Silicone patch for scars. Scar Fx plaster Scar Fix silicone plates for scars Silicone plaster after surgery

Scars may have different reasons appearances: accidents, fights, unfortunate falls and operations. If earlier soldiers and warriors were proud of their scars and proudly showed them off, now they are trying to get rid of this defect as quickly as possible. One way to remove already formed scars is pharmacological drug dermatix, which is available in the form of a gel and a transparent patch. Numerous reviews about it only add to the popularity of the product.

What is dermatix?

Dermatix is ​​an emollient and kelloidolytic agent. It is available in the form of dressings and gels, which have similar principles of action. The active substance is mixture of polymeric organosilicon compounds with the addition of silicon dioxide (an inorganic compound).

The basis of dermatix is ​​inert silicone, which acts on the surface without affecting the body. After applying the gel to the skin it dries quickly and covers the damaged area with a protective film, through which oxygen easily penetrates. The film protects fabrics from mechanical damage, enhances tissue elasticity and creates optimal conditions for quick and easy healing or smoothing.

Dispensed by prescription, used strictly externally. It must be stored at a temperature no higher than +25°C in a dark place inaccessible to children. Expiration dates must be strictly observed. Gels are produced in tubes of 6 and 15 grams; patches are produced in two types: fabric-based and transparent. They have the following sizes: 4cm x 13cm, 13cm x 13cm, 13cm x 25cm, 20cm x 30cm. The cost of dermatix starts from 1200-1400 rubles.

Indications for use

Dermatix is ​​able to fight both already formed scars (up to two years old) and prevent their formation on healing tissues. It heals, softens and smoothes the skin, almost completely removing all traces.

Dermatix is ​​used:

  • for the treatment of keloidal and hypertrophic scars after deep cuts, surgical interventions, burns and other types of injuries;
  • eliminating already formed old scars and reducing their size;
  • improvements appearance skin, reducing discomfort and painful sensations during wound healing;
  • to prevent the formation of scars and ensure the formation of an even scar.

The drug has a number of advantages that are mentioned in reviews:

  • practically has no contraindications and side effects , easily tolerated by patients of different ages;
  • does not require special skills or large quantity time, easy to apply and dries quickly;
  • Dermatix is ​​completely inert and affects only the surface of the skin without affecting the internal tissues.


Silicone gel dermatix Apply a thin layer to the skin area twice a day for 2 months. If necessary, the period is slightly extended.

Dermatix easily tolerates contact with clothing and cosmetics, but when applied to the face, you need to be extremely careful so as not to get on the mucous membrane. When using dermatix, do not treat the skin area dermatological preparations containing antibiotics or active chemicals.

The Dermatix bandage or patch is also applied only to clean and dry skin. This is an easy to clean, reusable product that performs the same functions as the gel. Thanks to the fabric on back side silicone patch does not cling to clothing and does not cause any inconvenience. Transparent options are suitable for gluing to open areas of the body: face, hands. You can apply cosmetics to them.

  1. Having pulled out the patch, you need to cut off a piece of suitable size. It should cover not only the scar, but also some skin on the sides.
  2. After removing the protective film, it must be saved so that it can be re-glued onto the patch.
  3. You need to wear the bandage at least 12 hours a day, but no more than 23 hours. Once a day, the scar and patch should be washed in warm water with mild soap. Dermatix need to be rinsed thoroughly under running water so as not to leave soap on the surface and leave it to air dry.

Contraindications and side effects

Dermatix has virtually no contraindications, but in some cases it must be used with caution. It is best to consult a doctor in advance or check reviews of those who have tried it.

  1. Dermatix should not be used on open and fresh wounds that have not had time to heal;
  2. It should be applied carefully to the face, carefully avoiding contact with the eyes or mouth;
  3. The drug cannot be used together with antibiotics - ointments and gels, as well as with other products for external use. An exception is the appointment of the attending physician.

Reviews confirm that side effects when using Dermatix are minimal and are more often associated with local skin irritation. Occasionally, redness, itching, irritation, inflammation and painful sensations at the place of use. To stop reactions as early as possible, it is worth carefully examining the scars.

If side effects are observed, you should immediately stop using Dermatix. After the condition has normalized, you can try applying the gel or patch for a short period of time (starting from an hour) so that the skin gets used to it. If negative reaction appears again or does not disappear within 2-3 days, you should consult your doctor.

After the accent birthmark There was an ugly scar on my hand in the most visible place. At first I thought it would disappear, but after six months the white scar was still visible. The doctor advised me to use Dermatix. I applied the patch at night and after a month the scar noticeably lightened and began to disappear. After two months of use, it has completely healed, but the skin is still quite thin, hopefully this will improve.

Victor, Vladikavkaz

After the operation, my wife was very worried about the scar on her stomach. He wasn’t very noticeable, but he made her nervous; she even refused to undress in the light. She tried to set him up for almost a year traditional methods, but nothing helped, I just got irritated. The doctor prescribed Dermatix-gel. My wife used it twice a day. In the first couple of days, the skin turned very red, I had to stop the treatment and buy a patch. She applied the patch for several hours in the evening and sometimes at night, the skin reacted calmly, and after a month and a half, the darling put on a short top again. The scar has completely disappeared.

Igor, Samara

Dermatix gel was recommended to me at an aesthetic medicine clinic: I had ugly scars after an accident. Not dangerous, but had a strong impact on self-esteem. I wanted to reduce them with a laser, but the doctors dissuaded me and suggested I try dermatix. At that time, the scars were already a year old and I didn’t really believe in success, but I decided to try it. At first I used a patch, glued it on at night, and after a month I switched to gel - I applied it twice a day.

Three months have passed and only thin stripes remain of the thick reddish scars. Dermatix helped me regain confidence in myself and brought my self-esteem back into place. And although the scars have not completely disappeared. But I think the drug completely coped with the task.

Yana, Moscow

Dermatix is ​​a well-proven remedy for eliminating healed and fresh scars and scars. Thanks to active components and protective silicone, Dermatix quickly and easily helps eliminate problems, leaving the skin smooth and beautiful.

Analogs of the drug Dermatix

If it is impossible to use Dermatix, you can turn to its analogues: Kenalog, Ronidase, Longidaza, Emeran, Triamsinolone, Diprospan, Egallohit, vitreous, polcortolon 40, contractubex. These drugs have a similar effect on the skin.

Products aimed at combating scars must be effective and convenient. As a result of research, it has been proven that scars can dissolve due to constant pressure on them. The most suitable material that is capable of exerting pressure on such pathological tissue, is silicone. Therefore, consumers increasingly prefer these types of patches. A soft silicone plate, which is attached to scars, can not only significantly improve the appearance, but also smooth them out.

Types of scars

Such damage to the skin can cause a lot of inconvenience. This is a seal made of connective tissue may remain after any injury. Its density depends on how deeply the tissue is damaged, as well as on the location of the wound and its healing time.

There are the following types of scars:

  • Hypertrophic. This compaction has a rough consistency and occurs after quite serious injuries: surgery, burns, etc.
  • Keloids. This type of scar occurs some time after the wound has healed. Manifests itself in the form of tumors.
  • Atrophic. These scars appear as skin gaps. The skin at the site of such a seal resembles parchment.

To combat such scars, a wide variety of methods are used: laser skin treatment, massage, surgery, chemical grinding active substances. IN Lately doctors suggest using a product such as a silicone patch, reviews of which eloquently indicate that it is very effective for treating connective tissue seals.

What is a silicone patch?

This medical product intended for the prevention and treatment of burns, traumatic injuries and on the skin. A silicone wafer is a rectangular or square covering of dense silicone gel, one side of which has an adhesive backing. It is with its help that the patch fits tightly to the scar, in close contact with the hardened skin of the scar. This plate is waterproof, has good air permeability and is biologically and biologically safe. medical point vision.

How does the patch work?

It has been proven that silicone patches are very effective for resolving existing scars. Temperature the skin does not change under the influence of such material. Silicone, in close contact with the scar, helps retain water in the skin, thus contributing to maximum hydration of the scar. This leads to its softening, reducing the density of the tissue formed on it and improving the mobility of the skin on the scar.

Compression treatment is known to be effective in removing scars. The sticky silicone base perfectly tightens the skin, which leads to smoothing out the scar.

Silicone scar patch increases the elasticity of the skin and improves its structure, preventing the formation of new collagen cells, thereby stopping the process of tissue scarring.

What is the effectiveness of the patch?

Such medical treatments pathological condition leather began to be used in America in 1970, and only in 2002 was their effectiveness finally proven. Only after this they began to be officially used in for preventive purposes and for the treatment of various scars in other countries.

Silicone has been proven to bind and retain moisture, thus preventing seals from forming on damaged skin. This substance, penetrating the dermis, reduces the production of a protein that promotes the formation of cells involved in scar formation.

Skin tension plays an important role in the treatment process. When a silicone patch is applied to the skin, the resulting compression begins to smooth out existing scars and scars, and also prevents the formation of new seals on the skin. As a result, rough and hard scars begin to soften, acquiring a pinkish color instead of dark brown, and the elasticity of the skin begins to restore without any pain or discomfort.

Exist general rules using a product such as a silicone patch:

  • treatment should begin as early as possible, but be sure to wait until the wound heals;
  • silicone patch, and scars, are not recommended for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, infected wounds;
  • the plate should be worn around the clock, removing 2 times a day for cleaning;
  • the first two days the patch is applied to the scar for 2 hours, each day increasing the time it is worn by another 2 hours, which gives the skin the opportunity to get used to it;
  • if the plate is larger than the scar, it must be cut so that its edges protrude beyond the boundaries of the scar by 0.5-1.5 cm;
  • remaining patches should be stored in packaging, otherwise the silicone may dry out;
  • if the scar is too large, it is advisable to use two plates at the same time, the ends of which should not be overlapped, but end-to-end;
  • on those parts of the body that are mobile or in contact with clothing, the plate must be fixed with a fabric bandage;
  • Silicone scar patch is good for about 3 weeks and must be replaced once it stops sticking.

How to use the patch correctly?

Before using the plate, the protective film must be removed from it, and the scar must be wiped soap solution and dried. If it is on a hairy part of the body, it should be shaved or cut. After this, the scar patch is applied to the seal with the sticky side and smoothed out thoroughly. This medical product must always be clean, so after 12 hours it must be removed, washed with soapy water and dried. After some time, the surface of the patch regains its adhesiveness. The scar should also be washed with soap and water and dried, and only then a plate should be applied.

A noticeable improvement in the appearance of a fresh scar occurs 2-4 months after starting to use the patch, and old scars begin to fade and smooth out after 6-24 months.


Silicone patch is usually used to treat keloid and burn scars, but there are also contraindications for its use:

  • open wounds on the body;
  • various skin diseases or inflammation in this area;
  • silicone
  • Although such a patch should be in every home medicine cabinet, before using it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Silicone patch for calluses

There are silicone plates that can be used to prevent feet from rubbing with uncomfortable shoes, as well as in other situations that lead to the formation of calluses. At the same time, they are completely invisible due to their transparency. They are usually sold in a set: two small ovals and two large ones. Thanks to the adhesive surface, they are easily fixed on the foot. The silicone callus patch should only be applied to dry skin. Since this is a reusable product, it is recommended to wash and dry it before each use. Such plates come in round and oblong shapes, which allows you to match them with open shoes.


Thus, the silicone patch is wonderful and effective means for the treatment of a variety of scars, both fresh and old, as well as calluses. When using it, it is not necessary to use other methods of healing the skin, which makes this remedy even more popular. Don't expect instant results; they will appear only after 2-4 weeks. daily use patch.

Silicone scar plates are quite popular and, judging by the instructions, easy to use. However, their cost makes everyone wonder whether the price justifies the quality, how much it will cost full course such treatment? To do this, you need to carefully study the principle of action of the patches and find out if there are any contraindications. It would be a good idea to find out what reviews there are about this product.

How do patches work?

The silicone sheet, or scar patch, is a hardened gel (organopolysiloxane). In pharmacies you can find transparent plates or plates with matter on one side, both forms of release are suitable for treatment.

The essence of this product is natural hydration of the problem area. The patch is glued to the scar area, creating a so-called Greenhouse effect, the skin under the patch softens. This treatment helps accelerate blood microcirculation, which benefits new and old scars. Silicone allows air to pass through, allowing the skin to breathe unhindered.

IN to a greater extent Such plates are effective specifically for recent scars, as well as for their prevention. In the presence of keloid scars, silicone plates protect the skin from environmental influences.

Fact! When the scar is compressed, all processes developing in it (especially in keloid scars) slow down.

Experts note the following advantages of silicone plates:

  • moisturizing and softening the scar;
  • slows down the processes of connective tissue production.

Added to this is ease of use - the patch is easily applied to the scar area; no specialist or doctor is needed for this. At the same time, the fixation is quite high; the product does not come off when moving.

For reference! American scientists began to use silicone as a cure for scars. This material is the least allergenic and has passed all clinical tests.

Types of patches

At this stage of development of pharmaceutical products, a sufficient number of silicone wafers are available, varying in size, cost and quality. At the same time, the price does not always depend on the quality; first of all, prices rise for advertised products.

Long-lasting plates made in the USA. The product (1 patch) can be used repeatedly; if necessary, it can be cleaned of adhering particles. Manufacturers of Scarfix talk about numerous studies conducted to identify any side effects. IN in rare cases Allergy manifestations at the site of application of the plate are possible.

Important! According to the instructions, you need to stick Scarfix on the scar area and do not remove it for 12 hours.

Scarfix is ​​convenient because, in addition to the standard rectangular shape, patches are produced in the form of a circle, an anchor or a lollipop, that is, you can choose a plate suitable for the shape of the scar. The instructions promise positive result already after 3 months of treatment, if the scars are minor, it is possible to eliminate the scar within 72 hours. In difficult cases, especially in situations with keloid scars, longer treatment is possible.

The price of 1 Scarfix patch ranges from 700 to 3000 rubles, they are sold mainly in pharmacies.

Silicone coated patches from a Swedish company. Mepiform should be applied to new or old scars for a day. Helps get rid of hypertrophic scars. One patch is enough for a period of 3 to 7 days. Mepiform loses its ability to heal when it no longer adheres to the skin.

Can be used to resolve scars from caesarean section, burns, scars from plastic surgery. Mepiform is produced in packs of 5 pieces, different sizes. In pharmacies, the cost of Mepiform depends on the size necessary means– a package of 5x7.5 cm patches will cost about 2,000 rubles, 10x18 cm – from 6,000 rubles.

Interesting! Mepiform can be ordered on the official website.

Domestic silicone patch. Arilis Mepiderm is produced in packages of 6 pieces of different sizes, the cost is from 2000 to 7000 rubles, you can buy the product on the manufacturer’s website a little cheaper. The patches are effective in the treatment of keloids. Resorption occurs within 2-3 months if the patch is worn regularly for 12-24 hours.

There are no big differences in plates such as Scarfix, Mepifor or others. The main difference is the size and time of use. There are no contraindications to such products, except for silicone intolerance.

Silicone scar patch is a device that allows you to restore the smoothness of the skin after damage. various types without additional procedures. Thanks to effective action, it has gained the trust of doctors and patients. The scar patch is used after burns, stretch marks, excision of moles and warts. Relevant for eliminating marks after surgery, chickenpox, acne on the face.

Efficiency in removal and resorption

By external signs or the nature of the formation, there are 3 types of scars: hypertrophic, keloid and.


This type formations occur mainly after surgical operations, in other words, this is postoperative sutures. They rise slightly above skin, have a smooth and dense structure, clear boundaries. The color of scar formation differs from neighboring healthy tissue: it is pink, sometimes reddish.

IN in this case It is advisable to use a silicone patch that absorbs scars. Coming under the pressure of the gel plate, the formations are forced to change position or dissolve, gradually “retracting” into the skin. The size of the standard rectangular patch is selected taking into account the length of the scar.


Formed as a result of postoperative growth collagen fibers. They rise above the skin by 5-7 millimeters. The shape of the formations is convex with a shiny glossy surface. The color of the scar is dark - from red to brown. This type of formation is classified as benign. It is acceptable to use a gel patch to resolve keloid scars. It protects against mechanical damage. The pressure caused by the plate is sometimes enough for the keloid to react and begin to resolve.


Scars of atrophied tissues are not similar to hypertrophied and keloid ones. They are not convex, but on the contrary – “retracted”. Crevices and potholes of various depths and diameters form on the skin. The tissue around such scars becomes flabby and loses its elasticity and firmness. If in cases with hypertrophic and keloid scars there is an excess of collagen, then here there is an acute lack of it. There is nothing to absorb during atrophy, but it is necessary to nourish and restore.

Silicone patches are recommended for use against atrophic scars. The devices protect weakened tissue, nourish, moisturize, and enrich damaged areas. After use, according to consumer reviews, there is an improvement in the condition of the skin.

Silicone plates do an excellent job with small and large skin defects. Pregnant women often purchase such pads to prevent or treat stretch marks.

Rules of use and contraindications

In order for the use of the patch to give the desired result, you need to take into account the nuances of proper use of the product:

  1. It is recommended to start using it after the wound has healed. The sooner the effect on the scar begins, the more effective the therapy will be.
  2. The area of ​​the patch should overlap the boundaries of the scar by 1-2 centimeters. Otherwise, the necessary compression will not occur, and the treatment will be ineffective. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of records of any size. Finding the right one is easy, you just need to measure the scar.
  3. The patch cannot be removed for the time specified in the instructions. It all depends on the brand of the product. Some manufacturers recommend not removing the plate for 3 days, others insist on wearing silicone for 1 month. It is permissible to peel off the product 2 times a day to clean the skin.
  4. When the plate becomes cloudy and loses its adhesive properties, you need to remove the device and replace it with a new one.

The use of silicone patches is prohibited in several cases. If the treatment is not a formed scar, but an open “fresh” wound. If present on the body inflammatory processes viral, fungal or bacterial nature, diagnosed dermatological diseases in the acute phase. If the patient has an individual intolerance to silicone or similar substances.

Silicone scar patch is a simple solution to a cosmetic problem. It is easy to use, it does not take time, and the end result brings positive emotions. Numerous reviews from satisfied customers indicate the advisability of purchasing such a product.

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