Does Prostamol help with prostatitis? Tablets for prostatitis Prostamol or Prostamol UNO: differences, composition and pharmacological action of the drugs

Significant damage to emotional as well as physical condition men can bring, insufficient emptying Bladder, as well as a weak and intermittent stream, disorder of sexual function. Fortunately, modern companies, producing drugs, offer many effective means to combat these symptoms.

These include a tablet product. This medicine has proven itself to be effective in eliminating various symptoms at . Its key features will be described below.

Manufacturing this drug carried out in capsules, which are intended for internal use. The action of the product is very mild, since it is produced on the basis of herbal ingredients.

Prostamol Uno tablets

The product contains only one active substance. This is a special medicinal extract made from the fruit of a palm tree called Sabal serrulata. One capsule contains 320 mg of the substance.

pharmachologic effect

The drug belongs to the group of anti-edematous drugs. In addition, Prostamol has antiandrogenic activity.

Within a short time after regular use of the drug, tissue swelling decreases. This effect is especially important in the process of blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Usually, this state observed in case of exacerbation of the disease. The effect of Prostamol is explained by the action of a complex of active substances.

Medicine or dietary supplement?

Many men who have decided to take this drug are interested in whether Prostamol is an effective medicine or.

The manufacturer presented the product as a dietary supplement.

However, in terms of its healing effects, it is similar to classical medicines. The drug was tested in urological European clinics very successfully.

However, it is not able to completely rid the patient of the disease. Accordingly, Prostamol cannot be called a medicine.

The drug only allows you to stop the development of the disease and smooth out the symptoms. In case of development, the drug is prescribed for carrying out.

What does Prostamol UNO help with: indications for use

The drug Prostamol is prescribed by many urologists for the treatment various disorders urination. Basically, this condition provokes prostatitis.

The drug is prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • , "leakage";
  • incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • in the lower abdomen;
  • weakening of urine flow, urinary retention.

The drug is also indicated in case of development of the first and second degrees. As a rule, it is always accompanied by various urination disorders.

Instructions for use of capsules

The regimen for using this drug is as simple as possible. To obtain the optimal effect, a man should take 1 capsule once a day after meals.

Do not chew the tablet. You need to drink it with a small amount of water.

To ensure effectiveness, it is necessary to use the product at the same time of day. On average, the course of treatment is at least 3 months.

How to drink Prostamol to prevent prostate diseases

Prostamol is aid, which is actively used for the treatment of diseases. As mentioned above, the drug can be used without causing any particular harm to the body for a long time.

To maintain optimal condition, Prostamol should be taken at. In this case, the doctor determines the appropriate dose.

Dosage is 160 or 320 grams. As a rule, the dosage depends on the patient's condition. In addition, the individual tolerance of the drug must be taken into account. If a man has an allergic reaction to this medication, use should be discontinued.

The first dose should not exceed 30 days. After this there is a mandatory break. Then the man can undergo several more courses of treatment or prevention using the drug Prostamol.

If the disease manifests itself continuously, take medicine is carried out on an ongoing basis.

Contraindications for use


  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • special sensitivity to one of the components present in the composition.

Perhaps these are the only contraindications that relate to taking the drug for natural basis. The popularity of the drug Prostamol can also be explained by this feature.

Side effects during treatment with the drug

Side effects after using the drug Prostamol can appear in the form of:

  • nausea, heartburn;
  • allergies (rash, itching);
  • minor disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Cost of the drug

Prostamol has a fairly high cost. This is due to the fact that the drug has undergone numerous tests conducted in laboratory conditions.

Moreover, each time it was proven high efficiency medicinal product. Customers are advised to purchase larger packages.

For a package of 60 capsules you will have to pay about 1,250 rubles, for a package of 90 capsules - 1,700 rubles.

How else can you treat prostatitis: tablets, suppositories and injections

In addition to Prostamol tablets, the following can be used:

Instructions for use Prostamol Uno.

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are common ailments among men over 40 years of age. These diseases can cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble. In this case, pain appears when urinating, and erection is impaired. Homeopathic and herbal remedies are often used to relieve symptoms. One of them is Prostamol Uno.

Prostamol Uno - tablets, suppositories: composition, indications for use

Indications for use of the drug are prostate adenoma and prostatitis. The drug helps relieve inflammation and improve urination. The main active ingredient of the drug is an extract from the fruits of the Sabal palm tree. This extract helps reduce inflammation and reduce the size of adenoma.

Prostamol Uno - tablets, suppositories: composition, indications for use

Take tablets once a day. Doctors recommend doing this in the morning after eating. After this, the effect is observed after 6 weeks. The maximum effect can be achieved by taking capsules for 3 months.

You should not chew the capsules. This is due to the fact that the shell is quite strong and thick. It is necessary to prevent absorption of the drug in the stomach. The main part of the medicine must be absorbed in the intestines.

Prostamol Uno - tablets: instructions for use

Suppositories are considered the strongest version of the drug. Absorption of the active substance occurs most quickly. This form of the drug is prescribed for grade 1-2 adenoma. In advanced cases, the drug will not be effective. A suppository is administered before bedtime. Daily dose- one candle. The course of treatment is also determined by the doctor.

Prostamol Uno - candles: instructions for use

For chronic prostatitis, Prostamol Uno is prescribed as part of complex therapy. It is enough to take one capsule per day for 3 months. When combined with other drugs, excellent results can be achieved. The person feels relief, the number of urges to go to the toilet decreases. For prevention, 1 capsule per day is also prescribed for a month. If necessary, after a short break, the drug can be prescribed again.

How to take Prostamol Uno for men with chronic prostatitis, to prevent prostatitis?

It all depends on the severity of the disease.

Course duration:

  • For chronic prostatitis, 30 days, then a week break and again a month of treatment. So you need to take 3 courses, that is, take the medicine for three months
  • For prostate adenoma, take the medicine for three months without breaks
  • For prevention, it is enough to take capsules for one month.

Prostamol Uno - course of treatment: how many days?

Despite completely natural composition, the drug has a number of contraindications.

List of contraindications:

  • Stomach diseases
  • Heartburn
  • Individual intolerance
  • Allergy
  • Women

Side effects:

  • Stomach ache
  • Heartburn
  • Vomiting and nausea

Doctors note that everything side effects arise due to the fact that patients do not have breakfast in the morning and take pills on an empty stomach. This cannot be done, because the drug causes irritation of the stomach walls.

Prostamol Uno: contraindications, side effects

Yes, the drug is sold without a prescription and is not actually a medicine. It can be taken to prevent prostatitis. But if you have an advanced adenoma, then it is better to choose a more strong drug or take Prostamol Uno as part of complex therapy.

Is it possible to take Prostamol without a doctor's prescription?

Prostamol Uno is far from the best cheap drug. Now on Russian market you can find no less effective medicines at low price. These medications also contain herbs that reduce inflammation of the prostate gland and relieve swelling.


  • Prostaseren
  • Prostess
  • Prostagute
  • Prostaplant
  • Kapistan
  • Permixon

How can I replace Prostamol Uno: Russian analogues

Vitaprost in its composition and action differs significantly from Prostamol Ugo. The drug consists of prostate extract and antibiotic. Due to this, the size of the adenoma becomes smaller in short time, after about 10 days you can see an improvement. That is, this drug relieves inflammation more effectively and faster than Prostamol.

Gentos - this medicine is homeopathic and contains herbal extracts. To achieve the effect you need to take it for a long time. In terms of effectiveness, it can be put on a par with Prostamol.

Omnic is a synthetic drug that contains tamsulosin hydrochloride. This is an adeno blocker that quickly relieves swelling and inflammation. It acts much faster than Gentos and Prostamol. It is often prescribed with homeopathic and herbal remedies.

Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnic: which is better?


  • Prostamol Uno and Omnik can be drunk together. These drugs differ in their composition, therefore they are used in complex therapy in the treatment of prostate adenoma.
  • There is no point in taking Prostamol Uno and Gentos together, since the drugs will contain palm extracts.
  • Vitaprost can be taken with Prostamol and Gentos. Thanks to the complex action of antibiotics and herbs, you can quickly relieve the symptoms of adenoma and improve urination.

Prostamol Uno or Vitaprost, Gentos, Omnic: can they be taken together?

Prostamol Uno and alcohol: compatibility

The drug should not be taken with alcohol. In this case, you should try to take the pills at the same time. At joint reception serious consequences are possible.


  • Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, heart failure)
  • Diabetes
  • Ischemia and stroke

Prostamol Uno and alcohol: compatibility

Problems with the genitourinary system in men occur quite often, especially in adulthood. Most often, people consult a doctor with prostate adenoma. The disease causes severe discomfort and urinary retention. If you apply in a timely manner medical care it lends itself well conservative treatment. Complex therapy allows you to quickly and effectively cope with pathology on early stages. The drug “Prostamol Uno” will help stop the development of the disease and eliminate unpleasant symptoms, the instructions for use of which will be discussed in detail.

"Prostamol": composition and brief description

"Prostamol Uno" is a herbal medicine with symptomatic action based on plant matter. Used in therapy benign hyperplasia prostate gland, better known as prostate adenoma. Appointed to urological practice for cupping unpleasant symptoms pathologies in men, as well as with concomitant disorders genitourinary system.

The drug Prostamol Uno refers to medicines containing components plant origin

The product is available in one dosage form– capsules for oral administration. Main characteristics:

  • They are oval gelatin capsules of medium size, in a red-black shell;
  • inside contains a thick oily substance that is yellow, brown or slightly greenish tint, with a light specific aroma;
  • produced by the German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie;
  • packaged in 15 pieces in blisters, the package contains from 1 to 4 plates with instructions;
  • stored in a dry, dark place, away from children, at temperatures up to 25°;
  • Available in online pharmacies without a prescription.

The composition of “Prostamol Uno” is completely natural; the drug belongs to the group of herbal remedies made exclusively from plant materials. The active substance is extracted from the fruits of the palm tree (dwarf) sabal in the form of a thick extract. Its concentration in one capsule is 0.32 g (320 mg).

Additional components are contained in small quantities in the gelatin shell:

  • glycerol;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • carmine varnish
  • iron oxide yellow and black.

The herbal origin and over-the-counter availability of the drug does not eliminate the need for prior consultation with a doctor, who does not recommend self-medication.

Prostamol Uno occupies a leading position due to its safe natural composition and ease of use

Therapeutic effect of the drug

"Prostamol Uno" is a good symptomatic remedy for prostate adenoma. Sometimes he is appointed as auxiliary component in therapy chronic prostatitis And functional disorders outflow of urine. The drug is not remedy, he is unable to cure the pathology on his own. The main function is to stop the progression of the disease and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

The herbal ingredient of the capsules affects the prostate in several directions:

  • anti-inflammatory– stops the development of the inflammatory process, inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins that cause inflammation;
  • decongestant– reduces permeability blood vessels, reduces the degree of tissue hyperemia and general swelling of the prostate;
  • antiandrogenic– testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone, restores hormonal balance in the body, prevents further increase in the size of the gland.

The complex action allows you to systematically relieve the acute symptoms of the disease, stop its development, and prevent complications. The prostate gland does not increase in size, swelling subsides, the process of urination improves, and its functionality is normalized. In this case, no negative influence on sexual desire, potency and libido.

The therapeutic effect of the drug occurs gradually against the background long-term use. The plant extract is absolutely non-toxic, therefore systemic impact not happening. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and bladder without settling in them.

The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the processes responsible for the conversion of the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which promotes the growth of glandular tissue of the prostate

"Prostamol Uno": indications for use and contraindications

"Prostamol Uno" is used exclusively in male urology. The narrow specialization of the drug allows it to be prescribed in the treatment of adult patients without risk adverse reactions. It is used primarily in a complex treatment regimen as an auxiliary herbal remedy. Monotherapy is ineffective, especially when taken uncontrolled.

According to the instructions, the capsules are indicated for such pathological conditions, How:

  • benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate adenoma) at stages 1-2;
  • urination disorder in chronic prostatitis;
  • functional diuretic disorders.

For the listed pathologies, the drug is prescribed by the attending physician after making a final diagnosis. Preliminary consultation and examinations are required.

  • at the last, decompensated, stage of adenoma - it will not have any effect therapeutic effect, but can lubricate clinical picture and make it difficult to make a diagnosis;
  • acute form of the disease, which requires emergency medical measures to stop the bacterial process;
  • for prostatitis, it is prescribed only in a system with adrenergic blockers to restore urination (despite popular belief, the drug is not a cure for prostatitis);

The greatest effect is achieved with long-term therapy chronic hyperplasia prostate with several drugs at the same time.

Taking Prostamol capsules is recommended for men with any urinary dysfunction associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia

The herbal base of the drug makes it safe, therefore special contraindications does not exist. Direct prohibitions include only individual hypersensitivity to components that cause an allergic reaction. Not prescribed for children and women.

"Prostamol Uno": instructions for use

Herbal medicines require long-term treatment course. “Prostamol Uno” is no exception; it is drunk in large courses. The effect does not occur immediately, it appears as it accumulates medicinal substance in organism. Average duration is 4–6 weeks. On the recommendation of a doctor, it can be extended to 3 months. Several such courses can be conducted in a year with breaks. This way, the maximum effectiveness of treatment is achieved, relapses are prevented, and the severity of symptoms is reduced. During therapy, a slight preventive effect appears.

  • capsules are intended for oral (internal) administration;
  • drink after meals, in its entirety, with a small amount of plain water;
  • standard dosing involves taking 1 capsule (320 mg) once, preferably in same time every day;
  • the dose can be increased according to individual indications.

As a maintenance therapy, it is enough to drink monthly course drug. The effect will become noticeable 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment. In some cases, there is a lack of any positive dynamics. It is necessary to consult a doctor, perhaps cancel the appointment or choose an analogue.

Features of the use of the drug and the duration of the course of therapy are determined by the attending physician.

Despite the fact that Prostamol Uno is relatively safe, the treatment regimen and doctor’s instructions must be strictly followed. You should not increase the dosage or extend the course without permission. If you miss a dose, you do not need to take a double dose. A good therapeutic result occurs only if all rules and instructions are followed.

Adverse reactions and overdose

Positive reviews about the drug indicate its good tolerability in all categories of patients. Noted positive influence on the functioning of the genitourinary system and general health. There are rare cases of ineffective therapy, and no harm is done to the body.

As individual reaction Possible adverse events in the form of:

  • skin rashes, erythema, itching due to allergies to components (individual intolerance);
  • irregularities in work gastrointestinal tract, nausea, epigastric pain, diarrhea (with regular use on an empty stomach).

No other unpleasant phenomena clinical studies were not recorded. Even slightly exceeding the recommended doses cannot lead to complications. The drug does not accumulate in the blood, is quickly eliminated and does not have a toxic effect on the liver or heart. No cases of overdose were identified. But this does not mean that uncontrolled use of capsules is allowed. Any medicine in large quantities can cause poisoning and serious complications, even if it is of plant origin.

Appearance adverse reactions requires immediate medical attention. Individual hypersensitivity involves replacing the drug with a suitable analogue.

Very in rare cases in patients with a tendency to allergies, heartburn or nausea, abdominal pain were noted

"Prostamol Uno": analogues and interactions

If necessary, the drug can be replaced with an analogue suitable for Prostamol. The best option should be selected by a doctor in each clinical case separately.

The following ingredients are suitable:

  • "Palprostes";
  • "Adeno-Ritz";
  • "Prostaplant";
  • "Simp"
  • "Prostol Euro";
  • "Prosta Urgenin";
  • "Serpens".

Similar therapeutic effect(the composition is different) render:

  • "Garbeol";
  • "Tadenan";
  • "Prostalin";
  • "Prostamed";
  • "Prostatophyte".

"Prostamol Uno" can be taken with other medicines, but it is advisable to determine compatibility together with your doctor. No interaction between Prostamol and alcohol has been identified, but it is worth remembering that alcohol is contraindicated for adenoma and prostatitis. Sufficient clinical trials no drug interactions have been conducted. Precautions must be taken during treatment.

Prostatitis is a serious disease that most often occurs in men after 45-50 years of age. But it can also occur in more at a young age. Its symptoms can be mild or cause significant discomfort.

In any case, self-medication of prostatitis is dangerous due to complications, so with its signs it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Among the natural drugs that are used for prostatitis, Prostamol Uno is especially popular.

What does the drug contain?

The drug is produced by a German pharmaceutical company in the form of black-red capsules. Each of them contains 320 mg of the drug. They are packaged in blisters of 30 pieces. A cardboard pack may contain 30, 60 or 90 capsules, which are designed for 1, 2 or 3 months of taking the drug, respectively.

Prostamol Uno includes only one main active ingredient - creeping palm extract. But the drug also contains gelatin, glycerol, specially prepared water, titanium dioxide and two types of dye - black and red.

Prostamol Uno can be stored under conditions of normal humidity and room temperature. It is recommended to keep it away from direct sun rays and keep away from children, like many other drugs.

The shelf life of capsules is 3 years from the date of manufacture. After its expiration, as well as in the case when the product was stored incorrectly or changed its appearance, you should not use capsules.

In what cases is it necessary to take the drug?

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! If you need powerful protection for prostatitis, experts recommend a natural remedy...

  • painful or frequent urination, as well as other symptoms of prostatitis;
  • disorders of the prostate gland of various types;
  • BPH.

The product is also used to prevent disorders of the male genitourinary system. The drug can be used separately or as part of complex treatment, selected by a doctor. Drug interactions Prostamol Uno capsules with other drugs were not identified.

Action of Prostamol Uno

Prostamol Uno is a product that has a complex effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, as well as on the entire male body. With proper and regular use, you can achieve the following results:

  • relieve swelling and reduce the size of the prostate if it is enlarged due to pathological changes in tissues, for example, due to replenishment or tumor;
  • normalize urination and ejaculation;
  • eliminate painful sensations and discomfort;
  • normalize the synthesis and concentration of testosterone levels;
  • improve the functioning of the heart and nerves, strengthen the walls, increase the tone and patency of blood vessels;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • strengthen local and general immunity.

How to use the product

The dosage regimen and duration of the course of Prostamol Uno are selected individually depending on the characteristics of the man’s body and the degree of complexity of his health problems. The standard dosage of the drug is 1 capsule per day.

It is recommended to take the drug at the same time, without chewing or spilling the drug from the capsule. It is best to drink Prostamol Uno with ordinary purified water at a comfortable temperature. But other drinks besides alcohol can be used for this purpose.

The average duration of the course is 30 days, after which it is necessary to take a break of several weeks or even months. But in some cases, the duration of the course may be longer - up to 2-3 months.

Advantages of the drug

Prostamol Uno has several advantages over other means for eliminating prostatitis:

  • can be used for prevention and as part of complex treatment;
  • natural composition;
  • According to the manufacturer, it is highly effective
  • has a minimum of contraindications and possible side effects;
  • has an affordable price;
  • produced in a release form convenient for use;
  • capsules can be combined with various drugs.

In addition, the drug does not cause addiction or drowsiness, does not reduce concentration, so when using it you can continue to lead your usual lifestyle.


There are no contraindications to the use of the product due to the fact that Prostamol Uno capsules are gentle and have a natural composition. The only factors that may limit the use of the product are:

  • hypersensitivity to at least one of the components;
  • children's and adolescence up to 18 years old;
  • some neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • female gender (the drug is intended only for men, its effect on female body not studied).

Particular caution should be taken when using Prostamol Uno capsules for people suffering from serious illnesses internal organs, blood, if available malignant tumors in organism.

Possible side effects

Negative reactions of Prostamol Uno with correct use usually doesn't cause it. In extremely rare cases, side effects such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • indigestion and stool problems;
  • increased anxiety and difficulty falling asleep;
  • exacerbation of some chronic diseases, for example, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • various types of allergic reactions.

If at least one of the above is detected negative reactions it is recommended to stop taking the drug. Since the product is completely natural, improvement in well-being will occur within a few hours without any additional measures taken. If you feel worse or the side effects do not go away, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

There have been no cases of drug overdose. This is expected to increase the risk of side effects. Their severity and duration of manifestation may also increase.


On modern pharmaceutical market You can also find other products that help normalize the functioning of the prostate and at the same time have a natural composition.

They differ from Prostamol Uno capsules in release form, cost, manufacturer, properties and rules of use. Among the most popular herbal remedies analogues of Prostamol, it is worth noting the following:

  • Permixon;
  • Prostagut Forte;
  • Serpens;
  • Palprostes;
  • ProstatOff;
  • dry extract of the fruits of the creeping saw palmetto.

All drugs have the same active ingredient, but contain it in different concentrations. There are also other analogues of Prostamol Uno in action, but having a different composition.

For example, to improve well-being with prostatitis, such natural preparations, like , and various means made from pumpkin seeds. It is advisable to select the drug and replace Prostamol Uno with its analogues only after consultation with a specialist.

Real reviews from doctors and men

Doctors have different opinions about the drug. Some people recommend taking this remedy to their patients. Others say that although creeping palm fruit extract is beneficial for men's health, strong and quick effect he won't give it.

But positive feedback There are more doctors about Prostamol Uno than negative ones. It is recommended to drink these capsules as a preventive measure for the occurrence of malfunctions and as part of a comprehensive treatment for various prostate dysfunctions.

Among diseases of the male reproductive system, prostatitis occupies a leading position.

Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland can grow rapidly or develop slowly. In the first case they speak of an acute form of the disease, in the second - of a chronic form.

If acute prostatitis can be cured quickly and easily with antibiotics, then chronic form The disease requires long-term treatment.

In this case, in addition to medications that fight the infection, the patient is prescribed herbal medicines. One of them is Prostamol Uno.

The drug has gained popularity among men suffering not only from prostatitis, but also from prostatic hyperplasia and diuretic disorders. It is to eliminate these ailments that Prostamol Uno was developed.

In the treatment of prostatitis, Prostamol and other herbal remedies are necessarily included in the therapy system, along with antibacterial agents and alpha adrenergic blockers.

Effect of the drug

Prostamol Uno contains healing natural component- alcoholic extract of sabal palm fruits. Sabal fruits are also called black berries. IN folk medicine American Indians have been using them since ancient times to treat the bladder and urethra.

Phytostrerols, being active component fetus, effectively relieve inflammation of the prostate and reduce its volume. However, they do not have a negative effect on hormonal balance and the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis is difficulty urinating caused by swelling of the prostate. When urine outflows, a man experiences cutting pains, he is experiencing constant feeling full bladder and frequent urge to urination.

And one of therapeutic actions Prostomol is aimed specifically at relieving swelling of the prostate, so treatment with this herbal medicine effectively eliminates such symptoms.

Thus, we can highlight the main actions of the drug for prostatitis:

  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • reducing swelling of gland tissue;
  • normalization of the urination process.

If a man notices symptoms of prostatitis, he should urgently go to the clinic for examination. Exist different types inflammation of the prostate, each of which requires individual approach to therapy. Having determined the form of the disease, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment for prostatitis. Prostamol is prescribed to patients suffering from chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate.

The drug is not used in cases of acute disease, but can be recommended as maintenance therapy. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to self-medicate, as prostatitis can cause various complications, A acute form easily becomes chronic.

Prostamol Uno is a natural medicine and has no serious side effects, so it can be used as a prophylaxis for prostate diseases.

A contraindication to taking Prostamol is individual intolerance. Side effects include allergic reactions for the drug. Phenomena such as nausea and stomach pain are very rare.

How to treat prostatitis with Prostamol?

Treatment with herbal medicine is long-term, the course is at least a month. You need to take 1 capsule per day with a drink clean water. The medication is taken after meals.

The doctor determines what dose of the drug to take for treatment. He may prescribe a single dose of 320 mg of the drug per day or every other day.

If treatment of prostatitis with Prostamol is not effective, then you need to consult a doctor to prescribe another drug or use analogues of the drug. It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the medicine gave the expected effect upon first use, but subsequently did not, then you may be faced with a counterfeit. When purchasing a drug, you must pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the presence of protective holograms.

The dosage depends on factors such as:

  • effectiveness of treatment;
  • no side effects;
  • severity of symptoms.

Since Prostamol does not affect normal functioning liver and kidneys, then you can take it long time. Usually, treatment with the drug is stopped after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Price for the drug:

  • Prostamol Uno 320 mg capsules 30 pcs. — 750 rubles;
  • Prostamol Uno 320 mg capsules 60 pcs. — 1320 rubles.

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