What can cause you to get a sore throat in the summer? Bad advice: how you can get a sore throat. Pleasant and not so pleasant ways

Very often, an infection that enters through the nasopharynx settles on the tonsils and can cause swelling and redness, causing painful sensations. These symptoms are usually combined under one common name- sore throat or acute tonsillitis.

The disease is caused by certain bacteria or viruses, most often staphylococci. Therefore, treatment of sore throat should mainly be aimed at destroying the pathogenic microorganism. In order to recognize a sore throat, it is necessary to take into account the main symptoms that characterize this disease. So, when an infection enters the body, chills are observed, elevated temperature body, general malaise, sore throat when eating and swallowing saliva, loss of appetite.

Main types of infection

There are two main varieties of this disease, depending on what is causing the sore throat, viruses or bacteria. After determining which microorganism caused the disease, appropriate treatment is selected.

Important! It should be remembered that the treatment of viral sore throat is fundamentally different from the treatment of bacterial sore throat.

Treatment for viral sore throat usually takes more than long time and involves the use antiviral drugs. In order to cope with bacterial infection, it will take less time, usually about five to seven days, but in in this case can not do without antibiotic therapy. Moreover, the first variant of sore throat is more contagious, so you can quickly get sick after contact with a carrier of the viral variety of the disease, while bacterial sore throat considered less contagious. The thing is that the immune system often needs much more time to cope with viruses.

Main routes of infection

Let's find out how you can get a sore throat in order to protect yourself from negative impact of this infection. It should be noted right away that the disease is contagious, and in order to develop the disease, you do not need to attend events with large crowds of people during the epidemic. You can often become infected at home. The thing is that bacteria causing disease, V large quantities contained in the patient’s saliva, so they can quickly spread by airborne droplets when sneezing or coughing, and by everyday means, when using common things, dishes, etc.

Important! When contacting a patient, precautions must be taken using a gauze bandage.

There are several main factors that contribute to the occurrence and development of the disease. Among them:

  1. Direct contact with the patient and his personal belongings.
  2. Weakened immunity as a result of hypothermia.
  3. Weak the immune system under unfavorable living conditions.
  4. Availability chronic diseases making nasal breathing difficult.

Activities that provoke the disease

Experts identify many reasons that can trigger a sore throat. Moreover, the disease often occurs at home. Let's simulate a situation where, for some reason, you wanted to get sick quickly. So, some tips on how to get a sore throat.

All tips below will be based on ways sharp decline immunity. The whole point is that streptococcal infection, which causes sore throat, is present in the body of almost any adult, and only after the body’s protective functions have been reduced does the bacterium become active.

What procedures need to be carried out in order to get sick?

  1. Hypothermia. Try going outside in frosty, windy weather without a hat, at least for an hour. The body will get hypothermia, the immune system may not be able to withstand the load, and bacteria that were dormant before will be activated.

Important! Severe hypothermia significantly weakens the body's protective functions, provoking various diseases.

You can get hypothermia at home:

  • by placing your feet in cold water for at least an hour;
  • going out onto a cold balcony in winter in wet socks;
  • wrapping the body in a cold blanket or sheet;
  • If your body has held out after previous experiments, you can try ice baths. You should take such a bath for an hour so that the body cools down properly.
  1. Direct contact with a sick person. Getting a sore throat in one day at home is easy, especially if a patient lives next door to you and has a sore throat. acute stage, and he hasn't had time to get the right one yet drug treatment with the use of antibiotics. Just a few minutes in the company of a sick person will help you quickly get an infection.

If you combine hypothermia and communication with a sick person, you can become infected very quickly, and the first symptoms will appear within an hour. Thus, general weakness, chills, and sore throat are the main signs that staphylococcus has entered the body and become active.

You can use ice cream to locally influence pathogenic microorganisms in the summer, but keep in mind that you will not have to eat a single serving of the treat. For those who have reached the age of majority, cold beer is suitable; this drink acts like carbonated sweet water, aggravating the condition.

Important! Cold drinks reduce local immunity in the nasopharynx, provoking the development of streptococcal infection.

  • Will help the disease develop quickly complex application recommendations given above. You can get a sore throat in just one day, spending a few minutes on each procedure.
  • Consider your immunity level. If your immune system is working well to force your body to give in to infection, you may not need a single hour of exhausting procedures.
  • Note the importance of time of year. So, if it’s winter outside, you can get hypothermia in just a few minutes, whereas in spring-autumn period or in the summer, it may take an hour or more to implement your plan.
  • Take a few minutes to contact the patient in the acute phase, or, after dressing lightly, stay outside for an hour in frosty weather, all this will help provoke the development of sore throat.

Now you know how to get a sore throat in just one hour, as well as the main reasons that weaken the immune system and provoke this disease. Use the knowledge you gain to prevent infection from entering your body and spreading.

Where did the myth come from that you can get a sore throat when you drink something very cold, talk loudly and a lot in the cold, or get your feet wet? It's completely unclear. Out of their stupidity, children shout: “I want to get a sore throat!” When you see how teenagers on the Internet advise each other to eat more ice cream, drink ice-cold water, go out wet on the balcony in sub-zero temperatures, hold their feet in cold water in order to get a sore throat (and besides, get sick quickly and for sure!!), it seems like absurd. After all, a sore throat is infectious disease, which is transmitted by airborne droplets from another infected person. And with their advice you can achieve diseases much more dangerous than a sore throat: the consequence of cold feet can be cystitis or prostatitis, the consequences of ice water or going out wet can appear months later as a complication of the disease.

Sore throat: the essence of the disease

To understand how to get a sore throat, you need to know the basis of this disease. We already said at the beginning that a sore throat is an infection; in order for a person to get a sore throat, the infectious agent must enter his body. Most often, this microbe is streptococcus, which penetrates the throat after direct contact with a patient with a sore throat, when he sneezes or coughs, through his poorly washed dishes, his underwear, a shared towel, and also through unwashed foods.

How can you get a sore throat without communicating with an infected person? This is truly possible if the source of the disease is within you. When foci of old infection remain in the human body, and bacteria leave their home, inflammation of the tonsils, and therefore sore throat, may occur. Such internal reasons counts chronic runny nose, sore gums, caries.

And hypothermia or decreased immunity, which we discussed above, will only be predisposing factors that will reduce the body’s ability to fight infection.

How to get a sore throat quickly

Why, after drinking a lot of cold drinks in the heat, after sitting right under the air conditioner, does your throat begin to hurt when swallowing, and then all the other symptoms of a sore throat come? The point is that there is a possibility of existence in the throat pathogenic bacteria, which the body’s immunity has so far coped with. But sudden and severe cooling of the throat or temperature changes from the air conditioner in the room and the heat outside weaken the immune system and contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the appearance of sore throat. It turns out that when you drink ice-cold liquid, the likelihood of getting a sore throat quickly increases.

Very often, an infection entering through the nasopharynx settles on the tonsils and can cause swelling and redness, causing pain. These symptoms are usually combined under one general name - sore throat or acute tonsillitis.

The disease is caused by certain bacteria or viruses, most often staphylococci. Therefore, treatment of sore throat should mainly be aimed at destroying the pathogenic microorganism. In order to recognize a sore throat, it is necessary to take into account the main symptoms that characterize this disease. So, when an infection enters the body, chills, elevated body temperature, general malaise, sore throat when eating and swallowing saliva, and decreased appetite are observed.

Main types of infection

There are two main types of this disease, depending on whether the sore throat is caused by viruses or bacteria. After determining which microorganism caused the disease, appropriate treatment is selected.

Important! It should be remembered that the treatment of viral sore throat is fundamentally different from the treatment of bacterial sore throat.

Treatment of viral sore throat usually takes longer and involves the use of antiviral drugs. In order to cope with a bacterial infection, it will take less time, usually about five to seven days, but in this case antibiotic therapy cannot be avoided. Moreover, the first version of tonsillitis is more contagious, so you can quickly get sick after contact with a carrier of the viral version of the disease, while bacterial tonsillitis is considered less contagious. The thing is that the immune system often needs much more time to cope with viruses.

Main routes of infection

Let's find out how you can get a sore throat in order to protect yourself from the negative effects of this infection. It should be noted right away that the disease is contagious, and in order to develop the disease, you do not need to attend events with large crowds of people during the epidemic. You can often become infected at home. The thing is that the bacteria that cause the disease are contained in large quantities in the patient’s saliva, so they can quickly spread through airborne droplets when sneezing or coughing, as well as through household contact, when using shared things, dishes, etc.

Important! When contacting a patient, precautions must be taken using a gauze bandage.

There are several main factors that contribute to the occurrence and development of the disease. Among them:

  1. Direct contact with the patient and his personal belongings.
  2. Weakened immunity as a result of hypothermia.
  3. Weak immune system under unfavorable living conditions.
  4. The presence of chronic diseases that make nasal breathing difficult.

Activities that provoke the disease

Experts identify many reasons that can trigger a sore throat. Moreover, the disease often occurs at home. Let's simulate a situation where, for some reason, you wanted to get sick quickly. So, some tips on how to get a sore throat.

All the tips below will be based on ways to sharply reduce immunity. The thing is that streptococcal infection, which causes a sore throat, is present in the body of almost any adult, and only after the body’s protective functions have been reduced does the bacterium become active.

What procedures need to be carried out in order to get sick?

  1. Hypothermia. Try going outside in frosty, windy weather without a hat, at least for an hour. The body will get hypothermia, the immune system may not be able to withstand the load, and bacteria that were dormant before will be activated.

Important! Severe hypothermia significantly weakens the body's protective functions, provoking various diseases.

You can get hypothermia at home:

  • by placing your feet in cold water for at least an hour;
  • going out onto a cold balcony in winter in wet socks;
  • wrapping the body in a cold blanket or sheet;
  • If your body has held out after previous experiments, you can try ice baths. You should take such a bath for an hour so that the body cools down properly.
  1. Direct contact with a sick person. It’s easy to get a sore throat in one day at home, especially if you have a patient living next to you whose sore throat is in the acute stage, and he has not yet received the correct drug treatment with antibiotics. Just a few minutes in the company of a sick person will help you quickly get an infection.

If you combine hypothermia and communication with a sick person, you can become infected very quickly, and the first symptoms will appear within an hour. Thus, general weakness, chills, and sore throat are the main signs that staphylococcus has entered the body and become active.

You can use ice cream to locally influence pathogenic microorganisms in the summer, but keep in mind that you will not have to eat a single serving of the treat. For those who have reached the age of majority, cold beer is suitable; this drink acts like carbonated sweet water, aggravating the condition.

Important! Cold drinks reduce local immunity in the nasopharynx, provoking the development of streptococcal infection.

  • The comprehensive application of the recommendations given above will help to quickly develop the disease. You can get a sore throat in just one day, spending a few minutes on each procedure.
  • Consider your immunity level. If your immune system is working well to force your body to give in to infection, you may not need a single hour of exhausting procedures.
  • Note the importance of time of year. So, if it’s winter outside, you can get hypothermia in just a few minutes, while in the spring-autumn period or summer, it may take an hour or more to realize your plan.
  • Take a few minutes to contact the patient in the acute phase, or, after dressing lightly, stay outside for an hour in frosty weather, all this will help provoke the development of sore throat.

Now you know how to get a sore throat in just one hour, as well as the main reasons that weaken the immune system and provoke this disease. Use the knowledge you gain to prevent infection from entering your body and spreading.

It's easy to get sick quickly. Read the article if you really need it. But assess the health risks.

Any disease means many problems, troubles and stress for all body systems. But situations often arise in life when, having caught a cold, you can avoid some difficulties.

  • It's easy to catch a cold if you know a few tricks.
  • If you need to get sick urgently, then in this article you will find tips on how to do it quickly and for sure.
  • All the ways to get sick quickly really work, but all people keep them secret.
  • The main thing is to decide in advance how long the illness is needed and what severity: a simple ARVI or a sore throat.

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, ARVI, flu with a real fever: 30 popular quick ways

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, ARVI, flu for real with a fever: 30 popular quick ways

Surely the question “how to quickly and truly get sick” did not arise in your mind when the alarm clock was ringing. You have been thinking about this since yesterday or even earlier. The mistake of every person who urgently needs an illness in the form of a cold is that he only suffers, and does not take action and does not think through a plan. Each way to get sick is good in its own way. You just need to choose what suits you and start preparing for it at least a few hours in advance.

How to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, ARVI, flu with a real fever?

So, how to quickly get sick at home with a cold, sore throat, acute respiratory viral infection, flu with a real fever? There are 30 popular quick methods:

  1. Turn on the air conditioner. If you have this device in the house, then catching a cold is a matter of a few minutes. You need to lower the air temperature in the room and spend 5-15 minutes in it. Having frozen well, the result for the body will be immediate. Within a couple of hours you will feel unwell, have a runny nose and a sore throat. But do not overdo it, so that such an activity does not result in pneumonia, and this is a big problem for health.
  2. Draft. If your home doesn't have air conditioning, open the windows wide in opposite rooms. 15 minutes of draft and a person with weak immunity You will feel the onset of a cold within a few hours.
  3. Water from the refrigerator. If you have a sensitive throat, you only need to drink a few sips of water from the refrigerator. Make lemon water to make it easier to drink, or cold compote will do.
  4. Cold milk Drinking it within a few minutes is a 100% guarantee that you will get sick. This method works faster than drinking other cold liquids.
  5. After physical activity, unbutton your jacket outside. It is important to sweat well and warm up. Unbutton your jacket and stand in one place. The wind or cold air will blow on you, doing its dirty work.
  6. Dress for the weather. If it's cold outside, leave the house in a T-shirt or light sweater. The body will become hypothermic and a cold will appear.
  7. Get your feet wet. This method is suitable if it is not summer outside and it has recently rained heavily. Wear shoes that get wet and walk through cold puddles for a few minutes (15-20) - a runny nose and fever are guaranteed.
  8. After a hot shower, go out onto the balcony in one T-shirt or tank top.
  9. In winter you can jump into an ice hole, as in the Epiphany frosts, plunging headlong. But be careful! This method, without preparation, can provoke severe vasospasm, which can lead to serious health problems or even death.
  10. Wet your head and go outside in the cold. It only takes a few minutes (up to 5 minutes) to catch a cold.
  11. Refreshing candies and cold air. Buy refreshing or mint candies like Rondo in advance. Eat one candy and immediately go out onto the balcony. Start actively breathing cold air through your mouth. You will feel a sore throat within an hour.
  12. Cold shower and cold air. Stand in a cold shower for 5 minutes. Then dry yourself with a towel, put on underwear and a T-shirt and go out onto the balcony for another 5 minutes.
  13. Ice cream and mint chewing gum. Buy 2 ice creams and 3 mints chewing gum. Take large bites of ice cream and swallow until it's gone. Then chew the mint gum one by one. You can alternate between ice cream and gum.
  14. Glass with ice. Prepare a 50 or 100 ml glass. Fill it a quarter full with ice water, and fill it to the top with ground, but not melted, ice. Swallow this mixture in one gulp. There will be an instant cooling of the body from the inside, which will lead to a cold.
  15. In winter, in cold and windy weather, you will go out into the forest and practice active sports in light clothing. For example, you can go skiing, buns or ice skating.
  16. In winter, you can open the window and sit on the windowsill for up to half an hour.. Hypothermia is guaranteed.
  17. Hot bath and glass cold water . Take a good steam in a warm bath. Then go out and drink a glass of cold water.
  18. Breathe cold air from the freezer. If it’s warm outside and you really need to get sick, then you can open the freezer and make a few dozen deep breaths cold air.
  19. Walk without a hat in the cold. But this method will not work if you have a strong immune system. In addition, there is a risk of developing meningitis.
  20. Walk barefoot on the cold floor of the house. If you live in a private house, then this method will certainly help in winter. You can wet your feet first.
  21. Get a virus. There are always acquaintances or friends who are already sick. It is enough to spend a few hours with a sick person in the same room or drink tea from his mug, and viral infection secured.
  22. Wet your feet and socks. Before walking outside, wet your feet and socks with ice water. Then put on your shoes and head out into the cold. A couple of hours of such a walk, and you are guaranteed a sore throat, runny nose and cough.
  23. Cold beer with ice or mineral water with ice cream. You need to drink these drinks in large sips, feeling how the cold passes through your throat and descends lower into the body.
  24. In the summer, after the beach, go to a room with air conditioning. Often in the summer people get sick when, after returning from the beach, they go indoors and turn on the air conditioning. Sudden hypothermia occurs.
  25. Go to bed with open windows or a running fan. It is strictly forbidden to do this in winter, as irreversible consequences can occur to the body’s health! In summer, this action will lead to a cold.
  26. Prolonged exposure to the sun in summer, and then abruptly enter the pond. First the body overheats, then suddenly becomes hypothermic. The cold will appear in the evening. But remember that overheating the body leads to sunstroke and skin burns!
  27. Take a ride (even in summer) on public transport with the window open.
  28. Simulation 1st method: Rub black pepper in front of your nose while inhaling. Black pepper will cause prolonged sneezing. Another way to induce sneezing and watery eyes is to drop two drops of Kalanchoe juice into your nose.
  29. Simulation 2nd method: Add a drop of iodine to a teaspoon of sugar. Eat this mixture and within a few minutes your body temperature will rise to 38 degrees. But be careful! This method is not suitable for cores.
  30. But, if you don’t want to mock yourself and spoil your health, acting will come to the rescue. Apply salt or garlic to your armpits before taking your temperature. Make the face of a sick person, put on a thermometer. The temperature will rise to 39 degrees. But this game can fail if the effect of salt or garlic is weak.

All these methods really work and have been tested by people. Be careful when choosing one of the methods - assess the health risks.

It often happens that you need to quickly get sick in one night or in 5 minutes with a fever. The above described ways to get a sore throat or a cold. But you can poison yourself. For example, if you drink a glass of stale juice or week-old tea, then diarrhea and fever are guaranteed.

Remember: This method, in addition to poisoning, may cause gastritis or other problems with digestive system. Be careful!

The cold will help you get sick in 5 minutes. Eat 200 grams of ice cream quickly while standing in the cold. If you have more time, you can eat 1 kilogram of this cold delicacy, then a sore throat is guaranteed.

The simulation will also help you get sick in 5 minutes. You can heat the thermometer over a light bulb or use other methods that have already been described above.

Often a cough and runny nose are a sign of an incipient illness. Therefore, children do not even need to take their temperature when a doctor comes to the house if they have a cough and snot. How can a child get sick quickly and easily at school, at home, in the spring with a cough or runny nose?

It is enough for a person to become slightly hypothermic for a runny nose or sore throat to appear, which causes a cough. To do this, just go out onto the balcony in the cold, naked to the waist, and drink a glass of beer from the refrigerator or mineral water. Stay like this for another half hour and the next day you will have a sore throat or ARVI.

Children get sick at school if they run out into the street naked during recess. Even if the child is active and runs around in the cold, he will catch a cold. After all, the sudden entry of cold air into the bronchi provokes hypothermia.

In the spring, when it’s still cool, it’s enough to walk barefoot through puddles or just get your feet wet. Cough, runny nose, sore throat and fever are guaranteed.

Sore throat- this is one hundred percent sick leave, because this disease always accompanied high temperature, cough and other complications. How to make a sore throat quickly?

Go for a run in the morning. Run as far as you can until you feel tired and short of breath. Then gradually slow down your running and begin feverishly inhaling the cold morning air through your mouth. Do this for 15-30 minutes. You will feel a sore throat within an hour.

Important: Do not overdo it with running, so as not to harm your health. Some people need to run for at least 40-60 minutes to get tired, while for others a 15-minute run is enough.

A certificate or sick leave is issued for a week or more if a person has a fever. If you have a question about what to do to get sick for a week, then you will have to sacrifice your health:

  • hypothermia;
  • eating cold foods or ice;
  • exposure to cold air in light clothing or with a wet head;
  • cooling the body under a cold shower;
  • a sharp change in body temperature: after a hot shower into a cold one, and so on.

Choose one of the methods described above and take action, but do not overdo it.

Chickenpox is viral disease. If you get chickenpox, sick leave is guaranteed. Often parents want their child to overcome this disease in childhood, since the disease in adulthood is much more difficult to tolerate, causing serious complications.

How quickly do you get chickenpox? To get chickenpox, you need contact with someone who is sick. So, if in kindergarten or school quarantine due to this disease, it means that one of the children is already sick. Enough healthy child come to his house and just be in the same room or play with the same toys. It is believed that you can become ill with this virus after 1-1.5 hours of contact with a patient.

Getting sick is not a problem. But you need to think about the consequences and whether it is worth taking such a risk, sacrificing your health in the name of your goal. Don't take this article seriously, as a couple of days of rest is not worth it if you get seriously ill. Don't joke with your health!

Video: How to get sick and not go to school?!

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