Peanuts: benefits for the body and harm. What are the benefits of groundnuts: nutritional value and composition. What harm do groundnuts - peanuts have? How are they digested? Are there any contraindications?

Peanuts are the most common nut in the world. It is grown in very large quantities. But the cultivated plant belongs to the legume grass. Therefore, from the point of view of botanical scientists, peanuts are not a nut. There is an interesting name " peanut", which significantly characterizes the method of cultivation.

Peanuts originally grew on the South American continent. Historians have found a unique vase from the pre-Columbian America in Peru. The shape of the vase is amazing - it resembles peanuts, even the outer ornament is peanut beans. All this suggests that the plant was revered by local residents.

The Spaniards quickly came to like peanuts. This bean has become an excellent food for sailors for long sea voyages. This is how the nut came to Europe with the Spanish conquerors. A little later, thanks to the Portuguese, peanuts crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and were brought to the African continent. Peanut beans, by the way, are suitable for poor, arid African soils, and as a bonus, the plants enrich poor lands with nitrogen. From Africa, nuts migrated to the northern continent of America.

In the mid-16th century, Portuguese sailors brought peanuts to India, and Spanish sailors brought them to the Philippine Islands. After a short period of time, the nut reached China. The peanut culture helped save the Chinese people from famine, which at that time was destroying many lives.

At the turn of the 18th century, scientists carefully studied amazing plant. Peanuts were given the name “earthen peas.” It was recommended as feed for pigs. But this did not last long. Already in the 19th century, peanuts began to be grown in industrial quantities in the American state of South Carolina. In the middle of the 19th century, 1861 to be exact, the United States was mired in an internal civil war, at that time the nut became the best food for soldiers.

But until the 20th century, peanuts were considered food for the poor or for animals. Farmers practically never grew it as a food plant. But over time, the people of America fell in love with peanut butter. With the invention of this dish, its popularity began to grow like crazy. But that's not all, agricultural chemist George Washington created more than 300 unique peanut products, such as drinks, medicines, cosmetics, soaps, and dyes.

Beneficial features peanuts

  • A tasty and nutritious food product. Peanut rich vegetable protein and natural fats that nourish the body well. Ground peas also contain important macroelements such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, as well as vitamins E, C, PP, group B and microelements - selenium, iron, copper. Despite the fact that peanuts are a high-calorie nut, their fats are of plant origin, so there is no cholesterol. Peanuts are also rich in the rather rare vitamin B4 or choline - this essential substance For proper operation nervous system, synthesizes in the body a certain neural transmitter responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Improves memory.
  • Peanut beans are rich in polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid. 100 grams replenish daily norm 1.5 times. Omega 6 or linoleic acid is very important for the body and it is not synthesized independently. Cell membranes Humans contain Omega 6 10 times more than Omega 3, which explains its importance for the human body. If the membrane is healthy, then the cell is healthy, which means the whole body is too. Linoleic acid synthesizes the rarer quadruple unsaturated arachidonic fatty acid, which protects the brain and liver. Both acids reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and prolong the youth of cells.
  • But, in order not to upset the balance of metabolic processes, Omega 6 and Omega 3 must be used correctly. Most of all, this applies to people on diets, especially nut diets. The optimal ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 (4:1). With certain deviations, metabolic processes suffer. Therefore, balance these two very useful components.
  • Peanuts improve blood clotting. Therefore, it is a healthy food product for people with hemophilia.
  • Peanuts - source essential amino acids: isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine. Amino acids are essential for proper protein synthesis. Proteins are the main building blocks of the entire body: organs, muscles, tendons, hair - everything. Amino acids, like vitamins, ensure the correct physiology of all vital functions.
  • Peanut beans are capable of breaking down fats, so they are often included in the diet by nutritionists. Peanuts are a magical antioxidant that improves cardiovascular function. vascular system, improves memory, prevents the formation of certain tumor cells. All this makes peanuts useful for people with overweight. But any diet must be balanced varied food, and peanuts should be consumed in reasonable quantities.
  • The popular nut can become not just a tasty snack, but also natural antibiotic, improving the functioning of the immune system. It turns out that peanuts are rich in the non-essential amino acid tryptophan, which also synthesizes the hormone serotonin. Tryptophan is good antidepressant, reduces tension and fear, treats phobias. In other words, this is ours mental health. Tryptophan is even given to patients with bipolar and other types of mental disorders.
  • Peanuts regulate hormonal levels. It can even help cure infertility if the problem was hormonal. Folic acid, which peanut beans are rich in, is necessary for the proper development of the fetus without defects.

Is peanut butter healthy and do roasted peanuts with salt retain their beneficial properties?

Peanut paste:

Very popular in English speaking countries product. From start to finish, it is natural, tasty, and healthy, as it retains almost all the vitamins and minerals taken from peanuts. Essentially the same as a peanut bean, only more concentrated and turned into oil, but it would be more correct to say a paste, since peanut oil also exists. Especially popular for self-care cosmetic point vision.

If you assume that peanut butter or pasta is something tasty and sweet, because American films present it that way. “It’s a tasty, oily, brown substance” that is spread on children’s bread for school, but in reality, it is an almost tasteless food with a strong peanut aroma. Even when I tried it for the first time, I was somehow upset, because I expected a brighter taste. But pasta is very healthy, you just need to learn how to eat it.

Peanut paste contains vegetable protein, as well as fiber and vitamins. Can be consumed while on a diet. The calorie content of pasta is undoubtedly high, so you need to correctly plan your diet so that weight loss occurs. But the plus of the product is that it saturates and nourishes the blood even in small portions. The body does not remain hungry, but rather receives the resources it needs for life. Peanut butter is better suited for a set muscle mass, during sports activities.

In theory, every peanut butter manufacturer should follow the same production techniques. High-quality, healthy, and also enriched with vitamins and minerals, the paste is obtained when the beans are first quickly fried to enrich the taste, and then quickly cooled, otherwise the nuts inside will continue to fry due to internal heat by inertia. This approach preserves all the nutritional benefits of peanuts.

Natural peanut butter consists of 90% peanuts and 10% vegetable fats to give a more delicate, creamy consistency. Sometimes salt and sucrose are added to improve taste and quality.

When purchasing a treasured jar, pay attention to the expiration date. According to the standard, the shelf life of peanut butter is only 1 year. An open jar can be stored for no more than 3 months or at room temperature in dark place or in the refrigerator.

Salted Roasted Peanuts:

It is definitely more beneficial for the body to eat fresh nuts - this is a complete source of all medicinal components. With even minor heat treatment, peanuts lose some or all of their vitamins and minerals, not to mention amino acids.

In fried earthen fruits, only vitamin E remains, and polyphenol also increases, which in itself is a substance with very beneficial properties. Roasting does not prevent peanuts from exhibiting their antioxidant properties. Vegetable protein is preserved, but its digestibility deteriorates. Roasted peanuts can be stored for a long time because the fungus cannot grow there.

Polyphenol is a plant pigment that guards health, has a powerful protective effect, and fights premature aging. It protects the body from carcinogens, prevents the occurrence cancer cells. Roasted peanuts are second only to pomegranate in terms of their content.

The role of salt, I think everyone knows, can be improved food quality. But the salted nut is a delicacy for beer, nothing more. By the way, careless producers often use salt to mask spoiled, bad, or even fungus-covered nuts. Salt retains excess moisture and increases the load on the heart, kidneys, and liver.

Peanuts: contraindications for consumption

We rarely have peanut allergies, which is fortunate. But in the USA since the 1990s, this has become a real problem. Allergy sufferers may have an allergic reaction not just to peanuts, but also to products containing them even in minute quantities. People with food intolerance strictly prohibits this nut, as it causes anaphylactic shock.

In addition, this product is very unhealthy to overeat; it must be dosed correctly. Excessive consumption of peanuts can cause arthritis or gout, as well as excess weight. Not recommended for people with stomach ulcers. Doctors advise avoiding peanuts if you have varicose veins, as they slow down blood flow.

Useful properties of peanuts in cooking: delicious recipes

  • Express - Easy Peanut Balls Recipe

Ideal for breakfast. For the dish you will need: banana, peanut butter and oatmeal. First, peel the banana, and then push the mash to a uniform consistency with a fork. Then add 2 tablespoons of peanut paste to the banana and mix everything thoroughly.

Now add 3 tablespoons of oatmeal. Knead the dough with your hands. We make balls of arbitrary size from the dough.

These banana balls with peanut butter can be both a complete breakfast and a low-calorie snack for people on a diet. According to taste, you can add honey, dried or candied fruits, whole peanuts.

We already know how to cook a delicious breakfast. Let's now learn how to cook a delicious lunch. I offer you an interesting soup recipe.

  • Tomato soup with peanuts is super delicious.

The soup turns out very satisfying. Don't be alarmed, in fact, peanuts are a legume, so the soup turns out incredibly tasty. In many southern countries, peanut soup is held in high esteem. To prepare it you will need the following products: 1 cup peanuts, Bell pepper, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, large carrots, celery root (if you have a stalk, you can also add), broccoli, medium onion, 2 cloves of garlic. Recipe for a 3 liter pan. The soup turns out thick.

Peanuts should not be roasted. It should be soaked in water overnight. If your peanuts are in skins, then after 8 hours of swelling in water, the skins are easy to peel. Peanut beans take a long time to cook like beans, but soaking them takes a lot less time. We send the beans to cook for an hour, and in the meantime we prepare the vegetables.

Cut vegetables into cubes. Fry carrots, onions, celery in vegetable oil until golden brown, then add tomato paste. Fry for another 3 - 4 minutes. Pepper, broccoli, garlic are added to boiling water with peanuts, but a little later.

After the frying is ready, pour it into the peanut broth. Then add sweet pepper. Cook for 20 minutes. Salt to taste and add chopped garlic.

It's time for the last ingredient - broccoli. Cook for literally another 5 minutes. This unusual soup is ready to be served.

It is worth paying attention to the soup with peanuts - vegetarians. The dish is hearty, original, tasty, and also without meat.

Summary articles

Peanut, also called groundnut, is a favorite treat for people of all ages. Due to its saturation with bioactive substances, the product is extremely useful. The high protein content allows peanuts to be used in the diet of vegetarians and athletes.

Most often, “ground nuts” are consumed as a filling snack, but the product has many beneficial properties. It is sold fresh and fried, with salt, sugar glaze, and seasonings. Butter, kozinaki, and sweet paste are prepared from it. Peanut butter is popular in America, and farmers add the fruit to livestock feed. All over the world, peanuts are used in cooking, cosmetology, and pharmaceuticals.

Description of peanuts and the history of its origin

The homeland of the herbaceous annual is South America. In ancient times, Peruvians placed the fruits of the plant in graves so that the dead could have food in the afterlife. From South America the plant spread throughout Africa, Asia, and North America. Today it is grown in India and other Asian regions with hot climates and high humidity.

The annual belongs to the legume family. Unlike hazelnuts, cashews and other nuts, peanuts are not a tree, but a legume crop related to peas and beans.

The fruit of the plant is formed in a special way. After pollination of yellow flowers connected in a raceme, the peduncle begins to stretch, gradually bending towards the ground. When the ovary reaches the ground, sinks into the soil, nut-shaped seeds covered with a hard shell are formed. High-yielding varieties allow you to harvest more than 40 beans from one plant.

Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content of peanuts

When speaking about the benefits of fresh peanuts, we should mention the richness of their chemical composition. Saturation with vitamins, mineral elements, and bioactive compounds allows the product to be actively used for food, medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

100 grams of nuts contain:

Vitamins include:

Tocopherol (vitamin E);
ascorbic acid(C);
thiamine (B 1);
niacin (B 3);
pantothenic acid (B 5).

Minerals present:


The product is also a rich supplier of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, amino acids, arginine, and leucine to the body.
In 100 grams raw product contains 550 kcal, dried peanuts contain 600 kcal. High calorie content, nuts are not suitable for dietary nutrition. Glycemic index is 15 units.

IMPORTANT! Peanut kernels have no cholesterol.

Benefits for the human body

The benefits of peanuts are significant. The product accelerates recovery in many pathologies, strengthens the immune system, improves emotional condition. Moreover, it is completely harmless, even healthy, to eat peanuts unshelled. The thin skin of peanuts contains substances that stimulate the immune system.

The fresh product has the following positive properties:

  • regulates the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves calcium absorption;
  • promotes muscle fiber growth;
  • accelerates the regeneration of liver cells;
  • restores nerve tissue;
  • prevents age-related diseases;
  • reduces the likelihood oncological pathologies, disorders of the heart and vascular system;
  • saturates the body with energy;
  • cleanses the body of harmful accumulations;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • normalizes lipid metabolism;
  • improves brain function, strengthens memory;
  • helps cope with depression, neuroses, mental exhaustion, insomnia;
  • accelerates recovery after serious illnesses;
  • increases blood clotting;
  • saturates the blood with hemoglobin, thanks to high concentration iron in the composition;
  • stimulates the release of bile;
  • improves performance digestive tract, has a slight laxative effect;
  • slows down the aging process.

The raw product should not be eaten in excess; 50 g per day is enough. Excessive consumption will lead to excess weight and disruption of the digestive tract. You should not eat fresh nuts if you have varicose veins, increased blood clotting, or a tendency to allergies, since peanuts are a strong allergen.

When frying, peanut beans do not lose their beneficial properties. Plus, heat treatment increases the content of polyphenolic compounds in the product, which have a strong antioxidant property. Roasted peanuts last longer, are less susceptible to mold, and have a more pleasant taste. Daily norm fried delicacy - 30 grams.

For diabetes

It is impossible to say for sure whether peanuts are good for diabetics. It all depends on the quantity consumed. When consumed in moderation, the product is harmless and even reduces cholesterol levels.

NOTE! For pancreatitis and gout, eating groundnuts is strictly prohibited.

Benefits for a woman's body

Peanuts, rich in iron, prevent the development of anemia during heavy periods.

During pregnancy

When saying whether pregnant patients can eat peanuts, the supervising doctors take into account the dosage. During pregnancy, the nut is not prohibited, but the daily dose must be strictly limited so as not to harm the embryo. Overeating may cause indigestion, diarrhea, or allergic reaction.

To ensure that peanuts are only beneficial for pregnant women, they need to consult with a medical specialist about the permitted amount of the product.

A breastfeeding woman should not eat groundnuts. Peanuts are a strong allergen for babies.

Benefits of peanuts for men

Peanuts provide a variety of benefits for men:

  • normalizes hormonal balance;
  • stimulates testosterone synthesis;
  • improves the functioning of muscle tissue;
  • eliminates impotence, returns sexual activity to a man.

For a person involved in bodybuilding or by force sports, peanuts will come in handy. The protein concentration in peanut kernels is higher than in meat. Therefore, bodybuilders and athletes include nuts in their diet to accelerate muscle growth. It also wouldn’t hurt to include in sports menu peanut butter.

When losing weight

Peanuts are a non-dietary product. You won’t be able to enjoy it from the heart while on a diet. In order not to harm your figure, you can eat no more than 15 nuts per day. You can replace meat with nuts in the diet menu. It is advisable to treat yourself to peanuts in the first half of the day, when the absorption of nutrients is best.

Peanut butter is used instead of nuts, but not sweet. 4 teaspoons per day are allowed.

Harm of peanuts to the body

People prone to allergies should take into account that peanuts are an allergenic product. Especially allergy sufferers should not buy peanuts in shells. The red skin covering the nut can cause a severe allergic reaction. But even in healthy people, peanuts can cause allergies if they are of poor quality: aflatoxin, a toxic substance, accumulates in improperly stored nuts.

People who have:

  • thrombosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • high blood clotting;
  • disruption of the digestive tract (nuts are an irritating product that can aggravate the disease).

Although roasted peanuts with salt are tasty, they cannot be called a healthy product. Salt causes swelling, and carcinogens are formed in oil during frying - extremely harmful substances.

Cooking methods

How to fry peanuts in a frying pan

Peanuts can be deliciously roasted in several ways. The simplest cooking option is frying in a frying pan. The washed and dried nuts are poured into a heated frying pan and fried with continuous stirring over low heat. When the kernels become dry, turn up the heat a little. The finished nuts begin to crack and their husks darken. To diversify the taste of the product, you can add salt or seasoning to it during frying.

How to fry in the oven

You can roast peanuts in the oven. The oven is preheated to 180°C. The washed and dried kernels are placed on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Nuts with husks are left in the oven for 25 minutes, without husks - for 15 minutes.

Cooking in the microwave

If you have a microwave oven, you can cook peanuts in it. The nuts are laid out on a plate, covered with a lid, and placed in the oven. The microwave is set to maximum power. The product takes 5–7 minutes to prepare; the cooking time is determined by the power of the stove. In the middle of cooking, it is advisable to interrupt the process and stir the nuts.

Stores sell peanuts for every taste: salty, sweet, seasoned. You can find unshelled and blanched (shelled and blasted) peanuts. But you can’t be sure of the quality of a store-bought product, so if possible, it’s better to prepare the delicacy yourself. There are many recipes for making a sweet peanut dessert.

The simplest recipe is sugared peanuts. For one glass of nuts, take 0.5 cups of sugar and a quarter cup of water. Peeled nuts are fried over low heat with stirring. Add sugar to water and stir. When the kernels begin to crackle, pour the sugar solution into the pan. Fry, stirring, until the water evaporates. When the water evaporates, the nuts will be covered with a sugar crust.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The peel comes off easily from roasted nuts, but not from raw ones. If you don’t want to eat peanuts with the husks on, you can quickly peel them. There is an easy way. The nuts are poured into a deep bowl and filled with boiling water. After 15 minutes, when the red skin swells, the water is drained. The swollen skin is easily separated from the kernel.

The product is stored in a dry, dark, cool place. Shelf life is up to a year (fried peanuts have a longer shelf life than raw peanuts). If the nuts become rancid, they are past their expiration date. They cannot be used.

Peanuts can be called the most common product in the nut category, although they are considered a legume from a botanical point of view. One way or another, groundnuts are loved by many and are widely used in various culinary fields. Rich composition gives it beneficial properties of a wide spectrum of action, for which this nut receives support from doctors.

From this article you will learn:


History and uses of peanuts

The peanut grass, called groundnut, is indeed a legume when considering botanical characteristics. However, in gastronomic and consumer qualifications it cannot be classified anywhere except as a nut.

The first evidence of peanut consumption is considered to be decorated vases of South American Indian tribes, created in pre-Columbian times. Researchers note the presence of clear contours of the fruits of this herb. It is South America that is the historical homeland of groundnuts, which were brought to Europe during the era of great geographical discoveries by the Spanish conquistadors. They appreciated the excellent nutritional and taste qualities of the product even on the other side of the ocean.

Almost immediately after the import, a peanut boom, so to speak, began in the Old World. The unpretentious and productive crop was instantly delivered to China, India, Eastern Europe, Africa and even the Philippines. Peanuts immediately began to be actively grown in North America.

At the beginning of the 20th century, peanuts began to be used not only for gastronomic purposes. Medicines, dyes, printing ink, cosmetics, drinks, products began to be made from it partially or completely. household chemicals and pasta. By the way, peanut butter today is one of the main areas of groundnut processing in America. This was largely due to the agricultural chemist George Washington Kerver, who popularized the crop among farmers who suffered from low cotton yields. Having switched to groundnut cultivation, most of them became rich, and for a time peanuts became a key agricultural crop in the southern states of the United States.

Where do peanuts grow: exporting countries

As already mentioned, the natural area where peanuts grow is South America. Accordingly, on other continents this culture takes root well in areas corresponding to the South American climate. In general, this temperature ranges from +20˚C to +27˚C. Therefore, in Russia and the CIS countries natural conditions for its cultivation are created on Black Sea coast, in the Caucasus, in the southern regions of Ukraine. However, with proper care, groundnuts can be grown almost throughout the CIS.

Peanuts: benefits and harms

Chemical composition of peanuts

Groundnuts have an amazing chemical composition, which includes almost all the essential vitamins, mineral compounds, organic and fatty acid.

  • PP (nicotinic acid) – 13.2 mg (60%). Stimulates blood circulation in small vessels, improves work thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  • B1 (thiamine) – 0.74 mg (49%). Necessary for the normal functioning of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
  • B2 (riboflavin) – 0.11 mg (6%). Participates in metabolic processes, stimulates cell restoration and growth.
  • B4 (choline) -52.5 mg (10.5%). Normalizes the activity of the nervous system and brain.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) – 1.767 mg (35%). Possesses wide range actions, including metabolism, anti-inflammatory effect, formation and growth of tissue cells.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.348 mg (17.4%). Provides metabolism at the cellular level.
  • C (ascorbic acid) – 5.3 mg (5.9%). An extremely important compound for health, which increases the body’s immune abilities, promotes collagen synthesis, speedy healing of wounds and tissue damage, and absorption of iron in the body.
  • E (tocopherol) – 10.1 mg (67.3%). A vitamin that provides nutrition to cells, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and also acts as one of the key antioxidants.
  • Calcium – 76 mg (7.6%). Provides blood clotting, increases transmission speed nerve impulses, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Magnesium – 182 mg (45.5%). Stabilizes the nervous system, increases tone of cardio-vascular system, helps cell regeneration.
  • Sodium – 23 mg (1.8%). Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, participates in the synthesis of certain enzymes.
  • Potassium – 658 mg (26.3%). Regulates water content in the body, evens out heart rate.
  • Phosphorus – 350 mg (43.8%). Strengthens bone tissue, affects the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys, and metabolism.
  • Iron – 5 mg (27.8%). Participates in hematopoiesis, being responsible for hemoglobin levels.
  • Zinc – 3.27 mg (27.3%). Improves metabolism, accelerates wound healing, strengthens bones.
  • Copper – 1144 mg (114%). Promotes the absorption of iron and has a disinfecting effect.
  • Manganese – 1.934 mg (96.7%). Necessary for the production of many enzymes, improves the functions of the nervous and reproductive systems.
  • Selenium – 7.2 mcg (13.1%). Important for cancer prevention and strengthening the immune system.

Peanut calories equals approximately 580 kcal per 100 grams. Basically, it is provided by fats - in 100 grams of product there is at least 40%. Proteins account for about 26%, and carbohydrates about 10%.

The healing properties of peanuts for the body

The unique composition of groundnuts contains extensive benefits for the human body. Regular use of this product“covers” problematic and deficient positions in those nutrients for which the body is often deficient. Thanks to this, beneficial changes appear in different internal organs and systems:

  • anti-sclerotic effect is manifested - despite the many fats in the composition, peanuts with correct use reduces cholesterol levels;
  • memory, concentration, attention improves, a person gets less tired and becomes more stress-resistant;
  • notes an increase in the threshold of auditory sensitivity;
  • the functions of the immune and nervous systems are stabilized;
  • a choleretic effect appears;
  • blood clotting increases.

Useful and medicinal properties peanuts help improve not only physical, but also psycho-emotional state. This happens thanks to the amino acid tryptophan. It activates the production of the “hormone of joy” - serotonin, which is a strong natural antidepressant. It helps not only to avoid despondency and nervous breakdowns, but “get back on your feet” when you lose strength.

Peanuts have excellent anti-carcinogenic properties - thanks to a large amount of vitamin E and many other antioxidants, they effectively prevent the pathogenic activity of free radicals, not only preventing the appearance of cancer cells, but also promoting their disappearance.

Separately, it should be said that roasted peanuts contain a quarter more polyphenols than raw ones. These antioxidants enhance the body's anti-cancer functions and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

The benefits of peanuts for women and men

Peanuts are intuitively loved by people of all ages and genders due to the fact that its medicinal properties help improve everyone's health.

For women, the benefit of peanuts lies in their high nutritional value, due to which they are often added to the diet - they quickly satiate and perfectly stimulate metabolism. In addition, the nut helps restore tone to the nervous system (which can be very important during periods of hormonal changes), actively fights cancer, reduces the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus during pregnancy, stops the aging process, and participates in the regulation of hormonal balance.

What are the benefits for men? Almost the same. First of all, groundnuts are involved in hormonal regulation, and this, in turn, causes positive changes in all reproductive systems: improves testosterone production, sperm formation, increases libido and sexual activity. Peanut butter is often used to enhance male power. The anti-cancer properties of peanuts also affect the health of representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Video: Peanuts benefit and harm

Growing and caring for peanuts

Those who have never encountered the process of growing the legume peanut grass are interested in what this plant looks like. In fact, groundnuts are somewhat similar to potatoes. Its stem shoots upward, and when pods form on the branches, the beans fall to the ground and ripen there.

On average, from planting to harvesting mature beans, it takes 3 to 4 months. Plants are dug up and shaken off clods of earth, like potatoes. After harvesting, peanuts need to be properly dried.

Peanut butter (paste)

As mentioned above, the use of peanut oil is very popular among peanut products, and in different forms - peanut oil is used both in and in other areas. Peanut butter is mainly popular in the confectionery industry, used both as an independent product and as an addition to various desserts, such as cookies and toast.

Try real certified peanut butter!

Use of nuts and peanut products

Peanuts are found today wide application in cooking (or in the form), in cosmetology (peanut butter), in agriculture (for livestock nutrition) and medicine. also in Lately Peanut flour is becoming popular in cooking, with which you can prepare amazing dishes.

Peanut butter is familiar to everyone from Hollywood films; it is in America, namely in the southern states, that real peanut butter butter is produced.


With any product, benefits and harm go hand in hand, and peanuts are no exception. Today it is considered one of the most common allergens. A negative reaction is expressed in pain, nausea and vomiting. Experts say that when consuming the nut without the husk, the risk of allergic reactions is sharply reduced, but you still need to be careful.

It has no contraindications as such. Most often, harm is caused by excessive consumption, causing heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, colitis, nausea and other symptoms.


Peanuts are best stored in a cool, dark place in an airtight container or bag. In a modern home, a refrigerator is ideal for this. But even under these conditions, its shelf life should not exceed 9 months.

Buy only natural certified peanuts and be healthy!!

This fruit has several names, and one of them is groundnut. It is used in cooking, cosmetology, dietetics and folk medicine. The advantages of its use are obvious, but it doesn’t hurt to additionally consult with a nutritionist or your doctor. The benefits and harms of peanuts for the body are varied and often controversial and contradictory.

Peanuts - composition

To understand the benefits of groundnuts, you need to find out in detail what is contained in peanuts. It is a source of vitamins, minerals and other organic compounds. Chemical composition makes him indispensable food additive daily ration And important ingredient many medicinal cosmetics. It is worth highlighting the valuable components of the peanut nut - its tangible harm and benefits are noticeable for everyone. Each nut contains:

  1. Amino acids. Promotes the absorption of calcium in full, regulates cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Magnesium. Participates in the formation and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, promotes the rapid elimination of intoxication products.
  3. Folic acid. Improves liver function, guarantees rapid tissue regeneration at the cellular level.
  4. A nicotinic acid. Successfully fights the aging process of the dermis and is considered a worthy prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Plant fiber. Normalizes systemic digestion, prevents the development of diseases of the digestive system.

Peanuts - calories

It is also worth considering the calorie content of the nut. Whether or not a product is valuable is up to the nutritionist and the person himself to decide. How many kcal are in peanuts, can they be consumed during correction? overweight? 100 grams of the finished product contains 47 grams of lipids. Groundnuts are considered a fatty ingredient, so you should think twice before adding them to your daily menu.

How much protein is in peanuts

For diet this harmful product, however, for muscle mass and not only very useful. It is important to know how much protein is in peanuts in order to diversify an athlete’s menu with peanuts, for example. 100 grams of product contain as much as 26 grams of protein, which is more than fish and meat. Energy value, confirming its health benefits for the weakened and those who have lost weight – 550 kcal. High calorie content does not meet the objectives of dietary nutrition and is not compatible with it.

What vitamins are in peanuts

If we talk about the benefits of groundnuts, we need to remember what vitamins in peanuts affect the condition and functionality of the entire body. In fact, this is the real " vitamin bomb", and the harm to humans is minimal. This representative of the legume family is rich in organic substances (compounds) such as:

  1. B vitamins. Normalize work at the cellular level, i.e. provide positive impact for all internal systems, organs, connective tissue.
  2. Vitamin C. They are responsible for the state of immunity and are involved in the intensive production of specific antibodies.
  3. Vitamins RR. Busy metabolic processes, ensure the conversion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates into valuable energy.
  4. Choline. Prevents cell destruction, prevents their fragility and tendency to form foci of necrosis.
  5. Vitamin E. Responsible for the removal of free radicals and inhibition of intoxication products of organic resources.

What are the benefits of peanuts?

The benefits of fried fruits are higher than raw nuts, since the “bean” does not lose its characteristics when heat treatment. The benefits of peanuts for the body are great: the product helps to quickly get rid of pathologies, strengthen the immune system, improve appearance and mood. Women and men can use this nut equally, changes are coming soon.

Benefits of peanuts for women

If we study the influence on female body, the benefits of groundnuts are obvious for reproductive system. A fried or salty dish will not hurt during pregnancy, because during this period the immune system requires special supplementation with vitamins. If you are interested in the benefits of peanuts for women, you should note the following positive points:

  • increased hemoglobin levels after another blood loss during menstruation;
  • treatment iron deficiency anemia;
  • improvement of milk quality with breastfeeding;
  • intensive therapy of pancreatitis, gastritis;
  • prevention of cancer.

Benefits of peanuts for men

If you are interested in knowing how peanuts are useful, the harm and benefits of this natural product are incommensurable. Peanuts are especially important for male body in adulthood, because it helps solve problems with potency and restore the joy of sexual life. What other benefits do peanuts have for men? The following properties are distinguished:

  • normalization hormonal levels;
  • strengthening muscles, myocardial function;
  • increased vascular tone.

Why are peanuts harmful?

If you fry the raw fruit with the peel (unpeeled), the prepared dish retains most of its beneficial properties. If legume pre-clean the husks and then put them in the oven; the benefits to the body are significantly reduced. At the same time, it is important to understand whether peanuts are harmful to humans. There really are pitfalls. This:

Peanuts for weight loss

Eating groundnuts for weight loss causes a lot of discussion among modern nutritionists. On the one hand, a high-calorie product is harmful to the waistline, on the other hand, it helps reduce appetite. You can use peanut butter or roasted peanuts for weight loss in limited portions. It is important not to combine several types of legumes in one method; to lose weight by including dried fruits in your diet. Roasted nuts with honey belong to the category of dietary dishes that are good for health. You should completely avoid eating peanut butter.

Peanuts for diabetes

If your blood sugar level is too high, you should be on medication for life. therapeutic diet. The beneficial properties of peanuts for diabetes are significant, there is no harm to the body. If you eat the dose indicated by your doctor, the level of cholesterol in the blood will normalize over time, and the period of remission will be longer in case of illness. It is better to clean the shell, otherwise you may get better. Peanut butter is used as an alternative.

Peanuts in bodybuilding

Peanuts are used by professional athletes. It is important to understand what peanuts do to the body - the harm and health benefits are very diverse. For bodybuilders, walnut allows them to model an athletic silhouette, getting nutrients for muscle mass. Peanuts in bodybuilding should be present in strictly limited portions, but it is not recommended to completely exclude them from the daily diet. This will only cause harm. An alternative is peanut butter (not butter) with the same valuable properties.

Can pregnant women eat peanuts?

In an “interesting situation” it is important to control your diet. The question immediately arises: can peanuts be consumed by pregnant women and how to avoid harm to health. The product is not prohibited, but it is important to strictly control its portions. It’s worth starting with the benefits: the expectant mother’s body receives many vitamins necessary for the full growth and development of the child in the womb. However, there is also harm (especially with paste), which is worth talking about in more detail:

  • the release of erucic acid is associated with increased load on the kidneys and liver;
  • bowel dysfunction, tendency to chronic diarrhea;
  • risk of occurrence helminthic infestations when eating raw nuts;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • local and general allergic reactions.

To normalize general state, the pregnant woman will have to prepare decoctions from medicinal plants or take pills. The product is used with caution, without risking the health of the expectant mother. When deciding to consume peanuts, the tangible harm and benefits of this natural product must be assessed in advance. Consulting with a doctor will not be superfluous.

Video: benefits of peanuts for the body


Peanut – herbaceous plant 30-50 cm high, belongs to the legumes. The similarity to nuts is determined by the seeds: composition, high fat content, and relatively low content starch.

Originally from South America, later, due to its high fat content, it spread throughout the tropics and subtropics. It came to Russia at the end of the 18th century from Turkey. So what are the benefits and harms of peanuts? We'll figure out!

Composition and calorie content of fruits

Component composition

Calorie content 564 kcal/100 g.



On the pages of our website you will find out everything! Why do nutritionists recommend consuming this product daily?

What are the benefits of pistachios for men and women? we will tell you a lot interesting facts about these healthy nuts.

Peanut flour has less fat than peanut butter, and its high protein content makes it useful as a flavor enhancer. The flour does not contain gluten, which allows it to be included in the menu of patients with celiac disease.

Roasted peanuts are used as a snack. Dry fruits can be fried in the oven, for which you scatter them in one layer on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 175-180 ° C for 15-20 minutes (shelled peanuts) or 20-25 minutes (unshelled). Boiled peanuts are also a popular snack in the southern United States, as well as in India, China and West Africa.

Peanut cooking (salad) oil is not inferior in taste, it consists of 46% monounsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleic acid), 32% polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid), and 17% saturated fatty acids (mainly palmitic acid).

Compared to true nuts, the content of omega-3 fatty acids is low. The oil is extracted from whole peanuts by centrifugation with water and is used in the food industry to make margarine and chocolate.

Due to the high content monounsaturated acids oil is resistant to rancidity. In the US, refined oil is excluded from the list allergenic products. The beneficial regenerative properties of peanut oil are used for treatment purulent inflammation and wounds.

Contraindications for use, is it possible during pregnancy?

About 1% of the US population says they are allergic to peanuts. Symptoms range from watery eyes, itchy skin, difficulty breathing due to swelling of the larynx, heartburn and vomiting to anaphylactic shock which can lead to death if assistance is not provided in a timely manner.

The reaction is caused by a small amount of product. Allergens are the skin, as well as proteins and fatty acids of the nut.

Labels sometimes contain warnings about possible harm consumption. Allergies are caused by a family history and consumption of soy products.

Refined peanut oil does not cause an allergic reaction most people with peanut allergies. However, unrefined peanut oil contains proteins that can cause allergies.

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