Chamomile and other chamomiles. Wildflower chamomile report

This flower decorates gardens and vegetable gardens, it is collected in bouquets, girls use it to tell fortunes about love and weave it into wreaths, and traditional healers it is used as a remedy.

Pharmaceutical camomile, beneficial features which are very extensive, has been used since time immemorial as an anti-inflammatory, cleansing agent, and is used in cosmetology and dietetics. Positive influence Traditional medicine does not deny the effect this plant has on the body, which is why infusions, infusions and other remedies using flowers are sold in pharmacies.

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae family, is divided into several species and not all of them have medicinal properties. There is chamomile (garden), field chamomile, yellow chamomile, fragrant chamomile (without tongue), Roman chamomile, German chamomile and some other varieties.

The flowers of pharmaceutical chamomile, field chamomile, fragrant and yellow are of value. Plants are almost identical in content useful substances and can be used for health purposes.

Medicinal chamomile: beneficial properties

This species is specially grown on an industrial scale by many pharmaceutical enterprises. Flowers also grow in gardens, dachas, and vegetable gardens. The flowers of this chamomile are small and fragrant, and the plant itself looks more like a shrub.

Nice aromatic herb contains a very high concentration of ether, a set useful to the body acids, vitamins, tannins, bactericidal components and other elements.

Infusions and decoctions are used, both externally and internally.

Chamomile beneficial properties and contraindications

mother herb, German chamomile, chamomile, ruddy grass, camila, morgun, Romanova grass

  • The plant has a high anti-inflammatory effect and actively fights many viruses and bacteria.
  • Renders beneficial influence on the stomach and intestines, helps cure ulcers, gastritis and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pharmaceutical chamomile produces a calming effect.
  • Strengthens nervous system.
  • Has vasodilating properties.
  • Helps with migraines and other headaches.
  • Medicinal chamomile relieves fever and colds.
  • Effective for many female diseases.
  • Improves the functioning of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Relieves inflammation in cystitis, urethritis.
  • Treats skin inflammation (dermatitis, eczema, acne, abscesses).
  • Heals the scalp and promotes hair growth and strengthening.

Attention! Contraindications include pregnancy, anacid gastritis and individual intolerance.

Tongueless chamomile- or fragrant chamomile

Beneficial properties of fragrant chamomile

If you have never encountered this type of plant, then at first you may not even understand that it is a chamomile. The flowers have no petals; instead, yellowish-green baskets are formed. The plant has a more intense aroma identical to chamomile. Can grow in wild conditions, found on mountain slopes, in forests, fields, near rivers and lakes.

Its chemical composition is not much different from the type described above. Accordingly, odorous (tongueless) chamomile has the same healing actions. For medicinal use It is the baskets that are collected. They can be used in fresh or dried.

Nivyanyk- field, meadow, wild chamomile

Beneficial properties of field chamomile

Field (meadow) wild chamomile has longer and larger leaves, and a dense center. In another way it is called “nivyanik”. The chemical composition of the plant is somewhat different from chamomile and odorous. The medicinal properties of this type of flower are also different. It is used as tinctures, decoctions and in various drugs (medicinal ointments, creams, homeopathic preparations).

Chamomile yellow- navel and also field marigolds

Beneficial properties of yellow chamomile

The plant is wild and is found along ravines, on forest edges, in green valleys and fields, mountain lowlands and other natural uncultivated areas. Distinctive feature- the petals are not white, but yellow.

The chemical composition of the grass is close to pharmaceutical chamomile, therefore has identical actions. It has proven itself especially well in the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases.

On a note. In nature, there are several types of plants that are very similar to chamomile, and unknowing people can easily confuse the flowers. Therefore, if you are not well versed in botany and intend to use the herb for health purposes, it is better to buy it at the pharmacy or sow seeds of cultivated chamomile in your garden (if you have a plot).

How to use chamomile

Treatment of colds (runny nose, cough, sore throat)

Chamomile kills many species harmful viruses and bacteria, therefore, in order to quickly get rid of a cold, it is recommended that the sick person drink tea.

Brew it this way:

  • For a half-liter teapot take 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile flowers, 1 tsp. St. John's wort and the same amount of thyme. You can add regular tea leaves as a base.
  • The herbs are poured with boiling water, you can drink it after 20 minutes, preferably hot.

For severe sore throat, gargle with chamomile infusion up to 10 times a day.

To quickly get rid of a runny nose and cough, you need to do chamomile inhalations once a day:

  • Pour water into a small saucepan and throw a handful of flowers into it.
  • As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, bend over the container, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

After this, lie down for half an hour, then you can take a hot one. chamomile tea.

Beneficial properties of chamomile for children

Chamomile is used mainly externally in the treatment of certain childhood ailments.

  • Infants can wipe diaper rash with a strong infusion of flowers.
  • More weak solution Wash the kids' sore eyes.
  • Young children can do enemas with chamomile infusion for constipation.
  • For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tsp. flowers without a slide, add water and leave.
  • Strain and give to the child warm, dividing a glass of liquid into 3 doses (morning, afternoon and evening).

Chamomile beneficial properties and contraindications for women

The plant is widely used in gynecology. For any inflammation genitourinary area in women (cystitis, adnexitis, urethritis, vaginitis, colpitis), it is recommended to do douching from an infusion of herbs.

Prepare the infusion like this:

  • Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile flowers, 1 tbsp. oak bark and the same amount of St. John's wort.
  • Pour a liter of boiling water over the herbs and leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and use warm.

It is advisable to do douching at night. Depending on the disease, the procedure is repeated for 7-14 days.

For cystitis and urethritis, hot baths are made from chamomile, in which you need to sit for 10-15 minutes. This is good for pain and reduces inflammation.

This treatment has no contraindications (except for pregnancy), but it is important to understand that chamomile cannot replace drug therapy, but serves only as an auxiliary tool.

Any digestive system problems can be eliminated by drinking chamomile tea daily. It is brewed in the most usual way - add a small handful of chamomile to the tea leaves and drink warm tea 4-5 times a day. It can be done before or after meals. Brew a fresh pot of tea daily.

Adding chamomile infusion is also useful in cleansing enemas.

Treatment of the liver and gallbladder with chamomile

For stagnation of bile, liver diseases and other problems associated with these organs, make the following infusion:

  • 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers;
  • 1 handful of mint;
  • 1 tbsp. yarrow herbs;
  • a pinch of cumin;
  • a pinch of wormwood.

Pour all this into 300 ml. boiling water, leave for at least 3-4 hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day 20-30 minutes after meals.

Chamomile: beneficial properties for hair

If you regularly rinse your hair with chamomile decoction after washing, you can achieve slight lightening. In addition, the plant strengthens hair follicles, eliminates dandruff, makes hair shiny and strong.

It is useful to add a strong infusion to various hair masks. At severe loss make a strong herbal decoction (2 tablespoons of flowers per glass of water), strain and rub the liquid daily into the hair roots massage movements. You can use a small sponge for this.

The use of chamomile in cosmetology

At problem skin, acne chamomile becomes a real salvation. If you make a little fresh infusion every day and wipe your face with it 3-4 times a day, you can quickly get rid of acne and improve your skin.

For skin elasticity, rejuvenation, and a fresh face, pour the broth into ice cube trays and freeze. Every morning, wipe your face with a cube of this ice. In just a week you will see how your skin has changed. You can add the decoction to various face masks.

Using the beneficial properties of chamomile to strengthen the immune system

As tonic To prevent colds and other diseases, chamomile can be added to regular tea from time to time when brewing. For example, during seasonal flu exacerbations, drink this tea constantly for 10 days.

Attention! Drink herbal teas It is impossible to do it all the time; it is advisable to always alternate their use and take breaks.

Now you know what kind of plant this is chamomile, beneficial properties of flowers and use for various ailments. Despite the fact that the plant is one of the most harmless and has virtually no contraindications, everything in the treatment serious illnesses It is better to consult a doctor.

chamomile, maiden flower, romanov color, romanova grass, roman, romannik

Annual herbaceous plant, which contains biologically beneficial active substances and has antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, carminative effects.

Name in Latin: Matricaria chamomilla

Name in English: Camomile pharmaceutical

Family: Asteraceae

The healing properties of chamomile were known to doctors Ancient Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, this remedy was a panacea for many diseases and is described in most medieval herbal books. But to XVIII century the glory of it healing flower gradually began to fade, and in the 19th century the grass in to a greater extent used in cosmetology. Interest in the plant returned in the twentieth century, when it became available laboratory research chemical composition and scientifically proven medicinal properties daisies. Discovered biologically active substances and essential oils, contained in chamomile, “rehabilitated” the flower and put it in a place of honor among medicinal plants.

Features of chamomile

Pharmaceutical camomile. Botanical illustration from the book by A. Mascle,
Atlas des plantes de France, 1891.

The medicinal plant chamomile has been well studied in botany, pharmacology and folk medicine. Chamomile is trusted by everyone: doctors of traditional medicine, traditional healers, and patients themselves. Due to its rich chemical composition, this plant is sometimes attributed miraculous power. Is it really? What are the medicinal properties of chamomile? How to properly prepare raw materials and distinguish between the types of this plant?


Chamomile can be found throughout the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It does not grow only in tropical zones. In Europe, the flower takes root well both in the northern Scandinavian countries and in the Mediterranean. In Russia it grows not only in the European part, but also in the Urals, Far East, Altai, Tien Shan, Transbaikalia. Chamomile is the most common medicinal raw material of all other medicinal plants. It is cultivated industrially in 26 countries around the world. The world's most famous producers of chamomile are Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic.

Botanical description

Chamomile officinalis, or chamomile, is an annual herbaceous plant with a taproot, slightly branched root. The stem is thin, hollow, sinuous, and can be from 15 to 60 cm high, depending on conditions. The leaves are divided into narrow linear lobules, sessile, alternate. The inflorescences are collected in conical baskets and placed on the tops of the stems. The marginal flowers are small, numerous, white, reed-shaped, they frame the basket with a white corolla. The inner flowers are yellow and tubular. Chamomile is characterized by a conical, strongly convex, hollow receptacle, which distinguishes the flower from other species. Chamomile is a light-loving plant. In the early morning its petals are usually bent down, and by lunchtime they gradually rise and take a horizontal position. In the evening, the petals are pressed against the stem again.

Yellow-colored navel

Types of chamomile

Today there are 25 types of chamomile. The most famous of them is chamomile. It is widely used as a medicine. What other types of this plant can be used in folk medicine?

  • Roman chamomile. Popularly, this flower is also called the noble navel, button flower, and chamomile. Like chamomile, it belongs to medicinal types, has the same healing properties, is used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It has a strong odor and is grown as an ornamental plant. It blooms later - from July to September.
  • Yellow chamomile. This popular name Anthemis tinnitus, or yellow-flowered navel. Loves dry meadows and fields. Previously, in Rus' it was used to dye fabrics bright yellow. Widely used in gardening because of its beautiful, bright inflorescences, aroma, and frost resistance. It is used less frequently in folk medicine. Yellow chamomile is known as a hemostatic, diaphoretic, choleretic agent. The plant can also be used as an insecticidal agent in the fight against insects.
  • Field chamomile. There is no clear description of this species. It can be cornflower, fragrant chamomile (without tongue), and non-odorous, and Roman, and chamomile, which grow in the field.
  • Meadow chamomile. The plant is also found in fields and likes to grow along roads. Meadow chamomile is also called cornflower. The flower is easy to distinguish from the chamomile: the flower is larger, it has one flower basket and one stem, dense leaves with jagged edges. Nivyanik has healing properties, but as medicinal raw materials it is not used as widely as chamomile.

Procurement of raw materials

It is important to correctly distinguish between the types of this medicinal plant and to collect chamomile.

  • Collection of chamomile. Tubular flowers should open halfway, and the white corolla should be in horizontal position, then you can start collecting. Experienced herbalists call best time for collection - the fifth day after the flower blooms. It is during this period that the inflorescence contains the maximum amount of useful substances. The plant is harvested in dry, clear weather. As a rule, the inflorescences are picked by hand and placed in a linen bag. You can also collect young shoots with leaves, which are then used to prepare chamomile baths. For industrial collection, special rakes or machines are used.
  • Drying and storage. When using specialized dryers, the temperature should not exceed 40°C. The beneficial properties of chamomile are lost when high temperature and under the influence sun rays. At home, the grass is dried in dark, ventilated rooms, the raw materials are laid out in a thin layer, and the grass is turned over from time to time. Store dried raw materials in glass containers, wooden boxes, tightly sealed and in a dark place.

Some herbalists indicate a shelf life of 1 year, others - 2 years. Experienced healers recommend, if possible, updating supplies of raw materials annually.

What's included

What are healing properties daisies? Chamomile has a lot useful species acids: caprylic, ascorbic, nicotinic, salicylic, anthemisic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic, isovaleric and others. It contains flavonoids, bitterness, sugars, proteins, mucus, gum, carotene, vitamin C, essential oils, coumarins, and glycosides. Apiin is considered especially valuable - a type of glycoside that relaxes smooth muscles and has an antispasmodic, choleretic effect. The biologically active substance chamazulene, which is part of essential oils, is also considered valuable. Without exception, all components of the herb are important; it is their combination and quantity that gives the healing effect.

Healing effect

What are the benefits of chamomile? Which pharmachologic effect and the scope of its application in folk and traditional medicine?

Beneficial properties of chamomile root

Well known to everyone medicinal properties inflorescences of this plant, but chamomile root is also useful. It contains biologically active substances in high concentration. The root has the following medicinal effects:

  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • tonic;
  • antispasmodic.

Chamomile root powder is used for treatment. Most often they treat diseases genitourinary system, digestive organs, mastitis, allergic rashes, nervous disorders.

What are the contraindications for chamomile? Herbal decoctions should be used with caution for anacid gastritis with low acidity, chronic diarrhea, mental disorders, hypersensitivity to the drug. The medicinal plant is not toxic, but long-term use or overdose, the following may occur side effects: dizziness, cough, nervous disorders, headache, hoarseness, disturbances menstrual cycle, conjunctivitis.

Use in folk medicine

There are many cooking options healing potions from chamomile: teas, decoctions, different types of tinctures, essential oil.

Chamomile tea

What are the benefits of chamomile tea? First of all, it is taken for gastritis, especially when chronic form, With increased acidity. In this case, chamomile tea is drunk over a long course of up to 10 days.


  1. Take 1 teaspoon of chamomile herb.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Strain.

Drink warm tea, 1/3 glass three times a day before meals.

  • What other beneficial properties of chamomile tea?
  • Strengthens immune system, used as a prophylaxis for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.
  • Reduces gas formation, relieves spasms in the intestines and stomach.
  • Relieves inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract, makes breathing easier.
  • Relaxes the nervous system.
  • Helps with kidney inflammation and Bladder.

Chamomile tea can also be prepared as part of stomach, chest, sedative fees. For example, with a psychoneurological reason stomach diseases chamomile with lemon balm is recommended; for gallbladder diseases, this herb is prepared with peppermint, and for nervous excitement- mixed with valerian.


Chamomile decoction is most often used externally. It's irreplaceable natural antiseptic, which is used to treat the skin, wash the nose and throat, it is useful to take it for coughs during ARVI and flu as part of chest preparations. But you can also drink the decoction for gastrointestinal diseases.


  1. Place 1 tbsp in an enamel bowl. a spoonful of chamomile.
  2. Pour 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Keep on steam bath 15 minutes covered.
  4. Cool and strain.

The finished broth should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.


Chamomile infusion can be prepared different ways depending on application. It can be on water and alcohol based. It is important to remember that the concentration of the infusion for internal use should be lower than for external use.

Hot cooking

  1. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 2 hours.
  4. Strain.

The infusion is taken orally, ¼ cup three times a day.

Preparation of infusion for cosmetic purposes

  1. Take 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Keep in a steam bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.

Use when cooled.

Cold cooking

  1. Take 5 tbsp. spoons of chamomile.
  2. Pour in 0.5 liters of cold water.
  3. Leave for 8 hours.
  4. Strain and store the infusion in the refrigerator.

The resulting portion of the infusion should be divided into equal doses and taken for 2 days. How to drink chamomile? Some herbalists recommend making only cold infusions of the herb for oral use, as it will retain the essential oils. And for external use, it is better to prepare infusions using a hot method.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

  1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile and add 10 tbsp. spoons of vodka.
  2. Leave for a week in a dark place.
  3. Strain.

Accept alcohol tincture 20 drops after meals, with plenty of water.

Essential oil

Essential oil is often used externally for skin diseases, as well as in cosmetology, for the production of hypoallergenic and antiseptics skin care. But the drug is also effective in aching pain, spasms of the stomach and intestines, menopausal syndrome, menstrual irregularities, irritability and insomnia. It is taken in strict doses, 15 drops three times a day, preferably before meals. You can add oil to tea, dilute it in a spoon of honey.


  1. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile.
  2. Pour in ¼ cup vegetable oil.
  3. Leave for 2 days in a dark and cool place.

Chamomile essential oil can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is made from different types plants, the price of the drug depends on this. The medicine is widely used in aromatherapy, many positive feedback about the treatment of neuroses with this oil. It is important to remember: chamomile essential oil is prohibited for children and pregnant women.

Read more about the external use of chamomile

All chamomile solutions for external use are more concentrated. However, you need to remember that the delicate mucous membrane may react to a strong decoction or essential oil, then they must be used diluted.

  • In cosmetology. Chamomile extract is often added to creams, shampoos, soaps, gels, and lotions. Natural grass in cosmetics it is an expensive component, which is why it is so often replaced with synthetic substances. For hair, you can make natural chamomile masks, rinse your hair with herbal decoctions after washing. To cleanse the skin of the face with acne and pimples, you can make natural alcohol-free lotions and masks.
  • Chamomile sitz baths. These procedures are prescribed when inflammatory process in the anal and genital area. To prepare a bath you need 1 liter of strong hot broth and a comfortable place to sit. It is best to use a bucket into which the broth is poured. Steam baths are most effective for cystitis.
  • Oral disinfection. In addition to otolaryngology, chamomile is often prescribed in dentistry. The herb is effective for stomatitis, useful for gums with periodontal disease.
  • Inhalations. You can breathe over chamomile decoction during acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, respiratory symptoms, if there is no temperature and no tendency to laryngospasms (especially in children). Steam inhalations soften breathing, ease coughing, help remove sputum, and disinfect the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • Eye wash. There is no clear opinion on this issue. Some herbalists recommend washing your eyes with chamomile solution for inflammation, while others do not advise doing this and talk about the risk of developing conjunctivitis. In any case, the solution when washing the eyes should be in a weak dilution.
  • Microclysters. Instructions for using chamomile include the following information: for microenemas, use 50 ml of warm solution, the procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a day. Only a doctor can prescribe chamomile microenemas to adults and children with intestinal colic, bloating, rectal fissures, hemorrhoids and other diseases. Long-term use may lead to disruption of intestinal microflora.
  • Douching. Chamomile infusions are often used as aid for the treatment of inflammation in gynecology. This procedure can be performed during an exacerbation period for no more than 5–7 days. As daily hygiene it is strictly prohibited. The herb dries out the mucous membrane, leads to disruption of the vaginal microflora, and can cause itching and burning. Douching is also contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation, within a month after childbirth, and during menopause.
  • Chamomile baths. Chamomile is a powerful natural antiseptic. It is used for skin problems, like other popular herbs - string, calendula, celandine. Also, the vapors of this plant before bedtime calm and relax the nervous system. When taking baths, add 1 liter of steep chamomile infusion to the water.

Features of use in men, women and children

Chamomile tincture is effective for diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. It is actively used in children, starting from the first days of life.

For men

There is widespread misinformation that chamomile cures impotence. But for prostatitis, this medicine really gives healing effect. Usually a herbal collection is prepared, which helps relieve inflammation and pain syndrome for prostatitis. Warm chamomile baths will be helpful. The decoction can also be taken orally.


  1. Mix 1 teaspoon each of chamomile, St. John's wort and linden herbs.
  2. Pour 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain.

Drink the herbal mixture twice a day, ½ cup. Take the decoction for a long course - at least 3 weeks.

For women

For what diagnoses in women is chamomile prescribed?

  • Treatment of thrush. Appointed local therapy in the form of baths, douching and tampons. Herbal treatment relieves itching, burning in the vagina, and reduces heavy discharge. You can get rid of thrush using local treatment antiseptic chamomile solutions with the addition of soda only for initial stage diseases. At heavy discharge And severe itching without antifungal drugs not enough.
  • Menopausal syndrome. During menopause, chamomile essential oil is prescribed, which relieves irritability, nervousness, feelings of panic and anxiety during this difficult period for a woman.
  • Painful periods. Chamomile decoction smoothes smooth muscles, relieves spasms, and eliminates bloating during menstruation.
  • Cervical erosion. This is the most common and controversial diagnosis for women. There are many approaches to its treatment, including the principle of not touching the erosion at all. Chamomile douches and tampons help relieve inflammation in the vagina, which can cause erosion. But identifying the cause of the disease is sometimes very difficult. Complex, advanced forms of erosion, of course, cannot be treated with grass.

During pregnancy, chamomile decoctions and infusions are used orally only as prescribed by a doctor, since the herb has abortifacient properties and can cause a miscarriage. early stages. You should not get carried away with douching during pregnancy, so as not to “plant” the vaginal microflora, which is already vulnerable during this period. But you can safely use decoctions externally as an antiseptic for ARVI, sinusitis, diseases of the throat and gums. Read more about it in our other article.

For children

Before use chamomile infusions in children, especially infancy, you should consult your pediatrician. Children have cases of individual intolerance to this herb.

Chamomile flowers are widely used for inflammation of the digestive organs - gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, liver and pancreas diseases, stomach ulcers and duodenum, flatulence. The herb is also effective for diseases of the ENT, respiratory, urinary tract, neuroses, skin inflammations of various nature.

I'll send it to you from the Internet. Field chamomile is familiar to everyone since childhood. These flowers are used to weave wreaths, make bouquets, and prepare infusions that can heal many diseases. And among young people, fortune telling with chamomile for love and wish fulfillment is very common. Description and beneficial properties of chamomile Field chamomile belongs to the Asteraceae family and grows up to 30-60 cm in height. These are annual and perennial plants that are quite common in wildlife, in flower beds and on summer cottages. Flowers are valued for their modest beauty and beneficial properties. There are many types, and they are all used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The leaves, stems and flowers contain vitamins B, C, E, K, essential oil, protein, tannins and resins, carotene, salicylic, stearic, palmitic and oleic acids, glucose, bitterness. Preparations and infusions containing chamomile have the following properties: expectorant; painkillers; antiallergic; anti-inflammatory; laxative; sweatshop; antibacterial. choleretic; diuretic; sedative. In addition, with the help of herbal remedies you can get rid of headaches, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the condition of the skin and strengthen the nervous system. Here's what great benefit can bring these flowers. Field chamomile is also used as a remedy for treating colds and stabilizing the menstrual cycle. Growing, care, reproduction Modest daisies prefer to grow in partial shade; they need nutrient medium and well-drained soil. If you plant plants in soil with a poor mineral content, you will need to regularly feed them with fertilizers of organic and mineral origin. It is recommended to water in the first days after planting or during extreme heat. When do field daisies bloom? This process occurs at the end of spring and beginning of summer. In order for daisies to please you as long as possible, you need to regularly pick off the faded baskets. It is recommended to replant the plantings approximately once every 5 years, since over time the ornamental plant begins to strongly resemble a wild crop and can turn into a weed. Field chamomile is propagated by dividing bushes or by seeds. In the fall, the seeds are planted in the ground, and in the spring - in a special substrate for seedlings. Collection and use Chamomiles bloom from May until late autumn; over such a long period it is possible to collect inflorescences about 6 times. The herb should be dried in the shade, but in the open air, and stored for no more than a year in canvas bags, paper bags or boxes. Field chamomile is used for cooking medicinal tea, which is recommended to drink for intestinal disorders, gastritis and ulcers. You can add sugar, milk or honey to chamomile tea and drink it during insomnia, severe fatigue or nervous tension. During pregnancy, many medicinal herbs contraindicated. However, expectant mothers are allowed to use chamomile externally, adding it to douching solutions, compresses and medicinal baths. It is necessary to take chamomile infusions orally with great caution, since this plant stimulates the activity of the ovaries and can cause miscarriage or untimely birth.

The chamomile plant belongs to the annual plants of the Asteraceae family; it has long been widely known. It is called Field Chamomile. There are many types of daisies. Among them are white chamomile and garden chamomile, as well as yellow chamomile and tongueless chamomile. There is Caucasian chamomile, German chamomile, and Persian chamomile. IN medicinal purposes As a rule, chamomile or chamomile is used.

photo of chamomile

Beneficial properties of chamomile

Prevention and treatment of many diseases can be provided by a plant such as chamomile: its beneficial properties have been known since ancient times.

Chamomile essential oil has an excellent cosmetic effect

The popularity of this plant is due to the excellent healing properties of chamomile. The benefits of chamomile have been well known since ancient times. For treatment, chamomile flowers are used, which contain:

  • chamomile essential oil, the content of which is 1%,
  • carotene,
  • vitamin C,
  • tannins,
  • acids – oleic, salicylic, palmitic, stearic,
  • bitterness,
  • glucose.

Thanks to this set, the benefits of chamomile are obvious: a simple flower has a remarkable antibacterial effect and high medicinal value.

Chamomile blooms in May - June, chamomile flowers are small, light with a wonderful soothing aroma.

Properties of chamomile:

  • calms the nervous system,
  • has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects,
  • dilates blood vessels, eliminates headaches,
  • eliminates fermentation processes,
  • has an excellent cosmetic skin effect.

Chamomile treatment

chamomile is used for colds and allergies

Chamomile has:

  • choleretic and diuretic, diaphoretic, stool normalizing effect,
  • ability to treat diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys,
  • calming effect on the nervous system,
  • antiallergic effect,
  • excellent cosmetological abilities.

Chamomile is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. Medicinal chamomile is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, bladder, and colds; chamomile has proven itself well for delayed periods and various allergies.

Chamomile tea

chamomile tea - for stomach ulcers and gastritis

When used internally, the medicinal properties of chamomile are effectively used to treat stomach diseases. In this case, chamomile helps to get rid of many stomach troubles, such as upset.

Many people know and appreciate chamomile tea: the benefits of this tea are enormous. It can be drunk with milk, cream, honey or sugar. It will relieve fatigue, help you relax, and the aroma of chamomile will help relieve insomnia and promote sound sleep.

Many chamomile-based preparations include chamomile essential oil, the beneficial properties of which are very diverse and difficult to overestimate. Possessing anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfectant effect, chamomile oil is a wonderful wound-healing product. It can even heal stomach and duodenal ulcers and fight gastritis. Chamomile is used for coughs to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract with bronchitis, pneumonia, and laryngitis. In the treatment of sore throat, stomatitis, etc. inflammatory diseases Oral gargling with chamomile is used.

In folk medicine, chamomile is used for diarrhea or dysentery. A tablespoon of chamomile flowers should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and left for 1 hour. After straining, take half a glass 3 times a day.

The use of chamomile in gynecology

Chamomile, as an excellent antiseptic, is used in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Unpleasant moments in a woman’s life associated with inflammation of the genitourinary tract will also help eliminate the healing properties of chamomile. Fungi, viruses, streptococci - chamomile is successfully used in gynecology to get rid of them. Using decoctions or infusions of plant flowers, it is good to wash with chamomile. Douching with chamomile will be effective in many cases. It is important to know how to douche with chamomile correctly.

Chamomile is included in medicinal herbal teas for douching. Collection for the treatment of inflammatory diseases:

  • chamomile -30g;
  • oak bark - 10 g;
  • knotweed grass -50g;
  • nettle -30g.

If you know how to douche with chamomile, the procedure will be simple and useful. For 1 l. boiling water you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture, boil for 5 minutes, strain, cool and use the warm solution for douching.

Chamomile is often used to treat thrush in gynecology. Douching with chamomile for thrush can also help here.

Chamomile during pregnancy

During pregnancy, chamomile can be taken internally only in limited quantities.

Sometimes, in order to improve their health, pregnant women turn to medicinal plants. One of them is chamomile. Can pregnant women use it, is chamomile indicated during pregnancy - these are the questions that concern them. Every expectant mother should have a clear idea of ​​what to choose and use medicines During this period you need to be especially careful. This fully applies to the seemingly harmless chamomile.

During pregnancy, chamomile can be safely used topically without restrictions: there will be no harm from this. Chamomile will be a good helper in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia. During pregnancy, chamomile infusion can be used to make compresses, douches, baths, and inhalations.

Chamomile is often used externally during pregnancy.

Can pregnant women drink chamomile? It will help overcome bloating, gas, constipation, and will have a moderate relaxing effect during tension and stress. However, you should not drink chamomile decoction during pregnancy in large quantities, since the use of this plant internally promotes the production of estrogens by the ovaries, hormones that can cause miscarriage.

Chamomile for newborn care

It is impossible to imagine caring for a newborn's skin without using chamomile. Chamomile is effectively used for newborns during bathing for prickly heat, diathesis, and diaper rash. It is useful to add chamomile decoction for newborns to the baby's bath - this will calm him down and improve sleep.

Chamomile in cosmetology

Chamomile - for beautiful skin and healthy hair

Chamomile contains a sufficient amount of substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, which allows it to be used in cosmetology. Chamomile is effectively used for hair: essential oils, resins, vitamins, dyes, minerals - natural substances that strengthen and nourish hair. Using chamomile for hair has wide application depending on the goals you want to achieve.

After washing your hair, it is useful to rinse your hair with chamomile. To do this, you will need to prepare a chamomile decoction for hair, or chamomile infusion for hair. After this procedure, your hair will take on a healthy appearance, become silky, shiny, and at the same time your hair will be lightened with chamomile and will acquire a beautiful shade. Chamomile gives light hair a radiant shine, and dark hair will help lighten it a little.

By adding other components to the infusion or decoction of chamomile for hair (nettle, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin or lemon juice), you can use it as a dye. In each case, the hair will acquire a unique shade. A chamomile hair mask will help strengthen your hair, combat oiliness, hair loss and dandruff. To do this, you can take equal amounts of chamomile, nettle, plantain, and sage herbs. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water, strain the resulting infusion, add rye bread pulp, apply the mixture to your hair, wrap your head in plastic and a towel, and leave on your head for an hour. Wash off the mask with warm water.

If you want to know how to lighten your hair with chamomile, try chamomile with lemon juice to lighten it: add lemon juice to the chamomile infusion and, in order not to dry out your hair, vegetable oil.

For infusion take:

  • dried chamomile flowers - 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • boiling water -300 ml.

Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain.


  • juice of half a lemon;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Apply the mixture to your hair, dry it, then rinse with shampoo.

Chamomile is widely used for the face, for example, a decoction of chamomile for the face helps to constrict blood vessels, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate skin irritation and consequences allergic reactions. Chamomile-based cosmetic preparations are used for acne, eczema, and neurodermatitis. Chamomile is used effectively for acne.

You can use chamomile infusion for the face as follows: pour the prepared infusion into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Thus, you get an excellent skin care product - chamomile facial ice.

These ice cubes are then wiped over the face. The procedure perfectly tones the skin, which becomes smooth and acquires a healthy shade.

Since ancient times, meadow chamomile has been used by representatives as traditional medicine, both traditional and in cosmetology. Its name comes from the word “romana”, which means Roman, and it has long been known as Romanova grass, also in common people this flower is called popovnik, tyagun, maryasha. However, she is also awarded more tender and affectionate names for her exquisite beauty; people call her the queen of meadows and fields, a dear friend, the sun of the earth.

Chamomile itself belongs to perennial plants, aster family. The height of the plant reaches up to 60 centimeters with a highly branched stem. Its baskets have marginal ligulate white flowers and tubular middle ones, which yellow color. Each branch of the bush is crowned with a sunny head.

It is possible to see it blooming from May to August; collecting chamomile flowers for the winter is usually in June-July. And this should be done in clear and dry weather, since the material that was collected with droplets of moisture subsequently changes its color and loses its healing properties. It should be dried in a well-ventilated area or in a dryer at a recommended temperature of 30-40 degrees. The raw material can be stored for 1 year, after which it loses its medicinal properties.

Meadow chamomile in medicine and cosmetology

The most common uses of chamomile are in decoctions, infusions, and lotions.

In the form of an infusion, it is very good for colds, as an antipyretic, for migraines and toothaches, gastritis, liver inflammation, and also as a sedative to improve sleep. Effective as a lotion for joint pain and bruises, and in the fight against wrinkles. Baths with chamomile are recommended for rheumatism, gout, scrofula in children and eczema, as well as for infants. Meadow chamomile extract is actively used in cosmetology and many people make masks and rubs with it for cleansing and general toning of the skin of the face and hands.

However, even with this universal remedy treatment should be careful if chamomile is used in the form of tea, it is recommended to alternate it with another herb, for example with sage, which also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, due to the possible negative impact on the body, expressed by increased irritability, attacks of anger, and headaches. Also familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications, including personal intolerance to any of its components and a tendency to diarrhea.

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