Sperm pathology. Health of male reproductive cells. Oligospermia, hypovolumia, hypospermia

A kind of test for a man’s ability to reproduce. It is clear that the issue of deciphering the spermogram worries everyone. The spermogram includes a fairly long list of parameters - let's look at them in order.

Sperm analysis: what's what

Spermogram (spermogram) is a set of results of qualitative and quantitative research of seminal fluid. ABOUT normal indicators The quality of the semen is indicated by the following spermatogram indicators:

Volume: 2 - 7 ml.

Consistency: viscous.

Liquefaction time: 10-40 min. (The ejaculate during ejaculation is initially viscous, but after a while it liquefies. Atypical viscosity of the semen may be associated with impaired prostate function, for example, a disease such as prostatitis.)

Color: white, light gray (in some cases they say “opal”).

pH (acidity indicator): 7,2 -7,8

Sperm count: 20-120 million per milliliter.

Percentage of actively motile sperm: no less than 25%.

Percentage of weakly motile sperm: no less than 50%.

Percentage of immotile sperm: no more than 25%.

Percentage of sperm with abnormal shape and structure: no more than 30%.

Spermagglutination (gluing of sperm): absent.

Leukocytes (white blood cells): no more than 1 million ml.

Erythrocytes (red blood cells): No.

Macrophages (immune factor cells): No.

Sperm Analysis: Common Problems

When analyzing sperm, the following pathologies are most often detected:

Viscosopathy- the viscosity of the seed is higher than normal. With this disorder, it is difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterus, and accordingly, the chances of conceiving a child are reduced.

Polyspermy- too large ejaculate volume over 7 ml. May indicate prostate disease.

Oligospermia- the volume of ejaculate, on the contrary, is too small - less than 2 ml. With this pathology, it is difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterus.

Oligozoospermia- reduced concentration of sperm in the ejaculate (and the volume of ejaculate is normal). This spermogram result does not mean infertility.

Azoospermia - complete absence sperm in the sample. This spermogram result is disappointing, as it indicates infertility.

Asthenozoospermia - low mobility sperm. Could also be the reason male infertility.

Akinozoospermia- complete immobility of sperm, which means inability to fertilize.

Teratozoospermia- the ejaculate sample contains more than 50% of sperm with a disturbed structure. With such a spermogram result, you should refrain from conception until treatment, since the risk of miscarriage or the birth of a child with pathologies is too high.

Leukocytospermia- white blood cells(leukocytes) in sperm more than 1 million/ml. This may indicate inflammatory processes and infectious diseases in the genitourinary system.

Hemospermia- the presence of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the ejaculate. May indicate some urological diseases, less often - to be a symptom of prostate cancer (in old age).

Sperm analysis: how to interpret a spermogram

It should be remembered that the results of sperm analysis are quite subjective. Pathologies such as viscosity, oligospermia, oligozoospermia, asthenozoospermia, teratozoospermia only reduce statistical probability the onset of conception during a specific coitus, but does not mean at all that the man is infertile.

There are many cases where men became fathers whose sperm content in their ejaculate was less than 1% of the norm. Moreover, conception occurred in a natural way, without medical intervention.

In addition, the interpretation of the spermogram depends on... national characteristics. Thus, normal semen analysis values ​​may vary significantly among different races.

Do not forget that to obtain a reliable result, semen analysis must be taken at least three times.

A sperm is the smallest cell in a man's body, highly specialized and shaped in such a way that it can fulfill its only purpose - fertilize an egg.

Normally, sperm consist of one head, a body and a flagellum attached to it. The narrowing between the middle part (body) and the head is called the neck. The sperm head is normally oval, slightly flattened laterally, with a small depression on one side, which allows its shape to be characterized as “spoon-shaped”. This form is the norm for a male gamete. Head contains:

  1. An oval nucleus containing chromosomes.
  2. An acrosome is a special vesicle filled with enzymes that dissolve the egg membrane and allow penetration into the female gamete.
  3. Centrosome - participates in cell division and ensures the movement of the sperm tail.

The normal size of the sperm head is 5.0 x 3.5 x 2.5 µm in length, width and height, respectively. The middle part is somewhat thickened and penetrated by the cytoskeleton of the tail, which consists of hollow cylinders - microtubules. Around the cytoskeleton, winding around it in a spiral, is the mitochondria, which is composed of 28 mitochondria - sources of energy for movement. The sperm body is 4.5 microns in length (this is normal).

The tail, which consists of 11 fibrils, is attached to the back of the body. Two of them are supporting, the rest are located on the periphery and consist of interconnected microtubules. The tail can move in two planes, providing forward movement. The tail constitutes the longest part (45 microns is normal) of the sperm. When sperm matures, the head undergoes a number of changes that are determined by the function of the gamete.

To examine sperm, a spermogram is analyzed.

Such small size sperm facilitates their movement. Therefore, during maturation, the nucleus becomes compacted and part of the cytoplasm is displaced outside the cell. As a result, the head is significantly reduced without losing its properties. In order to determine a man's fertility or the cause of his infertility, sperm is studied and a spermogram is analyzed.

Study of male ejaculate

When analyzing spermograms, the following are taken into account:

  • Sperm volume, its characteristics (consistency, color).
  • Number of cells per unit volume.
  • Motility (activity) of sperm and the nature of their movement.
  • The presence of abnormalities in the structure of sperm.

It is the visual analysis of the spermogram that helps to identify anomalies and defects of the head. Despite the fact that the sperm may contain a certain number of sperm with defects or structural anomalies, and the sperm itself may differ from the norm in some respects, it is believed that fertilization is possible. Let's consider what the norm is when analyzing a spermogram, variants of the norm and anomalies. Thus, normally, sperm should contain less than 50% defective sperm.

Scientific studies have shown that conception is possible with 80% of sperm with developmental anomalies. In this case, not only the composition of the sperm is assessed, but also its volume. When analyzing a spermogram, the ratio of the number of sperm with defects and anomalies to the total volume of isolated sperm is taken into account. For various abnormalities of sperm motility, the following pathologies are diagnosed:

  • Asthenozoospermia (most sperm are immobile).
  • Akinospermia (all immobile).

Spermogram analysis is less informative than the specific Kruger analysis. This type spermogram analysis helps to evaluate morphological characteristics sperm. When examining sperm under a microscope using the Kruger scale, the characteristics of the sample are determined to be normal. For example:

  • The normal number of sperm in semen is 20 million/ml. A pathology is considered to be a smaller than normal number (oligozoospermia) or complete absence (azoospermia) of gametes in a semen sample.
  • The norm for the content of mobile cells is 25-30%. Pathology is noted when the number of actively motile sperm (category A) is less than 25%; weakly mobile (category A+B) less than 50% and weakly mobile (category C) more than 50%, immobile (category D) - more than 10%.
  • If there are some deviations from the norm that do not affect sperm fertility, the analysis results are indicated as “pathology normozoospermia”.
  • If all sperm characteristics are normal, then the result of the analysis is normospermia.
  • If the ratio of sperm with an anomaly to normal gametes exceeds the norm (less than 50%), a pathology is diagnosed - teratozoospermia.
  • If the volume of released sperm is insufficient (less than 2 ml), the pathology is oligospermia.

The norm for motile sperm is 25-30%.

Poorly moving sperm fall into different categories when analyzing their movement. So, if the sperm moves forward and in a straight line, but its speed is low (0.025 mm/s), then it belongs to category B. As a rule, the cause of the pathology is the age of the sperm (old sperm), a defect in the structure. A sperm that does not make a translational movement, but rotates in place (manege movement), is classified as category C. To determine the life expectancy of sperm, a spermogram is analyzed for the number of mobile forms at intervals of 3-6 hours. A pathology is considered if less than 10% of sperm move after 24 hours. What pathologies and defects of the sperm head are found during spermogram analysis?

Types of deformation

When a spermogram is analyzed, the pathology of the sperm head is necessarily noted, since the trajectory of movement and the ability to penetrate into the egg depend on its shape. In men with normal fertility, sperm analysis can reveal up to 20% of sperm with various defects. To analyze a spermogram for the presence of sperm shape anomalies, a stained smear of native (unprocessed) sperm is used. When analyzing a spermogram, cells with the following anomalies and defects of the head can be identified:

  1. An anomaly or defect in shape (pear-shaped, round, trapezoidal, conical).
  2. Pathology of size (too large - macrocephaly or small - microcephaly).
  3. Acrosome defect (absence, asymmetry of location; reduction in size).
  4. Pathology of the cytoplasmic drop (the drop is larger than 1/2 of the head or absent, located inside).
  5. Presence of a vacuole.
  6. Nuclear defects (location, absence of chromosomes, DNA fragmentation).

In addition to the listed pathologies, the spermogram may contain anomalies of forms with several heads or with defects in the attachment of the flagellum or various pathologies ponytail Defects in the structure of the head are a more severe pathology than, for example, an anomaly of the tail. Anomalies in the shape of the head prevent sperm from penetrating into the female gamete. The “spoon-shaped” shape promotes the rotation of the sperm around its axis, which allows the cell to move against the flow of fluid when crossing the female genital tract.

With pathology of size, the centering of the sperm is disrupted, the trajectory and speed of its movement changes, and the possibility of penetration into the egg is reduced. The acrosome and its contents are responsible for the ability of sperm to penetrate the egg. If the acrosome is abnormal or defective, its function is impaired and the likelihood of fertilization is reduced. The presence of a cytoplasmic drop inside the head indicates a pathology of the sperm maturation process. Normally, the cytoplasmic drop in a mature sperm is located in the middle section of the flagellum and does not exceed ½ the volume of the head.

When analyzing a spermogram, a pathology of the head may also be noted, such as the presence of vacuoles in it. They disrupt the density of the sperm head and contribute to the pathology of fertilization, the development of anomalies and embryo defects. Normally, during sperm maturation, the vacuole moves to the front part of the head, flattens and forms an umbrella-shaped structure on the surface of the nucleus shell. A defect, expressed in the presence of a vacuole in the gamete, indicates pathology at one of the stages of spermatogenesis.

With pathologies of the sperm, its speed and trajectory of movement changes.

Since during the process of fertilization only the head penetrates into the egg, the normal process of embryogenesis depends on the state of the nucleus and chromatin. A regular spermogram cannot show the pathology of the genetic material in the nucleus. One of the methods for assessing the degree of defects is the TUNEL method. Fragmentation of DNA strands is one of the causes of pathology of fetal development or infertility. Subsequently it is violated embryonic development and spontaneous abortion occurs. In this case, the results of the spermogram analysis may be normal. Chromatin fragmentation can be caused by:

  • Defects or anomalies in the "seal".
  • Oxidation processes.
  • Apoptosis.

There is a correlation between cell motility, the presence of a large number of sperm with abnormal morphology and chromatin fragmentation. The more severe the degree of oligozoospermia, the more likely it is to detect fragmented DNA. The introduction of antioxidants promotes the reverse process, in which chromatin defragmentation occurs. The above means that assessing the degree of DNA fragmentation is diagnostic method identifying the causes of male infertility and miscarriage with spermogram values ​​close to normal.

Effect of sexual activity on gamete morphology

Often, when receiving the results of a spermogram, a couple has a question: “Is it possible to have sex with a bad spermogram?” The quality of sperm does not affect sex. But it is possible to trace the relationship between the frequency of sex and the morphology of sperm. For example, regular sex:

  1. Improves sperm motility.
  2. Reduce the impact of free radicals.
  3. Prevents DNA fragmentation.

With regular sex, the quality of sperm increases.

Long-term abstinence leads to the accumulation of “old” and pathological forms of sperm. The influence of the frequency of sex on improving morphology was traced by a scientist from Australia D. Greenig and researchers from the UK. They also found a relationship between the frequency of sex and the success of conception. For example, couples who have sex once a week are less likely to get pregnant than couples who have sex every day or every other day. In addition, prolonged refusal or inability to make love:

  • Negatively affect hormonal levels and the nervous system.
  • Reduce fertility.
  • Increase the risk of abnormalities and pathologies of male germ cells.

Excessive exercise also affects sperm characteristics:

  • It becomes less thick.
  • The number of mature forms in it decreases.

A decrease in sperm count when having sex several times a day reduces the charge and promotes sperm agglutination. With prolonged abstinence from sex, a similar situation occurs, only negative radicals act on the charge. In addition, regular sex has a generally beneficial effect on the body of both partners. With age, the number of pathological forms of sperm in semen increases. Regular sex rejuvenates the body and “shifts” this period.

The fact that when having sex the partners are constant has a great influence on the morphology. Frequent change partner increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, which damages the structure of sperm (various defects) and negatively affects spermatogenesis. Regular sex increases the production of testosterone, which is important element spermatogenesis. Thus, one of the recipes for improving sperm count is regular sex with a regular partner.

Each man is distinguished by individual fertility, the degree of which depends primarily on the quality of the seed material. When spouses are unable to get pregnant for some time, they turn to specialists at a fertility clinic, where the man can hear a diagnosis of normozoospermia.

Normozoospermia - what is this diagnosis?

So what is this normozoospermia? In fact, this is the result of a spermogram, indicating the absence of pathologies in male reproductive function. It is considered normal if there are about 60-120 million motile sperm in the partner’s sperm.

If diagnostics show that the semen contains more than 50% of such sperm, then the spouses should not have problems conceiving, provided that the woman is healthy.

However, established normozoospermia is only a superficial study, in which a man may still face the problem of getting his partner pregnant. Why is this possible? It’s just that the fertilizing ability of seed material is influenced by a lot of factors such as sperm viscosity, psychological mood and the condition of the man, sperm motility, etc. Therefore, even with normozoospermia, obstacles to conception may arise.
In the video, spermatozoa with normozoospermia:

Spermogram results

A spermogram is a study of seminal fluid, as a result of which one can understand how many active and viable gametes are present in the seminal fluid. A spermogram is taken naturally through masturbation. Based on the results of the microscopic examination the man receives a spermogram with a corresponding conclusion, which, in addition to normozoospermia, also indicates the main indicators of the condition of the sperm, which can be used to judge the patient’s reproductive capabilities.

Normally the result should look something like this:

Criterion Index
ColorGrayish white
Not less than 2 ml
Liquefaction timeAbout 10-40 minutes
Number of sperm in ejaculateFrom 40 to 500 million
Number of sperm in 1 ml of sperm20-120 million
Actively motile spermMinimum 25%
Sperm with poor motilityMinimum 50%
Non-progressively motile spermMaximum 50%
Immotile or pathological spermMaximum 50%
Number of round cellsMaximum 5 million
LeukocytesNo more than 3-5 in sight

Also, the spermogram may indicate the duration of sexual abstinence before analysis, the presence or absence of pathogenic microorganisms such as yeast or gonococci, etc.
The video shows normal sperm parameters:

Deviations from the norm

But the indicators are not always within the normal range; sometimes they are observed various kinds deviations like:

  • Semen pathology in the form of abnormal pH or non-liquefaction of the ejaculate;
  • Abnormally high performance viscosity;
  • Agglutinations;
  • Aggregations.

Very important For successful fertilization has the pH of sperm. The female reproductive tract is characterized by an acidic environment. If the sperm has salt levels, then the sperm will die in the vagina without even reaching the uterus. Therefore, conception with such a violation is impossible.

When examining sperm, specialists pay attention to its viscosity. If viscosity syndrome is detected, in which viscosity is increased, then the likelihood of fertilization literally disappears, because sperm cannot move at the required speed. Normozoospermia with seminal fluid pathology often occurs when a man has varicocele and various types of genitourinary inflammatory infections.

Normozoospermia with aggregation is pathological condition, in which sperm adhere to various components such as epithelium or mucus. Because of this, the processes of diluting the seminal fluid last much longer. Similar deviations are observed in patients with chronic genitourinary pathologies like prostatitis, orchitis, inflammation of the vas deferens. The onset of conception during aggregation is almost impossible.

In normozoospermia with agglutination, sperm actively stick together, which is caused by disturbances in immunological processes and due to the formation of specific substances on sperm, which lead to the gluing of germ cells. Normozoospermia with agglutination often develops against the background of scrotal trauma or genitourinary inflammation.

If, with normozoospermia, signs of agglutination or aggregation are detected, this means that the patient’s sperm are practically or completely unsuitable for conception.

With such a diagnosis, getting pregnant is not only difficult, but also quite dangerous. Due to the gluing of sperm, their structure is disrupted, which can lead to the birth of a baby with dangerous genetic congenital anomalies and pathologies.

How to improve sperm quality

As a rule, if no pathological abnormalities are found, then gentle diet therapy is recommended for patients. If increased viscosity is detected or hormonal imbalance Hormone therapy is indicated to compensate for the deficiency of testosterone hormone. The therapeutic nutrition program is aimed at overall improvement of sperm quality and includes foods rich in tocopherol and ascorbic acid, vitamins B and D, and microelements such as selenium and zinc.

To improve the quality of seed material it is necessary:

  1. Give up unhealthy habits such as drinking strong drinks or smoking tobacco, because these hobbies provoke a deterioration in the quality of seed material;
  2. Refuse junk food like fast food, processed foods or fatty foods;
  3. Love sports, otherwise insufficient physical activity will provoke pelvic congestion, against the background of which circulatory disorders and inflammatory processes will begin to develop;
  4. Even just 10 minutes of exercise in the morning can achieve incredible results. In addition, by playing sports, a man helps the body produce testosterone hormone;
  5. If a man’s professional activity is related to chemicals, then the spermogram worsens significantly in 90% of such patients. If a man does not change his occupation, he risks remaining childless forever.

Men's diet must include meat products and nuts, vegetables and legumes, seafood, etc.
The video shows tips on how to improve sperm quality:


In all cases, agglutination or aggregation is a consequence inflammatory lesions in the pelvic region. The pathology will not go away on its own; it must be treated. If the resulting spermogram indicates normozoospermia with agglutination or aggregation, then you need to immediately begin therapeutic actions. The appropriate course of treatment should be prescribed by a qualified urologist.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process, for which the urologist prescribes antibiotic therapy taking into account the causative agent of the pathology. The man is also prescribed microelements and vitamin complexes so that sperm recovers faster after treatment. The prognosis for cure is generally good; such pathologies are usually eliminated through drug therapy.

Is it possible to get pregnant?

Normozoospermia is a fairly common diagnosis and means that seminal fluid of normal quality and meets all requirements. Therefore, with a healthy wife, problems with conception should not arise. But if normozoospermia in the husband is accompanied by the above pathological abnormalities, then you may not get pregnant.

If the treatment is carried out efficiently and in a timely manner, then with normozoospermia there are no problems with conception. But in especially advanced and complex cases, after treatment, you may need the help of a reproductive specialist to become pregnant using artificial methods.

Pathological forms sperm are determined using a spermogram. Today you will find out the reasons for the development of abnormal structure of gametes and what is the likelihood of conceiving a child married couple.

Statistics now, unfortunately, show sad reproductive rates for the strong half of humanity.

Only 60% of men after conservative treatment various abnormalities associated with seminal fluid can restore the ability to conceive.

The composition of live bait is influenced by many factors, among the main ones are poor ecology, poor lifestyle, bad habits and substances. Let's look at it in detail below.

Why does abnormal sperm development occur?

The fact that a man has poor seminal fluid with developmental abnormalities can only be revealed when planning a pregnancy and if a married couple is unable to conceive a child.
The defectiveness of gametes is determined using a spermogram.

It can be taken in all medical institutions, specializing in pregnancy planning, or in independent laboratories.

A spermogram shows the pathology of sperm, their structure, structure, mobility and how likely it is to prevent infertility through conservative treatment. It is necessary to prepare for it so that the results of the analysis are not distorted.

How to take a spermogram correctly:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 5 days, do not masturbate.
  • The collection of ejaculate is carried out in specialized laboratories with special rooms where a man collects it through masturbation.
  • You can collect the analysis at home, but provided that you have time to bring it within 1 hour in a special container (take it in advance).

It is with the help of analysis that the diagnosis and picture of sperm pathology will be determined. There are several types of the disease - aspermia, oligospermia, azoospermia, ostenozoospermia, teratozoospermia.

Deformed cells can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Crashes in endocrine system And hormonal background men.
  2. Stress, prolonged depression, psychological shock.
  3. Heredity and location at the genetic level.
  4. Age-related changes. A man over 38 years of age has a risk of developing anomalies.
  5. STIs, viral and bacterial infections may have a detrimental effect on the results.
  6. Bad habits, alcoholism and drug addiction, as everyone knows, destroy the structure and structure of sperm.
  7. Testicular injuries, inflammatory processes of the scrotum.
  8. Varicocele, hydrocele, orchitis and even inguinal hernia may affect seminal fluid.
  9. Working with harmful substances and chemicals.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health at any age in order to avoid infertility or the birth of a long-awaited child with severe disabilities.


One of the causes of infertility in men is head and tail defects, which means “ugly sperm” and the percentage of such specimens in the ejaculate should be no more than 15-20%.

This pathology can be either temporary or fraught with the risk that a man will remain infertile forever. Therefore, the help of a qualified doctor is necessary when planning a pregnancy.

With this anomaly, sperm in large numbers have a defective morphology, i.e. irregular shape head and tail. At what time does the anomaly appear?

Sperm abnormalities occur regardless of age-related changes(although it is also an important factor), many reasons influence the development of sperm in the ejaculate.

Above we described the main ones. With teratozoospermia, the conception of a child is reduced to zero; IVF is often offered for such pathology ( artificial insemination), if conservative treatment does not help.

With this method, the healthiest and most active are selected, there is no risk of conceiving a baby with pathologies. This type of abnormal development is difficult to treat. The prognosis is bleak; according to statistics, 10% of couples remain infertile.

Tests and diagnostics

The norm of living creatures per 2 ml of ejaculate is only 40 million. Of these, defective, inactive and dead - a large number of. When the ejaculate decreases, there is a possibility of infertility.

For this purpose, a spermogram is prescribed in several stages to exclude the presence of problems with the man. reproductive function, as well as others additional tests. You need to contact an andrologist for advice.

What to take?

  1. Ultrasound of testicles and genitourinary system.
  2. Blood for hormones.
  3. STIs, HIV, syphilis.
  4. Analysis of genetics and heredity, for the presence/absence of extra chromosomes.

Decoding the norm of sperm in the ejaculate

Table of sperm norms in ejaculate

Indicators Norm
Volume2 or more ml
ColorGrey, white-gray
SmellSpecific (raw chestnut)
pH (hydrogen value)7-8
LiquefactionUp to 1 hour
Structure of ejaculate (viscosity)Up to 0.5 cm
DensityPer 1 ml/120 million
Total sperm count40-600 million (Density P x Volume V)
Sperm motilityCategory A - normal sperm (>50%);
Category B - slow sperm (up to 20%);
Category C - lazy sperm with oscillatory movements (up to 20%);
Category D - immotile sperm (up to 20%).
Morphologically normal spermCapable of fertilization, according to scientists, should be at least 50%
Live (motile) sperm >50%
Immature spermNo more than 5%
Sperm agglutinationSperm glued together should not appear in the spermogram at all.
LeukocytesUp to 4 in sight
Red blood cellsNo
Amyloid bodiesNo
Lecithin grainsNo

It is quite important that the spermogram is read by a qualified laboratory assistant-spermiologist; the diagnosis and prescription of treatment depend on the correct interpretation. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with infertility, do not despair; retake it in another independent laboratory.


Treatment of a disease in which abnormal sperm develops requires a professional and conservative approach. First of all, the technique is aimed at preventing the occurrence of deformation and death of sperm in the ejaculate.

Quite common when interpreting a spermogram is the following dynamics of frequently identified sperm pathologies:

  • inactive – up to 80% of detected deviations;
  • dead – 40%;
  • sluggish – 40-50%;
  • deformed – up to 20%.

For severe infertility in men, it is suggested artificial methods(IVF PIXIE and ICSI).

Types of therapy:

  • Surgical intervention (for example, for varicocele).
  • Stimulating sperm production with the help of medications - “Spematon”, “Spermaktin”, “Speman”, “Tribestan”, “Verona”, “Viardo”.
  • Micro-TESE testicular biopsy to obtain sperm using an invasive method.
  • Vitamin therapy.

In many cases, when the underlying disease is eliminated, the number and quality of cells returns to normal.

In parallel with treatment, it is necessary to conduct healthy image life, give up bad habits and, where possible, prevent work with chemicals and radioactive substances. Subscribe to our website. Learn a lot of new information. Be healthy!

The morphology of a spermogram is an analysis that determines the exact and numerical indicators of content that have a natural structure and are capable of fertility (fertilization).

Why are such tests done?

Based on the results of a spermogram, you can find out about a man’s health status, detect prostatitis and infectious diseases. If you have been planning to conceive for a long time, but there are no results yet, a study of the ejaculate to determine the number of sperm will help you find out the reasons. If there is infertility, the results of a spermogram will help the specialist prescribe effective therapy. Indications for the examination:

  • childlessness of the couple; donating sperm for analysis is used to confirm or rule out infertility in spouses due to lack of fertilization in the man;
  • vasectomy (ligation of the vas deferens) - after such an operation its effectiveness is monitored; there should be no sperm in the ejaculate;
  • is allowed only based on the results of such a test;
  • (low temperature preservation).

for analysis

According to the instructions of the World Health Organization, the process of donating sperm should be carried out through masturbation, and not through stopped sexual intercourse or another method. The test (spermogram) is taken in a specially designated room in the laboratory. The door to the room is closed from the inside by the patient himself. To ensure that ejaculate is collected without difficulty, you can use erotic magazines in the office. There are some requirements:

  • It takes 3-4 days to prepare for the analysis;
  • needs to be reduced physical exercise 7-14 days before ejaculate examination;
  • abstain from sexual intercourse 3-7 days before sperm donation;
  • do not take hot baths for a week, and also do not go to the sauna;
  • do not drink alcohol, drugs or smoke;
  • 2-3 weeks before the examination, stop taking medications, dietary supplements, and, if necessary, consult with the doctor who prescribed the spermogram.

Taking the ejaculate test a second time requires following the same rules. To correctly evaluate the results, you need to take the material multiple times. If, as a result of the first test, the specialist said that it was unsuccessful, then do not be upset. The morphology of a repeated spermogram may differ in completely different characteristics. Changing them can have an impact on the interpretation of the study transcript.

Method of obtaining material

The entire ejaculate of the man is submitted for examination. There are laboratories that accept condoms containing male semen for analysis. No more than 3 hours should pass from the start of receiving the material to the time of its testing, otherwise the long-awaited result will be unreliable. The sample itself should ideally be obtained directly from the laboratory. The semen is immediately sent for sperm analysis.

What indicators are normal?

How is ejaculate analyzed? The laboratory performs micro- and macroscopic examination of sperm, as well as special tests that make it possible to talk about the presence of inflammatory processes or causes of infertility. What are the macroscopic indicators of ejaculate?

  1. A correct spermogram is when the normal volume of material is from 2 to 5 ml; if less, then there may be oligospermia. Reason reduced amount may be an inflammatory condition of the prostate, because 2/3 of the ejaculate volume in this case is mucus.
  2. The acidity of sperm is determined using an additional test strip, which shows the saturation of hydrogen ions. With normal indicators, it should be 7.6-8. An acid reaction may occur if there is inflammation of the testicles or prostate.
  3. Sperm dissolution period. Usually, after ejaculation, the ejaculate has a viscous consistency, and then it liquefies over the course of 15 minutes. An increase in this period indicates a reduced ability of sperm to fertilize an egg.
  4. Color. A correct spermogram assumes that the material has White color. Golden-green and yellow coloring of the ejaculate indicates inflammation of the genitourinary system. Colorless seed indicates a decrease in the number of sperm.

Sperm structure disorders

When assessing sperm morphology, specialists may observe sperm defects such as:

  • abnormal head shape;
  • absence of a chromosome;
  • irregular tail shape;
  • the presence of vacuole erythrocytes in the head;
  • bending and thickening of the tail.

It is important to know that a small number of unhealthy sperm when assessing the result is not considered a violation. However correct diagnosis Only the attending physician can diagnose.

Poor sperm morphology: reasons

The main factors that can worsen the quality of ejaculate:

  • constant drinking and smoking;
  • poor nutrition;
  • great physical activity;
  • taking drugs;
  • tight underwear;
  • varicocele;
  • frequent contact with various toxic chemicals;
  • experiences and stress;
  • ailments of the genitourinary system (urethritis, prostatitis);
  • passive lifestyle;
  • regular trips to the sauna;
  • existing sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis).

What examinations need to be taken

Before starting any activity aimed at changing the morphology of sperm, you should undergo a full andrological analysis, which includes the following steps:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate, as well as the organs of the scrotum (Dopplerography);
  • bacterioscopic test of ejaculate.

In addition, the detailed motility of the spermogram is studied. When all these examinations are completed and the results are in the hands of the patient, the specialist will be able to identify the reasons for the formation existing anomalies and create a course of therapy. Treatment will be aimed primarily at eliminating factors leading to the occurrence of pathological processes.

How to improve sperm morphology

To increase the quality and quantity of sperm, you need to maintain a healthy and active image life. At the same time, the impact of the reasons listed above should also be eliminated.

Must be consumed more products, improving sperm quality. This:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • raisins, prunes, dried apricots;
  • wheat bran;
  • natural honey;
  • red meat (beef, veal);
  • seafood;
  • greens (cilantro, parsley, celery);
  • bakery products made from wholemeal flour;
  • legumes.

Moreover, doctors advise men to eat foods containing ascorbic acid (fruits, vegetables) and folic acid.


Zinc (it helps increase sexual activity and potency, and also accelerates the generation of testosterone) and vitamin C (improves blood flow) significantly increase the vital activity and energy of sperm. As for zinc, it is contained in considerable doses in pumpkin seed oil, oatmeal, legumes, buckwheat, liver. Itself can be found in rose hips, citrus fruits and black currant. How to improve the morphology of a spermogram is now probably clear to everyone.

You should know that you should never self-medicate, and also take it for both partners. ascorbic acid without consulting a doctor. After all, only he can select the required dose, taking into account the patient’s existing diseases and contraindications.

Has a positive effect on the quality of ejaculate and folic acid, which improves sperm formation. Experts prescribe this medication about 3-4 months before the planned conception. The test (spermogram is meant) can also be improved by consuming vitamin A - it takes part in the production of sex hormones and accelerates sperm production.

If we are talking about vitamins belonging to group B, then they promote the production of testosterone and make it possible to increase sperm activity. And vitamin E, while maintaining the appropriate level of production of sex hormones, increases the ability to fertilize, reducing the number of abnormal sperm. When it comes to micronutrients, men benefit from selenium. Thus, its absence can cause infertility. Besides, important role Arginine and magnesium play a role.

Types of medication groups

In order for the morphology of the spermogram to be with good results, you can take some medications:

  • homeopathic solutions;
  • biologically active additives;
  • medications based on natural substances.


Today you can hear a lot good reviews about drugs such as:

  • vitamins "Gerimaks";
  • "Tribestan";
  • "Wobenzym";
  • "Viardot";
  • "Speman";
  • Vitaprost suppositories;
  • "Tentex forte";
  • various types of biostimulants (based on eleutherococcus, ginseng and lemongrass);
  • Hel medicines (“Ubiquinone compositum”, “Testis compositum”, “Coenzyme”);
  • "Profertil";
  • "Spermaplant."

All these drugs are taken only in consultation with a doctor.

Probability of natural fertilization

Deteriorated sperm morphology is not always an indicator of infertility in men, but any pathology can have an adverse effect on the ability to conceive. The higher the number of sperm with a disturbed structure in the ejaculate, the lower the possibility of fertilization and the development of a full pregnancy. For example, if the structure of the tail of the male reproductive cell is disrupted, sperm motility is significantly reduced. This makes it difficult for him to access the egg. If there is a pathology of the head, then the results are the same - inability to conceive. Such sperm are unable to enter the egg. If this does happen, the formation of the fetus is usually accompanied by anomalies, and the pregnant woman may experience a miscarriage at first.

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