Prothrombin according to Quick is increased: what does it mean, normal indicators. Prothrombin, INR (prothrombin time, PT, Prothrombin, INR)

It is very difficult for a person who is far from medicine to assess what a blood test that is completely incomprehensible at first glance can tell a specialist. In fact, each indicator allows you to get a fairly large volume useful information. For example, prothrombin is a vital protein. Checking the compliance of prothrombin with the norm is not carried out as often as, for example, general analysis blood. This is a rather complicated study, therefore it is prescribed in special occasions: for screening studies, blood diseases, clotting problems.

What is the norm of prothrombin in the blood?

There are several different tests for prothrombin:

  1. Prothrombin according to Quick allows you to determine the level of protein activity.
  2. Knowing the prothrombin time, you can determine how many seconds the patient's blood coagulates.
  3. The prothrombin index, or PTI for short, is the ratio of the normal prothrombin time to the parameters of the patient being examined.
  4. INR - international normalized ratio - an indicator opposite to IPT. It shows the ratio of the patient's prothrombin time to normal value prothrombin.

The most informative and effective are studies that determine the prothrombin index and prothrombin according to Quick:

  1. The normal value of prothrombin in the blood according to Quick is in the range from 78 to 142 percent.
  2. The PTI value may vary depending on the sensitivity of the reagents used for the study, but ideally should be 95-105%.

For both men and women, the prothrombin rate remains the same. Any deviation from the norm is cause for concern. Can increase or decrease prothrombin levels various diseases, some of which pose a serious threat to health.

What causes the level of prothrombin in the blood to be higher than normal?

Too much prothrombin in the blood is a symptom. This can be caused by the following factors:

  1. The production of prothrombin is associated with vitamin K. Increased amount This protein in the blood indicates an overabundance of the vitamin.
  2. A large number of prothrombin can be observed in malignant tumors.
  3. An excess of the norm in the blood test for prothrombin is observed in patients in a pre-infarction state.
  4. It is very common for protein levels to spike during pregnancy. Especially in the later stages.
  5. Prothrombin can also increase in patients suffering from liver problems.
  6. Sometimes an excess of protein occurs due to the use of Aspirin, hormonal contraceptives, diuretics, corticosteroids, anabolics, laxatives.
  7. Thromboembolism and polycythemia cause an increase in prothrombin.

Why is prothrombin below normal?

A decrease in prothrombin on the state of health also does not affect very well. It is caused by the following reasons:

It is possible to normalize the level of prothrombin, but it is better to coordinate the methods of treatment with a specialist. Treatment course depends on the cause of the problem. In most cases, the patient is offered a special diet. Often, special preparations are required for recovery.

Those who are interested in the prothrombin index should know that the norm in women is in the range of 78-146%.

The blood coagulation system consists of 15 factors. With the help of various indicators, its condition is characterized. Prothrombin is an active protein in the blood coagulation system that stimulates the formation of a blood clot.

To assess the state of the blood coagulation system, an analysis of prothrombin in the blood is prescribed. When deciphering the result, you can get a high or low value of the prothrombin index. The protein in question is produced (in the liver) by vitamin K. With the help of prothrombin time and prothrombin, the doctor evaluates the state of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. Blood is taken from a vein. Tissue thromboplastin is added to the material.

If the patient has just started taking anticoagulants, then it will be necessary to donate blood frequently (abnormalities may be observed). The doctor must choose suitable remedy and adjust dosage. Then a re-examination is carried out.

Initially, the patient donates blood 1 time in 2 days, and then - 2-4 times a month. The value of the prothrombin time will allow you to calculate the period required for the formation of a blood clot (after adding reagents). The norm of prothrombin time is multiplied by the thromboplastin sensitivity index indicated on the reagent package. The higher the value, the more blood clotting.

Thinners are taken at the same time. The analysis is carried out in the laboratory or at home. IN last case use a special device. A blood test for protein content allows you to get the value of the following indicators:

  1. Prothrombin time - the value is indicated in seconds (time of the patient's blood clotting).
  2. Prothrombin according to Quick - shows the activity of prothrombin in the patient's blood plasma. Prepare a calibration chart first. In this case, prothrombin time is taken into account. The value of the indicator is expressed as a percentage.
  3. Prothrombin index (the ratio of prothrombin time is normal to that of the patient).
  4. INR (helps to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy).


If the prothrombin index is being studied, the ideal norm for men and women can range from 95-105%. Prothrombin according to Quick does not normally exceed 142%. If these indicators are normal, then their value is the same. The result of the analysis for the presence of prothrombin in the blood is issued on the form. The norm of prothrombin time is 9-12.6 seconds, and the INR is 0.85-1.15. If the prothrombin rate is below the average level, then bleeding can be triggered by the following factors:

  • taking drugs that cause reduced clotting;
  • vitamin K deficiency;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • violations in the liver.

If the above diseases occur during pregnancy, then it will be necessary urgent help doctor. If the norm of the prothrombin index exceeds the average value, then increased blood clotting is observed. This condition can be caused by the following factors:

  • the presence of heparin;
  • excess vitamin K;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

This symptom is manifested in the following diseases:

  • thromboembolism;
  • heart attack;
  • the presence of malignancy;
  • high erythrocyte count.

The value of prothrombin and prothrombin time is important during pregnancy and its planning. A coagulogram is assigned to expectant mothers, since with the help of such an indicator it is possible to prevent bleeding during childbirth and the formation of a blood clot.

If the value of the indicator is low, then there is a risk of bleeding. In this case, the patient is prescribed coagulants. Otherwise, a woman in position is prescribed drugs that prevent increased blood clotting. Before giving birth, the obstetrician-gynecologist must know the level of prothrombin time. The value of this indicator will allow the doctor to prevent hemolytic shock during natural and artificial childbirth. If the obstetrician-gynecologist does not know about the low value of the prothrombin index, then he will not be able to prevent placental abruption. The lack of prothrombin contributes to the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • prolonged bleeding;
  • profuse blood loss.

This violates physiological system human body.

Excess and deficiency of the index

If the value of the prothrombin index is high, then the doctor will be able to prevent the development of thrombosis in a timely manner. High content prothrombin in the blood can cause atherosclerosis. Doctors recommend regularly monitoring the indicator in question.

To normalize the level of prothrombin, you must follow a special diet. The patient should drink plenty of fluids (juice, soup, water). Good to include in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits. It is not recommended to abuse herbs that promote blood clotting (nettle, plantain, cudweed). If you follow such a diet, then prothrombin will be normal, and the risk of possible bleeding and high blood clotting will be minimized.

Since the protein is easily amenable to the action of anticoagulants (Warfarin), it is therefore recommended to periodically examine the blood for INR (especially when using anticoagulants).

The study under consideration is carried out in certain cases. At the same time, for each indication, different norms of characteristic are characteristic:

  • examination of the patient before surgical intervention(INR ranges from 0.85-1.25);
  • in the treatment of venous thrombosis and after surgery, the value of the indicator does not exceed 2.0-3.0;
  • for heart disease and vascular system the indicator ranges from 3.0-4.5.

If the INR value exceeds 1.25, then there is a risk of developing the following pathologies:

  • congenital diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • liver disease;
  • impaired absorption of fats in the intestine;
  • bile does not pass well from the liver to the duodenum.

Coagulogram in children

If the value of the INR indicator exceeds 6.0, then urgent hospitalization patient. Otherwise, bleeding may occur. Such a condition is dangerous for a person in the presence of concomitant diseases such as inflammation and ulcers of the intestines and stomach, arterial hypertension, kidney disease. Vitamin K deficiency can be congenital. Similar phenomenon often observed during pregnancy and after childbirth. During pregnancy, the rate of prothrombotic time is 11-18 seconds. The risk group includes women in a position with high probability miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity, the presence of gestotic signs. The level of prothrombin, the norm in women in position ranges from 78-142%.

Normally, the blood coagulates in a child within 4-9 minutes. A coagulogram is prescribed for children in the following cases:

  • operation;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • hemophilia.

The doctor checks the data obtained with the norm, taking into account the age and complaints of the patient. By using this study doctors can identify inflammatory, vascular, and autoimmune diseases.

Human blood contains many components that can be used to judge the state of the body. There is a complex laboratory research, showing the degree of norm or deviation of a particular indicator.

One of the most important indicators that requires regular checks in case of illness diabetes- blood clotting.

Blood clotting is an indicator responsible for regulating the degree of bleeding. When blood vessels are damaged, the substances that make up the blood form blood clots that prevent further blood loss. With normal clotting after 10 minutes. after a slight damage to the vessel, a blood clot is formed.

If the clot formation process starts much faster, then this may indicate increased clotting blood - thrombophilia. Thrombophilia is a blood disease that leads to the formation of blood clots and clots in blood vessels and capillaries, leading to a lack of oxygen in human tissues and organs, causing a heart attack, stroke, varicose veins, thrombosis and diseases of internal organs.

Substances that regulate the degree of blood clotting - prothrombin and fibrinogen.


Prothrombin is an important plasma protein that indicates the degree of blood clotting. It affects the degree of thrombus formation and precedes thrombin, a protein that stimulates the formation of a blood clot.

Prothrombin is produced by vitamin K in the liver. Using the prothrombin index, you can evaluate the work of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

During the analysis, the following indicators are obtained:

  • Prothrombin time is an indicator that characterizes the rate of blood clotting, actually indicating the degree of concentration of prothrombin in the blood. The result is given in seconds. Norm 9-13 sec;
  • Quick prothrombin is an indicator that characterizes the activity of prothrombin, expressed as a percentage, established using a calibration graph based on the change in prothrombin time in normal plasma solutions. The norm, depending on the equipment used, is 77-120%.;
  • Prothrombin index - is determined by the ratio of prothrombin time, characteristic of a healthy person to the time of a person with poor clotting blood. Norm - 80-110%;
  • The INR index is an indicator used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with drugs aimed at preventing blood clots. At healthy people the index is in the range of 80-115%.

Analysis procedure

Before taking blood for analysis, the doctor should learn about the drugs taken by the diabetic. In the presence of drugs that can affect the result of the study, they are temporarily canceled.

Research does not require special diets or follow a diet (except for the diet and regimen necessary for diabetes).

Blood is punctured from a vein in the arm, after which the injection site is pressed with a cotton ball until the bleeding stops. If a bruise has formed at the puncture site, warming procedures are prescribed.

Deviations from the norm

An increased rate of prothrombin time (more than 13 seconds) indicates the possibility of developing thrombophilia due to an excess of vitamin K (more on fat soluble vitamins, which include vitamin K, read in this article). In people with diabetes average overestimated, so it is important to periodically analyze to determine the degree of deviation.

The value of prothrombin time, deviated from the norm to a smaller side (less than 9 sec.) May be the result of a decrease in blood clotting, indicating a lack of vitamin K or poor absorption of the vitamin in the intestine as a result of dysbacteriosis and enterocolitis.

A number of factors can serve to obtain an incorrect result of the analysis for prothrombin:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • Destruction of erythrocytes due to careless handling of the tube with the material;
  • Taking capillary blood.

Today, doctors can diagnose many dangerous diseases even before they appear. specific symptoms. One of the means early diagnosis is biochemical. An important indicator in this study, the norm of prothrombin is considered. A deviation from the norm of this element indicates the presence of problems in the body, which, when timely treatment will not lead to complex pathologies.


Prothrombin is a protein compound that takes an active part in the blood coagulation process. This protein is made in the liver and is found in the blood in an inactive state. When damaged blood vessel in the human body, a complex multi-stage process of coagulation is launched. After several steps, prothrombin takes active form and turns into thrombin, which forms a thrombus.

The norm of prothrombin samples is determined during a special analysis, which also determines a number of other indicators that are important for the normal coagulation process. The table of blood factors contains 13 elements, each of which carries certain function in coagulation, but prothrombin is one of the most important. He stands in the table at the second number, which means that his role in our body is very important.

Norms for a healthy person

Analysis of blood prothrombin is a rather complicated study. The difficulty lies in the fact that prothrombin molecules decompose very quickly and it is problematic to determine their exact amount. Today, in medicine, prothrombin is used according to a quick indicator, which is determined by comparing the clotting time of a healthy material with the patient's blood. As a result of this comparison, experts conclude that there is an increase or decrease in the level of prothrombin in the blood.

Normal prothrombin values ​​according to this method are calculated in percentage and ranges from 70% to 120% for healthy people. What is prothrombin according to Quick? This is a comprehensive blood test. Prothrombin according to Quick is normally calculated along with other indicators - prothrombin index, prothrombin time and INR. Only together all these indicators can give complete picture the patient's blood clotting and tell doctors about the presence of problems in the body. Decryption of the analysis is not subject ordinary person and should only be performed by a qualified physician. The norm for women and men of the same age is identical.

The age table is as follows:

Who is assigned the analysis

Prothrombin analysis is not prescribed for all patients. This appointment is received only by those who need to determine the functions of blood coagulation. So a complex of studies is always carried out by patients who are preparing for surgical treatment and pregnant women. The interpretation of this study allows even before the operation to determine dangerous deviations that can lead to large blood loss on the operating table.

The rate of prothrombin in the blood is important in women bearing a child. Pregnant women take a prothrombin blood test every month. This allows doctors to monitor the level of clotting and, if necessary, make the appropriate correction. In the first half of pregnancy in the blood of women, this indicator may be lowered. This is due to hormonal changes and vitamin deficiencies. By the end of pregnancy, the prothrombin rate in the blood of women should be normal. However, sometimes the level of prothrombin in expectant mothers may increase closer to childbirth. This condition also requires correction in order to avoid complications during childbirth. For women who are expecting a baby, prothrombin testing is of great importance.

In addition to these cases, there is a group of patients who need to be examined regularly, they include:

  • People with poor blood clotting.
  • People with liver disease.
  • during anticoagulant therapy.
  • People with diseases that reduce vitamin K levels.

Increased rates

Prothrombin in a blood test may increase in male and female patients in the following cases:

  1. Oncological diseases different localization. Cancer cells disrupt the protein production system, which can lead to increased blood clotting.
  2. Liver disease in acute and chronic form. Prothrombin is produced in the liver, and if this organ works like a clock, then prothrombin is also normal.
  3. Thromboembolism. This disease is characterized pathological formation blood clots and occurs against the background of an increase in prothrombin.
  4. Polycythemia. This pathology occurs against the background of an increase in red blood cells and a dangerous alternation of thrombosis and bleeding. The disease belongs to the category of benign tumors.
  5. Reception of a certain group medicines. Everyone has it medicinal product have their own side effects, one of which may be an increase in prothrombin in the blood. Before use, read the description of the drug and consult your doctor.

Reduced rates

Often, the decoding of the analysis can talk about reduced level prothrombin in the blood. Low prothrombin is characterized by frequent bleeding, including life-threatening. Most often, a lack of prothrombin is observed in the following pathologies:

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis. With these diseases, degeneration of liver tissue is observed. This leads to the fact that the body cannot synthesize protein in full, which also affects blood clotting.
  2. Dysbacteriosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract that vitamin K is synthesized, which is directly involved in the formation of prothrombin. Diseases of these organs lead to vitamin deficiency, which reduces blood clotting.
  3. fibrinogen deficiency. Fibrinogen is also synthesized in the liver and plays important role in clot formation. Turning into fibrin, this substance forms a tissue that serves as the basis of a thrombus. The lack of fibrinogen leads to a decrease in clotting.
  4. Taking anticoagulants.

When to See a Doctor

In fact, each person can detect problems with blood clotting on their own. You just need to take a closer look at your health. Decreased prothrombin in the blood can be suspected if you have prolonged bleeding during the injury, in the case when you have frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums, frequent causeless bruising, etc. What to do with these symptoms? Only a doctor will be able to determine that your indicator is below the norm and identify the causes of the deviation.

ABOUT elevated content prothrombin can be spoken at the first signs varicose veins veins, with pain in the heart, swelling lower extremities, numbness of hands and feet.

What does these symptoms mean? These seemingly harmless symptoms can lead to dangerous consequences especially after the age of fifty.

Do not delay a visit to the doctor if you find these abnormalities.

These are the first symptoms in which you must definitely consult a doctor to prescribe an analysis for the content of prothrombin in the blood. Before donating blood, you need to follow the standard rules so that the decoding of the result is the most accurate.

Remember that the duration and quality of your life depends on your attitude to your health. It is better to donate blood for analysis once again than to get sick dangerous diseases and to be treated for years, fearing for his life. Methods of early diagnosis allow you to protect yourself from dangerous diseases and correct the failure of the body in a timely manner. Trust specialists and do not self-medicate, because to determine true reason failure can only be a qualified doctor on the basis of diagnostic examinations.

In contact with

Prothrombin is a complex protein produced in the liver. According to its quantity, a conclusion is made about the coagulation system of the blood. In order for the result of the analysis to be informative, blood on an empty stomach, better in the morning between eight and eleven o'clock.

Before blood sampling, at least eight and no more than fourteen hours should elapse after the last meal. During this time, you can only drink water. The day before the analysis, you need to limit fried and fatty foods, do not take alcohol, it is necessary to exclude severe physical exercise. Within half an hour before the test, psycho-emotional and physical stress should be excluded. It is impossible for half an hour before blood sampling.

Blood sampling should be carried out before the start of taking medications and not earlier than one to two weeks after them. If their reception cannot be canceled, in the direction for the study, the doctor must indicate which drugs the patient is taking and in what doses.

High level fibrinogen indicates acute inflammatory processes and about tissue death, it may be associated with increased risk hypertension, heart attack, stroke, diabetes and even cancer. Increased fibrinogen causes inflammatory damage to the walls of arteries in the body, prepares the ground for atherosclerotic plaque and thrombus formation. A blood clot that blocks one of the arteries of the brain can cause a stroke, and thrombosis coronary artery provokes the development of myocardial infarction.

Too much low level fibrinogen can cause heavy bleeding that are hard to stop. As a rule, he is the result of a donor, large blood loss while using drugs. A decrease in its concentration is also observed in congenital hypofibrinogenemia and afibrinogenemia, secondary disorders of fibrinogen formation in the liver, as well as in coagulopathy of various origins. For normal clot formation, the minimum required plasma fibrinogen level should be 0.5 g/L.

During pregnancy, the membranes of the embryo are formed. The cells of the shell of the embryo, that is, the cells of the chorion, synthesize the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into the blood of a woman. All studies for diagnosing pregnancy are built on the definition of this hormone.

You will need

  • - direction of the gynecologist.


To diagnose pregnancy, a blood test is performed for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG or hCG).

A blood test for hCG is carried out in specialized laboratories in the direction of a gynecologist.

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