My baby has a cough for a month, what should I do? What can cause a cough in a one-month-old baby?

In a one-month-old baby, this does not always indicate the need for treatment. Liquid often enters the bronchi of the baby: milk, mucus, saliva, tears after crying. The baby clears his throat, and this is a normal reflex action to eliminate the irritant. But there are situations when parents need to respond immediately.

Alarming symptoms

Bouts of unusual coughing should cause concern: sudden, rough and incessant; dry, occurring without visible reasons; hoarse, accompanied by obvious wheezing. A cough with signs of choking, blood or green sputum is a particular danger to the baby’s health.

The most common reasons:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Aspiration (entry foreign object into the trachea and bronchi)
  • Inflammation of the ENT organs, ARVI, bronchitis.

Less commonly, the factor causing cough in a one-month-old baby is chronic illness- heart disease or reflux esophagitis (pathology gastrointestinal tract).

General treatment

Allergies in newborn babies usually manifest themselves skin rashes, but it is also possible respiratory symptoms. Seizures are relieved with antihistamines. To avoid exacerbation, you need to identify and eliminate the allergen. A cough can be caused by dry, stale indoor air, animal dander, mold, tobacco smoke and other factors. You will need to analyze the situation, and also pay attention to the mother’s diet or the composition of the formula if the baby is on artificial feeding.

Aspiration causes a sudden, choking cough in the child. Inhalation of a foreign body threatens the child’s life, so immediate action must be taken. Parents can examine the baby's throat. It’s good when the object is close and you can remove it yourself. If foreign body after inhalation it got into the trachea and bronchi, you will have to call ambulance and remove it in the hospital.

Cold or viral cough requires consultation with a doctor. Respiratory diseases need to be treated promptly to avoid serious complications later. In a baby who doesn't move much, a common cold can quickly develop into acute bronchitis. Coping with such a complication is much more difficult.

Treatment of cold cough

After the examination, the pediatrician will prescribe pharmaceutical drugs, appropriate for the child's age. Traditional methods will come to the aid of drug treatment.

Warming compresses

Warming helps speed up recovery from respiratory diseases. The following recipes can be used to treat newborns:

  • Knead a dense cake from honey, which is the main component, flour and vegetable oil. From 4 months you can add mustard, but this product is not suitable for the delicate skin of a one-month-old baby. The cake should be placed on the baby’s chest on top of the diaper, insulated, then secured
  • Mash boiled hot potatoes with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and a few drops of iodine. Wrap the finished mass in foil, pierce holes in it and place on chest, making a layer of diapers, polyethylene and a fixing bandage
  • Pour salt heated in a frying pan into a cloth bag and warm the baby’s chest with it.
  • Rub the baby with melted water badger fat, insulate the top with gauze folded in several layers and secure the compress.

In addition to badger, you can treat the baby goat fat or camphor oil. It is advisable to treat not only the chest, but also the feet.

Simultaneous warming of the chest and back is not recommended. This can cause pneumonia. It is necessary to exclude the effect of heat on the heart area. You should not treat a child with warming when he has a fever.


When coughing, light tapping on the chest and exposure to reflex zones feet. Before the procedure, the baby is picked up. Massage improves bronchial drainage. The use of herbal balms increases the effectiveness of the procedure.


A cough in a one-month-old baby can be treated with passive therapy. To do this, pour hot water into the bathroom and add a few drops. If you have an allergy, do not add oil.

When the room warms up, an undressed baby is brought in there so that he can breathe medicinal vapors for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, the baby is wiped dry and wrapped in a warm blanket.

Just as with warming up, inhalations should not be given to a child at elevated temperatures.


Herbal decoctions can be used to alleviate the cough that occurs in a 2-month-old baby. Eat good recipes, tested by more than one generation of mothers on their children:

  • Coltsfoot leaves are mixed in equal proportions with plantain. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Give the baby 2 tbsp. l. 20 minutes before meals
  • The roots of licorice, marshmallow and elecampane are combined in equal quantities. A tablespoon of dry raw materials is added to 0.5 liters cold water and leave to infuse for 8 hours. Offer the baby 2-3 times a day 50 grams
  • 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours, then filtered. The decoction is given to the baby every hour, 1 tsp.

You should not overuse herbal decoctions, as an overdose causes side effects or severe allergic reaction. Before treatment, it is better to consult with a local pediatrician who has been observing the baby since birth and knows the characteristics of his health.

In order for your child to get sick less, it is important to take care of his health. Breastfeeding and mother's constant attention is best prevention diseases for children of the first year of life.

cough infant- a rather rare phenomenon in comparison with children aged 1 to 7 years. If the baby receives only mother’s milk as food, then the risk of colds up to a year is reduced to a minimum. If you have a runny nose and high temperature ARVI may be suspected. If there is no snot, the thermometer shows 36.6 C, and the child begins to cough, you should be checked for allergies or whooping cough. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, since the respiratory muscles of newborns and infants are not sufficiently developed. The baby will not be able to cough up mucus from the lungs and bronchi, which leads to stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract and the occurrence of complications.

If a child is fed breast milk, the risk of catching a cold before the age of one year will be minimized

Types of cough

A baby's cough is the same protective reflex inherent in nature as sneezing. Mothers worry when they notice that their child is coughing. Pediatricians consider a slight manifestation of the reflex to be the norm, even if the baby coughs several times a day. There are two types of cough:

  1. Dry. Characteristic of the initial stage of ARVI, parawhooping cough and whooping cough, bronchial asthma or an allergic reaction, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. An examination by a pediatrician is necessary, since mothers without experience often take moist cough for dry (see also: ). Infant up to 3 months, swallows mucus rather than coughing it up, so parents are confused.
  2. Wet. If a baby’s cough begins without fever, this means that the disease is nearing completion. There is no need to worry when the sputum is clear and thin. Yellowish or greenish mucus indicates a serious infection in the respiratory tract.

If an infant's cough is wet, does not go away within a month and is not accompanied by a fever, this may be a sign of pneumonia, tracheitis or chronic bronchitis. The bronchi of children older than six months are capable of self-cleaning, but in newborns and babies up to 5-6 months, this function has not matured. A cough occurs when mucus irritates the back wall of the nasopharynx and flows down.

Basic therapy

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Treatment of cough is always individual and is prescribed only after examination by a doctor. The course depends on the nature of the disease and includes:

  • Antipyretic drugs. If the temperature rises when coughing, syrups with ibuprofen or paracetamol will help reduce it.

If the cough is accompanied by a high temperature, syrup will help bring it down
  • Antiviral medications. ARVI can be treated with immunomodulatory drugs. Doctors recommend using Viferon suppositories, since they have no contraindications or age restrictions (we recommend reading:). The drug can be prescribed to children from birth to one year.
  • Rinse the nasal passages. If the baby is having trouble breathing thick snot, he sneezes and begins to breathe through his mouth (we recommend reading:). After a short period of time, the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat will dry out, and the child will cough. Before going to bed, it is important to rinse the baby’s nose with saline or saline solution. During the day, you can instill 3 drops into each nostril 4 to 8 times. After the rinsing procedure, it is useful to put drops in the nose oil solution“Ectericide” in a dosage of 1 drop. This will create a thin protective layer of medicine on the mucous membranes.
  • Homeopathy. To cure an infant's cough, pediatricians prescribe drugs based on natural products. Particularly popular is the Stondal syrup, which has proven itself to be an excellent antitussive, bronchodilator and expectorant.

If you have a runny nose, it is forbidden to use it for the treatment of infants. antibacterial drops. Sometimes the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor, if the toddler sneezes, but not for the treatment of ARVI.

If a month-old baby's cough is accompanied by snot, but the temperature remains within normal limits, this may indicate pharyngitis, laryngitis or rhinitis of allergic etiology.

Cough remedies for infants

Grudnichkov and one-year-old babies can be treated with safe forms of medications - drops and syrups. Cough medications are divided into three groups:

  1. Mucolytic. They are produced on the basis of hydrochloride, acetylcysteine, bromhexine and ambroxol, which thin out thick mucus in the respiratory tract. Among the popular ones are: “Mukodin”, “Flavamed”, “Fluditek”, “Mukosol”, “Bromhexine”, “Ambrobene”, “Lazolvan”. Syrups are given to children under one year of age, but only after consultation with a pediatrician.
  2. Antitussives. Prescribed for dry cough, which has the form of attacks. The drugs reduce the occurrence of the cough reflex, which is most effective in the treatment of whooping cough. Contraindications include children under 2 years of age. Panatus and Sinecod syrups are approved for children in the first year of life if therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.
  3. Expectorants. They are effective if a month-old baby’s cough is wet, but the sputum is difficult to clear (more details in the article:). Syrups based on plantain or ivy extract are prescribed. Additionally, the composition includes plant components: coltsfoot, wild rosemary, thyme, oregano, elecampane, marshmallow, licorice, anise, thyme. Among the well-known drugs recommended: “Prospan”, “Doctor MOM”, “Gedelix”, “Bronchicum” and “Dr” (we recommend reading:). Theiss." "Prospan" and "Bronchicum" are allowed from 4-6 months. A one-month-old baby may be allergic to herbs, so you need to monitor the baby’s well-being. When skin rash or swelling, you should stop taking the medication and visit your pediatrician.

If a newborn sneezes and coughs, the dosage of the drug is calculated by the doctor (we recommend reading:). An overdose of an expectorant medicine is dangerous, since the cough of a one-month-old baby may be prolonged. The volume of mucus secreted will increase, but a baby aged from a month to a year cannot physically cough it up.

It is prohibited to combine antitussive and expectorant medications, as the manufacturers warn about in the instructions. When a cough is suppressed and a large volume of mucus is produced at the same time, pneumonia occurs.

Expectorant syrup Gedelix improves sputum discharge

First aid for a baby

Before the doctor arrives, parents can follow simple tips to alleviate the baby’s condition. At home, it is difficult to determine why a baby is coughing and sneezing, but you can help reduce negative symptoms:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. If a newborn is coughing, then only water is allowed to drink. When breastfeeding, it is necessary to offer the breast more often. Do not forget that high temperature leads to dehydration. Danger signal Don't miss it if you watch the diaper filling. If you urinate infrequently (once every 4 hours), you need to start drinking water from your little one. Babies from six months of age are offered raisin water, a decoction of rose hips or linden, diluted juice or dried fruit uzvar.
  2. Minimum clothing. The warmer the baby is dressed, the faster he loses moisture. The mucous membranes dry out, so the baby begins to cough.
  3. Walking on fresh air. If the child has a cough, but other health indicators are normal, short walks are allowed. The exceptions are weather when there is severe frost outside. Don’t be alarmed if your baby only coughed during the day, but in the evening after a walk the cough intensified. It leads to better discharge mucus.
  4. Comfortable air humidity. To dry painful cough turned into wet, it is not necessary to resort to medications. It is enough to set the air humidity in the house at 50-70%. The temperature in the room where the baby is located should not rise above 22 C. 18 C is considered ideal, otherwise the sputum in the respiratory tract will be more viscous and thick.
  5. Safe inhalations. Steam treatments Do not do this to avoid burns to the skin and mucous membranes. If the baby coughs, it is recommended to install it next to the playpen during the illness. Doctors advise filling a bathtub for a dry cough. hot water by adding soda to it. Then take the baby in your arms and sit in the bathroom, inhaling the moist alkaline fumes.

Walking in the fresh air will help your baby recover faster and speed up recovery.

Additional measures: do's and don'ts

A wet cough in one-year-old children is often accompanied by mucus that is difficult to separate. IN in this case Drainage massage will help. You can invite a specialist to your home who does professional massage babies, but the mother can carry out some manipulations on her own:

  • lay the baby on his back;
  • place your palms on the chest and stroke it from bottom to top;
  • turn the baby over on his stomach;
  • “walk” along the back with gentle circular movements, avoiding the spine area.

The massage should be completed with light pats from bottom to top. It is advisable to position the baby so that the head is below the buttocks.

Fearing the negative consequences of taking medications, mothers, on the advice of their grandmothers, resort to the use of traditional medicine. Pediatricians are categorically against such experiments on children’s bodies:

  1. Thoughtless manipulations almost always lead to the opposite effect. Compresses with dry mustard, vinegar or vodka cause burns and poisoning. Dangerous spasms of the bronchi and larynx often occur.
  2. Babies in the first year of life develop allergies to medicinal herbs, so breast mixtures, infusions and decoctions should be used after consultation with a specialist.

We must not forget that the time of shortages has long passed, and medicine does not stand still. The pharmaceutical industry can offer a lot of effective and safe drugs.

Medicinal herbs that are effective and efficient for adults are not always suitable for infants

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky does not see anything terrible in the cough reflex, since it is inherent in all people. The resulting snot flows down the nasopharynx in children, so the body is forced to get rid of mucus. When diseases of the upper respiratory tract or lungs occur, the volume of sputum increases and is removed through a natural reflex.

If the snot in the nose dries out, it becomes difficult to breathe, leading to further complications. Komarovsky believes that preventing mucus from drying out in the bronchi is also important if the little one coughs. It is necessary to provide the baby with enough fluids and provide access to fresh, cool air. Without consulting a doctor, it is prohibited to use antitussive drugs, which are effective only for whooping cough. It is permissible to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs if it is evening outside and you need to act somehow.

Symptoms of any type of cough allow you to visit a pediatrician and get the necessary recommendations. The following drugs are effective and relatively safe:

  • lazolvan;
  • acetylcysteine;
  • bromhexine;
  • potassium iodide;
  • mucaltin;
  • ammonia-anise drops.

They should be in your home medicine cabinet, but the dosage is determined by the doctor. The specialist will also advise on the advisability of using a particular medicine.

Mucaltin - inexpensive, but very effective expectorant

The danger of complications after ARVI is the development acute bronchitis or pneumonia, secondary bacterial infections are not uncommon. The baby is prescribed antibiotics in tandem with additional medicines. Similar treatment will negatively affect the formation of the immune system, but there is no other way out. For this reason, Komarovsky recommends not to self-medicate, contact specialists in a timely manner and not expose the baby to danger. If a child experiences pneumonia before the age of 2 months, the alveoli of the lung remain affected and stop developing.

How dangerous is whooping cough?

With whooping cough, the cough reflex has some characteristics, only a pediatrician is able to make a correct diagnosis. Conducted in a timely manner DTP vaccination does not completely protect against infection, but allows the disease to be transferred to more mild form. Mass failure from vaccination for last years has led to whooping cough becoming more common among children preschool age. Self-medication and mothers’ confidence in their own actions complicate and slow down the diagnosis, since doctors are consulted at 2-3 weeks of illness.

Vaccination will not protect against the disease one hundred percent, but it will help significantly ease its progression.

Whooping cough and its severe forms are deadly for infants due to paroxysmal hacking cough, which provokes severe vomiting, respiratory failure and even respiratory arrest. Symptoms of whooping cough include:

  • dry cough, similar to a common cold;
  • in subsequent stages, the cough becomes more painful, without turning into a wet form;
  • the cough reflex occurs on exhalation and is paroxysmal in nature;
  • after a prolonged cough, the child does deep breath, which is accompanied by a whistle;
  • Sometimes a coughing attack can result in vomiting with the discharge of viscous sputum.

The cough reflex can occur up to 50 times a day, which should alert parents. Whooping cough is bacterial infection Therefore, antibiotics are used in therapy. Antibacterial agents are effective at the first symptoms, when the cough center is not yet in the stage of excitement. Additionally, antitussive drugs are prescribed to reduce the frequency and intensity of the cough reflex. The course lasts from several months to six months so that the baby ceases to be contagious and does not pose a danger to others. Walking in the fresh air is not contraindicated during therapy, and it is advisable for parents to be patient.

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A cough in an infant is a serious test not only for the baby himself, but also for his parents.

There are many reasons why children develop a cough in infancy. For proper treatment illness, the main thing is to correctly determine its cause.

Causes of cough in infants

Treatment aimed at eliminating the symptoms of choking may simply hide the symptoms of the disease, leaving it inside the child's body. Therefore, treatment of cough in children under one year of age should always consist of several important steps:

  • Correct diagnosis
  • Determining the root cause of cough
  • Treatment.

So, let's look at the most common causes of cough, which can be divided into 4 main subgroups:

  • Viral infections (ARVI, etc.);
  • Inflammatory nature (inflammatory process in the upper and lower respiratory tract);
  • Allergic origin;
  • Cough caused by other reasons (we'll talk about them below).

To choose the only correct treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause, and then Together with your doctor, decide how to treat your cough in an infant.

Viral nature of cough

Cough caused by an acute respiratory viral infection is most common in infants. The main symptoms of a child's illness with ARVI are a sudden runny nose and cough in an infant, which is sometimes also accompanied by an increase in temperature. Self-medication under the age of one year for viral diseases is strictly contraindicated, therefore, if you notice a cough and runny nose in your baby, you should immediately consult a doctor for full diagnostics. A highly qualified specialist will always suggest the correct strategy of action that must be followed during ARVI.

As a rule, the treatment strategy is to “stay” the disease. In such early age Children are contraindicated in taking medications, so compliance bed rest- the main thing for children under one year old. In the process of treating ARVI symptoms in infancy, parents need to remember several basic rules:

  • Do not bathe a child at elevated temperatures - water procedures may cause serious complication illness, therefore, if it is necessary to maintain the baby’s personal hygiene, it is necessary to use wet towels, and immediately wipe the skin dry;
  • You should not resort to drug treatment without the instructions of your doctor.- treatment viral disease using pills or other medications can trigger serious attacks of the disorder digestive tract, complications on the heart and internal organs. Of course, the attending physician can prescribe medications for cough for children under one year of age, but only if there is a real need for them and your child’s age allows them to be taken;
  • You can try to relieve a cough in a child under one year old., resorting to some harmless and proven recipes of traditional medicine, but only so that - after the baby’s well-being improves, it will still be necessary to take him to the clinic.

Children's cough of inflammatory nature

Another reason for an infant's cough is inflammation of the respiratory tract. The inflammatory process, which often causes cough and runny nose in infants, almost always occurs without the increase in temperature characteristic of ARVI. Nature of appearance inflammatory process may be different, but it is almost always associated with weak immunity child and infection entering the respiratory tract, or exposure to too cold or hot (overdried) air.

If you suspect that your child has inflammation, the best remedy for coughs for children under one year old - timely contact a competent otolaryngologist. The doctor will advise, establish the correct diagnosis and tell you how to treat at home or in a hospital. In case of inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat), the baby may be prescribed physical procedures, such as rinsing. Small children endure such therapy painfully, so parents better be patient in advance and be prepared for children's crying and tears.

Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, bronchi) is accompanied by attacks of dry lingering cough. When treating such inflammatory processes, cough medicines are often used for children under one year of age. It could be either medicinal preparations, introduced into the child's body through injections, and ordinary syrups. The main task of such drugs is to transform a dry, non-productive cough into a wet cough with the removal of sputum.

There are also various means for coughs for children up to one year old, having a softening effect on the area pectoral muscles and the baby's lungs. They are created on the basis of mucolytic agents - special medications that relieve the main symptoms.

Allergic cough

Allergy is a common type of cough, which for some reason is not given enough attention, but if it is, it will help to get rid of it completely. A child who has recovered from an allergic reaction once will not suffer from it throughout his life.

Allergic cough in children under one year of age is manifested not only by the attacks themselves, but also copious discharge tears, and in some cases - a runny nose. When treating allergies, the most important task is to localize the allergen that is the cause. Very often, such allergens are the baby’s things, for example his bedding, or certain products, consuming food that .

Cough while breastfeeding

What if not only the child but also the nursing mother gets a cold? In this case there arises hot topic“How to treat a cough with breastfeeding? after all, together with nutrients that enter the child's body with milk, it can also get infected with the mother's illness. Experts advise that even if a nursing mother has a cold, breastfeeding should not be stopped, but some recommendations should be followed in order to maximally protect the child from the risk of getting sick. Helps prevent coughing from passing on to baby while breastfeeding gauze bandage which the mother must wear while breastfeeding.

Treatment of cough during breastfeeding in a mother depends on what kind of disease she has. It is preferable to soothe attacks of maternal cough with the help of herbal syrups. These cough medicines for breastfeeding do not contain chemical ingredients, the composition of which can somehow harm the baby by being transferred into his body during feeding.

Cough caused by poor air quality

Many parents, not knowing how to treat a cough in a child under one year old, try to solve the problem by giving him various medications or resorting to traditional medicine. However, parents forget that coughing in infants can be caused by poor air quality in the children's room. Bad air in a child's room acts as an irritant on children's lungs, as a result of which the child may experience severe coughing attacks. In order to eliminate this cause, it is enough to ventilate the room well several times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Fresh air will not only prevent attacks, but will also enrich the child’s body with oxygen, which will have a positive effect on children's sleep. Some indoor plants can help children under one year old from coughing caused by bad air. You just need to make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction to them.

Coughing attacks caused by teething

If a child has been coughing systematically for more than a month, the reason for this may be the beginning of the growth of baby teeth. Usually the growth of the first teeth is accompanied not only by attacks of suffocation, but also by strong emotional shocks of the child, causing crying, and in some cases even a rise in temperature. If the reason is teething, and you don’t know what to give a child under one year old for a cough, then you can try using medicinal baths based on mint, chamomile or motherwort herb.

Such water procedures will have a calming effect on the child’s body, as a result of which he will be able to tolerate the appearance and growth of teeth more restrained. Along with this, the seizures will go away children's cough, which arise due to the child’s confused breathing and spasm during the crying process.

Common causes of cough in one- and two-month-old babies

Although cough in children under one year of age is often caused by the same set of standard causes, they may differ for different age groups. This happens due to some physiological characteristics the child's body during its formation. Let's try to compile a list of the most common factors causing illness by going through age groups babies from a month to a year old, and we will also tell you how to cure a cough in a child up to a year old.

A cough in a one-month-old baby is often caused by the formation of its respiratory system. At this age, systematic attacks are appropriate, of course only if the child is not sick and looks healthy. It should be remembered that cough in a two-month-old baby is most often caused by infectious disease(at this age the initial immune system is just being formed, as a result of which infants extremely susceptible various diseases). In this case, it is better not to delay, but to immediately consult a doctor who will tell you how to treat a cough in a 2-month-old child.

Before starting treatment, your baby must first be properly diagnosed. Modern medical equipment allows, after just a few hours of examination, to identify the causes of disorders in the child’s body. A cough in a child of 2 months (especially dry and prolonged) may indicate the onset of bronchitis, which is extremely dangerous at this age, so you should not delay your visit to the clinic!

Cough in children at 3, 4 and 5 months of age

A cough in a 3-month-old child can be of either a viral or infectious nature. A cough in a 3-month-old child can also be caused by an incorrect lying position. In this case, saliva can accumulate in the child's throat, causing prolonged coughing attacks. If your child is 3 months old and is being bothered by night cough- try placing his head a little higher than body level. To do this, you can use a large pillow, or lay out a special slide of children's clothes and blankets.

A qualified pediatrician knows best how to treat a cough in a 3-month-old baby. Make it a rule, starting from the moment your baby is born, to regularly visit the clinic. By observing the child from the beginning of his life, the doctor will place where more information, as a result of which he will be able to make a diagnosis with higher accuracy.

A cough in a 4-month-old baby is usually triggered by the beginning of the growth of his first teeth. In general, the characteristics of tooth growth are purely individual and manifest themselves differently in different children, but in the vast majority of cases this process occurs between the ages of 4 and 7 months. If a child's cough at 4 months is accompanied by redness and profuse discharge of tears from the eyes, you may be dealing with an incipient allergy attack.

A cough in a 5 month old baby can also be caused by indigestion. In this case, it will also be accompanied by periods of regurgitation. Children's body up to a year - fragile in the formative stage, so the onset of an attack can be caused by any, even the most unobvious reasons.

Cough in children aged 6 to 9 months

A child's cough at 6 months can also be physiological in nature. At this age, children usually cough up to 20 times a day, and coughing attacks can last for 2-5 minutes. If the child has a good appetite, his body temperature is not elevated and his nose is not running - you can stop wondering how to treat such a cough. Such a physiological cough in a child of 6 months is quite common and widespread. If the baby shows some concern with frequent coughing attacks, and its nature resembles a viral or infectious one, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

A cough in a 7-month-old child can be caused by a foreign object getting into the throat. Children at this age already have a fairly well developed grasping reflex and any trinket that falls into the hands of a baby can easily end up in his throat. In this case, the sooner you go to the pediatrics department, the better, because such a cough in a 7-month-old child must be treated promptly. A frightened baby can seriously harm himself by trying to swallow a foreign object lodged in his throat.

Very in rare cases may cause suffocation serious pathologies children's body (heart disease, asthma, gastrointestinal diseases). No one other than the attending physician will tell you how to treat a cough in a 7-month-old child if its cause is pathology, so you should not delay contacting him if you suspect something is wrong.

Treatment of cough caused by ARVI at nine months of age in the vast majority of cases is carried out without the help of medications - this is a fact. The child’s body may simply not cope with the prescribed course, as a result of which the baby may experience complications. Therefore, if your baby is sick, and you don’t know how to treat a cough in a 9-month-old child, you can use folk remedies. For this purpose at 200 mg hot water or milk you need to add a few teaspoons of honey, a couple of cloves of onion or radish. This drink will have a healing effect and also strengthen immune system your baby. The main thing is to check in advance whether your baby is allergic to honey or other components of the recipe.


Yulia Borisovna

immediately read to the end and remember:::: :
Cough is one of the most common complaints of parents of a sick child. The number of cough medicines available and prescribed is in the dozens. However, given unpleasant consequences from the use of these drugs, associated with their side effects and / or overdose, you should clearly understand how much cough medicine is needed and whether your child needs them at all.
So, what is a cough, and why is it needed?
Cough is a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to mechanical, chemical or inflammatory irritation. Cough is used by the child's body as physiological function to clear the respiratory tract of what should not normally be there.
For some pathological conditions(asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.) very much is formed in the respiratory tract a large number of, often, viscous sputum. With the help of cough, the child’s body cleanses Airways, therefore, cough suppression, especially in such situations, can lead to a significant deterioration in the child’s condition.
Many respiratory tract infections are accompanied by a cough that does not require drug treatment and goes away on its own within a fairly short time. The main way to treat such a cough is to drink plenty of fluids and humidify the inhaled air.
The cough reflex in children is innate, however, the ability to cough up phlegm develops with age and reaches an acceptable level by the age of 4-5 years.
In very young children, the nasopharynx is designed in such a way that most of the mucous secretions from a runny nose flow down the back wall throats and falls on vocal cords, irritating them and causing a reflex cough. The same thing happens when teething, when salivation increases (to make it clearer to you, you yourself experience approximately the same sensation when you “choke” on saliva).
Thus, the purpose small child coughing and sputum-thinning medications are not only ineffective, but can also lead to unpleasant consequences.
The main feature of cough medicines is that there are still no real scientific research, which determine the effectiveness and safety of most cough medicines. The doses prescribed for children are in fact extrapolated from adult doses, i.e. the exact dosages for children are unknown and unspecified. Side effects, up to the most severe ones, associated with taking “cough” medications, have been repeatedly described in the specialized literature.
Cough during ARVI is a self-limiting condition that can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids and humidifying the air.
So, dear parents, is it necessary to give a child medications, putting his health at risk where it is quite enough parental love, patience and drinking plenty of fluids?


It’s better to see a doctor, otherwise you might end up with problems

Arkhangelskaya Raya

Drinking warm infusion of licorice is a good expectorant, and the best thing is to call a doctor (on weekends, the one on duty)

Irina Serebryannikova

just ask the doctor

Elena Kislicina

Go to the doctor, tiny baby! Licorice can cause allergies.

Anyuta Semavina

The pharmacy sells “cough medicine” and they make it themselves. The doctor prescribed it for us when we were sick... we were two months old.


Everything related to the health of a child, especially such a baby, is not searched on the Internet. A doctor, and only a doctor.

How to treat a cough in a 3 month old baby?



We must first find out what is causing the cough. if it’s a cold, you can try the traditional medicine, namely a tiny ball of sheep’s fat on gauze and put it on the child’s chest and let it stay like that for a day, under no circumstances bathe the child until he recovers, you can also take a leaf of fresh cabbage in a plate and mix everything in even proportions one at a time a spoonful of honey, vodka and a raw yolk put the voteta on a leaf and attach it to the chest, remove it when the leaf dries if you need to repeat But if I were you, I would definitely CALL THE DOCTOR NOW IT’S SPRING AN ALLERGIC REACTION IS POSSIBLE, especially since the child is small, I see they advise radish to a child at three months old, this is absurd Yes, and with honey, I don’t know how this could be recommended if the child was three years old, I agree the recipe is not bad, but at three months it’s absolutely rare and honey causes bloating. Just imagine what will happen to a three month old baby

Irina Zorina

No self-medication. Call a doctor, because the cause of the cough can be anything.


detskim siropom ot kashlya.


We must first find out what is causing the cough. It could be a cold, or it could be an allergy. It's better to consult a specialist.

Irina Motorina

From traditional medicine: take a black radish, cut out the core and pour honey into the resulting cup. Honey will mix with radish juice, give this syrup. but this is provided there are no allergies. And, of course, it is better to resolve this issue with a doctor. Do not self-medicate your baby. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Smear the back and breast with regular honey overnight, wrapping it in some warm cloth, a flannelette diaper for example. In the morning there will be no trace of honey. You can also draw an iodine mesh, you can alternate every other night, a night with honey, a night with iodine, my mother did this to me, I had constant bronchitis. I also remember when I was three years old, my mother made a tincture, honey + aloe vera juice + lemon juice (some add alcohol, but I wouldn’t give it to a child). This syrup can be sealed in a dark bottle and stored in the refrigerator. Aloe draws out all the phlegm from the lungs.
Be healthy.

Dancing Barefoot

There are such drops of Babix Inhalat - they contain oils, they need to be dripped onto clothes (on the collar). And there is a herbal syrup called GEDELIX. They won't do any harm, I think!
But still consult a doctor so that you don’t have to treat advanced bronchitis or some other problem later!


you need to smear the back, chest and legs with melted goat fat. Be sure to wear socks and cover your chest. Very effective. Get well!!


The doctor prescribed Gedelix for us

How to treat a cough and runny nose in a 5 month old baby....



With such questions, you need to see a doctor, you definitely need to check your lungs. We were 1.5 months old in the hospital with a cough, we were given Lazolvan and Nazivin drops for children under 1 year old, we can also take Vibrocil.

David Papoyan

For Indian cough. Ho drug. Very effective. And now there is a wide choice for colds for infants. Consult your pharmacy.


His cough is from snot. do not treat with anything. snot gets into the throat and they cough. treat your nose. Everything is fine. That's how it should be. rinse with aquamaris and chamomile.

Olga Khodasevich

They say that if you have a runny nose, you can bury your baby’s nose breast milk. It didn't help us. Nazivin was dripping.


cough from a runny nose - because snot flows down and he coughs it up - treat a runny nose with homeopathy


Now there is a huge selection of drops in the pharmacy... but about carrot juice.. . what kind of doctor is this, what kind of wilderness did she come out of?

olga isakova

They dripped baby Nazivin into the nose, and 0.5 teaspoon of plantain syrup for cough 3 times a day. It's sweet so the baby should like it.


We were treated with nosivin
The oral cavity was treated with a chamomile solution using a cotton swab (chamomile is in any case useful even for digestion)
Warm your nose with warm salt in a handkerchief
It is not recommended to drip aloe and kalanchoe juices until one year old (and after a year you still need to dilute them)
and the MOST IMPORTANT thing is if the child is snotty and coughs, he needs VIFERON suppositories (at the pharmacy, tell the age of the baby) they are immunostimulating - they will help against inflammatory processes and strengthen the immune system (it really helped us)

We all know that cough is not a disease, but a symptom of it. Therefore, after eliminating the cause of the disease, this phenomenon goes away on its own. You can explain everything to little children and treat them available means, but what about infants under one year old? You see their shrunken face during the next coughing attack, you want to help him with all your might, but it turns out that many remedies can only be used after six months, so how then to treat the baby? The choice of drugs also depends on what type of cough the child has.

What symptoms of asthmatic cough may be are indicated in this article.

Treatment rules

A cold is accompanied by certain manifestations:

  • In parallel with the cough, a small amount of sputum is released, and the attack lasts a long time and is painful for the baby, this means that inflammation of the upper respiratory organs is occurring.
  • the bubbling sound is rough, this indicates inflammatory processes occurring in the trachea;
  • A short barking attack occurs with laryngitis. Its complication is false croup.

Knowing that there are many causes of children’s cough, you should not independently diagnose your child and prescribe treatment; for this, there are pediatricians who will help with as soon as possible save your little one from trouble.

You can find out what to do when you have a dry cough from the article.

Creating comfortable conditions

First of all, treatment of a child should begin with installation correct mode. You need to pay attention to the baby and play with him more often so that he is a little distracted from the pain caused by a dry cough. The room where the baby stays must be constantly ventilated and its humidity and temperature monitored. To rule out reasons allergic cough All possible irritants must be removed from this area. Give your baby plenty of warm drinks to drink, even if she is breastfed.

From this article it will become clear what to do when a baby has a dry cough without fever.

In the video, Komarovsky’s advice on treating a cough in a 6-month-old child:

What to do. when a child has nasal congestion and a dry cough, as indicated in the article.

Drug treatment

How to treat? All prescribed remedies can be divided into three groups:

  • sedatives that can reduce cough activity;
  • mucolytics, eliminating its manifestation and diluting accumulated viscous sputum;
  • expectorants that help remove mucus from the body.

Some products combine several properties. For example, mucolytic and expectorant. They help transform a cough from a dry form to a productive one.

This article shows how to treat dry, frequent cough in children.


TO sedatives The following medications include:


Glycine improves brain metabolism. pharmachologic effect

It regulates metabolism. Reduces the child's psycho-emotional stress. Normalizes sleep, calms the baby's central nervous system. Has antioxidant and antitoxic effects.

Dosage for children under 3 years of age is prescribed half a tablet, which must first be dissolved in water. It should be given to the child 2 or 3 times a day. This dose must be taken for a week. Then drink 100 mg for the same period of time. General dosage course is a maximum of 2600 mg.

What to do when a child’s wet cough does not go away is indicated in this article.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Pantogam - nootropic drug. Pharmacological action: the product improves mental ability, helps increase the body's resistance to lack of oxygen in tissues. It reduces painful sensations, reduces arterial pressure, complements the effect of barbiturates. Non-toxic.

Dosage: It should be given to the baby after meals. Single dose ranges from 0.25 to 0.5 g. Its daily amount should not exceed 3 grams. The course of treatment can last from 1 to 6 months. Side effects: Allergic reactions such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis or skin rash are possible.

What to do when you have a sore throat and cough after eating, you can find out by reading the article.

Pharmacies sell various teas based on soothing herbs. They are released into a filter - bags or granules. They mainly contain chamomile, mint, lemon balm, fennel, valerian and motherwort. Granular types may be supplemented with sugar or fructose. From the second week of a child’s life, you can give him “Sweet Dreams” tea from Humana, and from six months of age “Babushkino Lukoshko” and “Bebivita”.

Mucolic drugs

The largest group consists of mucolytics. For six-month-old infants you can use:

Sinekod is used for children in the form of syrup or drops. Pharmacological action: affects directly the cough center. Has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. It eliminates acute dry cough, regardless of its nature of origin. The drug can be used by children from two months of age.

Dosage: the medicine must be given to babies before meals, after dissolving ten drops in water. Repeat the intake four times a day. Side effects: May cause diarrhea, allergies, dizziness and nausea.

What to do when you have a sore throat and cough is indicated in this article.


Bronchicum is a combination remedy. Pharmacological action: drug on plant based Excellent help in eliminating unproductive obsessive cough. Main active substance– thyme herb extract. They stimulate an increase in mucus volume, thin it and enhance bronchopulmonary secretion. The medicine has antimicrobial, analgesic and antispasmodic effects. It helps to quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one.

Dosage: Children under one year of age are prescribed half a teaspoon (approximately 2.5 ml). It should be drunk twice a day. Side effects: affects the gastrointestinal tract and can cause dyspepsia, gastritis, nausea. Cause allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, all kinds of swelling.

You can find out what to do when you have a very sore throat and dry cough by reading this article.


Linkas is a herbal preparation. Pharmacological action: it contains ten medicinal herbs: marshmallow flowers, hyssop, violet, licorice rhizomes, etc. It is able to reduce the manifestation of cough and increases its productivity. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant and mucolytic effects on the body.

Dosage: For babies from six months to 1 year, 2.5 ml of the product is prescribed at a time. It should be given to the child three to four times a day. The duration of therapy is from three to seven days.


  1. individual intolerance to the ingredients of the product;
  2. diabetes;
  3. children up to 6 months old.

A child has a long-lasting dry cough without fever, what to do about it. can be found in the article.


Ambrobene - for newly born babies. pharmachologic effect: Effectively used for dry cough. Stimulates the lungs, causing them to increase the secretion of surfactant. And then helps remove it from the body. It has an expectorant, secretolytic and secretomotor effect.

Dosage: for babies it is available in the form of solution and syrup. If the latter is used, then its dose at a time is 2.5 ml, the amount of solution is 1 ml. The child should take the medicine after meals in the morning and evening.


  1. stomach or duodenal ulcer.

When, after proper drug treatment, the cough becomes productive, the pediatrician will prescribe other medications.

Wet cough remedies

A wet cough always begins after a dry one. In this case, antitussive medications are contraindicated, since they do not completely clear the bronchi. Therefore, medications that help remove sputum should be used.


Pertusin is a combination drug. Pharmacological action: stimulates the activity of the bronchial glands, dilutes accumulated mucus, which then clears the throat well. Reduces excitability nervous system, and suppresses coughing attacks.

Dosage: Until the age of two, drink three times a day. At one time 2.5 ml.


  1. hypersensitivity to its ingredients;
  2. heart failure.


Ambroxol is a mucolytic drug. Pharmacological action: This drug dilutes mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract. Facilitates its removal from the bronchi. Dosage: Prescribe 2.5 mg to one-month-old infants after the main feeding twice a day. In parallel with it, it is necessary to give a lot of warm drinks to enhance the effect of use. Course – 5 days.

Side effects: in rare cases, may cause nausea.


Lazolvan contains ambroxol hydrochloride. pharmachologic effect: improves the synthesis of surfactant in the lungs and promotes its rapid removal from the body. It is indispensable for wet cough, as it has an expectorant effect on the respiratory system.

Dosage: syrup can be given to six-month-old children, half a teaspoon. during meals in the morning and evening. You definitely have to drink it warm water or juice. The minimum course of treatment is five days. Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Features of assistance with and without temperature

In babies under six months of age, the cough reflex is a normal manifestation of the body’s protective functions. Thus, in the morning it can get rid of accumulated mucus and foreign particles. Healthy child may cough about a dozen times during the day.

In the video, treatment of a severe cough in a child:

In infants, this figure is slightly higher, as they may cough during feeding. Crying can also cause an attack. A wet cough can also appear during teething. But it does not last more than three days. If your child's appetite has not changed and he sleeps well, then there is nothing to worry about. And when the baby becomes lethargic and capricious, you should call a doctor.

If the child's bubbling is not accompanied by a fever, and there are no signs of a cold, then perhaps some foreign object has entered the baby's mouth. Therefore, it is worth testing this assumption. In the event of a sudden attack of coughing with suffocation, the child should immediately be placed on your knee and turned head down, and then light blows in the area between the shoulder blades you can get rid of a foreign object.

When coughing with a temperature, you cannot bring it down; the child’s body fights on its own until it reaches 38 oC. It is necessary to check its indicator several times a day. At night, you can rub your baby with a weak vodka solution and cover him with a diaper, he will sweat and the temperature will subside. But it is best to call a pediatrician after a high temperature appears.

Six-month-old babies are very difficult to treat; they cannot say what hurts them. Therefore, it is necessary that the baby be examined by a doctor; in no case should you carry out treatment on your own without his prescription, so as not to aggravate the situation.

A cough in a one-month-old baby is a dangerous symptom; it can cause the voice to deepen, vomiting, constant worry, sleep is disturbed, the disease is quite severe. It is important to find out the cause of the appearance in time and begin a course of treatment; often a cough in a month-old baby can severe cases lead to respiratory failure, suffocation and death.

What causes a cough in a one-month-old baby?

cough small child are symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection, first the nasopharynx becomes inflamed, then the process moves to the area of ​​the trachea, larynx, bronchus, and lungs.

Often, a month-old baby's ENT organs become inflamed - pharynx, nose, nasal paranasal sinuses, a cough may indicate adenoids. It can be one of the symptoms of a beginner, because of this a person has an attack of suffocation.

In a one-month-old baby, a cough may indicate that he has inhaled some foreign body, it has ended up in the bronchi, this is life-threatening, and urgent medical attention is needed.

A cough is often a symptom of problems with the stomach, intestines, or heart. Also in one month old babies coughing provoked by an unfavorable environmental situation - inhalation of cigarette smoke, a heavily polluted area, also due to dry indoor air.

Rarely does a month-old baby develop a cough due to pathological processes in the external ear canal, an inflammatory process in the middle ear, also of a psychological nature.

A dry cough may appear due to a lack of sputum, and inflammation upper sections in the respiratory tract. If a one-month-old child has an inflamed trachea, the cough is rough and may be barking; it appears due to an inflammatory process in the larynx. This disease is very dangerous; in the future there may be laryngeal stenosis, and the upper respiratory tract will sharply narrow. The child cannot breathe fully; in this situation, it is important to urgently consult a therapist.

3. Cough can be in the form of attacks.

4. Blood is visible in the sputum or it turns green.

5. The cough does not go away for more than three weeks.

Urgently call an ambulance if a month-old baby’s body temperature rises and it is difficult for him to breathe. A cough in a one-month-old baby may indicate serious illness internal organs, so it is important to be examined on time. Often, a month-old baby may choke on milk; this can also be dangerous; if it gets into the lungs, the baby may choke.

If the child’s cough bothers him at night and is dry, this is dangerous and may indicate that the baby has tuberculosis or inside the chest.

Treatment of cough in a one-month-old baby

Please note that cough in young children is quite difficult to treat; many medications are prohibited for them because they can lead to serious pathological processes in the area of ​​the liver, stomach, intestines. Also often different drugs can cause a serious allergic reaction and dysbacteriosis, so you need to carefully monitor the child’s reaction to different groups of drugs.

Also, when treating a cough in a one-month-old baby, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

1. Monitor the humidity in the room. The air during illness should not be dry; use a humidifier.

2. Ventilate the room as often as possible; often, due to lack of fresh air, the child cannot recover.

3. Perform a gentle massage, so the sputum can be removed faster, and the child will feel much better.

4. The child should drink as much fluid as possible, especially during pregnancy, so that the body does not become dehydrated.

5. You can rub a thin layer of goat fat on the child’s back, chest, heels, put something warm on him, he should go to bed. Please note that this remedy can be used if there is no fever.

6. When there is no fever, you need to walk in the fresh air as much as possible, the lungs can fully open and become stronger.

If a one-month-old baby has a wet cough, the doctor can prescribe herbal syrups - Prospan, Gedelix, which can be used to thin the sputum. In cases of dry cough, Stodal is prescribed.

A special patch will help alleviate the child’s condition; it is attached to clothing and contains a large amount of medicinal herbs, they have a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the larynx and nose. Sprays cannot be used one month old baby, they can cause the child to suffocate. In cases of severe inflammation, Tantum Verde is prescribed; it can be used to relieve pain.

So, a cough in a one-month-old baby can be a life-threatening symptom for the baby. Therefore, mothers should forget about self-medication methods and folk medicine, you must immediately call your doctor so as not to aggravate the disease. Due to the fact that the child will not dispel the reflex that will help cough up phlegm, you need to help the baby get rid of it, to do this, gently tap on the back, while the child must be placed on your lap upside down. This is an effective cough remedy.

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