Beneficial properties of parsnips - how to treat with “white carrots”? Parsnip - an undeservedly forgotten vegetable, but very useful

Description of the parsnip vegetable and its properties

The parsnip vegetable contains nutritional and useful material. It has many healing properties. Therefore, it is used in folk and traditional medicine. Medicines are created on its basis.

Description of the vegetable parsnip and its photo

Parsnips are herbaceous and perennial. IN wildlife it grows among bushes. It can also be grown in your own garden.

Source: Depositphotos

The parsnip vegetable is used in cooking as a spice.

This plant can reach 2 m in height. The stem is covered with fluff and branches grow on it. Parsnip leaves oval shape, with small soft hairs. The leaves at the top of the plant are larger than those at the bottom.

During the flowering period, in mid-summer, inflorescences of 10–15 small flowers appear on it yellow color.

The plant is a good honey plant.

Parsnips have a fleshy root system. The fruits ripen in mid-September. Edible roots can be white or yellow, elongated or round. The shape depends on the variety. In cross section, parsnips are gray-yellow or yellow-brown in color.

Its sweet taste is similar to carrots, and nice smell Reminds me of the aroma of parsley. This vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked from it.

Useful properties of parsnip vegetable

Parsnips filled useful elements. Among them are B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, mineral salts, carbohydrates and proteins, essential oils, starch, fiber and other substances. Thanks to the abundance of useful components, this vegetable allows you to fight many ailments.

It has the following healing properties:

  • For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, during a cold it provides expectorant action. Reduces cough and sore throat.
  • Serves as an analgesic for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
  • Has a diuretic effect on the body.
  • Allows you to fight heart and vascular diseases.
  • Relieves spasms.
  • Used for treatment skin diseases. Special products are made from parsnip fruits.
  • Parsnips are indispensable for men who have problems with potency.
  • Normalizes the nervous system, helps overcome depression and other nervous diseases.
  • Parsnips not only help you get rid of diseases, but can also strengthen your immune system.
  • A water infusion from it allows you to restore the body after a serious illness or surgery.

This list can be continued endlessly. The vegetable is widely used in medicine.

Include parsnips in your diet and stay healthy.

Parsnip (Pastinaca) is a biennial vegetable plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family. People also call it white root, popovnik, field borscht or trestles.

Parsnip has the following names in other languages:

  • in German – Pastinake;
  • in English – parsnip;
  • in French - panais.


Parsnips are a vegetable crop that reaches two meters in height. It has a straight stem that branches upward. It has long, large leaves. Externally, parsnip root looks like a carrot, only white. Parsnip flowers are complex yellow umbels.

The fruits of the plant are greenish-yellow achenes that are disc-shaped. After ripening, the fruit is divided into two parts, each of which contains one seed. The fruits begin to ripen closer to autumn.


There are 15 types of parsnips growing in Europe. Most Popular:

  • Armenian (Pastinaca armena);
  • sowing ( Pastinaca sativa);
  • shadow (Pastinaca umbrosa);
  • Claus (Pastinaca clausii);
  • forest (Pastinaca sylvestris);
  • femoral leaf (Pastinaca pimpinellifolia).

Where does it grow?

Parsnips are not wild plant. It is grown on the territory Central Asia and Russia. It grows on dry soils, in vegetable gardens or fields. Parsnips are still widely grown in the Caucasus.

How to choose?

  • Parsnip root should be white and firm (the whiter, the sweeter).
  • The white root should not have dark spots or signs of deterioration.
  • It is better not to choose large root vegetables, as they can be very stringy.

Harvesting methods

  • At the end of autumn, when all the root crops have already been collected. It is better to harvest parsnips in dry weather. First, the leaves are cut off, then the roots are dug up and dried. A wonderful place Dry basements are used for storing the white root. The roots must first be sprinkled with sand.
  • Only the leaves are collected in late autumn, and the root crops are left for the winter and dug up only in early spring.


  • The root has a sweetish, spicy taste.
  • Parsnips have a pleasant aroma that is reminiscent of celery.
  • Externally, this plant has much in common with carrots.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of parsnip root contains 47 kcal. The nutritional value product is as follows:

  • whites 1.4 g.
  • fats 0.5 gr.
  • carbohydrates 9.2 gr.

To know more information about parsnip and its properties, you can from the program “1000 and one spice of Scheherazade”

Chemical composition

The root vegetables of the plant contain many vitamins, minerals, ascorbic acid. Parsnip root is fleshy, giving it many nutritional benefits. The plant contains large quantities of potassium. Parsnip roots are rich in starch, proteins, essential oils, fiber, pectin and oils.

It contains large quantities useful microelements(sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus). Parsnips also contain carotene, vitamin C, and the entire group of B vitamins.


Carotene and ascorbic acid, which are part of parsnips, tone the body and increase immunity


You need to be very careful with the leaves and fruits of the plant, as they can cause severe burns if they come into contact with wet skin. People who have fair skin should remember that the white root increases sensitivity skin under direct sunlight.


  • skin inflammation (photodermatosis);
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • children and elderly people.

People with chronic urolithiasis should not eat parsnips.


Parsnip juice is very healthy and tasty. It has a pleasant aroma and sweetish taste. White root juice contains a large number of various minerals, the main place among which is K (potassium).

Juice properties:

  • increases appetite;
  • helps with coughs, removes phlegm;
  • regulates processes digestive system;
  • relieves spasms and pain;
  • has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • reduces acidity gastric juice;
  • eliminates bad smell from mouth;
  • helps cope with infectious diseases.

Parsnip juice is used not only in folk medicine, but also in the official one. So, the juice helps in the treatment of baldness. It is the basis for the production of cardiac drugs.

When harvesting, be careful; parsnip juice, when exposed to sunlight, can cause phytophotodermatitis


In cooking

The root vegetable is added to various dishes thanks to its pleasant spicy aroma and sweet taste:

  • Dried or fresh parsnips are added to vegetable salads or soups.
  • Young roots are boiled, stewed, baked, canned. They are used to make purees or sauces.
  • The leaves of the plant are used as a seasoning for fish or meat dishes.
  • Fresh lettuce leaves are added to vegetable salads.

How to cook properly?

The white root can be cooked different ways, it all depends on the dish. So, for salad, the root of a plant in fresh. It can be grated together with carrots. The boiled root can be pureed and used as a side dish for fish or meat dishes. In many countries it is stewed before consumption. The white root can be grilled, but should be dipped in olive oil first.

Parsnips can be eaten whole like carrots, but you need to remember that they are a little bitter. To create an exquisite aroma, the white root is added whole to the soup, and when full readiness take out the root crop. The white root can be fried. So, in England, the USA and Canada, fried parsnips are a traditional dish on the Christmas table. As a seasoning, this plant is added to coffee to obtain a special aroma.


Parsnip and apple salad


  • 1 parsnip root
  • 1 sour apple
  • 1 table. spoon of mayonnaise
  • Parsley
  • Lettuce leaves
  • A little citric acid or vinegar
  • Salt to taste


Grate the white root using a coarse grater. Cut the sour apple into strips and add to the parsnips. Sprinkle a little citric acid or vinegar and mix thoroughly. Next, season the salad with mayonnaise and salt. Top the salad with chopped parsley and lettuce.

Boiled potatoes with parsnips


  • 0.8 kg potatoes
  • 0.5 kg parsnip roots
  • 50 grams butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Peel the potatoes and parsnip roots, cut into small slices and cook. When the vegetables are ready, drain and puree. Add butter, salt and pepper.

In medicine

Medicines based on parsnip are used for effective treatment and eliminating symptoms wide range diseases, including:

  • dropsy;
  • disorders nervous system, especially neuroses;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • gout;
  • rare skin disease - vitiligo;
  • emphysema;
  • tuberculosis.

A decoction of parsnip roots and leaves is used for pulmonary and colds in the form of inhalations.

Traditional medicine recipes

  • For urolithiasis– decoction: you need to take dry parsnip leaves and make a powder out of them. 1 table. Add 200 ml of boiling water to a spoonful of white root, cook for up to 15 minutes and strain carefully. You need to consume the decoction 1 table at a time. spoon three times a day.
  • To boost immunity– infusion: grind the white root. For 2 tables. spoons of root will need a glass of boiling water. The infusion is poured into a thermos and left for 12 hours. Before use, you can add 1 table. a spoonful of honey. The infusion should be taken 4 times a day, 1 table. spoon half an hour before meals.
  • At severe pain – decoction: prepare 2 tablespoons. spoons of white root in powder form, add 5 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over this mixture and cook for 15 minutes, while the container must be covered with a lid. Then let the broth brew for 8 hours. You need to drink the product four times a day, 1 table. spoon 30 minutes before meals.
  • For anemia– take the white root and finely grate. For 1 liter of milk you will need 2 tablespoons. spoons of the plant. First, the milk should be brought to a boil, and then the white root should be added. Wrap the container with a warm towel and let it brew for 6 hours. It is recommended to store the infusion in the refrigerator. It is necessary to use the product for two days, 50 ml before each meal. After a two-day break, resume treatment. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • For the treatment of depression– tincture: take half a glass of chopped parsnip roots, pour into a liter jar and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Close the jar with a lid and store in dark place 30 days. Then you need to strain the tincture and drink 1 teaspoon. spoon 3 times a day.
  • In the treatment of kidney and intestinal diseases- should be taken fresh leaves, grind them. For 1 table. A spoonful of leaves will need 400 ml of boiling water. First, the raw materials should be poured hot water, bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes. Let it brew a little and strain. You need to take the decoction 50 ml 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 70 ml. The course of treatment is up to three weeks.

Parsnip root tincture treats prostatitis and impotence in men

In cosmetology

Since ancient times, parsnips have been used for cosmetic purposes. This plant contains a large amount of minerals and vitamin C, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the skin - it prevents the formation of wrinkles, has nourishing and whitening properties. In cosmetology they mainly use essential oil parsnip, which is added to creams, masks and other cosmetics.

White root essential oil is widely used:

  • to combat cellulite due to its warming effect;
  • to eliminate wrinkles;
  • in inflammatory processes;
  • For fast healing acne.

At home

  • in the form of an aromatic seasoning for broths or soups, perfect for various side dishes;
  • is one of the main vegetables when following a diet, when you can only eat low-calorie foods;
  • are made on its basis various recipes for the treatment of many diseases;
  • as fodder crop parsnips are given to pigs and cows.


  • Round
  • Long
  • Russian size
  • Guernsey
  • Student


Parsnips are unpretentious plants that tolerate drought well and love sunlight. It can germinate in any type of soil, although it is better to use loose sandy loam or loamy soil. In the first year, the soil should be fertilized with manure, and the next year the white root should be planted. This will help prevent excessive branching of the roots. The plant prefers moist soil, but cannot grow in stagnant water.

This vegetable crop is propagated by self-seeding. After sowing the seeds, you can wait three weeks for the first shoots. If you need to speed up the germination process, then the seeds should be soaked for 3 days, then washed warm water and dry well.

In order for the seeds to germinate after two weeks, they must be soaked for 24 hours, and the water must be changed every two hours. Next, the seeds are placed in gauze in a warm place and moistened when dry. When the seeds begin to germinate, they should be placed in the refrigerator along with gauze for a day and can be planted in open ground.

Sowing seeds is carried out in rows, and they are placed 1.5 cm deep. Next, the soil should be rolled so that the plant seeds germinate equally. As soon as two leaves appear on the parsnip, it is necessary to thin out, maintaining a distance of 5 cm between plants. When there are seven leaves on the parsnip, then thinning should be done again, and the distance should already be 10 cm.

The main thing in caring for the plant is moistening the soil as needed, loosening and weeding. You can use liquid fertilizer, but do not use more four times for the season. The first time nitrogen fertilizers should be applied after thinning, then after 14 days a second potash fertilization, which contains phosphorus, should be applied.

  • Parsnips were first mentioned in the works of the ancient Roman scientists Pliny and Dioscorides in the 1st century BC.
  • The seeds of the white root were found during excavations of a settlement that existed in the Neolithic era.
  • In the 17th century in Russia they began to grow the root vegetable and called it field borscht.

Parsnip belongs to the celery family, it is a vullet plant with a thick, sweetish and pleasantly smelling root. The stem is sharply ribbed. The leaves are pinnate. The flowers are yellow. The fruits are round-elliptical, flat-compressed, yellowish-brownish. Blooms in July - August. The fruits ripen in September. Known only in culture.

This ancient culture Incas of Peru - even the Quechua Indians cultivated aracacha for its large, juicy, protein-rich edible roots, top part them (close to the stem) has a slightly pungent taste, and the long and thick roots extending from it resemble a very tender carrot (because of this, it is sometimes called Peruvian carrot - Peruvian carrot). These roots are used as a vegetable in stews and soups. Unfortunately, arakacha can only be cultivated in tropical climate, since even in the subtropics it loses all its nutritional benefits.

Dried parsnip roots are used in powdered seasonings and mixtures. Parsnip greens, although slightly spicy, are also used in cooking, both fresh and dried. It is often used when preparing soup mixtures for future use, added to any vegetable dishes for flavoring. Important role Parsnips play a role in the canning industry, being an essential ingredient in many canned foods, for example, vegetable ones.

Beneficial properties of parsnips

Parsnips contain carotene, vitamin C, carbohydrates, and essential oils. Essential oil - enhances sexual desire. Root vegetables contain vitamins, mineral salts, and essential oils. In terms of the content of easily digestible carbohydrates, parsnips occupy one of the first places among root vegetables. Parsnip contains significant amount potassium and has the ability to reduce water content in the body, promotes blood circulation, improves digestion, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The complex of vitamins, macro- and microelements found in parsnips is close in composition to the complex of vitamins in spinach leaves, but somewhat less in quantity.

Parsnip leaves contain a lot of essential oils, and the root contains three times more fructose and sucrose, sweet and harmless even for diabetics, than carrots. It contains more vitamins and minerals (microelements) than parsley. But absolutely unique property parsnip - it contains substances that relieve spasms. At correct use grated fresh root parsnip even relieves attacks of liver and kidney colic.

Parsnips improve digestion, strengthen the walls of capillary vessels, have an analgesic and expectorant effect, and have tonic properties. Parsnips were used in ancient medicine as a diuretic for edema, as a sexual stimulant, to increase appetite, for hallucinations, as an analgesic for renal, hepatic and stomach colic, as an antitussive and to soften and separate phlegm.

IN modern medicine parsnips are used for treatment and prevention cardiovascular diseases. In experimental studies, parsnip furocoumarins have been shown to increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, which promotes repigmentation of skin discoloration in people with vitiligo. Parsnip fruits are the raw material for the production of drugs "Beroxan", "Eupiglin" and others for the treatment of vitiligo and alopecia, as well as furocoumarin pastinacin - a vasodilator for the prevention of angina attacks during coronary insufficiency and neuroses of the heart, accompanied by coronary spasms, with spastic phenomena, renal and gastrointestinal diseases.

In the old days, in the villages, to improve mood and stimulate appetite, they used a tincture of parsnip roots in moonshine. Parsnips were used to restore the strength of seriously ill patients. In these cases, an aqueous infusion of its roots was taken 100 ml with 1 tablespoon of honey 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment was 30 days.

But few people know that parsnip, and especially its root, can relieve spasms blood vessels. It is used for hypertension, angina pectoris, muscle cramps. Parsnip infusions have a sedative effect, so they are used for neuroses, as well as to improve sleep.

Dangerous properties of parsnips

Parsnips are contraindicated for young children, older people, and those with individual intolerance.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Parsnips are not a very common vegetable crop, but this type of plant has long been known to man. Back in the 1st century BC, Pliny and Diocorides mentioned it. Parsnip seeds were found in Neolithic excavations on the territory of modern Switzerland. By the middle of the sixteenth century, parsnips had already become a common vegetable; it was the most accessible food, as it is today. In Russia, this plant appeared in the 17th century and was known as field borscht. Wild forms are still found in the Caucasus and Balkans. Now parsnips are cultivated almost everywhere.

Calorie content of parsnips

The calorie content of parsnips is 47 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of parsnip

Parsnip juice contains very little and even less, but it is very rich in silicon. The nutritional value of this vegetable is not as high as some other tubers, but healing properties juice, leaves and roots of parsnip are very high. High content silicon and helps overcome brittle nails (calorizer). and are especially beneficial for the lungs and bronchi, and therefore the juice is an excellent food for patients with tuberculosis, pneumonia, and emphysema.

A large percentage is so valuable for the brain that parsnip juice has been used very successfully for many mental disorders.

The benefits and harms of parsnips

Parsnips deserve attention because they can be used in dietary nutrition with cholelithiasis and kidney stone diseases, gout, after serious illnesses, at nervous diseases, tuberculosis, emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis, to improve the functions of the digestive system. Parsnip stimulates the appetite and stimulates the activity of the glands internal secretion, metabolism, strengthens capillary walls, relieves spasms, has a strong diuretic effect, promotes the removal of stones and salts with an analgesic, bactericidal and calming effect.

WITH therapeutic purpose prepare decoctions of roots, leaves or fruits. To prepare the decoction 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs (or leaves) into 2 glasses of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Drink 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals.

A decoction of leaves, roots or seeds is used to treat baldness. To do this, the decoction is taken orally, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. At the same time, fresh root juice or tincture of leaves, seeds or roots is rubbed into the scalp in a ratio of 1:10 every other day for a month. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a month.

An infusion of the roots is used as a general strengthening and tonic for general loss of strength and recovery after heavy operations. To prepare it, fresh crushed roots (2 tbsp. spoons) are mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons. Fill them with a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 8 hours and drink 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Parsnips are not recommended for people sensitive to sun rays suffering from photodermatoses (calorizator). Contact of wet skin with parsnip leaves and fruits causes burns and inflammation of the skin of the hands, especially in blondes. 2 pharmaceutical preparations are prepared from parsnips, which can be bought in pharmacies. Pastinacin, which is used for coronary spasms, mild attacks of angina and Beroxan- prescribed for vitiligo and alopecia.

Parsnips in cooking

Parsnips are used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. Dried parsnip roots are used in powdered seasonings and mixtures. Parsnip greens, although slightly spicy, are also used in cooking, both fresh and dried. It is often used when preparing soup mixtures for future use, and added to any vegetable dishes for flavoring. Parsnips play an important role in the canning industry, being an essential ingredient in many canned foods, for example, vegetable ones.

In the article we tell you how parsnips are useful. Let's look at it in detail medicinal properties. You will learn how the plant is used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and Bladder. We'll tell you what medical supplies produced on the basis of parsnip root, as well as which parts of the plant are used in cooking.

Appearance(photo) parsnip

Parsnip is a plant of the Apiaceae family. It is cultivated all over the world. The inflorescences emit a weak but pleasant aroma.

What does parsnip look like? The plant has a white root that looks like a carrot. He oblong shape, white or yellowish color. Has a sweet taste.

Parsnip is a vegetable with a tall stem and many inflorescences. The stem is ribbed, reaches a height of 30-100 cm. The leaves are pinnately dissected. Light-loving, drought-resistant. The plant blooms in its second year, at the end of July. The pollen of the inflorescences contains a lot of nectar, from which light honey is obtained. All parts of the plant are edible.

Chemical composition

The composition of parsnips includes the following elements:

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin B3;
  • vitamin B9;
  • vitamin C;
  • fatty acid;
  • essential oil;
  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • mineral salts.

Beneficial features

Parsnips can relieve spasms. Root crop crops painful sensations during menstruation, relieves stomach cramps, helps with acute pyelonephritis and renal colic.

The plant nourishes the body minerals, has a relaxing effect on muscles, eliminates cramps.

The root of the plant is used as a means to improve appetite and normalize digestion. It cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

Parsnips are used as a diuretic, the root vegetable removes excess water and reduces swelling. For the same reason, parsnips are good for the cardiovascular system, it reduces the load on the heart and lowers blood pressure.

The anti-inflammatory properties of parsnips are effective in treating viruses. Reduces the risk of colds.

Parsnip leaves are used in the treatment of vitiligo and other skin diseases. Taking a decoction of the dried leaves of the plant internally and rubbing it into the scalp relieves men from baldness. Used as an expectorant and analgesic.

Parsnip seeds are also used in medicine. This is the raw material for medicines, helping with vascular and heart diseases, diseases of the nervous system. The effectiveness of parsnips in the fight against these diseases has been proven by official medicine.

Use in cooking

The root vegetable and the green part of the plant are used in cooking.. Parsnip is a vegetable beneficial features which are recognized as dietetics.

Parsnip root is widely used in cooking. It is prepared as an independent dish and added as a seasoning. Parsnips are irreplaceable as a side dish for meat and fish. Root vegetable taste qualities is not inferior to potatoes, so it makes an excellent vegetable stew.

Parsnip leaves are edible as a seasoning for salads and main courses only when they are young.

All parts of the vegetable are used in home canning. Parsnips give pickles a piquant taste.

Read more about the use of parsnip root in cooking.

Parsnips in cosmetology

Thanks to its large amount of minerals and vitamin C, parsnips have found wide application in cosmetology. It prevents the formation of wrinkles, has nourishing and whitening properties. Cosmetologists use the essential oil of the plant. It is added to creams, masks and other cosmetics.

Essential oil of the root vegetable is used:

  • to combat cellulite;
  • to eliminate wrinkles;
  • for quick healing of acne.

Parsnip essential oil is used for anti-cellulite massage. Fresh Juice plants accelerate hair growth.

Use in folk medicine

Decoctions and infusions are made from parsnip, its juice is used

Traditional medicine considers parsnips to be a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It is widely used in the treatment of many diseases. The plant has proven itself as excellent remedy in the fight against respiratory diseases and cough. It is considered an effective antidepressant, fights sleep disorders, and has a calming effect.

Depending on the disease, the root, greens or seeds of the plant are used. Based on parsnips, alcoholic and water infusions, decoctions. Freshly squeezed root juice also has medicinal properties.

Cough decoction

Parsnip root contains large amounts of ascorbic acid and carotene. These elements reduce the risk of colds and strengthen the immune system. An effective antitussive remedy is a decoction of parsnip roots.


  1. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiled water over the crushed root, boil for 15 minutes. Pour the broth into a thermos and leave overnight. Strain in the morning.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon warm 3-4 times a day. First add 1 tablespoon of honey to the broth.

Result: Strengthens the immune system. Helps with the removal of sputum.

Parsnip juice for digestion

The essential oils that make up parsnip root provoke active selection gastric juice. Increase appetite, increase the speed of food digestion. Due to its low calorie content, eating vegetables does not affect weight in any way. Parsnip also has a laxative effect, solving the problem of constipation. Parsnip juice is recommended for people with metabolic disorders.


  1. Parsnip root - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Using a juicer, extract the juice from the root vegetable.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Result: Normalizes food metabolism, promotes rapid digestion of food.

Decoction for the kidneys and bladder

What are the benefits and harms of parsnips for diseases? urinary tract? The positive effect is that it removes kidney stones well. However, it may harm those who have urolithiasis disease in disrepair. The root vegetable has a weak diuretic effect and removes excess fluid.


  1. Parsnip root - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the crushed root, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain.

How to use: Drink 1 tablespoon infusion 4-5 times a day before meals.

Result: Dissolves stones, prevents reabsorption of urine.

Parsnip juice for lungs

Eating “white carrots” is beneficial for patients with asthma and tuberculosis. A decoction of the root is useful for inflammation of the lungs and bronchi. Freshly squeezed plant juice helps in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, emphysema.


  1. Parsnip root - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Wash and peel the parsnips. Extract the juice from root vegetables using a juicer.

How to use: Drink 20 ml of juice 3-4 times a day a few minutes before meals.

Result: Helps with productive coughing.

Tincture for depression

In order to get rid of depressive state, prepare parsnip tincture.


  1. Parsnip juice - 50 ml.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Mix juice with vodka, leave for 2 days.

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, diluted with a small amount of water. Duration of treatment is 10-15 days.

Result: Blocks depressed state.

Decoction in dermatology

In natural cosmetology, parsnip occupies one of the leading places. Used in the treatment of skin diseases, acne, vitiligo.


  1. Parsnip root - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Boil the roots for 10 minutes in water and strain immediately. Cool to room temperature.

How to use: Wipe your face and neck with the broth.

Result: Removes inflammatory process. Promotes acne healing.

Preparations based on parsnip

Pasternak has found a worthy niche in pharmaceuticals. An extract from the plant is used in the production of a number of medicines. These include Pastinacin, Beroxan, Epigalin and others.

The use of Pastinacin is indicated for the prevention of angina attacks, coronary insufficiency and neuroses with coronary spasms.

“Beroxan” is used in the treatment of vitiligo, alopecia areata and total alopecia, mycosis fungoides, and psoriasis.

The drug “Epigalin” is created on the basis herbal ingredients to combat hyperplasia - pathological proliferation of cells that turns into neoplasms. Used to treat the prostate, uterine endometrium, ovaries, and mammary glands.

Watch the video about growing parsnips:

Contraindications and possible harm

In summer, parsnips must be handled with care, as when consumed, there is an increase in skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The green part of the plant releases many volatile substances and contributes to the occurrence of burns.

If you come across a meadow parsnip, you should not touch it - the inconspicuous greenish leaves act on the skin like nettles.


  • photodermatosis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension;
  • advanced forms of urolithiasis;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • elderly age;

What to remember

  1. When added sugar, parsnips stimulate the appetite.
  2. Parsnips have a positive effect on the human body.
  3. Before you start taking parsnip products, consult your doctor to avoid negative consequences.

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