Eye twitching psychology. Nervous tic (eye twitching): main causes and methods of relief

There are few people who have never been bothered by a nervous tic. And with the advent of gadgets, this problem is only gaining momentum. Therefore, it is necessary to know why the eye twitches and how to get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

Periodic eyelid twitching occurs in many people, and this is not a sign of pathology

Even healthy people sometimes a nervous tic may bother you, because life modern man associated with stress. The correct definition of etiology will help you choose suitable treatment. Often, identifying the cause of eye twitching is not difficult. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • Fatigue. Lack of sleep and overwork are the most common causes. The eye muscles tense and a slight twitching occurs. This may be a consequence of working at a computer for a long time, reading in a moving vehicle or in a poorly lit place, or as a result of a simple lack of sleep.
  • Lack of vitamins. Deficiency of calcium, magnesium, glycine primarily causes eye tics. And then there is a shuddering of the whole body and convulsions.
  • Weak immunity. Past illnesses weaken the body's defenses. The surrounding muscle may become inflamed. This inflammation causes eye twitching.
  • Contact with objects that irritate the mucous membranes. Some medications can cause nervous tics. These are usually psychotropic medications taken to treat psychological illnesses. Lenses often cause eye twitching.
  • Mechanical impact. Head injuries sometimes damage the optic nerves. As a result, muscle spasms occur.
  • Eye diseases. If, in addition to twitching, there is redness and itching under the eyes, most likely the cause is an eye disease. In the presence of similar symptoms you must immediately run to the ophthalmologist.
  • Heredity. Sometimes there are cases of genetic nervous tics.
  • CNS lesions. The result is a decrease in tone eye muscles and short-term cramps of the eyelid.

Most often, a nervous tic is due to pathological activity of the central nervous system(CNS) occurs in children. This usually occurs due to hyperactivity.

Treatment options

Often the most effective way treatment and prevention of nervous tics is rest, and it has been proven that with active rest, brain performance is restored faster

If the cause of a nervous tic is not eye diseases, then it’s better to see a therapist first. And he will pinpoint the cause and refer you to to the right specialist– see a neurologist or ophthalmologist, depending on the source of the problem. However, most often the eye twitches precisely because of overwork. In this case special treatment not required. Good vacation- and everything will return to normal.

But right now, several actions will help get rid of unpleasant sensations:

  1. Continuous blinking for several minutes. Frequent blinking relaxes the eye muscles. In general, it is recommended to do such a warm-up for the eyes even in the absence of a nervous tic. It is an excellent prevention of vision impairment.
  2. Close your eyes for 15–20 minutes. This way the eyes also relax. If possible, to enhance the effect, it is better to apply a tea compress to the eyes.
  3. Use your fingertips to massage your eyelids for several minutes.
  4. Review your diet. First of all, reduce your consumption of alcohol and strong drinks. On the contrary, increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins.
  5. Take a fresh look at your schedule. If overwork situations are repeated repeatedly, this can lead to more serious problems with eyes than a nervous tic.

A regularly recurring nervous tic may indicate mental disorders or psychological problems. In this case, it is better not to neglect contacting a doctor.

How to prevent this condition

If you begin to notice an increase in attacks of eyelid twitching, or it does not go away for a long time, feel free to go to the doctor

IN modern world It's difficult to take care of your health. But you still need to try. Some simple rules will relieve not only nervous tics, but also many other diseases:

  • A full 8-hour sleep. You should try to go to bed no later than midnight, and preferably no later than 23 hours.
  • Good vacation. Even with a heavy workload, even with 2 or 3 children, you need to find time for your rest. At least a little. It's best to take a couple of days off and devote them only to yourself.
  • Proper nutrition. It is not necessary to immediately give up everything harmful. You can just add more to your diet. healthy products: seafood, dairy products, nuts, Rye bread, bananas - contain a lot of calcium and magnesium necessary for normal functioning nervous system.
  • Working at the computer. If you have to spend a lot of time in front of the screen and there is nothing you can do about it, you need to take a break every hour. You can also purchase special mesh glasses for working at the computer.
  • Walking on fresh air. This is useful in any case, and for the whole body.
  • Sports activities. Sport strengthens the body and reduces nervous tension.

If these points are observed, a nervous tic will not disturb you.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that most often the eye twitches not because of eye problems themselves, but because of other disorders in the body. Thus, with enough effort, you can establish the cause of a nervous tic and successfully eliminate this problem. But, in most cases, this condition goes away on its own.

The video below describes the problem of involuntary contraction of the muscles of the eyelid, highlighting possible associated symptoms, ways to eliminate nervous tics are indicated:

Eyelid twitching is called myokymia. In scientific language, this means a constant wave-like contraction of the group muscle fibers. It occurs suddenly and often goes away quickly. But in some cases, eyelid twitching returns again and again, causing discomfort and becoming noticeable to others. Not much pleasant...

Why does the eyelid twitch? Causes

Overwork. Yes, the most common causes of myokymia are nervous fatigue (for example, prolonged work at the computer, reading while poor lighting) And

Shortage nutrients . In particular, magnesium and calcium play a major role in neuromuscular activity. Therefore, do not be surprised if you make yourself known during strict diet. Indeed, in this case, the body does not receive enough elements that are important for it. Other causes include diseases of cardio-vascular system, motor and muscular system, brain injuries and contusions.

Headache. It can also be the cause of a nervous tic. Pain in the back of the head, temporal part provokes spasm blood vessels brain. The most serious danger is the case when both eyelids twitch. This may be a consequence of blepharospasm, a brain tumor, and even a harbinger of a heart attack or stroke! If the tic has become systematic (or lasts more than 10 days), visit an ophthalmologist and neurologist.

The eye twitches. Treatment

Eye twitching is a kind of signal from the body that says it’s time for you to rest. If you have to work at a computer all day, give your eyes a break. Take at least a ten-minute break every hour. No one is immune from stress. But we have the power to not let them get the better of us and learn to relax.

By the way, excessive nervousness can be a consequence, therefore good sleep it will be very useful. As complementary therapy drink tea with mint, oregano, strawberry, and lemon balm leaves. Tinctures of motherwort, peony or valerian have a calming effect on the body. Eat foods containing calcium and magnesium more often: cheese, cottage cheese, herbs, vegetables, rye bread, any nuts, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, cereals, as well as peas, beans and other legumes. It happens that the eyelid begins to twitch at the most inopportune moment. In such a situation, the following techniques will come to the rescue.

If your eye twitches: 3 ways to cope

Look left and right, up and down, make circular movements eyeballs. By the way, if your office is in a high-rise building, use it to your advantage.

Try to blink quickly within a minute. This simple exercise will not only relax the eye muscles, but also help cope with dry eye syndrome.

Acupressure . Massage the bridge of your nose for a few minutes, then close your eyelids and lightly press the inner corner of your “restless” eye with your fingertip. Press it for 5 seconds and release. Do this a few more times.

What to do if your eye twitches? First of all, you need to find out the cause and start eliminating it. “Eye twitch”, “eyelid twitch” or “eye twitch” refers to the involuntary twitching of the muscles of the eyelid that are affected by optic nerve. These contractions are called hyperkinesis. This twitching is usually harmless, but it can also indicate underlying health conditions or nutritional deficiencies and imbalances in the body.

Many people have experienced eye twitching at least once. In most cases, upper eyelid the eyes contract involuntarily and quick sequence. When the eye twitches like this, it is usually not a sign of a problem with the body or illness.

Even healthy people experience such nervous twitching from time to time. We usually don't think much of it when the left or right eye twitches briefly. A mostly harmless tic may occur for several minutes or even hours at a time. If hyperkinesis does not subside within several days or longer, it is advisable to visit a doctor; As a rule, a neurologist can solve such a problem.

Nervous twitches are quite common in many parts of the body, but we rarely perceive them. While twitching of the eyelid muscles is noticed not only by us, but even by people around us. The reasons why tics occur vary.

Eye twitching is mainly caused by the levator muscle upper eyelid, which receives signals through the nervous system. It is believed that facial nerve involuntarily sends signals to the levator muscle and causes spontaneous contractions. Causes of eye trimmer are often attributed to physical or mental stress or severe fatigue. If your profession is related to a computer, you should be different high degree concentrations that can cause such convulsions.

The main causes of eye hyperkinesis:

  • stress;
  • damage to the central nervous system, in which the nerve responds inadequately to brain commands;
  • eye fatigue;
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • transferred infectious and viral diseases;
  • chronic diseases kidney;
  • neurological diseases;
  • eye infections;
  • dry eyes;
  • alcoholism;
  • Tourette's syndrome, in which twitching of any part of the body may occur;
  • brain tumors.

Both the right and left optic nerves can send signals. As a rule, only one eye twitches at a time.


There may be other reasons behind the twitching that cannot always be clearly identified. Interruptions in mineral and water balance the body can contribute to twitching. If useful material do not enter the body in sufficient quantities, the connection between nervous and muscle tissues may be weakened (including the muscles of the eye).

Finally, eye twitching can hide various disorders. Diseases such as viral infections or any irritation.

Low amount of magnesium in the body

Magnesium deficiency may also be responsible for eye twitching. Due to its absence, the nerve and muscle interact poorly with each other and this has an adverse effect that can lead to eye hyperkinesis.

Magnesium deficiency can occur due to insufficient intake, such as in unhealthy or very unbalanced diets.

On the other hand, the deficiency can also be caused by an increased need for magnesium. This occurs, for example, during pregnancy, regular sporting events and in particular during stressful life stages.

If you suspect that a mineral imbalance is responsible for the nerve sending inappropriate signals to the muscles, add a vitamin complex to your diet, where magnesium is the main component. Foods rich in it include sunflower seeds, nuts, oatmeal, beans and spinach.

How to remove teak?

If this is a rare case and is associated with fatigue and overexertion, you can do a few physical exercise to relax, listen to music or meet in a relaxed atmosphere with friends. Can give a relaxing effect easy exercise: Gently massage your eyelid with your fingers closer to the tick site. When the stress (which is usually the reason why the eye twitches) disappears, the tic goes away on its own.

If you work at a computer or often use a smartphone or tablet, then eliminate these actions for a while.

In case of hyperkinesis from anxiety state, psychotherapy methods are used to eliminate the root cause, as well as to teach the person to control their body and find self-confidence. When eye contractions are caused by stress or conflict situations, or worse - it is connected with others mental disorders, you need to think about going to a psychotherapist.

Dry eyes can be treated with artificial tears.

If your eye twitches constantly

If symptoms do not go away within a few weeks and you constantly suffer from nervous tics, consult your doctor. It is best to visit an ophthalmologist first.

The optometrist will check you for the presence of infection or refractive errors. Even mild refraction can lead to eye muscle fatigue. As a result, twitching begins.

In addition to your ophthalmologist, make an appointment with a neurologist. It can exclude more serious reasons, such as a damaged nerve, brain problems, or tumors. They are also the reason why the eye twitches, but is extremely rare.

Prevention of hyperkinesis

Preventing nervous tics is possible mainly through a balanced lifestyle. This can be helpful to avoid or reduce excessive stress. Also, a balanced and rich in magnesium, calcium and glycine diet.

This lifestyle will also help reduce the risk of getting infections that can lead to hyperkinesis.

Eye twitching is a very common phenomenon that occurs as an involuntary contraction of the muscles around the organ of vision. Typically, only the lower eyelid twitches, although the upper eyelid may also experience spasmodic contractions. The attacks appear unexpectedly and in most cases end just as quickly, without causing any suspicion among people around. But sometimes attacks can last for several hours or even days, accompanied by unpleasant sensations and discomfort. Unfortunately, willpower will not help you cope with eye twitching - this requires the help of a specialist. In this article you will learn about what to do if your eye twitches - causes, treatment of the pathological condition.

Causes of eye twitching

  • visual fatigue. Often twitching of the eyelids occurs due to fatigue caused by lack of sleep, prolonged reading in public transport or working at the computer. All of this together or separately can lead to overstrain of the eye muscles;

  • overstrain of the nervous system. According to statistics, even a slight nervous overload can cause whole line consequences, including this symptom;
  • neurosis. Another common reason why your eyelid may twitch. In this case, it is necessary to find out the main factor that caused mental stress. We are talking about the source (intellectual or emotional) that caused stress. In most cases, only a rational approach to solving the situation helps. You need to try to distract yourself from the problem as much as possible, eliminate the stress factor, so that in the future similar attacks neurosis did not recur;

  • (inflammation of the membrane). This ophthalmic disease, in which the mucous membrane of the patient’s eye is irritated under the influence of inflammatory process, which is why it starts eye twitch. If you work at a computer for a long time, your eyes become very tired and you get an unusual feeling as if there is sand in your eyes. This is what makes people blink or squint frequently in an attempt to get rid of unpleasant sensations. If you don't provide timely assistance, then squinting or twitching the eyes may become a habit for the patient;
  • other ophthalmic diseases. If your eye twitches, but at the same time there are no signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane, there is no itching, but your vision is blurry, then you need to visit a doctor’s office for diagnostic examination. An ophthalmologist will conduct an examination to determine the exact cause of blurred vision and eye twitching. The reason for this may be various diseases;
  • genetic predisposition. Many people forget about this important factor, like genetics, although even eyelid twitching can be inherited from parents;

  • weak immunity. Often after suffering from acute respiratory diseases the immune system the patient becomes weaker, which may cause eyelid twitching or a nervous tic. In such cases, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the body;
  • circulation problems. For example, the eyelid (upper or lower) may twitch due to poor circulation in the brain. Here, in addition to an ophthalmologist, the help of a neurologist is required. The phenomenon can also appear against the background of increased blood pressure;
  • consequences of taking some medical supplies . Typically, it refers to a group of psychotropic medications used in the treatment of psychoses and epileptic conditions. If the eyelids begin to twitch after such treatment, then it should be stopped or simply replaced with medications taken.

What people say

IN folk medicine There are reasons for nervous tics, as well as explanations for them. Since ancient times, people have believed that the right eye twitches to big profits, and the left eye to tears and misfortune.

But there is another belief, according to which, twitching the left eyelid in women means tears, and the twitching of the right eyelid means joy. For men, it's exactly the opposite. At that time, people believed different beliefs, but despite this, they still engaged in treatment to get rid of the problem. For example, to treat nervous tics, a decoction of geranium silt was previously used or warm compress from that medicinal plant.

How to treat

If twitching of the left or right eye appears, it is necessary to try to determine the factor that provoked this phenomenon.

To prescribe a course of therapy, you need to see a doctor, but there are measures that can be taken before a specialist arrives:

  • taking complexes to strengthen the immune system;
  • healthy eating;
  • limiting the amount of time spent on a computer screen;
  • regular walks under open air and complete rest of the body;
  • avoiding severe stress;
  • refusal bad habits(smoking, overuse alcohol), management healthy image life.

Pharmacy drugs

Only after the doctor determines the cause of the eyelid twitching will he be able to prescribe an appropriate course of therapy. IN in rare cases additional diagnostic procedures. Most often prescribed medicines as eye drops. As shown medical practice, one of the most common reasons why the eye begins to twitch is neurosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes complex treatment, which includes taking general strengthening and sedative medications.

Folk remedies

For nervous tics, proven traditional medicine is often used. But they are all nothing more than aid. Folk remedies can only be used as a complement to traditional therapy, but not instead of it.

Table. Traditional medicine for eye twitching.

Product name, photoApplication

This unique plant, having medicinal properties. Figs contain various useful components, including vitamin B6, a deficiency of which often leads to eyelid twitching. The plant can be used in pure form, mixed with a small amount of sugar or honey, in the form of a decoction or tea.

If the cause of twitching of the upper or lower eyelid is a disorder of the nervous system, then tea or rosehip decoction is ideal for treatment. The plant has a calming effect on the body, due to which the likelihood of a nervous tic is reduced. Take tea throughout the day, but no more than 3 cups per day.

An excellent sedative that can be prepared at home. To do this, pour 300 ml of boiling water into 2 tbsp. l. crushed plant and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the cooled infusion through cheesecloth and take 100 ml 3 times a day. The effect can be noticed almost immediately.

Chamomile is often used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. The plant also has a calming effect, which helps with nervous tics. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water into 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers and leave for 20-30 minutes. Take the finished product throughout the day, dividing it into 3 doses.

Pour a small amount of boiling water over 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of the plant and mix. As a result, you should end up with a mushy mass. Lay it out on gauze bandage and apply to the sore eye for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times daily. Positive changes can be noticed after the first few procedures.

As mentioned earlier, folk remedies can only be used as an adjunctive therapy, therefore traditional treatment you can't refuse. Before using this or that product, you should definitely consult a doctor. This will avoid serious complications.

Other methods

Other methods can help cope with eyelid twitching. First of all, they are suitable for those people who do not use synthetic medications. For example, massotherapy or acupuncture It helps a lot with neuralgic syndrome. Doctors often prescribe special relaxation therapy for patients, which involves listening to calm, relaxing music in a quiet environment. At this time, you need to try to imagine some beautiful landscape.

Exist special exercises, the regular implementation of which will eliminate the symptoms of tics and prevent its reoccurrence:

  • get into the starting position - arms at your sides, feet shoulder-width apart, head straight in front of you;
  • turn your eyes left and right for 10 seconds;
  • now the pupils should move up and down;
  • take a few seconds break, then perform circular eye movements, periodically changing direction;
  • Finally, blink frequently for the same 10 seconds.

Performing these simple exercises will improve blood circulation in the muscle tissue around the eyes, which helps get rid of twitching. It is advisable to repeat this complex several times a day for the best effect.

Prevention measures

Involuntary eyelid twitching can be prevented. There is nothing difficult about this if you follow the following rules:

  • exclude hot and spicy foods from your diet, give up strong coffee and tea;
  • if you work at a computer, try to take short breaks every hour. A 10-minute break, during which you can do eye exercises, will help you avoid various ophthalmological diseases;

  • Every day you need to do special eye exercises. Your doctor will help you choose the duration of classes and types of exercises;
  • Give yourself enough time to sleep. Only proper rest will avoid various problems with health. Experts say that the duration of sleep for an adult should be at least 7-8 hours;
  • Avoid stressful situations. If you work in a stressful job, change it;
  • in summer, use sunglasses;
  • Walk outdoors every day. It is not necessary to ride a bike or run; regular walks are also very beneficial for the body;
  • Drink mint or lemon balm tea regularly - these are excellent sedatives. For good night and as a preventative measure, it is recommended to drink tea before bed.

Video - Why does the upper or lower eyelid twitch?

Twitching oculomotor muscles nystagmus. This disease can be either congenital or acquired. Very often it occurs when focusing on fast moving objects.

Nystagmus can also manifest itself as a symptom of the following diseases: brain injury, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, ischemic strokes and multiple sclerosis.

Causes of contraction of the eye muscles

There are several reasons why the eye muscles contract. The most important thing is psychological condition person. Prolonged stress and nervous tension lead to a sharp contraction of the facial muscles. This is manifested by twitching, pulsating and uncontrolled movement of the lower one. As a result of prolonged muscle contraction, lactic acid is formed, as after physical activity. This causes pain.

In the case when twitching of the eye muscles is not accompanied by pain, it is assumed that it is:
- insufficient eye moisture, which occurs when continuously working with a computer or watching TV for a long time;
- lack of B6, B12 and magnesium;
- allergies;
- chronic or acute neurosis.

Treatment for eye muscle twitching

It is necessary to analyze the systematicity of twitching of the eye muscles. If this happens constantly, you need to contact a neurologist to find out the exact details and prescribe treatment. Because twitching of the eye muscles for a long time leads to the development of facial hemispasm, which results in decreased vision. In this case, you need to visit an ophthalmologist and then a neurologist.

If twitching occurs rarely, then vitamins and therapy will help, according to which:
- it is necessary to eliminate factors that negatively affect the psychological state;
- normalize and increase sleep duration, sleep two to three hours more than usual;
- minimize time spent at the computer and TV;
- perform strengthening exercises for the eye muscles - close your eyes tightly, count to sixty and widen your eyes - this exercise can be repeated several times a day;
- take sedatives plant based: decoction of chamomile, lemon balm, mint and.

Even minor disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can cause contractions of the eye muscles. In this case, it is necessary to remember all possible injuries and diseases associated with the central nervous system. Because or meningitis transferred to early childhood, can manifest itself in twitching of the eye muscles.

Rare man I have not experienced muscle twitching around the eyes. This is usually characterized as “eye twitching” or called a nervous tic. Depending on the circumstances, according to doctors, such twitching can occur in every person.

When the eye begins to twitch, it is quite unpleasant. Moreover, it is arbitrary and often not at the most opportune moment. In addition to a purely cosmetic defect, this also gives unpleasant feeling, which you want to get rid of quickly.

Causes of eye twitching

Experts say that the most common cause the occurrence of such a nervous tic is nervous tension. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all when the events that worried the person so much happened - an hour ago or two days have passed.

History knows cases when twitching of the eye muscles began several years after an emotionally strong event that literally shocked a person.

In addition, the list of reasons:
- chronic lack of sleep;
- mental fatigue;
- fatigue resulting from flights or travel;
- too intense rhythm of work;
- infectious diseases and injuries affecting the brain;
- weakness or.

If you have a nervous tic, you need to take a break and rest a little. It's better if you add to your daily diet reception sedatives. They will help calm the nervous system and make the process of getting rid of tics faster. Remember that leaving the situation to its own devices can cause the twitching to become chronic. As a result, a person’s entire life is disrupted, because... Always. And this often leads to a person’s alienation from society and the fact that he finds himself completely alone.

What to do to get rid of nervous tics

First of all, consult a neurologist and an ophthalmologist. They will prescribe you medications and vitamin complexes which will help and relieve the feeling of fatigue.

In addition, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day - try to rearrange your schedule so that you have at least 8 hours of sleep. Also try to include walks in the fresh air into your daily routine. It is advisable to walk for at least 1.5-2 hours a day. Naturally, it is worth including sports activities. Swimming, morning exercises, aerobics, jogging, etc. – all this will help strengthen the body and nervous system.

Breathe deeply. Firstly, it will saturate the lungs and body with oxygen. Secondly, it will help you in difficult situations in which you are ready to literally explode, calm down and tune in to a rational mood.

From the same series: in a nervous situation, when you literally want to explode, you need to count to 10.

Psychologists advise purchasing CDs with soothing melodies and sounds of nature. This will give you the opportunity to meditate on occasion and calm your nervous system.

If you work a lot and often at the computer, it would be a good idea to do eye exercises. It is recommended to perform simple exercises once an hour. Squeeze your eyelids tightly and deep breath, then exhale and open your eyelids. Repeat 5 times. You can alternate this exercise with simple action: Close your eyes and sit there for a few minutes.

To get rid of nervous tics, start taking vitamins. Typically, muscle twitching indicates a lack of magnesium and vitamin B in the body. Add more fruits and dried fruits, which contain these vitamins in abundance, to your diet. Nuts, chocolate and beans will also be beneficial.

Related article

Almost every person experiences eye problems from time to time. This happens because the muscle near the eye begins to involuntarily contract due to nervous tension.

Contact a neurologist. This is necessary if you have nervous tics very often. If you are rarely bothered by a twitching eye, you can get by with preventive methods.

It is advisable to start with the cause of the formation, and then you need to eliminate it. If the cause is a nervous character, then when getting rid of stressful situation As a rule, the eye stops and it all goes away completely painlessly. To speed up the process of disappearance of a nervous tic, you need to rest more, reduce the strain on the eyes that appears when long work at computer. You should also increase your daily sleep time by two hours.

If you experience severe nervous tension, drink a soothing chamomile infusion. Drink as little coffee as possible.

Take drops of peony tincture, previously diluted in 50 grams of water, at night. This tool is very effective - your eyelid will stop twitching after 2 days. However, there is still no course of treatment. Drink the tincture for a month.

In order for the effect of the above drug, you can take tincture of motherwort or valerian in daytime days.

Make sure you get enough magnesium, which controls the normal functioning of the nervous system. In turn, magnesium is found in certain foods: fish, watermelon, peas, beans, cocoa and rye bread.

Try to relax and spend time outdoors. Protect yourself from irritating factors. Engage in a pleasant pastime: dancing, yoga, swimming - something that will give you pleasure and with which you can calm down. You can go somewhere where you can be alone with yourself. This will give you the opportunity to get your nerves back in order.

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