Peppermint - medicinal properties, recipes, uses. The benefits and harms of mint decoction, tincture, tea for women, men, children, pregnant women. Mint tea recipes

- vitamin C;
- vitamin P;
- potassium;
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- ethers;
- menthol;
- flavonoids;
- bitterness;
- tannins;
- tannins;
- betaine;
- ursulic acid;
- oleanolic acid;
- triterpene compounds;
- hesperidin.

Mint in nature and in the garden

More than 25 types of mint are known in nature, the most common are: water mint, long-leaved mint, field mint, apple mint, flea mint. All these species are wild. If different varieties of mint grow side by side and pollinate each other, hybrid varieties are created. The most famous cultivated species is peppermint, it is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint.

Curly mint and peppermint are cultivated plants that are grown in gardens; they have decorative and industrial value. Peppermint is used more in cooking, while peppermint is used in cooking. medicines.

Peppermint was first obtained for the purpose of cultivation in England in the 17th century, then it began to be grown everywhere and used in the form of medicines, aromatic medicinal tea, decoctions, tinctures, preparations.

For industrial purposes, the so-called “black” peppermint is used, which has a dark red-violet hue of the stem and leaves, and in folk medicine They also use “white” mint with light green stems.

Useful properties of mint and their uses

Mint has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasodilating properties, has a particularly good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieves flatulence, stomach pain, eliminates nausea and heartburn, and increases appetite. In addition, mint has a choleretic effect, cleanses the liver of stones.

Mint acts as a diaphoretic for fever, calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep and cardiac activity. The plant is used to treat the genitourinary system, it also helps. Menthol, which is a component of mint, is used in the nose and has an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of sore throat and pharyngitis. Mint is used in and also refreshes the mouth.

Mint is included in chewing gum, which can sometimes replace toothpaste.

Menthol is one of the components of the external analgesic menovazine, which relieves pain in muscles and joints. Peppermint essential oil is included in mint tablets, mint drops, and medications such as Valocordin, Corvalol and others. Menthol helps in the treatment of angina pectoris mild form and neuroses in the composition of validol, Zelenin drops. It is included in Pectusin, which also causes a sore throat.

Dried and fresh flowers and peppermint leaves are used in cooking in gravies meat dishes, in soups and various seasonings. Mint is used in the preparation of liqueurs, soft drinks, sweets, it makes delicious tea.

The aroma and beneficial properties of mint are used in the manufacture of soap, shampoos, creams, and other types of perfume products. This plant has also been used in folk medicine for a long time.

Softened mint, grated with salt, helps get rid of it between the fingers. To care for delicate skin, it is recommended to pour a spoonful of dry mint leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Then strain the infusion and wipe your face and body with it.

Contraindications for use

Eating mint is beneficial in most cases, but there are... This applies, first of all, to those who have an individual intolerance to the plant. It is not recommended to use mint as tea or take medications with it for people with low blood pressure, varicose veins, or anacid gastritis. An overdose of mint can cause nausea, headache.

The beneficial properties of various plants were proven by our ancestors many centuries ago, when they were used as basic medicines at the most various diseases. Peppermint, which has a relaxing and anti-inflammatory effect, is no exception in this regard. Nowadays, this plant is valued for its extraordinary aroma and wide range of capabilities (used in cooking, medicine, perfumery and even the alcoholic beverage industry). Mint leaves - simple unique remedy from a variety of ailments.

Peppermint: description

Peppermint is a perennial, herbaceous, fragrant plant that reaches 60-80 cm in height. It has an erect tetrahedral stem, sometimes reddish in color, with sparse short hairs. It is covered with many dark green, oblong-ovate leaves with short petioles and pointed edges. Sometimes the leaves may have a purple tint.

The flowers of the peppermint herb are quite small, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences and have a light purple color (like the leaves, they have medicinal properties). Corolla of five-membered type, slightly irregular shape(vaguely two-lipped), pinkish or pale purple in color. The plant blooms in July-August.

Did you know? No less popular names for peppermint are cold mint or English mint, as well as peppermint and cold mint.

Peppermint has a horizontal branched rhizome with thin fibrous roots, and its fruits (which appear extremely rarely) consist of four nuts.

Chemical composition of a medicinal plant

The medicinal properties of peppermint, which, by the way, has certain contraindications, directly depend on its chemical composition. Thus, the main active components of peppermint are essential oil, tannins, flavonoids and bitterness, but the most important among them is menthol (contains up to 60%). It is this that irritates when applied to the skin or mucous membranes. nerve endings and causes a tingling and cold sensation.

With the excitation of “cold” receptors, the superficial vessels narrow, and the blood vessels internal organs, on the contrary, are expanding. It is likely that this is precisely what explains the relief of pain in the same angina (menthol is taken on a piece of sugar for pain in the heart). In addition, this substance can be used as a mild local anesthetic.

Did you know? Back in the 20th century, mint was used as the main raw material in the production of tooth powders, and about 50 years ago, dental drops made from mint extract (used to relieve toothache) were quite popular. Today, mint is used as one of the main components of toothpastes.

Almost all parts of peppermint have medicinal properties. Leaves, shoots and flowers contain a large number of not only the mentioned essential oil and tannins, but also biologically active components, sugar, fats, vitamins C and P, carotene, mineral salts, natural steroids and antioxidants. The seeds of the plant contain about 20% fatty oil used in cooking and other industries.

The use of peppermint in pharmacology

The positive effect that mint has on the human body has made it possible to create a large number pharmacological drugs based on it. In particular, the pepper species is used not only in folk or traditional medicine, but also in aromatherapy, in the production of cosmetics or in the food industry.

In pharmacology, drugs for the treatment of headaches are created based on this plant. cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, insomnia, inflammation of the digestive system, asthma, stomach ulcers and colds. Also, such remedies are effective for vomiting, throat diseases, kidney or liver stones and atherosclerosis.

The shoots and leaves of the plant can be used either fresh or dried, in either case characterized by a pleasant, cooling, spicy taste and a sharp, subtle aroma (caused by the high menthol content).

How is peppermint used in folk medicine?

Having learned about how mint affects the human body, our grandmothers came up with many recipes for the most effective use of it. The acquired knowledge was passed on from generation to generation, thanks to which infusions, decoctions, lotions or simply teas made from peppermint are still actively used in folk medicine.

What are the benefits of peppermint infusion?

Peppermint infusion is one of the most simple options her preparations. You just need to pour one teaspoon of plant leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, then leave for 20 minutes. Before use (or even immediately), the liquid is filtered and sugar is added if desired. Take this infusion one tablespoon every 2-3 hours.

By using this tool you can easily get rid of insomnia, stress, headaches and abdominal pain, because peppermint perfectly soothes and relieves spasms, and also often helps with heartburn.

Of course, peppermint tincture has many medicinal properties, however, we should not forget about possible contraindications, which are characteristic of any type of this plant (more on this a little later).

Beneficial properties of alcohol tincture

Peppermint tincture can also be prepared with alcohol, which makes it medicinal properties will only increase. Thus, an alcohol tincture with peppermint extract is successfully used for inhalation for inflammation of the nose, trachea, throat mucosa, or even bronchitis. When used externally, it is an excellent warming agent for rubbing, for headaches, migraines or inflammation of the skin.

Important! For skin diseases, it will be more effective to take a decoction or infusion of mint orally, perhaps even with an enema..

Mint alcohol tincture is created as follows: 20 g of dry leaves are poured with 100 ml of 75% alcohol, after which it is infused for two weeks in a dark place. The infusion is consumed 10-15 drops (can be diluted with water) 3-4 times a day.

What are the benefits of peppermint decoction?

There are many options for preparing peppermint infusion. For example, given that this plant is good for improving physical well-being and can improve mood, the following recipe will be useful for depression: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of crushed leaves should be poured with one glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. After straining, this decoction should be taken half a glass twice a day - morning and evening.

There is another way to prepare the decoction. Take a tablespoon of chopped mint and add half a liter of water to it. Then place the mixture in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. After this, you need to let the broth brew for 10-15 minutes and strain it.

The resulting product is taken orally half a glass three times a day before meals. You can add sugar or honey to the broth, which will only enhance its taste.

How to use mint oil

Even mint oil is prepared based on mint - effective remedy for abdominal pain, heartburn or bloating. The easiest way is to take it orally with water or drop it on a piece of sugar (3-4 drops will be enough). In addition, it is often used externally - in the treatment of acne, inflammatory diseases skin and to soothe headaches (can be applied to the temporal area for migraines).

Benefits of Drinking Peppermint Tea

In most cases, when using peppermint as a tea Special attention is given only to its leaves, although they also have certain contraindications. It must be said that mint tea is a fairly aromatic and delicate drink that gives inner coolness. It refreshes well, gives the body strength and improves digestive processes. At the same time, this tea has a great effect on mental health, removing nervous tension and helping you relax, forgetting about your problems for a while.

Peppermint tea has long established itself as an excellent anti-cold remedy, and therefore has become one of the most popular drinks in modern families. Recipe mint tea simple: one tablespoon (heaped) of dried mint leaves and inflorescences is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 10-15 minutes, after which the tea is completely ready for drinking. Based on personal preference, you can add sugar or honey to the drink.

The benefits of mint tea are noticeable almost immediately: it helps to tone up and improves overall well-being. However, do not forget that mint is a medicinal plant, which means you should not abuse it.

For a sick child, peppermint tea is prepared a little differently, reducing the concentration of the mint infusion by adding more water. That is, for a children's mint drink you will need a spoonful of dry herbs and half a liter of liquid, or simply smaller proportions. After straining, you can give tea to your child, but, as practice shows, it is better to add honey or sugar to it first (this will make the tea tastier and healthier).

Important! If the drink is highly concentrated, you can use it to rinse your nose with a runny nose or rinse your mouth to get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy to reduce stomach acidity, combat colitis, pain during menstruation or menopause . In any of these cases, you just need to pour fresh peppermint leaves (4-5 leaves) with a glass of boiling water, after tearing or cutting the mint into small pieces. The tea is infused for 5-7 minutes, after which you can safely enjoy the tasty and healthy drink.

If desired, other plants can be added to mint tea. They will only enhance the properties of the drink, serve as good prevention against colds and help improve immunity.

The healing properties of mint baths

Peppermint can be used, but not entirely. traditional way, making fragrant baths out of it. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction in the following proportions: 50 g of mint, pour 8 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes, after which the decoction is infused for another 30 minutes. This recipe will help in the fight against scrofula, joint pain or rickets, although you can take mint baths in for cosmetic purposes(50 g of mint is brewed in 10 liters of water). In addition, an infusion in this concentration is often used for enemas.

For dermatoses that are accompanied severe itching, along with peppermint, add a decoction of knotweed to the bath.

Who should not use peppermint?

Discussing the beneficial properties of peppermint, one cannot fail to note the existing contraindications to the use of this medicinal herb. First of all, peppermint is contraindicated for people who suffer from low blood pressure. This does not mean that you have to completely give up this drink, you just need to take it with caution.

Mint is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, although it copes well with the manifestations of toxicosis. It is possible that after consulting with your doctor, you may still be able to enjoy aromatic mint tea from time to time.

Another group for which peppermint is contraindicated are allergy sufferers with individual intolerance to this plant. In some cases avoid negative consequences It is possible only by completely refusing to use this plant (in any form).

The described plant is also contraindicated for children. infancy, since the menthol contained in mint can cause depression or even complete cessation of a child’s breathing.

In any case, when preparing tinctures and decoctions of peppermint, it is necessary to observe the dosage even for those people who do not belong to the above categories, since exceeding it can cause drowsiness. It would not be superfluous to consult a doctor who, after appropriate examinations, will help you better understand the dosage of mint infusions or decoctions.

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Many household plots have a vegetable garden, where, in addition to potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes, spices and aromatic spices. Some of them are suitable only for use in cooking, while others have a lot of useful properties and are used for treatment. various diseases. One of these plants is fragrant mint. It has a minimum of contraindications. This is an excellent ingredient for preparing not only refreshing cocktails, but also most cosmetic products, medicinal decoctions and tinctures.

What is mint

Science knows about 40 species and hybrids of this fragrant plant, but only one is recognized by official medicine - peppermint. This herbaceous, seemingly unremarkable plant belongs to the Yamnotaceae family. On a horizontal trunk, reaching a height of up to one meter, oblong leaves with sharp edges and a heart-shaped base are located crosswise. Small flowers of a light purple hue are collected in inflorescences on the tops of the shoots.

Chemical composition

The plant is valued not for its appearance, but for its qualities. Mint is very refreshing, smells nice and has a rich composition. 100g fresh leaves contain 70 kilocalories, of which 15 g are carbohydrates, 4 g are proteins, 1 g are fats. In addition to the essential oil, which gives the plant its characteristic smell, it contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, almost all B vitamins, ascorbic and a nicotinic acid, retinol. From others chemical elements stand out:

  • tannins;
  • carotene;
  • routine;
  • hesperidin;
  • betaine;
  • arginine;
  • glucose;
  • neutral saponins;
  • phytostyrene;
  • rhamnose;
  • acids – oleic, caffeic, ursolic, chlorogenic.

Medicinal properties of peppermint

The herbaceous plant is used to create many preparations: lollipops, alcoholic pepper tinctures, mint drops, essential oils for inhalations. Mint has antiseptic properties and has choleretic and bactericidal effects. Preparations containing this plant are used to relieve abdominal pain, heart pain, toothache, and in the treatment of migraines, diseases of the stomach, liver, and digestive system.

Recent research by scientists has revealed an anti-cancer effect, and therefore medications with mint extracts have begun to be actively used for the prevention of cancer of various etiologies. Fragrant herb increases the resistance of body cells when exposed to radioactive substances, helps restore the functioning of the immune system, and relieves inflammation.

The benefits of mint don't end there. Menthol essential oil has a pronounced antispasmodic, antiseptic and mild vasoconstrictor effect. Thanks to these beneficial properties, mint extracts are included in heart medications, and fresh herbs are recommended during the treatment of angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. There is unconfirmed evidence that menthol has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels in the brain.

Useful properties for women

Some experts argue that in the absence birth defects reproductive system and contraindications, drinking mint tea with lemon will help in the treatment female infertility. In addition, the fair sex uses mint leaves, roots and stems to prepare:

  • Homemade lotions, creams, face masks. The use of this herb for cosmetic purposes improves the condition problem skin(tightens pores, relieves redness, removes greasy shine), refreshes the complexion, fights fine expression wrinkles.
  • Decoctions and tinctures. The healing properties of mint for women are associated with treatment gynecological diseases. Medicines are used during heavy menstruation to eliminate sharp changes mood, during menopause.
  • Sitz baths that will help relieve pain, eliminate itching and burning due to cystitis. The procedures are contraindicated for pain of unknown etiology and for women with hypersensitive skin.

During pregnancy

Mint strips and menthol lozenges will be useful during pregnancy. Traditional healers especially recommend drinking tea with mint in the first trimester for pregnant women who suffer from severe toxicosis. A refreshing drink relieves nausea, helps avoid vomiting during meals, eliminates heartburn, constipation, and bloating. Fresh mint leaves can be added to salads, marinades, and baked goods.

At the first sign of a cold, medications made from this spice will help relieve sore throat, swelling of the nasal mucosa, and muscle pain. To cope with toxicosis in pregnant women, you can use only fresh or dried leaves, but a concentrated extract of oils is strictly contraindicated. It contains a high percentage of menthol, which has the ability to reduce vascular tone. Menthol can lead to hypertonicity of the uterus, the development of bleeding, and provoke premature birth.

When breastfeeding

Official medicine It is contraindicated to consume peppermint products during lactation. In the course of numerous experiments, it was found that the systematic use of menthol inhibits the production breast milk. The use of drugs based on mint extracts is advisable only for the smooth end of the period breastfeeding.

Not all types of this plant have such a negative effect on lactation: some suppress it, while others have the ability to increase the quantity and quality of milk. These plants include spearmint and essential oils from it. This herb contains a minimal amount of menthol, but another substance predominates - carvone, which is useful for nursing mothers. Before starting to take any menthol preparations, you should first take into account all the medicinal properties and contraindications of mint for women.

Mint for sleep

An inconspicuous-looking plant can calm raging nerves, so it is often included in sedatives. medicinal fees. Even a regular cup of tea with mint leaves will help you relax and fall asleep peacefully. For insomnia, it is recommended to brew the pepper variety in the following proportions: 1 part herb, the same amount of green tea or chamomile inflorescences to 5 parts boiling water. This drink will have a calming effect throughout the day, but it should be consumed with caution - the sedative effect affects the ability to respond quickly and inhibits reactions.

For a cold

Mint can help cure viral diseases, and cause them to appear if you decide to overuse a refreshing drink in hot summer weather. The leaves of the plant contain a large amount of essential oil, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effects. During epidemics respiratory diseases Doctors recommend inhaling the smell of menthol, doing inhalations, and preparing medicinal teas. This treatment is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.

For men

The beneficial properties of mint and contraindications for men are the most controversial topic. On the one hand this plant:

  • helps relieve fatigue;
  • get rid of excessive sweating of the feet;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • makes blood more fluid, improving blood circulation;
  • has a choleretic effect, preventing the development urolithiasis, normalizes liver function;
  • makes breathing easier, which is useful if a man smokes;
  • relieves stress;
  • helps to cool down during the heat.

On the other hand, scientists from the American Institute of Nutrition have found that the plant contains a large amount female hormones– phytoestrogens, which negatively affect potency. To do this, they conducted an interesting experiment. To a group of experimental rodents, scientists, instead ordinary water, they gave me mint tea. At the end of the test, a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood was revealed, the rodents completely lost interest in females, and infertility developed. Given these data, it is contraindicated for men to abuse such drinks.

Useful properties and contraindications of lemon balm

It has another name – lemon balm. The plant has been used in folk and scientific medicine for more than 20 centuries in many countries around the world. The useful herb is found in the south of Russia and the Caucasus, and is often grown not only on an industrial scale, but also in garden plots for personal use. Melissa is rich in various micro- and macroelements, but most of all it contains vitamin C. The medicinal herb improves immunity and has antipyretic properties, therefore it is often used to treat colds.

Among other useful properties, it is worth highlighting antispasmodic, sedative, antidepressant, antimicrobial effect lemon balm. Wide range therapeutic effects served as a reason for using the plant for treatment:

  • neuroses;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • tachyarrhythmias;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • dyskinesia;
  • acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • headaches.

Children are shown a relatively limited list of medicinal plants, which include lemon balm. The beneficial properties of this medicinal herb make it possible to use it for the treatment of childhood neuroses, rheumatism, obesity, diabetes, chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis. Medicines based on lemon balm are often used in herbal medicine for children born with heart defects.

Fresh lemon balm leaves are used externally as compresses for boils, teenage acne, and as a gargle for gum inflammation. Just like anyone else medicinal plant, lemon balm has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • childhood up to 3 years;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance to lemon balm;
  • serious liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver failure).

Is it possible to eat mint

The spice is actively used in cooking, both fresh and dried. It is added to baked goods confectionery products, drinks, marinades. IN eastern countries This herb is simply irreplaceable for any table. The reason lies in the peculiarities of Asian cuisine - it is very hot and spicy. The freshness of the leaves helps improve digestion and soften the taste of dishes. You should know that mint drinks do not satisfy hunger, but, on the contrary, only stimulate appetite, therefore they are contraindicated for those who want to lose weight. excess weight.

Application of mint

In the pharmaceutical industry, this plant is used to prepare herbal remedies(medicines obtained from plant materials by extraction) in the form of medicinal mixtures, teas, aromatic waters, decoctions, tinctures, tablets. In the absence of contraindications, these medications are actively used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of a viral and infectious nature - sore throat, pharyngitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis;
  • of cardio-vascular system– angina pectoris, spasm coronary vessels, high blood pressure, disorders heart rate.
  • gastrointestinal tract - flatulence, gastritis, colic, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, cholecystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, helminthic infestation, stomach cramps, stones in gallbladder;
  • nervous system – insomnia, stress, migraines, depression;
  • mucous membranes and skin - itching, rash, inflammation, dermatitis, burns, acne, excessive sweating;
  • pain syndrome - dental or headaches, muscle spasms, bruises, sprains, neuralgia.

Fresh mint

In the old days, an infusion of fresh leaves was mixed with marjoram and drunk to improve memory. The tops of the shoots were considered the best pain reliever for rheumatism, joint pain, and bruises. You can prepare many useful things from fresh leaves:

  • If you feel nasal congestion, take inhalation. To do this, pour boiling water over a handful of fresh leaves, cover with a towel and breathe over the steam for several minutes. Useful action This treatment will be similar to nasal drops, but the method itself is cheaper and more natural.
  • If the spice leaves have begun to wilt and are no longer suitable for consumption, make ice. Once frozen, mint cubes can be placed in water or added to tea or lemonade, adding freshness to the drink. You can wipe your face with ice in the morning. Such procedures rejuvenate, brighten the skin, and help fight wrinkles.
  • Make homemade toothpaste. To do this, squeeze the juice out of the leaves, grind them in a blender, mix with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. It is worth knowing that mint toothpaste with peroxide is contraindicated for people with sensitive tooth enamel.

Peppermint oil

The list of beneficial properties of peppermint essential oil does not end with its calming and anti-inflammatory effects. In the medical field, this extract is used to relieve asthenic disorders, for dizziness, toothache, heartburn attacks, heart spasms, for physical overload and as a remedy for motion sickness in transport.

Another useful property of oil is antibacterial. If there are no contraindications, this dosage form used to cleanse mucous membranes, the aroma oil copes well with rosacea and normalizes blood circulation. Ether will help remove vascular network from the surface of the skin, acne, acne. There are many ways to use oil:

  • It can be added to the aroma lamp. A pleasant smell will help you relax, relieve headaches, and calm your nerves.
  • For preparing a relaxing mint bath. For this purpose, the emulsifier is diluted in the amount of 7 drops per 100 liters of water.
  • It is added to cosmetic products, mixed in equal parts with any other solvent oil. Shampoos and hair masks help eliminate dandruff and nourish the scalp. Mint lotion or cream is suitable for sagging skin. With regular use, it becomes elastic and taut, and disappears. fine wrinkles. The same compositions are used for compresses, rubbing, and massage.
  • The oil helps eliminate gum inflammation. In this case, the application method is used: a cotton swab is dipped in a mixture of mint and vegetable oil taken in equal shares.
  • In cooking, the emulsifier is used to flavor wine, mulled wine, tea, lemonade, and desserts.


Sold on pharmacy shelves in the form of alcohol tinctures. Peppermint extract is often included in heart drops and tablets (for example, Validol contains this active ingredient, as menthol extract). Inhalations are made from tinctures for coughs and brochospasms; doctors recommend this type of medicine during the treatment of complicated respiratory viral diseases. External use of the tincture will help get rid of severe headaches. To do this, rub a few drops of mint extract into the temple area.

The beneficial properties of mint extract, expressed in its disinfecting and drying effect on the skin, are actively used in cosmetology. Shampoos with mint refresh and help get rid of dandruff. The tincture is often added to a gel to help relieve swelling of soft tissues and relieve fatigue. Lotions on this basis normalize work sebaceous glands, eliminate shine oily skin.

Dried mint

Dried mint leaves, inflorescences and stems are used mainly in the form of alcohol or water infusions, for preparing decoctions or tea. You can prepare them yourself in the summer by collecting parts of the plant before flowering and drying them in the shade, or you can buy a ready-made collection at the pharmacy. Dried flowers are used for gastrointestinal diseases with tea. Such a drink will have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, antispasmodic properties.

If you have problems with the biliary tract, stomach acidity, or pulmonary hemorrhages, decoctions are prepared from dried raw materials. They are used externally to treat wounds and scratches, as a mouthwash for gum inflammation or toothache. A mint drink will relieve moderate and mild headaches, freshen breath, and is useful when there is a need to stop vomiting.

Folk recipes

Unofficial medicine uses not only peppermint, but also its other types - field, water, curly. Dried and fresh leaves and essential oils are used to prepare medicines. The beneficial properties of this herb are fully reflected in alcoholic medicines, decoctions, and water tinctures. This plant is part of numerous collections, including antitumor ones. Externally, pepper is used in the form of soothing or relaxing baths, poultices for neuralgia, radiculitis, for washing or treating wounds.

When treating diseases of the nervous system, water infusions are prepared. They are also used for cosmetic purposes to improve complexion, treat problem skin, eliminate facial wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. Method for preparing water infusion:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dry mint leaves are ground, pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. The broth is infused in a thermos or by wrapping the container with liquid in a terry towel.
  3. After about an hour, the drink is filtered through several layers of gauze.
  4. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders, and neuroses, take the medicine one sip 3-4 times a day for 10 days.
  5. For external use, soak a cotton swab in the decoction. Cosmetic procedures carried out before bedtime. If there are no contraindications, you can use mint cosmetics regularly.

Alcohol tincture is used to remove pain syndromes for rheumatism, bruises, for rubbing in case of skin diseases or migraines. The medicine is taken internally during heavy menstruation, during menopause, during for preventive purposes during a respiratory viral epidemic. To obtain an alcohol tincture you need:

  1. Mix 1 part of dry raw materials with 5 parts of 40-proof vodka.
  2. Seal the container tightly and wrap it in foil.
  3. Remove to dark place leave for 2 weeks.
  4. The finished tincture must be strained.
  5. You need to take the medicine by diluting 15 drops with water two to three times a day.
  6. The course of treatment is selected individually, but should not exceed 30 days.
  7. Alcohol tinctures are strictly contraindicated for liver problems, ulcers, and arterial hypertension.

Mint decoction

The water infusion is used in preparing baths to treat dermatitis, and is drunk to treat heart rhythm disturbances, nausea, and to eliminate bad breath. Mint infusion is also used for cosmetic purposes as a hair rinse. The product helps get rid of greasy hair, strengthens the roots, and prevents the appearance of split ends. Take note of the following recipes:

  • For nausea and palpitations, pour 1 tbsp. l. dried mint leaves 500 ml warm water. Boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Cover with a lid, let cool and set for 5-10 minutes. Take 100 ml twice in the morning and before bed. The drink can be sweetened with a teaspoon of honey. The course of therapy is 7-14 days.
  • For cooking cholagogue brew ½ tbsp. l. mint leaves with a glass of boiling water. Heat the mixture in a steam bath for 3-5 minutes, stirring frequently. Let cool, squeeze out the pulp. Take the finished decoction 2-3 times in the morning and evening, 100 ml 15 minutes before meals for 10 days, and then take a break.
  • For gastritis, brew 1 tbsp. l. dried mint leaves 250 ml boiling water. Heat over steam for 15 minutes, strain. Take the medicine up to four times a day, ¼ cup, for a course of 10 days.
  • For depression 1 tbsp. l. Brew 200 ml of boiling water with mint leaves. Cover with a lid and let steep for 7-10 minutes. Take half a glass twice for 2 weeks - in the morning and before bed.


When used in accordance with the dosage, the plant is well tolerated by the body. You should strictly adhere to the recommendations specified in the instructions for use or recipe. Deviations from the norm can lead to the appearance allergic reactions and other side effects, which are expressed in:

  • severe headache;
  • nausea;
  • bronchospasm;
  • rashes on the body;
  • itching;
  • insomnia.

In addition, the plant has its own contraindications. The harm is especially noticeable with the uncontrolled use of folk remedies. It is worth limiting your consumption mint tinctures, teas and other drinks for men, pregnant women and women during lactation. The following diseases and conditions of the body are categorical contraindications for mint:

  • children under 6 years of age;

Find out all the properties of mint infusions - what they can help with and when they should be avoided. What health problems can be solved with mint tea? When is mint tea harmful to health?

Healing and harmful properties of peppermint

Let's figure out what the properties of mint are, its benefits and contraindications for use. There are 300 species of this in the world herbaceous plant, only 25 are widely known.

Most known species- This is peppermint, famous for its fragrant aroma and high content menthol in its leaves and stems, which gives it a special taste. Field (meadow) mint is used in cooking and medicine, and fragrant is added to tinctures to obtain a stable aroma.

Mint leaves are collected during flowering, from July to August. They are dried as whole branches or individual leaves, while all their properties are preserved. The main thing is not to keep it in the light or near heat sources, from which essential oils quickly evaporate.

Now let's find out about beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of aromatic mint tea.

Beneficial features

Let's find out what are the benefits of mint tea? Are concluded healing properties mint has the ability to soothe, dilate blood vessels, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It is included in medicinal preparations in the form of drops, ointments and tablets.

What are the benefits of mint tea for the digestive system? It reduces nausea and weakens gas formation, and has a choleretic effect. To do this, put 2 tsp. leaves per glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and drink 1/3 of a mug 15 minutes before meals. Mint also relieves spasms and pain in the stomach and intestines, stimulates and cleanses the liver, removing toxins from it. Increased quantity The tannins in it help with vomiting and diarrhea. Menthol significantly improves appetite.

The benefits of mint tea are clearly manifested in the disinfection of the oral cavity during stomatitis and the elimination of unpleasant odor, which is why this herb is added to toothpastes and rinses. Rinse to give fresh breath: 1 tbsp. l. mint pour 2 cups of hot water, wait 2 hours and strain.

Peppermint tea is used in the treatment of colds as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent for sore throat and pharyngitis. Put 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves mint in a glass of hot water, wait 10 minutes and drink with honey to relieve cough.

How is mint tea beneficial for the cardiovascular system? It relieves heart palpitations, lowers blood pressure, and stimulates cardiac activity. Indicated for hypertensive patients herbal infusion, for which take 1 part mint and chamomile and 1/2 valerian.

Another beneficial property of mint tea is relaxation and calming of the nervous system. Therefore, it helps with stress, insomnia and headaches caused by overexertion. A glass of this drink at night will provide deep dream. Peppermint baths are also soothing.

The beneficial properties of mint tea and painful menstruation, because it helps to relax and reduce bleeding.

In the presence of skin rashes and acne, the use of mint infusions will lead to a decrease in the hormone estrogen, which causes these diseases. And lotions from the leaves of this plant will improve the condition of the skin and even out the complexion.

What are the benefits of mint tea in fighting? With overweight? It will help cope with constipation and cleanse your intestines, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It will also calm the nervous system and reduce the desire to “eat” stress with sweets. A glass of drink drunk 20 minutes before a meal will reduce the amount eaten to the required minimum. To prepare it, take 2 tsp. dry or 1 tsp. fresh mint leaves. Pour a cup of boiling water over them, cover and wait 10 minutes. Then strain the liquid, add half a slice of lemon and a little honey.


Peppermint brings benefits and harm, because its biologically active substances have a strong effect on the body. First of all, it should not be used in case of individual intolerance or allergic reaction.

People with low blood pressure– hypotensive people, they may feel excessive weakness.

Mint reduces the tone of the veins and can cause exacerbation varicose veins veins If you have a sensitive stomach and a tendency to heartburn, you should also avoid drinking mint teas.

Products with mint are also contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. Their bodies have not yet reached sufficient maturity to correct assimilation its biologically active substances. Pregnant women should be careful when using mint later, and nursing mothers. The former are at risk of slowing their heart rate from this herb, while the latter are at risk of regular use Peppermint drinks will reduce the amount of breast milk.

Men should also be wary of this herb - it has the ability to reduce potency and reduce the ability to conceive.

Mint is one of the most famous in the whole world. herbs, it can be found literally everywhere - from teas and cocktails to toothpaste or chewing gum. The taste of mint is so unique and unlike anything else that there are proposals to add it fifth to the well-known list of basic ones: sweet, bitter, sour and salty. Aromatherapy, perfumery, cooking, medicine - representatives of each of these areas can give their answer to the question of how mint is useful and why it is good.

What is mint?

Mint is a generalized name for many plant species belonging to the Lamiaceae family. What unites these types is the presence in their chemical composition specific substance - menthol. It is this that causes such a characteristic mint aroma and “cool” taste. However, freshness can be felt not only with the tongue - numerous cosmetical tools containing menthol also have a noticeable refreshing effect.

Today at different countries Around the world, a little more than two dozen varieties of mint, both wild and cultivated, are collected and consumed. The most popular variety is peppermint. The benefits of this plant as a whole are no more and no less than those of other varieties of mint, because the differences between them are mainly due to their adaptability to growing in certain conditions and the peculiarities of the structure and appearance, and not some specific composition. And if you come across peppermint in a store or in nature, the contraindications for its use will also correspond to those common to all varieties of this herb. Peppermint is unpretentious, you can grow it even on the windowsill of a city apartment, and at the same time it has pronounced taste and aromatic characteristics - this is what explains its popularity.

Mint stems and leaves have practical value. Collect them for drying and consumption fresh recommended in certain time, when the menthol content in them is especially high - as a rule, shortly before flowering and during it.

Mint contains essential B vitamins for humans, retinol (A) and (C), as well as macro- and microelements - iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and others. In addition, plant raw materials contain natural tannins, esters, and phytoncides.

What is made from mint?

It’s easier to say what they don’t make from it - enter any hypermarket, and this plant and its derivatives will literally surround you. Fresh herbs, mint syrup, chewing gum, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, dish soap, mint tea mixtures, dried herbs in the spice section, semi-finished lamb fillet in mint marinade, mint gingerbread, candy, and for fans bad habits– mint liqueur and menthol cigarettes. The situation is the same in the pharmacy: peppermint tincture, herbal infusions, cough drops, dandruff remedies - and this is not a complete list.

In cooking, mint is used mainly in fresh and dried form - both for flavoring dishes and giving food certain flavor shades, and simply for decoration, like any other greens. The easiest way is to brew mint tea - read more about the benefits and harms of this drink below. Perfumers also love to use mint - starting from its primitive use in household chemicals, where mint flavor is able to qualitatively overpower the not always pleasant original odors of substances in gels and aerosols, and ending with the high art of composing fashionable fragrances.

What are the benefits of mint?

Treatises were written about the benefits of mint for the body in ancient times - mentions of this medicinal herb found in the works of Avicenna and Hippocrates, who, among other things, gave advice on the beneficial properties of mint and contraindications to its use. Their recommendations are not at all outdated - mint can still be used to effectively heal both body and soul.

Here are the main ones beneficial effects properties this herb has:

  • bactericidal properties;
  • mild natural sedative;
  • mild analgesic effect;
  • ability to lower body temperature;
  • vasodilator of natural origin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking into account the above, it is not surprising that mint is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine. Indications for its use are problems in the gastrointestinal tract, spasmodic pain, including headache and menstrual pain, fever, nervous disorders, insomnia.

Are there any contraindications?

Harm to mint occurs, first of all, in the case of its excessive consumption - such phenomena as an overdose of the vitamins contained in this herb and exceeding the permissible consumption of micro- and macroelements are possible. There are, in addition, a number of specific contraindications to the use of mint:

  • individual intolerance and allergic reactions;
  • hypotension – mint and its derivatives have the ability to further lower blood pressure;
  • some gastrointestinal diseases - increased acidity, peptic ulcer;
  • conditions associated with decreased vascular tone, such as varicose veins;
  • age up to three years.

In addition, the relaxation that mint can cause is of no use if you are driving - so you can only use this plant before car trips if you are a passenger.

Mint for women and men

The benefits of mint for women have been tested and confirmed by many generations of women who have used the analgesic and sedative properties of this herb:

  • to relieve pain during menstruation;
  • to relieve symptoms of menopause;
  • to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • to reduce body hair growth.

Modern women have at their disposal an extensive list of medications for these purposes, but medicinal mint still does not lose popularity among the fair sex - after all natural remedy always healthier than synthetic. In addition, this herb began to be actively used by those wishing to lose weight - since mint tea high content essential oils dulls appetite and is not harmful to the female body even with constant use; it can be drunk generously while on a diet.

Another open question related to mint is its harm to men. There is an opinion that the use of this herb, affecting the level male hormones, reduces sexual desire, which representatives of the stronger sex usually fear like fire. However, it can be argued that the harm from mint for men is at least greatly exaggerated: some specific effects can only be noticed with abundant and systematic consumption of this herb and its derivatives. The only exception is when trying to wash other, more delicate areas with mint anti-dandruff shampoo. In this case, the effect is felt with lightning speed.

It couldn’t be simpler: mint tea

Peppermint tea is perhaps the most common way to prepare this herb due to its simplicity: it requires nothing but mint and water. To prepare this delicious and healing decoction, you just need to pour boiling water over a measured amount of mint and infuse it in the same way as regular tea.

The harm of mint tea is minimal, and the benefits have long been proven. In winter, they can effectively warm you up, while in summer, chilled mint tea, to which ice cubes are added, will help you feel comfortable, despite the heat and stuffiness.

Just one sprig of fresh mint or a pinch of dried mint can elevate and turn even the most unassuming black tea from a bag into a quite decent drink.

Green tea with mint also has its loyal fans, to which this herb also adds additional flavor notes. There are also various tea and herbal infusions on sale, which include mint. If you wish, you can make such “cocktails” yourself, varying them depending on your taste preferences.

A slightly more complex method of preparing a mint drink is widely known - from mint, lemon, honey and root. Some people use it to accelerate metabolism during weight loss - cold or warm. But this tea is especially effective for colds and low blood pressure. blood pressure– and here, of course, you need to drink it hot.

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