Seven myths about osteochondrosis. Chiropractor and chiropractor - what's the difference?

Many patients call spinal manual therapy in an effective way combating numerous back diseases. Chiropractors recommend alternating manual therapy and reflexology. This way you can increase the effect of treatment many times over.

If the patient contacts a chiropractor in acute period course of the disease, the specialist will limit himself to techniques that provide gentle movements during the treatment session.

The patient, as a rule, is shown traction, that is, in a sitting or lying position, the use of special orthopedic traction, as well. When the acute process subsides, therapy will be supplemented with other exercises, depending on the patient’s condition.

Cervical region

The most common problem associated with the cervical spine is. In this regard, almost all manual techniques are aimed at removing it.

Automobilization is one of these techniques. It is carried out in this way: the patient tilts his head forward, with one hand he needs to clasp his head in the area of ​​the crown, and with the other hand he needs to rest his chin on the other side.

After this, he needs to turn his head and, when the maximum amplitude of movement is reached, smoothly shake his head in the direction of rotation.


When turning to manual therapy, keep in mind that this method of treatment can lead to complications. If the rules for performing the techniques are not followed, the following complications are possible:

  • muscle or ligament ruptures;
  • acute disturbance of blood flow.

Judging by the reviews of patients, many of them manual treatment allows you to get rid of problems with the spine. The main thing is to choose a competent and experienced specialist whom you trust. Be healthy!

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Which in modern terms are called “manual therapy”, “osteopathy”, “chiropractic”, different kinds massage, all sorts of independent exercises... What's the point?

The essence chiropractic is that the spine is the main “load-bearing structure” human body, it is also the “main energy highway” of the body, and any disturbances in this system will not slow down to affect a person’s well-being, mood and health.

Chiropractic is a set of methods for correcting ailments, and in to a greater extent designed to prevent the very “falling” into an unhealthy state is based on the fact that any malfunctions in the functioning of the ridge always lead to corresponding problems in the body. These “problems” themselves may consist in displacement of the vertebral discs, which causes “clamping” of the passages passing there. nerve fibers, in violation of the normal mobility of individual vertebrae (weakened, or vice versa, “looseness”), up to severe deposition of salts in places with limited mobility. All this is accompanied by an uneven muscular load on individual “intervertebral” muscles, which affects posture, spoils gait, reduces height... which in turn gives a large number of accumulating complications and inconveniences “create the ground” for deterioration of health.

“My back hurts”, “my neck hurts”, “my leg can’t walk”

Not only bone pain is associated with the spine - various internal organs, and symptoms of a wide variety of diseases, including “nervous” ones, may appear even before organic (and noticeable to the doctor) changes in the “sick” organs appear. That is, something already hurts, worries, but in fact is not yet sick... this is where the help of a chiropractor will be most effective. Such a “new disease” as a syndrome chronic fatigue, allergies, as well as other problems associated with failures immune system- also turn out to be directly related to the condition of the spine.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to meet a person on the street whose back would be all right: at a minimum, there are only changes noticeable to the chiropractor, and usually there are scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other “non-diseases” known to the “owner” that are abhorred by the chiropractor. modern medicine. She does not pay any effective attention to them, and rarely connects these distortions with diseases “attached” to them, which are treated with pills, injections, or surgically. However, pills and “warming” alone will not return the popped vertebra to its proper place, and the process of creating the disease continues little by little... but by actively tidying up your back, you can eliminate headaches, back pain, and even fight such things as allergies and decreased performance immune system, heart and brain problems.

Principles of chiropractic care and manual therapy

Modern medicine does not deny the connection of any kidney disease with problems in the corresponding part of the spine - there are corresponding terms, such as “radicular syndrome”, which denotes problems with nerve endings, pinched in the ridge and “reaching” the same kidneys, sending “wrong” signals to them. To put it simply, the “control system” of the same kidneys somehow passes through the spine, and if due to problems in the spine this “communication channel” ceases to function normally, then the effect of a “damaged phone” is obtained. By restoring the connection, the “control system” is also restored, and the remaining viable protective and self-regulatory systems of the body can work effectively... however, modern medicine does not recognize the possibility of treating diseases by correcting problems of the musculoskeletal system.

A chiropractor does not treat a disease “symptomatically” (by eliminating the symptoms of the disease) - he eliminates the cause and effect of the disease inherent in the spine. There is a feedback here - problems in the organs themselves lead to characteristic displacements in the corresponding parts of the spine, and problems in the spine initiate all kinds of diseases.

For successful treatment musculoskeletal system and some internal organs, patients choose manual therapy, and a specialist who works in a given direction is called a chiropractor. This highly specialized doctor trusts only his own hands and is skeptical of pills and other methods. official medicine. Modern manual techniques help not only eliminate acute pain syndrome, but also to put a practically disabled person on his feet.

Who is a chiropractor

Popularly, this specialist is also called a chiropractor, since he deals with the setting of dislocated bones, correction of the musculoskeletal system, restoration of crooked posture and treatment of other diseases of the musculoskeletal structures. The manual massage therapist does not prescribe “chemistry”, but for a speedy recovery suggests using methods that are more gentle, in his opinion. Not every sick person is ready to entrust their own bones to a chiropractor, but in case of acute pain syndrome, sometimes they do not see any other way out.

What is he doing

A chiropractor studies human physiology and the functional capabilities of the body. During the appointment, he conducts an examination by palpation, evaluates psychological condition patient. The main goal of all manipulations performed by a doctor is to eliminate painful sensations, provide fast recovery lost functions of the musculoskeletal system. However, first of all, he needs to perform a series of actions to identify the disease and determine the main provoking factor. During the appointment, this doctor will:

  • massage course for injured muscles and soft tissues;
  • correction of spinal discs;
  • therapeutic exercises;
  • a number of physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • elimination of functional blockade from spinal column;
  • local anesthesia suspected foci of pathology;
  • implementation of modern techniques.

What diseases does it treat?

A manual therapy doctor is a professional in his field, knowledgeable about the structure of the human skeleton and the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. He successfully treats acute and chronic diseases spine. Starts the course after an individual consultation with the patient, and additionally provides valuable recommendations regarding rehabilitation. Diagnoses for which the therapist must demonstrate high competence are:

Where does it take

If there is a need to visit a chiropractor, it is very difficult to find a professional in his field. Such a highly specialized specialist does not work in a district clinic; more often, he conducts private practice under a license. Paid services of a chiropractor are not a cheap pleasure, but in the event of a severe attack of pain, the patient is ready to do anything. You can find a specialist in medical centers and clinics, but first look for reviews about his work. At making the right choice a consultation with a chiropractor is the beginning of the journey get well soon.

When to see a chiropractor

When a patient is experiencing severe pain, a chiropractor helps solve the health problem. IN in this case we are talking about specific foci of pathology - the spine area, musculoskeletal system, some internal organs, systems. If there is pain in the lower back, back, lower extremities when moving, aching neck or the patient is worried severe attacks migraine of unknown etiology, manual therapy of the spine with physical impact to problem areas.

Chiropractor appointment

When a patient complains about severe pain If you have back pain, you need to make an appointment with a chiropractor. It is recommended to have with you the results of previous examinations, for example, ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, CT scan of the spine, a written report from a neurologist, neurosurgeon. Will not be superfluous laboratory research blood and urine, which are considered an important component of a comprehensive diagnosis. All this is necessary for the chiropractor to get acquainted with the medical history, and conclusions about general condition he will decide on his own health after an examination. Here's what awaits the patient:

  • palpation of the spinal column, identification pathological deformation and bends;
  • determination of muscle tension and muscle tone by palpation;
  • more detailed study of detected foci of pathology.

Pediatric chiropractor

If a child has complaints, parents should take little patient see a chiropractor. Children with problems of the spine and musculoskeletal system are also included in the range of competence of this specialist. basis intensive care becomes a massage course, physiotherapy, physiotherapeutic procedures. Visits to a chiropractor are also appropriate for severe headaches of unknown etiology. This approach to the problem of children's health allows one to avoid taking medications and reduces the patient's chances of disability. Treatment is prescribed for:

What is manual therapy

This is a popular medical direction, when chosen, the diagnosis can be determined with the participation of a chiropractor. To confirm the specialist’s guesses, it is necessary to use additional methods diagnostics For example, a manual therapist can refer you to an appointment with a neurologist, neurosurgeon, traumatologist and orthopedist to clarify the prevailing clinical picture. Manual therapy Excellent for treating spinal disorders. A patient may need the help of a chiropractor already in the first year of life, for example, with hip dysplasia.


If the patient decides to finally get rid of pain and dysfunction of one of the parts of the spine using manual techniques, he will need time and faith in a favorable clinical outcome. The chosen therapy comes to the rescue, provides positive dynamics after a short period of treatment without taking medications, surgical intervention. However, that's not all beneficial features selected chiropractor sessions. The benefits of manual therapy are:

  • direct contact of the practitioner with the source of pathology;
  • sustainable positive dynamics after the first course;
  • absence negative consequences for health after treatment;
  • the ability to extend the period of remission without taking chemotherapy or surgery;
  • affordable cost of sessions with a chiropractor;
  • a worthy alternative to expensive treatment of the spine with medications, surgical methods;
  • effective prevention pathologies of the spinal column for patients at risk.

Manual therapy session

On average, the duration of one procedure varies from 40 minutes to 1 hour, and the time depends on the degree pathological process. The chiropractor works with individual elements of the spinal column, then in a complex manner, while competently distributing the increased load on the musculoskeletal system. With each session, obvious positive dynamics are observed, “the bones fall into place,” the muscles become stronger, acute pain disappears, and the former mobility of the joints returns.

Duration of treatment

It is not easy to decide to be treated by a chiropractor, since such contact sessions are accompanied by discomfort, painful sensations. If the patient still decides, then it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, which includes 10-12 procedures, depending on the diagnosis. Corrective sessions with a manual therapist should preferably be carried out daily, while observing additional recommendations this highly specialized specialist.

Available medical contraindications, therefore, an unscheduled visit to a chiropractor is not allowed for all patients with acute attacks back or lower back pain, numbness of the upper or lower limbs. This contact treatment in a hospital setting can significantly harm the patient’s health in the following ways: clinical pictures:

What tests need to be done before manual therapy?

Before making an individual appointment with a chiropractor, you must first visit the attending physician and undergo a diagnosis of the suspected source of pathology. It is not recommended to go to such a specialist without documents, since in this case he will refer you to additional examination see a neurologist or orthopedist. It is recommended to present the results of the following examinations to the chiropractor:

  • X-ray images;
  • Ultrasound of the pathology focus;
  • MRI and CT of the spine;
  • neurologist's report;
  • radiography of the spinal column;
  • electromyography;
  • bacterial culture and blood test.


Unscheduled visits to a chiropractor are not a cheap pleasure. The main thing is to find a knowledgeable specialist, a master of his craft, to whom you can entrust your own health. Many patients even go to the capital in search of a doctor and turn to specialized medical centers, private clinics. It is recommended to find out the cost in advance paid services, since part of the treatment course still does not provide positive dynamics. Here are approximate prices in Moscow that patients should focus on:



Is the chiropractor to blame? Well, that's unlikely! Consult a neurosurgeon; unoperated hernias are sometimes amenable to manual therapy. There is only one thing you can’t do: be offended by everyone and do nothing!

Find in your city not a chiropractor, but a certified specialist. Natural Chinese acupuncture! Back pain goes away after 4 procedures for 40-50 minutes each.


Go to Solomatov, he will help.


If there were no hernias and they will not appear, do not twist the spine. The loads are different and the vector of influence is different. Most likely, you had a couple of vertebrae blocked and osteophytes had grown. That is, the vertebrae in the problem area were motionless and did not move, and the chiropractor roughly unblocked them, breaking the osteophytes. After this, pain could well appear both due to broken growths - osteophytes, which previously fixed the vertebrae motionless, and due to the fact that mobility appeared in the area of ​​the hernia.

Find a normal chiropractor who knows modern soft techniques, an osteopath, a kinesiologist - the essence is the same - a normal, competent specialist - and they will really help you.

I am so sorry. A similar story happened in my life. Me, completely healthy person, the devil decided to go, on the advice of friends, to a chiropractor. Result: multiple protrusions, sprain of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine, fracture of the fifth spinous process cervical region, instability of several vertebrae.

ALL NEUROPATOLOGISTS with whom I was treated are CATEGORICALLY AGAINST chiropractors, chiropractors and the like.

Advice: find a good neurosurgeon, neurologist. If possible, lie down for full examination in hospital.

Firstly, any procedures are prescribed only after a good diagnosis (X-ray, ultrasound abdominal cavity, gastro- and colonoscopy, MRI of the problem area of ​​the spine). Secondly, no “chiropractor” will fix your hernia in two or three sessions. Hernias form in office workers, most often due to incorrect posture: you bend over, round your back - that’s it. cartilage tissue and climbs in the direction of least resistance. If the hernias have already formed, then no “chiropractors” will help. You just need to learn to live with it - improve your posture, keep your muscular skeleton in good shape. In this case, operations are indicated only if the situation is really bad - the risk of complications is still high.

Contact the kinesiotherapy center according to Bubnovsky

The last two reviews are such wild nonsense, I just can’t believe that adults are writing this. A hernia causes back pain only in former USSR. All over the world, textbooks and lectures at manual therapy institutes emphasize that half of those who complain of back pain do not have hernias, and half of people with hernias do not have back pain. Tomography is done extremely rarely, because a subluxated vertebra in relation to the entire back stands obliquely, and the cuts go obliquely, and the computer writes erroneous conclusions. The operation gives nothing except 100% disability, and after it not a single chiropractor will take care of you. This is all. The only alternative is to realign the vertebrae, rather than go to massage therapists with “soft techniques.” The overwhelming majority are charlatans.

Four months of increasing pain in back surface right thigh. I went to the clinic. Did an x-ray, osteochondrosis - currents, massage. Zero. MRI - dorsal hernia 0.7 cm. Council - Doctor Bubnovsky Center. I went for a consultation - 6 sessions of 12 sessions and everything will pass, do not take any painkillers. At the 5th session there was pain. Again, consultation - here are some painkillers for you. Lesson 7 - I can barely walk. I didn’t come to 8 because I was just lying flat, there was constant pain in my leg, it was impossible to sit, I walked lopsided. Again MRI - consultation with a neurosurgeon - surgery and no options. Well, now I’m ready to listen to the arguments in favor of Bubnosky....

Hello. I have a back pain. If you have a hernia on your back. Could you go to the manual? Please help me.


I went to a Chinese doctor with hernias. And it didn’t help. All this is a profanation of needles... Chinese. They didn’t help me.

Hello, I have a hernia of the spine. Hernia 7 ml. I had massage and extractions for 3 sessions, my spine doesn’t hurt, my leg hurts sometimes. Before the chiropractor, I couldn’t walk normally, my leg hurt a lot, I suffered for 1 year, even raised my blood pressure.

But now, after the chiropractor, everything is fine, but when I start working, my back hurts, not my spine, but just my back. Please tell me what should I do?

I do the exercise every day.

Chiropractors also have soft techniques. But what everyone is looking for is now called unconventional. All teachers are specialists only in the traditional direction. Namely what was recently called a doctor innovator. This means that the chiropractor is now called a nekotoprav. Ask a specialist what he can do. What rules. Now is the time for doctors. Any hint of medical assistance says that this doctor is an innovator. Narrow specialist. Anyone interested in that good bone-setting tradition can contact me or leave an email here.

Many people are interested in how things are going in medicine. Figuratively speaking, a doctor is a person whom you see in a mirror reflection. But the healer is a real living character. Apparently the first doctor used a mirror. Since then, medicine began to be called free. Only you can decide in what world you receive help. Where will it be in the looking glass or in the real world with a healer. A healer has no limitations; he is a comprehensively developed person. If necessary, he will make you a fake. And wood carving. This will be an original indestructible product. Man is the crown of creation.

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