Is it possible to add smecta to a child’s food? Instructions for use for children of different ages. Cost and consumer opinion

Colic, abdominal pain and diarrhea are negative symptoms of digestive disorders in babies. “Smecta” will be a real salvation for newborns and their parents. Modern medicinal product eliminates increased gas formation immediately after ingestion gastrointestinal tract. But we must not forget that Smecta is a medicine, so before using the sweet suspension you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Characteristics of the drug

After the birth of a child, there is no beneficial microflora in his stomach and intestines. It is necessary for a newborn proper operation all organs digestive system, optimal absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances. In addition, the baby has virtually no body resistance to viral and bacterial infections. There is a risk of harmful microbes entering the body - the main culprits of dysbacteriosis.

The drug has the ability to absorb compounds that come into contact with it in the stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to give the newborn other medications only 2 hours before or after taking Smecta. This will allow you to achieve maximum therapeutic effect and avoid unwanted chemical interactions.

Once in the stomach infant, “Smecta” creates a protective film on the surface of the mucous membrane. It prevents irritation of the walls of the digestive tract by caustic hydrochloric acid.

Pediatricians distinguish such beneficial features of this product:

  • removes toxic compounds, pathogenic microbes and viruses from the child’s body;
  • destroys formed air bubbles;
  • restores beneficial intestinal microflora.

“Smecta” is not absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and no blood enters, so the drug can be used in the treatment of pregnant and breastfeeding women. The medicine is excreted from the newborn's body unchanged. While passing through digestive tract"Smecta" cleanses it of accumulated impurities and toxins, restores water-salt balance.

After birth beneficial bacteria enter the child’s body with breast milk or special formulas. The functioning of the digestive system depends on how quickly they multiply in the intestines. But under the influence negative factors Pathogenic microbes can also penetrate the stomach, causing excess gas formation and abdominal pain. An adsorbent drug will help eliminate unpleasant signs of dysbacteriosis.

  • infections of intestinal etiology;
  • flatulence - bloating and rumbling in the tummy;
  • frequent regurgitation, turning into vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • introduction of new complementary foods;
  • skin rashes;
  • intestinal flu.

Smecta does not provide negative influence on intestinal motility. Frequent bowel movements occur due to the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which in the process of vital activity provoke extensive intoxication. The medicine is given to infants to restore lost water and electrolyte balance.

Correct breeding

The pediatrician will tell you how to dilute Smecta for the treatment of newborns after examining the baby. Depending on the diagnosis, the daily dose may be reduced or increased. Also, the amount of suspension used varies in children of different ages. For acute viral infections the dosage is doubled due to significant loss of fluid by the body.

If after three days self-treatment dysbacteriosis "Smecta" negative symptoms do not disappear, you should consult a doctor for advice.

For a newborn up to one year old, the sachet should be diluted in 50 ml of one of the following liquids:

After dissolution, the active substance forms a suspension with liquids, the solid particles of which quickly settle at the bottom of the bottle. Before giving Smecta to your baby, the container should be shaken thoroughly. Single dosage for children of the first year of life is 15 ml, daily - 50 ml.

How to give medicine to a breastfeeding baby

Many parents wonder how to give Smecta to a newborn if he refuses to swallow an incomprehensible mixture from a bottle. You should purchase a convenient syringe dispenser for medications with divisions marked on the body at a pharmacy or specialty store. If you urgently need to give your baby medicine, you can use a regular syringe without a needle.

Some mothers and fathers dilute Smecta in the entire volume of liquid at once and feed the baby with it throughout the day. You can't do that! The instructions included with the package stipulate that the infant must be given freshly prepared formula. The drug contains sugar, which serves as a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Release form

Manufacturers produce the drug in packages, each of which contains 3.0 g of Smecta. The box may contain 10 or 30 bags with attached instructions for use. Some pharmacies break the rules and sell several sachets from large packages. In such cases, the buyer has the right to require separate instructions. The color of the powder varies from yellowish to light gray.

The active ingredient of “Smecta” is dioctahedral smectite. This is a natural compound without synthetic components, produced on the basis of natural clay, and has neutral properties. For picky kids, parents can choose a medicine to suit their taste. To prepare the suspension, “Smecta” is produced with vanilla and orange aroma and a sweetish taste. All ingredients of the drug are natural and are not capable of causing the development of allergic reactions.


Exceeding the dosage of Smecta when self-medicating is fraught with the appearance of redness and rashes on the skin of a newborn. If such a reaction occurs, you should stop using the drug and consult your pediatrician about further therapy. If your baby has constipation, it is necessary to reduce daily dose medications doubled. Contraindications to taking Smecta are based on the characteristics of the composition.

The drug should not be used if the baby has a history of the following diseases:

  • sucrose-isomaltase deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • chronic constipation.

The instructions indicate that some babies have individual sensitivity to active substance"Smecta" or its auxiliary ingredients. Children's doctor will be able to find another medicine. Problems with excess gas and loose stools often occur in newborns. "Smecta" is a universal and safe remedy to eliminate negative symptoms and restore beneficial microflora intestines. But it is advisable to use it only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Problems with the baby's tummy - every mother knows firsthand about this misfortune. In newborns and infants, due to intestinal immaturity, symptoms such as gastrointestinal upset, discomfort and bloating are common. To alleviate the baby’s condition, a reliable and proven drug is needed. In such cases, Smecta comes to the rescue. In this article we will tell you how to give Smecta to a child, in what dosage and whether it can be used this drug when vomiting.

Smecta - instructions and principle of action of the medicine

The drug Smecta belongs to the group of antidiarrheal drugs. Release form – powder white with a faint vanilla odor, which must be thoroughly diluted in 50 ml of water before taking. The annotation for the medicine states that 1 sachet is needed per dose; it contains 3 g of medicine - this is a universal one-time proportion for children of any age.

The composition of the emulsion powder includes:

  • – diosmectite;
  • – dextrose monohydrate;
  • – sodium saccharinate;
  • – orange/vanilla flavoring.

The action of Smecta occurs on the principle of an absorbent, which, like a magnet, connects all microbes, viruses, toxic compounds that cause illness and removes them from the body. Also removes accumulations intestinal gases and leftover food that remains undigested.

Neutralizing pathogenic microflora, Smecta is able to absorb and eliminate staphylococci, leaving no chance even for fungi and some E. coli. In abundance digestive acids, whether gall or stomach, Smecta copes without problems. The gastroprotective effect of the drug is described in more detail by the instructions for using smecta for children.

So this is modern remedy with an adsorbing effect after administration, it solves a whole range of problems:

  • adsorbs and removes harmful substances from the body;

In what cases can a child be given Smecta?

Smecta is one of those drugs that is worth having in your home medicine cabinet. This is a real salvation for parents when the child suddenly develops colic due to bloating, when it is necessary to cope increased gas formation(and it causes severe discomfort to babies), or diarrhea began for no reason, and there is no opportunity to visit a doctor in the next few hours.

Many mothers question taking the drug infant, and is Smecta suitable for newborns. We hasten to reassure you that the medicine is approved for use from the first days of a baby’s life. And if your baby is already 6 months old, or 9, 10, 11 months old, then you can safely use it if necessary. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the dosage.

Most often, Smecta for babies is prescribed by pediatricians for the following conditions:

  • diarrhea with a sharp change (violation) of the usual diet;
  • acute diarrhea from eating low-quality food (poisoning);
  • dysbiosis in the acute or chronic stage;
  • diarrhea due to a transmitted infection (rotovirus infection, etc.);
  • heartburn, vomiting;
  • painful bloating.

Now you know when you can give Smecta to your child. For diarrhea, Smecta is recommended to be taken in the amount of 2 sachets per day/3 days for up to a year, then 1 sachet per day. If the child is 1 year, 2 years, 3 or 4 years old, then the maximum number of sachets per day is 4; after 3 days, the dosage of sachets is halved. Take until symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

For other reasons that require taking medication, Smecta for infants is prescribed 1 sachet per day, Smecta for one year old child and older – 2 sachets.

Smecta for vomiting – should I take it or not?

If a child has diarrhea alternating with vomiting, then don’t even doubt it - Smecta for vomiting in children is actively recommended by doctors and helps stop vomiting. Nausea goes away within half an hour after taking the suspension. But there are a few nuances that you should know.

  • To speed up the action of Smecta during vomiting and remove toxins from the stomach, it is necessary to first rinse it.
  • With diarrhea and vomiting, water is rapidly lost from the body. At home, you can replenish the water-salt balance with small but frequent drinks of any liquid that the baby drinks (15 minutes per dessert spoon). After taking the suspension, it is good to take the drug Regidron.
  • How to properly breed Smecta for a child

    The drug, which is a powder, is very easy to prepare as a suspension for oral administration. But not every child can drink 50 ml of suspension in one sitting, so mothers can dissolve Smecta for the child in a semi-liquid product that will be easier for the baby to eat or drink. It can be:

    • - breast milk;
    • - boiled water;
    • – milk mixture;
    • – compote;
    • - porridge;
    • – puree;
    • – other baby food.

    The main method of use: give the child a teaspoon of Smecta every 2-3 minutes. Thanks to the flavoring, the suspension has a sweetish taste, so the baby may not resist taking the medicine, even if you simply dilute it in water and give it to drink through a bottle. The drug should be taken correctly within 15-30 minutes after dilution.

    Side effects when taking Smecta

    Smecta for infants is used very actively and is considered safe drug, which is favorably tolerated by children without causing any negative consequences from the body. But, nevertheless, the drug has contraindications that should be taken into account:

    • – suspicion of intestinal obstruction;
    • – congenital fructose intolerance;
    • allergic reactions for medication due to hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug.

    Side effects while taking Smecta are very rare and can manifest themselves in the form of mild constipation or individual intolerance to the drug (itching, urticaria).

Diarrhea – common occurrence in children from the first days of life. The causes of loose stool can be different, and often there is no time to find out: it is important to quickly give the child an effective and safe drug to stop diarrhea. Such a remedy is “Smecta”.

Release form

  • "Smecta" in the form powder for preparing a suspension with vanilla and orange flavors, available in 10 or 30 bags per package. Each sachet contains 3 g of powder. The powder has a dense, uniform consistency and a grayish color, reminiscent of flour. After adding water it turns into a suspension - water solution with small particles suspended in it.

  • Smecta is also produced in the form of sachet with ready suspension with cocoa-caramel flavor. Ready suspension Sold in packs of 12 sachets.


Active ingredient“Smects” – dioctahedral smectite. This is a natural substance that contains aluminum and magnesium compounds. Smectite is obtained from special varieties of medical clay.

The powder for preparing the suspension also contains auxiliary components. This sweetener is sodium saccharinate, as well as dextrose monohydrate, another natural substance obtained from starch. Its function is to replenish the lack of glucose in the body; it is also used in Food Industry. Flavoring is also added to the powder.

Operating principle

Dioctahedral smectite is a type of natural sorbents that have been used since Ancient Egypt. Avicenna also wrote about the existence of substances capable of cleansing the body of harmful elements.

Smectite collects harmful substances and microorganisms. This substance also increases the amount of mucus, improves it protective properties against microorganisms, toxins, salts. Smectite is capable of selectively collecting viruses and bacteria inside the gastrointestinal tract. The porous structure of the sorbent ensures its soft effect and biocompatibility.

Smectite “collects” molecules of harmful substances and microorganisms on its surface and removes them from the intestines, exhibiting a detoxification effect.

It is important that when correct use Smectite does not cause any harm to the body. Aluminum, which is in its composition, is not absorbed into the blood.


The main indication for the use of Smecta in children of any age is diarrhea of ​​any origin. The drug helps with acute form associated with eating disorders, poor-quality food intake, infections, as well as loose stools caused by allergies or arising from taking medicines, for example, antibiotics. Clinical studies have shown that smectite neutralizes up to 90% of rotavirus within 1 minute after contact.

In addition, smectite helps with bloating, flatulence, heartburn and others. unpleasant symptoms various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, for example, irritable bowel syndrome.

At what age is it prescribed?

The natural composition and mild action of Smecta allow this drug to be used by children early age and newborns. However, Smecta, like any other medicine, should be given to children and especially infants only as prescribed by a doctor.


Despite the high biocompatibility and natural composition“Smecta” has certain contraindications for its use in children. First of all, this is individual sensitivity or intolerance to the main or auxiliary components, including fructose.

You should not give Smecta to children when intestinal obstruction, as well as such hereditary autoimmune diseases, such as glucose-galactose malabsorption and sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.

Smecta should be used with caution in children suffering from chronic constipation, as this may cause constipation to worsen.

Side effects

Constipation is common but very rare side effect when taking Smecta. As the results showed clinical trials to overcome this undesirable effect it is necessary to change the dosage of the drug.

Sometimes symptoms such as urticaria, skin rash. As a rule, they are associated with individual sensitivity to the drug.

Instructions for use

"Smecta" is taken orally. When using the powder to prepare a suspension, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in about half a glass of water - 100 ml. This volume of liquid can be added to porridge, baby puree or juice for a child younger age. It is convenient for babies to drink from a bottle.

“Smecta” has a pleasant taste, so even the smallest children drink it with pleasure. The effectiveness of the medicine does not depend on whether it is taken with food or separately.

The method of using Smecta is described in the instructions for use.

  • For acute diarrhea newborns and children under one year of age should be given a suspension prepared from one sachet of Smecta, dividing it into three parts. During the day, the suspension is given at intervals of 4 to 8 hours, unless the doctor prescribes a different order of administration according to individual indications.
  • Children aged 1 year and older It is allowed to take one or two sachets per day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.
  • If the child is already 2 years old, then for 3–7 days he can be given a suspension prepared from 2–3 sachets.


When treating diarrhea in a child with Smecta, you must strictly follow the dosages of the medicine prescribed in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor. If the therapeutic dosage for age is exceeded, this may lead to constipation.

If an overdose of the drug occurs, for example, the course of treatment lasted more than 7 days, and the child developed constipation, you should inform your doctor about this. Only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment, taking into account all the factors and the individual condition of the child.

Interaction with other drugs

Since Smecta is an effective sorbent, this drug, when taken simultaneously with other drugs, impairs their absorption, and therefore the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, between taking Smecta and another drug, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 1 hour, optimally 2 hours.

There is no need to combine the use of “Smecta” with other sorbents, for example, activated carbon and drugs based on it - “Lactofiltrum”, “Filtrum”, as well as “Enterosgel”, “Polifepam” and others.

Terms of sale and storage

"Smecta" is a safe drug natural origin, therefore it is sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. At home, the medicine should be stored at room temperature, not higher than 25˚C. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. Parents should ensure that Smecta is stored out of the reach of children to avoid uncontrolled use of the pleasant-tasting medicine.

Smecta - widely famous drug for the treatment of problems associated with digestion not only in adults, but also in children. A very common drug in pediatrics. Many mothers doubt whether this medicine is suitable for a fragile little body. Many years of experience prove that Smecta is safe for people of any age, even the smallest, if used correctly.

How to give Smecta to a child - indications for use

  • Diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Processes leading to the accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, symptoms of dyspepsia.

How to give Smecta to a child under one year old

Smecta is an adsorbent with a type of action similar to charcoal, but with a milder effect on the intestinal walls. The drug is dosed in sachets, each containing 3 g of the substance. The medicine is available in two different flavors, which are great for young children - vanilla and orange.

  • Children under one year of age with acute diarrhea are prescribed 2 sachets/day for 3 days, then the dosage is reduced to 1 sachet per day.
  • For other symptoms, the child should be given 1 sachet.
  • In case of diarrhea, comprehensive measures should be taken to rehydrate the body (replenishing water in case of dehydration). It is carried out using special means.

How to give Smecta to a child over 1 year old

The instructions presuppose precise dosage regimens, if followed, the risk of complications is minimal, but do not forget that only a doctor can determine an accurate diagnosis, as well as establish a specific dosage of the drug.

  • For children over 1 year of age with acute diarrhea, 4 sachets/day are prescribed for 3 days, then the dosage is reduced to 2 sachets per day.
  • For other symptoms, children from 1 to 2 years old - 1-2 sachets per day, over 2 years old - 2-3.
  • Treatment is carried out for 3-7 days.
  • In case of acute diarrhea, comprehensive measures should be taken to rehydrate the body (replenishment of water in case of dehydration). It is carried out using special means.

How to give Smecta to a child - rules of administration

  • Dissolve the contents of one or several sachets in liquid (50 ml) and take several doses; you can use a baby bottle or semi-liquid food.
  • Before each dose, shake the mixture to distribute the sediment.
  • It is not recommended to carry out simultaneous administration medicines with Smecta. It is advisable to maintain a 2-hour interval.
  • We are studying contraindications, and these are: intestinal obstruction, intolerance to fructose and other components of Smecta, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.

Smecta helps to normalize intestinal microflora processes, which is very important. Since the intestines are responsible for the absorption nutrients, development of immunity and protection from harmful bacteria, care for him should be carried out from a very early age.

Smecta is one of the most highly effective and reliable means for treating digestive problems and is widely used in pediatrics. It is often recommended for children, and even prescribed for newborns: for colic, excessive gas formation, diarrhea of ​​various natures.

For big and small!

Young mothers sometimes doubt: is it possible to give babies medicine that adults take; will it cause complications and additional problems? Everyone knows how important it is not to harm babies and not to carry out treatment that can disrupt the natural development processes of their fragile body.

Thanks to smecta, I feel good.

The instructions for the drug () contain clear recommendations for the use of Smecta for infants. We have many years of experience in treating children’s age-related digestive disorders, infectious viral diseases, allergic conditions, food and drug poisoning. There are numerous positive reviews on various forums.

Smecta is completely safe for a child of any age. It works on the principle activated carbon- adsorbs from digestive organs unwanted content and displays it. But at the same time it works more softly and delicately: it does not scratch or injure the delicate mucous membranes of newborns and gives a good healing effect.

It turns out that this is an external medicine for oral administration. It does not affect the systems and functions of the newborn’s body, is not addictive, does not require increased dosages, does not penetrate the tissues, and is quickly and completely eliminated.

A short overview of the main capabilities of Smecta for treating infants will be interesting and useful for young mothers.

What is it and how does it work

Smecta, a powder for emulsion, has a very simple composition: diosmectite, cellulose monohydrate, saccharin and additives that give the medicine an orange or vanilla flavor.

Diosmectite absorbs all harmful substances in the baby’s body.

The main substance is diosmectite. This is a natural aluminosilicate clay with uniquely high porosity and amazing surface properties. It acts as a “smart adsorbent” - selectively:

  • does not interact with body tissues, beneficial intestinal environments, enzymes, vitamins;
  • “attracts” and binds pathogenic viruses, microbes, toxins, undigested food debris, intestinal gases and removes them from the body;
  • and even (!) adsorbs some classes coli and fungi;
  • neutralizes excess digestive acids (stomach and bile);
  • does not react with drugs, but perceives them as foreign elements of the body and reduces the speed and completeness of their absorption.

Smecta is prescribed to children for many indications:

  • increased gas formation, bloating;
  • acute and chronic;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • food and drug poisoning;
  • heartburn, .

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How much Smecta can be given to a baby and how to do it?

According to instructions daily dosage for a child up to one year - one sachet(3 g of working substance). The powder contained in the bag is diluted in 50 ml of liquid: boiled water, breast milk, and infant formula are suitable. The resulting grayish the suspension must be given in several doses, shaking the container well to stir the sediment. And for an older child, it is convenient to mix Smecta into porridge or puree.

Treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

All medications are prescribed to children by a pediatrician. He also advises how to dilute Smecta for infants, determines the order and duration of administration. The usual course of treatment is 3 days, if necessary, it can be extended, but not longer than a week.

Contraindications for use - intestinal obstruction, chronic, intolerance to the components of the drug. Side effects(allergy or constipation) are rare. Sometimes there are cases when, after taking the emulsion, diarrhea in newborns gives way to constipation. This is not a reason to cancel treatment - you should reduce the dose of powder or dilute it more with liquid.

Growing difficulties: how Smecta can help in the first year of a child’s life

Smecta is prescribed to newborns already on the second or third day if an orange color appears on the skin - a sign of “physiological”. The child begins to produce, and fetal hemoglobin is gradually destroyed with the formation. The liver must remove it from the body, but it is not yet developed enough.

The suspension is prescribed to children with increased content bilirubin in the blood.

In the first year of life, especially important and quick changes. They are accompanied by inevitable digestive problems. The baby suffers, cries, sleeps and eats poorly. This is a natural phenomenon even for healthy children. The child's digestive system must quickly adapt to independent work. The body is just beginning to form intestinal microflora and learns to produce secretions gastric juice. In the first two to three weeks, the stomach volume in infants is about 50 ml and breast milk enzymes are sufficient for digestion. The amount of food increases, and it no longer has time to be completely digested: the remains are oxidized and fermented, releasing gases. This causes pain, colic, cramps, constipation or diarrhea in infants.

In the first days of life. Infants suffer from colic and gas.

Smecta relieves abdominal pain and normalizes intestinal microflora. A healthy intestinal background means not only optimal absorption of nutrients, but also strengthening immune system, powerful protection from pathogens and allergens, synthesis of sufficient amounts of vitamins, important amino acids, hormones.

Smecta normalizes intestinal function.

Gradually infants overcome alone age problems and prepare for the next one. , transfer to artificial feeding, give rise to new waves of digestive problems. And here you can’t do without Smecta.

How to replace Smecta?

Of course, Smecta is not a “delicacy” that children consume with pleasure. Some protest or even refuse to accept it. Eat Russian analogues - Diosmectin and Neosmectin. They have the same composition and give the same therapeutic effect. The assortment of these drugs (vanilla, orange, lemon and raspberry flavors) and the ability to choose a package with the number of sachets from 1 to 30 will help you find a medicine that your baby will like.

Efficient and inexpensive medicine from colic and constipation.

Domestic analogues are cheaper: the price of a package of 10 sachets is in the range of 88-139 rubles, and Smecta can be bought for 130-170 rubles.

If Smecta and its analogues are not suitable for some reason, you can select medications of a different composition with a similar effect.

Allowed from a very early age Enterosgel, it is prescribed for jaundice and dysbacteriosis. But, because bad taste, children are very reluctant to drink it, and mothers are afraid of an overdose - according to the instructions, a single dose of the gel (2.5 g) is prescribed to be measured with a teaspoon. No cases of overdose have been identified, but many have concerns. A tube of the drug weighing 225 g costs from 360 to 490 rub.

Children take this enterosgel with great reluctance.

Also safe for babies from birth Enterodesis- strong adsorbent. It contains only the medicinal component - water-soluble polyvinylpyrrolidone powder. Thanks to its neutral taste, it is easier to give it to a child (from a bottle, spoon, pipette). For one dose for an infant, 2.5 g of powder is diluted in 50 ml of boiled water. To avoid causing vomiting, the solution should be given gradually, in small portions.

This drug should not be given to newborn babies.

Smecta and other adsorbents are not intended for continuous use. If there are no indications for their use, colic and flatulence are quickly relieved by simethicone-based medications: , . They slow down the formation of gases and prevent them from accumulating, preventing painful cramps. Children rarely refuse to take these liquid medicines with a variety of fruity scents.

For the little ones!

Don't forget the simple and available funds from the arsenal of our grandmothers. Sometimes, for cramps and colic, it is enough for the baby to light massage tummy (clockwise). They cope well with flatulence. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. And for some children, decoctions of immortelle, chamomile, sage, and carrot seeds are suitable.

In addition to digestive problems, newborn children often disrupt the usual rhythm of life of their parents. This problem is quite common, but if you approach it wisely, very soon the baby will return to normal.

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News from children's rooms, reviews from mothers

For young mothers, the most weighty and authoritative opinion is the opinion of “practitioners”. Here are just a few messages from mothers who treated their child with Smecta: in what cases they took it, whether it helped, how quickly, how best to give it, how the child reacted.

Irisha, Moscow:

“Thank you for the article, I was convinced that Smecta is safe for my baby. I bought it, gave it today - the baby is sleeping. I hope it will continue to help, we are on artificial feeding and all 4 months. - suffering with the tummy.”

Nadezhda, Balashikha:

“Colic is a nightmare! My son (he is 3 months old) threw hysterics for a week - he screams heart-rendingly, neither the pacifier nor “handling” helped! He spins and turns his head. And he eats normally. I cried with him for company. She gave me a massage and warm diapers on my tummy. The tummy swelled especially strongly from 8-9 in the morning and at 12 at night. They even called an ambulance. Smecta helped and also Espumisan.”

“I gave it to both children. The older one reacted normally. I drank at one month and at three years. And the younger one, without pleasure, filled it with a measuring syringe without a needle. And in six months it happened food poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting. They gave it in the evening and the morning of the next day - the child came to life. But, interestingly, after that Smecta appeared vomiting reflex. It’s a pity, she always helped me out.”

“My son had a strong rotavirus infection, and then pneumonia. It was a nightmare for two weeks: diarrhea, temperature 39, complete apathy. Only Smecta helped, although the child was turned away by her smell alone.”

“For no apparent reason (we were at the dacha), the cub was covered with strange pimples. It's not clear what you're allergic to. Blisters just appeared and disappeared before our eyes. And an hour and a half later - the same story. We called the ambulance, they recommended diluting the sachet in a glass of water, and after one and a half to two hours - half a tablet of Suprastin. They especially warned that time must be taken, otherwise Smecta Suprastin will be “eaten.” In the morning - no traces of acne-blisters, we decided not to leave the dacha.”

Petya's mom:

“Neither Espumisan, nor Plantex, nor Baby Calm helped. And then the doctor advised Smecta - after the first time, my son felt better. I took it for 3 days, my stool returned to normal and my sleep became more restful.”

Let's sum it up

  • Smecta is included in the list of vital medicines and, as the most effective drug complex action, should “settle” in the first aid kit of the mother of every baby.
  • For any alarming symptoms It is important to avoid self-medication. Helping a newborn grow up healthy and cheerful can only be done through the combined efforts of a loving mother and an experienced pediatrician.
  • There are practically no universal ways to completely eliminate painful digestive problems in infants. Sometimes you have to try more than one product from a large assortment modern medicines and folk medicines.
  • Many have their own recipes and methods of treating babies using Smecta or other medications.

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