drinks fermented with lactic acid bacilli contain lactic acid, which increases appetite and promotes kidney function.

Kefir restores better than all other fermented milk drinks beneficial microflora intestines.

The champion in digestibility is ryazhenka, but it has highest calorie content. The benefits of lactic acid drinks are determined by what point of view you look at them from.

Kefir and curdled milk do not simmer; they retain beneficial bacteria; During heat treatment (ryazhenka, Varenets), not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria are killed.

Curdled milk better than kefir: Raw milk sours on its own, without introducing a culture of microorganisms.

Everything made by “nature” is better technological process. There are health restrictions for taking kefir.

All products are healthy, you need to choose based on taste preferences. Nevertheless, doctors give preference to fermented baked milk, because... the microbes in it are the most useful.

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Lactic acid drinks have been known for a long time, their range is expanding, and they have a beneficial effect on health.

Which one is most useful? And is it possible to give preference to something?

Let's figure out what is healthier for the intestines and the body as a whole: kefir or fermented baked milk, yogurt or katyk, Varenets or snowball?


The drink is prepared from cow's milk with a low percentage of fat. kefir grains , which represent the cohabitation of several types of microorganisms.

Each manufacturer’s starter differs and is kept secret. Kefir has ethyl alcohol.

The effect of the product on the body is as follows:

  • helps to lose weight;
  • prevents and treats health problems;
  • improves immunity.

Taking kefir daily for a week improves your blood condition. Casein is easier to digest from kefir than from milk.

However It is not advisable to drink kefir for people with high stomach acidity. It enhances tonic contractions of the intestines and has a mild laxative property, so patients with colitis and fecal incontinence need to drink it in small quantities.


The drink is fermented with baked cow's milk, baked cream or sour cream.(in a ratio of 3:1) for 3-6 hours, which makes it brown-yellow and “soft”, pleasant to the taste. All bacteria remain alive.

The amount of nutrients in the product is the same as in the raw material - milk, they are better absorbed by the body compared to kefir, and protein is absorbed more completely than from milk.

The drink contains more fat than kefir, so you can’t lose weight with it (you can’t gain weight either).

Ryazhenka, compared to kefir, copes better with thirst, helps overcome bloating after a feast, and contains more protein and nutrients.

Curdled milk

The preparation of the product is based on fermentation of milk with lactobacilli, or Mechnikov's bacillus, or yeast. Depending on this, different types of yogurt are produced.

The fat concentration in the drink is the same as in milk - 3.2% or lower (if low-fat milk was used as a basis).

Curdled milk – a product for diets, since it is fully absorbed, has a high energy value, and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

1 glass of fermented baked milk and yogurt contains a quarter of the daily requirement and 20% of the need for vitamin B2 and. Both normalize hormonal levels.


The product is made from the milk of goats, cows, sheep, mares, buffaloes, which is evaporated and boiled for a long time to make it more concentrated and fatty, then filtered through cheesecloth.

For fermentation, add yesterday's katyk or yogurt with fresh milk at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of milk. The older the mushrooms, the stronger the drink.

Fermentation is carried out in a warm place for 6-12 hours. After this time, the drink is taken out into the cold to compact the clot.

The benefits of katyk are expressed in:


To make snowballs, use whole milk with 7% sugar is heated to 85 ° C and kept for 10 minutes, then crushed under pressure so that the fat droplets are distributed throughout the entire volume.

After this, add the starter and wait 4-5 hours, then mix and cool to 5-7 °C. At the end, up to 10% syrup can be added.

The drink can be consumed if you have a stomach ulcer., but not during an exacerbation. In addition, he:

Snowball contains minerals and vitamins found in kefir and fermented baked milk, has low calorie content and a pleasant taste, and does not increase stomach acidity.

Sugar or berry syrups must be added to it, but you shouldn’t abuse it.


This is a type of curdled milk based on baked milk.. The starter is sour cream or cream. Baked milk obtained by slowly boiling cow's milk until it reduces in volume by a third and turns red.

The resulting raw material is seasoned with sour cream at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter, the container with the mixture is closed and kept for 3-4 hours in a warm place.

No sugar is added to Varenets; it is less fatty and high in calories than fermented baked milk, but still gives a feeling of satiety.

Positive effects on the body manifests itself in the fact that it:

  • normalizes the functioning of blood vessels, bones, sebaceous glands;
  • rejuvenates;
  • heals the lungs after tuberculosis;
  • reduces the effect of drugs on the liver;
  • as a mild laxative, cleanses the intestines.


Comparison table for fermented milk products:

Product Fermentation Bacteria Milk Compound
Kefir fermented milk, acetic acid, alcohol lactic acid bacilli and streptococci, 20 types of yeast, acetic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria fresh , P, Ca, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, H, PP, amino acids
Ryazhenka combination of lactic acid and alcohol lactobacilli, acidophilus bacillus, bifidobacteria, bulgaric bacillus melted, cream Ca, P, Na, K, Fe, vitamins A, B, C, D, PP
Curdled milk lactic acid lactic acid, acidophilus, Bulgarian coli, milk yeast fresh vitamin B, C, fatty acids, amines
Katyk lactic fermentation Bulgarian bacillus and fermented milk streptococci in a clear proportion boiled Fe, Ca, P, Cu, Si, vitamins A, B, D, E
Snowball lactic acid heat-loving fermented milk streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus fresh Fe, Cr, P, I, Ca, vitamins A, C, D, PP, amino acids
Varenets together lactic acid and alcohol lactic acid streptococci not afraid of heat, Bulgarian bacillus, yeast high fat melted butter K, P, Cl, Ca, Na, S, Fe, F, Sn, Cr, Mo, Mn, Cu, 8 mg cholesterol, 4 g sugar, acids, vitamins A, B, C, PP

Although Fermented milk products have different effects on health, their actions have a lot in common:

  • all drinks slow down putrefactive decomposition in the intestines and protect against poisoning;
  • kefir and Varenets help with anemia;
  • Katyk and snowball restore strength after illness and exercise.

Milk fat has a choleretic effect. All drinks fermented with lactic acid bacilli contain lactic acid, which increases appetite and promotes kidney function.

Kefir better than all other fermented milk drinks, it restores beneficial intestinal microflora.

The champion in digestibility is fermented baked milk, but it has the highest calorie content. The benefits of lactic acid drinks are determined by what point of view you look at them from.

Kefir and curdled milk do not simmer; they retain beneficial bacteria; During heat treatment (ryazhenka, Varenets), not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria are killed.

Curdled milk is better than kefir: Raw milk sours on its own, without introducing a culture of microorganisms.

Everything made by “nature” is better than the technological process. There are health restrictions for taking kefir.

All products are healthy, you need to choose based on taste preferences. Nevertheless doctors prefer fermented baked milk, because the microbes in it are the most useful.

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If there is any perfect drink for... healthy diet, then you should look for them among fermented milk products. The popular favorite kefir and its sweetened version - snowball - deservedly claim this title. So much has been said about their benefits that it would take a lot of time to list all the facts. We invite you to remember the most important and required properties together with experts of the brand “36 kopecks”. And at the same time find tasty and healthy uses for your favorite products.

Fuel for healthy digestion

Kefir is of greatest value for digestive system. Kefir “36 kopecks” allows you to verify this once again. The main merit here belongs to lactic acid bacteria, which are most similar in nature to beneficial bacteria, living in the human intestine. They form favorable microflora, on which the quality of food processing and the process of assimilation of useful elements directly depend.

Through the efforts of “good” bacteria, the feeling of heaviness and bloating in the abdomen disappear, and the functioning of the digestive organs is generally normalized. Please note that to combat constipation you should choose the most fresh kefir. A product that has been in the refrigerator for more than two days, on the contrary, strengthens. At regular use kefir “36 kopecks” improves intestinal motility and removes harmful stagnant substances from the body. And it's still rising local immunity and the risk of intestinal infections is reduced.

Besides milk protein and valuable fatty acids Kefir contains vitamins A, PP, C and eight B vitamins. Mineral complex represented by calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. It has been proven that calcium from kefir is absorbed easier and faster than from any other milk drink. This element is needed not only for children strong bones And rapid growth. Adults with calcium deficiency often develop osteoporosis, which can result in painful and long-healing fractures.

Kefir “36 kopecks” - effective dietary product. Contrary to the fears of those losing weight, the percentage of fat content does not play a special role. Traditional kefir with a fat mass fraction of 3.2% can be safely included in the diet and drunk up to 400 ml per day. Kefir with a fat content of 1% is ideal for fasting diets and mono-diet. You can drink a glass of this kefir 2-3 hours before bedtime. In addition to pleasant saturation, it brings a mild calming effect and helps you fall asleep faster.

Sweet benefits for the body

After one year of age, it is beneficial for children to drink kefir every day. However, not everyone likes the characteristic sour taste. Just for such picky people, there is an excellent solution - the fermented milk drink Snowball “36 kopecks”. It is prepared using a similar technology with gentle temperature treatment from whole cow's milk with the addition of traditional sourdough and granulated sugar. There are no preservatives, flavor enhancers or other synthesized additives here.

It is obvious that the above-described beneficial properties of kefir are fully preserved in snowballs. This means that with frequent use, digestion and metabolism work like clockwork. A fat mass fraction of 2.5% is optimal so that the ingredients present in the composition fat soluble vitamins assimilated without reserve and in full.

Thanks to nutrients A snowball helps to quickly satisfy a slight hunger. So this is an ideal option for snacking between main meals and before bed. Snowball also fights thirst more successfully than many products. It is no coincidence that in the heat, doctors recommend focusing on fermented milk drinks to prevent dehydration. Moreover, at the first signs of a lack of fluid in the body, snowball helps to quickly restore water-salt balance and keep it normal.

Snowball, like kefir, is often included in the menu therapeutic diets. Of course, you must first consult with a specialist. It has a beneficial effect on the body in case of dysbacteriosis, gastritis with low acidity, seasonal allergies, chronic diseases liver and kidneys. Modern research prove that fermented milk drinks contain special anti-carcinogenic substances that reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases digestive organs.

Bananas in kefir bliss

Snowball “36 kopecks” can be given to children in pure form. You can also prepare delicious smoothies using it. The sweetness of the drink is quite enough, so you don’t need to add sugar. In addition, the snow will give the mix a smooth, flowing consistency and make it more appetizing.

Chop a large ripe banana into circles, place in a blender bowl and add 1-2 tbsp. l. peanut butter. Pour in all 300 ml of snow and beat into a homogeneous mass. Using a rolling pin, roll out 30 g of shortbread cookies into fine crumbs, pour into the smoothie and mix well. Before serving, sprinkle the cocktail with grated chocolate or coconut flakes, and garnish the glass itself with orange and kiwi slices. Even the most capricious eaters will not be able to resist such a delicacy.

Chocolate and cherry idyll

Chocolate snowball muffins “36 kopecks” are a win-win dessert that both children and adults will love. The fermented milk drink will help you knead the perfect soft dough, which will quickly rise in the oven and retain its fluffy texture for a long time.

Grind 80 g of sugar and an egg into a light mass, pour in 200 ml of snow and beat with a mixer. Continuing to beat, sift in 130 g of flour with 1 tsp. baking powder and 2-3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. The consistency of the dough should resemble thick sour cream. Fill the greased molds about a third with it, add 2-3 cherries and fill another third with the remaining dough. The muffins will rise while baking, so leave some room in the pans. Bake them in the oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes. And 5 minutes before the end, sprinkle the baked goods with crushed hazelnuts.

Snow Flake Cookies

Oatmeal snowball cookies “36 kopecks” are a godsend for those who keep in shape but don’t want to give up their favorite sweets. It contains only 83 kcal, rich, easily digestible protein, optimal quantity healthy fats.

Pour 300 g of dry oatmeal 300 ml of snow and leave for at least half an hour. During this time, the oatmeal will swell properly and take on the desired consistency. Finely chop 50 g of dates and mash a handful with a rolling pin walnuts. Beat into a strong, stable mass raw protein with a pinch of salt and 0.5 tsp. lemon juice. Add dried fruits, nuts and whipped egg whites to the oatmeal mixture, add 1 tsp. cinnamon and vanilla on the tip of a knife, mix well. With wet hands, form round cookies, place on a baking sheet with parchment paper and place in the oven at 200°C for 15-20 minutes.

It seems that we know almost everything about our favorite fermented milk drinks. The “36 kopecks” brand gives you a lot of reasons to love them even more. These are real health products, prepared according to traditional recipes from natural raw materials. High Quality. Thanks to this, they retained that same taste of childhood that cannot be compared with anything in the world. Make your body delicious and useful gift, and please your loved ones with new interesting delicacies.

Snowball is a fermented milk drink produced using a special technology from natural pasteurized milk and starter culture, which contains pure cultures of microorganisms.


This product has been produced in the USSR and Russia since the 70s of the 20th century. Its main component - whole cow's milk - is pasteurized - heated to a temperature of approximately 85˚C and maintained at this heating for 10 minutes. Then the milk undergoes homogenization - under high pressure the raw materials are mixed, bringing it to homogeneity (taste, color, fat content). After cooling to 38-42˚C, a starter of thermophilic streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus is added to the milk and fermented, as in the reservoir method, for 5 to 8 hours. In it time is running formation of a dense clot. After fermentation is complete, the product is cooled to approximately 16 degrees, stirring occasionally. The chilled drink, which has a homogeneous, moderately viscous consistency, is served on an automated bottling line, where it is packaged in portioned tetrapacks, plastic bags or plastic cups. Snowball, like , can be natural and sweet. To give the drink a pleasant sweet taste, sugar and berry syrups (raspberry, strawberry, cherry, currant) are used during the production process. Sugar is added to milk before heating (no more than 7%), and syrups (10%) after the formation of a clot or to a cooled product. The product packaged for transportation is finally cooled in the refrigerator to a temperature of 4±2°C. The “Snowball” drink differs not only in taste, but also in the mass fraction of fat in the composition. The most common product is 2.5% fat. Shelf life - 5-7 days. Stratification is not allowed in this drink.

You can also prepare “Snowball” at home. For 1 liter of milk you need about 100-150 g of starter, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. First you need to boil the milk, then cool it to 40 degrees, add the starter and mix. Cover the container and leave it in a warm place for a day. Then cool the finished product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. If desired, add “sweeteners” to the drink. You can store homemade “Snowball” for no more than three days.


This fermented milk drink is a completely self-sufficient and tasty product. However, it can also be used for culinary purposes as an excellent ingredient for baking. “Snowball”, like all fermented milk products, gives the dough softness and fluffiness, and with its participation you get delicious pancakes and pancakes, jellied pies. In addition, “Snowball” can be used to prepare delicious and nutritious cocktails - just beat it in a blender along with banana, bran, cinnamon or other products.

Beneficial features

“Snowball” improves metabolism, and therefore doctors and nutritionists recommend it to patients with diabetes, overweight people and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. The special taste and benefits of the product are provided by lactic acid, which stimulates the action of digestive enzymes and inhibits the development of harmful microorganisms. When consuming “Snowball”, food is digested with the least amount of energy, and this is very important when restoring strength after physical activity or a body weakened by disease, so it is no coincidence that the drink is used to feed the sick. The product contains vitamins B, C, A, E and D, as well as microelements - sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.


Sweet “Snowball” is contraindicated for diabetes and obesity. It is not recommended to use it if you have thrush.

Calorie content and the nutritional value drink "Snowball"2.5% fat

Calorie content - 79 kcal.

Nutritional value: proteins - 2.5 g, fats - 2.7 g, carbohydrates - 10.8 g

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