Polygynax: instructions for using candles and what they are needed for, price, reviews, analogues. Polygynax capsules - official* instructions for use

Polygynax is a fairly common remedy that is used for thrush. This vaginal suppositories, which, according to the instructions for use, will help a woman eliminate unpleasant consequences bacterial vaginosis, that is, thrush. Moreover, the active components of Polygynax not only suppress pathogens in the vagina, but also prevent the infection from reoccurring in the woman.

When is Polygynax prescribed?

Polygynax is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory processes of the vagina, for pathologies of the pelvic organs, as well as for such pathological conditions, How:

  • Vaginitis;
  • Damage to the vaginal microflora by fungal microorganisms;
  • For prevention inflammatory processes vagina;
  • Before performing operations on the pelvic organs;
  • When performing diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
  • After an abortion;
  • Before childbirth, as a preventive measure to avoid damage to the birth canal by infections and inflammatory processes.

In what dosage are Polygynax suppositories used?

The instructions for use indicate that the course of treatment (thrush) is 12 days. Every day, at night, a woman should insert one Polygynax capsule into the vagina. For preventive measures, the course of therapy is 6 days.

If you miss a capsule at night, you must continue treatment the next day as before (you do not need to take 2 capsules).

Are there any contraindications to the use of Polygynax?

Are there any possible contraindications to the use of Polygynax? According to the instructions for use of Polygynax suppositories, there are no contraindications to this drug.

Side effects

It is possible that patients may experience individual intolerance active ingredients Polygynaxa. In this case, a number of side effects may occur, such as allergic reaction vagina, unpleasant sensation burning, itching in the perineum, redness.

How often to use Polygynax suppositories?

If you are prone to thrush occurring at least once a year, then preventive measures with the use of Polygynax should be carried out quite regularly - at least 2 times a year (therapy for 6 days with 1 vaginal suppository).

It is forbidden to accept!

  • Polygynax suppositories should not be taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • Not recommended for use during breastfeeding.
  • During treatment, complete sexual rest is necessary.

It is advisable, before using Polygynax suppositories, to consult a gynecologist for a prescription and consultation.

What does Polygynax capsules contain?

The composition of Polygynax vaginal suppositories includes neomecin sulfate, polymyxin sulfate, dimethicone, nystatitn, water, hydrogenated oil.

Reviews about the use of Polygynax suppositories

  • “I have been using Polygynax suppositories for 4 years now - they have always helped me out! For some reason, only this drug helped me get rid of thrush. All other known suppositories for thrush provoked unpleasant itching in the vagina, burning, rash and redness. It is very important to put the candles on for 12 days, as indicated in the instructions - otherwise everything will be in vain. Thrush can be cured, but only if you follow the instructions for the drug.” (Olga, 30 years old)
  • “I recommend these candles to all my friends and acquaintances. I suffered from it for several years. After the appearance of a permanent sexual partner, she infected him with this disease. We started treatment together. My gynecologist recommended that I take 1 Polygynax suppository at night for 12 days in a row and not have sex during this entire time. For the first time during this time, I felt relief - the unpleasant white discharge disappeared, the smell from the vagina disappeared, and intimate life just got better. Since then I always buy these candles for home medicine cabinet, every couple should have them.” (Tamara, 21 years old)
  • “Don't repeat my mistakes. For 4 days I took one Polygynax suppository at night. On the 5th day there were no longer any traces of this nasty thrush, and I decided to stop treatment. Girls, don't do like me. 3 days after I finished putting the suppositories, the symptoms of thrush returned to me again. Only then did I read the instructions for the drug and saw that they need to be used for exactly 12 days. I started the treatment again and it turned out to be effective. Thrush hasn’t come to me for 2 years.” (Svetlana, 40 years old).
  • “I needed 2 courses of taking Polygynax suppositories to get rid of this unpleasant and painful diagnosis” bacterial vaginosis" The gynecologist prescribed me 2 courses of treatment, placing 1 Polygynax suppository in the vagina at night every six months. The thrush went away without a trace. Although I tried it before a large number of medicines, from sprays to serious antibiotics“Nothing helped.” (Eva, 35 years old).
  • “I used the suppositories according to the instructions - 12 days in one month and 6 days in another (but this is for insurance and prevention). The thrush doesn't come back and doesn't bother me anymore. I recommend!". (Yulia, 19 years old).
  • “I put candles on for 5 days, they didn’t help, although maybe I should have put them on more days. As a result, I switched to it in combination with flucostat.” (Dina, 32 years old).
  • “It’s surprising, but I treated thrush with Polygynax suppositories, and killed two birds with one stone - my cervical erosion went away without a trace. Very good remedy, these vaginal suppositories. I used 2 packages, 12 candles in total.” (Tamara, 26 years old).
  • “I used Polygynax suppositories for six months - 2 times for 12 days and the thrush went away without a trace, as if it had never happened, although I couldn’t cure it with anything before. This product is not cheap, but it is effective!” (Miroslava, 18 years old).
  • “I treated thrush with Polygynax a year ago, but now it has appeared again. Now I’ve bought another package of candles and I hope that it will help as much as the first time.” (Ira, 25 years old).

Polygynax is a combined antibacterial agent in the form of vaginal capsules for local application, which also has an antifungal effect.

A similar drug in the form of capsules for insertion into the vagina is often used in gynecological practice to eliminate diseases and inflammatory processes caused by the activity of bacteria and fungi. The drug is often used to treat and prevent relapses of thrush in women.

The advantage of this form is the direct impact on the source pathological process, such an effect cannot be achieved by using tablets, capsules and other systemic means.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug with antibacterial and antifungal action for topical use in gynecology.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


How much do Polygynax suppositories cost in pharmacies? average price is at the level of 400 rubles.

Release form and composition

The release form of the drug is soft capsules intended for insertion into the vagina. These vaginal suppositories They are distinguished by a milky beige color and have a pleasant, smooth texture. The shape resembles an elongated oval.

Candle composition:

  • One capsule contains 35 thousand IU of neomycin sulfate;
  • 35 thousand IU of polymyxin B sulfate;
  • 100 thousand IU of nystatin;
  • Other components include substances such as: hydrogenated soybean oil, Tefoz 63, dimethicone 1000;
  • The shell has the following composition: glycerol, gelatin, dimethicone 1000 and purified water.

Candles are sold 6 pieces per plate, and one or two plates per package.

Pharmacological effect

Due to the inclusion of Polygynax vaginal capsules active ingredients, the drug has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Polymyxin B and neomycin are antibiotics with wide range activity, they have a bactericidal effect (lead to death bacterial cells) against most pathogenic bacteria.

Streptococci and anaerobic bacteria (microorganisms whose growth and reproduction occurs only in oxygen-free conditions) are not sensitive to the action of these antibiotics. Nystatin is an antifungal agent with a fungicidal effect (leads to the death of fungal cells), it is most active against yeast fungi of the genus Candida.

Also, Polygynax vaginal capsules improve metabolism (trophic processes) in the cells of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use

Vaginal capsules are used to treat inflammation caused by microorganisms sensitive to the action of the drug. Polygynax destroys the source of the following infectious processes, having a detrimental effect on the pathogens of such diseases:

  • inflammation caused by the development of a fungus – fungal vaginitis;
  • a combined infection resulting from the action of bacteria and fungi at the same time - mixed vaginitis;
  • inflammatory process provoked pathogenic bacteria vaginal mucosa – bacterial vaginitis;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathology localized on the mucous membranes of the vulva (vulvovaginitis) or cervix (cervicovaginitis).

Polygynax is also justified for prevention. It reduces the likelihood of complications following diagnostic or surgical procedures. A course of capsules can be prescribed:

  • as a prevention of inflammation before childbirth;
  • for preparation for intrauterine manipulations;
  • before and after treatment of erosion or pseudo-erosion of the cervix using diathermocoagulation (cauterization).


The use of Polygynax is absolutely contraindicated in the case of a patient experiencing personal hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the capsules, as well as in women in the first trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, women can treat thrush and other diseases with Polygynax only as prescribed by a doctor and under his close supervision.

In case of emergency, candles are placed in a minimum dosage of 6 pieces. for the course. Polygynax cannot be used while breastfeeding, as its antibacterial components can harm the baby.

Dosage and method of administration

The instructions for use indicate that Polygynax is intended for intravaginal use. The drug should be injected deep into the vagina while lying on your back, 1 capsule 1 time per day, before bedtime.

Duration therapeutic use– 12 days, preventive – 6 days.

If you miss the next dose, you should not double the dose; you must continue to use the drug according to the usual regimen.

Side effects

Usually, medicinal capsules Polygynax is well tolerated. It is extremely rare that women experience allergic reactions due to their use.

The list of side effects is as follows:

  • itching and burning of the genitals;
  • swelling of the perineum;
  • redness of the external genitalia.

With prolonged use, symptoms characteristic of use may appear. antibacterial agents. Similar manifestation associated with private reaction female body on the antibacterial component included in the product.


Cases of overdose when using the drug have not been recorded.

Theoretically, in case of excessive use of capsules, side effects characteristic of Polygynax may occur or aggravation of already observed negative effects.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. You should not interrupt the course of treatment during menstruation.
  2. During treatment, it is not recommended to use latex caps and condoms.
  3. Before using the drug, it is necessary to first take a smear and conduct a bacteriological analysis.
  4. The duration of use of the drug should be limited in order to prevent the development of resistance to it in certain pathogens and the risk of reinfection.
  5. The patient should be warned about the need to inform the attending physician about the worsening of any of the side effects indicated in the instructions or the occurrence of other side effects not specified in the instructions.

Drug interactions

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Polygynax: instructions for use


Active ingredients:

Neomycin sulfate……………….35,000 IU

Polymyxin B sulfate………… 35,000 IU

Nystatin…………………………100,000 IU


Tefoz 63®…………………….125.0 mg

Soybean oil hydrogenated………..…30.0 mg

Dimethicone 1000………… before 2500.0 mg

Composition of the capsule shell:

gelatin……………..381.2 mg

glycerol……………..191.5 mg

dimethicone 1000………86.9 mg


Soft capsules from light yellow to beige color, oval shape containing a semi-liquid homogeneous mass. The contents of the capsules may vary in color from yellow to brown.

pharmachologic effect

Combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition. Provides antibacterial, bactericidal and antifungal effect. Neomycin and polymyxin B are active against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms; Streptococcus spp. and anaerobic bacteria are insensitive to these antibiotics. Nystatin has a fungicidal effect against fungi of the genus Candida. Improves trophic processes in the vaginal mucosa.


It is evenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa, providing a local bactericidal and fungicidal effect. It is practically not absorbed from the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use


Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by sensitive microorganisms: nonspecific, fungal, mixed vaginitis, vulvovaginitis and cervicovaginitis.


Preoperative prophylaxis infectious complications for gynecological interventions;

Before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix;

Before intrauterine diagnostic procedures;

Before childbirth.


Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. I trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters is possible only as prescribed by a doctor in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. The lactation period is a contraindication; if necessary, use the drug in this period, breastfeeding is stopped.

Side effect

Allergic reactions, burning, itching, irritation in the vagina. Allergic contact eczema. At long-term use possible systemic manifestation side effects aminoglycosides. If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, please inform your doctor.


No data.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to use in combination with spermicides, because a decrease in the activity of the drug is possible.

Features of application

Before using the drug, it is necessary to first take a smear and conduct a bacteriological analysis. The duration of use of the drug should be limited in order to prevent the development of resistance to it in certain pathogens and the risk of reinfection. During treatment, it is not recommended to use latex caps and condoms. You should not interrupt the course of treatment during menstruation.

Polygynax is a drug popular in gynecological practice with antibacterial and fungicidal properties. Clinical researches confirmed the effectiveness (93.3%) of Neomycin, Polymyxin and Nystatin included in the drug in the treatment of colpitis, cervicitis and others infectious diseases reproductive tract of mixed origin.

High efficiency, absence of pronounced side effects, ease of use determined the popularity of the drug Polygynax (suppositories). Instructions for use in gynecology also indicate the rational use of suppositories to prevent secondary infections of the genital tract in women during periods of hormonal imbalance and after surgery.

Mechanism of action of candles

Vaginal suppositories (capsules) Polygynax contain a combination of antibiotics (Neomycin, Polymyxin B) and antifungal agent(Nystatin). The combined drug has a bactericidal effect on many strains of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococci, enterobacteria, Haemophilus influenzae, etc.), however, anaerobic bacteria remain resistant to it. Effective against fungi of the genus Candida, causing thrush(candidal colpitis).

For the convenience of topical use of Polygynax suppositories, they contain auxiliary substances that give shape and a soft, uniform consistency (gelatin, dimethicone). The surfactant dimethicone, when introduced into the vagina, creates an enveloping film that promotes deep penetration of the drug into the tissue.

Polygynax suppositories are especially popular in the treatment of fungal diseases of the vagina and cervical canal, including those caused hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, pre- and postmenopause.

The high fungicidal activity of Polygynax against spores and mycelium of yeast fungi allows achieving positive result treatment in pregnant, weakened women with chronic diseases reproductive organs with frequent relapses.

The use of Polygynax in pregnant women prevents intrauterine infection of the fetus, as well as infection during the child’s advancement. birth canal. Vaginal capsules (suppositories) Polygynax are contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of side effects active substances on the developing fetus.

It is not recommended to use Polygynax during breastfeeding. Despite the insignificant penetration of the drug into breast milk Due to local use, you should avoid feeding your baby breast milk during the treatment period.

The course of treatment with the drug lasts 6-12 days. During menstruation, the use of Polygynax is allowed, however, this therapy option is not very convenient for the patient. If menstruation occurs in the middle of the course, you can continue taking the drug after completion menstrual flow. The question of whether this can be discussed in advance with your doctor.

Indications for use

Polygynax suppositories are used topically. Instructions for use in gynecology indicate the rationality of their use for diseases such as:

  • vulvovaginitis and cervicitis of bacterial and mixed origin;
  • colpitis of fungal origin (Candida, Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, Coccidioides);
  • treatment of vulvovaginitis in pregnant women, including hormonal imbalance;
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive organs in women during pre- and postmenopause;
  • complicated form of cervical ectropion;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital tract in girls of puberty.

Polygynax suppositories are indicated for use for the following purposes:

  1. prevention of infectious complications before surgery;
  2. sanitization of the vagina in the prenatal period;
  3. prevention of secondary infection after abortion, diagnostic curettage uterus, conization of the cervix;
  4. prevention of secondary infection after elimination of ectopic pregnancy;
  5. prevention of specific vaginitis against the background of existing inflammatory processes in the vagina (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, AIDS).

Rules for using candles

Polygynax is a drug local action: to achieve maximum effect, gynecologists recommend inserting suppositories deep into the vagina, taking a comfortable body position. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bed to avoid leakage of the product from the vagina. To protect underwear and bed linen from contamination medicinal substances It is recommended to use panty liners.

Polygynax suppositories are used for a short course so as not to cause resistance pathogenic flora to the action of the medicine. WITH for preventive purposes The drug is used for no more than 6 days. If the course of therapy occurs at the beginning of menstruation, treatment is continued without interruption. To treat infectious diseases of the vagina and cervical canal, Polygynax suppositories are inserted into the vagina for at least 12 days.

Subject to systematic use, Polygynax allows you to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, How:

  • purulent, bloody discharge, leucorrhoea;
  • itching in the vagina;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • hyperemia;
  • pain;
  • burning.

During the treatment period, they refuse to have sex in order to avoid injury to the wound surface and relapse of the disease. It should be noted that the effect of spermicides reduces the effectiveness of the active substances.

It is also not recommended to use latex products for contraception (the lack of natural lubrication injures the inflamed vaginal mucosa). Antibacterial (or antifungal) therapy must also be given to the sexual partner at the same time. Your doctor may recommend limiting sexual activity for a longer period if complications arise.

Side effects

During the period of using candles, there may be side effects in the form of a local allergic reaction to substances included in the drug. Individual hypersensitivity is manifested by burning, pain, itching of the vagina, allergic rashes on inner surface hips With pronounced clinical manifestations The use of vaginal capsules is abandoned. Alternative Methods Treatments are agreed upon with the attending physician.

Polygynax suppositories allow you to achieve positive results with timely use and compliance with the recommendations of your doctor. A preliminary culture test will indicate the rationality of using this drug for the treatment of a specific disease.

*registered by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (according to grls.rosminzdrav.ru)

Registration number:


Tradename: POLYGINAX

Group name: Neomycin + Nystatin + Polymyxin B

Dosage form:

vaginal capsules

Composition per 1 capsule

Active ingredients:

Neomycin sulfate……………….35,000 IU
Polymyxin B sulfate………… 35,000 IU
Nystatin…………………………100,000 IU


Tefoz 63®…………………….125.0 mg
Hydrogenated soybean oil………..…30.0 mg
Dimethicone 1000………………2500.0 mg

Composition of the capsule shell:

gelatin……………..381.2 mg
glycerol……………..191.5 mg
dimethicone 1000………86.9 mg


Soft capsules are light yellow to beige in color, oval in shape, containing a semi-liquid homogeneous mass. The contents of the capsules may vary in color from yellow to brown.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Combined antibiotic.

(antibiotics: aminoglycoside + polyene + cyclic polypeptide)

ATX code: G01AA51

Pharmacological properties


A combined drug whose effect is determined by its constituent components. Has antibacterial, bactericidal and antifungal effects. Neomycin and polymyxin B are active against many gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms; Streptococcus spp. and anaerobic bacteria are insensitive to these antibiotics. Nystatin has a fungicidal effect against fungi of the genus Candida.

Improves trophic processes in the vaginal mucosa.

Pharmacokinetics. It is evenly distributed throughout the vaginal mucosa, providing a local bactericidal and fungicidal effect. It is practically not absorbed from the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

Indications for use


Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by sensitive microorganisms: nonspecific, fungal, mixed vaginitis, vulvovaginitis and cervicovaginitis.


Preoperative prevention of infectious complications during gynecological interventions;
- before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix;
- before intrauterine diagnostic procedures;
- before childbirth.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
I trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters is possible only|only| as prescribed by a doctor in cases where the expected benefit|self-interest| for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.
The lactation period is a contraindication; If it is necessary to use the drug during this period, stop breastfeeding.

Directions for use and doses

For vaginal use.

Lying on your back, the capsule is inserted deep into the vagina in the evening before bed.
The course of treatment is 12 days. Prophylactic course 6 days.

If you miss one or more capsules, resume taking the drug at the usual dose.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, burning, itching, irritation in the vagina. Allergic contact eczema. With long-term use, systemic manifestations of side effects of aminoglycosides are possible.

If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

special instructions

Before using the drug, it is necessary to first take a smear and conduct a bacteriological analysis.
The duration of use of the drug should be limited in order to prevent the development of resistance to it in certain pathogens and the risk of reinfection.
During treatment, it is not recommended to use latex caps and condoms.
You should not interrupt the course of treatment during menstruation.


No data.

Effect on ability to drive vehicles

There is no data on the negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.

Release form

Vaginal capsules.
6 capsules in PVC/aluminum blisters.
1 or 2 blisters with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
on prescription.

Laboratory Innotek International
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