Drug for external use Advantan: composition and areas of application. What does advantan ointment help with?

A universal remedy for treatment dermatological diseases Advantan ointment, which is intended for external use, is considered to have a wide range of indications. Therapy using ointment allows treatment skin diseases in children and adults. The drug is well tolerated, which allows it to be used even by children infancy. Instructions for use will help you get full information about the drug, its properties, methods of use.

Dosage form

A series of drugs for external use - Advantan - is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer, which has been famous for many years high quality of its products. Advantan, refers to glucocorticosteroid drugs, the use of which allows you to cope with inflammatory and allergic diseases skin. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property, eliminates redness, various rashes and swelling of the skin, penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, after which it has a pronounced systemic action.

The drug is available in several pharmaceutical forms, but in practice most often they use an ointment that provides therapeutic effect for acute and chronic diseases skin. You can buy the drug in tubes of 15 g.

Description and composition

Advantan is a highly effective drug for the treatment of skin diseases varying degrees difficulties. The drug copes well with various lesions skin of infectious, allergic or fungal origin. According to reviews of the medicine, the ointment is suitable for any skin type; it can be used alone or in combination with other agents for oral or external use. Despite the fact that the drug is a hormonal drug, it is well tolerated and practically does not cause contraindications or side effects.

The manufacturer provides two types of ointment - just ointment and fatty ointment. The amount of active ingredient in both drugs is identical, and the difference is only in the amount of excipients. The active component of the ointment is aceponate, which is a synthetic steroid. One gram of the drug contains 0.01 mg of the active ingredient, as well as excipients.

Pharmacological group

The drug Advantan is a hormonal drug. wide range actions. Its active component has the ability to quickly relieve inflammatory skin reactions and have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Therapy using ointment can be carried out for acute or chronic skin diseases. Its use allows not only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also to reduce the risk of relapse.

External use of the ointment allows it active substance penetrate deeply from skin cells, suppress inflammatory and allergic reactions, reduce the manifestations of skin diseases. The use of ointment allows you to eliminate objective and subjective symptoms of skin diseases, such as erythema, swelling, itching, irritation. The drug enhances skin regeneration, accelerates the healing of small wounds and cracks.

Clinical trials have proven that the use of Advantan ointment can reduce the manifestation of skin diseases already on the 3rd day of regular application to the skin. The drug is well tolerated and has rapid therapeutic effect, which allows it to be used when large quantities skin diseases.

Indications for use

Advantan ointment is a broad-spectrum drug, which allows the drug to be used for various diseases skin in adults and children.

For adults

Advantan ointment for external use can be used for the following diseases:

  1. Psoriasis.
  2. Dermatitis of various origins.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Neurodermatitis.
  5. Shingles.
  6. Skin burns.
  7. Dry, flaking skin.
  8. Acne.

This is not the entire list of diseases that can be treated with Advantan ointment. This drug perfectly relieves inflammation of the skin, relieves itching, rashes due to allergies or infectious lesions skin.

For children

For children, Advantan ointment can be used from infancy. The main indications for taking the drug are the following diseases:

  1. Neurodermatitis.
  2. Allergic dermatitis.
  3. Microbial eczema.
  4. Solar dermatitis.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be used with extreme caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. The instructions for the drug contain information about possible use Advantam ointment for pregnant women, but only in cases where there is no risk to the fetus and the woman herself. Therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor.


Persons with a history of following states and diseases:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the composition.
  2. Age up to 4 months.
  3. Skin reactions in response to vaccination.
  4. Rosacea.
  5. Viral skin lesions: chicken pox, encircling .

Applications and dosages

The drug is intended for external use. It should only be applied to clean and dry skin. The possibility of using Advantan to treat diseases in adults and children has made the ointment quite widespread.

For adults

For adults with skin diseases, the medicine is applied in a thin layer twice a day to the affected areas of the skin. The duration of application of the ointment depends on the degree of skin damage and diagnosis. In general, therapy does not exceed 5–10 days. Considering that the drug is hormonal, its long-term use can be addictive, which will make the ointment ineffective during the next development of the disease. For dry skin types, it is recommended to use an oil-based ointment.

For children

Advantan should only be prescribed to children by a doctor. The drug is contraindicated for newborns and children under 4 months. The drug should be applied to inflamed area skin, a thin layer no more than 1 time per day. If necessary, an occlusive dressing can be placed on the area where the drug is applied. Therapy using ointment should not exceed 5 to 10 days.

For pregnant women and during lactation

For skin reactions during pregnancy, the drug can only be prescribed by a dermatologist. If there are no contraindications to the use of the medicine, you can apply the ointment to damaged areas of the skin 1 – 2 times a day. To reduce the risk, Advantan can be used by pregnant and nursing mothers for no more than 5 days.

Side effects

After applying the ointment side effects appear extremely rarely, but there have been cases when treatment with Advantan caused acute reactions skin:

  1. Redness of the skin in the area where the ointment is applied.
  2. Rash, itchy skin.
  3. Folliculitis.
  4. Hypertrichosis.

The risk of side effects increases with misuse drug or the person’s history of contraindications to its use.

If for some reason it is impossible to use Advantan ointment, your doctor may prescribe similar drugs by composition or mechanism of action. Analogues include such external use products as Cutivate, Sinoderm, Celestoderm-B,. All analogue drugs are hormonal drugs and have many contraindications and side effects that you need to familiarize yourself with before using the product.

Interaction with other drugs

Advantan ointment can be used in combination with other drugs for external or internal use. The interval between applying the ointment and any other product should be several hours. The drug should be used with caution in combination with other hormonal agents.

special instructions

Treatment of dermatological diseases should always be carried out comprehensively, therefore, along with Advantan ointment, other drugs with systemic or symptomatic action should be taken. When applying the ointment to the skin of the face, you should avoid getting it on the mucous membranes. If a small amount of ointment accidentally gets into the eye, you need to rinse it with running water. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 14 days. For prolonged or frequent use ointments, the functioning of the adrenal glands may be disrupted. Treatment with Advantan should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor, strictly observing the recommended doses of the drug.


Cases of drug overdose have not been recorded, but still, in order to avoid all risks, you must strictly adhere to the recommended doses and duration of use.

Storage conditions

Advantan ointment should be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is indicated on the packaging and is no more than 3 years from the date of release.


Instead of Advantan ointment, you can use the following medications:

  1. Comfoderm is a domestic drug produced by the company. It is a complete analogue of Advantan ointment. Differences between the two drugs in the composition auxiliary components. In addition, the shelf life of Comfoderm ointment is 24 months.
  2. refers to glucocorticoids, as active ingredient the drug contains betamethasone. He's at local application relieves itching and inflammation. Available in the form of cream and ointment. It is used for allergic skin reactions, psoriasis, and non-allergic dermatoses. In children under 12 years of age, the drug can only be used under the supervision of a doctor. Do not apply the medication to large areas or for a long time during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. represents combination drug, which in addition to GCS contains an antibiotic and an antimycotic. Available in the form of ointments and creams, which are used for dermatoses complicated by secondary infections in patients over 2 years of age. The medicine can be used in pregnant women in small areas and for a short time.
  4. is a substitute for Advantan ointment according to the clinical and pharmacological group. His medicinal component is betamethasone dipropionate, which has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects in skin diseases that respond to GCS therapy. The drug is approved for use in infants from six months of age. The medicine can be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug price

The cost of Advantan is on average 693 rubles. Prices range from 417 to 1660 rubles.

Advantan is a drug used to obtain anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-hyperproliferation effects. Medicinal properties drugs cope well with objective and subjective clinical manifestations skin diseases. This guide will discuss Advantan instructions for use, reviews of the drug and objective features of use.

All analogues and substitutes are also hormonal drugs, so use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Advantan also has analogues that are much cheaper, among them:

  • Lemod;
  • Metipred;
  • Medrol;
  • Solu-Medrol;
  • Sterocort;
  • Urbazon.

The pair Lokoid or Advantan deserves special attention; an equal sign is often drawn between them, even professional doctors, with a clear answer to the question “which is better?” - does not exist. The only difference is how much the drug costs and what side effects you have to put up with for the money; otherwise, especially in terms of active substances, their composition is almost identical. Therefore, Lokoid, this is the same Advantan, but you can buy it for 40 rubles, and the number of side effects and contraindications is inversely proportional to the ratio of their prices.

The second drug, the use of which really needs to be noted is Elokom. The difference in their use lies in the concentration of active substances - there are much more of them in Elokom ointment.

"If parents are afraid hormonal drugs that's enough unreasonable fear, taking into account the fact that the product has external use. A good analogue of Advantan is the Russian ointment Triderm. Cheap drugs based on its active substance help well against the same dermatitis, but do not contain hormones.”

general description

This hormonal ointment It works thanks to the methylprednisolone aceponate contained in it. During metabolism, this active substance forms 6α-methylprednisolone-17-propionate, which strongly stimulates biological processes in the patient's skin, in particular, it forms macrocortin. It, in turn, slows down the production of leukotriene and prostaglandin, which are markers of inflammation.

The annotation for the drug states that this remedy is in class dermatological preparations wide spectrum of action. According to researchers who observed the use of the drug in humans, it helps reduce the number of relapses, is safe for children and significantly improves skin condition, in as soon as possible. What the drug helps with depends on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics; they should be considered in more detail.


External use of Advantan helps suppress harmful skin reactions, as well as quickly relieve symptoms. External use provides a minimal systemic effect on the body, even the use of an occlusive dressing does not increase cortisol in the blood, so fears about taking this hormone are in vain.

Even long-term use(12 weeks or more), did not cause side effects in patients characteristic of cortisol overdoses (strigia, rashes, etc.).


Advantan cream or ointment has absorption and excretion parameters that are favorable to the body. According to reviews from doctors, they use this drug for the following pharmacokinetic reasons:

  1. Absorption - this process fluctuates greatly.
    – The difference in ointment absorption between healthy skin and damaged skin (for example: children) is only 1%.
    – So on diseased skin this value creates about 2.5%, and experiments on healthy skin showed 1.5%.
    – Advantan emulsion has slightly different indicators: 0.17% and 0.27%, respectively.
    “Experiments were conducted on applying the drug to the entire body and to areas with removed horny cover.
    – The result was really valuable information: the absence of skin increased absorption by up to 15%, and application to the whole body showed that the systemic dose was 4 mcg per kg of body weight. It is extremely difficult to apply such a dose, even with a strong desire, so there is no reason to be afraid. »
  2. Metabolism – acetonate is hydrolyzed in the layers of the skin.
    – The main active element is the aforementioned methylprednisolone, it is very similar to corticoid receptors, thanks to which bioactivation occurs almost instantly.
  3. Excretion – The kidneys are responsible for excreting metabolites.
    – Half-life active substance is only 16 hours, due to which the components do not accumulate in the patient’s body.

Form and composition

Advantan gels are available in several form factors, each of which has its own characteristics, even when it comes to the composition of the auxiliary components.

They are as follows:

1. Advantan cream – opaque, yellowish or white.
– Active substance consists– 1 mg/g methylprednisolone aceponate.
– Other substances: cetyl alcohol 60%, solid fat, purified water, glyceryl monostearate, glycerol 85%, decyl oleate, butylated hydroxytoluene, softisan, benzyl alcohol, disodium edetate, macrogol stearate.
2. Advantan ointment – ​​homogeneous, opaque.
– Has a pure white color or with a hint of yellow.
– The active substance and its concentration are similar to the cream.
– Other substances: paraffins (liquid and soft), Dehimuls E-70, beeswax, purified water.
3. Advantan fatty ointment - differs by replacing Dehimuls E-70 with natural Castor oil, this composition allows this ointment to be the most organic of all possible forms release.
4. Advantan emulsion - although the color and concentration of the main active substance remain unchanged, its consistency is significantly different.
– Composition of excipients: benzyl alcohol, softisan, polyoxyethylene, medium chain triglycerides, glycerol 85%, polyoxyethylene, steryl alcohols, purified water and disodium edetate.

Preparations of all forms are produced in aluminum tubes. In terms of weight, they are produced in the range of 5-50 g, the only difference is the emulsion, the minimum weight of which is 20 g.


Advantan is purchased for manifestations of dermatitis and other skin diseases of the nature chronic pathology prone to exacerbations.

Therefore, the indications for use are as follows:

  • Allergic and simple dermatitis;
  • All types of eczema, including child pathologies;
  • All .

Advantan emulsion has additional indications:

  • Seborrheic eczema and dermatitis;
  • Microbial eczema;
  • The use of Advantan for allergies is also effective for sunburn, and is safe even for children.

“Even though the drug is needed for treatment complex diseases epidermis, but Advantan ointment for allergies helps no worse than with eczema. Also, according to reviews, it is quite effective against mosquito bites and sunburn.”

Working method

A specific algorithm for the use of Advantan for both adults and children is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body and the disease he or she suffers. The duration of treatment, exact doses, as well as replacing it with analogues, even good ones, are also determined by the doctor.

The closest to the definition is “ general instructions" as follows:

  1. Advantan ointments for insect bites, as for other ailments, are applied twice a day.
    – A small layer is enough, but a bandage is completely optional.
  2. Advantan cream - apply the drug very carefully, in a thin layer.
    – Apply it three times a day, this allows for an effective two-week course that can solve any symptomatic skin problems.
  3. Emulsion - the medicine is applied in a thin layer over the entire surface of the lesion, for which the bottle is first shaken until the contents become homogeneous.
    – The drug should be applied twice a day.

Thanks to the hormones in its composition, Advantin quickly copes with even the most advanced cases, the main thing is to try to avoid side effects and do not overdo it with doses.

“A very competent approach and constant supervision of a doctor can allow the use of Advantan for infants”

Application nuances

U this drug There are several nuances of application, they can be compiled into the following list:

  1. Bacterial dermatoses require supplementing Advantan with antibacterial and antimycotic therapy.
  2. The emulsion is not only not recommended, but also prohibited from being used with an occlusive dressing.
  3. The drug does not change the ability to drive a car, but you should be careful when applying it in the eye area.
  4. Overdose - tests, even with deliberate overdose, did not show any particular risks of intoxication of the body, even with intentional ingestion.
    – The only one possible way To achieve such a result, it was overly intense, long-term use on one area of ​​the skin, which led to its atrophy.
  5. The drug is approved for use from 4 one month old, which makes it accessible to infants, with the appropriate supervision of an aesculapian.
  6. No drug interactions have been confirmed.
  7. Advantan should be used very carefully during pregnancy and under the supervision of a doctor.


Despite the fact that there are not many of them even for a child, they are still present:

  • skin tuberculosis or syphilitic manifestations at the site of the lesion;
  • lichen and other similar viruses;
  • rosacea;
  • vaccination zone;
  • age less than 4 months;
  • individual hypersensitivity.

Contact with the eyes is not a direct contraindication, because the mucous membranes do not fall within the target area of ​​the drug, but they should be avoided.

Side effects

These phenomena are rare. In 99.9% of cases the medicine is well tolerated.

In 0.01% the following may occur:

  • burning;
  • folliculitis;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • vesicular rash.

Long-term use exceeding 120 days on an area of ​​10% may result in:

  • atrophy;
  • systemic effects;
  • striae;
  • telangiectasia;
  • acneiform changes.

Additional Information

The drug is sold without a prescription. The shelf life is 3 years, and it must be stored at temperatures below 25°C. The only exception is the fatty version of the ointment, despite its naturalness, its shelf life is 3 years. Advantan price: 560 rub. and more expensive.

In conclusion

Finally, it is worth considering the question: Is Advantan hormonal or not? This worries many readers, especially those who are thinking about whether to take Advantan during pregnancy or whether to abstain from it. He's actually in a band hormonal drugs, but you should completely abandon it only in the first 3 months. Later, the doctor can calmly determine the dosage without fear of harming the fetus.

Registration number


International nonproprietary name
Methylprednisolone aceponate

Dosage form
Emulsion for external use

1 g emulsion contains:

Active ingredient- methylprednisolone aceponate 1 mg.
Medium chain triglycerides, softizan 378, polyoxyethylene-2-steryl alcohol, glycerin 85%, benzyl alcohol, disodium edetate, purified water.

White opaque emulsion.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Glucocorticosteroid for local use

ATX code D07AC14

Pharmacological properties
The active component of Advantan, methylprednisolone aceponate, is a non-halogenated synthetic steroid.

When applied externally, Advantan suppresses inflammatory and allergic skin reactions, as well as reactions associated with increased proliferation, which leads to a decrease in objective symptoms (erythema, swelling, weeping) and subjective sensations (itching, irritation, pain).
When using methylprednisolone aceponate externally in effective dosage, systemic effect is minimal in both humans and animals. After repeated application of Advantan to large surfaces (40 - 60% of the skin surface), as well as application under an occlusive dressing, no dysfunction of the adrenal glands is observed: the level of cortisol in plasma and its circadian rhythm remain within normal limits, and there is no decrease in the level of cortisol in daily urine.
Methylprednisolone aceponate (especially its main metabolite, 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate) binds to intracellular glucocorticoid receptors. The steroid receptor complex binds to specific sections of DNA, thereby causing a series of biological effects.
In particular, the binding of the steroid receptor complex to DNA leads to the induction of macrocortin synthesis. Macrocortin inhibits the release of arachidonic acid and, thereby, the formation of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Glucocorticoid inhibition of the synthesis of vasodilating prostaglandins and potentiation vasoconstrictor effect adrenaline, lead to a vasoconstrictor effect

Methylprednisolone aceponate is hydrolyzed in the epidermis and dermis. The main and most active metabolite is 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate, which has a significantly higher affinity for corticoid receptors in the skin, which indicates the presence of its “bioactivation” in the skin. The intensity of absorption through the skin with artificial inflammation was very low (0.27% of the dose) and was slightly higher than after healthy skin(0.17%). Absorption through skin with the stratum corneum removed was significantly higher (15%) of the dose. In case of treatment of the whole body (for example, for sunburn), the systemic dose is about 4 mcg per 1 kg of body weight per day, which excludes systemic effects.
After entering the systemic circulation, 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate is quickly conjugated with glucuronic acid and, thus, inactivated.
Metabolites of methylprednisolone aceponate (the main of which is 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate-21-glucuronide) are eliminated mainly by the kidneys with a half-life of about 16 hours. Methylperdnisolone aceponate and its metabolites do not accumulate in the body.

Indications for use"Acute inflammatory skin diseases in adults and children starting from 4 months of age: atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis, true eczema, seborrheic eczema, microbial eczema, dyshidrotic eczema, degenerative eczema. "Solar dermatitis (severe sunburn).

Contraindications"Tuberculosis or syphilitic processes in the area of ​​application of the drug." Viral diseases (for example, chicken pox, shingles) in the area of ​​application of the drug. "rosacea, perioral dermatitis in the area of ​​application of the drug." Skin reactions to vaccination in the area of ​​application of the drug. "Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Pregnancy and lactation If it is necessary to use Advantan during pregnancy and lactation, the potential risks and expected benefits of treatment should be carefully weighed. During these periods, long-term use of the drug on large areas of the skin is not recommended. In nursing mothers, the drug should not be applied to the mammary glands.

Directions for use and doses
The drug is applied once a day (for the treatment of sunburn 1, maximum 2 times a day) in a thin layer to the affected area, lightly rubbing. Typically, the course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.
If skin dry out excessively when using Advantan emulsion, you must proceed to dosage form with more high content fat (Advantan ointment or Advantan fatty ointment).

Side effect
The drug is usually well tolerated.
Sometimes Advantan emulsion may cause local symptoms such as itching, burning, erythema, dry skin, peeling or blistering.
As with the external use of other glucocorticosteroids, in rare cases Folliculitis and allergic reactions may occur.

Drug interactions
Not described.

A study of the acute toxicity of methylprednisolone aceponate did not reveal any risk of acute intoxication with excessive single dose use. skin application(applying the drug over a large area under conditions favorable for absorption) or unintentional ingestion.

special instructions
In the presence of bacterial dermatoses and/or dermatomycosis, in addition to Advantan therapy, it is necessary to carry out specific antibacterial or antimycotic treatment.
Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes.
After repeated application of Advantan to large surfaces (40 - 60% of the skin surface) in either children or adults, as well as application under an occlusive dressing, no dysfunction of the adrenal glands is observed. However, Advantan emulsion should not be used under an occlusive dressing. It should be borne in mind that diapers (pampers) can create an occlusive effect. As with systemic corticosteroids, glaucoma may develop after use of topical corticosteroids (eg, large doses, or very long-term use, use of occlusive dressings or application to the skin around the eyes).

Effect on the ability to drive a car and use machinery
Does not affect.

Release form
5 g, 20 g and 50 g in laminated aluminum tubes, sealed with screw-on plastic caps. The tube along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
3 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter.

INTENDIS GmbH, Germany, manufactured by INTENDIS MANUFACTURING SpA, Italy Via E.Schering, 21
20090 Segrate - Milano
St. E. Sh

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Advantan. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Advantan in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Advantan in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of dermatitis and eczema in adults, children (including newborns), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of a hormonal agent.

Advantan- glucocorticosteroid (GCS) for external use, is a non-halogenated synthetic steroid (synthetic hormone). When applied externally, Advantan suppresses inflammatory and allergic skin reactions, as well as reactions associated with increased proliferation, which leads to a reduction in objective symptoms (erythema, swelling, lichenification) and subjective sensations (itching, irritation, pain).

When methylprednisolone aceponate (the active ingredient of the drug Advantan) is used externally, the systemic effect is minimal in both humans and animals. After repeated application of Advantan to large surfaces (40-60% of the skin surface), as well as when applied under an occlusive dressing, no dysfunction of the adrenal glands is observed: the level of cortisol in the blood plasma and its circadian rhythm remain within normal limits, and there is no decrease in the level of cortisol in daily urine is happening.

During clinical trials when using Advantan in the form of an ointment, cream, fatty ointment or emulsion for up to 12 weeks in adults and up to 4 weeks in children (incl. early age) there was no development of skin atrophy, telangiectasia, stretch marks or acne-like rashes.

Methylprednisolone aceponate (especially its main metabolite, 6alpha-methylprednisolone-17-propionate) binds to intracellular glucocorticoid receptors. The steroid receptor complex binds to specific sections of DNA, thereby causing a series of biological effects.

In particular, the binding of the steroid receptor complex to DNA leads to the induction of macrocortin synthesis. Macrocortin inhibits the release of arachidonic acid and, thereby, the formation of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes.

GCS inhibition of the synthesis of vasodilating prostaglandins and potentiation of the vasoconstrictor effect of adrenaline leads to a vasoconstrictor effect.


Methylprednisolone aceponate + excipients.


The degree of percutaneous absorption depends on the condition of the skin, the dosage form and the route of administration (with or without an occlusive dressing). When using ointment, cream or fatty ointment, percutaneous absorption in children and adults with atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) and psoriasis was no more than 2.5%, which is only slightly higher compared to healthy volunteers (0.5-1.5%).

When using the drug in the form of an emulsion, the intensity of absorption through skin with artificial inflammation was very low (0.27%), which is only slightly higher than through healthy skin (0.17%). In the case of whole body treatment (for example, for sunburn), the systemic dose is about 4 mcg/kg body weight per day (which excludes systemic effects).

Metabolites of methylprednisolone aceponate are excreted primarily by the kidneys.

Methylprednisolone aceponate and its metabolites do not accumulate in the body.


Ointment, cream, greasy ointment

  • true eczema;
  • microbial eczema;
  • occupational eczema;
  • dyshidrotic eczema;
  • simple contact dermatitis;
  • allergic (contact) dermatitis.

Emulsion for external use

Inflammatory skin diseases sensitive to therapy with topical corticosteroids:

  • atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, childhood eczema;
  • simple contact dermatitis;
  • allergic (contact) dermatitis;
  • true eczema;
  • seborrheic dermatitis/eczema;
  • microbial eczema;
  • photodermatitis, sunburn.

Release forms

Cream for external use 0.1%.

Ointment for external use 0.1%.

Ointment for external use fatty 0.1%.

Emulsion for external use 0.1%.

Instructions for use and method of use

For adults and children over 4 months, the drug is applied once a day in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin.

Continuous daily use Advantana in the form of a cream, ointment or fatty ointment is for adults no more than 12 weeks, for children no more than 4 weeks. The course of treatment with Advantan in the form of an emulsion is no more than 2 weeks.

The cream is a dosage form with a low fat content and high water content, therefore it is recommended for subacute and acute inflammation without pronounced weeping. The cream eliminates the inflammatory process both on smooth skin and on the scalp, incl. on skin prone to oily skin.

The ointment is a dosage form with a balanced ratio of fat and water, therefore it is recommended for subacute or chronic cases inflammatory diseases skin that is not accompanied by weeping. The ointment has therapeutic effect, also helping to eliminate dry skin and restore its normal oil content.

Fatty ointment is an anhydrous dosage form, therefore it is recommended for the treatment of long-term chronic inflammatory skin processes with very dry skin. The occlusive effect of the fatty ointment provides a pronounced therapeutic effect even with significant lichenification and infiltration.

The emulsion is applied to the skin in a thin layer, lightly rubbing. For sunburn, the emulsion is used 1-2 times a day. If the skin becomes excessively dry when using the emulsion, it is necessary to switch to a dosage form of Advantan with a higher fat content (ointment or fatty ointment).

Side effect

  • burning;
  • erythema;
  • formation of a vesicular rash;
  • skin atrophy;
  • telangiectasia;
  • striae;
  • acneiform skin changes;
  • systemic effects due to corticosteroid absorption;
  • folliculitis;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • perioral dermatitis;
  • skin depigmentation;
  • allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug.


  • skin tuberculosis and skin manifestations of syphilis in the area of ​​application of the drug;
  • viral skin lesions in the area where the drug is applied (for example, with chickenpox, herpes zoster);
  • rosacea, perioral dermatitis in the area of ​​application of the drug;
  • skin manifestations of a reaction to vaccination;
  • children up to 4 months;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If it is necessary to use the drug Advantan during pregnancy and lactation, you should carefully weigh the expected benefits of therapy for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus or infant. During these periods, long-term use of the drug on large areas of the skin is not recommended.

Nursing mothers should not apply the drug to the mammary glands.

special instructions

In the presence of bacterial dermatoses and/or dermatomycosis, in addition to Advantan therapy, it is necessary to carry out specific antibacterial or antifungal treatment.

Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes.

As with the use of systemic corticosteroids, glaucoma may develop with external use of corticosteroids (for example, after high doses or very long-term use, use of occlusive dressings or application to the skin around the eyes).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Not found.

Drug interactions

No drug interactions have been identified with Advantan.

Analogues of the drug Advantan

The drug Advantan has no structural analogs of the active substance.

  • Depo-Medrol;
  • Lemod;
  • Medrol;
  • Metipred;
  • Solu-Medrol;
  • Urbazon.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Registration number


Dosage form
Cream, ointment, fatty ointment.

1 g of cream contains:
decyl oleate, glycerol monostearate, cetyl steryl alcohol, hard fat, softisan 378, polyoxyl-40-stearate, glycerin 85%, disodium edetate, benzyl alcohol, butylated hydroxytoluene, purified water.
1 g ointment contains:
The active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate 1 mg.
Excipients: white wax, liquid paraffin, emulsifier E, white petroleum jelly, purified water.
1 g of fatty ointment contains:
The active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate 1 mg.
Excipients: white soft paraffin, liquid paraffin, microcrystalline wax, hydrogenated castor oil.

Cream: white or almost white opaque cream.
Ointment: white to yellowish color opaque homogeneous ointment.
Fatty ointment: white to yellowish, translucent fatty ointment.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Glucocorticosteroid for local use

ATX code D07AA01

Pharmacological properties
The active component of Advantan®, methylprednisolone aceponate, is a non-halogenated synthetic steroid.

When applied externally, Advantan® suppresses inflammatory and allergic skin reactions, as well as reactions associated with increased proliferation, which leads to a reduction in objective symptoms (erythema, swelling, lichenification) and subjective sensations (itching, irritation, pain).
When methylprednisolone aceponate is used externally in an effective dosage, the systemic effect is minimal in both humans and animals. After repeated application of Advantan to large surfaces (40 - 60% of the skin surface), as well as application under an occlusive dressing, no dysfunction of the adrenal glands is observed: the level of cortisol in plasma and its circadian rhythm remain within normal limits, and there is no decrease in the level of cortisol in daily urine.
During clinical studies, the use of Advantan for up to 12 weeks in adults and up to 4 weeks in children (including young children) did not reveal the development of skin atrophy, telangiectasia, stretch marks and acne-like rashes.
Methylprednisolone aceponate (especially its main metabolite, 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate) binds to intracellular glucocorticoid receptors. The steroid receptor complex binds to specific sections of DNA, thereby causing a series of biological effects.
In particular, the binding of the steroid receptor complex to DNA leads to the induction of macrocortin synthesis. Macrocortin inhibits the release of arachidonic acid and, thereby, the formation of inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
Inhibition by glucocorticoids of the synthesis of vasodilating prostaglandins and potentiation of the vasoconstrictor effect of adrenaline lead to a vasoconstrictor effect

Methylprednisolone aceponate is hydrolyzed in the epidermis and dermis. The main and most active metabolite is 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate, which has a significantly higher affinity for corticoid receptors in the skin, which indicates the presence of its “bioactivation” in the skin.
The intensity of percutaneous absorption depends on the condition of the skin, dosage form and method of application (on an open area of ​​skin or under an occlusive dressing). Percutaneous absorption in adolescents and adults suffering from neurodermatitis and psoriasis was less than 2.5%, which was only slightly different from absorption through intact skin in healthy adults (0.5 - 1.5%).
After entering the systemic circulation, 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate is quickly conjugated with glucoronic acid and, thus, inactivated.
Metabolites of methylprednisolone aceponate (the main of which is 6?-methylprednisolone-17-propionate-21-glucuronide) are eliminated mainly by the kidneys with a half-life of about 16 hours. Methylperdnisolone aceponate and its metabolites do not accumulate in the body.

Indications for use
Skin diseases, incl. chronic course, in which local use of glucocorticosteroids is effective, including: “atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis; “true eczema; "contact dermatitis;" allergic dermatitis; "dyshidrotic eczema; "microbial eczema; "dermatoses in children starting from 4 months of age, including atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, contact dermatitis, etc.

Contraindications"tuberculosis or syphilitic processes in the area of ​​application of the drug;" viral diseases(for example, chickenpox, herpes zoster), rosacea, perioral dermatitis in the area of ​​application of the drug; "Do not apply to areas of the skin with manifestations of a reaction to vaccination." Hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug

Directions for use and doses
The drug is applied once a day in a thin layer to the lesions.
As a rule, the duration of continuous daily treatment with Advantan should not exceed 12 weeks for adults and 4 weeks for children. Cream
Since Advantan® cream is a dosage form with low content fat and high water content, it is suitable for the treatment of acute inflammatory processes and weeping stage of eczema with very oily skin, as well as when the process is localized both on smooth skin and on the scalp. Ointment
For the treatment of skin diseases that are not accompanied by weeping and in the presence of infiltration, a dosage form with a balanced ratio of fat and water is required. Advantan® ointment makes the skin slightly oily without retaining heat and moisture. Of the three dosage forms, Advantan ointment has the widest field of application. Fatty ointment
For the treatment of very dry skin and chronic stages skin diseases require an anhydrous dosage form. The occlusive effect of the fatty ointment provides a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Drug interactions
No drug interactions have been described.

Side effect
The drug is usually well tolerated.
IN isolated cases may be observed local reactions, such as itching, burning, erythema, blistering.
As with the external use of other glucocorticosteroids, in rare cases, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, perioral derimatitis, and allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug may occur.

When studying the acute toxicity of methylprednisolone aceponate, no risk of acute intoxication was identified from excessive single dermal use (application of the drug over a large area under conditions favorable for absorption) or unintentional ingestion.
With excessively long and/or intensive local use of glucocorticosteroids, skin atrophy (thinning of the skin, telangiectasia, striae) may develop.
If skin atrophy occurs as a result of such an “overdose,” the drug must be discontinued.

Precautions and Warnings
In the presence of bacterial dermatoses and/or dermatomycosis, in addition to Advantan therapy, it is necessary to carry out specific antibacterial or antimycotic treatment.
If the skin becomes excessively dry with prolonged use of Advantan® cream, it is necessary to switch to a dosage form with a higher fat content (Advantan® ointment or Advantan® fatty ointment).
Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes. As with systemic corticosteroids, glaucoma may develop after use of topical corticosteroids (for example, after large doses or very long-term use, use of occlusive dressings, or application to the skin around the eyes).

Pregnancy and lactation
If it is necessary to use Advantan® ointment during pregnancy and lactation, the potential risks and expected benefits of treatment should be carefully weighed. During these periods, long-term use of the drug on large areas of the skin is not recommended.
Nursing mothers should not apply the drug to the mammary glands.

Effect on the ability to drive a car and use machinery
Does not affect.

Release form
Cream: 15 g each in aluminum tubes, sealed with screw-on plastic caps; The tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in cardboard box..

Ointment: 15 g in aluminum tubes, sealed with screw-on plastic caps; The tube along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Fatty ointment: 15 g in aluminum tubes, sealed with screw-on plastic caps; The tube along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
Ointment, cream: store at a temperature not exceeding 25? C.
Fatty ointment: store at a temperature not exceeding 30? C.
Keep out of the reach of children!

Best before date
Ointment, cream - 3 years.
Fatty ointment - 5 years.
Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package!

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter.

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