Taking nootropics. A modern view of nootropics: a list of the best drugs with proven effectiveness

For many years, specialists in various fields related to medicine have been trying to create a remedy that relieves the effects of nervous overexcitation and exhaustion. Modern life exposes nervous system a person under endless overload. The most susceptible organs are affected first: the brain and nervous system. The consequences of such exposure on humans are manifested in memory deterioration, the development of cardiovascular diseases, and a decrease in the individual’s cognitive capabilities. The way out of the situation was the emergence of nootropic drugs.

Many patients ask, nootropic drugs – what are they? These are modern psychotropic drugs that improve mental activity human body, making the brain more resistant to various influences on it, even as a result of traumatic brain injury.

Description of the problem

The body cannot independently cope with constant adverse effects, such as the environmental situation worsening from year to year, stress, physical and mental stress, negative phenomena in political and economic life. Difficulties associated with poor brain function and nervous system disorders are characteristic of different age categories. In young children, these are consequences of common birth injuries, oxygen starvation in the womb or during childbirth.

While studying at school, academic loads increase, posture changes, adolescence hormonal changes begin. All this negatively affects cerebral circulation, general state child, psycho-emotional state. The unstable psyche of a child sometimes fails. The adult population has even more difficulties. To life's difficulties and troubles are added diseases such as osteochondrosis, thrombosis, all kinds of injuries, tumors.

In older people, the body is very “worn out”, so resistance external factors minimal. The likelihood of strokes, atherosclerosis, and neoplasms increases. Nootropic drugs were created to solve such problems.


The modern term “nootropic” has, oddly enough, a very ancient origin. His homeland is Ancient Greece. Literally translated, “the desire for thinking.” Among the Greeks, indeed, there were many unique thinkers and philosophers. They valued wisdom and willingly shared their knowledge with young people.

There are substances in nature that can be called the original nootropics - this is the substance choline, which is found in abundance in foods such as fish and eggs. After eating food, rich in protein, the brain produces serotonin, which is responsible for good mood, pleasure, feeling the joy of life. The brain begins to work better.

The first artificially created nootropic appeared in the 60s of the 20th century in Belgium and became a real discovery in medicine. It was well known today in different countries under different names, nootropic drug "Piracetam". Having received positive results after use nootropic drug, scientists did not stop only at this remedy. Development has continued in many countries and is ongoing. Currently, in the group of nootropic drugs there are several dozen drugs that have passed clinical trials and a dozen are being tested.

Effect of drugs

The main task of nootropic drugs is to influence the elements with which they communicate with each other nerve cells. All these neurotransmitters must be actively working, which does not always happen. Sometimes situations arise that interfere with cell movement. Nootropic drugs give them activity, making the brain work easier. The most quickly destroyed and slowest restored cells are nerve cells. Nootropic drugs help protect them, provide oxygen and increase blood flow to the tissues.

Nootropic drugs contain substances that activate the process of biosynthesis of RNA and protein compounds in the human central nervous system. They are accelerators of energy processes in the cellular processes of the nervous system, help reduce the number of free radicals, as a result of which they neutralize the negative effects of oxidants. Nootropic drugs help optimize the removal of polysaccharides, which means they improve metabolic processes in organism. They are responsible for the formation of phospholipids and proteins in neurocytes, strengthening their membranes.

Important! By improving blood microcirculation and metabolic processes in brain cells, nootropic drugs work only in tissues with pathologies and do not affect healthy ones. In a word, nootropic drugs are suitable for both sick people for treatment and healthy people for improving their health.

Among this type of nootropic drugs, there are also those whose effectiveness is still questionable. Research on them continues, but the drugs are actively used. For example, the nootropic drug “Phenotropil”. Found application in sports as a strength stimulant for athletes. Considering that doping is prohibited in the sports world, some pharmaceutical companies produce nootropic drugs under other names.

Expected effect

Based on the action of nootropic drugs, the expected effect is associated primarily with enhancing the cognitive capabilities of the body. It’s not for nothing that nootropic drugs are called “cognition stimulants.” The human brain, under the influence of nootropic drugs, becomes more active and receptive to learning new things, memory improves, and speech abilities develop. In addition, the body receives additional sources to strengthen the immune and nervous system.

Moreover, nootropics help burn fat. Especially positive impact affect children and the elderly. Children's creativity and intellectual activity increase, and their learning opportunities are enhanced. In older people, nootropic drugs restore mental impairment.

Human activity is very important these days. The world does not stand still and demands the same from a person: mobility, endless movement. If the body is exhausted, a person feels constant weakness and lethargy, he cannot lead an active lifestyle, falls out of work. total flow. This further suppresses the individual’s psyche. Nootropic drugs have the necessary anti-asthenic effect, making a person an active participant in the stormy modern life. They have a neuroprotective effect, that is, they regulate metabolic processes.

IN modern science There is no single established opinion regarding the effects of nootropic drugs on the body. There are many positive opinions and no less negative opinions. No medicine can be a complete panacea.

Nootropic drugs will not make anyone smarter and will not save anyone from exams. It would be surprising if a pill could modify intelligence, which does not exist. In addition to treatment, there must also be diligence. The effect of each nootropic drug is very individual. Some say that the new drug helped a lot, while others say that the nootropic drug was pointless. Much depends on the body, the type of human activity, his attitude to life and many other factors. One can argue endlessly about what nootropic drugs can do. Time will tell the truth. One thing is certain: nootropic drugs will help overcome certain difficulties. To accept them or not, to believe or doubt, depends on the patient.

In the USA and some Western European countries, nootropic drugs are not treated as medicines. In the scientific literature in the West, nootropic drugs are called “cognitive enhancers” and are classified as dietary supplements. Although, they are used very actively.


There are many types of classifications of nootropic drugs. Each is based on a certain criterion. Let's look at two main ones.

Among nootropic drugs, one can distinguish drugs of the old and new generations (according to the time of study and production). Old-generation nootropic drugs include the previously mentioned Pirocetam derivatives. They are commonly called "racetams". Here you can name “Etiracetam”, “Izacetam”, “Oxiracetam” and many others. They have a wider scope.

At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century, many new, more effective nootropic drugs were created. The most popular of them: Phezam, Noopept, Selank, Phenylpiracetam. These nootropic drugs, unlike the previous ones, have a narrower effect and do not solve all problems at once. They contain 2 or more substances that complement each other. Herbal extracts and plant extracts are added to them.

Nootropic drug " Fezam» dilates blood vessels, improving cerebral circulation, stimulates the activity of the parts of the brain responsible for hearing and vision. Helps to quickly recover vital functions brain after a stroke.

Nootropic drug " Noopept» restores memory and enhances cognitive abilities. Normalizes the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The nootropic drug does not have a withdrawal syndrome.

Nootropic drug " Selank"improves mood, lifts vitality, relieves anxiety and stress.

« Phenylpiracetam“Perfect for stroke survivors.

Nootropic drug " Vitrum memory" - This vitamin complex, intended for elderly people with disabilities mental abilities. Available in capsules.

Nootropic drug "Etiracetam"

Since the late 90s of the last century medical institutions The United States began to use a completely new nootropic drug with antiepileptic effects. At the beginning of 2000, the medicine appeared in Russia. According to Wikipedia this remedy has nootropic activity.

There is another classification of drugs, according to which they can also be divided into 2 groups: “true” nootropic drugs that have one, classic effect, improving memory and speech. And “neuroprotectors”, which have a whole range of effects.

Indications for use

Initially, nootropic drugs were used only to treat aging problems, since it was believed that the brain does not work as it should only in adulthood. Over time, having studied their effects in more detail, the scope of application has expanded significantly.

Nootropic drugs are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • decline in mental and physical capabilities;
  • weakening of the ability to think;
  • memory impairment and decreased concentration;
  • infections affecting the nervous system;
  • aging processes;
  • violation of speech functions;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • enuresis;
  • effects of toxic substances on the brain;
  • ophthalmological diseases (glaucoma, retinal pathologies);
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • epileptic disorders;
  • chronic alcoholism.

Interesting! Nootropic drugs were part of the mandatory neurostimulants for preparation Soviet cosmonauts for flights.

Nootropic drugs are actively and effectively used in pediatrics for the treatment of the following disorders in children:

  • delayed speech development;
  • mental retardation;
  • birth defects of the central nervous system;
  • deviations in mental development;
  • increased level of anxiety;
  • attention deficit disorder.

Contraindications for use

Speaking about the use of nootropic drugs, as well as other medications, one cannot help but answer the question of why these drugs are dangerous and whether they are harmful.

No negative effects of nootropic drugs have been recorded. Although, like any medications, nootropic drugs may have side effects. Some patients experienced individual reaction to medication, manifested in sleep disturbance at night, drowsiness during the day, allergic reactions, side effects gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure surges. Some nootropic drugs can cause a condition close to alcohol intoxication. Most side effects occur when long-term use medications or in case of their overdose. To eliminate such effects, it is enough to stop taking the nootropic drug.

Nootropic drugs are not prescribed to patients with the following developmental features:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of the nootropic drug;
  • serious renal dysfunction;
  • hemorrhagic stroke in the acute period;
  • hereditary degenerative diseases of the central nervous system;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Release form

Nootropic drugs can be produced in tablets and capsules to be taken with liquid, sublingual tablets (glycine), solutions for injections, syrups (pantogam), solutions for oral administration. Most of them have a dual option: tablets and injections. What to choose depends on the characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, the patient’s personal preferences and the doctor’s instructions.

Admission rules

Taking nootropic drugs should not be uncontrolled. Any medicine can become poison. This must be remembered. Before taking a nootropic drug into your mouth or injecting it with a nootropic drug, you must consult a doctor. Since the scope of use of nootropic drugs is wide, you can consult with specialists from a variety of medical professions about taking them: therapist, cardiologist, neurologist, pediatrician.

Most often, psychiatrists and narcologists work with nootropic drugs. The appointment is made, then it’s how you feel. The medicine has gone, we continue treatment with nootropic drugs. Not accepted by the body, stop taking it.

Important! The therapeutic effect from the use of most nootropic drugs does not occur immediately. They have a cumulative effect.


Nootropic drug Piracetam. It is still one of the most popular remedies. The nootropic drug is available in two dosage forms: tablets and solution for injection. It normalizes metabolic processes in the brain well, which means it helps improve memory. This is one of the cheapest nootropic drugs in this group. Piracetam can be called an “ambulance” for relieving alcohol syndrome.

Pros of the nootropic drug:

  • protects the brain from oxygen starvation and stress;
  • helps with increased mental stress.

Minuses: Cannot be used for cerebral hemorrhage or renal failure.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine, Neurovin)

A nootropic drug can be in the form of tablets and injections. Actively used in ophthalmology and neurology. The nootropic drug improves hearing acuity well.


  • universal remedy with a wide spectrum of action;
  • well tolerated by people of any age.

Disadvantage of the nootropic drug: when administered intravenously, it is administered very slowly.


The main active ingredient of the nootropic drug is hopantenic acid. Available in the form of cherry-flavored syrup. Used successfully in the treatment of many disorders in children.

Pros: Combines a mild stimulating effect and a mild sedative effect. Minus one, it is not recommended for impaired renal function.


Is it easy to guess that simple nasal drops can help improve your mind? But in in this case This is true. The nootropic drug Semax is administered intranasally, due to which it quickly overcomes the blood-brain barrier and acts for 24 hours. There are practically no side effects.

Phenibut (Noobut, Bifren)

A nootropic drug can be in the form of tablets, powder, or capsules. Fights memory loss, normalizes sleep, relieves anxiety. Indispensable when traveling for those suffering from seasickness.

Negative side of the nootropic drug: enhances the effects of alcohol


The nootropic drug is available in the form of sublingual tablets. Especially popular among young students. The main “people's” assistant, which has a very low price, but can compete with the most expensive nootropic drugs. It is a purified amino acid construction material for protein. Well tolerated by everyone and in any situation when the brain is “tired”. It has no side effects and there is no overdose.

The only disadvantage of a nootropic drug is that it is not strong enough.


Tablets for adults, suspension for children. The nootropic drug improves learning abilities and corrects behavioral functions.


The nootropic drug has an anti-amnestic character and improves mood. It does not have a cumulative effect, it begins to work after the first dose. Has a beneficial effect on vision.

Minuses: May increase blood pressure. Nootropic drugs are expensive. Available in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Not suitable for treating children.

The nootropic drug has one effect that is difficult to define as negative or positive. Phenotropil suppresses appetite. On the one hand, it's good. You can fight with overweight and obesity. But, on the other hand, the desire not to gain extra pounds may result in anorexia.


Nootropic drug eliminates depressive symptoms and helps cope with negative factors environment.

Flaws: Available with a doctor's prescription. May have side effects: insomnia, increased appetite.


The big plus of a nootropic drug is that it helps get rid of alcohol intoxication. It helps well to overcome speech disorders. The nootropic drug has an average price and is quite accessible for use.


The nootropic drug is used intravenously. Helps fight severe brain intoxications. The price is not great.

The nootropic drug is a combination of the well-known Pirocetam and Thiotriosalin.

Properties of drugs

These are the main drugs presented on Russian market medical supplies.

How not to get confused in such a variety and purchase exactly what is suitable for a particular person? First, a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Secondly, there is no nootropic drug that is absolutely universal. It is important to understand what exactly needs to be done. If you need an antidepressant, then Acefen will do. If you are interested in the cumulative effect, buy the nootropic drug “Nootropil”, also known as “Piracetam”. Glycine is safe for children with good sedative effect. Phenotropil will be the best help in eliminating memory lapses. The nootropic drug Semax combines several actions.

Prospects for nootropic drugs

Scientists believe that nootropic drugs have a great future. They will be able to influence the most complex object of study, human brain. Its capabilities are enormous and transcendental. Humanity, even now, does not yet know everything about the capabilities of the brain. If we expand his abilities and maintain his performance throughout his life, then we can create a person of the future with opportunities that we can only dream about and read about in science fiction works.

The body and brain will be able to do things that are not yet possible. Gray matter is formed over 18 years and only then begins to work with full efficiency. The time of his active activity is very short. When scientists understand why this happens and can control these processes, then a superman will appear. Whether this is a fantasy or actually feasible, time will tell.

With the invention of electricity, people began to sleep much less, so the body is under constant stress. As a result, we get weakened immunity and deterioration in performance. The decrease is especially noticeable intellectual potential in kids. How to deal with this? Since the times of the USSR, well-proven drugs have been developed and tested.

What are nootropics

The word nootropic itself has come into use official medicine back in 1972 when there was a need to describe the effects of piracetam. Medicines for this pharmacological group improve memory, facilitate learning, stimulate mental activity and help withstand excessive stress.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect results from taking pills like in the movie “Dark Areas.” But it is quite acceptable to help your brain during a session or rush hour at work. Especially if you have suffered traumatic brain injuries in the past or have symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Indications for use

  • cerebral ischemia (during exacerbation and remission);
  • suffered a stroke;
  • alcoholism;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • migraine;
  • coma;
  • developmental delay in children, stuttering;
  • difficulties in teaching patients who have difficulty concentrating on anything;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • psychoorganic syndrome in the elderly with bad memory, dizziness, mood swings, changes in gait, as well as in patients with Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.


The list of contraindications for each medicine is different, some can be used even by pregnant women and babies older than one year. For convenience, we have collected full list prohibited states.

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Violation cerebral circulation in acute form (stroke).
  3. Disruptions in the endocrine system.
  4. Kidney failure in a severe stage.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation.
  6. Children under three years of age.

Nootropics: list of drugs, which ones are best to take

With regular use, it restores cerebral blood flow and improves metabolism. As a result, there is an improvement in memory and mental performance in all age groups. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys, so people with renal failure take it in a reduced dosage. With long-term therapy, there is an increase in body weight and nervousness.

Cheap drug of domestic production. Under its influence, the mood rises and intellectual activity increases. Helps to remember and assimilate educational material more easily, stimulates the relationship between both hemispheres of the brain. Corrects speech disorders, accelerates the exchange of neurotransmitters, and develops resistance to hypoxia.

Children with dyslexia (difficulty mastering reading skills) over eight years of age: two doses of 1.6 g each. For adults with dizziness, therapeutic daily norm 2.4 - 4.8 grams should be divided into 2-3 doses.

Over-the-counter natural medicine at low price. The mechanism of action on the thinking process is similar to piracetam. Although if we take into account numerous reviews, we can conclude that it is absolutely useless. Especially in comparison with Semax.

New highly effective nootropic latest generation. Restores speech disorders and functions of the musculoskeletal system. Develops resilience under extreme physical and emotional stress.

There is positive experience in the treatment of the following diseases of the central nervous system:

  1. Cerebrovascular insufficiency at the initial stage.
  2. For traumatic brain injury and during the post-rehabilitation period.
  3. Asthenia.
  4. All stages of ischemic stroke.
  5. Encephalopathy.

At low daily doses of 12.5-25 mg, an effect was observed in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. By the third day, the mood rises, vigor returns, dizziness and migraines are relieved, blood pressure returns to normal, and depression recedes. When increased to 100 milligrams, improvements are noticeable after the first dose.

The active ingredient is piracetam. Activates cognitive processes, helps to concentrate, allows you to remember a large amount of information, and also stimulates mental performance. The positive effect on the brain occurs due to the restoration of blood flow and proper metabolism in nerve cells.

In case of reduced learning ability, according to the instructions for use, a dosage of 3.3 grams per day or 8 ml of a 20% solution orally 2 times a day is allowed. Treatment is recommended to be carried out during the school year.

Prescribed to everyone age groups. Regulates metabolism in brain tissue, thereby increasing performance during mental stress, reducing cravings for alcohol. This result is due to the fact that active substance L-threonine, when combined with vitamin B6, breaks down into acetaldehyde and glycine. The effect is observed within 10 minutes after resorption under the tongue.

Should not be used simultaneously with antipsychotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, or for people with hypersensitivity to pyridoxine.

For adults and children for stimulation purposes brain activity take 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. 3-10 days. If necessary, the course is repeated every three months. To enhance the effect, add glycine 100 mg 15 minutes before Biotredin.

The same dosages are indicated for persons suffering from alcoholism (to reduce the desire for harmful drink). At the moment of intoxication, the drug is useless.

Each capsule contains piracetam and cinnarizine. This medicine, at a low cost, has both a nootropic and vasodilating effect. Used under strict medical supervision, especially for concomitant kidney and liver diseases.

In the treatment of migraines it has shown good compatibility with Mexidol. Normalizes sleep, evens out the emotional background. Available in both tablets and solution for intravenous injections. To maintain intelligence at the proper level during mental overload, take 60-80 mg per day for a month. Two weeks for athletes at the same dose during intense training.

The drug is available in tablets for adults, in the form of syrup for children (approved from the first year of life). Widely used for various diseases brain, nervous system disorders, treats urinary problems of a neurogenic nature. It has a stimulating effect with simultaneous sedation. Helps to recover faster after constant alcohol intoxication.

30-50 mg/kg body weight per day. Duration: 2 - 6 months. At the beginning of the course, half the dose is prescribed for ten days; if the medicine is well tolerated, it is increased to the full dose.

Experts note that several healthy generations of Russians grew up on pantogam. Thus, it can be rated as the best nootropic drug. Studies have shown positive dynamics in correction speech disorders in children with autism.

Nasal drops. In terms of the method of administration and quality, it is the most convenient medicine. According to the instructions, it is intended for the treatment of ischemic stroke. But students actively use it to make it easier to perceive the material when studying. It is available at the pharmacy without a prescription, just like picamilon.

Use for children

The choice of nootropic is made taking into account the characteristics of each child. In this case, the leading factor in assessing the condition is the excitability of the central nervous system. If it is elevated, they prefer medications without a stimulating effect or combine one of the list of drugs with a sedative:

  • Phenibut.
  • Cortexin.
  • Cerebrum.
  • Phezam.
  • Mexidol.
  • Encephabol.

In pediatrics, Encephabol is used to correct certain problems:

  1. With slow psychomotor development in children under one year of age.
  2. Hyperactivity combined with an inability to concentrate on details.
  3. Indicated for children preschool age with speech impairment, minimal brain dysfunction.

Newborns up to 1 month. - 1 ml of suspension in the morning for four weeks. From the second month of birth, increase the dosage by 1 milliliter every week until it reaches 5 (one teaspoon) per day. Children 1 - 7 years old - 0.5-1 tsp. 1–3 times a day. Over 7 – 1–2 tables. also 1 or 3 rubles.

Doctor's report

Nootropics are our brain’s assistants during periods of mental and physical stress. We have listed drugs with proven effectiveness that are best taken after visiting a neurologist. For treatment to be successful, you need to undergo full examination and strictly follow all doctor's orders.

Nootropics (Greek noos mind, reason + tropos direction)

The main NS used in medical practice is piracetam, which chemically is a cyclic analogue of γ -aminobutyric acid(). Properties of N. s. Some other GABA analogues are also present, for example aminalone, pantogam and a number of drugs belonging to other classes chemical compounds(acephen, pyriditol, etc.).

Along with nootropic activity, drugs in this group also have other pharmacological properties. For example, piracetam, pantogam and aminalone show some anticonvulsant activity, and pyriditol has antidepressant and sedative properties.

Mechanisms of action of N. s. little studied. It has been established that the stimulating effect of N. s. on memory and learning are determined mainly by their effect on metabolic processes in nervous tissue. So, it is known that many N. s. stimulate tissue metabolism, increase the turnover rate and enhance the utilization of glucose by brain cells. Most N. s. have antihypoxic properties. Ability N. s. improving energy processes in nervous tissue is one of the main reasons for increasing the brain’s resistance to hypoxia and toxic effects on it under the influence of drugs of this group. Caused by some N. s. An increase in cerebral blood flow also appears to be important in the mechanisms of their action on the processes of memory, thinking and learning. Obviously, for this reason, some drugs (for example, Cavinton, nicergoline) have nootropic activity, mainly improving.

Apply N. s. mainly for disorders of memory, attention, speech, etc., caused by vascular diseases brain (atherosclerosis, chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency, stroke), traumatic brain injury, intoxication (for example, alcoholism), in recovery period after neuroinfections and with mental insufficiency (delayed mental development) and oligophrenia in children. Along with this, certain drugs from among N. s. prescribed for other indications. So, piracetam is sometimes used as a corrector side effect neuroleptics (see Antipsychotics) and other psychotropic drugs, because it weakens the mental, neurological and somatovegetative disorders they cause. Pantogam is used for Jacksonian epilepsy, hyperkinesis, parkinsonism, clonic stuttering in children and as a corrector for neuroleptic syndrome that occurs during intoxication with antipsychotics. Pyriditol can be included in complex therapy neurotic disorders and depression with symptoms of lethargy and adynamia. Acefen is sometimes used for neurotic, hypochondriacal and asthenoylochondriac conditions, diencephalic syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Side effect individual drugs group N. s. manifests itself differently, although for many of them the most characteristic features of this action are increased, anxiety and. Along with this, piracetam can cause dyspeptic disorders and coronary insufficiency, aminalon - dyspeptic disorders, fever and fluctuations, mainly in the first days after the administration of this drug. The main side effects of Pantogam are allergic reactions from the skin (cutaneous) and mucous membranes (allergic and conjunctivitis). Pyriditol can cause nausea and headache, and in children - psychomotor problems. Side effects of acephen are characterized by anxiety and fear. In patients with paranoid and hallucinatory symptoms, acephen can cause their intensification.

General contraindications for use for the N. group. in no. The use of aminalon and pantogam has not been established. Piracetam is contraindicated in acute renal failure and pregnancy, pyriditol - in case of increased convulsive readiness, epilepsy and psychomotor agitation, acephen - for infectious diseases central nervous system.

The main N. pages, their doses, methods of application, release forms and storage conditions are given below.

Aminalon(Aminalonum; synonym: gammalon, ganevrin, etc.) prescribed orally (before meals) for adults at 0.5-1.25 G 3 times a day, for children depending on age - in daily doses from 0.5 to 3 G. The duration of treatment ranges from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. Release form: tablets 0.25 G, coated

Acefen(Acephenum; synonym: analux, cerutil, meclofenoxate hydrochloride, etc.) used orally at 0.1-0.3 G 3-5 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1-3 months. Release form: tablets 0.1 G, coated. Storage: list B; in a dry place, protected from light.

Pantogam(Pantogamum) taken orally after 15-30 min after meal. Adults are usually prescribed 0.5-1 G, children - 0.25-0.5 G appointment. Daily dose 1.5-3 G(adults) and 0.75-3 G(for children) is divided into 3-6 doses. The course of treatment is 1-6 months. Repeated courses of treatment are carried out after 3-6 months. Release form: tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 G. Storage: in a dry place, protected from light.

Piracetam(Pyracetamum; synonym: nootropil, pyramem, etc.) is used orally, intramuscularly or intravenously. At the beginning of treatment, the drug is prescribed orally at 0.4 G 3 times a day and increase the dose to a total daily dose of 2.4-3.2 G and more. Upon reaching therapeutic effect daily dose reduced to 1.2-1.6 G. For children under 5 years of age, the drug is usually prescribed orally at 0.2 G for admission, from 5 to 16 years old - 0.4 each G 3 times a day. The duration of treatment ranges from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. Repeated courses of treatment are carried out after 6-8 weeks. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously initially in daily doses of 2-4 G, then in daily doses of 4-6 G. Release form: capsules containing 0.4 G drug; tablets 0.2 G, coated; 20% solution in ampoules of 5 ml. Storage: list B; in a dry place, protected from light.

Pyriditol(Pyriditolum; synonym: encephabol, pyritinol, etc.) prescribed orally after 15-30 min after meals for adults 0.1-0.3 G per appointment, children - 0.05-0.1 G 2-3 times a day. Daily doses for adults 0.2-0.6 G, for children 0.05-0.3 G. At the beginning of treatment, the drug is taken in smaller doses than average. The course of treatment is from 1-3 months to 6-8 months in adults and from 2 weeks to 3 months in children. Repeated courses are carried out in adults after 1-6 months, in children after 3-6 months. Release form: tablets of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 G, coated. Under the name "Encephabol" the drug is produced in 0.1 G in dragees and in the form of syrup containing 0.1 G in every 5 ml, in bottles of 200 ml. Storage: in a dry place, protected from light.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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    Pathological conditions caused by exposure to toxic substances (industrial poisons) in production conditions. Industrial poisons large group toxic substances and compounds that are used in industry as a starting material... ... Medical encyclopedia



Nootropic drugs (psychometabolic stimulants), providing a selective mnemotropic effect (Greek, tpete - memory, (city - direction), improve higher integrative functions of the brain - intelligence, attention, short- and long-term memory, create the ability to quickly reproduce information, accelerate learning, and reduce the number of errors when solving problems. Nootropic drugs weaken the perception of stressful situations, restore interest in life, goals, a sense of self-confidence, optimism, vitality, and increase the brain’s resistance to harmful influences.

The action of nootropics is aimed at the cortex cerebral hemispheres. They facilitate the interhemispheric transmission of nerve impulses, enhance the controlling influence of the cortex on subcortical structures, and improve the function of both neurons and neuroglia.

The cerebral cortex (especially the temporal and frontal lobes) and the gigoscampus are involved in the formation of memory. amygdala, thalamus, cerebellum (learning of motor conditioned reflexes). The transition from short-term to long-term memory is the transformation of the process of obtaining information into the process of storing it. Such a transformation is provided by the medial temporal lobe cortex, hippocampus (carry out memorization and consolidation of memory traces), reticular formation (regulates attention).

The accumulation and storage of information in memory is caused by electrical and chemical processes in the brain, leading to structural changes. Short-term memory is based on trace phenomena - the circulation of nerve impulses in a chain of neurons after the cessation of the stimulus.

Long-term memory is associated with the chemical encoding of information and the activation of synapses. When neurons are excited repeatedly and for a long time, the concentration of calcium ions in their postsynaptic membrane increases. These ions activate calcium-dependent proteinase (callin), which cleaves the membrane protein (fodrin), followed by unmasking and increasing the number of functioning glutamic acid receptors. Synapses become more sensitive as their conductivity increases due to an increase in the number of glutamic acid receptors.

Acetylcholine is necessary for memory processes. Serotonin accelerates learning and prolongs retention of skills when they are based on positive emotional reinforcement (for example, food). Norepinephrine accelerates learning when negative emotional reinforcement (eg, electrocutaneous reinforcement) is used. Neuropeptides are also involved in the regulation of memory - fragments of ACTT, vasopressin, substance R.

During the formation of long-term memory, the synthesis of RNA and informational neuropeptides - enzymes, cytoreceptors - increases. Already in the first hours after the start of learning, these neuropeptides are transported along axons from neuron bodies to synaptic endings, where they increase the efficiency of synaptic transmission of nerve impulses.

The first nootropic drug piracetam was created in the 1980s by G. Giurgea and V. Skondia, employees of the company SALT(Belgium). The most famous nootropic drugs:

* PIRACETAM (NOOTROPIL) - a pyrrolidone derivative, a cyclic derivative of GABA;

* AMINALON (GAMMALON) - GABA in its pure form:

* PHENIBUT - phenyl derivative of GABA;

* PIKAMILON - a combination of GABA molecules and nicotinic acid;

* 1TIRIDITOL (PYRITINOL, ENERGY BALL. ENCEPHABOL) is a chemical analogue of pyridoxine, but

without the properties of vitamin Sg, it can even act as its antagonist.

Mechanism of action of nootropics

Improving brain bioenergy

Nootropic drugs increase the synthesis of ATP and cAMP, glucose utilization, intensify glycolysis and aerobic respiration, and promote an increase in the activity of adenylate cyclase. As is known, aging and neuropsychiatric diseases are characterized by energy deficiency and decreased adenylate cyclase activity in neurons.

Nootropic drugs with a GABA structure have an antihypoxic effect by modifying the biochemical reactions of the GABA shunt,

The GABA shunt is a bypass between two successive metabolites of the tricarboxylic acid cycle - α-ketoglutaric and succinic acids. Part of a-ketoglutaric acid is converted into succinic acid not directly, but by first undergoing reductive amination into glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is then decarboxylated into GABA. GABA enters into a transamination reaction with α-ketoglutarate. forms glutamic acid and succinic semialdehyde. The latter is either reduced to GHB or oxidized to succinic acid. The GHB-succinic semialdehyde system, under conditions of oxygen deficiency, supplies an additional pool of oxidized NAD*, necessary for the oxidation of lactate to pyruvate. This reduces the toxic effect of lactate on cell enzyme systems and prevents the accumulation of ammonia. There is no correlation between the antihypertensive and myemotropic effects of nootropic drugs. Promotionsynthesis and release of neurotransmitters

Nootropic drugs activate the synthesis, release and turnover of dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, inhibit MAO, increase the formation of beta-adrenergic receptors, cholinergic receptors and neuronal uptake of choline. In the mechanism of neurotransmitter release, blockade of potassium channels is important, which facilitates membrane depolarization. Increased protein and membrane phospholipid synthesis

Nootropic drugs improve the regeneration of neurons, activate their genome and increase the synthesis of informational neuropeptides, intensifying the exchange of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine.

It has been shown that cycloheximnd administered to rat pups on the 7th day of postnatal development causes behavioral and learning disorders. Taking nootropic drugs from the 8th to the 14th day eliminates these disorders. Piracetam stimulates the incorporation of leucine into brain proteins, stabilizes neuronal lysosomes and prevents catabolic processes in the brain during aging.

Improved cerebral blood flowand hemorheological parameters

Nootropic drugs dilate cerebral vessels, improve blood flow in areas of cerebral ischemia, prevent the development of cerebral edema, and block platelet aggregation and thrombus formation. improve the elasticity of erythrocytes and microcirculation. Nicotinic acid in the composition of picamilon has a direct vasodilator and anti-atherosclerotic effect. Antioxidant action

Nootropic drugs, by inhibiting free radical peroxidation, protect neuronal membrane phospholipids from destruction, which facilitates the fixation of memory traces. Lipid peroxidation increases in the brain during organic diseases, aging and stress.

Potentiation of mnemotropic effects of memory neuropeptides

Piracetam, the hormone ring of which does not open to form a linear GABA molecule, is an agonist of receptors that perceive signals from memory neuropeptides (fragments of ACTH, vasopressin, substance R). In terms of its chemical structure, piracetam is similar to the cyclic form of the terminal amino acid of memory neuropeptides - pyroglutamate and affects receptors as an exogenous ligand Probably the most important for the mnemotropic effect of piracetam is the activation of AMPA receptors of glutamic acid (quisqualate receptors),

Application and features of the action of nootropic drugs

Indications for prescribing nootropic drugs are as follows:

Mental retardation, cerebral palsy, prevention of cerebral disorders in newborn children from high-risk groups;

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, hypertensive encephalopathy, consequences of cerebral stroke;

* Mnestic disorders in alcoholism, epilepsy, neurological infections;

Post-traumatic acute and chronic brain lesions;

Senile dementia, asthenia and depression in the elderly;

Neurosis, severe stress with overwork, impaired mental and social adaptation;


Comatose states of vascular, toxic or traumatic etiology.

Thus, nootropics address the mind, which is fading either due to pathological processes or as a result of stress caused by physical, chemical, biological and social factors.

Nootropic drugs have a therapeutic effect only with long-term course use. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the age of the patient: the younger he is, the better the response to treatment.

PIRACETAM has a stress-protective and anti-anxiety effect as a ligand of benzodiazepine receptors activated during fear and anxiety. The anti-anxiety effect enhances emotional reactivity in a conflict situation. Thus, piracetam is a daytime tranquilizer. It is considered the drug of choice for exam stress, when nootropic properties are important. When piracetam is administered into a vein or muscle, the depression of the central nervous system in patients in a state of stupor and coma is reduced.

AMINALONE reduces heart rate and blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension, accelerates awakening during coma, normalizes blood glucose levels during hyperglycemia, and has a moderate anticonvulsant effect in epilepsy.

PHENIBUT has the properties of a weak daytime tranquilizer with analgesic, anticonvulsant and neurorelaxing activity, and potentiates the effect of drugs that depress the central nervous system. It is an agonist of GABA receptors, inhibits GABA transaminase and increases the release of GABA. Phenibut is prescribed to calm excited children and neurotic children, elderly people with anxious fussiness, night restlessness, sleep disorders, before operations and painful diagnostic procedures, for the treatment of stuttering, tics, spasticity.

PIKAMILON has a moderate tranquilizing effect with a stimulating component, significantly improves cerebral circulation, prevents the suppression of atherosclerosis, reduces the content of GABA in the brain and the activity of GABA transaminase.

PYRIDITOL increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to glucose, fatty acids, acetic acid and amino acids, stimulates their oxidation and ATP production in neurons, reduces the formation of lactate, creates conditions for metabolic processes to occur without increasing the need for oxygen, and also increases protein synthesis and the supply of sodium ions into the brain. Pyriditol occupies an intermediate position between nootropic drugs and psychostimulants. It activates the ideational and motor spheres of activity, increases physical endurance. Indications for the use of pyriditol are mild depression, asthenic and neurosis-like disorders of organic origin. The use of this drug in gerontological practice is limited due to its pronounced psychostimulating effect.

ACEPHEN (MEO1OPHENOXATE HYDROCHLORIDE, CENTROPHENOXIN) undergoes hydrolysis to form lara-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (a synthetic analogue of plant auxin) and dimethylaminoethanol (an active antioxidant). Acefen has a myemotropic and moderate psychostimulating effect, activates glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier, stabilizes mitochondrial membranes, improves oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis in neurons, increases synaptic transmission of nerve impulses and the number of cholinergic receptors, in the experiment it promotes the disappearance of lipofuscin granules (neurons of old animals look like nerve cells of young animals). Indicated for asthenia, intellectual impairment in old age, somatogenic psychoses, injuries and vascular diseases of the brain, neurosis obsessive states, diencephalon and lateral amyogrophic syndromes. Dimethyllaminoethanol is used as a nootropic under the name DEANOL ACEGLUMATE (DEMANOL).

PANTOGAM (HOMOPANTOTENOBIC ACID) - calcium salt of P-homo-pantothenic acid, in which the fragment (3-alanine is replaced by GABA. Normally, the content of homopantothenic acid in the brain is 0.5-1% of the amount of GABA. It is a reserve form of GABA. Pantogam is characterized by pronounced irotivoconvulsive and anti-anxiety effects, the ability to reduce the reaction to painful stimulation.This nootropic agent enhances the oxidation of fatty acids in the brain, the oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and has a hypocholesterol-mimetic effect.

The use of Pantogam is recommended for neurosis, Parkinson's disease, some forms of epilepsy, tremor, stuttering, motor complications of antipsychotic therapy, encephalitis, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, neuralgia trigeminal nerve. It is not effective for symptomatic parkinsonism, depression and chronic alcoholism.

Nootropic drugs are well tolerated by patients. In selected patients receiving piracetam. picamilon, pyriditol or acephen, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, dyspeptic disorders, and allergic reactions occur. Piracetam sometimes causes exacerbation of angina in older people. Sick diabetes mellitus should be considered a large number of sugar in piracetam granules. Taking aminalon may be accompanied by vomiting, a feeling of fever, and fluctuations in blood pressure. Acefen increases delirium, hallucinations, anxiety in mental patients, provokes arrhythmia (Dimethylaminoethanol acts as a choline antagonist in the synthesis of acetylcholine). When treated with pantogam, a syndrome similar to Reis' syndrome (encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of internal organs) has been described. This severe complication is caused by impaired carnitine metabolism.

Piracetam is contraindicated in acute renal failure, diabetes mellitus (granules), and children under one year of age. Picamilon is not prescribed against the background of acute and chronic kidney disease, pyriditol and acephen - for mental agitation, neuroinfections, epilepsy and other convulsive conditions.

Therapy with nootropic drugs is inappropriate for persistent and significant impairment of mental activity and intelligence.


Actoprotectors increase physical and mental performance in difficult conditions. A drug in this group, the mercaptobenzimidazole derivative BEMITIL, increases motivation, mental activity and attention, and improves cerebral circulation. It has a strong antihypoxic effect, as it reduces oxygen consumption by tissues, heat production, consumption of energy resources per unit of work performed, increases the conjugation of oxidative phosphorylation and the synthesis of high-energy phosphates. Activates glyconeogenesis, improves the utilization of glucose by the brain, heart and skeletal muscles, while the body is cleansed of lactic acid and ammonia, utilized in the glucosolactate and glucose-alanine cycles. Stimulates RNA, protein synthesis and tissue regeneration. Potentiates the effects of endogenous antioxidant systems - superoxide dismutase and catalase.

Bemitil used for the treatment of diseases accompanied by chronic hypoxia, for example, psychasthenia, vestibular disorders, myocardial dystrophy, acute hepatitis, radiation sickness. It is prescribed for rapid recovery during intense physical activity in sports and industrial medicine. The drug is also used as a stimulator of humoral and cellular immunity.

Some sick Bemitil causes dyspeptic disorders, irritability and insomnia, and is contraindicated in case of hypoglycemia.

Piracetam was the first nootropic drug in history to be synthesized. It was created and tested in 1963 by Belgian developers.

During the study of the innovative drug, pharmacologists noted that it significantly improves mental performance, significantly improves memory, and also affects the rapid learning of patients. The drug had no side effects and did not cause changes in the bioelectrical activity of the cerebral hemispheres.

In 1972, the pharmacologist Giurgea proposed calling the class of drugs that actively influenced the higher complex functions of the brain “nootropics.” These agents simplify the intracerebral transmission of information through central neurons, reduce neurological deficits and normalize energy processes.

The classification of nootropic drugs is based on two effects on the patient’s body:

  • Primary. The components begin to act directly on the nerve cells of the brain.
  • Secondary. The blood supply to the brain is significantly improved, its resistance to oxygen deficiency, the formation of blood clots is prevented.

Composition and characteristics of components of nootropic drugs

This medicinal group contains many vitamins and herbal ingredients who are actively participating in the fight to normalize the functioning of the brain:
  • Glycine. The simplest amino acid that relieves psycho-emotional stress, facilitates the process of falling asleep, helps increase mental performance, neutralizes toxic effect alcoholic drinks.
  • Gotu Kola or Centella asiatica. This is a plant that is widely used in medicine in the production of nootropics. A biological supplement based on it tones the brain, reduces irritability, and improves blood circulation.
  • Ginkgo biloba. A relict plant that has also found its application in pharmacology. It has a beneficial effect on the brain, promotes sleep soundly and memory development, improves blood circulation and counteracts oxygen starvation nerve cells.
  • Vitamin K1 or phytomenadione. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is necessary for a good blood clotting process.
  • Vitamin B3 or a nicotinic acid . This important component nootropic drugs that eliminate muscle weakness, nervousness, inattention, headache.
  • Vitamin B5 or antothenic acid. Tones and activates brain function, helps relieve depressive symptoms and absent-mindedness. It is especially necessary during physical activity, as it helps improve performance.
  • Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. Improves lipid metabolism, metabolism, promotes protein and hemoglobin synthesis. Affects the functioning of the nervous system and is very important for the absorption of cyanocobalamin.
  • Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin. Directly related to the processes of memorization and learning. Increases concentration.

Beneficial properties of nootropic drugs

Initially, in medicine, drugs of the nootropic class were used in to a greater extent older people who have impaired brain function. IN Lately this type of drug began to be used in different areas medicine.

The effects of nootropics differ wide range efficiency. Drugs of this class have the following positive effects:

  1. Sedative (sedative) - tranquilizes, relieves irritability.
  2. Antidepressant.
  3. Adaptogenic: the body is able to resist the negative influence of the environment and adapts to harmful factors.
  4. Psychostimulant: fights psychomotor retardation, mental apathy.
  5. Improving cognitive mechanisms, intellectual activity.
  6. When using nootropics, an expansion of intellectual abilities is observed.
  7. Increasing the speed of memorizing information and the duration of its storage.
  8. Short-term memory improves.
  9. Increased performance, feelings of vigor, clarity of consciousness, decreased asthenic state.
  10. Nootropic drugs reduce the risk of epilepsy and Parkinson's disease.
  11. Stimulation of metabolism in the nervous system, especially useful in cases of brain damage due to trauma and anoxia.
  12. Actually nootropic: influence on the higher cortical functions of the brain, improving the quality of speech, concentration.
  13. Normalization of the autonomic nervous system (improving blood supply to the brain and, as a result, eliminating headaches).
  14. Antidiskinetic.
  15. Immunostimulating.
  16. Reduces the amount of glucose in the blood.
This group of nootropic drugs does not cause pharmacological dependence and does not provoke psychomotor agitation, and also does not lead to physical exhaustion body.

Contraindications and side effects of nootropic drugs

Nootropic drugs have a number of contraindications that should be considered before taking medications:
  • Individual intolerance of the patient to the drug as a whole or hypersensitivity to its specific component;
  • During pregnancy or while breastfeeding;
  • Decreased renal activity (chronic or acute failure kidney);
  • Huntington's disease ( hereditary disease nervous system);
  • During the period of hemorrhage in the brain tissue.
Side effects of nootropic drugs are quite rare, but some patients may experience the following undesirable reactions:
  1. Sleep disturbances, headaches, weakness, increased nervousness, tremors;
  2. Frequent surges in blood pressure;
  3. Rash on the body like urticaria, severe itching;
  4. Nausea, vomiting, problems with stool;
  5. Facial hyperemia;
  6. Increase in psychopathological symptoms;
  7. Elderly people may experience coronary insufficiency.

Mechanism of action of nootropic drugs

The mechanism of action of nootropic drugs is based on the normalization of exchange with the neurotransmitter systems of the brain, the totality of which is responsible for the stable functioning of the patient’s brain, the speed of memorization, thought processes, as well as concentration.

The most important neurotransmitter systems of the brain are:

  • Monoaminergic. Directly affects the amount of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.
  • Glutamatergic. It complements the cholinergic system with its functions: improves the transmission of impulses by neurons.
  • Cholinergic. Stabilizes the content of acetylcholine, which is important for intercellular impulse transmission.
The effect of nootropics on metabolic processes is as follows:
  1. The exchange of information macromolecules and nerve impulses, as well as the synthesis of ribonucleic acid and protein, begins to accelerate.
  2. Membrane fluidity increases, the structure is normalized, and the process of phospholipid synthesis is regulated.
  3. Intracerebral blood microcirculation is normalized.
  4. Improved energy supply due to stimulation of the synthesis and consumption of adenosine triphosphate.
  5. Utilization of glucose in the brain, as well as a decrease in the activity of cortical release, which leads to a deterioration in memory processes.
Drugs of this drug group increase the concentration of adenylate cyclase, as a result of which the process of adenosine triphosphate improves and biochemical and physiological processes occur. When there is a lack of oxygen, adenosine triphosphoric acid is activated and normalizes metabolism in the brain.

Instructions for the use of nootropic drugs

Nootropics are available in the form of tablets, which are covered with an ivory-colored shell, usually engraved “N” in the center on one side and the other, as well as in capsules or liquid concentrates.

Indications for the use of these drugs may be as follows:

  • Acquired dementia (dementia) of a vascular or age-related nature;
  • Low learning ability;
  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Development of schizophrenia;
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • Chronic depressive syndromes;
  • Migraine;
  • Dizziness (unless they are of mental or vasomotor origin);
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Neuroinfections (poliomyelitis);
  • Intracerebral circulation disorders;
  • Vascular abnormalities in the brain (lack of blood supply);
  • High concentration of toxic substances in the brain;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Organic brain damage caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
The use of nootropic drugs is oral. Can be consumed before meals or during meals. You should drink it with juice or water.

For adults it is prescribed in a ratio of 40-150 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The dose should be divided into 3-4 doses per day. In older adults, the dose should be adjusted by the physician depending on renal function.

In the practice of training athletes and in their treatment, drugs from this group are often recommended. There are the following indications for the use of nootropic drugs by athletes: prevention of motion sickness, cerebrovascular accidents due to changes in cerebral blood vessels, low ability to concentrate, recovery of the body after heavy loads and competitions.

Review of nootropic drugs

There is a certain rating of nootropic drugs that are designed to concentrate patients’ attention:
  1. Piracetam. It is the most popular drug. It is available in tablets that are taken orally (absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract literally after 1 hour), as well as in the form of an injection solution that is used parenterally. Thanks to the product, metabolism in the brain is normalized, as a result of which memory improves and concentration increases. The medicine also affects platelet aggregation. The half-life from the body is about 2-3 hours. At the moment, the price of the nootropic drug is 76 rubles per pack of tablets (400 mg, 60 pieces). A 20% solution in ampoules of 5 ml (10 pieces) costs 47 rubles.
  2. Pramistar. Available exclusively in tablets. Improves brain memory processes, increases learning ability. Does not affect the autonomic nervous system. Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract up to 1 hour and almost completely. The half-life occurs after 3-5 hours. The effect of the drug is visible after 6-7 weeks of use. The price of 600 mg capsules is 2500 rubles.
  3. Vitrum memory. This vitamin complex is produced for elderly people who suffer from memory loss, absent-mindedness and deterioration of intellectual capabilities. Taken orally with meals, one capsule twice a day. Treatment takes place in courses of three months.
  4. . An American-origin drug to improve concentration and brain performance for adults. Contains: Bacopa, Huperzine A, Gaba, Vitamins B6 and B12, L-glutamine, Ginko. Price ranges from $20 to $33 per jar depending on the number of packages ordered.
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Nootropic drugs significantly improve cognitive activity, affect the ability to concentrate, help with a number of abnormalities in the functioning of the brain. Often used in combination with other drugs for treatment pathological conditions. The World Health Organization classifies this drug as a psychostimulant drug.

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