The child’s voice disappears - what to do? How to treat? A child’s hoarse voice: how to treat it and how to restore it? Causes

It is usually not difficult for attentive parents to understand that a child is sick. The baby's temperature rises, a runny nose, cough, and loss of appetite appear. Sometimes adults notice that the baby has a hoarse voice. And that's enough alarming symptom, which all moms and dads need to know about. Famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky tells why this happens, why it is dangerous and what to do if hoarseness is observed.


The larynx contains vocal cords, which are directly involved in the formation of sounds. These ligaments themselves are very mobile. However, their mobility is easily impaired and modified if swelling occurs and inflammatory process in the throat, where the ligaments attach.

Many parents mistakenly believe that if a child has a hoarse voice, then this is solely a consequence of hypothermia or a cold.

Anything can cause inflammation of the larynx, and most often the cause lies in a viral infection.

  • Majority respiratory viruses enter the child's body through the nose, and this leads to a runny nose. Mucus, which is produced in response to the penetration of a foreign foreign agent, accumulates and disrupts nasal breathing. But some of the viral particles survive and pass further - through the nasopharynx into the larynx, and there the inflammatory process begins, which changes the functioning parameters vocal cords.
  • The second most common reason, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, is allergic reaction. An antigen protein that is immune system baby is a stranger, causes rejection towards oneself, and therefore the allergy is quite “inventive” to various symptoms, including sore throat.
  • Hoarseness can occur after a laryngeal injury, for example, from a burn if a child swallows something very hot. Often caring mothers, in an attempt to quickly cure their baby of ARVI or flu, do steam inhalations, during which the child also receives a burn to the mucous membrane of the throat. After such “procedures,” a sick, but not hoarse child becomes hoarse.
  • Your voice may also become hoarse after a long heart-rending scream from mechanical trauma to the vocal cords. This goes away on its own - the ligaments recover quite quickly.
  • Less commonly, but this can also happen, inflammation in the throat is caused by bacteria. Typically, such an illness will not only be accompanied by hoarseness, but also high fever.


The danger of this symptom, no matter what it is caused by, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, is that any inflammatory process in the larynx in a child can lead to obstruction respiratory tract and normal ventilation.

Additional risk creates anatomical feature a child’s throat is narrower than that of adults, and therefore swelling develops much faster and more aggressively.

The appearance of hoarseness is a clear reason to consult a doctor, and the sooner parents provide consultation with a specialist, the better, because the child may experience difficulty breathing at any time. The doctor’s task is to quickly identify the cause, the source of inflammation and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Sometimes a hoarse voice is a sign of such a deadly dangerous disease, like diphtheria croup. Now that all children are required to be vaccinated against diphtheria, the incidence of cases of this disease has decreased significantly. But this possibility cannot be ruled out even in a vaccinated child. This is why you need a doctor who will first check to see if the baby has diphtheria.

In case of severe sudden hoarseness, you must call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, parents should provide first aid to the baby themselves, especially if there are already signs of difficulty breathing - this means drinking plenty of fluids and complete rest.


Treatment depends on the cause of hoarseness.

For acute respiratory viral infection, no specific therapeutic measures are necessary.

It will be good if parents give the child plenty of water to prevent the mucus in the nose, larynx and bronchi from drying out, and also create favorable conditions for the baby’s recovery: air humidity in the room is 50-70%, and the air temperature is 18-20 degrees.

And no heaters. Additionally, you can put it in your nose saline solution, and gargle with it.

If a child has an allergy, he will definitely need to consult an allergist, who will help determine, using special tests, the type of allergen that caused the body’s inadequate reaction. Treatment consists of eliminating the cause of the allergy. IN severe cases antiallergic antihistamines are prescribed.

In case of bacterial inflammation, the doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics to the child. Which ones exactly will become clear upon examination and analysis of other symptoms. Typically, these are drugs of the penicillin group.

When an injury occurs, a child needs rest. And this will be the main medicine. You should play silently, and do not try to talk at any cost.

In severe cases, the doctor will recommend rinsing with furatsilin, treating the larynx with an antiseptic such as Miramistin, and inhaling with special compounds based on adrenaline, which cause spasm of the laryngeal vessels. As a result of their use, swelling decreases, the glottis opens, and breathing is restored.

Hoarseness after sleep

Sometimes parents notice that the child wakes up hoarse in the morning and clears his throat and recovers for some time after waking up. This phenomenon is due, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, to the fact that in the larynx, in particular in the area of ​​the vocal cords, the natural secretory mucus dries out at night.

This happens because the baby breathes too dry air. Just moisturize it and the nighttime hoarseness will stop.

Child hoarse after illness

This symptom is alarming. If ARVI has already been left behind and the baby feels better, then sudden hoarseness may indicate the addition of a secondary infection, very likely bacterial. You should not wait to see whether it will go away on its own or whether difficulty breathing will still appear, but you should immediately call a doctor at home.

Every mother periodically notices that the timbre of the child’s voice has changed, the voice has become low and the child is hoarse. In children, the tissues of the upper respiratory tract are more intensively supplied with blood than in adults, therefore, any excessive impact on the vocal cords and larynx (mechanical irritation, activation of bacteria and microbes) occurs. local inflammation and swelling quickly increases, as a result of which the lumen of the glottis narrows and hoarseness appears. This condition of the baby should alert parents, as it can result in complete loss of voice and also pose a threat to health.

Why does my voice shrink?

  • Intense work of the vocal cords. Loud screaming, prolonged crying, screeching or loud singing can cause minor damage to the capillaries of the mucous tissues of the larynx, resulting in swelling of the ligaments and the voice becoming hoarse. This reason is quite often observed in infants.
  • The presence of papillomatosis or neoplasms in the larynx. Such pathologies can be congenital or appear as the child grows.
  • Bacterial and viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. One of the most common complications of respiratory diseases is laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), which is expressed by partial or complete loss of voice, pain and sore throat and a specific dry (“barking”) cough.
  • Neck injuries (usually the lateral and anterior surfaces). The presence of abrasions or hematomas in this location can also cause a hoarse voice.
  • Functional dysphonia is a condition in which there are no pathological changes in the larynx, the child has no pain, but the vocal cords do not work effectively.
  • Age-related changes in voice in adolescents. Fluctuating levels of sex hormones have a significant impact on the vocal cords in boys. During puberty (12-15 years), the ligaments increase in size and the child’s voice “breaks”, at times appearing either a thick bass or a thin squeal. The final transition to the adult type of sound production usually occurs within 6-7 months. If the transition period is delayed, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

If a child cries angrily for a long time, the ligaments are injured and hoarseness occurs.

Emergency situations

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The problems described above may take some time to resolve, or they will gradually resolve on their own. However, there are situations that require urgent medical care:

  • Penetration of foreign bodies into the larynx (i.e.). This case requires immediate medical examination, since a foreign object in the throat can obstruct the flow of oxygen to the lungs, which can lead to suffocation and loss of consciousness. If a paroxysmal cough, pallor or cyanosis of the face occurs, you should immediately examine the child’s throat and check for the possibility of swallowing something unwanted.
  • Stenosis is a sharp partial or complete narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. May be caused by rapidly growing allergic edema(Quincke's edema). In response to exposure to an allergen (of any origin), the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx develop immune reaction body. This is expressed in a sharp increase in the size of the face or limbs. Swelling may spread to the oropharynx and vocal cords, as evidenced by difficulty breathing, wheezing and coughing.
  • Croup (false or true) is an inflammation of the larynx accompanied by stenosis (we recommend reading:). Can be caused by numerous bacterial and viral infections, not only respiratory ones, but also common diseases such as chicken pox, diphtheria, herpes, etc. Croup is characterized by difficulty wheezing, a hacking dry cough, hoarseness or loss of voice. Signs of asphyxia may appear - cyanosis of the nasolabial folds and fingers, long noisy inhalation. Children aged from three months to three years are most often affected; attacks usually occur at night. Without timely assistance doctor, a child can very quickly develop serious violations breathing until loss of consciousness.


Any problems with the vocal apparatus are resolved by a phoniatrist. Such specialized specialists are not found in every clinic, so usually with such complaints they turn to an otolaryngologist (ENT), who treats any pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. The otolaryngologist will determine the exact reason for the child’s hoarse voice and prescribe adequate treatment. If the baby is not just hoarse, but you suspect he has one of the life-threatening conditions described earlier, first aid should be provided by resuscitators or emergency medical teams.

First aid

In most cases, a child’s hoarse voice can be treated by following a voice regimen. If problems appear after screaming, squealing, or loud crying, the ligaments will recover on their own. Some simple methods will help bring your baby back to normal faster:

  • Limitation of ligament tension. It is better to completely eliminate talking, even whispering, as it loads the vocal apparatus in the same way as shouting.
  • Refusal of products that have irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat - ice cream, hot, spicy and sour foods, carbonated and chilled drinks.
  • Drinking warm drinks that have a softening or mild antiseptic property(milk, herbal teas).
  • Maintaining the required level of humidity in the premises (50-70 percent). Wet cleaning and regular ventilation humidify the air well, especially during the heating season. Dry warm air irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you need to follow a special voice mode and a gentle diet.

Healing procedures

If a child catches a cold, resulting in a hoarse voice, rinsing will help herbal infusions(chamomile, sage, eucalyptus) or chlorophyllipt (1 tbsp (we recommend reading: ). l. alcohol solution for 200 ml. warm water). Such procedures help reduce inflammation and pain, relieve cough (we recommend reading:). Saline and soda solutions are not recommended in this case.

Children who cannot gargle on their own are given oropharyngeal irrigation. oil solution chlorophyllipt (allowed from two years of age) using a syringe without a needle. 0.2 ml of the drug is taken into the syringe and carefully injected as deep as possible into the mouth.

For infants, it is better to lightly lubricate the inflamed area with a gauze swab soaked in the same preparation. Chlorophyllipt has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also accelerates the restoration of damaged mucosa.

At respiratory diseases inhalations with solutions of medications and decoctions are often used medicinal plants. It is most convenient to carry out these procedures at home using a special device - a nebulizer. The nebulizer generates fine, safe steam, which is more comfortable for the child than hot steam from a pan or kettle. The temperature of the solution for inhalation should not be too high to prevent burns to the respiratory tract. To consolidate the effect of inhalations, rinses and irrigations, it is recommended to refrain from drinking and eating for 15-20 minutes after them.

The use of a nebulizer allows for safe inhalations that are comfortable for babies

Before carrying out any medical procedures at home, you should consult a doctor, especially if the child is under two years old. Any folk remedies, including herbs, can cause an allergic reaction, so it is advisable to check in advance the possibility of such a problem.


Any medications for the treatment of children should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s age and its results laboratory research. Medicines used for throat problems are divided into the following groups:

  1. antibiotics (they are used to treat bacterial infections- for example, laryngitis) (more details in the article:);
  2. antivirals(if voice changes are caused by viral infections);
  3. antiallergic drugs (relieve swelling of the oropharynx);
  4. pain-relieving aerosols containing anti-inflammatory or antibacterial components (important - sprays should not be used in children under 2 years of age);
  5. lozenges, lozenges or lozenges (soothe an irritated throat);
  6. drugs for treatment accompanying symptoms(antipyretics, bronchodilators, etc.).

Cough candies help soothe an irritated throat and slightly alleviate the child’s condition (we recommend reading:)

How to do inhalations correctly?

Treatment of a hoarse voice is most convenient and effective if you use a nebulizer (inhaler). Famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky notes that inhalations are not recommended for children infancy, since they do not know how to cough effectively. In children over 12 months of age, the consequences of acute respiratory infections, especially cough, can be successfully treated with this method. Most often, doctors prescribe inhalation with saline solution, mineral water, aminophylline, ambroxol. Inhalation solutions have a systemic effect.

Children often suffer from respiratory diseases much more severely than adults. This is due to the structural features of their respiratory system. Thus, children are more likely than adults to lose their voice during illness. What to do, if the child's voice disappeared?

Usually loss of voice is a symptom of laryngitis, inflammation of the larynx. Laryngitis in most cases does not occur on its own, but in connection with a cold or infection. In children, laryngitis leads to loss of voice more often than in adults. This is due to the fact that children have more blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the larynx, and the trachea is narrower. The voice disappears because inflammation takes over the vocal cords, leading to their swelling.

If your child's voice has disappeared, the first thing you should do is see a doctor.. Laryngitis can accompany not only a relatively harmless cold, but also, say, whooping cough, which is very dangerous for young children. And one of the advanced forms of laryngitis - acute stenosing laryngotracheitis - can cause sudden attack, which without timely medical attention can lead to respiratory arrest.

The doctor will examine the child and prescribe necessary treatment both the underlying disease and laryngitis. However, there are a number general recommendations which you need to follow if your child’s voice has disappeared. The first recommendation is silence. The child should try to speak as little as possible. Whispering is also contraindicated - the vocal cords when whispering strain no less than during a normal conversation. You can, for example, play “silence” with your child.

Gargling is not recommended for laryngitis.: The child’s larynx is narrowed and inflamed, so it still won’t get enough medicine. On the contrary, attempts to “gurgle” the medicine will further irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx, which is already inflamed, and strain the vocal cords.

That's why It is better to replace rinsing with inhalation. You can do inhalation with soda and eucalyptus oil or based on a decoction medicinal herbs(for example, chamomile with linden and eucalyptus, taken in equal proportions). If the child is old enough, pour the broth into the pan, sit the child down and cover him and the pan with a large towel - let him breathe in the steam.

If the child is small, it is better to use a special inhaler. And if you don’t have an inhaler, fill the bathtub hot water, add eucalyptus oil (it’s best to drop it on sea ​​salt, and add it to the bath) and take the child there. There is no need to put it in the bath, just let it breathe in the steam! If there is one, you can put it in the room where the child is lying and turn it on.

Also Drinking plenty of warm drinks will help improve your condition.. Heat a glass of milk to a temperature of approximately 40 degrees, add 2 tsp. honey (if the child does not have allergies) and 1 tbsp. l. melted butter. Let your child drink milk with butter and honey 2-3 times a day, and then wrap a warm scarf around his neck for half an hour. The rest of the time you can give warm tea. The drink should be warm, not hot - hot will only make the problem worse!

During laryngitis, the child must follow special diet. You should not give him salty, hot, spicy, very hot or very cold food.. Additionally, the doctor may also prescribe for the child antihistamines or other medications if necessary.

We would like to draw your attention once again: When a child’s voice has disappeared, the first thing you need to do is see a doctor! Laryngitis can lead to serious complications, if you self-medicate. All of the above recommendations should be followed if the doctor examined the child and confirmed that there is no danger. If there is a risk of complications, the doctor may prescribe specific treatment and even recommend hospitalization.

Hoarseness in a child is quite common and is a symptom of inflammatory processes occurring in the larynx. various reasons. When symptoms appear, it is necessary to diagnose the condition by a specialist, because hoarse voice may indicate serious airway damage that can cause breathing problems. The treatment method, including inhalation, is chosen depending on the provoking factors and the severity of the condition. To get rid of unpleasant symptom There is a large list of medications.

Causes of hoarseness without fever

Hoarseness in a child is dangerous because it can be caused by an inflammatory process in the larynx, which can cause difficulty respiratory process and disrupt normal ventilation. An additional risk arises because children have narrower throats than adults, so even seemingly normal hoarseness and throat swelling can be more aggressive.

Hoarseness in children is not considered an independent disease, but is classified as a condition that is caused by certain factors. Some of them are harmless, but there are also causes that are dangerous to health and life.

  1. 1. Overstrain of the vocal cords. The reason for this may be loud talking, crying, screaming, singing and other actions that lead to microtrauma of the sensitive mucous membrane of the larynx with rupture of small capillaries. Swelling is usually observed along with wheezing.
  2. 2. Flu and various colds that cause inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis), bacterial or viral. To a greater extent, a hoarse voice is accompanied by a runny nose, barking cough, painful sensations sore throat and fever.
  3. 3. Damage to the larynx by foreign objects. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate diagnosis and medical assistance for the patient, as there is a risk of passing foreign body down the respiratory tract and blockage. In this situation, the child will experience paroxysmal cough, which cannot be eliminated with medication, pallor skin face, difficulty breathing, in rare cases loss of consciousness.
  4. 4. Injuries to the larynx. Typically, a child wheezes due to damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx due to a blow to the front or side of the neck.
  5. 5. Allergic reaction. Some children may have increased sensitivity To certain products, plant pollen, insect bites, etc. When the mucous membrane of the larynx is irritated, swelling is provoked, while hoarseness is the first sign of stenosis, which threatens life with an acute lack of oxygen.
  6. 6. Changing your voice puberty. Often, due to hormonal changes in children, their voice may change. It usually becomes hoarse, but there is also the possibility of shrillness. This process is physiologically normal if the voice is restored within 6 months. In other cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  7. 7. Severe emotional shock or excitement. Speech and voice may be impaired in unusual situations and must recover without outside help after the child has calmed down.

The most dangerous and least probable cause Hoarseness in a child is due to diphtheria croup. Today, all children are vaccinated against diphtheria, which makes it possible to minimize the incidence of this disease. But you should not completely exclude the possibility of infection, since this can happen even in a vaccinated baby.

If severe hoarseness occurs, you should call ambulance. Before arrival medical workers Parents should provide the child with plenty of fluids and complete rest.

Treatment with medications

After determining the cause hoarse voice the doctor prescribes certain medications. Their action is aimed at restoring and facilitating the respiratory process. Depending on the factor of the inflammatory process, they can use:

  1. 1. Antihistamines to reduce swelling and improve breathing if hoarseness occurs due to an allergic reaction or inflammatory diseases nasopharynx: Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak.
  2. 2. Mucolytic and expectorant agents for removing phlegm from the lungs and bronchi by reducing the viscosity of mucus and expanding the lumen of the bronchi. They also help relieve inflammation of the respiratory tract. Children are allowed to use: Lazolvan, Flavamed, Ascoril, Fluditec, Acetylcysteine.
  3. 3. Antitussives to get rid of painful cough, inhibiting the corresponding reflex. To make breathing easier, you can use: Herbion plantain, Sinekod, Bronholitin.
  4. 4. Antipyretics, when the voice is hoarse due to infectious diseases. Children are recommended to use medications in the form of syrups and suppositories: Nurofen and Paracetamol.

If infection It has bacterial origin, then the child is prescribed a course of antibiotics. The drug is selected based on the results of culture and antibiogram. The following medications may be prescribed to children:

  • protected penicillins in the form of tablets and suspensions (Amoxiclav, Flemoklav);
  • macrolides (Sumamed, Azitrox);
  • cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Zinnat).

Along with taking antibiotics, probiotics must be given to restore the microflora. This is due to the fact that antibacterial agents They kill not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial ones involved in digestion. As a result, the child experiences diarrhea, colic and bloating.

Separately, there is the drug Bioparox, produced in the form of a spray and affecting the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. The medicine is approved for children from 2.5 years old; it allows you to destroy pathogenic microbes and reduce inflammatory processes.

If the cause of hoarseness is viral infection has affected the larynx, the child is prescribed antiviral drugs. They have a detrimental effect on the causative agent of inflammatory diseases and strengthen the immune system. From this group of drugs there are: Groprinosin, Tsitovir, Aflubin, Amiksin, Influcid, Remantadine, Nazoferon.


The most in an effective way quick fix hoarseness is inhalation. For this you can use a special nebulizer, but only under the condition that:

  • the medicine is diluted with saline solution;
  • the child does not have a fever;
  • after the procedure, the child does not go outside, drink or eat anything for 30 minutes;
  • the patient does not have an allergic reaction to the drug used;
  • a non-oil based solution is used;
  • the device is pre-cleaned, as there is a risk of infection getting into the oropharynx.

The inhaler can be refilled with the following solutions:

  1. 1. Alkaline non-carbonated mineral water. It helps reduce irritation and moisturizes the mucous membrane of the pharynx. To carry out the procedure, 4 ml of water is enough, which is enough for 10 minutes of inhalation.
  2. 2. Antiviral and immunomodulatory agents, for example, Interferon.
  3. 3. Hormonal drugs (Pulmicort). Irrigation of the larynx medicines local hormonal action will relieve inflammation and quickly reduce tissue swelling.
  4. 4. Mucolytics (Lazolvan, Ambrobene) to reduce the viscosity of sputum and improve its removal from the bronchi.
  5. 5. Bronchodilators (Ventolin), which help expand the lumen of the bronchi during obstructive bronchitis caused by laryngitis.
  6. 6. Anti-inflammatory (Rotocan, Sinupret).

If inhalations are carried out using regular herbal decoctions, then the irrigation method should be normal. In these cases, it is not recommended to use nebulizers due to their severe contamination.

To prepare a remedy for restoring breathing from medicinal plants, you can use the following recipes:

  1. 1. Decoction from the collection medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, calendula) and oak bark. The mixture of components must be poured into 300 ml of boiling water and left for 5-10 minutes. You can inhale the vapors of the infusion after it has cooled slightly.
  2. 2. Essential oils. To do this, you can add 2-3 drops of fir, eucalyptus or menthol oil to 400 ml of boiling water.

Honey for sucking or adding to warm tea or milk.

  • 2. Sage decoction. To do this, add 10 grams to 200 ml of hot milk herbal remedy and leave for 5-7 minutes. Ready drink It is recommended to drink warm, strained.
  • 3. Rosehip infusion. For cooking healing agent It’s worth adding 7 crushed berries to 400 ml of boiling water. To add flavor and provide an anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to dilute the drink with 5 grams of honey. It is recommended to drink the resulting product 2 times a day, 100 ml.
  • 4. Warm milk (300 ml) with soda (2 g) before bed.
  • If your throat is hoarse, you can effectively use gargles:

    1. 1. Honey. The solution is prepared from 5 grams of honey and 250 ml of boiling water, which are simmered over low heat, stirring. When cooled, it is recommended to use the product as a gargle.
    2. 2. Calendula and eucalyptus. Both components are taken in equal quantities, crushed and poured into 450 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes of infusion, rinse the oral cavity with the solution.

    As with colds, warming the feet is effective if the child does not have a fever. You can add mustard to the solution for foot baths in a ratio of 25 grams per 3 liters of boiling water. A procedure lasting 7-10 minutes will soften the inflammatory process in the throat and help restore the voice. It is not recommended to warm up the larynx itself, since hyperthermia can provoke purulent inflammation in surrounding tissues.

    When hoarse voice You should definitely seek help from a doctor. There is no need to delay visiting a specialist, as the child’s condition can worsen sharply. It is necessary to promptly and quickly establish the cause of the voice disorder and take measures to eliminate it, because it can provoke suffocation.

    It’s rare that a mother will remain calm if her child’s voice weakens and a cough appears. Home remedies are used - warming up, giving the baby hot milk with butter and honey, tea with lemon. These measures can have the opposite effect - the condition will worsen and the temperature will rise.

    To know what happened to the child and how to treat him, you need to contact a pediatrician. The only symptoms - hoarse voice and cough - cannot be the basis for making a diagnosis. The condition is assessed based on the clinical picture: how the baby coughs, whether sputum is produced, whether the temperature has increased, whether there is a rash on the body or not.

    When compiling therapeutic regimen all signs of the disease are taken into account.

    Why does a child develop a cough and a hoarse voice?

    A hoarse cough is not only caused by a cold.

    The same symptoms occur:

    And yet the most common cause The fact that the child suddenly becomes hoarse or speaks in a deep voice and coughs frequently is a cold. The patient may experience tracheitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. The symptoms of these diseases are similar, but the treatment has some nuances.


    During the disease, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx becomes inflamed, and the lymph nodes and tonsils may be affected. Causes disease by introducing infection of various etiologies, more often respiratory route, or respiratory contact with an allergen.

    Signs of the disease:

    • slight increase in temperature;
    • pain when swallowing;
    • sensation of a foreign body in the larynx;
    • dry cough.

    In children, the disease may occur due to various infections- for measles, rubella, scarlet fever.


    The etiology and signs of tracheitis largely coincide with the symptoms and clinical picture pharyngitis, only the tracheal mucosa is involved in the inflammatory process. If treatment is not started at this stage, the infection will go deeper and affect the bronchi.

    This happens more often in children - in rare cases, acute respiratory viral infections affecting the nasopharynx are avoided without the development of a complication - bronchitis. Babies have an increased metabolism.


    The most dangerous colds, in which the voice becomes hoarse and a barking, hoarse cough appears in children - this is laryngitis. During the disease, the larynx is affected, and the vocal cords are involved in the inflammatory process.

    Under the influence of pathogenic flora, inflammation occurs, which causes:

    • swelling of the laryngeal mucosa and ligaments;
    • infiltration of the laryngeal mucosa;
    • hyperemia.

    The lumen of the larynx narrows, hemorrhagic rashes may appear, and mucus production increases.

    If the epiglottis and trachea are affected, the disease is called laryngotracheitis. A dry cough is replaced by a wet cough within 2-3 days, but the voice becomes rougher. If you start treating the disease at the first symptoms, then in 7-10 days it can be completely eliminated.

    Laryngitis is especially dangerous for children - it can provoke dangerous complication- false croup. The baby can suffocate at any time - the glottis is very narrow, and if swelling occurs, it quickly closes. Total loss voices at false croup does not occur in children.

    True croup develops gradually:

    • first the timbre of the sound changes - the voice becomes hoarse;
    • then a barking cough appears;
    • then comes aphonia - muteness;
    • stenosis develops.

    Already at stage 2 of stenosis due to respiratory failure Children develop hypoxia and cyanosis of the skin.

    At the first sign of false or true croup– hoarseness and barking cough- need to call urgently "ambulance". It is impossible to stop stenosis with home remedies - the child may suffocate.

    How to treat a child who is hoarse and coughing?

    In order to prevent a dangerous condition, treatment should begin as soon as hoarseness begins to be heard in the voice and coughing appears, indicating a sore throat.

    Laryngitis is not an independent disease - it occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infection or allergies. Therefore, you should immediately tune in to complex therapeutic measures.


    • antihistamines - they have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects;
    • antipyretics – if there is a fever;
    • antiviral or antibiotics - depending on the etiology of the disease.

    It is necessary to use funds local action, which stop the activity of pathogenic flora and eliminate irritation of the larynx.

    The most common remedies for laryngeal edema: "Gexoral", "Inhalipt", "Cameton", "Tantum-Verde". They are available in aerosol form. You can gargle with solutions "Miramistina", "Chlorophyllipta", "Chlorhexidine".

    Softens the larynx and eliminates dryness lozenges - "Doctor MOM", "Lisobakt", "Strepsils", "Septolete".

    Most effective action provide lollipops with menthol or mint. The larynx can be treated "Lugol" and oil solution "Chlorophyllipta".

    All drinks must be warm:

    • milk;
    • rosehip infusion;
    • alkaline mineral water;
    • decoctions of chamomile, currant and raspberry leaves, linden color, violet leaves...

    When purchasing a ready-made collection for laryngitis, you must pay attention to the composition: it must contain components of anti-inflammatory and mucolytic action. The faster dry nonproductive cough will be replaced by wet, the easier the patient’s condition will be.

    Should not be used if you have a hoarse cough. soda solution or decoction oak bark for gargling - these products have a drying effect. Also, you should not overuse honey - in large quantities it irritates the mucous membrane.

    Inhalations help effectively. Contraindications for procedures – heat, tachycardia and high blood pressure.

    The best means for inhalation are alkaline mineral water or saline solution. It is best to add a few drops to a steam inhaler essential oil eucalyptus, lemon, orange, mint or coniferous trees. You need to breathe through your mouth. Water should not be heated above 55ºС, otherwise there is a risk of burns.

    For children, it is better to choose mashed potatoes as a means of inhalation.

    If there is no fever, you can put a warm compress on your throat. The best warming compresses are made on alcohol based– for children, vodka is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/3.

    If a child’s voice becomes weak and a cough appears due to an allergy, then it is necessary to eliminate contact with the allergen and relieve irritation of the larynx using any of the methods described above: medicines or folk remedies. Medicines should not be used with antimicrobial effect and warming procedures.

    The patient should not try to speak in a whisper. Until your voice is restored and the debilitating cough disappears, it is better to remain silent. You should refrain from consuming hot spices and cold drinks during this time.

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