Rhodiola rosea (golden root): collection, preparation, use, recipes, medicinal properties and contraindications. Rhodiola rosea – medicinal properties and how to take it

Syn: golden root.

A perennial herbaceous plant with a thick rhizome. Used as a stimulant to improve physical, mental performance and the body's immunity.

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Flower formula

Rhodiola rosea flower formula: *♂Х4Л4Т∞П0; *♀CH4L4T0P(5).

In medicine

Empty your intestines, drink "" - a natural laxative collection of medicinal herbs. Acts quickly, but gently!

In medicine, rhizomes and roots of Rhodiola are used for neuroses. Drugs based on them normalize the excitatory and inhibitory processes of the central nervous system, improve the condition of patients, they become calmer, disappear discomfort in the heart area, blood pressure and sleep are normalized, and appetite improves. The extract of rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea, produced by the pharmaceutical industry, is superior in effectiveness to many stimulants, for example from Schisandra, Eleutherococcus, and Aralia. At the same time, it is low-toxic, non-addictive and helps with stomach diseases, fibroadenoma, malaria, impotence, accelerates metabolism, enhances functions thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver. Golden root stabilizes nitrogen metabolism, increases blood glucose levels, promoting long-term energy conservation. It is recommended for patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia and hypotension. Also, preparations from Rhodiola rosea are recommended for healthy people to take in the form of tea in case of rapid fatigue and decreased performance, to restore strength after physical activity And serious illnesses. Externally, the extract is used as a highly effective wound healing agent, as an ointment for pyorrhea, cuts, rinsing infusions for infectious diseases throat.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations of Rhodiola rosea root are not recommended for use at elevated blood pressure or temperature, as well as with strong emotional arousal: emotions may intensify, and the drug will not have the desired effect. In this case, it is better to rest first, and then take a few drops of tincture or drink freshly brewed tea with golden root (Rhodiola rosea).

In cosmetology

Clinical medical studies have proven that Rhodiola extract has a positive effect on sensitive and aging skin. Creams with Rhodiola rosea extracts have pronounced stimulating and adaptogenic properties. By slowing down the aging process, they increase resistance and resilience skin to X-ray and ionizing radiation, toxic chemical compounds, pathogenic microorganisms, etc., stimulate metabolic processes in tissues and their regeneration, restore and tone the skin, improve cellular respiration, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. After use cosmetics based on golden root (Rhodiola rosea), the general condition of the skin improves, its aging slows down, the skin rejuvenates, dryness disappears, a feeling of comfort appears, and the level of depression decreases. Fragrance oil Rhodiola rosea rhizomes are used in perfumery and cosmetology as tonic additives in creams, lotions and masks. In dermatology, radiola rosea is used orally for baldness, pustular skin diseases, psoriasis, and lichen planus.

Sports nutrition

In bodybuilding, Rhodiola rosea is used because great content active ingredients - rhodosin and rhodioliside, which are the strongest adaptogens.

In some countries these substances are released into pure form and are available in tablets. They have a strong effect on striated muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle. Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase.

In production

Rhodiola rhizomes and roots are used to produce non-alcoholic tonic drinks.


Rhodiola rosea (golden root, pink root) (lat. Rhodiola rosea), a species of the genus Rhodiola (lat. Rhodiola) of the Crassulaceae family (lat. Crassulaceae). Included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Botanical description

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick rhizome that turns into a fleshy root. The rhizome is covered with exfoliating bark of a bronze-brownish-gray color. Non-branching straight stems, 25 to 65 cm high at the base, are covered with scale-like leaves. The stem leaves are green, alternate, sessile, elliptical or oblong, with an unequally toothed edge or almost entire. At the ends of the stems, apical corymbose inflorescences grow. The plant is dioecious. Unisexual small four-membered flowers, collected in multi-flowered corymbose inflorescences, are yellow or greenish in color. The formula of Rhodiola rosea flower is *♂Х4Л4Т∞П0; *♀CH4L4T0P(5).

Rhodiola fruits have reddish or yellow-green leaflets. Golden root (Rhodiola rosea) blooms in June-August, the fruits ripen in July-September. Propagated by seeds and pieces of rhizomes.


Grows in the polar-arctic and alpine regions, in Altai, in the Kuznetsk Alatau mountains, in the Urals, in Irkutsk region, Transbaikalia, on the Chukotka Peninsula. IN natural conditions grows in the north of the European part of Russia and Siberia. In the middle zone it is successfully grown as a medicinal plant in suburban areas.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

Rhodiola rhizomes and roots are harvested from plants with more than 2 stems after the seeds have ripened. The rhizomes, extracted and cleaned from the ground, are washed in running cold water, then cleaned of exfoliated bark and rotten parts, and the stems are cut off. The rhizomes are cut into fragments from 2 to 10 cm long and placed in dryers at a temperature of 50 - 60 ° C, or dried on a stove or in an oven. It is not recommended to dry rhizomes in the sun. If you scrape the dried root, the lemon-yellow color of the cork is visible; when broken, it is pinkish-brown, with a smell slightly reminiscent of a rose. The taste of dried rhizomes is bitter and astringent. After drying, the raw materials are stored in a dry, ventilated area for up to 3 years. After harvesting, this site is not used for 10-15 years.

Chemical composition

The roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea contain flavonoids, phenolic glycosides, salidrosides, anthraglycosides, tannins (15.6%), organic acids - gallic, oxalic, succinic, citric, malic and lactone substances, essential oil and a large amount of manganese. The essential oil contains phenylethyl alcohol, P-phenylethyl acetate, cinnamaldehyde and citral.

Pharmacological properties

Rhodiola rosea preparations normalize the activity of the central nervous system in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, schizophrenia, neuroses, neurasthenia, hypotension, and fatigue. In case of an overdose, the opposite effect is observed - decreased performance, drowsiness. Rhodiola rosea has antituberculosis and antitumor activity, increases the oxygen content in the cells of all organs and tissues, which generally determines its high therapeutic effect.

Rhodiola rosea extract: the raw materials are infused with 40% alcohol or vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 10-20 days.
Tincture: 50 g of crushed rhizomes are poured into 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol, left for 2 weeks in a warm, darkened room. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Tea: One teaspoon of crushed rhizomes is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, left at room temperature for 30-40 minutes and drunk 1-2 glasses a day, adding sugar or honey to taste. Rhodiola tea tones the body and restores metabolism.

Use in folk medicine

Traditional healers It is recommended to take Rhodiola rosea in the form of medicinal infusions for heart weakness, frequent colds, to relieve fatigue, improve performance, and also for disorders gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding and feverish conditions. Externally, a decoction and infusion of Rhodiola is used for seborrheic dermatitis, swelling, acne, and sweating. In the form of lotions and rinses, they are used to smooth out wrinkles on the face and neck. But most often the golden root was used in everyday life among the peoples of Altai not in the form of a tincture, but in the form of an aqueous extract - a healthy and tonic tea. Golden root drink has excellent taste qualities, has a very subtle pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a rose. Its taste is slightly astringent, and its color ranges from pinkish-brown to deep purple.

Historical reference

In ancient times, Chinese emperors equipped expeditions to Altai for the Golden Root (Rhodiola rosea). In addition, entire squads of smugglers were exclusively engaged in transporting this valuable drug across the border. The root of Rhodiola rosea was extremely rare and its price was several times higher than the price of gold. An old Altai proverb said: “Whoever finds a golden root will live 120 years, will be healthy, rich and happy.” In Altai, there were many legends around this plant; the places where it grew were surrounded by secrets and hidden from outsiders. And only relatively recently, in 1961, one of the expeditions of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences managed to find a golden root in the Altai mountain taiga.


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  1. Kurkin V. A., Zapesochnaya G. G., Shchavlinsky A. N. Flavonoids of the aerial part of Rhodiola rosea L/// Chemistry of natural compounds, 1984. No. 5, pp. 657-658
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Rhodiola rosea is otherwise called poetically - golden root. This is not without reason, since the root of this plant brings many benefits to people, and, unlike other roots of many plants, it smells very pleasant. Its aroma is reminiscent of a rose.

What does golden root look like?

Radiola is a perennial. It is a herbaceous plant, not growing more than half a meter. But it sits firmly in the ground, as it has a powerful rhizome and fleshy thick roots. The stems of the plant are erect, and the leaves with unequal teeth are cup-shaped, mostly oblong or resemble an ellipse. At the top of the stem the leaves are always dark green. The stem is crowned with an inflorescence. The flowers of the golden root correspond to the name - they have a yellow color with a golden tint. Collected in a corymbose inflorescence, very small in diameter.

All the flowers of the plant are only unisexual, and the fruits are leaflets of various colors - both yellow-green and red. It blooms all summer long, and fruits appear in August. Rhodiola feels more comfortable on rocky soil - where there is rocky and mountainous terrain, but it is also comfortable in the flat tundra, near the banks of mountain streams.

How to Replenish Rhodiola at Home

In order to have a supply of this plant, valuable for its medicinal qualities, it is most often cultivated. For these purposes, the Rhodiola genus must be continued using seeds. They are sown at late autumn period or in winter. Before planting the sprouts in the ground, they are grown from seeds in pots or boxes, be sure to put expanded clay on the bottom, feeding nutrients and making sure there is good access to fresh air.

Before planting the seeds, it is necessary to water the prepared soil very weak solution potassium permanganate. When the seeds are in the ground, you need to press them a little, and add a layer of sand on top, but a very small one - about 2 mm. You can keep it on the balcony or in the yard, but be sure to cover it with a special film and do not forget to watch the growth of Rhodiola.

When March comes, the plant can be brought into a room where it is warm enough and very light. If all conditions are met, then in a few days the first shoots will appear. All that remains is to water them periodically and wait until two leaves form before immediately planting them in open ground. Professional gardeners advise replanting to be done with a thin wooden stick, which is used to pry up the young plant. Then the plant is transferred to a hole made in advance.

You can use a 2-year-old root for propagation. It was at this age that he had already gained strength and weighs about 30 grams. The root system is cut into two parts. It is advisable to treat each cut area with ash. You need to prepare the holes, for which humus is placed in the dug hole. By placing part of the rhizome in the ground, on top, to good growth, you need to pour humus. When planting, be sure to ensure that the renewal buds are not hidden in the ground. After watering the planted roots, it will be necessary to mulch using peat.

How to prepare Rhodiola?

The roots and rhizomes of the plant are used as healing raw materials. The root has a golden color, and if you cut it, it turns out that it is white inside. But after it dries in the cut form, all the pieces turn pink.

Since the time of growth and flowering of Rhodiola is summer, it means that the roots are collected and dried during this period. The best time to go harvesting is in August and early September. This time is the most favorable because by this period the seeds have ripened, and all the nutrients and beneficial substances from the stem go to the root system. If Rhodiola is not grown at home, then you can find it in sparse coniferous forests, but most often it is found in rock crevices, near mountain rivers and lakes.

Herbalists do not advise touching young plants, explaining that:

  1. They have not yet gained enough strength to withstand the violence when part of their root system is removed, and may die or take a very long time to recover.
  2. They don't have them yet significant amount valuable substances, therefore the healing properties are reduced.

To understand which plants are needed for harvesting, you need to pay attention to large plants. And be sure to remove only part of the roots.

If dried correctly, Rhodiola will be beneficial!

Each extracted root must be washed under running water and checked for damage. If there are parts that are already dying, they need to be removed, as well as the old plug. The correct drying process takes place in two stages, but it does not take more than two days.

  1. The place for the roots should be protected from the sun and wind. Drafts can have a detrimental effect on the quality of raw materials. The harvest is laid out on a clean canvas or white paper, where it will lie for a day. It is necessary to turn the roots over. If the air temperature is reduced at night, it is better not to leave it outside, but to bring it indoors and cover it with film.
  2. The next procedure is to cut the rhizomes and place them on fireproof sheets and place them in the oven. It is advisable to keep the door slightly open to reduce humidity. After a few hours, when the roots turn pink, medicinal plant ready to use.

You also need to dry according to the rules! Only in properly processed Rhodiola will everything remain useful elements and vitamins. But you also need to store it correctly. The plant should be given a place with little humidity and quite dark. You need to make sure that the roots are not exposed to temperature changes and changes in humidity levels, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate and become moldy.

Store securely in closed glass jars. If the roots begin to deteriorate, you need to spread them on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven for several hours at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

On a note! Can be stored in dried roots only for two years useful qualities, then they are lost forever.

Rhodiola protects people's health!

Rhodiola was introduced into official medicine not so long ago, also using roots and rhizomes. All prepared preparations have stimulating and adaptogenic properties.

The most important properties of Rhodiola are its adaptogenic qualities. This means that by taking any remedy that contains Rhodiola, the body has the opportunity to adapt to a wide variety of negative influences without stress. Thanks to golden root, a person significantly increases:

  • endurance;
  • productivity at work;
  • vitality;
  • activity and energy;
  • concentration of attention.

Taking various remedies prepared from this amazing root Pink colour, many metabolic processes are normalized, energy metabolism in the brain and muscles improves. After a course of therapy with Rhodiola, the body can spend its energy resources more economically, and if necessary, quickly restore them. The plant stimulates mental capacity and improves memory.

Doctors use Rhodiola for:

  • functional diseases of the nervous system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • exhaustion - nervous or physical;
  • hypotension;
  • neurasthenia;
  • impotence;
  • amenorrhea;
  • liver diseases;
  • periodontal disease.

But even completely healthy people do not refuse the plant, since Rhodiola increases performance and is a good prophylactic against asthenia.

Herbalists make more extensive use of the qualities of golden root, so they advise taking Rhodiola as a medicine for the following ailments:

By many beneficial properties Rhodiola root owes a large amount of vitamins, especially C and PP, tannins, various acids and essential oil. All these substances, when entering the human body, can normalize low blood pressure, improve heart function and help improve the secretion of bile.

Prepared decoctions and tinctures of Rhodiola rosea increase appetite and have an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

Golden root is one of those rare plants that are recommended for people exposed to radiation. The drug should be taken primarily by those who have acute and chronic pathologies. You will need the remedy if frostbite or overheating occurs. And after therapy with this plant, wounds will heal faster, bones will soon grow together, hearing will become sharper, and vision will be sharper.

For patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, there is also a course of therapy, which necessarily includes Rhodiola.

The plant is used for scurvy and gout, sore throat and menorrhagia.

But Rhodiola is not only taken internally as a medicine or tonic. External use is also widely used. These are mainly baths, compresses and lotions.

External use of the plant is more effective if a rash or abscess occurs on the skin. Conjunctivitis is treated with the same method. Golden root juice is used to lubricate the gums during the inflammatory process or to cleanse wounds on the skin.

What are the most popular recipes?

  1. First of all, Rhodiola is used as a stimulant and adaptogen, including in one’s diet. The drink is prepared as follows: pour a teaspoon of root with a liter of water and boil for 7 – 10 minutes. The mixture is infused for 40 minutes. Drink 2-3 glasses a day, adding sugar or honey to taste.
  2. To increase performance, increase physical and mental strength, drink Rhodiola extract. The dose can be from 5 to 25 drops. Drink 30 minutes before meals 2 or 3 times a day for a month.
  3. This remedy can be offered as a tonic drink. 10 gr. Infuse the root in 500 ml of water. You should drink 2-3 times a day, 15 ml.
  4. If your loosened gums hurt and bleed, you can correct the situation by taking this medicine. A 10% tincture of raw or dry root is used, which is infused with 40% alcohol. Should be kept for 2 - 3 weeks. dark place, shaking occasionally. It is necessary to lubricate the affected gums several times a day. This same remedy is very useful for sore throat. But then you need to gargle with the product made according to this recipe.
  5. The following recipe will be especially important for those who eat poorly. To improve appetite, as well as for amenorrhea and stomach problems, make this tincture. The roots are finely ground to a powder. For 50 gr. take two glasses of vodka. All components are placed in a glass jar. Leave for two weeks, shaking the container from time to time. The tincture will need to be strained and then drunk 30 minutes before meals, measuring a dose of 20 - 30 drops. Repeat therapy three times a day. If a person suffers from hypotension, it is not recommended to take it immediately large dose. It is advisable to start with 5 drops, gradually increasing it to only 10 drops.
  6. Ailments associated with the heart and gastrointestinal tract, or colds can be treated with this infusion. 10 gr. pour a glass of boiling water over the roots. The mixture is infused for 4 hours, after which it should be strained. Daily norm– this is 100 ml three times. This remedy is also suitable for those who have been diagnosed with diseases associated with the nervous system.
  7. Rhodiola also actively fights problems associated with sexual weakness in men, and doctors offer simple methods. One of them. 15 gr. roots should be crushed and pour 250 grams. boiling water The medicine must be infused for at least three hours. After straining, you can drink. A single dose is 100 ml, you need to drink three times a day.
  8. To stop the bleeding that occurs, you can do the following remedy. Take a tablespoon of finely chopped root and pour a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for an hour, but a prerequisite is that it is tightly closed. Take a tablespoon up to 4 times a day.
  9. To make the blood vessels stronger and more resilient, and to fill the body with vitamins, such a drink is prepared. Golden root is mixed in equal proportions with rose hips and black currants. You can replace currants with rowan berries. 2 teaspoons of the collection are infused in 5.5 liters of boiling water. Drink 3-4 times a day, 100 grams.

Reduced immunity can be restored if you use several medicinal plants:

  • 20 gr. rhodiola and zamanika roots, rose hips;
  • 15 gr. nettle leaves and hawthorn fruits;
  • 10 gr. St. John's wort herb.

All herbs and fruits must be chopped. They must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. Now a tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. The mixture should stand on the fire for 10 minutes. Afterwards, the medicine should stand for four hours in a warm place, tightly closed. When it has brewed well, filter it and add 200 ml of boiling water. The daily norm is three times 70 ml. Having made such a remedy, you can also use it externally in the form of lotions or compresses on inflamed areas skin or in areas where acne or rashes have accumulated.

Restrictions on using Rhodiola rosea for medicinal purposes

Rhodiola has too strong an effect. It has a rapid effect on various systems of the body, therefore, when preparing recipes or drinking ready-made solutions and preparations, it is always necessary to observe the dosage and constantly adhere to the required recommendations. Only then will the body be strong and healthy.

However, its drugs are contraindicated in cases of too pronounced agitation, as well as in hypertension, chronic insomnia and febrile conditions.

It should be borne in mind that golden root normalizes blood pressure only in cases where it is low. The most dangerous situation develops if a person uses Rhodiola during a hypertensive crisis.

Since the root has a stimulating effect, an excessive dose can have an overly stimulating effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems and cause pathological phenomena.

Do not exceed the dose before an exam or responsible work that requires attention. Otherwise, headaches may occur.

For children under 12 years of age, doctors do not recommend medications containing Rhodiola. Neither decoctions nor tinctures should be used, since a strong effect on a fragile body can lead to dangerous consequences. May arise skin redness and rashes, nausea and vomiting, headaches, excessive excitability, hysterical behavior.

Video: medicinal properties of Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea- Rhodiola rosea L., 1753. R. minor Mill., 1768. R. odorata Lam., 1778. R. odora Salisb., 1796. Sedum rosea (L.) Scop., 1771.S. rhodiola DC., 1805. Sedum dioicum Stokes, 1812. Rhodiola skopolii A. Kerner ex Simonkai, 1896. Tetradium odoratum Dulac, 1867

Description: Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, is one of the most popular medicinal plants. It contains substances that stimulate nervous system and having adaptogenic properties, i.e. increasing the human body’s resistance to adverse effects.

Rhodiola rosea (Phodiola rosea) - perennial herbaceous dioecious plant . It has a thick, shortened rhizome with a large number of renewal buds and few roots. The rhizome is characterized by a golden sheen and, when the outer layer is scraped off, a lemon-yellow color.

The stems and leaves of Rhodiola rosea are juicy and fleshy, like all plants of the Crassulaceae family. There are several stems, sometimes even up to a hundred, they are erect, not branched, 10-40 and up to 60 cm tall. Leaves are sessile, alternate, oblong-ovate, pointed, entire, 0.7-3.5 cm long and 0.5-1.5 cm wide, the upper ones are often larger than the lower ones. The flowers are unisexual, small, yellow, four-membered, collected in dense corymbose inflorescences at the top of the stem. Female and male flowers are located on different individuals. The fruits are leaflets 6-8 mm long, turning red in autumn. The seeds are very small. The plant was first described in the 1st century AD. e. doctor Dioscorides. The scientific name was given by Carl Linnaeus in 1755, the specific name is rosea- the plant got it because the smell of freshly broken rhizomes is a little reminiscent of the smell of a rose.

Rhodiola rosea is a widespread and very polymorphic species, i.e. morphological characteristics of this plant in different places habitats vary greatly. In our country, Rhodiola rosea is found most often in the mountains of southern Siberia: in the Altai, in the Sayan Mountains, in the mountains of Tuva and Transbaikalia, less often in the Far North of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Yakutia, in Far East up to Kamchatka and Sakhalin. It grows mainly at altitudes from 1500 to 2700 m above sea level on slopes of all exposures in various environmental conditions. On upper limit Its distribution is found directly near glaciers, in the lower part - in the forest belt. Best conditions for Rhodiola to live - places with abundant flowing moisture in the valleys of mountain streams and rivers, rocky shores, pebbles, lake shores, wet alpine and subalpine meadows. There, Rhodiola forms extensive thickets and dominates among other plants. In drier places, for example, in sparse cedar and larch subalpine woodlands, in thickets of subalpine shrubs, Rhodiola is less common.

Golden root is known in Altai as a remedy that increases human stamina and performance. Shepherds and hunters have long been drinking tea during difficult treks through the mountains, using dried rhodiola root as tea leaves. In general, this plant was used for many diseases, but the methods of treatment were kept secret. An ancient Altai belief says: whoever finds a golden root will be lucky and healthy until the end of his days, and will live for two centuries. Rhodiola rosea is widely used in oriental medicine; it is even called “Tibetan ginseng.”

Chemical research of Rhodiola rosea and the study of the effects of its preparations on humans began in 1961 in Tomsk medical institute and the Biological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The stimulating and tonic properties of Rhodiola preparations have been proven by animal experiments and clinical observations. Basics active substance, on which the specific properties of Rhodiola rosea depend, is the phenolic glycoside rhodioloside. Since 1975, the Pharmacological Committee of the USSR Ministry of Health has approved the release of the drug “Rhodiola extract liquid”. It is prescribed as a stimulant and adaptogenic agent to increase mental and physical performance in practically healthy people and for treatment functional diseases nervous system. Rhodiola extract is contraindicated for severe severe symptoms increased nervous excitability and exhaustion of the cortical cells of the brain, feverish states, hypertensive crises. Rhodiola rosea is also used to produce tonics. soft drinks, healing balms.

Previously, the reserves of raw materials of Rhodiola rosea in our country were significant. However, unorganized and haphazard collections, often simply the barbaric destruction of this plant, have led to the fact that natural reserves have greatly decreased or even disappeared completely in some regions, especially in Altai. Rhodiola rosea is listed in the Red Book "Wild Species of the USSR Flora in Need of Protection", in the regional Red Book "Rare and Endangered Plants of Siberia", in the Red Book of the Kazakh SSR.

It takes 15-20 years to restore Rhodiola thickets. Scientists recommend creating special reserves and industrial plantations of the plant and strictly observing harvesting rules. In Gorny Altai (Altai Republic), harvesting of Rhodiola rosea is strictly regulated and carried out under licenses from the Republican Committee for Nature Conservation.

Rhodiola rosea grows well in culture, but it is not grown on an industrial scale. It has been established that in culture percentage active substances in Rhodiola decreases, but the mass of rhizomes, the number of renewal buds formed on the rhizomes, and the number of seeds increase. So the overall biological productivity of Rhodiola in culture compensates for the decrease in the percentage of active substances. Amateur gardeners successfully grow Rhodiola in gardens and personal plots in many regions of Russia.

Rhodiola rosea
Photo by Yuri Ovchinnikov

Location: open sunny area.

The soil: Rhodiola rosea grows well in ordinary garden soil with good drainage; light sandy soils are best for it. If the soils are heavy and clayey, it is recommended to add sand (up to 10 kg per 1 m2).

Care: For successful development Rhodiola rosea requires uniform, sufficient watering. In nature, Rhodiola rhizomes are subject to natural siltation, but in culture the rhizomes often bulge above the soil surface. Therefore, it is necessary to add soil around Rhodiola several times during the summer or simply hill up the plants a little.

Diseases and pests: bergenia weevil, sedum weevil

Reproduction: seeds and vegetatively. Plant segments of rhizomes 5-6 cm long with 2-3 renewal buds, while (very important!) they are not buried more than 1-1.5 cm. We must remember that Rhodiola is a dioecious plant. Therefore, if you purchased one specimen and propagated it vegetatively, you will end up with either only male or only female plants, and, of course, no seeds.

Most often, Rhodiola is propagated by seeds. Unstratified seeds have low germination or do not germinate at all. It is best to sow seeds before winter, in October. For spring sowing, stratification is required at a temperature of 0-2 "C for one month. To do this, the seeds can be mixed with sand, placed in a box, and the box buried in snow. Another option is stratification of seeds in a home refrigerator. They must be wrapped in cotton cloth or gauze, moisten, put in a bowl and put in the refrigerator. Treating the seeds with a 0.1% solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate for 24 hours immediately after stratification increases germination. After such treatment, the seeds should be sown immediately, avoiding drying out. When sowing in the spring with stratified seeds, seedlings appear very quickly, after a few days, but germination requires a temperature of 15-20 ° C. Rhodiola seeds are very small, so it is better to mix the seeds with sand before sowing and do not plant them, but only roll them on top. The seeds can be sown immediately into the ground or into boxes, from which the plants are then planted into the ground.Before sowing, the ground must be very carefully cleared of weeds. The fact is that Rhodiola seedlings are tiny and develop slowly in the first year. Young seedlings need to be shaded and watered. By the end of the first year of life, the plants form a stem 8-12 cm in height. In August or next spring, Rhodiola can be planted at a distance of 60-70 cm between rows and 30-40 cm between plants in rows. Plants grown from seeds bloom in the 2-3rd year. Rhodiola rosea blooms in central Russia in the second half of May, early June, the seeds ripen at the end of June, in July.

Rhodiola rosea
Photo by Yuri Ovchinnikov

Usage: Preparation of rhizomes begins no earlier than 3-4 years after sowing, and this is usually done in August-September. The dug up rhizomes with roots are first cleared of soil, washed in running water and dried in the shade. Then the rhizomes are cut into pieces 2-5 cm long and placed in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 °C. Drying in the sun is not recommended. Properly dried Rhodiola rhizome is white or pinkish at the fracture, but not brown. The shelf life of dried raw materials is 3 years.

Tincture recipe: for preparation, take 50 g of dry root per 0.5 liter. vodka and leave for 2-3 weeks, always in a dark place. The tincture is also stored in a dark place. Take 10-12 drops in the morning and at lunch for 20-30 minutes. before meals. You should not take the tincture at night, as active substances have a tonic effect.

IN last years Rhodiola rosea is grown in individual plots not only for medicinal purposes, but also as an ornamental plant for alpine hills, rockeries, and in various flower beds. Many amateur gardeners purchase Rhodiola rosea planting material at markets. Please note that sometimes some types of sedums are sold there instead of plants, such as large sedum (Sedum maximum). Rhodiola rosea is easy to distinguish. Just in case, I repeat: the outer layer of the rhizome of real Rhodiola rosea has a characteristic golden or simply metallic sheen, and when this outer layer is scraped off, a lemon-yellow corky layer is revealed, and the smell of the freshly broken rhizome is a little reminiscent of the smell of a rose.

Kurganskaya S. “Golden root” // “In the world of plants” - 2000 - No. 11.

Traditional healers claim that thanks to the beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea, almost everything can be healed. existing diseases. Of course, this is a gross exaggeration, but unique plant can really help with a lot of things pathological processes. The plant can be grown, harvested and turned into medicine yourself. If this is not possible, just visit the nearest pharmacy and purchase a ready-made tincture. The main thing to remember is natural preparation in some cases it is not able to replace traditional treatment, so there is no need to go to extremes.

Rhodiola rosea - description and characteristics

Belonging to the group of perennial herbaceous plants, Rhodiola rosea can reach 1 m in height. Despite the name, it blooms mainly bright yellow flowers. In traditional and folk medicine, the root of the plant has gained the greatest popularity. It grows horizontally to the surface of the earth and after some time becomes woody. Outwardly, it appears bronze or even gold-plated, for which Rhodiola received popular name"Golden root".

The optimal conditions for plant growth and development are the tundra climate. Therefore, there are not many natural distribution areas for Rhodiola. If you wish, you can try to grow it yourself, providing it with pebbly or rocky soil. Required terms are the close location of the reservoir and good soil drainage.

Features of collecting and preparing Rhodiola rosea

Today, Rhodiola rosea is listed in the Red Book, so the use of naturally growing plantations is limited. For pharmacology, golden root is grown in special farms. True, as some experts in traditional medicines say, only those grown in natural conditions the plant has all the beneficial properties for which it is so valued.

Specialists and amateur gardeners involved in the cultivation of Rhodiola rosea know that:

  • The herbaceous part of the plant is edible. It can be used to prepare salads.
  • The root should be used for medicinal purposes. A few years ago, it was customary to collect it from the moment it begins to flower until the seeds ripen. Today, experts recommend doing this at the end of August, when the seed boxes have already formed on the bushes. This allows you to harvest 20 times more than before.

Advice: It is strictly forbidden to constantly collect raw materials in the same area. After harvesting, you should wait at least 10 years before reapproaching. This time is necessary for the population to recover.

  • It is recommended to use the largest and most lush flower bushes for harvesting.
  • The golden root should be extracted from the ground as completely as possible, the soil should be removed, and the workpiece should be washed under running water. After this, the cork part is removed from them, and large pieces are divided into smaller ones. After the products have spent several hours in the fresh air, you can begin to dry them naturally under a canopy or use an electric dryer.

Compliance with the listed rules allows you to count on obtaining raw materials that are maximally rich in beneficial properties. It can then be used to prepare tinctures or decoctions.

Composition of Rhodiola rosea and its properties

Rhodiola rosea has long been used as a traditional medicine, but only recent research has made it possible to fully understand its composition. Scientists have identified about 140 organic compounds, capable of affecting the human body therapeutic effect. Many of these substances are extremely difficult to find in nature in such an accessible form.

Here are just the most basic chemical compounds that deserve special attention:

  1. Phenol alcohols. They activate the activity of the nervous system, thanks to which antibodies quickly find pathogenic viruses and bacteria and neutralize them.
  2. Tannins. These substances are famous for their ability to suppress inflammatory processes.
  3. Glycosides. Without these chemical elements the flow of redox reactions at the cellular level is impossible. They also take part in the transport of sugar and increase the functionality of cells.
  4. Kaempferol. Fights inflammatory processes, prevents the development of heart, kidney, and liver diseases. This significantly increases human life expectancy.
  5. Hyperoside. A unique substance that can restore the structure of the walls blood vessels to optimal performance. They also relieve muscle spasms vascular walls and accelerate the process of stopping blood during bleeding.
  6. Quercetin. This chemical compound is famous for its diuretic properties, due to which the body is cleansed and its general condition improves. At the same time, the aging processes of the walls of internal organs and skin are slowed down.

In addition, Rhodiola rosea root contains essential oils, sugars, organic acids and flavonoids. This combination of substances and chemical compounds gives the product amazing healing properties.

Benefits and medicinal qualities of Rhodiola rosea

The use of Rhodiola rosea for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes can lead to dozens of positive results. Here are just some of the properties of the product that give it significant value in the eyes of traditional doctors and traditional healers.

  • Strengthening the heart muscle, normalization blood pressure without sharp jumps indicators. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.
  • Stimulating the outflow of bile and urine, normalizing the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Elimination of symptoms of renal failure, elimination of inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Improving blood composition. Prevention of prolonged bleeding and anemia.
  • Increased functionality of all organs and systems. Medicinal products based on Rhodiola rosea are useful for people who have undergone surgery or a protracted illness. The product has a positive effect on the body even in immunodeficiency states.
  • The healing composition based on the plant fights inflammatory processes, bacteria and accelerates the healing process of wounds.
  • Means used healthy person, promotes rapid recovery vitality, inhibition of oxidative processes and tissue aging. Thanks to the reception folk medicine possible in short time recover after suffering a heavy load.
  • Calming effect on the nervous system, eliminating signs of depression, apathy, and anxiety.
  • Reducing the severity of symptoms characteristic of allergic manifestations.
  • Decline elevated temperature. In some cases, decoctions based on golden root are used to combat fever due to infectious diseases.
  • Normalization metabolic processes. The product stimulates appetite, improves stomach function, and gently cleanses the intestines. A decoction of Rhodiola rosea root disinfects the gastric mucosa, which accelerates the healing of wounds and erosions.
  • Removing toxins, free radicals, radioactive substances and salts from tissues heavy metals. The use of the drug is indicated for people whose activities are associated with hazardous production. Even with pesticide poisoning, the healing mass can improve the patient's condition.
  • External use of golden root relieves pain caused by injuries, fractures, and sprains. Other products can be used to treat abscesses, wounds, and ulcers.

Systematic use of Rhodiola rosea stimulates mental abilities, stimulates memory and attention. For these reasons, the product will not be superfluous in childhood or old age. Medicinal products are useful for men and women suffering from sexual disorders. It stimulates hormonal processes, which has a positive effect on libido and reproductive function.

Rules for preparing tincture and decoction of Rhodiola rosea root

People who have become the happy owners of Rhodiola root or powder prepared from it can prepare the following medicinal products from it:

  1. Water tincture. Take 15 g of crushed or ground dried root, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and wrap in a warm blanket and leave for 4-5 hours. You can use a thermos for the same purpose, but only with glass inner walls. We filter the finished product. You need to drink half a glass no more than 3 times a day.
  2. Alcohol tincture. Take 50 g of dry root extract, pour 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted medical alcohol. We seal the preparation hermetically and leave it in a cool, dark place for 14 days. The finished composition is filtered and consumed in the same way as the pharmaceutical product.
  3. Rhodiola rosea decoction. Place 10 g of dry root in a cooking container and pour a glass of boiling water. The workpiece must be simmered in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. We strain the mixture and drink it like regular tea in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  4. Tea drink. Stir a tablespoon of dried golden root into 1 liter of boiling water and place the container on the fire. Keep the mixture at a low simmer for 10 minutes and strain. Cool the mixture slightly and add a little honey, jam or jam to it for taste.

Experts never tire of reminding increased activity substances contained in Rhodiola rosea root. The use of this product for medicinal purposes should be agreed with a doctor, especially if traditional therapy is being carried out in parallel.

About the rules for using Rhodiola rosea in ready-made form pharmacy tincture written in detail on its packaging. To obtain the desired results, you must strictly follow the instructions. Typically, the specifics of therapy depend on the diagnosis and the desired effect. In most cases, the treatment process looks like this:

  • For a calming and restorative effect, more fast healing For wounds, it is enough to take 5 drops of the composition.
  • On the background chronic diseases, if your health worsens or in the event of neurological conditions, the dosage will be 5-10 drops.
  • People experiencing daily mental stress of increased intensity should take 5-10 drops in the morning and afternoon. It is good if therapy begins a couple of weeks before the start of work.
  • If you need to achieve increased physical endurance, you should take 15-30 drops of liquid daily, up to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
  • For schizophrenia, the dosage is determined by the doctor, but usually daily dose is in the range of 20-25 drops. The approach must be combined with traditional therapy.

Some supporters of traditional medicine, after they feel the first positive changes in their condition, begin to try to cure all their ailments with the help of natural remedy. Many people exceed dosages or even add them up, based on indications and recommendations. Doing this is strictly prohibited, as it can cause an overdose.

Contraindications to taking Rhodiola rosea

You should not immediately start taking the product with maximum dosages; it is better to increase them gradually. Rhodiola rosea has uses and contraindications. Before starting a preventive or therapeutic course, you need to make sure that there are no such conditions:

  1. Severe emotional or nervous overexcitation. In this case, the decision about the advisability of treatment must be made by the doctor.
  2. Hypertensive crisis. In this case, Rhodiola rosea will not reduce the increased pressure and may even worsen the situation.
  3. Any brain disease.
  4. Fever reaching very high levels.
  5. Pregnancy and lactation period.

An overdose of the composition is characterized by severe headaches, weakness, general deterioration, decreased performance, and a feeling of depression. In this case, it is better to refuse to take the product or reduce the daily dosage to 40 drops. You should not take Rhodiola before bed, as this may cause insomnia. Course of treatment medicinal product, regardless of its type, should not exceed 5 days. After this, you need to take a break for a month and, if necessary, repeat the approach.

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