The use of vitamin B12 in medical practice. Vitamins B in ampoules for hair: instructions for use. How to inject vitamin B12 for prevention


Cyanocobalamin is at the beginning of the process of ensuring the regeneration of tissues and organs and activates cell division. Thanks to this function it provides beneficial influence for anemia and some other pathologies.

Deficiency symptoms and indications for use

If a person's body suffers from vitamin deficiency for a sufficient amount of time, the following symptoms appear:

  • fast fatiguability,
  • irritability,
  • depression,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract,
  • inflammation of the tongue, its dryness and bright red color,
  • inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes,
  • hair loss,
  • dizziness,
  • vision diseases,
  • zero stomach acidity,
  • spinal cord diseases, personality degradation.

What else is vitamin B12 used in ampoules for? In addition to deficiency symptoms, it is used for the following diseases:

  • anemia,
  • hepatitis,
  • liver diseases,
  • alcoholism,
  • Down's disease
  • radiculitis,
  • skin diseases,
  • pathologies of the central nervous system.

The need for supplemental B12 is almost always present in vegetarians and people who adhere to too many diets. strict diet. It is extremely difficult to get enough of the substance from plant foods. To avoid such problems, go through well " Healthy eating» and reconsider your diet.

Effect on hair

Vitamin B12 in hair ampoules is the key to their beauty, length and health. First of all, it is necessary that a person’s diet is saturated with this substance. To do this you need to use:
dairy products,
beef, pork liver,
dry low-fat milk.

Some amount of cyanocobalamin can also be found in plant foods. For example, in spinach, seaweed or soy.

Be sure to watch this video about vitamin B12 for hair.

Ampoules with liquid cyanocobalamin, the price of which usually does not exceed 30 rubles, can be administered intramuscularly in a ten-day course. Tablets such as Neurobion and Neurovitan are also used - the course duration will also be ten days, you need to take one or two tablets per day.

It is possible to prepare a hair mask from tablets or liquid in ampoules. To do this, you can choose any recipe, suitable for type hair, and add there liquid vitamin B12 or crushed tablets containing it.

Application of ampoules

The price of vitamin B12 in ampoules varies depending on the form, quantity and manufacturer.

Vitamin B12

The injection solution is sold in pure form in most pharmacies. The cost of such a drug varies from 20 to 150 rubles. Instructions for using vitamin B12 in ampoules include a wide range of dosages that vary depending on the disease. The drug is used intravenously or intramuscularly at 100-200 mcg per day with a break per day for Addison-Birmer disease. For macrocytic anemia, the dosage is 500 mcg every day for a week, then add a week break between doses. Vitamin deficiency is treated with 1 mg of the substance every day for two weeks.

Barthel Drugs Vitamin B12

Barthel Drugs Vitamin B12 - effective drug with high concentration active substance. Self-treatment Any use of Bartel Drugs is strictly prohibited. All dosages and plan of use must be prescribed by a qualified physician, and the patient’s blood picture and coagulability must be constantly monitored.


The medicine is administered intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly. With myelosis and lateral sclerosis intralumbar use is possible. All dosages are prescribed by a doctor.
For anemia, 200 mcg is administered every other day, 500 mcg if the disease has affected the nervous system. For myelosis, the dose is 100 mcg twice a month. The quantity and frequency of administration is increased if neurological symptoms.
The cost of Cyanocobalamin-Darnitsa is approximately 30 rubles.


Unlike previous options, Vitagamma contains not only cyanocobalamin, but also other representatives of group B. It is used for neuralgic diseases, osteochondrosis and seizures. The dosage of vitamin B12 in ampoules is 1 ampoule per day for 10 days, then Vitagamma is used three times every 2-3 weeks. The price of the drug is from 120 rubles.

The ampoule contains most of the B vitamins and a number additional substances. Compligam is used for neuritis, neuropathic diseases, night cramps, plexopathy and spinal diseases. Use during pregnancy is not recommended. The contents of the ampoules are injected deeply intramuscularly in 2 ml doses. The cost, depending on the quantity, can be either 150 or 300 rubles or more.


This medicine contains vitamins B1 to B12. You can find out more about it here. Also included. Due to this range of components, Beplex, in addition to neurological diseases and anemia, is prescribed to treat conditions of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, skin, mucous membranes and metabolism. It is used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Dosage - 2-4 ml per day.


The ampoules contain, in addition to cyanocobalamin, thiamine and pyridoxine. One package can contain from 5 to 30 ampoules. Combilipen is indicated for inflammation facial nerve, neuralgia, polyneuropathy and spinal diseases. Injections are given for a week, 2 ml each, then the frequency of administration is reduced to two to three times a week. The price of such ampoules is from 110 rubles.

The contents of the ampoules are injected into the skin, muscles or veins. Regardless of the insertion location, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before starting the process. The ampoule is disinfected using cotton wool and alcohol, then it is opened with a special nail file, which is most often present in the package with the drug.

After the required dosage has been calculated and the shelf life of the medicine has been checked, the liquid is drawn up with a syringe. It is necessary to tap the syringe with your fingernail and make sure that there are no air bubbles in the medicine. If they are present, they must be moved up and removed from the syringe by pressing the plunger.

Intramuscular injections

It is unlikely that a person will be able to give an injection into the gluteal muscle on his own, unless he is a doctor. If no one can help with the procedure, it makes sense to practice in front of a mirror in advance and choose the most comfortable position.

If you mentally divide the gluteal muscle into four squares, then the injection should fall on the upper outer one.
Don't forget to disinfect the injection site. The skin of an adult needs to be stretched, and the skin of a child, on the contrary, needs to be folded.

Inject the drug slowly! Otherwise, there will be a risk of lump formation. At the end of the injection, the injection site is massaged and the wound is disinfected.

Despite the apparent simplicity, this type injections are considered the most difficult. It is best to leave such injections to a medical specialist, but there may be situations when it is necessary to self-injections. As in the situation with intramuscular injection, it is important not to forget about disinfecting your hands, injection site and means.

Most often, the injection is made into the vein of the cubital fossa, since they are largest there. It is almost impossible to give the correct injection without seeing the vein.

In addition to the drug itself and peace of mind, For intravenous injections a rubber band is required, which is applied to the middle part of the shoulder, and there is no need to remove clothing. Then you have to unclench and clench your fist several times, treat the skin and, clenching your fist again, insert the syringe one-third of the way.

There is a way to check whether the needle has entered a vein. It is far from the most pleasant, but it will allow you to avoid unnecessary disastrous consequences. Pull the plunger out a little - if you see blood in the syringe, then everything was done correctly. Then all that remains is to remove the tourniquet, unclench your hand and slowly introduce the liquid.

Hold the injection site with alcohol-soaked cotton while removing the needle. Bend your arm, keeping the cotton in place, and do not straighten it for a moment. large quantity time.

Give preference to three-part syringes if you do not want to cause yourself unnecessary pain. Change the injection site every two injections.

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Artem and Elena Vasyukovich

Vitamin B12 is very important for human body. This compound regulates hematopoiesis, helps the formation of red blood cells, and without it anemia can develop.

Vitamin B12 - description and properties

Vitamin B 12 is a group of substances, more precisely, chemical varieties of one element. The group includes cobamide, hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin. Usually one of these substances, or a combination of them, is contained in the form of a solution in ampoules. The forms of the drug are as follows:

Lyophilisate is considered the most effective, since in diluted form the properties of vitamin B12 are preserved somewhat worse. Ampoules of the drug contain 0.1-1 mg active component, which has vitamin activity. How much the product costs depends on the manufacturer. Usually the price does not exceed 25-40 rubles for 10 ampoules.

The drug has high biological activity and is water soluble.

Vitamin products, regardless of name, have similar actions. First of all, vitamin B12 is indispensable for hematopoiesis - without it, red blood cells cannot mature normally. Other actions of the drug:

After administration into the body, the drug is absorbed from small intestine, is converted to active forms. Excretion is carried out with the participation of the liver and kidneys.

Indications of vitamin in ampoules

The use of the drug is very diverse, because it is involved in many vital processes in the body. A lack of the substance is manifested by pallor, fatigue, increased bleeding (for example, periods may become more abundant).

The main indication for use of vitamin B12 in ampoules is the prevention and treatment of various types of anemia:

The vitamin is indicated even for malignant forms of anemia - in complex therapy. The use of the drug has a positive effect on liver function, so indications include hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration organ.

The medicine is prescribed in a course when reduced immunity- as a monotherapy or in combination with immunomodulators.

Other indications concern nervous system- the medicine helps with inflammation of the nerve roots, neuralgia, phantom pain, cerebral palsy, diabetic neuropathy, paralysis, paresis, multiple sclerosis. It is useful to use the drug for infections, after stress, and when there is a lack of substance in the diet of children and adults.

How to use the product correctly?

The solution can be administered into the body in different ways - subcutaneously, into a vein, into a muscle, as well as by oral administration. The method of administration depends on the indications and is determined only by the doctor; it will also be determined by the severity of the pathology (the most complete and rapid absorption is observed with intravenous administration).

To prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, you can take the solution orally or inject it into the muscle at a dose of 1 mg once a month.

Vitamin B12 in cosmetology

For hair, the vitamin can be used externally - in the form of masks.

The easiest way is to drop a few drops of the product directly from the ampoule into shampoo, or even better - into a conditioner or into ready-made store-bought masks. There is another option for preparing a hair mask: mix a tablespoon of honey, one yolk, add a teaspoon of vitamin B12. Apply to hair under film and leave for 30 minutes. Make a mask once a week.

The product is also indicated for the face - to improve skin health, improve tone, and add freshness. The mask is made like this: combine a tablespoon of honey and sour cream with? teaspoon of vitamin. Leave on the skin for 15 minutes, the procedure is carried out once a week.

Drug analogues in ampoules and contraindications

The product is available not only in pure form, but also in combination with other vitamins. In pharmacies you can find the following medications:

A drug Compound Price, rubles
Angiovitis B12, B6, folic acid 280

Timely cell restoration, bone growth, brain development, hematopoiesis - vitamin B12 is involved in all these vital processes. The injections, the indications for use of which are discussed in this article, have been time-tested and work flawlessly. If you are worried about persistent depression and constant fatigue, anemia develops and memory deteriorates, then there is a high probability of vitamin B12 deficiency. Injections can be started only if such therapy is approved by the attending physician. The drug is a synthetically produced substance, the so-called cyanocobalamin. A consultation, and possibly a thorough examination, with a doctor is necessary measure, since in case of an allergic reaction Negative consequences inevitable. Not everyone is able to inject on their own body, so if you lack the skill, find an experienced person who can help you.

In what cases are cyanocobalamin injections prescribed?

In modern medical practice Highly effective and safe vitamin B12 is actively used. The injections have the following indications for use:

  • in case of amyotrophic sclerosis, it is advisable to inject the drug in a dosage of 15-30 micrograms once a day, injections are given into spinal cord(the same rules apply to multiple sclerosis);
  • to treat anemia, the doctor may prescribe 100-200 micrograms of the drug every other day, administered into the muscle;
  • complex forms of anemia with disorders of the nervous system are the reason for the administration of 500 micrograms of the drug, it is administered daily for one week, then the patient is transferred to a single injection per week, the method of administration can be either intravenous or intramuscular;
  • for dystrophy, paralysis and the development of Down's disease, children are injected with 15-30 micrograms of the vitamin into the muscle every other day;
  • vitamin support measure - it is enough to administer 100 micrograms of the drug twice a month, intravenous or intramuscular intake of the vitamin is suitable (if there are neurological disorders, then 200-400 micrograms of the drug are prescribed 2-4 times a month);
  • restoration of the body in which hepatitis or cirrhosis develops involves intramuscular or intravenous administration 30-60 micrograms of vitamin B12 just once a day;
  • in case of damage to the peripheral nervous system from trauma, 200-400 micrograms of cyanocobalamin are prescribed, the course lasts 40 days, injections are given every other day - into a vein or muscle;
  • to alleviate the condition of post-hemorrhagic and iron deficiency anemia- injections of 30-100 micrograms of the drug are practiced, three times a week, into a vein or muscle;
  • therapy for neurological pathologies, diseases of the central nervous system - 100-500 micrograms of the drug is administered daily for 2 weeks, intramuscularly or intravenously;
  • Cyanocobalamin also treats aplastic anemia in adults and small patients - injections are given in 100 microgram doses, the number of injections is determined in individually, they are injected into a muscle or vein;
  • the drug is also prescribed for nutritional anemia in young children - in this case, 300 micrograms of the drug are administered intramuscularly every day, the course lasts 15 days (this scheme also applies to premature babies).
Vitamin B12 in injections: injections help cure neurological diseases and anemia

Features of vitamin B12 injections

Preparatory activities

Injections can cause serious damage to the body of people with intolerance to cyanocobalamin or cobalt. Contraindications also include genetically determined vision loss - Leber's disease. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the peculiarities of your body, in particular, you need to point out any manifestations of colds, allergies, and name any existing ones infectious diseases. When deciding to start a course of injections, the doctor should inquire about the health of the liver, kidneys, and find out the concentration of iron and folic acid in the body. It is important to tell your doctor about medications and procedures that work within the bone marrow. Injections are incompatible with preparation for conception, pregnancy and lactation, since active substance may harm the child's body.

The effectiveness of vitamin B12

You need to find out in advance whether cyanocobalamin is really appropriate. The drug has been successfully used for anemia of various etiologies and a catastrophic shortage in the body of this important vitamin. In addition, if cyanocobalamin taken orally is not properly absorbed, injections have to be given, and they work great. Various shapes The drug is sometimes used by vegetarians, whose body is seriously suffering due to refusal of animal food.

Injection rules

If the doctor believes that the injections can really benefit you, then you can go to the pharmacy along with the issued prescription. From several forms offered today, a specialist will choose the optimally suitable option. Dosages and course duration are also determined on an individual basis. Your task is to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and take tests on time to monitor changes in the body.

Despite the existence of other injection sites, such as the shoulder or two areas on the thigh, a huge number of people choose the buttocks. Please entrust this procedure exclusively to a medical professional, as the target is the upper zone of the gluteus maximus muscle, in the immediate vicinity there are vulnerable sciatic nerves And blood vessels, which may be damaged if the needle is inserted incorrectly.

The only vitamin that can accumulate in our body and be used as needed is vitamin B12, which is available in tablets and injections. In the process of life, the need for it constantly arises, and it is simply impossible to create a lifetime supply of it. In turn, the absence of B 12 leads to severe consequences, and sometimes irreversible.

The vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin molecule is the most complex and largest of all existing ones. Her main feature is the presence of a cobalt atom. As part of other enzymes, vitamin B12 takes an active part in:

  • oxidation of fats and proteins;
  • amino acid synthesis;
  • regulation of hematopoiesis;
  • cell division;
  • shell formation nerve endings;
  • regulation of cholesterol levels;
  • protecting liver cells from all kinds of damaging factors.

The lack of this microelement in the human body threatens the development of stroke or myocardial infarction.

Vitamin 12 deficiency will also provoke:

  • growth slowdown child's body;
  • memory impairment;
  • insomnia;
  • lethargy;
  • depression;
  • convulsions;
  • neuritis.

The largest amounts of microelement 12 of group B are found in the heart, kidneys, liver and seafood. It is worth noting that not a single product plant origin does not accumulate cyanocobalamin.

We also cannot ignore the fact that vitamin B12 is resistant to high temperatures and is almost completely preserved during the process heat treatment food products.

It is necessary to take into account that in the case of the presence of diseases such as inflammation of the walls gastrointestinal tract or Crohn's disease, ulcer duodenum and/or stomach and gastritis with low acidity, significantly disrupt the absorption of microelement B12, which requires its exogenous administration.

Tablet vitamin

Pharmaceutical production supplies the market with B vitamins (B1, B6, and B12) in tablets. In particular, a distinction is made between drugs produced domestically and in Europe, namely:

  • Cyanocobalamin;
  • Folic acid;
  • Neurobion (Germany);
  • Nowfoods (USA);
  • Neurovitan (Italy).

Group B trace elements (B1, B6, B12) are also present in many multivitamin complexes, but in significantly small doses that cannot satisfy daily requirement in our body when taken orally.

Purpose of reception

Prescribing vitamin B12 has the following goals:

  • alleviate the condition of neurological disorders;
  • cure anemia;
  • eliminate affected areas of the liver.

However, the well-known advantage of microelement B12 is its unique ability to remove painful sensations in case of disease of the spine or nervous system.

Drugs that contain high concentration microelement B12 are vital for vegetarians who practice absolute abstinence from eating animal products. This behavior provokes the occurrence of persistent hypovitaminosis in the specified area. In turn, a deficiency of this element increases the risk of:

  • disturbances in cardiac activity;
  • failure in the hematopoietic system;
  • early strokes and heart attacks;
  • multiple lesions of the nervous system.

The instructions for use state that this vitamin should be taken one or two tablets per day during or immediately after meals. The tablet can be washed down with plenty of water or placed under the tongue and thus dissolved.

Nowfoods tablets

IN in this case We are talking about vitamin B12, distributed in tablets from the manufacturer Nowfoods (USA). The drug is used:

Given medicine practiced with complex treatment infertility, diabetes, immunodeficiencies, allergic diseases.

Also, the specified microelement of group B increases the rate of redox processes, enhances cellular respiration, and normalizes muscle mass, provides the primary immune response to the introduction of infectious agents.

In this case, the instructions for use recommend taking this medication with meals, one tablet per day. Regarding contraindications, people who have an allergic reaction to any of its components should not use the drug.

Neurobion: a complex preparation

Included in this complex drug includes vitamins B1, B6 and group 12. The drug is also available in tablets. It is worth noting that the stipulated vitamin complex Intended for people with intestinal absorption disorders. That's why daily dose consumption of microelement B12 increased by 20% with specified dosage, which has a positive effect on overcoming its deficiency.

This composition is designed in such a way as to take into account the increased need for vitamins B1 and B6, which are actively involved in metabolic processes, occurring in the spinal cord and brain, as well as peripheral nerve fibers. Despite the fact that our body is capable of independently producing vitamins B1 and B6 to compensate for quantitative costs, they must be supplied from outside.

As part of this medicinal product Vitamins B1, B6, as well as B12, are prescribed for treatment:

  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • neuralgia trigeminal nerve;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • lesions of the spinal nerves;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

It is not recommended to prescribe vitamins from this complex to children under 18 years of age, as well as to persons suffering from allergic reactions on any of the components included in its composition.

These vitamins complex application may cause some side effects, which are expressed:

  • sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • skin itching;
  • hives;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are observed:

  • muscle weakness;
  • increased nervous excitability, turning into exhaustion;
  • decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • seborrheic dermatitis or peeling and itching of the skin underneath hairline;
  • eczema;
  • convulsions;
  • acne.

Tablets or injections

When taking vitamin B12 by any route, the main issue is its bioavailability. If you put a tablet under your tongue that contains vitamin B12, the absorption will be slightly higher than if you simply washed it down with water. IN injection form absorption occurs at levels above 90%. In turn, when oral administration Vitamin B12 is absorbed at a level of 70%.

In the digestive system, for normal metabolism, vitamin B12 requires the presence of a certain protein factor in the stomach and an appropriate level of acidity in relation to gastric juice.

Taking vitamin B12 in tablets, rather than in the form of injections, eliminates pain when giving an injection. Therefore, the choice depends on the factors listed above.

Vitamin B12 is a representative of the group organic matter, so beneficial to our body. This is the only water-soluble vitamin belonging to the cobalamin type. It is very important for the normal functioning of the body and is deposited in the liver, kidneys and spleen. B12 enters the body through food, but if necessary, it can be administered medicinally.

The role of vitamin B12 in the body

Cyanocobalamin takes an active part in metabolism useful substances, it is necessary so that the body can synthesize choline - an element necessary for the stability of the nervous system and which prevents fatty degeneration of the liver. The vitamin is involved in blood formation and helps stabilize blood pressure.

There is also evidence that insufficient amounts of vitamin B12 slow down the formation of bone tissue. That is why children, as well as women during pregnancy, are recommended to consume it in the right quantities.

Together with RNA, proteins, and other groups of elements, B12 takes part in the synthesis of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

Use of B12 in ampoules

If the amount of vitamin supplied with food is not enough, additional medicinal administration of the drug is prescribed. The fastest and in a simple way injections are used to deliver it to the body. Especially for this purpose, B12 is manufactured in the form of ampoules. In this form it can be administered subcutaneously, intravenously and intramuscularly.

Vitamin B12 injections are used if diagnosed:

  • anemia (all types);
  • polyneuritis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • Botkin's disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Dosage of vitamin B12 in ampoules

The drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it is important to follow the recommended dosage and injection schedule. However, other dosage options are possible, much depends on the disease and the degree of its neglect. In such cases, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists.

In medical practice, there are the following established schemes for using B12:

  • for diagnosed anemia (deficient types), 100-200 mcg of the drug is administered every two days. Discontinue use when test results improve;
  • in case of neurological diseases single dose the administered substance is increased gradually from 200 to 500 mcg. Optimal duration treatment course- two weeks;
  • at different types hepatitis, cirrhosis, several dosing options are possible: either 100 mcg every two days, or 30-60 mcg daily. The course can last from 25 to 40 days;
  • for treatment radiation sickness the required dosage is 60-100 mcg, the drug should be administered from 20 days to a month.

How to inject B12 correctly?

The best place for injection is the buttock or top part hips.

Before administering the drug, remove the ampoule, prepare a syringe, disinfectants, and a cotton swab. Wash your hands well.

Remove the syringe from the package, open the ampoule and carefully draw the vitamin into the syringe. After this, place the syringe in the vertical position needle up. This will allow the air to escape.

Soak a cotton swab in alcohol or alcohol tincture, disinfect the injection site. Then pull the skin a little and insert the needle. Start to slowly press on the piston. After removing the syringe, treat the skin with an alcohol solution again.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin B12:

  • acute heart failure;
  • tumor formations;
  • heart diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

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