Why might an implant not take root? Rejection of dental implants

At modern materials and technologies, the risks of dental implant rejection are quite low. But in order to recognize it in time, you need to know about the symptoms, signs and causes of this phenomenon. And if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and preventive measures, then you can easily avoid this.

The implantation procedure is considered safe for the body in most cases, but there are certain moments when the body does not accept foreign body. If you notice this in time and seek help from specialists, they will fix the problem and try to choose a different material for the pin or a different method of prosthetics.

How long does it take for a dental implant to take root?

Let's try to figure out how long it takes for an implanted titanium rod to begin functioning as a natural tooth root and not cause discomfort. IN in this case there is a direct dependence on which jaw the operation was performed on:

  1. On the bottom - normal timing Engraftment is limited to 2-4 months, since there is usually a good blood supply to the tissues and sufficient volumes of the jaw bone. As a result foreign object rarely causes rejection and does not create negative influence to surrounding tissues. During implantation, the integrity of the jaw is not compromised, and wounds heal faster.
  2. At the top, the process can take up to six months, which is the norm according to medical indications. After all, its structure is much more complex, and near the location of the new implant there are other organs that are sensitive to foreign materials - the maxillary and nasal sinuses, facial bones, etc. The upper jaw is more fragile, thin and has less blood supply. Due to this, complications after dental and surgical interventions occur much more often, and implants take longer to take root.

But the entire rehabilitation process also depends on other factors, for example, the patient’s health status, individual characteristics body, the quality of the specialist’s work, etc.

Reasons for dental implant failure

Why do artificial roots take root easily in some people even when several rods are installed at once, while in others problems arise immediately after the first surgical intervention?

We will try to describe in more detail the main factors that provoke this phenomenon. They can mainly be divided into those that depend on the quality of the dentist’s work and reasons related to the health or improper actions of the patient.

They appear in different time frames:

  • short-term – unpleasant symptoms are observed from the first days of pin installation, even when the crown has not yet been fixed – top part artificial tooth;
  • medium-term – rejection occurs in the first two years after surgery;
  • long-term – problems happen much later.

Poor quality work of a specialist during the implantation procedure

One of the most important factors influencing the duration of use of the implant and the likelihood of its rejection is the professionalism of the doctor. The following main errors are identified:

  • usage outdated tools, low-quality equipment;
  • poor antiseptic surface treatment;
  • carrying out an operation by different specialists at certain stages of implantation, when the second doctor does not know all the nuances of the patient’s condition and the manipulations performed;
  • violations of the procedure protocol, unjustified changes in the sequence of actions;
  • omission of individual information about a person’s health and well-being, frivolous attitude towards contraindications.

To avoid such problems, you should carefully choose the clinic you will contact. Moreover, today patient reviews are available, and doctors have certificates indicating their level of qualifications. Approaching this issue with special attention, many risks can be prevented.

Low quality products

When trying to save money, you can also make mistakes. When choosing cheap analogues, patients do not always pay attention to the composition of the metal alloy from which the implant is made. And this is largely reflected in the likelihood of engraftment of the product and the duration of its use.

It is very important for such a procedure to choose a truly high-quality rod that will not cause adverse reaction the body and will not have any effect toxic effects in future.

Allergic reaction

Some people are predisposed to metal rejection. And although today in dentistry only medical titanium or zirconium dioxide, which are maximally compatible with human tissues, are chosen for such products, it is still better to initially make special tests to eliminate risks.

Various internal diseases

If there are disturbances in the functioning of body systems, it is necessary to weigh the dangers and benefits of each procedure. So, with bronchial asthma, lupus erythematosus, lichen and other similar pathologies, surgical intervention can be dangerous.

In addition, there are other problems. With constant use of hormonal or other medications, bone tissue metabolism sometimes decreases, regeneration processes worsen, which will also lead to implant rejection.

Therefore, you should always warn your doctor about those present. chronic diseases so that he takes more rational decision in each specific case.

Frivolous behavior of the patient

There is no need to think that if you have artificial teeth, you can neglect their cleaning and normal hygiene. oral cavity. Implants require the same quality care as natural tissue.

Doctors draw patients' attention to the fact that smoking and alcohol significantly worsen the condition of soft and hard tissues. Therefore, if you do not follow their recommendation to quit smoking postoperative period, then like this bad habit sooner or later will lead to rejection of the artificial material.

It is important to follow other usual rules. Daily cleaning should be supplemented by periodic professional treatments. And the mouth should be cleaned from food debris and bacteria several times a day. Such prevention will help not only to avoid rejection, but also helps preserve healthy teeth and gums.


Because the unpleasant consequences can occur either immediately after surgery or much later; you need to be able to recognize the signs of dental implant rejection in the early stages. Important among them are:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane that does not subside for more than five days after the intervention;
  • bleeding - first results from implantation of the structure and open wound, but after 1-2 days it should normally stop; if this does not happen, then it is considered a sign of inflammatory processes or vascular damage;
  • painful sensations– when they do not go away even a week after the operation, this also indicates internal problems;
  • high temperature - on the first day it is considered a normal reaction of the body to the intervention, but if it continues to rise three days after that, it threatens with different consequences;
  • bad odor or purulent discharge from a wound - is the most obvious sign of tissue infection;
  • mobility of the implant that appears immediately or even several years after installation indicates the onset of rejection and portends its imminent loss.

In each of these cases, even if there is only one unpleasant symptom, you need to see a doctor. He will identify the main problem and the reason that caused the non-standard reaction, and eliminate it in a timely manner.

Knowing how rejection occurs, you can immediately get an appointment with a specialist. He will open the problem area of ​​the gum, remove the implant itself, clean the affected tissue from infection and restore the bone if necessary. If possible, the product will be reinstalled after some time, taking precautions.

Video: when does a dental implant fail?

How to avoid rejection?

Today in medicine, high-quality biocompatible and hypoallergenic materials are used to create implants, which are very in rare cases cause rejection. European and American manufacturers indicate such risks only in 1-3% of cases, and even Asian analogues are produced with a 95% quality guarantee.

And yet, to prevent possible troubles, you need to follow certain points:

  1. When choosing a procedure and suitable products, you need to take into account, first of all, the characteristics of your body and your state of health.
  2. If the doctor has determined that you have certain contraindications to implantation, then there is no need to insist on it. It is better to give preference to other methods of prosthetics.
  3. When choosing dental clinic and the specialist who will perform the procedure, pay attention to the availability of certificates, licenses and positive feedback from regular customers.
  4. The quality of the equipment used during the doctor’s work is also important. It is worth noting that in large private centers they usually monitor the timely updating of equipment and try to purchase latest tools and high quality materials.
  5. When choosing the products themselves, you need to pay attention to the composition of the alloys used, the manufacturer’s guarantees and the company’s reputation in the global market.
  6. Before and after surgery, strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions and recommendations.
  7. Observe high level oral hygiene, promptly eliminate emerging diseases and undergo preventive examinations at the dentist.

Before you start surgical treatment The dentist must warn you about all the possibilities and risks. Regarding dental implantology, even in the best dentistry the best professionals There is always a possibility of a tooth implant falling out. Why does this happen and how to reduce risks to a minimum?

According to general statistics, the average survival rate of a dental implant is about 90%. A specific case is influenced by many nuances: accurate diagnosis and right choice systems, jewelry placement of the implant in the jaw, the critical stage of crown installation and the formation of the gingival margin. A lot depends on the Patient himself - it is necessary to follow the dentist’s recommendations on changing the usual lifestyle and oral hygiene.

Why do dental implants fall out?

Today everyone knows that human body is a closed integral system, which means that the entry of foreign and inedible material into it is always an intrusion into its daily functioning. Manufacturers of modern implantation systems of one of the priority tasks They focus specifically on developing the most natural structures for the human oral cavity. For example, biocompatible high-grade titanium is used as the main material. Attention is also paid to the shape of the implant thread, which will allow for installation in the least traumatic manner and with the most durable fixation. Such an implant shortens the time required for survival and begins to be perceived by the body as native. Dmitry Vladimirovich Plyukhin, leading dentist and implant surgeon at Stompraktika, recommends Swiss Straumann implants. This system has the lowest percentage of rejection by the body and goes through the transition itself very quickly.

A tooth implant has fallen out, what should I do?

If the most unpleasant thing does happen, you should contact a dentist-implantologist for an examination on the same day. Notify our administrator about what happened and they will urgently find a time for you to consult with a specialist. By the way, by calling 200-35-37, you can make an appointment for a free appointment.

Remember that the absence of a tooth is a much bigger problem leading to irreversible consequences– atrophy of bone tissue, displacement of the shape of the face and jaw, functional deficiencies. Trust your dental implantation to an experienced dentist in a reputable clinic and you will never have to wonder why your dental implant fell out after a month.

The information in the article is provided for informational purposes. A face-to-face consultation with a specialist is required.

You can Make an appointment for free by calling 200-35-37.

This site is for informational purposes only and is intended for educational purposes; site visitors should not use the materials posted on the site as medical recommendations

, – to hear from the doctor that the implant did not take root. Despite the fact that titanium implants are successfully integrated into the jaw bone in approximately 98%, everyone has a chance to fall into the ill-fated 2 percent. There are many reasons for this; moreover, rejection can occur both immediately after surgery and months and even years later. You will learn from the article how long it takes for a dental implant to take root and why it can be rejected.

Healing of dental implants

Implantation is a responsible and complex procedure during which tissue damage occurs. In the postoperative period, tissue restoration does not always occur smoothly - swelling is possible, painful sensations, bleeding. But these symptoms disappear after a few days if the operation was performed correctly. In the next six months, if the teeth of the upper dentition were implanted, or after 2-4 months when the implant was implanted into the lower jaw bone, the process of osseointegration of the titanium rod is completed, and it can fully perform the functions of an artificial tooth root.

Note: osseointegration is the process of fusion of a titanium rod and jaw bone. It begins immediately after implantation of the structure. For successful osseointegration, a sufficient volume of bone tissue is needed at the site of implantation, and the material for manufacturing the structure must be of high quality.

The difference in how long it takes for a dental implant to take root in the upper and lower row depends on the blood supply to the jaws. The lower jaw is more efficiently supplied with blood and the bone itself has big sizes. Above the bone upper jaw there are sinuses, which complicates the process of implantation.

However, successful osseointegration is not a 100% guarantee of further implant healing, although it is considered prerequisite this. Rejection of the titanium root may occur in the future. Implantation is divided into 3 periods:

  • short-term period (also known as the period of osseointegration) – begins with implantation of the structure and lasts until the installation of the prosthesis;
  • medium-term – lasts for 2 years after implantation;
  • long-term – subsequent years.

According to statistics, symptoms that the implant has not taken root most often occur in the medium term, that is, after the completion of the osseointegration process. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with peri-implantitis - pathological process, in which inflammation of the bone tissue occurs in the area of ​​the implanted implant and its gradual loss.

If the pain after implantation is severe, you should consult a doctor.

How to understand that the implant has not taken root?

If the implant does not take root immediately after its installation, the patient will experience the following symptoms:

  • severe continuous bleeding;
  • swelling of soft tissues at the site of implantation of the titanium structure;
  • acute pain that cannot be relieved with painkillers.

It's worth keeping in mind that slight swelling, a small amount of blood, pain observed in the first 2-3 days after implantation are natural phenomena. After all, implantation is a traumatic operation. But if the intensity discomfort does not decrease, but on the contrary, increases, or they manifest themselves too acutely from the very beginning, this indicates the development of complications!

Note: in some cases, the process of implant rejection is asymptomatic or the signs of inflammation are very mild. In this case, the patient may not attach importance to the slight redness of the soft tissues around the implant and the appearance of periodic pain. Meanwhile, the inflammatory process will lead to the destruction of the bone around the implant, which will eventually lead to its loss.

Symptoms of peri-implantitis, which develops after successful integration of a titanium structure into the bone, include:

  • pain in the area of ​​the titanium root;
  • change in gum color (redness, blueness);
  • swelling of the gums;
  • appearance ;
  • the formation of a gum pocket and an increase in its size (outwardly it seems that the gums are exfoliating);
  • discharge of blood or pus from under the gums;
  • the appearance of implant mobility;
  • increase in body temperature.

When alarming symptoms, no matter how much time has passed since implantation, go to the dentist immediately!

Why don't implants take root?

The reasons for rejection of titanium structures differ in different periods implantation Therefore it is worth considering possible complications at each stage separately.

Problems with implant osseointegration

If symptoms of construction rejection appear a few days later or immediately after surgery, the cause may be:

  • violation by the doctor of implantation technology (use of low-quality instrument equipment, incorrect placement of the implant, overheating of tissues when drilling a hole for the structure);
  • non-compliance with aseptic and antiseptic standards (including the installation of a structure in the presence of purulent inflammation in the tissues);
  • carrying out implantation if the patient has contraindications to the procedure;
  • use of low quality implants (poor processing titanium alloy, design errors).

An X-ray image allows you to judge the success of implant integration.

Contraindications for surgery

Implantation is a surgical operation, and there is a list of contraindications for its implementation. Good specialist will not undertake to carry it out if they are detected in the patient. But often the patient himself does not know that he has certain diseases or conditions. Implantation is prohibited in the following cases:

  • blood and organ diseases circulatory system(if there is a blood clotting disorder, bleeding can pose a threat to the patient’s life);
  • CNS diseases;
  • oncological diseases (with surgical intervention tumor growth or metastasis may begin);
  • recent radiation exposure;
  • malfunctions immune system, including HIV and AIDS (during implantation, the immune system must work actively to ensure successful and fast recovery fabrics);
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • bruxism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • intolerance to anesthetics (no surgery is performed without anesthesia).

In addition to the above absolute contraindications, there is a list of relative ones, that is, amenable to elimination, after which implantation becomes possible:

  • diseases of the oral cavity (caries, stomatitis, periodontitis);
  • weakening of the immune system (including physiological decline immune defense in pregnant women);
  • smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • severe bone atrophy;
  • disruption of the TMJ;
  • improper oral care.

Reasons for implant failure in the medium term

Implantation has contraindications.

The reasons for the development of peri-implantitis may be:

  • low-quality implant (including fake), features of its design and material;
  • incorrect positioning of the structure in the bone;
  • excessive load on the implant during operation (this can be observed when the crown is made incorrectly, which overestimates the bite, or if the patient is prone to occlusion);
  • weakened immunity and health problems of the patient in the postoperative period;
  • improper oral care (bacterial plaque accumulates on the implant and crown due to poor cleaning, which provokes the development of gingivitis - inflammation of the gums);
  • bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse (tobacco tars and alcohols dry out the mucous membrane and disrupt the nutritional processes of the cells around the implant).

Note: according to statistics, implants are rejected in approximately 30% of smoking patients. Bad habits negatively affect how long it takes for a dental implant to take root.

Rejection of the implant later, 1-2 years after the operation, occurs extremely rarely. This can happen due to a mechanical injury or when the patient’s health condition deteriorates, for example, in the case of the development of heart disease, vascular disease, diabetes, or oncology.

Having noticed signs that the implant has not taken root, the first thing to do is to see the specialist who performed the implantation. After x-ray examination The implantologist will be able to assess the situation and draw up a further action plan. It is possible that the structure will have to be removed, anti-inflammatory therapy and re-implantation performed.

The dental implant did not take root, and somehow I didn’t even notice it. The tooth, the bottom seven, when chewing food, one could do without it. Someone even advised me not to bother with another implantation, they say, why spend money on a back tooth, well, who will notice it there. It’s clear that I don’t smile like a horse right up to my molars, but I still decided that prosthetics needed to be done. Firstly, there must be order in the mouth, and secondly, the emptiness always begins to be filled with something. In this case, these will be the remaining teeth of the lower jaw, which will begin to be distributed in the mouth in such a way that there is no empty space left. And I have two more dental implants there and they may also start to move. Of course, I cannot explain all the processes occurring in the jaw, but in my opinion, dental implants require especially careful treatment.

Symptoms of Dental Implant Rejection

I talked about previous dental operations to install dental implants. Next The dental implant did not take root and I had to remove it. Here I want to talk about symptoms of implant rejection which I felt on myself. To begin with, I went online and read articles about implants that didn’t take root. They write that there! If I had read all this before my first surgery, I would never have decided to have implantation. Here is a list signs of implant rejection mentioned on the Internet:

  • sharp pain
  • continuous bleeding for two days after surgery
  • swelling and redness of the gums
  • purulent discharge from the wound.

So, I had none of these symptoms. After the operation, I lived quietly for four months, and none of the above bothered me:

  • I did not have acute pain, it wasn’t even spicy
  • There was NO bleeding from the wound
  • There was NO swelling or redness of the gums
  • There was NO purulent discharge either

It’s just that when I came to one of the Moscow clinics on the recommendation of the chief physician of the IDent clinic, Mikhail Semenovich Toder, for prosthetics, they told me that the implant did not take root.

Chief physician – Mikhail Semenovich Toder

Causes of Dental Implant Rejection

  • medical error
  • low qualification of doctor
  • low quality tools
  • presence of diseases in the patient
  • poor oral hygiene
  • mechanical damage

I found a couple of my reasons because of which my The dental implant did not take root. Firstly, I violated the doctor’s recommendations to abstain from smoking at least on the day of the operation. I violated this ban in the first two hours after surgery. Secondly, even a fool understands that you cannot chew on a newly installed implant.

Well, what should I be called after I brazenly chewed on the side with a new implant? If I were my doctor, I would simply stop saying hello to myself, and would not negotiate with a clinic in the capital to remove an implant that has not taken root.

Removal of dental implants

Removal procedure It went quickly and absolutely painlessly, and I expected that they would immediately put a new one in place of the old implant, but I was wrong. It turns out that lower jaw more problematic from the point of view of dental implantation, and for further treatment They decided to grow artificial tissue for me, into which a new dental implant would then be screwed. Implants have certain sizes and they cannot be smaller than a certain minimum. When there is not enough bone in the jaw, artificial enlargement is required.

I got extensions bone tissue in Moscow. It sounds scary, but it actually doesn’t hurt either and is quite quick. They didn’t take any money from me, they said that the IDent clinic was paying. Wow. This happens.

Implant replacement at the IDent clinic in Novosibirsk

The IDent clinic in Novosibirsk is my love from the first time. I don't blame IDent at all for having to do a second surgery, it was just a minor setback that could have happened in any other job. I know that Mikhail Semenovich I wanted to save me from unnecessary suffering and do everything at once, especially since I live in Moscow and fly to Novosibirsk at most once every six months.

Three months after the bone grafting, I was at the IDent clinic in Novosibirsk, where in two minutes they put something in my gum. On my next visit in three months I installed a new crown. At the last stage of my wonderful story, a student of Toder Mikhail Semenovich, implant surgeon Alexander Andreevich Shevela, worked with me, who takes his work very seriously and responsibly, and no giggling or hawing goes away with him. It is Mikhail Semenovich who likes to joke while working, and for Alexander Andreevich such a cheerful attitude towards operations will come with experience.

Implant surgeon – Alexander Andreevich Shevela

Let me add that I didn't have to pay not a single ruble more than what I paid under the agreement on my first visit to the IDent clinic with this tooth of mine. The treatment continued under guarantee, that is, at the expense of the clinic. At the same time, the staff’s attitude towards me remained polite and friendly. And the director of the clinic, Inna Vitalievna Toder, generally remembers every client by name, and what problem they addressed, and when. It is very important for her that the person who visits her clinic becomes a little happier. I'm not exaggerating, go and check it yourself. If you are tired of dental problems, then give these problems to the doctors of the IDent clinic, they know what to do with them.

The process of inserting a dental implant is a complex procedure, and the body reacts to it differently. Sometimes after this mini-operation the patient begins bleeding or swelling of the gums, and jaw pain persists. This is normal, because during the process of prosthetics, tissues were cut and invasive intervention was performed in the jaw bone. When the anesthesia wears off, the wound may become painful. Let's talk about how long it takes for a dental implant to take root, and why it is rejected.

How long does it take for an implant to take root?

The signs described in the introduction are a natural reaction of the body to surgery. After a short time they disappear. There are circumstances that require the help of a specialist. One of the situations is the rejection of a dental implant. An artificial tooth takes different periods of time to take root, depending on where the implant is inserted. How long the process takes in a particular case depends on the patient’s health.

On the lower jaw

In the lower part of the dentition, the implanted prosthesis takes root within 2 to 4 months. This period is shorter than for the top row. The better survival rate of an artificial tooth is explained by the fact that the lower jaw is better supplied with blood. Lower jawbone more massive, and therefore a slight violation of its integrity does not greatly affect its chewing functions.

On the upper jaw

On the upper part of the dentition, the effects of implantation disappear within 6 months. This is caused by greater fragility of the upper jaw, less strong blood supply, proximity of the nasal sinuses, which can give additional complications, so the implant takes longer to take root than below.

The method of installing the implant does not affect the time of its implantation into the bone. If rejection of the implanted structure begins, this occurs already in the first days after the procedure.

Symptoms of dental implant rejection

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

Currently, cases of rejection of a recently installed dental implant are recorded quite rarely, since modern methods prosthetics that minimize the likelihood of complications. Signs that the crown will not hold are the consequences of the operation described above, which are observed 3-5 days after the implantation procedure.

Symptoms of rejection include:

  1. Persistent swelling. Swelling may appear after any surgical operation. If it persists for more than 5 days, this may indicate a complication, including rejection of the prosthesis. In this case, you should as soon as possible consult a doctor.
  2. Bleeding lasting more than 2 days. In the first hours after surgery it is quite normal occurrence. If bloody issues from the gums last longer than a week, this is a symptom of vascular damage. This condition causes the formation of a hematoma, which can lead to suture dehiscence. High probability inflammatory process and wound suppuration.
  3. Pain syndrome. A sign of rejection is pain 5 days after implantation.
  4. Increase in body temperature. She gets up after surgical intervention- This is fine. If the temperature does not subside for more than 3 days, you should tell a specialist about it.

In addition to relatively quick implant rejection, there is a possibility of re-implantitis. The essence of the disease is the thinning of the bone structure of the mouth. This disease is gradually cured by restoring the bone due to connective tissue. The danger is that during this period of time the implant may fall out.

Reasons for rejection

Why does the crown hold up perfectly in some cases, while in others the body refuses to accept it? What are the reasons for the initiation of dental implant failure? How to understand that the implant will not take root? To understand, let’s divide cases of rejection into terms:

  • after strengthening the pin, but before installing the crown (short-term);
  • after prosthetics and up to 2 years after the procedure (medium-term);
  • after 2 years following implantation (long-term).

Short term cases are unlikely. They are rarely associated with physician errors. Most often, a poor-quality implant is to blame.

Dentist error during installation process

The dentist may not perform the prosthetic technology accurately enough or make other inaccuracies. All medical errors can be divided into several types:

To avoid mistakes, you should go to well-established doctors. In the clinic, you need to pay attention to the dentist’s compliance with antiseptic measures.

Poor quality implant

Good materials for prosthetics are quite expensive. The patient must have the financial ability to purchase it. Cheap analogue may not take root in the mouth. If the client goes to a new, unknown clinic, you need to ask to see a certificate for the materials used. If the metal alloy is of poor quality, it may react with body tissues.

Medium-term rejections, in addition to the reasons described, are the result of excessive load on the prosthesis. Long-term cases are characterized by poor oral hygiene and neglect of the need to visit the dentist annually.


Before starting prosthetics, the doctor must check whether the client is allergic to the materials used. Sometimes the patient cannot tolerate titanium components. If there is an allergy, this is expressed in redness of the oral mucosa and the formation of swelling. Pain, itching, and difficulty chewing and swallowing may then appear. It becomes painful for the patient to cough and yawn, and severe allergic reaction. In this case, the doctor must choose other materials or prosthetic methods.

Systemic diseases

The body’s rejection of the implant may be due to the presence of contraindications to implantation. These include systemic diseases: lupus erythematosus, lichen, bronchial asthma and others. These diseases require constant use of corticosteroid hormones. Hormonal medications reduce the body's resistance to infections, impair function salivary glands and bone metabolism.

Behind artificial teeth They are looked after in the same way as real ones. Smoking habit contributes to the deterioration of dentures. You need to visit the dentist every year. Must pass professional cleaning teeth. The doctor will recommend limiting your intake of coffee and fruit drinks with dyes. At home, in addition to toothpaste, you need to use dental floss. You need to use the paste to brush your teeth, tongue and inner side cheeks If you do not follow these recommendations, the implant may not take root.

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