Cane Corso puppies: features of selection, feeding and care. By external signs it is determined as follows:

- these are beautiful and strong dogs, from which one breathes of power and natural strength.

We can say that this is a distinctive breed of dogs, since their skills and appearance have been preserved for many centuries.

The ancestors of the Cane Corso are the Molossian Danes, but, of course, these giants were subjected to selection, which changed the character of the dogs.

Currently these menacing dogs not only bodyguards and security guards, but also true friends.

This is a large dog with well-developed waste paper. The body is slightly elongated, males at the withers are 65-68 cm, females - 60-65 cm.

Dog weight 45-50 and 40-45 kg, respectively.

Read more about the weight of the Cane Corso.

The head of the Corso is massive, the skull is wide. The jaws are wide and have a slight bite.

It was adopted relatively recently, therefore, the formation of the breed continues.


During the growth period, bone tissue is not yet strong, so strong physical activity can lead to deformation. Free walking is recommended up to 7 months.

In order not to spoil the bite, you should not forcefully pull sticks and rags from the dog’s mouth.

Physical activity can be gradually introduced from 7 months - walking with an alternating rhythm, swimming, but jumping over obstacles is not yet advisable.

The coat should be brushed regularly, and the dog should be washed with shampoo as needed.. After washing your dog, you cannot walk for 3 hours, so it is better to bathe your puppy at night.

Cleaning the ears, paws and examining the teeth is mandatory, and it is necessary to achieve obedience from the dog not by force, but in a playful way.

How to feed

You can switch a puppy to a new diet only two weeks after he has settled in a new place. It is better to stick to the schedule that was observed in the breeder's house.

Cane Corso needs a lot of protein food, so the menu should include meat, fish, eggs, and offal.

Until the dog is 2.5 months old, the meat is cut into pieces; the minced meat is not absorbed by the body. In addition, the baby's diet should include milk and dairy products. From six months, tripe can be introduced into the diet.

If the owner plans to feed the dog natural food, dietary supplements should be added to food. When feeding industrial feed there is no need to do this.

Read more about how to feed your Cane Corso.

How to choose a pet?

As a rule, puppies are sold 45 days after birth.

You should not adopt a puppy earlier, thinking that this way he will get used to his new home easier.

First you need to choose a nursery. If the conditions for keeping dogs there are poor, it is better not to take a puppy from there.

You should not focus only on the price of the dog, since Cane Corso puppies can be different types(show, breed, pet), their price varies from 300 to 1500 dollars.

But believing that pets are rejected puppies is a mistake. They will cost less, but must have a pedigree.

All babies must be well-fed and strong; when choosing a puppy, you need to observe the behavior of the babies. A healthy puppy should be able to stand well on his feet, be cheerful, friendly and brave.

If possible, it is advisable to look at the puppy’s parents, then it is possible to evaluate the breed standards. It is better if the mother's age is 2-8 years, younger bitches give birth to weak puppies.

Puppies born in the spring have more opportunity for normal growth; those born in the fall spend more quickly. internal fat, therefore, when buying a puppy in the fall, it is advisable additional examination at the veterinarian.

If the temperament of the future owner does not match the temperament of the puppy, problems may arise in the future, so it is very important to choose a dog “to your liking.”


The puppy must be carefully examined - there should be no discharge from the nose, the skin and mucous membranes must be healthy and clean.

The puppy's eyes should be clear, without dried crusts, and his tongue should be pink. It is also necessary to check the consistency of age and development parameters.

We must understand that any pedigree dog must have documents. The puppy must have a birth certificate and an international passport.

You need to carefully study the papers and make sure that the puppy has received all the necessary vaccinations, and that helminth prevention has also been carried out.

The dog must have a mark on its belly that corresponds to that indicated in the metric.

Conclusion and conclusions

At 6 weeks of age, the puppy is still a blank slate with only a few acquired habits.

Everything he sees future owner– this is genetic potential.

A lot depends on in the future, therefore, when purchasing a Cane Corso puppy, you need to be prepared for long, responsible and patient work.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to choose a Cane Corso puppy:

In contact with

What does it take to become the happy owner of a real Cane Corso?

The first thing is choosing the right puppy. The second is education and training.

The first stage is to never rush.

2.It is VERY IMPORTANT to familiarize yourself with

3.Choosing a nursery or breeder

4. Choosing a puppy.

If you think that you are not going to go to exhibitions and competitions and that any cute puppy will do for you, you are WRONG!

Right choice puppy- this is a guarantee that you will receive not only purebred Cane Corso, but also healthy dog , with a wonderful character which will delight you and your family long years.

It’s sad to become a regular customer for your own money veterinary clinic or a behavior correction specialist or, God forbid, being mutilated by your own dog! Or a year later you will be surprised to discover that your dog very vaguely resembles a real Cane Corso! And this is as a result of one’s greed or rash act.

You are choosing a family member, so please take this very seriously!

Cane Corso is not a cheap breed. It would be better to say one of the most expensive and prestigious in the world. In order to raise a breeding sire, a lot of work is done. Therefore, high-quality puppies cannot be cheap - too much effort and money is invested in the production of a good litter.

Characters and physical characteristics different dogs are different from the same breed, they cannot be absolutely the same, because a dog is a personality formed under the influence of many factors, but the basic basis for all real Cane Corsos is the same, and you need a puppy with a good genetic base.

IN Lately, due to the popularity and fairly high cost of the breed, many “breeders” have appeared trying to make easy money by selling low-quality Cane Corso puppies or even mongrels without documents.

How to distinguish a conscientious breeder from a charlatan?

1. The price of Cane Corso puppies cannot be lower than 50 thousand rubles. This is the cost that minimally covers the maintenance of the breeder, raising the litter and the cost of high-quality mating. THERE IS NO CANE CORSO WITHOUT DOCUMENTS! ANY DOG WITHOUT DOCUMENTS IS A MOG, AND PAYING MONEY FOR A MOG IS THE HEIGHT OF STUPIDITY!

2. The parents of the puppy have had tests done for elbow and hip dysplasia and have an official conclusion from a RKF specialist on the degree of presence or absence of dysplasia.

3. The puppy’s parents have been tested for the absence of mental defects, for which there is a certificate issued by an RKF specialist of the established form.

4. The least that a father and mother of a puppy can have is a breeding assessment from an exhibition, as evidenced by a diploma and a description of the dog. The “very good” rating is the minimum acceptable limit of the quality of the producer with which he is allowed for breeding.

All famous manufacturers who produce high-quality puppies, as a rule, themselves have numerous titles both in Russia and abroad, which is confirmed by standard certificates. But the main thing is that puppies from previous litters born from these sires are successfully exhibited and have excellent health. It’s wonderful and very valuable when the manufacturer has the title “ Best Producer» from single-breed exhibitions or exhibitions of a decent level.

5. Be sure to look at both of the puppy's parents. It is very advisable to look at cheeks from previous litters. Take an interest in their success at exhibitions, pay attention to their health and behavior. Every self-respecting nursery always has them. Only in this case, you can be quite calm that they will not slip you a cull or a mongrel.

IN last years Many dogs appeared that only externally corresponded to this breed. But then problems arise with the psyche of these dogs. If I see a cowardly Cane Corso, hysterical or uncontrollably aggressive, it means that this is not a real Cane Corso, it is a marriage of breeding and education. And these dogs will also give offspring with a similar defect.

Therefore, you can choose a puppy only from the father and mother you have seen in person. Be sure to inquire about their behavior, character, whether they worked at the training site, whether they know any working discipline and whether they have working diplomas. My dogs, for example, in addition to visiting exhibitions, undergo training courses and work as protection. These are full-fledged working dogs and bitches, in whose character and psyche you can be confident, as well as in the working qualities of their descendants, since the ancestors of my dogs also have working diplomas.

6. As a rule, the highest quality puppies are sold in professional nurseries.

Charlatans, knowing this, write in advertisements that puppies are sold from a breeding kennel. In this regard, you, as a potential buyer, need to know the following:

The official nursery has its own unique name. He is registered on the website of the World Canine Federation in Brussels. Therefore, each nursery has an official name in two languages ​​- Russian and English. You can check whether the nursery is really registered on the website

However, registration on this site itself only gives the right to use the name of the nursery. Legally, the nursery exists and can be considered as such if three conditions are met:

1. have a registered name, have their own brand (there is a certificate of assignment of the brand issued by RKF and a certificate with registration number and the name of the nursery, issued by RKF)

2. has its own seal and the right to draw up documents on its own behalf. (metrics issued by the nursery, signed by its owner, bears the seal of the nursery)

3. The manager of the kennel has a canine education, which is confirmed by a standard certificate.

And a few more main signs of a professional nursery:

All decent nurseries have their own official website.

Professional nurseries are not located “at home” or in a backyard shed. A professional nursery is a modern complex that requires financial and labor costs, as well as professional knowledge and skills, which ensures high quality puppies.

Professional nurseries have a fairly large (at least 5-10 heads) breeding stock. The presence of one or two dogs already indicates an insufficient level of breeding. For a private breeder this is quite acceptable, but for a professional nursery it is unacceptable.

Now to the point.

For a puppy, it is necessary to have a puppy certificate (puppy card, or information about the origin), which indicates: the name of the cynological organization that issued the document, with its address, contact phone number and seal; name of the breed; puppy's name; Date of Birth; floor; color; brand; nicknames and titles of parents (male and female); surname and address of the breeder; Full name responsible person who issued the document, date of issue.

Our puppies have veterinary passport with a note on all age-appropriate veterinary measures taken.

According to the breeding regulations of the RKF, puppies are certified (inspected for purebred, compliance with the standard and the absence or presence of flaws and defects) and are given the appropriate documents after 45 days.

Usually puppies are purchased at the age of 1.5-3 months. However, professionals prefer to take puppies after 5-6 months. At this age, the teeth have already changed, the bite has been determined, the color of the eyes, the size of the dog, the structure of the limbs, its movements, and its character has taken shape. Although this is the age of the “ugly duckling” for the Cane Corso, it highlights all the advantages and disadvantages of a teenager. And any unexpected “surprises” in the future are practically excluded.

In any case, the purebred origin of the dog is important, because... external characteristics, behavior, psyche, character, working qualities and health are inherited by the puppy from his ancestors.

Third - examination of the puppies. You need to look at all the puppies from the litter, because... this gives a more complete picture of the quality of the litter as a whole and the conditions under which the breeder and offspring are kept.

The puppy should be active, well-fed, with shiny fur, clean eyes, ears and nose, without any discharge.

The mucous membranes of the eyes and nose should have pink color, which is one of the signs of absence helminthic infestations And cardiovascular diseases.

The abdomen should be clean, without rashes, peeling, redness, without umbilical or inguinal hernias.

Teeth . .

Puppies are born toothless. At 3-4 weeks from birth, puppies begin to erupt milk teeth, in the following order:
The first to erupt are the fangs - 2 in each jaw. Behind them are the incisors and premolars. It often happens that premolars erupt earlier than the incisors or at the same time as them. There should be 6 incisors in each jaw; some features are observed in the premolars. P1 is absent in primary teeth. If it also appears among baby teeth, this is a developmental defect and this means that permanent tooth won't grow anymore. Since there are no molars yet, premolars perform their functions; In baby teeth, premolars are very important. P4 - so-called large molar. Some experts classify this tooth as a molar, with which it is similar in appearance and function. In terms of development, this tooth is not a molar, i.e. It is also laid down as a milk tooth, and undoubtedly belongs to the premolars. . There are 6 premolars in each jaw, i.e. There should be 28 baby teeth in total - 14 in each jaw

The dental formula before changing teeth is as follows:
3P 1C 3I 3I 1C 3P ( upper jaw) –14 teeth
3P 1C 3I 3I 1C 3P ( lower jaw) – 14 teeth
P4,P3,P2,C,I3,I2,I1 I1,I2,I3,C,P2,P3,P4
P4,P3,P2,C,I3,I2,I1 I1,I2,I3,C,P2,P3,P4

The replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones begins in the 4th month in this order:
incisors - replaced first (3-5 months)
from 4 to 7 months - fangs change
from the indigenous ones, P1 grows first - at 4-6 months and is not replaced (i.e. there is no milk P1);
then they grow and also remain forever M1 - at 4-5 months and M2 - at 5-6 months, M3 - at 6-7 months.

Thus, by seven months the change of teeth should be completely completed.

Upper jaw P6 + K2 + P8 + M4 = 20

Lower jaw P6 + K2 + P8 + M6 = 22
This means that in each jaw there are 6 incisors, 2 canines, 8 false-rooted teeth (premolars); There are 6 permanent molars (molars) in the lower jaw and 4 in the upper jaw. The incisors are numbered from the middle towards the canine; P1 (hooks), P2 (middle), P3 (edges), canines are designated by the letter K. Premolars are numbered from the canines: P1, P2, P3, P4; and molars - from premolars: M1, M2, M3.
a - upper jaw;
b - lower jaw:
i1, i2, i3 — incisors;
P1, P2, P3, P4 - premolars;
M1, M2, M3 - molars

Bite. As a rule, most Cane Corso puppies have 1.5-2 one month old scissor bite. Usually, by the time the teeth change - 4-5 months - the bite becomes pincer-shaped or a dense bite (which is the norm for a Cane Corso). It happens that the bite becomes later. If a puppy at the age of 1.5-2 months already has a visible undershot, there is Great chance that as an adult the dog will have a high-waste snack.

The Cane Corso puppy's eyes are oval, medium in size, set wide and fairly deep at a height of 10-15 degrees above the line of the nose. As dark, clean, clear as possible, without squinting.

frame . Front and rear end the torso must be proportional. A wide, voluminous chest and a narrow, weak croup are not good. Cane Corso babies have pronounced withers and a long, strong back. The chest is developed according to age, voluminous. The stomach should not be too bloated and the back should not be sagging. The loin is slightly convex, wide, level, fairly long and elastic. The croup is somewhat sloping; excessively sloping or too short is undesirable.

A healthy puppy should not show signs of rickets. The signs of rickets are as follows: characteristic compactions, the so-called “buttons” or “rosaries,” on the sides of the ribs. Bloated belly, protruding ribs, thin paws and tail at the base, narrow chest, turned out or close elbows, weak, knotty, twisted fore and hind limbs, sagging pasterns, loose paws.

Forelegs should be parallel, elbows tucked, pasterns straight and parallel. The paw with the toes pressed tightly together is in a ball. The limbs should not be splayed, barrel-shaped or x-shaped, rear - straight knee

Tail . Disqualifying defects in the Cane Corso are anurism (lack of tail), brahurism ( short tail) both hereditary and acquired. According to the standard, the Cane Corso's tail is docked at the 4th vertebra or not docked at all. I feel the tail. If the tail is docked too short, this may be due to the desire to hide a genetic defect - a broken tail. A broken tail is sometimes associated with structural abnormalities hip joint And hind limbs. Therefore, in this case it turns Special attention on the back half of the puppy’s body and its movements.

Watching the puppy in motion, because It is in movement that you can see whether he has a clubfoot, a stilted gait, a limp, whether his paws are spreading to the sides, or whether there is any markings.

Fourth - heredity.

At 2-4 months old, Cane Corso puppies are cheerful, inquisitive, and friendly to people. They must not show aggression or cowardice

I would like to note that, according to my observations, intuition plays an important role in choosing a puppy. Some of the kids will immediately “take their hearts” on them. If a person is inexperienced and does not know everything that was mentioned above, he chooses true love and true friendship. An experienced dog handler will pick out the best dog in terms of appearance and character from the entire litter. I believe that in both cases, it is the choice “to your liking” that turns out to be the best for any person choosing a puppy.

If you decide to get a dog and have settled on the Cane Corso breed, then from this article you will learn how to choose a specific puppy (naturally, the most wonderful one) and what steps to take in order to new member family joined her as quickly and without stress as possible.

Description, photo, features of the breed

The Cane Corso is an ancient breed, of Italian origin, primarily a guard dog. The dogs are large, strong, but at the same time elegant. Powerful, wide head with semi-erect ears and slightly hanging lips.

The coat is dark, short, smooth. Maximum dimensions: height of males - 68 cm, weight - 50 kg; females height - 64 cm, weight - 45 kg. Very smart, non-aggressive. They are obedient, well trained, but at the same time very active.

Average cost of puppies

Purebred dogs are not a cheap pleasure, so be prepared to pay a decent amount for your pet (and then regularly spend money on examinations, vaccinations and expensive food). Puppies range in price from $450 to $1,250.

Important!The Cane Corso, also known as the Italian Mastiff, was originally hunting dog, so he tends to be willful. Combined with the size of the animal, this makes it not the best choice for beginners and/or inexperienced dog owners.

Most often, babies are offered for $900, which is approximately the amount you should expect when starting your search.

How to choose a pet

First you need to decide on a nursery. Don't be lazy to read the reviews. Next is a specific litter. It is worth getting acquainted with the pedigree of the parents, and if possible, at least look at the mother. If breeders refuse to show a bitch, this alarm bell, you can turn around and look further.

It is also worth deciding in advance whether you will exhibit the dog and whether you want offspring from it. This affects the class and, accordingly, the price. Show (exhibition) are the most expensive, then breeding (for breeding) and pet are the cheapest.

If a dog is not taken for breeding, it must be neutered. Study the breed standards. Unscrupulous breeders may sell puppies with defects (including disqualifying defects) for the price of a purebred specimen.

Did you know? Usually puppies are sold with a nickname, starting with a certain letter (these are registration features). If you want to give a name that will be entered into the documents yourself, then you need to agree on the purchase of the baby before his birth.

Appearance and behavior of the puppy

When you come to the nursery and have your eye on a particular baby, you should take a close look at him. The puppy must be healthy.

By external signs it is defined like this:

  • absence of bald spots and spots on the body;
  • the fur is shiny and thick;
  • ears and eyes are clean;
  • smell - a puppy, like any child, smells of mother’s milk;
  • fatness - the baby should not be skinny, but not too pot-bellied (a swollen tummy may mean the presence of helminths);
  • the nose is cool and wet.

Check how the dog behaves. Even at a tender age, temperament and the beginnings of character are already visible. Based on your own needs and characteristics (age, activity, experience in keeping large dog, or lack thereof), think about who is more suitable for you - an active or calm dog.

The simplest test is to take a noisy object unfamiliar to the kids, like a rattle, shake it and place it on the floor. See how the puppies react. The level of activity and interest will tell a lot about their future behavior.

Did you know? Babies may have a warm, dry nose after sleep; this is normal. It’s worth checking some time after waking up.

The only definitely negative sign in behavior is complete non-contact. Kids should react to a person, the best thing is to come up and try to play. It is optimal, of course, to carry out the Campbell and Fisher-Wolhard tests; they give a fairly accurate forecast.

Also consider the gender of the dog. Girls are calmer and more obedient, boys are more active, restless, and you will have to put more effort into them.

Living conditions and documents

When visiting your future pet, pay attention to the environment, the availability of the necessary conditions for dogs, and what they eat. Dirt, a mess, cheap food, and a bitch that looks emaciated and/or sick are not the best signs.

Of course, immediately after whelping and during the lactation period, the bitch does not look the best, but by the age of one and a half months the puppies should have fully recovered.

Be sure to check the following:

  • whether the club/kennel has a license;
  • puppy documents (metrics), necessarily with the seal of the club/kennel and the RKF cap;
  • puppy brand (placed on the stomach, closer to the groin), the data must match those indicated in the metric.

It is advisable to document the purchase (purchase agreement) with the rights and obligations of the parties recorded, as well as possible liability for failure to comply with the terms of the agreement.

Important! Do not adopt a puppy under 45 days old, he has not yet developed immunity!

How to prepare a place for a puppy

By the time your puppy arrives, you should already have everything he will need; it’s easier than buying more in a panic at exorbitant prices. Consult the breeder, he will tell you the nuances. By default, the dog should have its own equipped place for water and food.

Remove everything from the floor that can be chewed in advance, because it is unlikely that you will be able to watch your baby continuously. If the floors in the house/apartment are slippery, cover them, otherwise the puppy's paws will move apart.

Your own corner

Choose a puppy sleeping area. The bedding should be dense and warm, located at a height of at least 5 cm from the floor, because Cane Corsos are short-haired, which means they are sensitive to drafts.

A blanket (flannelette), rubberized mat, mattress or carpet will do.

Nothing made of foam rubber is strictly forbidden - it will be eaten. Make sure you have a removable cover or blanket that can be easily removed and washed. If the size of your apartment/house allows, provide or buy your dog his own sofa so that he doesn’t try to climb onto yours.

The length of the bed should exceed the size of an adult dog - they love to lie stretched out.

Feeding area

Buy iron bowls on a tripod with the ability to adjust the height - as the dog grows, they need to be raised so that they are located at chest level. Take it immediately for an adult dog, with a volume of 2-3 liters. Fresh water should always be available.


The puppy goes to the toilet often. He needs to be walked about 8 times a day, it is better to go out with him after eating and/or sleeping.

To reduce the number of piles and puddles in your home, you can equip a specially designated area with newspapers, disposable diapers or other unnecessary rags.

Features of caring for puppies

The Cane Corso, like any other dog, needs care, although this breed does not require anything supernatural. Short hair should be combed and massage brush. While you're at it, remove loose hair using a rubberized mitten.

Frequent bathing is not required (a couple of times a year or if it is too dirty); usually it is enough to wipe the dog with a slightly damp towel. Buy a quality nail clipper. The puppy needs it about once a week. With the same frequency, clean your ears with a dry cotton wool, shallowly.

There may be discharge from the eyes after sleep. This is normal, you can remove them with a cotton swab soaked in tea. If the eyes are red and this causes discomfort to the dog, it is worth visiting a veterinarian.

What to feed a Cane Corso puppy?

At the very beginning, you need to feed the puppy the same food that the breeder gave(inquire and buy in advance). If you plan to transfer to another, do it gradually, gradually reducing the amount of old and increasing the amount of new over the course of a week.

Also needed mineral supplements and goodies to chew on.

First days

Up to 5 months, the baby needs to be fed 6 times a day. Daily norm feed is divided into 6 equal portions and given at regular intervals. You can calculate the required amount of food based on the dog’s weight: 0.2-0.4 kg per 1 kg of weight.

As you grow older

At about six months, the number of feedings is reduced to three. Adult dog eats approximately 0.7-0.8 kg of food per day, more if the dog is a working or service dog. Watch your weight. You cannot overfeed the animal.

Raising and training a puppy

The Cane Corso is a very sociable dog; after moving to a new home, the puppy will miss his family and follow the owner’s heels. You need to spend a lot of time with him, talk and play. The dog responds much better to rewards; it cannot be physically punished at all.

Good behavior should be praised, dissatisfaction should be shown exclusively with your voice. A puppy can only be reprimanded for his misdeeds by those directly behind the process. If some time has passed since the destruction of your shoes, the dog simply will not understand why exactly he is being scolded.

If you have a child, from the first days teach him how to interact with your pet correctly - handling must be gentle. The puppy cannot be pulled by the paws and tail; you can only pick it up at the same time under the chest and hind legs, not under the stomach. It’s better to play with the help of toys; it’s not worth playing catch-up - the dog can bite when it’s played out.

If you have a dog or cat, it is important to delimit their space at first: the baby should not have access to another dog’s cat food, litter tray, or toys. Show the older dog that you will not love him less: first of all, affection and treats should be given to him.

The puppy's first acquaintance and interaction with children and other pets should be strictly under your control; do not allow them to bite or fight.

Baby's health

Taking care of your puppy's health is your first responsibility.

Important! It is absolutely forbidden to walk with an unvaccinated puppy on the street!

So, if you are determined to adopt an Italian Mastiff puppy, you will need to be prepared for some challenges, as well as follow the training and care guidelines. If everything is done correctly, a well-mannered and devoted dog will become a reliable friend and protector for many years.

Choosing a good Cane Corso puppy is now quite difficult.

When a breed becomes “fashionable,” this, unfortunately, often has a bad effect on the dogs, since not very conscientious breeders try to “produce” as many puppies as possible without much regard for the qualities of the parents. Therefore, there are many cowardly-aggressive dogs that are simply dangerous. And if you decide to get a Cane Corso, choose a breeder carefully. Study the history of the nursery, read the pedigree of the parents (there should be no “blank spots” there).

Meet not only kids, but also adult dogs and teenagers, watch videos, read articles and books about the breed, and don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Decide who you want to adopt: a male or a female? The Cane Corso male is more stubborn, willful and aggressive towards other representatives of his sex. Bitches, as a rule, are more responsible, more gentle, more obedient, more disciplined and are not inferior to “men” in terms of working qualities. Beginners are advised to choose females. However, every rule has exceptions, so it's more a matter of personal preference. When choosing, you should rely, rather, on the temperament of the parents, as well as the similarity of the characters of the future owner and the potential pet.

Compare the puppies with each other. Who is more well-fed, larger, more proportional, who has thicker paws and a wider chest? Pay attention to the baby's head. The muzzle should be square; a cone-shaped muzzle is a defect. The brow ridges should be pronounced. The jaws are strong and massive.

The eyes should be clear and clean. The nose is free of dried crusts and snot. The tongue is pink. The tummy is clean, smooth, without signs of rashes or pimples. The fur is shiny.

A 2-4 month old Cane Corso puppy is human-friendly, inquisitive, cheerful and courageous. Be sure to ask the breeder about his inclinations and behavioral characteristics. Peculiarities nervous system- a hereditary thing.

A purebred puppy must be accompanied by documents: a puppy card (certifying its origin), which you will later exchange for a pedigree, a purchase and sale agreement, a veterinary passport. Club puppies have a brand or chip, which is indicated in the pedigree and in the stud book.

All Cane Corso puppies are very similar to each other, and it seems that there is nothing difficult in choosing one of them. One who will become an exemplary pet and true friend for many years.

However, choosing a purebred dog is actually a very difficult process. You need to know many nuances in order to buy a healthy, balanced animal. And it is important not to become a victim of deceivers who, under the guise of an elite puppy, can sell you almost a mongrel.

There is no such thing as cheap and high quality

The Cane Corso breed (canecorso is a misspelling) is prestigious and fashionable. Because of this, today everyone who is not too lazy is engaged in its breeding. Not every breeder and not every nursery maintains the purity of the breed and its quality.

Good, responsible breeders spend a lot of effort, time and money on quality food for dogs, providing ideal conditions for them, veterinary procedures.

Considerable costs are associated with searching for and traveling to partners for mating, who often live in other regions and even abroad. Add to this participation in various exhibitions, competitions, contributions to specialized associations, and you will understand that a real Cane Corso puppy cannot be cheap.

So, when choosing a pet, pay attention to:

Puppy cost;

The conditions in which dogs live in the kennel;

Availability of documents for the animal;

No dysplasia;

His pedigree;

The appearance of the puppy and the exterior of the dog;

The behavior and manners of the breeder himself.

The question of how much a Cane Corso costs is the first thing that comes to mind for those who are about to buy one. Puppies, both in Moscow and in the regions, will cost from 170 to 1700 dollars. The maximum amount is an excellent pedigree and the fruits of hard work, and the initial amount is a dog who can be anyone.

Serious breeders warn: a real, pedigree Cane Corso can be purchased for $1,000 or more.

Sometimes nurseries sell the rest of the litter at a discount if the last puppies have been delayed for a long time, and they need to go somewhere. But you need to know these things for sure. IN in this case The puppy will already be grown up. And if the breeder is conscientious and involved in his upbringing, there will be no problems.

Even a very good owner can reduce the price. The fact is that respectable breeders do not care under whose care they place the puppy. They may not sell the babies to just anyone.

If the breeder is convinced that you are responsible, competent, able to provide for the dog financially and will be kind to it, he can give you a good discount.

In addition, sometimes Cane Corso can be purchased as co-ownership. This is usually done with bitches when the breeder has plans for her as a mother. good puppies, but cannot keep it with him.

It will be cheaper, but you will have to sign an appropriate agreement and discuss the dog’s participation in exhibitions and breedings in advance. If the breeder sees that you are not providing the puppy with proper living conditions, he will have the right to take it away.

About “varieties” of puppies and myths

In your search for the right pet, you may come across a variety of breeders and conflicting information. For example, there is a division of puppies into specific classes. This is a show, a breed and a pet.

Nature itself ordered the first to shine at exhibitions. The latter - carriers of selected genes - go into breeding. Still others are simply favorites for the house, they are real Cane Corsos, but with some kind of flaw that does not allow them to stand on pedestals or give first-class offspring. The price fluctuates accordingly: shows are the most expensive. However, there is one “but”.

Very often, illiterate buyers are fooled by selling a pet at a show price, or passing off a two-month-old puppy as a show. Let us explain about the latter. No serious breeder can say with certainty that this very young puppy belongs to the show class.

He can call him promising, promising and nothing more. Growing up, the dog will change a lot, and it is unknown what he will be like in a year or three.

For example, like this important indicator According to the breed standard, the bite can be assessed only after changing teeth, that is, after about 8 months. Before this, it is too early to “make a diagnosis” - the bite is unstable. Similarly with other physical parameters.

Remember that you can only buy a show representative with complete confidence when you are old enough. By the way, some professionals generally believe that a dog that has never successfully performed in an exhibition cannot be classified as a show class.

It turns out that due to their illiteracy, people get into trouble and become prey to deceivers.

It is also worth keeping in mind that pet class puppies are not a waste at all. If you are not going to participate in competitions and breeding with your dog, but are just looking for a friend, they are perfect.

What should you pay attention to first?

Having chosen a nursery or breeder, you come to the place to meet the new family member. Immediately pay attention to the conditions in which the dogs are kept. If they look sad and there is a “pig sty” around, turn around and leave.

Be prepared for the fact that the breeder will ask you different questions and eventually recommend this or that puppy. This is normal, because he already knows the character and abilities of the kids. The advice is worth heeding, although you are not obligated to follow it.

It is better if there are no more than eight babies in the litter, otherwise they may be weak or underdeveloped.

You should not choose a Cane Corso puppy just based on a photo on the Internet. Be sure to meet him in person. It often happens that the handsome guy in the photo suddenly doesn’t feel like it. Oddly enough, professional dog breeders advise not to ignore your intuition.

In the end, you acquire a personality, albeit a four-legged one, but you will live with it for many years. If you can’t visit the breeder in person, ask him to send a video of the puppies. Someone who has nothing to hide will not refuse you.

Also study the breed standards in advance. Carefully examine the puppy: its color, build, development and age, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes - there should be no sores, bald spots, or rashes. The mucous membranes should be clean and pink.

If there is discharge from the puppy's nose or eyes, this is a sign of illness. It is also important how the little Cane Corso behaves. He must stand on his own two feet in every sense: be brave, energetic and friendly.

All babies should be strong and well-fed. Watch them for a while. Take someone who is confident, lively and eats with appetite, but don't overdo it.

A too nimble Cane Corso puppy may turn into a daredevil in the future. Therefore, correlate your temperament with the character of your future pet.

Ask to show you the puppy's mother, or better yet, the father too. Assess how well they correspond to the breed standard and how they look in general. If the bitch seems tired, underfed, or sick, it is better not to take a puppy.

A dog that has received little care during pregnancy is unlikely to produce healthy offspring. In addition, this eloquently characterizes the breeder. It's better not to take risks.

Remember that puppies in a litter may not be equally valuable. Some of them are a breed, and in the future, perhaps, they will turn out to be show aristocrats, some are simply not. The cost of the babies will be different, depending on their potential, and an experienced breeder will be able to estimate it.

If you want a future champion, prepare a tidy sum. And remember: you should not buy a puppy younger than 2.5 months. And if you want to buy a show Cane Corso, take a dog 8 months and older.

Breed data, pedigree and documents

Now comes the most unexciting but important “bureaucratic” part. Any decent purebred dog has the appropriate documents, and this should be paid close attention to. There are many breeders, but not too many professionals. When you come to meet the puppies, immediately ask for papers. Better even before you see the dogs.

A young Cane Corso must have a puppy card (metric), as well as an international veterinary passport with information about all vaccinations and the prevention of helminths (worms). It is also advisable to conclude a purchase and sale agreement with the breeder.

The card indicates: the breed of the newborn, gender, full name and color, code, full date of birth, brand number, all data of the owner and breeder, as well as mother and father. The registration number, name and contacts of the organization that issued the metric must also be recorded.

The document is issued 45 days after the birth of the puppies. It indicates that they are registered with the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF). When the Cane Corso turns 15 months old, the card is replaced with another document - a pedigree. When choosing a puppy, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the pedigree of its parents, as well as their veterinary passports.

A responsible breeder should have test results for puppies for dysplasia indicating the degree: A, B, C, D, E. A good result is A and B. However, you should focus not on them, but on the condition of the parents’ joints. After all, this hereditary disease can appear at any age.

Be sure to compare the mark on the dog’s belly with that indicated in the metric - everything should match.

Buying a puppy is the least of your expenses

Finally, let's give a couple useful tips. When thinking about how to choose a Cane Corso puppy, ask yourself: why do you need one? If it's for prestige and to show off, it's better to abandon the idea right away. The Cane Corso is a serious dog.

If you do not give her due attention and do not approach her upbringing competently, she will become dangerous.

How to choose the right puppy: Italian Cane Corso

What does it take to become the happy owner of a real Cane Corso?

The first thing is choosing the right puppy. The second is education and training.

The first stage is to never rush.

1. Read the information about the breed;

2. Familiarization with the standard is VERY IMPORTANT;

3.Choosing a nursery or breeder

4. Choosing a puppy.

If you think that you are not going to go to exhibitions and competitions and that any cute puppy will do for you, you are WRONG!

Choosing the right puppy is a guarantee that you will receive not only a purebred Cane Corso, but also a healthy dog ​​with a wonderful character that will delight you and your family for many years.

It’s sad to spend your own money to become a regular client of a veterinary clinic or behavior correction specialist, or, God forbid, to be mutilated by your own dog! Or a year later you will be surprised to discover that your dog very vaguely resembles a real Cane Corso! And this is as a result of one’s greed or rash act.

You are choosing a family member, so please take this very seriously!

Cane Corso is not a cheap breed. It would be better to say one of the most expensive and prestigious in the world. In order to raise a breeding sire, a lot of work is done. Therefore, high-quality puppies cannot be cheap - too much effort and money is invested in the production of a good litter.

The characters and physical characteristics of different dogs of the same breed are different, they cannot be absolutely the same, because a dog is a personality formed under the influence of many factors, but the basic basis for all real Cane Corsos is the same, and you need a puppy with a good genetic base.

Recently, due to the popularity and fairly high cost of the breed, many “breeders” have appeared trying to make easy money by selling low-quality Cane Corso puppies or even mongrels without documents.

How to distinguish a conscientious breeder from a charlatan?

1. The price of Cane Corso puppies cannot be lower than 50 thousand rubles. This is the cost that minimally covers the maintenance of the breeder, raising the litter and the cost of high-quality mating. THERE IS NO CANE CORSO WITHOUT DOCUMENTS! ANY DOG WITHOUT DOCUMENTS IS A MOG, AND PAYING MONEY FOR A MOG IS THE HEIGHT OF STUPIDITY!

2. The parents of the puppy have had tests done for elbow and hip dysplasia and have an official conclusion from a RKF specialist on the degree of presence or absence of dysplasia.

3. The puppy’s parents have been tested for the absence of mental defects, for which there is a certificate issued by an RKF specialist of the established form.

4. The least that a father and mother of a puppy can have is a breeding assessment from an exhibition, as evidenced by a diploma and a description of the dog. The “very good” rating is the minimum acceptable limit of the quality of the producer with which he is allowed for breeding.

All well-known producers who produce high-quality puppies, as a rule, themselves have numerous titles both in Russia and abroad, which is confirmed by standard certificates. But the main thing is that puppies from previous litters born from these sires are successfully exhibited and have excellent health. It is wonderful and very valuable when a producer has the title “Best Producer” from single-breed exhibitions or exhibitions of a decent level.

5. Be sure to look at both of the puppy's parents. It is very advisable to look at cheeks from previous litters. Take an interest in their success at exhibitions, pay attention to their health and behavior. Every self-respecting nursery always has them. Only in this case, you can be quite calm that they will not slip you a cull or a mongrel.

In recent years, many dogs have appeared that only outwardly correspond to this breed. But then problems arise with the psyche of these dogs. If I see a cowardly Cane Corso, hysterical or uncontrollably aggressive, it means that this is not a real Cane Corso, it is a marriage of breeding and education. And these dogs will also give offspring with a similar defect.

Therefore, you can choose a puppy only from the father and mother you have seen in person. Be sure to inquire about their behavior, character, whether they worked at the training site, whether they know any working discipline and whether they have working diplomas. My dogs, for example, in addition to visiting exhibitions, undergo training courses and work as protection. These are full-fledged working dogs and bitches, in whose character and psyche you can be confident, as well as in the working qualities of their descendants, since the ancestors of my dogs also have working diplomas.

6. As a rule, the highest quality puppies are sold in professional nurseries.

Charlatans, knowing this, write in advertisements that puppies are sold from a breeding kennel. In this regard, you, as a potential buyer, need to know the following:

The official nursery has its own unique name. He is registered on the website of the World Canine Federation in Brussels. Therefore, each nursery has an official name in two languages ​​- Russian and English. You can check whether the nursery is really registered on the website

However, registration on this site itself only gives the right to use the name of the nursery. Legally, the nursery exists and can be considered as such if three conditions are met:

1. have a registered name, have their own brand (there is a certificate of assignment of the brand, issued by RKF and a certificate with the registration number and name of the nursery, issued by RKF)

2. has its own seal and the right to draw up documents on its own behalf. (metrics issued by the nursery, signed by its owner, bears the seal of the nursery)

3. The manager of the kennel has a canine education, which is confirmed by a standard certificate.

And a few more main signs of a professional nursery:

All decent nurseries have their own official website.

Professional nurseries are not located “at home” or in a backyard shed. A professional nursery is a modern complex that requires financial and labor costs, as well as professional knowledge and skills, which ensures high quality puppies.

Professional nurseries have a fairly large (at least 5-10 heads) breeding stock. The presence of one or two dogs already indicates an insufficient level of breeding. For a private breeder this is quite acceptable, but for a professional nursery it is unacceptable.

Now to the point.

For a puppy, it is necessary to have a puppy certificate (puppy card, or information about the origin), which indicates: the name of the cynological organization that issued the document, with its address, contact phone number and seal; name of the breed; puppy's name; Date of Birth; floor; color; brand; nicknames and titles of parents (male and female); surname and address of the breeder; Full name of the responsible person who issued the document, date of issue.

Our puppies have a veterinary passport with a note on all veterinary measures taken, appropriate for their age.

According to the breeding regulations of the RKF, puppies are certified (inspected for purebred, compliance with the standard and the absence or presence of flaws and defects) and are given the appropriate documents after 45 days.

Usually puppies are purchased at the age of 1.5-3 months. However, professionals prefer to take puppies after 5-6 months. At this age, the teeth have already changed, the bite has been determined, the color of the eyes, the size of the dog, the structure of the limbs, its movements, and its character has taken shape. Although this is the age of the “ugly duckling” for the Cane Corso, it highlights all the advantages and disadvantages of a teenager. And any unexpected “surprises” in the future are practically excluded.

In any case, the purebred origin of the dog is important, because... external characteristics, behavior, psyche, character, working qualities and health are inherited by the puppy from his ancestors.

Third - examination of the puppies. You need to look at all the puppies from the litter, because... this gives a more complete picture of the quality of the litter as a whole and the conditions under which the breeder and offspring are kept.

The puppy should be active, well-fed, with shiny fur, clean eyes, ears and nose, without any discharge.

The mucous membranes of the eyes and nose should be pink, which is one of the signs of the absence of helminthic infestations and cardiovascular diseases.

The abdomen should be clean, without rashes, peeling, redness, and without umbilical or inguinal hernias.

Puppies are born toothless. At 3 - 4 weeks from birth, puppies begin to erupt milk teeth, in the following order: The canines erupt first - 2 in each jaw. Behind them are the incisors and premolars. It often happens that premolars erupt earlier than the incisors or at the same time as them. There should be 6 incisors in each jaw; some features are observed in the premolars. P1 is absent in primary teeth. If it appears among baby teeth, this is a developmental defect and this means that the permanent tooth will no longer grow. Since there are no molars yet, premolars perform their functions; In baby teeth, premolars are very important. P4 - so-called large molar. Some experts classify this tooth as a molar, with which it is similar in appearance and function. In terms of development, this tooth is not a molar, i.e. It is also laid down as a milk tooth, and undoubtedly belongs to the premolars. . There are 6 premolars in each jaw, i.e. There should be 28 baby teeth in total - 14 in each jaw

The dental formula before changing teeth is as follows: 3P 1C 3I 3I 1C 3P (upper jaw) – 14 teeth 3P 1C 3I 3I 1C 3P (lower jaw) – 14 teeth or

P4,P3,P2,C,I3,I2,I1 I1,I2,I3,C,P2,P3,P4 P4,P3,P2,C,I3,I2,I1 I1,I2,I3,C,P2,P3 ,P4

The replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones begins in the 4th month in this order: incisors - change first (3-5 months) from 4 to 7 months - canines change from molars P1 grows first - at 4-6 months and does not change (i.e. . dairy P1 no);

then they grow and also remain forever M1 - at 4-5 months and M2 - at 5-6 months, M3 - at 6-7 months.

Thus, by seven months the change of teeth should be completely completed.

Upper jaw P6 + K2 + P8 + M4 = 20

Lower jaw P6 + K2 + P8 + M6 = 22 This means that each jaw has 6 incisors, 2 canines, 8 false-rooted teeth (premolars); 6 permanent molars (molars) - in the lower jaw and 4 in the upper jaw. The incisors are numbered from the middle towards the canine; P1 (hooks), P2 (middle), P3 (edges), canines are designated by the letter K. Premolars are numbered from the canines: P1, P2, P3, P4; and molars - from premolars: M1, M2, M3. a - upper jaw; b - lower jaw: i1, i2, i3 - incisor teeth; C-fangs; P1, P2, P3, P4 - premolars;

M1, M2, M3 - molars

Bite. As a rule, most Cane Corso puppies have a scissor bite at 1.5-2 months of age. Usually, by the time the teeth change - 4-5 months - the bite becomes pincer-shaped or a dense bite (which is the norm for a Cane Corso). It happens that the bite becomes later. If a puppy at the age of 1.5-2 months already has a visible overbite, there is a high probability that the dog will have a large overbite as an adult.

The Cane Corso puppy's eyes are oval, medium in size, set wide and fairly deep at a height of 10-15 degrees above the line of the nose. As dark, clean, clear as possible, without squinting.

frame. The front and back of the body should be proportional. A wide, voluminous chest and a narrow, weak croup are not good. Cane Corso babies have pronounced withers and a long, strong back. The chest is developed according to age, voluminous. The stomach should not be too bloated and the back should not be sagging. The loin is slightly convex, wide, level, fairly long and elastic. The croup is somewhat sloping; excessively sloping or too short is undesirable.

A healthy puppy should not show signs of rickets. The signs of rickets are as follows: characteristic compactions, the so-called “buttons” or “rosaries,” on the sides of the ribs. A swollen belly, protruding ribs, thin paws and tail at the base, a narrow chest, turned out or close elbows, weak, knotty, twisted fore and hind limbs, sagging pasterns, loose paws.

The forelimbs should be parallel, elbows tucked in, pasterns plumb and parallel. The paw with the toes pressed tightly together is in a ball. The limbs should not have a side-to-side, barrel-shaped or X-shaped posture, the hind legs should have a straight knee

Tail. Disqualifying defects in the Cane Corso are anurism (lack of tail), brahurism (short tail), both hereditary and acquired. According to the standard, the Cane Corso's tail is docked at the 4th vertebra or not docked at all. I feel the tail. If the tail is docked too short, this may be due to the desire to hide a genetic defect - a broken tail. A broken tail is sometimes associated with abnormalities in the structure of the hip joint and hind limbs. Therefore, in this case, special attention is paid to the rear half of the puppy’s body and its movements.

I watch the puppy in motion, because... It is in movement that you can see whether he has a clubfoot, a stilted gait, a limp, whether his paws are spreading to the sides, or whether there is any markings.

Fourth - heredity.

At 2-4 months old, Cane Corso puppies are cheerful, inquisitive, and friendly to people. They must not show aggression or cowardice

I would like to note that, according to my observations, intuition plays an important role in choosing a puppy. Some of the kids will immediately “take their hearts” on them. If a person is inexperienced and does not know everything that was mentioned above, he chooses true love and true friendship. An experienced dog handler will pick out the best dog in terms of appearance and character from the entire litter. I believe that in both cases, it is the choice “to your liking” that turns out to be the best for any person choosing a puppy.

Cane Corso puppies: how to choose and what to feed the kids

Cane Corso puppies are adorable little bumpkins that grow very quickly in the first six months. Tiny Fatfoot month old baby by eight months it reaches the height of an adult dog, but physical and mental development lasts another two years.

The first year of a dog’s life is the most important, since it is during this time that intensive bone growth occurs, ligaments are strengthened, and a correct bite is formed. Wrong diet, excess or deficiency physical activity can cause conformation defects or even illness in the dog.

How to choose the right Cane Corso puppy

Having decided on the question of why a puppy of this particular breed is being purchased and what it is for, the owner comes to the breeder. But how to choose a Cane Corso puppy?

There are still many cases when a pet is acquired spontaneously, at the first glance at a dog, but this behavior of a potential owner is wrong.

The pet is chosen carefully, meticulously, since the dog will live in the family for ten or fifteen years. A mistake in choice will certainly result in problems and troubles.

The choice of a male or female should not depend on the owner’s reluctance to “endure heat.” The behavior of Cane Corsos of different sexes is very different. Males are much more powerful, stronger and stubborn than females, they tend to dominate, and it takes physical strength and strong character. Bitches are people-oriented, family-oriented, affectionate and tolerant towards children.

A few rules for choosing a Cane Corso puppy, or what kind of dog should be:

  • Not less than one and a half months. At forty-five days, the livestock specialist examines the litter, and puppy cards are issued for all of them, indicating whether the baby meets the breed standard.
  • Smart, independent and sociable. A child with a normal psyche runs up to meet the guests, fusses with littermates and is interested in toys. If the dog sits quietly, not trying to approach, or walks away with its tail between its legs, this is a sign of illness or cowardice.
  • Strong. A healthy Cane Corso puppy has a strong body, thick paws, and a large head. Movements are fast, elastic, confident. The coat is shiny. The belly should not be large or distended, and the eyes should not be dull or watery. This is a sign of worms or poor cultivation. A Cane Corso baby's ears are undocked at this age.

Weight and height of Cane Corso puppies by month

The owner of a Cane Corso puppy must take into account that the dog grows very quickly in the first five months. In just four months, the height at the withers doubles, and the Cane Corso puppy’s weight almost triples.

Experienced breeders, knowing the parents and ancestors of the puppy, can approximately determine what size and size the dog will be by the time it is one year old. This important information, since if there are prerequisites that the dog will outgrow the limit established by the standard, then the exhibition rating will be reduced. From the age of four months, such babies are fed with ready-made dry food intended for adult dogs.

Approximate data on the height and weight of a Cane Corso puppy by month can be presented in the form of a table:

45 days 25 cm 6 kg
2 months 30 cm 9 kg
3 months 45 cm 13.5 kg
4 months 55 cm 18 kg
5 months 58 cm 24.5 kg
6 months 62 cm 31.5 kg
7 months 63 cm 37.5 kg
8 months 63.5 cm 40 kg
9 months 64 cm 42 kg
10 months 65 cm 44 kg
11 months 66 cm 45.5 kg
1 year 66 cm 47.5 kg

All data in the table is conditional, since all Cane Corso babies develop and grow differently. Bitches are usually several centimeters shorter, males are more massive. The weight of a Cane Corso puppy is not the main thing. An indicator of a pet’s health should be its physical condition: if the dog is not fat or emaciated, then there is no need to weigh it.

Feeding Cane Corso: what and how much to feed puppies

What to feed?

Most breeders with large nurseries prefer to feed young animals with ready-made wet or dry food. They contain everything essential vitamins, are perfectly absorbed and eaten with appetite by children. Until the age of two months, elite Cane Corso puppies are with their mother, but they stop receiving mother’s milk as early as a month and a half. The breeder tries to ensure that by the time the pet moves to a new home, it completely switches to independent feeding.

An owner who plans to feed his acquired friend natural food must definitely find out from the breeder the brand of food the baby was on.

In the first week after moving, the new resident should receive his usual food, and only then can he be switched to a different type of food or another brand of food. This is necessary to minimize the stress received when parting with the mother and new living conditions.

Ideally, if the owner will raise the dog on ready-made food super-premium class, appropriate for the dog’s age, than to feed a Cane Corso puppy with the leftovers of your meal. Such feeds contain all the minerals and vitamins necessary for proper growth, and they are perfectly balanced in protein content.

Natural food is considered the most suitable for dogs, but the diet for this type of nutrition must be balanced, and vitamin-mineral complexes must be given as a supplement. The puppy's diet should include:

  • Meat. Raw beef, boiled turkey, chicken.
  • Offal. Liver (can be raw), heart.
  • Dairy products. Cottage cheese, milk, kefir.
  • Chicken eggs raw.
  • Rice and buckwheat porridge with additive oatmeal.
  • Boiled carrots and cabbage.
  • Fresh leaf lettuce.

How to feed?

IN percentage the share of meat and offal in one serving should be fifty percent: thirty percent is porridge, the remaining twenty percent is vegetables.

Important! You can give cottage cheese to a growing puppy every other day, mixing it with milk or fermented milk drinks. You cannot give cottage cheese every day, as it contains a large number of calcium.

Calcium is beneficial for a growing puppy, but an excess of this trace element leads to early ossification of growth zones and to various pathologies musculoskeletal system. For the same reason, puppies up to four months old, before the period of teeth change, should not add calcium supplements to their food.

The portion for a puppy is calculated empirically: little puppy eats as much as he needs. If the baby does not leave the bowl for a long time after feeding and licks it, then the portion can be increased. If he doesn’t finish eating, then the amount of food is reduced.

The number of feedings for a Cane Corso puppy depends on its age. A two-month-old baby is fed four to five times a day, and by three months they switch to three meals a day. After a year, the young dog is fed twice a day. Infrequent feeding is undesirable, since a large volume of food stretches the stomach and can cause gastric volvulus in older age.

Features of caring for Cane Corso puppies, vaccinations


If there is a Cane Corso baby in the house, care for the puppy is minimal, but the owner must examine his pet daily to check hygiene procedures. A daily examination helps to notice in time any change in the pet’s condition, an increase in temperature or allergic rash on the stomach.

Cane Corso puppies have a smooth, close-lying coat that needs to be brushed with a rubber brush. Soft rubber needles remove hairs and massage the skin.

You can wash your pet as needed using a mild puppy shampoo. After bathing, the baby is dried with a towel and allowed to dry in a warm room.

Dogs of this breed may have sour eyes in the morning. This is a normal option if the discharge is colorless. The eyes are wiped with a napkin moistened with warm boiled water. If the discharge from the eyes is yellowish or greenish, rinse the eyes with water, and then drop a few drops of chloramphenicol. Levomycetin drops are purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Important! Purulent discharge from the eyes may be a sign of a viral or bacterial disease.


Puppies up to two months have maternal immunity to most viral diseases. By two months it weakens and babies are vaccinated against major diseases (plague, hepatitis, enteritis and parvovirus) with complex vaccines. Ten days before vaccination, the puppy is given one dose of any anthelmintic drug, designed for his age and weight. Vaccination is given only to healthy children.

A booster shot with the same brand of vaccine is given twenty-one days after the first shot to develop a lasting immune response. A single vaccination does not protect the puppy from diseases. For the entire period from the first vaccination to the second plus another two weeks after revaccination, the puppy is in quarantine. This means that the baby is not allowed to have contact with other animals, is not taken outside the yard, and is protected from hypothermia.

Important! Vaccinations should not be given to puppies while their teeth are changing. Many vaccines cause darkening of the enamel of permanent teeth.

After changing their teeth, at six months of age, puppies are given another vaccination with a vaccine that protects, in addition to major diseases, from leptospirosis. This vaccination is required in the summer if the puppy swims in bodies of water, but it can be skipped if the dog lives in a private house and does not leave the yard.

Ear cropping for Cane Corso

In the last few years, changes have been made to the breed standard to allow Cane Corso ears to be uncropped. Moreover, dogs with cropped ears cannot be exhibited at shows in some European countries. Therefore, purchasing purebred puppy, it is worth consulting with a breeder or an experienced breeder whether the baby’s ears should be cut.

If the question rests only on beautiful appearance ( cropped ears give the dog a more frightening appearance), then it is better to take pity on the pet. Ear cropping on a Cane Corso is carried out under anesthesia; after the operation, the ears take a long and painful time to heal.

The cut ear needs to be glued so that the cartilage gets used to keeping its shape. Puppies don’t like to walk with an adhesive plaster in the shape of a crown on their heads; they strive to remove the structure. Such stubborn people have to wear a special collar.

Raising a Cane Corso pet is an interesting and rewarding experience. During the time spent caring for the baby, walking him and training him, the friendship between people and the dog grows stronger, mutual understanding and love arise.

Useful video

Video about Cane Corso puppies:

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