Vegetable soup with meatballs. Products that should not be included in the menu

Every diabetic should know the recipes and dietary menu for the day, which specifically provides for diet 9 for diabetes. This is a good opportunity to maintain your blood sugar levels and not complain about your health in the stage of long-term remission. It is important to clearly understand that table 9 for diabetes is an important component complex treatment this chronic disease.

What is diet 9

The ninth table is a special nutrition system that helps prevent the development of diabetic coma in a timely manner. Therapeutic nutrition is nourishing, balanced and healthy, and the patient can feel completely healthy. It is important for diabetics to give up alcohol forever and be sure to replace sugar with a sweetener. In addition, the diet menu has its own characteristics and valuable recommendations on every day. The body on a diet should receive healthy vitamins, trace elements and minerals; other nutritional principles are described in detail below.

Table 9 for diabetes

The attending physician selects the daily diet for the patient individually, based on the characteristics of the diagnosis, the degree of diabetes mellitus, and the specifics of the body weakened by glucose surges. Before drawing up a daily menu, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the basic principles of table number nine, which is strongly recommended for patients diabetes mellitus:

  1. You need to eat in small portions up to 6 times a day with a time interval of 3 hours, while leaving body lung hunger.
  2. Fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, salted, peppered foods for diabetes remain forever prohibited; alcohol, sweets and flour, canned food and semi-finished products too.
  3. Proteins in the daily menu should be left in the same amount, fats and carbohydrates should be significantly reduced to a minimum.
  4. Dishes for diabetes mellitus should be stewed, boiled, steamed, baked, cooked in own juice.
  5. The body on a diet needs natural vitamins, plant fiber, natural antioxidants, and greens.

Authorized Products

Table number 9 for diabetes mellitus according to Pevzner is part of complex therapy, since in characterizing the disease it helps to reduce the number of attacks and relapses. Allowed foods allow you to feel a feeling of satiety, enrich the body with vitamins, and do not harm the health of a person with diabetes at all. Here's what you're allowed to eat on the diet:

  • low-fat fish;
  • rabbit meat, beef poultry;
  • fresh vegetables and some unsweetened fruits, for example, apples are very healthy;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, millet;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • no more than 1 egg per day.

Prohibited Products

Table 9 for diabetes has its own significant limitations, the violation of which contributes to the occurrence of another attack of the underlying disease. You can only make your condition worse. To prevent this from happening, below is a list of food products that fall into the “taboo” category for patients with diabetes mellitus and are under strict ban:

  • sweets;
  • first broths;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • cream, baked milk;
  • pickled and canned vegetables;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • juices from sweet fruits;
  • pasta and rice;
  • duck and goose meat;
  • fatty dairy products.

Recipes for every day

Table 9 for diabetics can also be very varied, the main thing is to choose suitable dietary recipes and strictly follow the instructions for preparing them on a diet. It is better to stew or boil dishes, avoid frying and marinades. So that diet 9 for diabetes does not turn out to be dull and monotonous, it is recommended to pay attention to the following recipes for every day:

Meat cutlets for a couple

You will need:

  • lean meat – 200 g;
  • butter – 7 g;
  • skimmed milk– 30 g;
  • dry bun, 20g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the crushed bread in milk and leave for a while.
  2. Grind the meat and add the soft bun.
  3. Salt and spices to taste, but in minimal quantities.
  4. Form cutlets and place in a baking dish.
  5. Cook at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Diet pudding

You will need:

  • apples – 70 g;
  • zucchini – 130 g;
  • milk – 30 mg;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • low-fat sour cream – 40 g;
  • butter, melted - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind vegetables and fruits on a grater.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and prepare a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Braised cabbage

You will need:

  • red cabbage - forks;
  • apples – 100 g;
  • wheat flour – 20 g;
  • butter – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop cabbage and apples.
  2. Place the ingredients in the pan, add olive oil.
  3. Simmer, covered, until done, 15 minutes.

Menu for the week

Diet 9 for diabetes can cause depression and cause a feeling of aversion to food in general. To eat properly, below is a sample menu that provides a therapeutic diet 9 for diabetics for every day. The proposed ingredients for a diet for diabetes can be changed and supplemented depending on your taste preferences:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal in water with a minimum amount of sugar, boiled in hard boiled egg, unsweetened green tea with crackers.
  2. Second breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir.
  3. Lunch: chicken or vegetable broth, salad fresh vegetables, cup tomato juice with rye crackers and no salt.
  4. Afternoon snack: unsweetened apple or other fruit, except sweet grapes.
  5. Dinner: stewed rabbit with buckwheat, vegetables baked in foil, a portion of boiled fish of your choice. As an alternative to a diet for diabetes, a serving of unsweetened cottage cheese.


Normalizing the level of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes is impossible without following a certain nutritional system - table No. 9 - one of the fifteen dietary rations, at one time developed by the famous Soviet doctor-leader of a group of scientists at the Institute of Nutrition M.I. Pevzner, whose achievements are widely used in modern medicine.

The main purpose is to normalize all types of metabolism (carbohydrate, water-salt), achieved by significantly limiting carbohydrates in the diet of patients with diabetes, joint diseases, asthma, and certain allergic diseases.

Diet table 9 at, which is classified as moderately low-calorie, is a health-improving stage aimed at both treating this pathology and preventing it.

Basic diet rules

In addition to increasing the amount of protein in the diet (up to 95-100 g) and moderately reducing the amount of fat (up to 78 g) and carbohydrates (up to 295 g), the diet of table No. 9 includes foods with lipotropic properties.

Easily digestible carbohydrates are removed from the menu, i.e. sugar (their amount in the menu is regulated by the attending physician in each specific case) and food with high content cholesterol high density.

Synthetic and natural substitutes for refined sugar (sorbitol, stevia, saccharin, sucrose, xylitol) are used as sweeteners.

The energy value of diet table 9 from the permitted list of foods is 9630 kJ or 2300 kcal. The amount of table salt is no more than 12 g/day, drinking regime– up to 2 l/day.

The main method of culinary processing of all food is steaming, baking, boiling; stewing foods is allowed several times a week. The menu contains enough a large number of vegetables, including those rich in dietary fiber (fiber).

Total weight dishes – up to 3 kg/day. Frequent meals are required (6 times a day, respectively, breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and before bed), in moderate portions. The temperature of the food served is standard. Experienced nutritionists recommend limiting table 9 when following a diet. physical exercise on the body.

To whom is it assigned?

Diet table 9 is the basis of therapy for people with mild to moderate severity (types I and II). In addition, this diet is often recommended for infectious diseases of the joints, rheumatism, urticaria, diathesis, acne, and bronchial asthma.

Diet 9 table - what is possible, what is not (table)

From the diet table table 9 for diabetes, it follows which products can be used in the cooking process and which cannot.

Authorized Products
(can be eaten)
  • Sweet fruits - all berries and fruits with the exception of grapes (raisins, juice), bananas, pears.
  • Cereals - all cereals, except semolina. Rice is allowed no more than once every 7 days.
  • Meat and poultry – lean varieties, for example, rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal, lean lamb, pork, beef.
  • By-products – beef or veal liver ( pork liver excessively fatty), tongue.
  • Bread – rye, protein, and flour of grade II and lower, with bran, fiber, fermentation, whole grain varieties (no more than 0.3 kg/day). Pasta and flour products– with limitation.
  • Vegetables are all fruits. The greatest preference is given to pumpkin, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet peppers, eggplants, leafy greens, all types of cabbage, lentils and other legumes. Starchy and sweet root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets) are subject to limitation.
  • Dairy products – kefir, milk, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, acidophilus with low content fat Acceptable limited use unsalted cheeses and low-fat sour cream.
  • Fish – low-fat varieties of sea and river fish: carp, tench, catfish, bream, pike, pike perch, hake, pollock, hoki.
  • Eggs – it is preferable to eat an omelet of 1-2 pieces.
  • Fats – unsalted natural butter, ghee, and vegetable oils in the recommended daily dosage are added directly to ready meals before serving.
  • Spices – it is permissible to use mustard, horseradish and pepper in limited quantities during the cooking process.
  • Drinks - infusions of herbs and medicinal fruits (rose hips, sea buckthorn, dried blueberries, chamomile, mint), fruit drinks, compotes with sugar substitutes, uzvars, tea, vegetable and unsweetened berry/fruit juices.
Prohibited Products
(can't eat)
  • fatty fish and meats
  • strong broths
  • smoked, fried, sweet, buttery, salty, pickled products
  • semi-finished products
  • most sausages
  • fish roe
  • fast food dishes

Sample menu for a week diet table number 9

The menu was developed by leading Soviet scientists for use in sanatorium-resort treatment, in hospitals and at home for people with diabetes mellitus types I and II.


  • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, canned cabbage salad, oatmeal, coffee with milk and stevia.
  • Snack: jelly from dried apples with sorbitol.
  • Lunch: cabbage soup with chicken breast and sour cream, stewed zucchini with quenelles, tomato juice.
  • Afternoon snack: berry jelly, rosehip infusion.
  • Dinner: pike baked in milk sauce, cauliflower schnitzel, berry-herbal tea.
  • Late dinner: a glass of bio-ryazhenka.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg salad, dill and fresh cucumbers, low-fat cheese with whole grain bread, green tea.
  • Snack: curd pudding with xylitol, cranberry juice.
  • Lunch: river fish soup, vegetable and veal stew, jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: strawberries.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with applesauce, boiled pollock, braised cabbage, soy milk.
  • Late dinner: a glass of natural organic yoghurt.


  • Breakfast: protein omelet, diet sausage, rye bread with bran, tea with milk and sorbitol.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with blueberries.
  • Dinner: squash caviar, lean borscht, boiled chicken breast With mashed potatoes(liquid), pumpkin-millet pudding, berry compote.
  • Afternoon snack: Apple juice with pulp.
  • Dinner: cabbage schnitzel, stewed with carrots sea ​​fish(hoki), herbal infusion.
  • Late dinner: biokefir (0.2 l).


  • Breakfast: barley porridge with milk, unsalted cheese, bran bread, mate tea.
  • Snack: curd pudding.
  • Lunch: pickle soup, steamed beef cutlets, cauliflower, stewed in milk, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: raspberry jelly.
  • Dinner: 2 egg omelet with milk, vinaigrette, chicken quenelles.
  • Late dinner: acidophilus yogurt.


  • Breakfast: rice porrige with milk, soft-boiled egg, chicory drink.
  • Snack: cottage cheese soufflé with berries.
  • Dinner: pea soup, boiled beef tongue, stewed cabbage, apple uzvar.
  • Afternoon snack: orange, citrus jelly.
  • Dinner: vegetable pudding, cottage cheese casserole, fish meatballs.
  • Late dinner: broth dried blueberries and an apple.


  • Breakfast: steamed cheesecakes, pearl barley porridge, cheese, bread, tea with pieces of permitted fruit.
  • Snack: kefir.
  • Dinner: bean soup with champignons, lean pork cabbage rolls, chicory drink.
  • Afternoon snack: applesauce.
  • Dinner: fish and bean cutlets, spinach, zucchini and cauliflower stew, seasoned with herbs, rosehip infusion.
  • Late dinner: sea buckthorn tea.


  • Breakfast: millet milk porridge, omelette, chamomile tea.
  • Snack: oatmeal jelly.
  • Lunch: lentil soup, beef liver pate, bell pepper stuffed with minced turkey and pearl barley, cabbage and cucumber salad, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: dried apricots and prunes.
  • Dinner: curd pudding, egg, omelette without potatoes, fruit tea.
  • Late dinner: kefir.

When following the diet table 9 (see table), water and electrolyte metabolism is normalized, blood glucose levels are stabilized, the amount of high-density cholesterol in plasma, blood pressure levels and tissue swelling are reduced. Be healthy!

Diabetes mellitus is chronic endocrine disease, as a result of which all types of metabolic processes. Today's medicine does not have the means to completely cure this pathology. However, taking certain medications, using folk remedies, following a diet and adhering to healthy image life, it is possible to achieve significant remission of the pathology.

Proper nutrition for diabetes is one of the fundamental methods for maintaining normal condition health of the patient.

The importance of diet

When type 1 diabetes occurs, the body does not produce its own insulin. A low-carb diet will help you avoid sharp jumps sugar, and, as a result, reduce the dose of insulin used.

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the body's inability to absorb insulin due to damage to insulin receptors. IN in this case With the help of a diet, a diabetic can independently control the amount of insulin produced and not resort to additional treatment.

In both cases there is improvement general condition health.

The diet for diabetics should be selected taking into account individual characteristics the patient's body. All factors influencing the pathology are considered:

  • nature and severity of the disease;
  • patient weight;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • level of physical activity;
  • individual intolerance to certain foods, etc.

Dietary table number 9 guarantees one of best options, which can ease the course of diabetes and reduce its effect on the body.

In addition, the diet can be used as a preventive measure against pathology, as an example proper nutrition For healthy people, at allergic reactions, rheumatism, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Principles of dietary cuisine

Diet 9 for diabetes is included in complex therapy treatment of pathology and involves the consumption of foods with an energy value not exceeding 2500, sometimes even 2300 calories per day.

Table 9 for diabetes contains products containing no more than 100 g of protein, 80 g of fat, carbohydrates - 350 g, salt - 12 g.

At mild form diabetes that does not require insulin therapy, as well as for obesity of 2-3 degrees, diet 9a is used, which provides for a reduced energy value of foods up to 1650 calories per day, including proteins - 100 g, fats - 50 g, carbohydrates - 200 g, salt - up to 10–12 years

Indications for diet 9b are severe or moderate severity the course of diabetes, insulin therapy and increased physical activity. In this case, the calorie content of the foods consumed can be 2800–3200 calories. The recommended intake is 120 g of protein, 80–100 g of fat, 400–450 g of carbohydrates, and 15 g of salt.

The ninth diabetic table provides for six meals, which should consist of properly prepared small portions:

  • breakfast;
  • after a short period of time, second breakfast;
  • dinner;
  • an afternoon snack consisting of foods rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements;
  • dinner should be low-calorie and include easily digestible food;
  • prescribed meal before or after insulin injections. In this case, food consumption should be in small quantities.

By following a diet, you can achieve a correct and clear distribution of carbohydrates consumed in food.

A diet for diabetes does not mean completely giving up tasty and tempting foods.

Diet 9 for diabetics requires compliance with certain rules:

  • the consumption of liquid without sugar and sweeteners should reach 1.5–2 liters per day;
  • food should be boiled or steamed. IN in rare cases Your doctor may allow fried or stewed foods. Cooking temperature doesn't matter;
  • the weight of food consumed should not exceed 3 kg per day;
  • It is necessary to follow a precise eating schedule (approximately every three hours). IN as a last resort, have the necessary supply of food with you;
  • The menu for diabetes mellitus should be varied and contain reduced quantity fats and carbohydrates;
  • overeating is unacceptable;
  • limit the intensity of physical activity;
  • drug therapy and constant monitoring of blood sugar levels cannot be ignored.

The diet was developed by nutritionist M. I. Pevzner in Soviet time and has not undergone virtually any changes to date.

For normal functioning The body must adhere to this technique throughout its life.

Table 9 for diabetes may exclude or allow the following foods.

Consumption of bakery and other flour products

Calories and carbohydrates supplied to the diabetic body by baked goods should be kept to a minimum. The glycemic index cannot be ignored. It should not exceed 51. Rye products come first here, however, their high nutritional value should be taken into account, so eating bread from rye flour should not exceed 250 g per day and they should belong to grades 1 and 2. The most acceptable bread is made from whole grains (with bran). In this version, baked goods made from wheat are allowed. Wheat bread 2nd grade should not be consumed more than 60 g, approximately 2 pieces, twice a day.

Among the different types of bread allowed for diabetes, preference is given to rye and those made from whole grains.

You will have to give up buns and pies, both with and without filling, altogether.

Consumption of meat products

When choosing meat products for diabetics, it is necessary to take into account their fat content, which should be minimal. Beef, veal, lean pork and rabbit meat are suitable for the menu. Chicken is also allowed. It is acceptable to consume jellies with reduced fat content. As for sausages and frankfurters, again, preference is given to beef and diabetic varieties. Lean ham can be present on the menu in reasonable quantities.

In any case, it should be remembered that meat products for diabetics should be processed exclusively by boiling, baking or stewing. When frying meat, oil and fat are used in small quantities. In this case, it is advisable to completely exclude salt from the prepared dish.

Fish and seafood

Fish is rich in valuable protein, which is easily digestible by the human body and plays a leading role in the process of insulin synthesis. In addition, it saturates tissues with micro- and macroelements, which are little contained in other foods.

Diabetics are allowed to include in their diet:

  • lean fish (pollock, herring, pike, freshwater perch, etc.);
  • canned fish, when the filling is its own juice or tomato;
  • squid, oysters, mussels, shrimp and the like. This takes into account that they protein content should not go beyond the daily norm.

Unfortunately, salty fish and cooked smoked way, should be completely eliminated from the diet

Excluded from the menu canned fish including spices. Fish roe falls into the exclusion zone. ABOUT oily fish, such as herring, mackerel and sturgeon, will have to be forgotten completely.

The fish is boiled, baked, stewed or prepared as jellied fish. In case of frying, oil is used in minimal quantities. Flour sauteing and spices are excluded. Marinade is also contraindicated.

Eating eggs

You can include raw, boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. Daily ration should not exceed 2 pieces.


When choosing dairy products, diabetics should carefully look at their fat content. Low-fat milk, curdled milk or kefir will fit perfectly into the regular menu. The same can be said about cottage cheese, cheese and sour cream with reduced rate fat content

  • sweet curd-containing products;
  • fat sour cream;
  • goat milk;
  • ice cream.

Fats and oils

For diabetes, rationed consumption is allowed butter and vegetable oils.

Fats such as animal products (margarine and spread) are excluded from the menu.

Eating cereals and pasta

Cereals are one of the most important suppliers nutrients, vitamins and minerals, so necessary for people suffering from diabetes. Almost every variety has its own advantages that will benefit diabetics. And yet, there are cereals that are not only not recommended, but even dangerous. This is semolina and rice. Pasta should be excluded from the diet, since its actual composition and calorie content do not always correspond to the data on the package.

Vegetables and greens

Vegetables are rich in fiber, which prevents sudden spikes in sugar. In terms of the content of substances valuable to the body, they are often ahead of animal products. For diabetes, strengthening immune system becomes one of the main tasks. Cabbage, zucchini and lettuce will help with this. As well as pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplants.

Greens and vegetables are always useful, and in diabetes their role is good nutrition increases significantly

Greens, represented by dill, parsley, onions and basil, will never cause illness. The main thing is that they are used exclusively in fresh.

Marinades and pickles are prohibited.

First meal

Hot food is an important factor in normal existence human body. The diet of a diabetic patient may include first courses:

  • where the basis is low-fat broth (beef, fish or mushroom);
  • such as lean borscht and cabbage soup;
  • beetroot;
  • solyanka;
  • okroshka.

Dishes can be seasoned with lean, trimmed meat, meatballs and potatoes.

Milk soup, especially with pasta, should be crossed off the menu forever.

Eating berries, fruits and sweet foods

Fresh, sweet and sour fruits and berries are quite compatible with the diabetic menu. Compotes and infusions will not cause any harm and will maintain the vitamin balance of the body. Fruit dishes, where sorbitol, xylitol, saccharin and fructose are used in production, can also be consumed. This includes:

  • nut cookies;
  • candies;
  • jelly;
  • muses.
  • fruits with high content sugar (grapes, dates, figs, bananas);
  • canned fruits and berries, including jams and preserves.

Products from biscuit factories, chocolate, sweets and cookies are eliminated from the diet. The same goes for honey.

The menu must take into account the daily allowances:

  • xylitol – 15–20 g;
  • sorbitol – 20–30 g;
  • fructose – 45 g.

Consumption of sauces and spices

Diabetics are allowed moderate consumption of:

  • sauces, where the basis is a low-fat broth of lean meat, mushrooms and vegetables;
  • horseradish, pepper and mustard in minimal quantities.

It is prohibited to include in the menu:

  • hot spices and sauces;
  • sauces with high fat content;
  • mayonnaise and similar dressings, which include full-fat sour cream or cream.

Consumption of drinks

Allowed to drink:

  • unsalted tomato juice;
  • tea and coffee drinks, the strength of which is reduced to a minimum, and there is no sugar at all;
  • rosehip decoctions;
  • freshly squeezed juices that do not contain sweet fruits and berries.

Carbonated drinks containing sweet ingredients, jelly and kvass with abnormal blood sugar levels are prohibited

Menu design principles

At first, the menu for the week is drawn up with the participation of a nutritionist; later on, this is done independently. After studying weekly diet daily portions are calculated. First courses are allotted 250 g, fish and meat - 70, rye bread - 50 g, vegetables stewed or pureed - up to 150 g.

As an example weekly menu for people suffering from diabetes, there is a list of products that can always be changed based on personal characteristics and the advice of the attending physician.

You can start Monday with oatmeal with a little butter. Breakfast is complemented by a salad of fresh carrots, a piece of bran bread and tea (the latter, hereinafter, means without sugar and sugar-containing products: jam, honey, etc.). The second time you can have breakfast, again, unsweetened tea with apples. For lunch we eat borscht, which is based on vegetable broth. For the main course - home-style roast, bran bread and a glass of dried fruit compote. The afternoon snack is celebrated with tea and orange. Cottage cheese casserole is chosen for dinner, vegetable salad and rye bread. The day ends with a glass of kefir.

Tuesday breakfast includes boiled, lean fish and fresh cabbage salad, washed down with tea. You can have breakfast again vegetable puree and tea. Lunch can be represented by vegetable soup and boiled chicken, bran bread. For the third meal, tea and an apple are offered. The afternoon snack includes cheesecakes, washed down with compote. During dinner, cutlets made from beef or veal meat, a pre-boiled egg, shredded cabbage and tea are consumed. An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk.

The middle of the week begins with buckwheat porridge, to which it is recommended to add cottage cheese, not exceeding 150 g. Wednesday breakfast ends with a small amount of bread and tea. Second breakfast is fruit compote. The lunch menu will be marked by vegetable borscht, to which a spoonful of sour cream is added. The second is represented by meat, the side dish of which is boiled or stewed cabbage. Dessert includes jelly and mineral water. During the afternoon snack an apple is eaten. Selected for dinner meatballs, again, with a side dish of boiled or stewed vegetables, cabbage schnitzel and compote. The day ends with a glass of yogurt.

Diet 9 will benefit not only diabetics

On Thursday, buckwheat porridge with boiled beets is served for breakfast. The menu can be diversified with two pieces of unsalted cheese. He washes everything down with chicory. Grapefruit is eaten for second breakfast. The dinner table includes fish soup and bread, after which boiled chicken and squash caviar are consumed. For the third - lemon drink. For an afternoon snack, you can eat a fresh cabbage salad and wash it down with tea. The evening diet includes pea porridge, cabbage, stewed and tea. Shortly before bed, drink a glass of low-fat milk.

Friday breakfast consists of carrot and apple salad with cottage cheese, as well as bread and tea. During the second breakfast, drink a glass of mineral water and eat an apple. The lunch break begins with vegetable soup and bread. As the second, meat goulash and 50 g of vegetable caviar are used. For the third - jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can eat vegetable salad and tea. The evening diet includes millet and fish schnitzel, tea and bread. The second time you can have dinner with a glass of low-fat kefir.

You can start your Saturday day with oatmeal, fresh carrot salad and bread, washed down with chicory. Tea and grapefruit will be the second breakfast. For lunch you can have pasta soup. Garnish for stewed liver boiled rice is selected (no more than 50 g). Third - compote and bread. Between lunch and dinner you can have a snack with fruit salad and mineral water. Barley and squash caviar, as well as bread and tea, are quite suitable for dinner. The Saturday evening diet ends with a glass of kefir.

For Sunday breakfast, buckwheat porridge with beets, bread and tea are consumed. A couple of pieces of cheese add variety to the menu. You can again have breakfast with an apple and tea. At lunchtime, soup with beans is served on the table, the main course is pilaf with chicken, and also stewed eggplant. Lunch is washed down with cranberry compote. The afternoon snack includes an orange and unsweetened tea. Pumpkin porridge and cutlet will be an excellent, hearty dinner, which will be complemented by fresh cucumbers and tomatoes prepared as a salad. Everything is washed down with tea. To fully end the day, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir an hour before going to bed.

For diabetes, diet 9 allows you to significantly diversify your diet and not feel the lack of goodies that diabetics usually experience. At the same time, the required standards are observed to facilitate the course of the disease and allow one to lead a completely normal lifestyle.

Diet No. 9 (table No. 9) is a therapeutic diet developed specifically for diabetics that will help control and treat diabetes mellitus.

Diet 9 is suitable for patients with grades 1 and 2; it can normalize carbohydrate metabolism in the body and eliminate disorders fat metabolism, therefore also suitable for weight loss.

Allowed and prohibited foods for Table 9 diet, menu for the week

The basic rules on which the “Table 9” diet is based:

The daily protein intake should be up to 90 g, and 55-60% of them should be animal;

You need to consume from 70 to 80 g of fat per day, of which up to 30% is vegetable;

Daily requirement in carbohydrates – 300-350 g;

Salt is allowed to be consumed up to 12 g;

A person should consume no more than 2200-2500 kcal per day;

Small meals - 5-6 times a day;

Dishes should be prepared by stewing, boiling, steaming, baking without using oil, or grilling.

There are quite a few allowed foods on the diet list, but it is important to consume exactly the amount every day that corresponds to the daily requirement according to the rules of the diet for the content of fats and carbohydrates.

Among the permitted products are:

Soups - low-fat broths, okroshka, borscht, vegetable soups, beetroot soup, cabbage soup;

Greens and vegetables, priority is given to those with the highest carbohydrate content - carrots, peas, beets;

Meat dishes - poultry, veal, beef, lamb, dietary varieties of sausages;

Varieties of low-fat fish, canned food is allowed, but only in tomato or in personal juice;

You can consume eggs, but not more than 1.5 eggs per day, while the consumption of the yolk should also be limited;

Berries and fruits, fresh and dried;

Nuts – walnuts, pine, almonds, peanuts;

Honey is a permitted product in strictly limited quantities;

Any types of oil - no more than 40 g daily;

Special diabetic confectionery;

Flour products up to 300 g per day;

Natural juices without sugar, teas, decoctions, compotes from dried fruits and vegetables, it is allowed to add a sweetener.

Prohibited products include:

Pasta, rice, semolina;

Most of the presented assortment of sausages, smoked meats, sausages;

Sweets, desserts, baked goods, baked goods;

Jam, toppings, cream, sweet yoghurts;

Ryazhenka and baked milk;

Broths based on fatty meat;

Milk cream soups;

Various spices and seasonings;


Any sauces;

Carbonated sweet drinks and packaged juices;

Some fruits such as bananas, grapes, and dried varieties - raisins, figs;

Fatty and salty fish dishes and varieties of fish, as well as their eggs.

If possible, you should exclude from your diet those foods that are not on the list, but you are sure that they will not bring benefits to the body.

Diet preparation Table 9 diet: menu for the week

A sample menu for diabetic diet No. 9 might look like this:

1. Monday:

Breakfast: porridge with water from barley, 1 egg, weak coffee without sugar, green and cabbage salad;

Lunch: for the first lenten borscht – 200 ml, for the second a piece boiled beef, bread and dried fruit compote without sugar;

Dinner: boiled shrimp and cooked in the same way green beans;

2. Tuesday:

Breakfast: a serving of low-fat cottage cheese with berries – up to 200 g;

Lunch: cabbage soup based on young lean veal, cabbage and cucumber salad, a slice of bran bread, rosehip infusion;

Dinner: cottage cheese with berries and salad with ingredients: cucumber, pepper, cabbage;

3. Wednesday:

Breakfast: a glass of fermented baked milk, wheat porridge with prunes;

Dinner: vegetable soup, a small portion of buckwheat - from 3 to 5 large spoons of porridge with meat goulash, 2 slices of whole grain bread, jelly;

Dinner: River fish on a bed of vegetables - broccoli, cabbage and zucchini;

4. Thursday:

Breakfast: fresh salad of grated apple and carrots, a mug of skim milk with a slice of bread;

Lunch: vegetable stew with the addition of pieces of any permitted meat;

Dinner: barley, boiled chicken fillet, fresh vegetable salad, bread, berry juice;

5. Friday:

Breakfast: up to 100 g of chopped beets, bread, portion wheat porridge 50-70 g, a mug of tea;

Lunch: vegetable soup, fish cutlets, vegetable salad;

Dinner: stewed cabbage, grilled or baked vegetables and meat, cheesecakes and tea;

6. Saturday:

Breakfast: squash caviar with an egg, yogurt without sweet additives;

Lunch: fish soup lean fish, pearl barley porridge with goulash, stewed cabbage;

Dinner: cauliflower casserole and minced chicken;

7. Sunday:

Breakfast: apple with a portion of bran;

Lunch: low-fat cabbage soup chicken broth, and for the second, stuffed peppers, a mug of tea with sweetener (optional);

Dinner: stewed vegetables with lamb.

For second breakfasts, you can choose any permitted fruit, glass fermented milk product or milk, decoction or herbal infusion, yogurt, natural berry or fruit jelly.

Afternoon snacks can include fruit and vegetable salads, cottage cheese, fruits, natural juices, and jellies.

For the second dinner, which can be avoided, it is advisable to choose similar products.

Preparing a variety of dishes for Table 9 of the diet, menu for the week

Recipes for diluting the usual menu:

1. Pudding according to a dietary recipe.

You will need:


Melted butter;

Sour cream;

130 g of zucchini and 70 g of apples need to be grated on a fine grater, add 30 ml of milk, 4 tbsp. l. mix flour and remaining ingredients, except sour cream, and place in a baking dish. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°. Pour sour cream into finished form.

2. Ratatouille – vegetable dish.

It is necessary to puree peeled tomatoes with herbs and garlic. Add the resulting mixture to the pieces fried until half cooked in olive oil. bell pepper, zucchini and eggplant. Simmer for 10 minutes under the lid.

The essence of diet No. 9

This nutritional system has a 9a variety, which is prescribed to patients with diabetes and 2-3rd degree obesity. Both variations are well balanced. This diet can be followed for a long time without risk to health. The amount of harmful foods and carbohydrates is minimized, the effect of diet 9 according to Pevzner is aimed at improving the well-being of patients, normalizing metabolism and stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Purpose and indications for the diet

The purpose of diet table number 9: normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, correction of fat and water-electrolyte metabolism, stabilization of blood sugar levels.

Table 9 is often assigned to following cases:

  • Diabetes mellitus of moderate and mild severity, subject to the appointment of minimal doses of insulin (0-30 units per day).
  • A little overweight bodies.
  • Infectious lesion joints, rheumatism.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diathesis, allergies.

General characteristics of treatment table No. 9

The calorie content of the diet is 2300-2500 kcal per day. Chemical composition table number 9 is as follows:

  • 300-350 g carbohydrates.
  • 90-100 g of proteins (at least 55% animal origin).
  • 75-80 g fats (up to 30% vegetable).
  • Up to 12 g salt.
  • At least 1.5 liters clean water daily.

Power system features:

  • You can eat 5-6 times a day, evenly distributing the amount of carbohydrates.
  • Instead of sugar, use substitutes (xylitol, stevia, saccharin, sorbitol, etc.) - their calorie content should also be taken into account when preparing the diet.
  • The total weight of consumed products is no more than 3 kilograms per day.
  • Temperature ordinary.
  • It is preferable to boil, steam or bake food. On rare occasions, there are fried and stewed foods.
  • The number is increasing dietary fiber, lipotropic substances and vitamins. The consumption of refractory fats and carbohydrates is limited, the amount of cholesterol, table salt, and extractives is moderately limited.

Diet products and dishes

What you can eat during the diet, see the table:

Product group Allowed list It is recommended to limit
Flour products and bread Bread made from 2nd grade flour, rye, protein-bran Inconvenient flour products
Meat and fish Lean meats (veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit). Fish (hake, pollock, pike, perch, etc.) By-products, canned fish in tomato and own juice, dietary sausage and frankfurters
Eggs 1-2 per day, preferably white omelettes Scrambled eggs
Dairy Fermented milk drinks and milk, low-fat and half-fat cottage cheese, unsalted cheeses Sour cream
Cereals, legumes, pasta Legumes, buckwheat, wheat, barley, millet, pearl barley, oatmeal
Fats Vegetable oil(flaxseed, sunflower, olive and corn) Butter and ghee
Vegetables Zucchini, squash, pumpkin, lettuce, cucumbers, greens, cabbage Potatoes, carrots, green peas, beets
First meal Cabbage soup, rich broths, vegetable soups, borscht, okroshka Beetroot soup, potato soup
Fruits, berries, goodies Fresh fruits and berries, jellies and mousses with sugar substitute Honey
Sauces and spices Tomato, vegetable sauce, herbs, sauces based on non-rich broths Mustard, horseradish, pepper
Beverages Coffee and tea with milk, vegetable juices, rosehip decoction (2 tablespoons of berries per liter of water, let steep for 30 minutes. Juices from unsweetened berries and fruits

What not to eat while dieting:

Product group List of prohibited
Flour products and bread Puff pastries, pastries
Meat and fish Fatty meats and poultry, canned food, most sausages, smoked meats, salted fish, caviar
Dairy Sweet cheeses, cream, salty cheeses
Cereals, legumes, pasta Semolina, rice, pasta
Fats Cooking and refractory fats
Vegetables Pickles, marinades
First meal Rich broths, milk soups
Fruits, berries, goodies Most dried fruits, jam, sugar, confectionery
Sauces and spices Mayonnaise, store-bought sauces (fatty, salty and spicy)
Beverages Sweet lemonades and juices

Nutritionist advice. When choosing foods with their ability to increase blood glucose, you need to use glycemic index(GI). GI indicators according to different authors are slightly different, which is due to the fact that the same product grown under different conditions may contain different quantity carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Culinary processing, the fiber content in it, as well as the characteristics of the dish’s consumption are also important. With a mixed diet, when several products with different GIs are used, the concentration of glucose in the blood increases more slowly compared to consuming a single product. Patients with diabetes are advised not only to reduce the amount of high GI foods, but also to consume them in combination with or after low GI foods. It is recommended to consume foods whose GI does not exceed 50. Among cereals, preference should be given to unpolished whole grains.

Indicative menu for the week

Menu for the week for diet 9

Day of the week Approximate diet
Mon Breakfast (09:00): buckwheat porridge with milk (250 g).

Second breakfast (11:00): low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).

Lunch (13:00): cabbage soup (200 g), boiled chicken (120 g).

Afternoon snack (16:00): orange.

Dinner (19:00): stewed cabbage (120 g), boiled fish (100 g).

Before bed: a glass of kefir

W Breakfast (09:00): oatmeal with apple (250 g).

Second breakfast (11:00): fruit jelly (100 g).

Lunch (13:00): pickle soup (200 g), boiled veal (120 g).

Afternoon snack (16:00): apple.

Dinner (19:00): mashed potatoes (120 g), steamed cutlet (100 g).

Before bed: a glass of yogurt

Wed Breakfast (09:00): protein omelet (180 g), tomato.

Second breakfast (11:00): apple.

Lunch (13:00): vegetable soup (200 g), pilaf (120 g).

Afternoon snack (16:00): berry mousse (120 g).

Dinner (19:00): boiled pollock (120 g), carrot salad(100 g).

Before bed: a glass of kefir

Thu Breakfast (09:00): cottage cheese casserole (200 g).

Second breakfast (11:00): grapefruit.

Lunch (13:00): lean borscht (200 g), stewed meat (120 g).

Afternoon snack (16:00): rosehip decoction (200 g), biscuits(30 g).

Dinner (19:00): meat with vegetables (250 g).

Before bed: a glass of yogurt

Fri Breakfast (09:00): barley porridge with milk (200 g), apple.

Second breakfast (11:00): yogurt with blueberries (80 g).

Lunch (13:00): mushroom puree soup (200 g), zucchini puree (80 g), boiled veal (80 g).

Afternoon snack (16:00): rosehip decoction (200 g), sandwich with cheese (50 g).

Dinner (19:00): cabbage schnitzel (150 g), veal steak (100 g).

Before bed: a glass of kefir

Sat Breakfast (09:00): oatmeal with berries (200 g).

Second breakfast (11:00): cottage cheese (100 g).

Lunch (13:00): pea soup (200 g), boiled meat (120 g).

Afternoon snack (16:00): vegetable juice(200 g), crackers (30 g).

Dinner (19:00): soft-boiled egg, vegetable salad (200 g).

Before bed: a glass of milk

Sun Breakfast (09:00): cottage cheese with fruit (180 g).

Second breakfast (11:00): bread with doctor’s sausage (50 g).

Lunch (13:00): vegetable soup (200 g), chicken soufflé (120 g).

Afternoon snack (16:00): fruit salad (150 g).

Dinner (19:00): boiled fish (100 g), vegetable stew(140 g).

Before bed: a glass of yogurt

Healthy recipes

Diet cutlets. For cooking you will need 200 g of lean meat, 30 g rye bread, 10 g butter, small onion, 40 ml low-fat milk, salt, seasonings.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the meat, remove tendons and pass through a meat grinder.
  • Soak the bread in milk.
  • Finely chop the onion and add to the minced meat.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Form into small patties and place on a greased baking sheet.
  • Cook for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.

Pollock in Tatar style. To prepare you will need 200 g of lean fish fillet, a quarter of a lemon, 30 g of low-fat sour cream, olives, herbs, olive oil.

Cooking process:

  • Add 20 ml of olive oil to the baking dish and place the fish pieces.
  • Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice.
  • Place in the oven preheated to 170 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes.
  • Then add sour cream, olives, zest, salt and simmer for another 20 minutes.
  • Before serving, add finely chopped herbs.

Diet pudding. The following ingredients will be required: 200 g of zucchini, 100 g of apples, 30 ml of milk, 4 tbsp. l. rye flour, egg, tbsp. l. butter, 40 g low-fat sour cream.

Cooking process:

  • Peel and seed the apples and grate them on a coarse grater, just like zucchini.
  • Add milk, flour, butter, egg, mix well.
  • Pour into the mold and place in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
  • You can season it with low-fat sour cream before serving.

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