How long does it take after a medical termination of pregnancy? Bloody discharge after abortion. Restoration of the menstrual cycle

Termination of pregnancy is not always carried out at the request of the patient herself; quite often it is an indication for similar procedure appears fetal freezing, the presence of any anomalies in embryonic development and others medical factors. In any case, abortion is an intervention in a woman’s organic structures, therefore it has a stressful effect and can have characteristic consequences. Enough a common consequence bleeding occurs after an abortion. More precisely, it is inevitably present, but sometimes its character is of pathological origin. When can spotting be a manifestation of the norm, and when should you sound the alarm and run to the doctor?

If your health worsens, you should urgently seek help. medical care

The appearance of blood after an abortion is quite normal, even a characteristic phenomenon for the post-abortion state, which is a typical organic reaction to hostile outside interference. You need to be able to distinguish normal discharge from pathological bleeding. It is quite normal if immediately after surgical curettage the patient bleeds so profusely that she can change up to 3-4 sanitary pads in just an hour.

Bleeding with a correctly performed artificial interruption usually begins immediately after cleaning, since the fetal vascular system damaged by gynecological instruments during curettage and detachment of the embryo from the uterine wall. After an abortion, there is always bleeding, regardless of how the termination was performed, be it a mini-abortion, medical termination, or curettage of the uterine cavity.

There is no need to rejoice if after abortive procedures the patient has no bleeding; there is nothing good in such a sign and certainly does not mean that the operation was successful. As a rule, after an abortion there is no blood if the bloody clots are not able to get out of the uterine cavity on their own, which is dangerous due to infectious complications and infections. Therefore, in the absence of blood in combination with poor health and severe weakness, it is necessary to urgently visit a gynecologist.

Causes of bleeding

Sometimes bleeding after an abortion is spotty, although the blood may flow too heavily, which is typical for such cases:

  • Uterine traumatic injuries obtained during abortion using gynecological instruments;
  • Unsuccessful detachment of the fetus;
  • Dysfunctional disorders of uterine activity;
  • Incomplete cleansing fallopian tubes from fetal remains;
  • Violation of surgical intervention technologies;
  • Inadequate organic reaction to anesthesia used before the procedure;
  • All kinds stressful situations that a woman experienced during pregnancy and even before it;
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Increased activity or physical fatigue;
  • Violation of blood clotting processes.

If, in addition to bleeding, the patient after abortion is underway fever, pressure changes or nausea and others pathological signs, then you need to urgently go to the hospital. Because such symptoms may be caused by imported infectious lesion or poorly performed surgical termination of pregnancy.

How long do they go?

During the recovery period, it is important to include in the diet fresh fruits and vegetables

To understand how normally post-abortion recovery proceeds, you need to know how much blood flows after abortions. The duration of bleeding depends on the method used by the doctor to interrupt. Typically, abortive interventions are carried out with medication or vacuum surgery.

Drug intervention involves interruption by taking tablets containing a loading dose of hormonal substances. As a result, the body experiences a powerful hormonal attack, leading to the rejection of the embryo and its exit from the uterine cavity mixed with blood. As a rule, after pharmaabortion, blood masses continue for quite a long time, because together with the blood, the placental and membranes. In addition, fetal rejection, and then the regeneration of the endometrium, takes quite a long time (7-17 days), so the blood can flow for quite a long time. There are cases when post-abortion discharge imperceptibly turns into scheduled menstruation, then the bleeding can last 3-4 weeks.

With vacuum interruption, the fetus is suctioned using specialized equipment that creates a vacuum. After such an interruption, the bloody discharge is rather light in nature, although at first the blood may flow quite intensely. Already on the second day, the discharge takes on the character of a smear. Usually after interruption by method vacuum aspiration The bleeding does not last long, about 3-7 days, while the amount of discharge is insignificant, so the patient, as a rule, does not experience pain.

If the interruption was carried out using the standard operationally, then intervention is assumed in the uterine cavity, from where, using a curette, the doctor scrapes out the fetus and placental rudimentary tissue. This operation causes quite unpleasant pain, so it is performed using anesthesia. Usually the bleeding continues for about 4-14 days, and at first blood clots are released mixed with pieces of tissue, but as healing progresses, the bleeding is less intense, and then the bleeding goes away completely.

Features of discharge

It is very important to strictly monitor the nature of the bleeding. Discharge consisting of remaining pieces of tissue scraped out during an abortion procedure is considered normal. It is thanks to such post-abortion bleeding that pathogenic microorganisms cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity.

  • Usually, in the first day or two after the abortion procedure, bloody and clot-like discharge comes out quite abundantly, sometimes whole pieces of an incomprehensible nature come out.
  • Then the bleeding decreases and becomes lighter.
  • Then the discharge turns brown, becomes spotty and gradually stops.
  • If immediately after gynecological curettage, abundant blood clot-like masses containing many large pieces are observed, then, most likely, the intrauterine cavity was not cleaned well enough, which is fraught with the development of pathologies and complications. How well the cleaning is done, the faster and more favorable the rehabilitation will be.
  • The abundance of clots in the discharge is typical and is considered normal only for surgical abortion.
  • If the bleeding on the first day is not heavy enough and more like a daub, then there is a risk that blood clots have accumulated in the uterine body and are not able to leave it naturally. This is very dangerous because it provokes the formation of intrauterine infectious processes, because bleeding acts as a protective reaction that cleanses, restores and protects the female reproductive structures.

In general, normal post-abortion bleeding is heavy at first, but already on the second day it decreases and after a couple of days it becomes spotty. Doctors usually say that the longer the period before the abortion, the greater the blood loss after the abortion.

First aid for bleeding

After the procedure, the woman needs psychological support

If a woman suffers from heavy bleeding, then it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist, and especially if acute bleeding- call an ambulance. While the medical team is getting to your aid, you can provide first aid yourself. To reduce the intensity of bleeding, doctors recommend lying on your side or back, trying to relax and avoid jerking and standing up suddenly.

It is also useful to apply a cold compress to the peritoneum, which will help reduce bleeding. Taking any painkillers is not recommended. You need to put a pad between your legs for heavy discharge (maxi), and place a cushion under your legs to direct the blood flow to the head, thereby reducing the intensity of bleeding. In order not to provoke a recurrence after treatment copious discharge blood, it is recommended to get more rest, avoid overwork, and avoid heavy lifting and physical activity.

It is also necessary to avoid stressful situations that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system structures. You should not take anything on your own medications, but only according to medical prescriptions. Until the body recovers and returns to normal, any unhealthy habits are prohibited, as are all kinds of dietary programs nutrition. A woman needs sexual rest until the end of her first menstruation. If there is bleeding, tampons should not be used, because they can cause clots to stagnate, which will lead to infection and the formation of new lesions.

So, bleeding after interruption is considered normal occurrence, but there are types of bleeding that can pose a danger to the patient, for example, the absence of bleeding or its excessive abundance for a long time.

When you need specialist help

Bleeding is a temporary symptomatic phenomenon for any type of abortion, which should stop after 7-17 days.

  • An abnormal symptom is the appearance of bleeding a week after interruption.
  • Also abnormal is the absence of discharge, indicating spasm of the uterine body or blockage by a blood clot. cervical canal. Blood clots do not come out, creating in the uterine body favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • If there is excessively abundant or, conversely, scanty discharge, then the woman is usually cleaned again with a curette.
  • Also abnormal are considered unnecessarily sharp pains and cramps in the lower abdomen, the presence of purulent masses or a nauseating odor in the discharge, a bright red tint of blood in the discharge, the presence severe weakness and nausea and vomiting syndrome.

In all of the above cases, urgent intervention by specialists is necessary. You should not hope that the bleeding will stop, wasting precious time, it is better to call an ambulance.

After any termination of pregnancy, doctors give the woman a number of recommendations regarding lifestyle and other aspects. Firstly, a woman needs to strictly monitor her own condition and avoid hypothermia. Secondly, you should not take blood thinning drugs and give up alcohol.

Follow all medical instructions, take a preventive course of antibiotic therapy and anti-inflammatory therapy. The duration of such treatment is approximately 3 days. You should also give up sexual pleasures for at least a month. Even if a month after the operation your period has not come, you must definitely take precautions, because new pregnancy may occur even before the start of the first menstruation, and this is very dangerous, because such fertilizations often end sadly, i.e., spontaneous miscarriage.

Abortion is by no means an ordinary surgical intervention, although many consider it as such. This is a severe invasion into the patient’s internal processes, or more precisely, into the sexual reproductive structures, which react unpredictably to such a barbaric intervention. Therefore, the consequences of an artificial interruption are also difficult to predict. Bleeding may not be as harmless as it seems, so after interruption it is extremely important for patients to closely monitor the nature of the bleeding and their internal sensations. Only it is possible to prevent a tragedy in a timely manner.

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, it means she has good reasons for this. Termination of pregnancy - despite the prevalence of the operation and the variety of methods - is a big health risk.

After a surgical abortion, adhesions almost always appear between the pelvic organs, while a medical abortion causes hormonal imbalance. Regardless of the method, there is a risk of uterine bleeding, which requires surgical intervention to stop.

Lack of bleeding after removal of the fertilized egg also causes complications. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity, creating a favorable environment for development pathogenic flora. This can lead to blood poisoning.


Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before 16 weeks. Optimal time for vacuum aspiration – up to 6 weeks, surgical intervention– up to 12 weeks, medical abortion– up to 4 weeks.

If it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy at a later stage, it is required medical indications. At the woman's request, doctors will not jeopardize her health and their reputation. After 18 weeks, a fetal destruction operation is performed.

Whatever the fertilized egg is peeled off with - a hormonal shock, a vacuum or a curette - the endometrium, into which the fertilized egg has managed to penetrate, is separated along with it. This layer of the endometrium is penetrated by blood vessels, and the longer the pregnancy, the more abundant the bleeding should be.

Everyone knows what happens when the integrity of blood vessels is compromised. Even if the knee is torn, capillary bleeding can continue for about an hour.

And here they are damaged blood vessels which were ready to supply oxygen new organism- this means that the blood must drain for a long time.

If a woman imagines what happens in the body during an abortion, she should understand: the absence of bleeding after an abortion is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

If the blood does not come out, it means that it accumulates in the uterine cavity or even penetrates the tube. Should she go somewhere?

After some time, additional symptoms of complications caused by cervical spasm will appear:

  • bursting pain in the sacrum and lower abdomen;
  • heat;
  • nausea, and maybe vomiting.

Sometimes women are happy that there is no bleeding the day after an abortion, without wondering why this happened. In most cases, a sudden cessation of bleeding indicates a blockage. fallopian tube. Even if it doesn't happen at first additional symptoms, you need to see a gynecologist – for now inflammatory process did not escalate.

Duration of uterine bleeding after termination of pregnancy

To be able to correctly assess their condition, women need to know how long post-abortion bleeding should last and what consistency the discharge should be.

After a surgical abortion, the bleeding on the first day is quite profuse, the color varies from scarlet to dark red. By evening, the amount of discharge should decrease and resemble the first day of menstruation in volume. However, the consistency of the discharge is completely different - there should not be any clots or fibrin threads in it.

On days 2-3, the amount of blood flowing decreases, the discharge becomes darker, then changes color to brownish. The bleeding continues for at least 2 weeks. If after 4 weeks you notice bloody inclusions in the natural mucous secretions, you should consult a doctor. This symptom most often indicates the onset of the inflammatory process.

The vacuum method is considered the most gentle - the walls of the uterus are injured to a lesser extent - but still, bleeding after it should continue for at least 3 days. The norm is up to a week.

Most heavy blood loss causes a medical abortion, and they last for at least 30 days. Until the consequences go away hormonal disorders in the body, the menstrual cycle will not be established. Recovery period after a medical abortion it can last up to six months.

As you can see, when there is no bleeding after termination of pregnancy, this is not normal.

Treatment of a dangerous condition

The condition in which blood accumulates in the uterine cavity is called hemotometra. Can
highlight and additional reasons why the complication occurs.

In addition to cervical spasm, which is impossible to predict, this is caused by a polyp located in the cervix and blocking the passage or a tumor. Blood can also stagnate due to endometrial cancer. It is impossible to induce bleeding at home. Some folk “healers” give advice on how to induce bleeding after an abortion - they suggest having sex with a partner.

Under no circumstances should this be done! An infection will likely enter the body and sepsis may develop - blood poisoning. This condition is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. Hematometra treatment is carried out in a hospital setting.

Depending on the clinical picture Uterotonic drugs that enhance the contractile activity of the uterus or antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles may be prescribed. Vacuum aspiration may be necessary to remove accumulated secretions and clear the uterine cavity.

If the problem cannot be solved with medication, the uterine cavity is probed or hysteroscopy is performed - during this operation, the cervix is ​​dilated and a device is inserted into it, which projects everything that happens in the uterine cavity on a screen. This procedure examines and treats at the same time.

If the inflammatory process has already worsened, then it is necessary to use antibiotics. Sometimes antiseptics and antibacterial agents inserted into the uterine cavity using the same hysteroscope.

Complications and prevention of hematomas

The consequences of stagnation of blood in the uterine cavity can be the following complications:

  • infectious and inflammatory process of the inner walls of the uterus - endometritis, which in its
    turn causes endometriosis;
  • pyometra - purulent contents accumulate in the uterine cavity, which are subsequently distributed through the bloodstream throughout the body - the infection can penetrate into any organic systems and cause serious damage;
  • peritonitis - an infectious-inflammatory process invades the peritoneum, and pus accumulates there;
  • pelviperitonitis is a local infectious and inflammatory lesion of the serous covering of the peritoneum.

All complications are quite serious and conservative therapy when they appear, it no longer helps. Most often, the infected organ - the uterus - is removed to stop the inflammatory process.

Not everything in life always goes according to plan. Sometimes a woman is forced to have an abortion and wants to know how long the bleeding is after medication interruption pregnancy.

What is a chemical (medical) abortion?

As is known, surgical termination of pregnancy is very traumatic for the female body and carries high probability complications in the future. An alternative is the so-called pharmacological abortion using pills that force the body to reject the fertilized egg. How much days go by blood after a medical abortion depends on the specific female body; there is no clear time frame.

Taking the first drug blocks the production of progesterone, and female body no longer determined to continue the pregnancy. The second tablet leads to stimulation of contractile activity of the uterus and expulsion of the fetus.

Benefits of pharmabort
  1. The least impact on the female body.
  2. Low percentage of complications after the procedure.
  3. No anesthesia.
  4. Relative painlessness.
  5. Does not affect a woman's future fertility.
  6. The big difference is psychologically from usual.
  7. Due to the lack of surgery, there is less blood loss.
  8. Quick return to normal life – within 1-2 hours.
Disadvantages of velvet abortion

But, despite all the advantages of medical abortion, there are some nuances here - pregnancy should not go beyond due date– (42-49 days from the start of the last menstruation), or 6-7 weeks. Disadvantages worth mentioning:

  1. Medicines do not terminate ectopic pregnancies.
  2. If for any reason the abortion does not occur and the fetus develops further, then the possibility birth defects his is very high.
Algorithm for medical abortion

A woman who chooses this method should know what to expect from the procedure. After undergoing a standard ultrasound examination and testing the patient:

  1. The first tablet is given in the presence of health workers. It may cause slight nausea and spotting, or nothing will happen. This takes some time.
  2. Afterwards, the patient takes the second remedy according to the regimen chosen by the doctor. At this stage, the discharge may increase, but not to the point of bleeding. After 3-6 hours, the fetus is expelled in the form of normal menstruation.
  3. After two weeks, a control ultrasound is performed.

How long you bleed after a medical termination of pregnancy does not depend on the doctor. Each female body reacts differently. Most often it is small, like during menstruation and lasts about 7-10 days.

IN in rare cases bleeding may last until the next menstruation. This is also normal, provided that it gradually fades away. But if the blood suddenly stops flowing or a woman is forced to change two large pads in one hour, then the help of gynecologists is urgently needed.

Preservation reproductive health women provides for gentle performance of all gynecological manipulations. This also applies to termination of pregnancy. It is known that the earlier the procedure is performed, the less dangerous the complications. It is optimal to completely abandon this manipulation, but this is not always possible. Therefore, it is recommended to perform an abortion with the help of medications for a short gestation period.

What is a medication method?

Replacing surgical instruments and vacuum aspirators with hormonal drugs made it possible to develop a method of pharmacological abortion. This non-invasive pregnancy loss procedure early stages, which occurs spontaneously.

Its advantages are associated with the following factors:

  • efficiency 98-99%;
  • no possibility of injury to the uterus or cervix during surgical procedures;
  • low risk of ascending infection;
  • there is no danger of getting HIV, hepatitis;
  • there are no risks caused by anesthesia;
  • can be used in primigravidas, influence on women Health minimal;
  • low level of stress, does not create a traumatic situation.

The procedure does not require long stay in a hospital setting. After the patient has taken medications that cause a medical abortion, bleeding can be expected at home. But self-administration of medications without a doctor is impossible.

What's better, vacuum abortion or medicinal?

This is decided individually. But the complications and degree of interference in the body with vacuum aspiration are much higher.

How is the time for an abortion determined?

The timing for medical abortion is determined by the protocol of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 21015. They record that it is possible to carry out a gestational disorder up to 63 days, or the 9th week. But in world practice there are differences in how long this manipulation can be done. In developed countries, the period is defined as 49 days, or 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Why is such a period determined for pharmacological interruption?

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to acquire human features, the rudiments of many organs and the umbilical cord appear. At 6 weeks the placenta begins to form and continues to develop internal organs. At week 8, the embryo is already fully human species, it enters the fetal stage. After this period, the formation of blood vessels in the placenta occurs, so a medical abortion can cause heavy bleeding.

Registered and used in Russia the following drugs for medical abortion:

  1. Mifepristone 200 mg.
  2. Misoprostol 200 mcg.

Pharmacological abortion can be used if the gestational age corresponds to that allowed by the protocol. The main condition for the successful completion of the procedure is the day of pregnancy and the presence of an embryo inside the uterus according to ultrasound results. After caesarean section medicinal method preferable to .

Preparation for the procedure

When you first visit a gynecologist, you need to general examination, bimanual examination on a chair and in mirrors, smears are taken from the vagina. Also measured arterial pressure, pulse, breathing rate. Next, the woman is sent for an ultrasound to establish exact day gestation, condition of the uterus, fertilized egg.

Referrals are given for blood, urine, glucose, and ECG tests. A coagulogram is prescribed if there is a history of problems with the blood coagulation system. May be needed additional methods examinations, the need for which is determined by the doctor.

Execution method

When visiting the obstetrician-gynecologist again, the patient signs consent to perform induced abortion through pharmacological drugs. How a medical abortion is performed is determined by the clinical protocol.

For gestational age up to 63 days, 200 mg of Mifepristone is used, which the woman drinks with a doctor. A doctor's supervision is required for 1-2 hours, after which you can go home.

If the period is 49 days, 200 mcg of Misoprostol is taken at the next visit after 24-48 hours. During pregnancy 50-63 days, 800 mcg of the drug is used. This medication should be placed under the tongue, behind the cheek, or deep in the vagina. With the last method of administration, you need to lie down for 30 minutes. The patient should be observed for 3-4 hours. During this period, most people begin to bleed. If this does not happen, to achieve the result, take Misoprostol 400 mcg tablet again.

The signs of an abortion are identical to a spontaneous miscarriage. A woman feels a cramping stomach ache and menstrual-like discharge appears.

How long does the bleeding last?

For most women, it lasts 7-9 days. Blood discharge after the procedure is rarely observed until the next menstruation. If the manipulation is carried out for a period of 3-4 weeks, then bleeding is not much different from menstruation. As the period increases, the release of blood increases; sometimes the use of hemostatic therapy may be required.

After 14 days you need to appear for a follow-up examination. This is necessary to confirm that the interruption has occurred. If an unsuccessful medical abortion occurs, aspiration from the uterus is prescribed.


The above drugs have serious side effects. Despite high degree safety, there are certain contraindications to medical abortion:

  • gestation period exceeds 63 days;
  • diagnosed;
  • large fibroids that change internal cavity uterus;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs in the acute period;
  • anemia with hemoglobin less than 100 g/l;
  • porphyria is a disease associated with impaired metabolism of the constituent pigment hemoglobin;
  • bleeding disorders, as well as taking anticoagulants;
  • individual intolerance to one of the drugs;
  • adrenal insufficiency or long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • liver and kidney diseases, which are accompanied by acute or chronic failure;
  • severe diseases of other organs;
  • extreme exhaustion;
  • smoking when a woman is over 35 years old;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hormonally active tumors;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy during or after taking oral contraceptives.

According to WHO recommendations, interruption using Mifepristone is possible up to 22 weeks, but the severity of bleeding increases parallel to the period. In this case, for the duration of the procedure, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where there is a large operating room and emergency surgical care can be provided.

Fibroids threaten the development of bleeding, but if the size of the largest node is up to 4 cm and they do not change the uterine cavity, then you can resort to a pharmacological method.

Anemia also applies to relative contraindications. The consequences of medical abortion can manifest themselves in a decrease in hemoglobin concentration: bleeding after taking medications exceeds menstrual bleeding in volume and duration.

Disturbances in hemostasis have implications for the volume and duration of blood loss. If shortly before the manipulation the woman was treated with anticoagulants, then an increase in blood clotting time will lead to more heavy bleeding. Smoking women over 35 years of age are at risk of developing thrombosis and disease of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, to exclude complications, a consultation with a therapist is carried out.

Use of oral contraceptives long time before pregnancy also affects the hemostatic system. But this contraindication is relative. If the coagulogram results do not reveal pathological abnormalities, then you can use this interrupt method.

If pregnancy occurs while an IUD is installed, it is removed before the procedure. Further tactics do not differ from the standards.

Infection of the genital organs is a pathology that requires appropriate therapy, which should not be delayed. Medical abortion does not contribute to the development of ascending infection, and treatment acute infection can be carried out simultaneously.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol penetrate into breast milk. If there is a need for interruption during breastfeeding, then you need to express milk for up to 5 days after taking Misoprostol. During this time, the child is transferred to artificial feeding.

Bronchial asthma, high blood pressure and glaucoma are diseases that respond to prostaglandins. Therefore, in these pathologies, taking Misoprostol is contraindicated.

In addition, the contraindications for each drug should be taken into account. For the most part they coincide with those given above. It can only be supplemented with careful use of Misoprostol in patients with epilepsy, cerebral atherosclerosis, coronary disease hearts.

Possible complications

Despite the small number of complications, it is possible to determine why medical abortion is dangerous. In 85% of cases adverse reactions in the form of abdominal pain and bleeding are moderate, special treatment not required.

In other cases, manipulation can lead to the following complications:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • temperature;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • progressive pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen is observed during the period of expulsion of abortion products. Its intensity may vary, but the individual tolerance threshold also matters. For decreasing pain syndrome Analgin and Drotaverine are used. WHO recommendations indicate Ibuprofen to reduce pain. If your breasts hurt after an abortion, this may be a consequence high level, which increases with the progression of pregnancy. This symptom goes away on its own.

Bleeding is considered significant if you have to change two pads in an hour, and this condition lasts for at least 2 hours. In this case, vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterus is indicated in order to stop it. IN severe cases surgical cleaning is performed.

In 2-5% of cases, medical abortion is incomplete. Then it is also necessary to perform vacuum aspiration or curettage of the uterine cavity. Less than 1% of cases result in pregnancy progression. If a woman insists on an abortion, then they use invasive methods. Those who have changed their decision must be informed about the possible teratogenic effect of the drugs on the fetus. But there is not enough data to confirm this fact.

Taking medications may cause a slight increase in temperature, but this lasts no more than 2 hours. If the fever lasts for 4 hours or more or occurs one day after taking Misoprostol, this indicates the development of infectious process. A woman with these symptoms should consult a doctor.

Infectious complications are not typical for pharmacological abortion. But there is a group of people who are at increased risk infectious complications:

  • , established by smear;
  • patients with a sexually transmitted infection up to 12 months ago, but there is no laboratory confirmation of its cure;
  • patients diagnosed with;
  • women with a large number of sexual partners or low socioeconomic status.

Other complications such as dyspeptic phenomena may be a sign of pregnancy itself. At allergic reactions treatment with antihistamines is necessary.

Recovery period

No side effects occur after taking Mifepristone and Misoprostol menstrual cycle. But when menstruation begins and how long it lasts after a medical abortion is difficult to predict. The timing of the procedure matters; after an earlier interruption, the cycle is restored faster.

The first menstruation may begin in 30-50 days. But medical abortion does not affect the onset, so a new fertilization is possible in the first cycle. To avoid this, immediately after the procedure the doctor prescribes combination oral contraceptives. These may be such means as Yarina, Regulon, Rigevidon, Novinet, Lindnet, Jess. Selection medicine happens individually.

Protects from unwanted pregnancy in 99% of cases. The positive effect is the regulation and restoration of the menstrual cycle. The minimum period for such contraception is 3 months, but you need to wait full recovery body to decide when to get pregnant. Usually this is a period of at least 6 months.

If pregnancy occurs earlier, this can lead to complications such as:

  • threat of interruption;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • anemia in a woman.

Doctors' advice on how to restore the body after a medical abortion is as follows:

  • start taking oral contraceptives early;
  • avoid overheating and hypothermia in the first month after the procedure;
  • do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, or swim in open water;
  • not to accept hot bath, wash in the shower instead;
  • take care of your health during the season colds avoid crowds of people to avoid getting infected;
  • nutrition should be balanced, with sufficient protein and vitamins;
  • completely give up alcohol, eliminate smoking;
  • at first you should limit physical exercise. Those who are intensely involved in sports or fitness should stop going to the gym for a while;
  • will limit stressful situations and emotional overstrain.

Sexual activity after a medical abortion is possible after the end of the first menstruation. The uterus after an artificial miscarriage is an extensive wound surface with nutrient medium for microorganisms. Sexual contact always carries a risk of infection. In addition, active frictions can deliver discomfort or lead to resumption of bleeding.

Physiotherapy has a positive effect on the recovery process. The choice of a specific method of exposure must be agreed with the attending physician, because This method of treatment also has contraindications.

If the menstrual cycle does not resume within 2 months, you should consult a doctor to conduct an examination and look for the causes of hormonal imbalance. You may also be concerned about discomfort in the mammary glands, which have begun to prepare for lactation. Therefore, in some cases, a consultation with a mammologist is recommended.

Despite numerous positive aspects, medical abortion is not ideal method. Any interference with internal environment can lead to unpleasant consequences. To avoid them, it is necessary to approach family planning issues correctly, and not solve the problem after it appears.

Abortion is a procedure for terminating a pregnancy artificially. Like any medical intervention, even the most seemingly safe abortion can have adverse consequences. One of the most common complications is bleeding after an abortion.

Before the termination procedure, the woman should be explained how much and when blood can be released, and in what situations to seek help. Bleeding after termination of pregnancy always occurs, with any method of termination.

The important fact is that post-abortion bleeding, although similar in volume, is not menstrual flow.

When terminating a pregnancy, bleeding occurs due to rejection of the fertilized egg and associated vascular damage, and not due to expulsion of the endometrium, as during menstruation. Termination of pregnancy can be carried out only in the first 20 weeks of gestation. Abortion during intrauterine development up to 12 weeks is performed at the request of the woman, regardless of the course of pregnancy, and in late dates- strictly according to doctors' indications. An exception is made only for pregnancy up to 22 weeks, if it occurs as a result of rape.

The following methods are used for medical termination of pregnancy:

  • instrumental method (“curettage”);
  • removal of the fertilized egg using a vacuum aspirator;
  • medical abortion using drugs that terminate pregnancy.

The choice of method for terminating a pregnancy is up to the woman and is determined by her capabilities. medical institution, which she contacted. Each method has its pros and cons. But absolutely any termination of pregnancy is fraught with the development of pathological bleeding.

Bleeding after instrumental abortion

Instrumental abortion is one of the most common gynecological operations. But despite this, this type of abortion is rightfully considered the most traumatic and associated with the development of serious complications.

During instrumental interruption, the cervical canal first expands. Then a curette with sharp edges is inserted into the uterine cavity, and the entire endometrium, including the fertilized egg, is “blindly” scraped out. Naturally, this causes injury to the uterine walls, damage to blood vessels, and therefore bleeding is inevitable.

It is difficult to say how long the bleeding will last after such an abortion. Each woman is individual, and it is impossible to predict how her body will behave after surgery. On average, blood is released within 10-28 days. The discharge is similar to menstrual discharge, but may last for a few days. Then the discharge becomes pink, and then spotting brown and gradually stops.

Sometimes, in the case of an incorrectly performed operation, when parts of the fertilized egg remain in the uterine cavity or a through puncture of this organ occurs, massive bleeding develops. In this case, against the background of heavy discharge, the woman feels weak, the skin becomes pale and covered with sticky sweat, a drop in pressure and loss of consciousness may occur. This condition requires urgent medical attention. To stop bleeding, repeated “curettage” may be necessary, and sometimes, in especially severe cases, even removal of the organ.

Bleeding after vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration of the fertilized egg is performed exclusively in the early stages of gestation (during pregnancy up to 9 weeks). This method is considered less traumatic. Under local anesthesia An aspirator is inserted through the lumen of the cervical canal into the uterine cavity. The fertilized egg is separated from the uterine wall by vacuum. This can be done either manually or using an electric vacuum suction device. The uterus remains intact during such manipulations.

It starts on the second day and lasts about two weeks.

In this case, the amount of discharge should be small. If bleeding lasts longer than expected or becomes heavy, a complication has probably developed. In this case, you urgently need to see a doctor. The causes of complicated bleeding are incomplete removal of the fertilized egg and/or a violation of the blood coagulation system.

Bleeding after medical abortion

Medical abortion is considered the most gentle method because it does not cause mechanical damage structures of the uterus. Termination of pregnancy using abortifacient medications is carried out only at short stages of pregnancy. For this purpose they use powerful hormonal agent, which blocks progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, resulting in embryo rejection and active contractions of the uterus.

Sometimes a medical abortion can be performed at home. The pill is taken after an appropriate examination in the doctor’s office, under his guidance. Bleeding should start within two hours. Contracting drugs may be administered to enhance uterine contractions. Along with copious bleeding, a pink round clot comes out - the fertilized egg. After two days, the woman should see a doctor and tell her whether a “miscarriage” has occurred.

Bleeding after a medical abortion lasts up to a month, and the menstrual cycle is restored within a maximum of six months.

This is due to hormonal changes in the body. If during the first three days the bleeding intensifies, it means complications have arisen. They can be caused by either incomplete release of the fertilized egg or a blood clotting disorder.

How to stop bleeding yourself

Women often wonder: how to stop bleeding after an abortion at home? There is only one answer to it: no way. If, after the termination operation, excessive bleeding begins, then this is a reason to immediately go to the hospital, because only a doctor can assess how dangerous the development of complications can be.

Signs of complications after abortion:

  • bleeding did not start after a week;
  • the bleeding that started stopped abruptly after a few days;
  • there has been bleeding for more than a month after an abortion;
  • the volume of discharge increases;
  • bleeding is accompanied by weakness, pallor, drop in pressure, and severe pain.

An unfavorable symptom is both a sudden cessation of discharge, which carries the risk of hematometra (accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity), and increased bleeding. In order to determine the latter condition, you need to count how many night pads are used within an hour.

Bleeding is dangerous, especially for women with Rh negative blood in the first pregnancy. This is due to the fact that Rh-positive antigens of the embryo enter the bloodstream. As a result, antibodies against foreign red blood cells begin to form in the mother's blood. The result of this is that in subsequent pregnancies the mother’s body “attacks” the baby’s red blood cells, causing severe hemolytic disease fetus and newborn or miscarriage.

Making the decision to have an abortion is always difficult. Before taking this step, a woman must realize that even the most safe methods Termination of pregnancy can lead to complications. If uterine bleeding develops, immediately seeking medical help will help preserve reproductive function, and in some cases, life.

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