Peristalsis does not work well. Restoration of intestinal motility disorders

The digestive system is one of the most important mechanisms in human life. With age, he loses his abilities, which is why problems begin. Therefore, everyone should know why intestinal peristalsis is needed and how to improve it?

Few people know what intestinal peristalsis is. This concept refers to wave-like contractions of the intestines, which allow food to pass further through the intestinal canal and form into feces. With proper contractions, normal digestive processes are observed. With coordinated work, all microelements must remain in the body, and everything else comes out along with feces during bowel movements.

Let's figure out what intestinal motility is and how to prevent problems with it. For the healthy functioning of the intestinal tract, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and physical activity. If two rules are not followed and there is bad habits, a person’s ability to work decreases, he becomes lethargic and irritable.

Peristalsis begins to occur when the stomach fills with food. Fine duodenum contracts up to ten to twelve times per minute, small intestine - nine times per minute, colon and rectum - three times per minute. If there are problems with intestinal motility, the patient complains of constipation or diarrhea.

Causes of peristalsis disorders

Impaired intestinal motility can occur at any age.

The reasons for the unfavorable process are:

  • permanent stressful situations and overload nervous system;
  • poor nutrition in the form of fasting, overeating, refusal to eat, consumption of heavy and unhealthy foods;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • long-term use of anesthetics;
  • the occurrence of regular dysbacteriosis;
  • infection of the intestinal canal;
  • the appearance of tumor-like formations;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • detection of helminthic infection;
  • mental problems;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

In some cases, the harbingers of impaired intestinal motility are the occurrence of various diseases that affect the direct functioning of the digestive canal.

IN childhood reasons may be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • regular experiences;
  • Not proper nutrition or weaning;
  • supply of a small amount of water.

Doctors often advise giving children massage and providing them with drinking regime. In childhood, digestive function is restored much faster than in adults.

In older people, the reasons lie in low physical activity. They prefer to be in a lying or sitting position more, as a result of which constipation is observed. Also, intestinal motility may be disrupted as a result of previously suffered surgical intervention. At this age, it is much more difficult for patients to endure all procedures, and the body takes several times longer to recover.

Disruption of intestinal peristalsis is observed during pregnancy. In the first trimester the problem arises due to changes hormonal levels. Due to sufficient progesterone production, long-term constipation. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus is actively growing. The enlarged uterus squeezes more and more each time internal organs, including the intestinal tract.

Symptoms of impaired intestinal motility

Poor peristalsis does not allow a person to live fully. He is constantly tormented by unpleasant sensations.

The main symptoms of the development of the problem are usually:

  1. rapid painful sensations in the abdominal area;
  2. periodic occurrence of spasms;
  3. flatulence and bloating;
  4. bowel dysfunction in the form of diarrhea or constipation;
  5. weight gain or loss;
  6. deterioration general condition;
  7. development of symptoms of intoxication.

In childhood, symptoms of intestinal motility disorders include the following:

  • irritability and nervousness;
  • restless sleep;
  • causeless crying.

If such unpleasant symptoms occur, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Enhanced peristalsis of the intestinal canal

Peristalsis can have a different character: weakened or enhanced. But in both cases it leads to the development of adverse consequences.

Increased intestinal motility is characterized by symptoms such as regular diarrhea up to eight times a day. In this case, a person loses a lot of water, salts and microorganisms, which leads to direct dehydration.

Common reasons are:

  • the occurrence of cancer;
  • intestinal infection;
  • diseases of the intestinal canal of an acute and chronic nature;
  • dysbiosis.

Increased intestinal motility can act as a protective function when exposed to harmful effects. In addition to all this, the patient complains of gas formation and flatulence.

Before you start therapeutic measures, you must first recognize the reasons.

When the first symptoms appear, the patient should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor listens to complaints and palpates the abdomen. Based on the data after palpation, an examination is already prescribed. This includes:

  • submitting stool for analysis;
  • donating blood for general analysis;
  • carrying out x-ray examination with contrast agent;
  • performing colonoscopy and endoscopy;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • performing a biopsy for histological examination.

The entire examination takes from seven to fourteen days. If the body detects pathological process and the cause of development is recognized, the patient is prescribed therapeutic measures.

Treatment of intestinal motility disorders

How to improve intestinal motility? This question interests many patients. Treatment of impaired performance digestive system is to carry out integrated approach. The patient is prescribed medications, diet is adjusted and advised to perform gymnastic exercises. Treatment with folk remedies shows good results.

Drug therapy

How to strengthen intestinal motility? In modern times, pharmaceutical companies offer big list drugs. But they should be taken only after the recommendation of a doctor.

If the patient has weak peristalsis intestines, then he is prescribed:

  • laxatives that affect the entire intestinal canal. These include Epsom and Glauber's salts. These remedies are the strongest and fastest acting. The result can be seen in just one hour;
  • laxatives that affect the small intestine. This includes Castor oil. Its use ensures the movement of contents in the intestinal canal, and the effect occurs after two to three hours;
  • laxatives that affect the large intestine. They are of plant and synthetic origin. This may include glycerin suppositories, drops based on herbal extracts, Guttalax or Phenolphthalein.

To improve intestinal motility, drugs such as antipsychotics, tranquilizers and antidepressants can be prescribed. They affect the nervous system and improve psychological condition sick.


How to restore intestinal motility? In most cases, patients benefit from following a simple diet.

Products that improve intestinal motility can be distinguished in the form of:

  • cold drinks in the form of berry and fruit juices, compotes, kvass, wine;
  • fresh dairy products;
  • ice cream;
  • vegetables with high content fiber in the form of cabbage, radish, beets, carrots;
  • fruit. These include watermelons, melons, sour apples, apricots and plums, persimmons;
  • dried fruits These include raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat and barley porridge;
  • greens and nuts.

If the digestive canal does not work, then products that stimulate intestinal motility are prescribed vegetable oils from olives, sesame seeds, flax seeds.

Treatment that enhances motor function, should be aimed at consumption large quantity fresh vegetables. There is no need to allow long breaks between meals. A great option would be five meals a day.

To reduce the motor function of the intestinal tract, you need to include foods in the diet in the form of:

  • hot tea, coffee and cocoa;
  • red wine;
  • white bread;
  • chocolate;
  • berry jelly;
  • pearl barley, rice and semolina porridge;
  • pureed soups and purees;
  • meat dishes;
  • eggs and butter.

When the intestinal canal is working hard, it is better to drink milk instead of kefir.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to strengthen intestinal motility? To improve the functioning of the digestive canal, you can resort to using traditional methods.

There are several effective recipes.

  1. First way. Laxative mixture.

    To prepare it, you need to take one spoon of wheat grains, two apples, two spoons of rolled oats, honey, nuts and lemon. All ingredients are crushed and mixed together. Then add a spoonful of water and lemon juice. Everything is mixed well.

    The finished product should be consumed several times a day, one or two spoons.

  2. Second way. Mixture based on dried fruits.

    To make the medicine you need to take four hundred grams of prunes and pitted dried apricots. The ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, after which two tablespoons of propolis, a pack of senna grass and two hundred milliliters of honey are added to them.

    All components are thoroughly mixed together. The finished medicine should be taken two spoons before resting at night. At the same time, drink plenty of liquid.

Gymnastics for the abdomen

To normalize the functioning of the digestive canal, sports such as tennis, swimming, running and horse riding are suitable. You can do some exercises at home.

  1. First exercise.

    The patient needs to lie on his back and raise his legs up. It is necessary to perform movements like on a bicycle, only additional tone is produced muscle structures press. This will increase blood flow in the pelvic organs.

  2. Second exercise.

    The patient needs to take supine position and grab your legs bent at the knees, and then. You must remain in this position for several seconds.

  3. Third exercise.

    It is necessary to pump up your abs every day. It is best to perform the training in morning hours after sleep, without getting out of bed. It is enough to perform the swing ten to twenty times.

All therapeutic measures to improve peristalsis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. It is better to follow gymnastics and diet constantly, and periodically you need to clean the intestinal canal.

Probably in modern world The most common problem of the gastrointestinal tract is a disruption in the functioning of the intestine, that is, problems with its peristalsis, and both the small intestine and the large intestine are affected by disturbances.

The process of intestinal peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of its walls, which ensures the movement of food bolus from the upper intestinal tract.

Inhibition of intestinal motility processes leads, firstly, to a slowdown in the absorption of all nutrients, and secondly, a slowdown in the elimination of waste residues from the body and, as a consequence, clogging of the body with waste and toxins. Increased intestinal peristalsis, on the contrary, is an accelerated contraction of the intestine and, as a result, increased bowel movements, while the stool is liquid, almost watery, and can be foamy.

Symptoms of bowel dysfunction

The intensity of abdominal pain can vary greatly - from a slightly noticeable malaise to severe cramps. Often these symptoms depend on the time of day, for example, at night the pain subsides, but during breakfast it returns with renewed vigor. Also, attacks of pain can be caused by nervous strain or physical exertion.

  • Intestinal bloating and increased gas production.
  • Excess weight caused by metabolic disorders.
  • The appearance of allergies, acne, pustules on the skin, provoked by general intoxication of the body.
  • Defecation disorders.

More often, disturbances in intestinal motility are accompanied by constipation, but sometimes, when it sharply increases, constipation can be replaced by severe diarrhea. If treatment is not carried out, the symptoms will become chronic, and only enemas or laxatives can help to empty the intestines. General deterioration in health – weakness, irritability, insomnia.

All these symptoms cannot be ignored; you should go to a gastroenterologist so that he can promptly prescribe treatment and prescribe the appropriate medications.


What most often causes intestinal dysfunction?

  • Chronic intestinal pathologies.
  • Excess of high-calorie foods in the diet.
  • Insufficient physical exercise.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Neoplasms in the intestinal cavity.
  • Advanced age.
  • Abdominal surgeries.
  • Medicines that affect intestinal motility, taken for a long time.

Ways to improve intestinal motility

Very often, in order to debug the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, no need to assign special treatment, it’s enough just to reconsider your lifestyle.

Movement is life

Insufficient physical activity leads to lethargy of the entire muscle corset, including the abdominal muscles, which stimulate intestinal activity. That is why problems with it most often occur in people engaged in sedentary activities. Morning exercises and walks in the air are an excellent treatment for the current situation.

No cigarette

Tobacco smoke, of course, stimulates intestinal motility, but over time, one becomes accustomed to it, and the intestines cannot work without additional stimuli.

No need to be nervous

Unfortunately or fortunately, we cannot do without stress in our lives, but it would be good to learn not to get upset over trifles. Still, calmness and presence of mind in any situation is the cure for many diseases.

Add water

Dry food not only inhibits intestinal motility, but can also damage its delicate mucosa (both the small and large intestines can be affected), which can aggravate the symptoms of disorders and lead to the development of inflammatory processes, including ulcers. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you should drink a glass of any liquid, preferably kefir. Kefir, in addition to moisturizing the walls of the stomach and intestines, heals the microflora gastrointestinal tract with the help of bifidobacteria present in kefir.

You should also make sure you drink enough fluids throughout the day. If the situation is such that you need to stimulate the intestines, it is better to replace strong tea and coffee with juices - carrot, pumpkin, plum or beetroot. It is very beneficial for the intestines to drink a glass of any fermented milk drink at the end of the day, preferably without sugar or flavorings.

Healthy eating

This point is probably the most important of all listed. Because of poor nutrition, what in modern life most often means the constant consumption of flour and butter; putrefactive and fermentation processes develop in the intestines. After some time, the large intestine becomes clogged with so-called “fecal stones,” which lead not only to damage to the intestinal mucosa and constipation, but also to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which, in turn, leads to hemorrhoids and polyps.

Meals should be ordered, preferably four times a day. Breakfast and dinner are light, afternoon snack is quite filling, but not heavy, for lunch you should definitely eat a hot first course - soup, borscht, cabbage soup and so on. If you feel hungry during the break between meals, you don’t need to overdo yourself, you should have a little snack, but eat something healthy - a banana, yogurt, a piece of bread and butter. The menu must include foods rich in fiber and bread with bran, but there should be as little fried and smoked meats as possible.

Gymnastics to improve intestinal motility

In the mornings for nine days, without getting out of bed, index finger With your left hand, press on the navel until you begin to feel a rhythmic pulse beating. The well-known exercise “Bicycle” helps with intestinal problems.

Home remedies to improve intestinal motility

It is not necessary to run to the pharmacy at the first symptoms of a digestive system disorder to purchase medications chemically synthesized. To get started, you can use homemade recipes.

Recipe 1: Grind 400 grams of dried apricots and prunes in a meat grinder, add a pack of dry senna herb (it’s sold at the pharmacy), add 200 grams of fresh liquid honey and 10 milliliters of 20% propolis. It turns out almost like jam. You need to eat it during evening tea, 1-2 teaspoons.

Recipe 2: Melt 100 grams of wax in a water bath, add 5-7 milliliters of propolis extract, wait until the mixture becomes homogeneous, cool slightly and form small candles from it. Place them in the refrigerator (not the freezer!) until they completely harden. You can also treat the intestines with the help of medical suppositories with propolis. You can buy them at the pharmacy, but it is quite possible to prepare such a drug at home.

Pharmacy drugs

Pharmacies offer a fairly wide selection of drugs to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, intestinal function is normalized by such drugs as dulcolax, guttalax, slakap, regulax, bisacodyl, proserin, vasopressin. However, we must not forget that only a doctor can decide what kind of treatment is required and recommend these and similar medications.

Any malfunction of the digestive system can lead to the development serious illnesses other organs. At the same time, immunity decreases and the general condition of the body worsens. That is why, to get rid of a wide variety of diseases, many experts recommend immediately changing your eating habits and following a diet.

The condition of the digestive tract itself directly depends on intestinal motility. Any of its disorders, called dyskinesia, lead to unpleasant consequences, which will be described in detail below. At the same time, they can be easily eliminated, thanks to which the normal operation digestive system.

Determination of intestinal motility

What is intestinal peristalsis? Have you ever wondered what happens in the body with any food a person eats? First, it enters the stomach, where it is digested using the mucous membrane produced of hydrochloric acid and turns into a so-called food bolus. At the last stage, this same lump moves into the rectum through wave-like contractions of the intestine.

It is these movements that are called peristalsis. In the walls of the intestine there are smooth muscles located in two layers, perpendicular to each other. Their coordinated contractions form a “wave” that brings the food bolus to anus. The speed of its movement can be completely different depending on the circumstances. For example, along small intestine the lump moves either very slowly, or, on the contrary, very quickly. This mainly depends on the characteristics of the food consumed. In the colon, wave-like contractions slow down, but powerful movements occur several times during the day, which help move the lump towards the outlet.

Peristalsis occurs immediately after any food enters the gastrointestinal tract. The frequency of smooth muscle contractions depends on the specific part of the intestine and can be:

  • up to 3 within a minute in the rectum;
  • 3 or 4 contractions per minute in the large intestine;
  • 9-10 v small intestine;
  • about ten contractions in the duodenum.

When smooth muscle function slows down, serious problems with bowel movements (constipation), and metabolism also worsens. Because of this, the entire body suffers. First there is weakness and feeling constant fatigue, and then any diseases of the digestive tract and other organs may develop.

How to recognize slow intestinal motility?

Improper functioning of intestinal smooth muscles can be identified by a number of signs. The most important of them include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen. They may resemble contractions (women will understand), or they may be weak aching character. The bolus of food begins to decompose, which leads to. They can prevent a person from falling asleep and cause serious discomfort. The pain is felt especially acutely after eating, as well as after drinking drinks containing caffeine;
  • constipation already mentioned above, which can only be relieved with the use of an enema. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, after a while the intestines will generally stop emptying on their own;
  • bloating, which is a consequence of increased gas formation;
  • the appearance of problems with excess weight;
  • intoxication of the body. The food bolus quickly decomposes, releasing toxic substances, which lead to poisoning. At the same time, the person begins to suffer from severe allergic reactions, the oiliness of the hair sharply increases, the condition of the skin worsens;
  • deterioration of the general condition of the body. It is expressed in sleep disturbances, lethargy and apathy, a person begins to rage with or without reason.

All these phenomena can be eliminated if you immediately seek the help of a gastroenterologist. The specialist will conduct necessary research and will appoint correct treatment, which will bring peristalsis back to normal.

Why does intestinal motility slow down?

Before treating any disease, you need to get to the bottom of the causes of its occurrence. The same applies to problems with peristalsis. Too slow contraction of intestinal smooth muscle may occur in the following cases:

  • sedentary lifestyle life, lack of physical activity that allows
  • constantly maintain muscle tone;
  • consumption of foods that have high calorie content. They are much less digestible, which slows down the progress of the food bolus;
  • any chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • genetic predisposition to intestinal diseases;
  • both benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • consequences of surgery.

Regardless of why you have problems with smooth muscle contraction, the first step is to change your eating habits. Without balanced nutrition it is not possible to accelerate peristalsis. Over time, toxic substances can penetrate into other organs, causing serious intoxication. In addition, in the intestinal cavity there appear fecal stones, which damage the walls and muscles, leading to cracks and bleeding.

Metabolic deterioration is also a serious problem. It entails changes in hormonal levels, causes exacerbation and rapid development of any chronic diseases.

Accelerating intestinal motility: drug treatment

Any medications listed below can only be used after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing irreversible damage to both the intestines and the entire digestive tract.

To speed up peristalsis, the doctor may prescribe several varieties medications, which we will discuss in detail below.

Medicines that increase muscle tone

These include drugs such as Prozerin or Vasopressin. They are prescribed to improve motor skills. As a result, the rate of contraction of smooth muscles increases, which contributes to the normal removal of the food bolus from the body.


These medications are developed for different parts of the intestine and are divided into several groups:

  • drugs for the small intestine, the most common of which is castor oil. It not only improves motility, but also softens stool, due to which their elimination is significantly accelerated;
  • drugs for the large intestine. Strengthens smooth muscle tone to improve gastrointestinal function. An example is buckthorn bark and other medicines of natural origin;
  • Guttalax and others synthetic drugs. They must be taken with extreme caution. The thing is that such drugs are addictive. After a long period of use, the patient simply cannot empty his bowels on his own.

There are also laxative medications that have a beneficial effect on all parts of the intestine simultaneously. These include preparations based on senna leaves, as well as some synthetic products. You should drink them only as prescribed by your doctor.

Foods that improve peristalsis

As mentioned above, to accelerate the wave-like contractions of smooth muscles, you need to completely change your eating habits. It is best to completely exclude from the menu or significantly limit the consumption of fatty, salty and smoked foods, refuse drinks with high content caffeine The following products have a beneficial effect on peristalsis:

  • dried fruits. Figs, dried apricots, prunes and others should be in your daily menu;
  • dairy products– kefir, fermented baked milk, high-quality yoghurts;
  • freshly squeezed juices of cabbage, carrots, potatoes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • flax seeds, all types of nuts, sprouted cereals;
  • porridge. To prepare them you need to use buckwheat and oatmeal, millet. Semolina and rice should be excluded from the diet for a while, as they “strengthen” the stomach;
  • lean meat with the addition of plenty of vegetables.

In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day. Avoid carbonated drinks completely. You should not remove hot and spicy dishes from the menu, as they stimulate the intestines.

It is better to exclude eggs in any form, pomegranates, pastries, potatoes, strong black tea altogether. The thing is that these products slow down peristalsis and can create serious problems with bowel movements.

In case of intestinal diseases, it is highly advisable to completely avoid foods containing sugar. The thing is that it enhances putrefactive processes V digestive tract and it often turns out main reason intoxication. We recommend replacing it fresh vegetables and fruits or natural sweeteners.

An excellent solution to the problem of defecation - fractional meals. Food should be taken in small portions 5-6 times a day. By following this regimen, you can get rid of the most various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

In no case should the urge to defecate be ignored, as this leads to a gradual relaxation of smooth muscles and often causes undesirable consequences.

We supplement proper nutrition with physical activity

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you urgently need to increase physical activity. Start with light exercises in the morning, gradually introducing exercises such as “bicycle”, lifting and spreading your legs to the sides from a supine position. They increase muscle tone and have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.

It is also possible to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is capable of renewing the body in a very short time, cycling or exercising on special exercise machines. remember, that physical activity- one of mandatory conditions acceleration of peristalsis. If you cannot exercise due to a simple lack of time, try to walk as much as possible.

Intestinal peristalsis is a wave-like contraction of its walls, responsible for removing processed food from the body. If a person has any disturbance of intestinal motility, constipation may occur and the general condition of the body will worsen. Correct determination of the diagnosis and the causes of deterioration in activity will help to correctly select comprehensive treatment.

1 Clinical picture of the disease

The main symptoms of impaired intestinal motility are:

  • regular constipation;
  • heaviness in the large intestine;
  • bloating;
  • fatigue and lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache, in in rare cases dizziness;
  • bad breath;
  • weight gain;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sudden change in mood;
  • pale complexion;
  • anemia.

2 Causes of pathology and diagnosis

The reasons for the deterioration of intestinal motility include:

  • dehydration, insufficient fluid intake;
  • long breaks between meals, overeating;
  • abuse of high-calorie foods late in the day, as a result of which, over many years, a fecal film has formed on the walls of the stomach, which was not digested in a timely manner;
  • a person has chronic liver or gallbladder disease;
  • cancer affecting the intestines;
  • surgical intervention in the abdominal organs;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • use medical supplies that change intestinal motility;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • presence of intestinal infection;
  • bad habits: drinking alcohol or drugs, smoking.

To identify changes in intestinal motility, it is necessary to conduct several studies, which include: scatology, endoscopy and irrigoscopy. With their help, the specialist determines from the stool whether the patient has dysbiosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The measures taken to establish a diagnosis and identify the causes of changes in intestinal motility, the symptoms described by the patient, will help to correctly determine how to improve intestinal motility. Sometimes an x-ray is taken to detect accumulations of stool, which can be used to identify stool blood clots.

The most important thing that a person with deteriorating bowel function and irregular bowel movements needs is to take laxatives.

3 Treatments

One of the main ways to improve intestinal motility is to adhere to strict diet. The patient’s diet needs to include foods that contain plant fibers, and avoid eating foods that contain starch and easily digestible carbohydrates. It is worth limiting your intake of coffee and black tea, eating chocolate less often, butter and chicken eggs.

To be increased peristalsis intestines, you should drink more berry and fruit juices, consume fermented milk products, dried fruits, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, season salads with olive or sunflower oil, bread only with bran. It is advisable to eat vegetables in fresh. It is recommended to drink carrot and beet juice. Meals should be divided into 5 times a day. Smoked foods, spicy and fried foods should be excluded from the diet.

You should also drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Treatment includes the use of enemas, massage, herbs, and compresses on the abdomen. To eliminate all toxins, it is necessary to carry out internal cleansing.

To improve the contraction of the intestinal walls, the patient is prescribed laxatives, for example, Guttalax or Bisacodyl. They are presented in the form of tablets or drops, there are also rectal suppositories. Thanks to the use of these products, intestinal motility improves, they help get rid of constipation that arose after surgical intervention. However, it is worth remembering that when long-term use laxatives are addictive and a person may experience allergic reactions.

To normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, the specialist prescribes antipsychotics or antidepressants, depending on individual characteristics.

A popular drug is called Duphalac. It regulates the rhythm of colon emptying and is used for persistent constipation. This medication is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, galactosemia or who has intestinal obstruction. TO side effects include bloating, vomiting and nausea. If the patient took high dose drug, diarrhea and abdominal pain are possible.

To improve the breakdown of heavy food, the doctor prescribes it. With their help, intestinal motility improves. These drugs include: Mezim, Festal and Creon. The course of treatment is 10 days.

In addition to the above, the specialist prescribes antiemetics, for example, Cerucal or Metoclopramide.

4 Traditional medicine methods

You can prepare a laxative at home. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. l. grains of wheat, 2 apples, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l. honey, half a lemon and 1 tbsp. l. carefully chopped nuts. First you need to grate the apples, then add all the remaining ingredients to them, pour in 2 tablespoons of heated water, squeeze lemon juice. Afterwards you need to mix everything and consume it an unlimited number of times throughout the day.

It is useful to take prunes in combination with dried apricots. To prepare the mixture, you should take 400 g of prunes and the same amount of dried apricots, which do not have seeds. Grind both components using a meat grinder, then add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. propolis tincture and the same amount of liquid honey. Then you need to mix everything and consume 2 tsp. before going to bed, drinking a small amount of warm water.

A decoction of buckthorn bark is effective in treating intestinal motility disorders. To prepare it you should take 1 tbsp. l. bark, pour 3 cups hot water, leave for 20 minutes, then drink.

Brines work well as laxatives, for example, cabbage, radish juice, tea, to which dried apples or cherries.

Don't forget that you need to active image life, walk more fresh air, go to the pool, choose a certain sport and practice it.

Aloe is an effective treatment. You need to wash a couple of leaves of the plant, remove all the thorns, and chop thoroughly. Place a saucepan containing 250 g of honey on low heat, then add aloe to it and leave for 24 hours. After the time has passed, you need to warm up the product again, drink it every morning 1 hour before meals for 1 week. After this, you need to take a break for 7 days, then repeat the course of aloe treatment.

A good remedy is flax seeds. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. seeds and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them, then put on low heat and cook for no more than 15 minutes. Then remove from heat, cover and leave for about 8 hours. After the time has passed, you need to strain the mixture and consume 150 ml 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals, possibly together with prunes.

Fresh beets are considered a common remedy. You need to peel it, take 500 g of this vegetable, put it in a pan with boiling water and leave it on the fire for 40-50 minutes, then remove it from the stove and put it in a warm place for 4 hours. After the time has passed, you need to add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tsp. yeast. The drink will be ready in 24 hours. You can drink it instead of water or tea throughout the day.

To normalize intestinal motility, it is recommended to regularly massage the abdomen and temper the body with contrast shower in the morning, spend special exercises, which strengthen the abdominal muscles.

These include the following:

  1. You need to lie on your back and twist your legs, imitating riding a bicycle. With the help of this exercise, the abdominal muscles become toned and blood flow in the pelvis improves.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and press them to your stomach, holding this position for 15-20 seconds. Thus, gases pass away much faster, and intestinal activity is stimulated.
  3. You need to kneel, the main emphasis is on your elbows and hands, your head needs to be lowered. Then you should alternately squat on the right and then on the left buttock. This exercise restores peristalsis and reduces the amount of gas; it is called “Cat”. It must be repeated at least 30 times.
  4. It is useful to pump up your abs in the morning.
  5. Jumping in place stimulates intestinal activity.
  6. The final exercise of the complex is slow squats.

Elderly people who experience frequent constipation need to spend more time in the fresh air, do enemas using chamomile, and introduce vegetables and dairy products into their diet. To improve gastric peristalsis, you should eat grated foods, liquid and soft foods. Meat should be consumed only with vegetables. Good to drink mineral water, but without gas. Food should be eaten by chewing thoroughly.

It is important to begin treatment immediately so that intestinal motility improves and serious consequences do not arise over time.

What does peristalsis mean?

Peristalsis is nothing more than the working process of the digestive system, expressed in the promotion of food processed by the stomach due to muscle contractions of the wave-like nature of the gastrointestinal tract. During digestion, a lump nutrient moves from the beginning of the upper regions of the esophagus to the anus.

Peristaltic movements are based on the moments of contraction of two-layer smooth muscles located in muscle fibers. In one of the layers it is longitudinal, in the other, circular, which forms the desired peristaltic wave. The intensity of wave-like contractions differs depending on the part of the organ. For example, in the small intestine there are several types of peristaltic movements, ranging from very slow muscle contractions to fast, and in some cases, even rapid rates.

The slowest site of peristalsis is the large intestine. Here the rate of muscle contractions is low, and only several times a day in the work of the organ there are moments of strong rhythmic contractions, forcing the substance to be pushed towards the anus.

The mechanism of accelerated intestinal motility

Malfunctions in the form of an accelerated rate of contractions of the intestinal muscles can manifest themselves in various reasons: features of the properties of food products, disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the reason for the acceleration of peristalsis can be the formation of a soapy environment, as a result of the combination of potassium with magnesium salts, the presence fatty acids and other enzymes.

The rate at which digested food moves is directly dependent on the state of the receptors. The more irritated they are by the factors that are involved in this, the faster and more rhythmic the contraction of the intestinal muscles.

In some cases high level peristalsis is achieved artificially for treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. For this purpose, it is used in a comprehensive manner: special food diet and therapeutic and preventive exercises that force the peristalsis mechanism to work in the required mode.

What strengthens it?

The main reason for the increased work of peristalsis is the presence of fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract; it is this factor that explains the appearance of bloating, seething, gurgling, rumbling, pain in the stomach, increased flatulence, diarrhea. An increase in the frequency of contractions of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract affects the work of peristalsis, accelerating its work. What can provoke speed and intensification of peristalsis:

  • The presence of chronic diseases at the acute stage.
  • Presence of infection.
  • Oncological manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Genetic innateness.
  • Side effects of some medications.

In some cases, stress or nervous tension can also provoke the intensity of muscle contractions of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the colon and intestines. The same reaction can be caused by plant foods in combination with other products, as a kind of protective reaction of the body, helping the body cope with the elimination of difficult-to-digest foods and toxic substances.

Symptoms of increased peristalsis

Increased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • Presence of pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Malfunctions of the intestines can be expressed in different strength pain, which can manifest itself both in the area where the organ is located and more widely. This symptom is explained by an increase in the intensity of muscle contractions, and this type of symptom can manifest itself as a result of organ diseases, especially food products or as a consequence of stressful situations.
  • Flatulence, bloating. An increase in the speed of peristalsis can cause bloating and accumulation of gases in the abdomen.
  • Fast weight gain. Digestive dysfunction as a result of weight gain is one of the symptoms of increased peristalsis.
  • Frequent diarrhea. This type Symptoms may occur against the background of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bad feeling. Increased peristalsis can have a negative impact on general condition in the form of weakness, fever, sweating, malaise.

How to slow down intestinal motility

Before you start treating the consequences accelerated work peristalsis, it is necessary to find out the reason why this type of failure occurred. In some cases it is more appropriate to use medications, helping to eliminate substances that irritate organs. This will normalize the work and facilitate the removal of material that may provoke inflammatory processes, reduce the frequency of stool and organize high-quality digestion of food.

In case the reception medicinal substances contraindicated, experts advise using recipes taken from traditional medicine. There is a lot various products both industrial and plant origin, which in combination, or separately, inhibit and reduce the work of peristalsis.


When choosing the drugs needed to slow down the contractions of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, experts advise paying attention first of all to the method of influence. Here it is important to accurately determine the category of medications that inhibit peristalsis:

  • Enterosorbents. The simplest, most affordable and most effective is still activated carbon. When consumed, this drug neutralizes and absorbs harmful and toxic microorganisms, which are then excreted from the body. naturally. You can also note: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Carbopect, Atoxil, Polifan, Neosmectin and of course Smecta.
  • Pribiotics. Medicines of this type are created on the basis of special microflora containing a composition of bacteria useful in their properties. The principle of action of pribiotics is to organize the necessary normal digestion microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, by settling the necessary bacteria, which ensure the stability of peristalsis after a certain period of time. Probiotic preparations: Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Baktistatin, Norbactin, Acylact and others.
  • Antibacterial and antimicrobial action. This type of treatment involves the use of antibiotics that suppress the work of bacteria and microbes, this is especially important in cases where the presence in the body is accurately diagnosed coli and other harmful microorganisms. For example:

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