Acute sinusitis symptoms in a child. Does sinusitis occur in children? Tactics for managing a small patient

The paranasal sinuses are air cavities connected to the nasal cavity, which are part of the facial skeleton. The paranasal sinuses are necessary for humidifying, warming and purifying the inhaled air. The mucous membrane that lines the sinuses is a continuation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and consists of ciliated epithelium, which carries out drainage from the sinuses due to the movement of the cilia. There are the maxillary sinuses (or maxillary), ethmoidal (or ethmoidal), frontal (frontal) and sphenoidal (sphenoidal, or main) sinuses. Sinusitis is an inflammation of any of the paranasal sinuses, and sinusitis is the most common type of sinusitis, in which only the maxillary sinuses become inflamed. In medical practice The term “sinusitis” is used because, along with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, it is often inflammatory process and in other sinuses.

From birth, children have only the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses, then by the age of two the sphenoid sinuses begin to form, and by the age of seven the rudiments of the frontal sinuses appear, which are fully developed by the age of twenty.

6-9% of children suffer from sinusitis. Children's sinusitis, combined with respiratory and viral infections, often goes unnoticed, since at first it has the same symptoms as rhinitis (runny nose). Often, viral sinusitis in a child goes away on its own within 7-10 days. If a runny nose lasts more than 7-10 days, the development of bacterial sinusitis can be suspected. By this time, other symptoms of sinusitis appear: pain and pressure behind the cheeks and around the eyes, in the bridge of the nose, nasal congestion increases, nasal discharge becomes yellow or greenish in color, body temperature may rise and a cough may appear from mucus draining into the nasopharynx and larynx. If the disease lasts more than 3 months, it enters the stage chronic sinusitis. With chronic sinusitis, cysts and polyps can form in the sinuses.

Complications of sinusitis and other sinusitis: inflammation of the orbit, meningitis, sepsis.

The prerequisites for the development of sinusitis are:

  • Allergy
  • Anatomical anomaly (deviated nasal septum, underdevelopment of the sinus, etc.)
  • Adenoid hypertrophy
  • Dental diseases
  • Hereditary and systemic diseases(cystic fibrosis, polyposis, Kartagener's disease, Wegener's disease, Churg-Strauss disease)
  • Visit public places during epidemics of respiratory viruses
  • Tobacco smoke in the house
  • Environmental air pollution.

Inflammation of the adenoids often accompanies acute runny nose and occurs with symptoms similar to sinusitis: nasal congestion, nasal voice, nasal discharge different color and character, increased body temperature. Unlike sinusitis, there is no pain in the sinus area with adenoiditis. Therefore, if a child has frequent or constant runny nose, this is a reason to visit an otolaryngologist to identify the real reason problems and choosing the right treatment.

Allergic rhinitis can present with symptoms similar to sinusitis (sinusitis). The child also has nasal congestion, nasal sounds, and may have sinus pressure. headache. With allergies, there is no increase in body temperature and purulent discharge from the nose. Allergies are also a predisposing factor for the development of sinusitis. With allergic rhinitis, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses develops, as a result of which the drainage of fluid from the sinuses is impaired, which leads to the accumulation and proliferation of microbes inside the sinuses.

Diagnosis of sinusitis

Diagnosis includes examining the nose, throat and ears under a bright headlight, endoscopic examination nose, nasopharynx, in which the presence of mucous or purulent discharge from the anastomoses of the paranasal sinuses, the presence of adenoids and their inflammation are visualized. May be carried out X-ray examination paranasal sinuses to assess the degree of filling or changes in the sinuses. If the doctor suspects inflammation in the ethmoid cells, frontal or sphenoid sinuses, a CT scan may be needed.

Also, if necessary, a smear is taken for bacterial microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics, and a smear for allergies (the presence of secret eosinophils).

Treatment of sinusitis

Treatment of sinusitis(sinusitis) usually involves a course of antibiotics and a nasal rinse. When combined with other diseases it is corrected. At the discretion of the doctor, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation are recommended. Frequently ill children should be vaccinated against influenza annually. All children must be vaccinated against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae - the most common pathogens of sinusitis, otitis, and adenoiditis. If you have an allergy, treatment is carried out together with an allergist.

In case of development chronic sinusitis against the background of adenoid hypertrophy, it is necessary to remove the adenoids as the main source of bacterial contamination and impaired drainage from the nose and sinuses. Chronic or recurrent sinusitis may require surgical treatment sinuses – endoscopic functional sinus surgery. The principle is the minimum necessary expansion of blocked anastomosis. Correction of other anatomical structures of the nose may also be necessary if abnormalities are present. In some cases we use the latest technology non-invasive treatment for the sinuses - balloon sinuplasty. It consists of bloodless expansion of the narrowed sinus anastomosis by inflating a balloon into the sinus anastomosis. All surgical methods Treatments are carried out for children in a state of medicated sleep, painless and minimally traumatic for young patients.

In European medical center(Moscow) only those treatment methods are used that are accepted in the international medical community evidence base and do not contradict Russian recommendations. The EMC does not use the “cuckoo” method, because its effectiveness has not been confirmed by scientific research.

Sinusitis (maxillary sinusitis) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus.

Causes of sinusitis in children

The disease can be both acute and chronic. Acute sinusitis is more common in children, and develops as a complication of acute or allergic rhinitis(runny nose), viral (influenza, ARVI) and infectious (measles, scarlet fever) diseases, immunity disorders, dental diseases (caries) and oral cavity (stomatitis, tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils). The cause of sinusitis can also be adenoids, which disrupt the process of nasal breathing and serve as a constant source of infection.

The chronic form of the disease is usually a consequence acute inflammation, if there are unfavorable conditions for the outflow of pathological secretions accumulated in the sinuses. The reason for this may be thickening of the nasal mucosa, curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates.

Most often, sinusitis occurs in winter, when there is a natural decrease in immunity and seasonal hypovitaminosis.

According to the mechanism of occurrence, the following types of sinusitis are distinguished: rhinogenic (as a consequence of rhinitis), hematogenous ( infectious agent brought into the maxillary sinus with blood from other, distant foci of infection), odontogenic (due to dental diseases), traumatic.

The maxillary sinuses (paired) are one of the paranasal sinuses. There are also two frontal sinuses(above the eye sockets), two ethmoid sinuses(in the nasal cavity), one sphenoid sinus (at the base of the skull). They are air cavities that lie around and inside the nasal cavity in the thickness of the bones of the skull.
All of them communicate with the nasal cavity through small openings and tubules. Through these holes, the sinuses are cleansed and ventilated. Closing them for any reason leads to the accumulation of pathological secretions in the sinuses, which leads to the occurrence of sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the sinuses).

The paranasal sinuses take part in warming, purifying and humidifying the air passing through the nose, forming the individual sound of the voice and individual facial features.

The maxillary sinus is a cave upper wall which is formed by the lower wall of the orbital cavity, the lower by the wall of the hard part of the palate, and the inner by the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. Through the openings and tubules of the walls, the infection penetrates into the maxillary sinus and can spread from it.

Clinical picture acute sinusitis next. Characterized by nasal congestion, copious discharge of mucous, mucopurulent or purulent nature (with pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane there is no discharge), bursting pain in the head, which spreads to the cheek, forehead, temple, root of the nose, teeth (usually on the affected side), aggravated by bending over, turning the head, coughing, sneezing. The pain is associated with the accumulation of pathological secretion in the sinuses, and decreases in a lying position, or after the night, as the outflow of pus from the sinuses improves. Also characteristic is a decreased sense of smell, a nasal voice, swelling on the face (usually on the cheeks, eyelids), intoxication syndrome (fever, chills, lethargy, moodiness, appetite and sleep disturbances).

The following points will help to distinguish sinusitis in a child from a simple runny nose. So, with sinusitis, the child will complain that “one side is not breathing” (there may be an alternating change of the “breathing” nostril), whereas with a normal runny nose, both nostrils are blocked. With sinusitis, the baby will feel dull pain and heaviness in the sinus, but blowing your nose does not bring long-term relief. By gently pressing on the points in the center of the cheek (“dog pit”) and on inner corner the child's eyes will feel pain.

The duration of a cold for more than 5-7 days, the appearance of a temperature on the 5-7th day from the onset of a cold, the appearance of purulent nasal discharge should alert parents and force them to draw the attention of a doctor.

When an acute process transitions into a chronic one, soreness, soreness in the throat when swallowing, and dryness may appear. Chronic sinusitis is characterized by headaches, malaise, general weakness, nasal congestion, and recurrent runny nose. The child’s temperature may be normal or subfebrile (37.1 – 37.9 o C). One of the most severe symptoms the disease is stubborn night cough, not amenable traditional treatment. It occurs due to the drainage of pus from the affected sinus along back wall throats. Sometimes keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye) or conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva) occurs as a consequence of the constant introduction of infection from a persistent pathological focus in the maxillary sinus.

Examination of a child for suspected sinusitis

Diagnosis of sinusitis is based on the clinical picture of the disease (identified symptoms), the presence of an inflammatory process according to data general analysis blood and additional diagnostic methods. In the presence of the above-described complaints, it is appropriate to conduct an instrumental examination to confirm the diagnosis. The most convenient and accessible method is radiography of the paranasal sinuses. On x-ray you can see darkening in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses ( White color in the photo).

An informative method is puncture of the maxillary sinus. However, it is used when other methods of diagnosis and treatment have failed, since after its use complications such as emphysema of the cheek or orbit (air entering from the syringe into the soft fabrics), abscess (a cavity filled with pus and surrounded by dying, inflamed tissue) or orbital cellulitis, blockage (embolism) blood vessels.

In doubtful cases, you can computed tomography paranasal sinuses. Most often it is performed when odontogenic sinusitis is suspected.

Treatment of sinusitis in children

Depending on the severity of the disease, the causes of sinusitis, treatment of sinusitis will be carried out. Mandatory home or hospital stay for 7-10 days. The main point in any case will be the elimination of edema in the sinus, improvement of sinus drainage and outflow of pathological secretions. To do this, use nasal sprays and drops that contain vasoconstrictors (naphthyzin, farmazolin, nazivin, dlyanos, etc.). Such sprays provide instant relief from mucosal swelling and improve sinus cleansing. But their use is limited in time (5-7 days), because there is a risk of mucosal atrophy, and subsequently vasomotor rhinitis.

An important point in the treatment of sinusitis is antibiotic therapy. Good results are obtained with the systemic (oral) use of new generation antibiotics (augmentin, cephalosporins, azithromycin). Antibiotics are widely used nowadays local action(isophra, bioparox), which create high concentration active substance directly at the site of infection.

If the cause of sinusitis is deviated septum, That therapeutic treatment may not give the desired results. In this case, they resort to surgical intervention.

Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiallergic drugs are used symptomatically.

Effective additional methods treatment of sinusitis is puncture of the maxillary sinus with the introduction medicinal substance into the sinus, placement of the YAMIK sinus catheter, lavage of the nasal passages according to Proetz (cuckoo). Also, during the recovery stage, the child is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, blue beam, microwaves). Such procedures make it possible to reduce the dose and duration of antibiotic use and shorten the period of illness.

Complications of sinusitis

If the inflammatory process lasts more than 3 months, irreversible damage to the mucous membrane often develops maxillary sinus, and it loses its protective properties.

Thus, acute sinusitis turns into chronic form. Intraorbital or intracranial complications of sinusitis may also occur, when from the cavity of the maxillary sinus the infection penetrates into neighboring sections: the orbit or cranial cavity, damaging the tissue and function of these areas. Thus, when an infection enters the orbit, reactive swelling of the tissue of the orbit and eyelids, osteoperiostitis (inflammation of bone tissue) orbits, thrombosis (blockage of the lumen of a vessel with a thrombus) of the orbital veins. When an infection enters the cranial cavity, dangerous intracranial complications such as serous or purulent meningitis, meningoencephalitis, rhinogenic brain abscess.

Traditional methods of treating sinusitis and herbal medicine

Inhalations are safe method self-medication. They should be done from the 5th-7th day of continuous runny nose. For the procedure, use a ready-made inhaler or a porcelain teapot. Mix 1 tablespoon each of sage leaves, chamomile flowers and calendula. Pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. If you are not allergic, you can use it for inhalation. menthol oil and propolis, dropping a few drops of both into boiling water.

For chronic non-purulent sinusitis, a child can be helped by a Russian bath, especially with pine and fir decoction. You can also apply pieces of copper to the area of ​​the sore sinus at night and secure them with a band-aid.

Massage is also recommended breathing exercises. Lightly tap the bridge of your nose for 2-3 minutes. large phalanx thumb. At first, you need to do this drainage tapping at least once every half hour.

Helps with sinusitis acupressure. Find the following points: the inner upper corner of the eyebrow, the center point between the eyebrows, the inner bottom part eye sockets, midpoint along the nasolabial fold. These points should be a little painful. Massage them clockwise (20-30 seconds for each point).

Breathing exercises. Let the child take turns breathing 10 times through the right and left nostrils (4-6 seconds each), closing them with the big and index fingers. This exercise helps improve blood circulation.

You can also use the following recipe. Soak 2 cotton wool pads with propolis ointment. Then insert them into the child's nose and hold for 5 minutes.

Prevention of sinusitis in children

Prevention of sinusitis consists in timely detection and full treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, strengthening the general and local immunity(hardening, regular and proper nutrition, good sleep, adherence to work and rest schedules, frequent visits to fresh air). Predisposing factors, such as a deviated nasal septum or enlarged adenoids, can also be routinely eliminated.

Family doctor Andriana Pavlyuk

Sinusitis often occurs in children and adolescents whose the immune system weakened for one reason or another, and they regularly suffer from colds. As a rule, it all starts with a common runny nose, which develops into inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Manifestations of the disease can sometimes be confused with signs of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, so you should be more attentive to your own health in order to promptly recognize serious illness. It is necessary to consider in detail the main symptoms of sinusitis in adolescents in order to be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and begin effective therapy.

Sinusitis is quite common in adolescents

Sinusitis is inflammatory disease mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. Most often, the disease occurs in young people in late autumn or winter. This is due to the fact that teenagers do not sit at home, but are constantly exposed to cold air, frost, and communicate with their peers who may already be infected with a viral infection.

Sinusitis is considered a deadly disease, since lack of treatment can lead to serious complications in the form of inflammation of the membranes of the brain, pneumonia, otitis media, etc. All this threatens not only the health, but also the life of a teenager, especially if the immunity of a young guy or girl is not strong enough to withstand the effects of bacteria.

Lack of treatment can lead to undesirable consequences

Based on the affected area, the disease is divided into unilateral and bilateral sinusitis. In the first case, inflammation occurs in one sinus, in the second - in two sinuses. Of particular danger is chronic course a disease when it occurs practically without symptoms, but then sharply entails terrible changes in the structure of the mucous membrane and an increase in the inflammatory process.

Why does the disease appear?

IN adolescence sinusitis is a common human companion. As a rule, it develops quite quickly, which is why it is easy to confuse it with an ordinary colds. Inflammation of the maxillary sinus occurs for the following reasons:

  • Complication after acute respiratory viral infection. This is especially true when a young person does practically nothing to eliminate the symptoms of ARVI.
  • Infection with bacteria and fungi that enter the body through contact with other people or through the use of household items.

You can become infected with bacteria and fungi through another person.
  • Curvature or other pathologies of the nasal septum, which leads to the development of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Dental diseases.
  • Tendency to allergies. IN in this case a teenager can take allergic reaction for ordinary rhinitis, and improper treatment will lead to the development of a severe form.
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa: rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc.

It is important to consult a specialist to determine the exact cause of the disease. For this purpose, high-quality diagnostics are carried out, using modern technologies, blood tests are also required to determine the type of bacteria that caused the infection.

It is important to undergo a full diagnosis to determine the exact cause of the disease.

First signs

Before considering in detail the main symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to talk about the very first signs of sinusitis in adolescents, by which one can determine the presence of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses:

  1. Difficulty breathing through the nose and severe runny nose. Thus, the teenager has to breathe only through his mouth, and nasal drops and sprays help only for a short time.
  2. There is a feeling of pressure in one or both sinuses.
  3. In most cases, the temperature rises sharply, which may be accompanied by a feeling of nausea and even vomiting.
  4. The presence of clear or green-yellow discharge. This means that the inflammatory process is actively developing, which must be stopped immediately.
  5. Pain in the forehead, cheekbones, and temporal area. This means that pus begins to accumulate in the sinus and causes internal pressure.

If the presence of coughing, sneezing and runny nose can still be confused with manifestations of other diseases, then headaches and profuse nasal discharge clearly indicate that it is not just a cold or flu.

Temporal pain is a common symptom of sinusitis

Many specialists are able to recognize sinusitis in young people in a matter of seconds when they tell their complaints and point out the above-mentioned symptoms. It is important to seek qualified medical care to avoid complications and deal with the problem as soon as possible.

Now is the time to talk about each main symptom of the disease individually in order to have an idea of ​​​​what it indicates and how to get rid of it.

Runny nose with sinusitis

Nasal discharge of various natures and colors is perhaps the most important sign of sinusitis in adolescents. On early stage disease, the discharge is transparent, odorless, then its color changes to yellow-green, and its consistency becomes thick. In advanced stages of the disease, a runny nose is accompanied by unpleasant smell.

A runny nose with sinusitis is accompanied by heavy discharge clear mucus that turns into pus over time

To get rid of a runny nose, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the main cause of its occurrence. It is also recommended to use the following medications:

  • Antiviral drops. Grippferon, Derinat, Interferon, etc. They are prescribed to both children and adults; such drugs increase immunity and promote the outflow of mucus.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs. You should not get carried away with such medications, as many of them cause addiction and atrophy of the mucous membrane. At the same time, it can be used in moderate amount Naphthyzin, Rinonorm, Nazol, etc.
  • Plant drops. The most famous is Pinosol, which has an antimicrobial effect.

In addition, it is important to blow your nose correctly so as not to harm your own health. To do this, you need to blow your nose without any effort, using only clean handkerchiefs. It is advisable to put drops in your nose before blowing your nose to facilitate the release of mucus.

It is important to learn how to bury correctly vasoconstrictor drops into the nose


One of the main symptoms of sinusitis in adolescents 14 years old is headache. It worsens in the morning in the back of the head, and in the afternoon it moves to the frontal area. With the development of the disease painful sensations spread to the entire face, including eyes, teeth, etc.

Headaches occur due to inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. Mucus accumulates in the cavity, blocks the channels and gradually transforms into purulent contents. This is what creates pressure in the paranasal area and causes severe headaches. This symptom worsens when tilting and turning the head, and is often accompanied by swelling under the eyes.

You can get rid of headaches, but treatment must be prescribed by a doctor, because some drugs are contraindicated for teenagers. In the very severe case A puncture of the maxillary sinus is prescribed.

Treatment this symptom carried out using:

  1. Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, UV, electrophoresis, etc.).
  3. Antibiotics that promote the drainage of purulent contents from the sinuses.

Nasal rinsing is carried out different ways


Tooth pain is characteristic feature development of sinusitis in adolescents along with difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, headaches, etc. Due to inflammation, mucus stagnates, in which they begin to multiply pathogenic bacteria, pus forms. The maxillary sinuses are located adjacent to the oral cavity, which can cause severe toothache. In addition, the teeth themselves can become a source of damage when infection comes from oral cavity passes into the nasopharynx.

To eliminate toothache you need to:

  • Take analgesics that have pain-relieving properties. For example, Analgin, Tempalgin, Paracetamol, etc. However, such drugs are not enough, because they are used only for temporary pain relief.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Help destroy infection and prevent the development of the inflammatory process. These products include Ibuprofen, Rinolux drops, Aqualor, etc.

With sinusitis, it can also occur toothache

Eye pain and impaired visual acuity

Another sign of sinusitis in adolescents 15 years old is eye pain, which appears due to optic nerves located next to the nasal cavity. Infection can also affect these nerves, causing the development of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

In this case, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the skin around the eyes, and impaired mobility may be observed. eyeball. The following methods are used for treatment:

  • Massage around the eye area.
  • Use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antibacterial drugs to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Special drops.
  • Nasal rinses: saline solutions, carrot juice, garlic tinctures, etc.

It is important to start treatment promptly to avoid undesirable consequences diseases and without special problems restore visual acuity.

Eye pain is another sign of sinusitis in teenagers


Sinusitis often occurs in adolescents, so you should not be afraid of the disease. It is important to begin its treatment immediately; as soon as you notice the first signs, seek medical help immediately.

It is also possible to avoid illness; to do this, you should treat your health responsibly and protect yourself from hypothermia, completely treat a runny nose, observe the rules of personal hygiene and regularly strengthen the immune system.

It is very important to know how sinusitis manifests itself in children in order to begin treatment on time and prevent it from becoming chronic. In addition, the disease is dangerous due to complications, so you should not self-medicate.

Inflammatory foci that are localized in the adnexal maxillary sinuses nose, cause this. This disease is a form of sinusitis. Childish look sinusitis before the age of 12 has some differences from the course of the disease in adulthood. This is due to physiological characteristics development of nasal structures.

Many parents are concerned about the age at which sinusitis can develop and whether it occurs in newborns. In children under three years of age, the maxillary sinuses are located slightly higher than the usual position and represent a small gap. It is up to this age that sinusitis in children can develop very rarely. As they grow older, the holes increase in size and at the age of 12 they become almost the same size as in adults.

The maxillary sinuses contain many important functions. They protect the face from injury upon impact, participate in the formation of speech timbre, and prevent cooling of neighboring facial structures (eyes, teeth).

Any inflammatory processes occurring in the nasal cavity can cause sinusitis. In young children under six years of age, the infection spreads faster, so even a simple runny nose must be treated.

The main cause of the disease before the age of 10 is the penetration of the virus into the nasopharynx. Other causes of sinusitis are allergic runny nose, proliferation and inflammation of the adenoids, the presence of polyps, defects in the structure of the nose. Less commonly, inflammation occurs due to trauma to the nose, infections in the oral cavity and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

More common in 4 year old children catarrhal form sinusitis, when the disease proceeds without the formation of purulent secretion. Preschoolers over five years of age may be diagnosed with purulent form. The illness can last up to 2 months.

How does sinusitis manifest, acute stage?

The common cold can easily be confused with sinusitis in children under 8 years of age. The first signs of sinusitis in children appear on the 6th day after the disease. At this time, the condition worsens sharply, the temperature with sinusitis rises again, and breathing becomes difficult again.

Can infants have sinusitis? Even though the sinuses are not developed in babies, inflammation can still occur. Symptoms of sinusitis in children under 1 year of age:

  • in newborns, the temperature with sinusitis can rise to low levels on the thermometer;
  • the child refuses to suck milk and often spits up;
  • in a baby you can observe swelling and redness of the cheek, nose, eyelids;
  • newborns become capricious, sleep poorly, and constantly ask to be held;
  • at purulent sinusitis Children experience purulent discharge from the nasal cavity.

To recognize sinusitis in children in the first 9 months of life, as well as in children 2 years old, it is enough to apply slight pressure on any area near the nose. If there is an inflammatory focus in the maxillary sinuses, the baby begins to cry, feeling pain.

Sinusitis in a 2-year-old child appears as a result of severe infectious diseases (influenza, scarlet fever). Against the background of temperature, there may appear purulent discharge from the nose, the cheek and eyelids on the affected side swell, the nose is constantly stuffy

Symptoms of sinusitis in children 3 years old are no different from other ages. Sinusitis in a 3-year-old child is manifested by difficulty breathing, severe pain in the head, body temperature rises. The disease at 3 years of age becomes the result persistent runny nose. Nasal discharge may be thick and green or brown in color.

Signs of sinusitis in children 4 years of age are more varied. In children, symptoms may occur suddenly. The body temperature rises, the nose becomes stuffy, the voice becomes nasal, and the head hurts severely.

The following developing symptoms will help identify sinusitis in a child over 6 years of age.

  • The patient's temperature rises with sinusitis, he looks lethargic, drowsy, and has chills.
  • Pain appears in the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, in the forehead area, which intensifies when walking, bending forward, sneezing or coughing, as well as when pressing on the bridge of the nose and the corners of the eyes. When lying down, the pain subsides a little.
  • Acute sinusitis manifests itself strongly painful sensations in the nose, which radiate to the upper jaw area. Therefore, the child refuses to eat, as the pain intensifies when chewing.

  • The voice becomes nasal and hoarse. Breathing through the nose is difficult. During sleep, snoring is disturbing, and a cough may occur.
  • Sinusitis in a 7-year-old child may be accompanied by thick, brown mucus discharge from the nose.
  • Swelling can lead to decreased sense of smell.
  • In bright light, lacrimation occurs.

The occurrence of sinusitis in children 11 years of age is more common. By this age, the sinuses have almost completed their formation. For any respiratory disease Mucus can accumulate in the sinus and the risk of inflammation increases.

How to determine chronic sinusitis

The development of chronic sinusitis is associated with decreased immunity and lack of vitamins. Other reasons why it develops chronic stage, can be attributed to:

  • improper treatment of the acute form;
  • untreated infections in the nasopharynx;
  • the duration of a runny nose is longer than 10 days;
  • disruption of the outflow of mucus from the sinuses due to adenoids, curvature of the cartilaginous plate.

Chronic sinusitis in children occurs in the same way as acute form diseases. At the same time, the signs of sinusitis in a child are less pronounced. The temperature with sinusitis of this form rarely rises to high numbers, the paranasal pain is dull and not constant, and a headache is often bothersome. Nasal discharge may be different colors and consistency.

The chronic stage is dangerous due to complications.

Polyps, cysts form, benign tumors. Therefore, as soon as the first symptoms and treatment are detected, it should be started as quickly as possible.

How to cure sinusitis in a child

Treatment of sinusitis in children depends on its age and condition, as well as on the stage of the disease. How long treatment lasts depends on timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment. On average, the terms range from 2.5 to 4 weeks.

First of all, what to do for sinusitis is to moisturize and rinse the nasal passages. The following methods will help restore breathing:

  • For inflammation in the sinuses at 3 years old, regular sea ​​salt without unnecessary additives. Single dosage equal to 150 ml of salt water. Rinsing should be done with a syringe without a needle.
  • For sinusitis in a 5-year-old child, they help to moisturize inner surface nose, reduce swelling and bring out pathogenic microbes drugs such as Salin, Aqualor, Aquamaris.
  • In patients over 8 years of age, rinsing with antiseptic medications such as Miramistin, Furacilin helps. Their use is not recommended during the purulent course of the disease in order to avoid infection in neighboring organs.

The nasal rinsing procedure is carried out under the guidance of an adult. The child stands over the sink, tilts his head to the side and pours the solution into one nostril, and the mixture should pour out of the other nostril. Together with the medicine, the sinuses will be cleared of accumulated mucus and pus. As a result, swelling is eliminated and nasal breathing becomes easier.

There is another way to treat sinusitis - rinsing the nose using the method of moving fluid (popularly this method is called Cuckoo). It is carried out only in the doctor's office, starting from the age of three. The child is asked to lie down on the couch, the prepared solution is poured into one nostril, and the liquid is drawn out of the other using a special pump. To prevent the solution from getting into the mouth, the patient must repeat “cuckoo” all the time.

In small children under two years of age who cannot blow out snot themselves, the sinuses are cleaned using an aspirator. It can be bought at a pharmacy. The aspirator is a rubber bulb with a soft tip. Before the procedure, it is recommended to instill saline solutions.

Drug therapy

If a child has sinusitis, then the attending physician, based on additional examinations appoints complex treatment. The causative agent of the disease will determine what medications will be prescribed.

  • Antiseptic drugs Protargol or Chlorophyllipt can be used for instillation.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Nazol Baby, Vibrocil, Rinonorm) relieve swelling and eliminate inflammation. But they cannot be dripped for more than 5 days.
  • In children, treatment is accompanied by taking antihistamines. They help reduce swelling, relieve itching and discomfort in the nasal cavity. Drugs such as Fenistil, Cetrin, Loratadine, Suprastin may be prescribed.

Maxillary sinuses with age in children

Exists anatomical feature the structure of the maxillary sinuses in children under three years of age. The development of sinusitis at this age is not possible. But when children reach three years of age, they suffer from rhinitis. Don't confuse these two diseases. At the age of 6 years, the baby develops sinusitis and all associated diseases due to untimely diagnosis and incompetent treatment.

Sinusitis in childhood develops when an allergen or virus penetrates. This is why swelling appears in the sinus lumen, which interferes with breathing and subsequently causes pain. Mucus appears in the sinus with the addition of a secondary infection.
Sinusitis is dangerous in early age. At the age of three, the baby's maxillary sinuses begin to form. Sinusitis causes many complications in the form of meningitis, otitis, pneumonia and rheumatism. The pus that accumulates in the sinuses excites the facial nerve endings. This leads to pain in the face and head.

Sinusitis is dangerous for children

Important! Modern medicine is able to detect sinusitis in a child at an early age of three years. Timely treatment can save your child from illness, concomitant diseases and complications such as otitis and sinusitis.

Blowing your nose during sinusitis does not bring much relief due to swelling. A child under the age of three cannot clean his nose. using a special tube or pear-shaped can.

Clinical picture, classification and causes of the disease in children

The child inhales air and it passes through the nose, which has a mucous membrane. As oxygen passes through them, it warms up. When penetrated with air dangerous allergens or viruses, an inflammatory process occurs in the sinuses, which is called sinusitis.

The classification of the disease is divided into types. The difference between them is the sources of the disease, features, nature of the origin of the viruses and their location.

Let's look at the varieties:

1. Rhinogenic. Caused by a complication when viral diseases. Occurs after improper treatment acute respiratory infections, flu. Infection occurs when viruses and infections enter through the air that we inhale.

2. Hematogenous. This type is developed infectious complications in the form of measles and diphtheria. The virus enters through the blood. Characteristic for young children.

3.Odontogenic. Caused by diseases of the oral cavity. Such as periostitis and periodontitis. It is diagnosed less frequently in childhood.

4. Traumatic. Occurs with nasal septum. And also for injuries and bruises of the nose due to deformation of the maxillary sinuses in the process of injury.

5. Allergic. Occurs when an allergen enters through the nasal passages. More often it is provoked by plant pollen, dust and animal hair. Accompanied by swelling of the maxillary sinuses.

6. Vasomotor. At a young age, this complication occurs when a child is diagnosed with vegetative vascular dystonia. The reason is a decrease in the tone of blood vessels.

Signs and symptoms of sinusitis in adolescents and children 2-6 years old

When collecting anamnesis, it is not possible to determine the disease. Children aged 2-4 years will not describe exactly where it hurts and what bothers them.

The child will not accurately identify the symptoms of sinusitis

For parents’ control, we have given the following signs that occur with sinusitis in children 2-6 years old.

Main symptoms:

2. Pain in the area upper jaw increased when chewing food;

3. Difficulty breathing;

4. Discharge of mucus or pus from the nose;

5. Severe headache, which is localized in the area behind the eyes, will disappear if you lie down;

6. Deterioration of sense of smell, disappearance of taste buds;

7. Increase in temperature to maximum units;

8. Lethargic and capricious behavior;

9. Hyperemia and swelling on the cheek, the location of the disease.

Modern diagnosis of sinusitis in children. How to recognize sinusitis?

  • Diagnosis begins with collecting anamnesis. From a survey of parents and a 5-6 year old child. Doctor examines vascular network under the eyes and examines the nasal passages.

Examination of the nose by an otolaryngologist in children

  • X-ray examination shows a white lumen in the maxillary sinus, which means the presence of sinusitis or rhinitis. It will not be possible to obtain a reliable answer from this study.

Carrying out the “Cuckoo” method

They perform a puncture of the maxillary sinus, after which the purulent contents are pumped out. In modern medicine, this method is becoming increasingly rare.

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